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although he disagreed with some of mr sunak�*s decisions, he believed he was a "strong and capable" leader. the move comes on the same day suella braverman was sacked as home secretary, following days of speculation about her future. mrs braverman had angered many in government after writing a newspaper article criticising the policing of pro—palestinian marches in london. so what's behind the move to bring david cameron back into government? is it a good move for the conservative party or is it, as labour claims, a sign of desperation? here's our deputy political editor vicki young. thank you very much. thought you'd seen the back of david cameron? this was him walking away after he lost the brexit referendum in 2016. he hums. right! since then, he has occasionally criticised his successors over cuts to foreign aid and the scrapping of parts of h52. of course, i have disagreed with some individual decisions, but politics is a team enterprise. i have decided to join this team because i believe rishi sunak is a good prime minister doing a difficultjob at a hard time. i want to support him. i am a member of the team, and i accept the cabinet collective responsibility that comes with that. you have got to balance your weight, that's the deal. when he became party leader, david cameron wanted to be seen as a modern, centrist, compassionate conservative, highlighting green issues in the arctic, later welcoming liberal democrats into coalition government and legalising gay marriage — all a far cry from the divisive political debate of recent years. good. good afternoon, everyone. after leaving office, the former prime minister retreated to his shepherd's hut to write his memoirs. there were lucrative speaking tours, charity work, and then a role with the finance group greensill capital. a committee of mps later accused him of a significant lack ofjudgement over his lobbying of ministers. the return of david cameron gives rishi sunak a senior figure around the cabinet table and one with good contacts on the world stage. but with all those years of experience comes a lot of baggage. plenty for the opposition parties and some tory mps to complain about. good evening, good evening, how are you? in power, he wooed the chinese president over a pint in an english pub and hailed a golden era of closer relations with beijing. now, a vocal section of tory mps see china as a huge threat. his foreign policy record includes the 2011 military intervention in libya. it was later strongly criticised by the foreign affairs select committee, which said action had been taken with no proper intelligence analysis, and it left libya a failed state. for many voters, lord cameron is associated with public sector cuts and, of course, brexit. his confidence that he could win the argument to keep the uk in the eu was his biggest political miscalculation, but not, as it turns out, career ending. if you would like to read more on the twist if you would like to read more on the twist and if you would like to read more on the twist and turns if you would like to read more on the twist and turns of if you would like to read more on the twist and turns of british politics, you can of course head to the bbc news website. there are growing concerns about the situation at gaza's biggest hospital, which is on the frontline of the fighting between the israeli military and hamas which is designated as a terrorist group by israel, the us, the uk and other governments. communicating with those still inside the al shifa hospital — who are facing very difficult conditions — is challenging but bbc verify has been trying to piece together what is happening there. caroline hawley has this update. we're focusing on what's been called a dire situation at al—shifa, gaza's biggest hospital, which the world health organization now says is no longer functioning. israel says there's a hamas command centre underneath it, though hamas denies this. we can't independently verify this claim and counterclaim. so we've been trying to work out what's been happening at the hospital by looking at images on social media and elsewhere. now, al—shifa is in gaza city and a spokesman for the world health 0rganization says things are now so bad there that it's, in his words, nearly a cemetery. he said it has over 600 patients at the moment, including a5, who need kidney dialysis that the hospital can no longer provide. this is a video which emerged today. it appears to show lots of bodies covered by blankets outside the hospital. bbc verify knows it was filmed at al—shifa because we can identify the buildings on the west and south side of the courtyard, but we don't know which day it was filmed. now, we know this satellite image was taken on saturday and you get a sense of the size of the overall site. we don't have anything more recent, but you can already make out some smoke and damage here, possibly close to the hospital's generators. and then up here is the road that israel has said it's safe for people to leave on. they've called it the self evacuation route, but some health workers have said it's not safe. and you can see rubble from one of the nearby damaged buildings next to the road. on sunday, a heartbreaking image emerged of premature babies in al—shifa. shifa means healing in arabic. doctors say their incubators are no longer working and unless they can be got out quickly, their chances of survival seem pretty slim. one big challenge for bbc verify at the moment is that communication is so difficult, so little information is coming out and so few images that we only have a very small glimpse into what's happening there now. just before we move on, some new lines coming in from the reuters new agencies citing joe biden saying the al hospital in gaza city must be protected and he hopes there will be less intrusive action there. that is us president, joe biden, saying the hospital must be protected. coming to us via the reuters news agency. hundreds of people have been evacuated from their homes in south—west iceland, because of fears of a volcanic eruption. almost a thousand earthquakes have hit the area since midnight — causing fissures, or cracks — but they have been weaker than those over the past two days. sean dilley has more. this is what life has been like lately in grindavik. for days, thousands of tremors have scarred the land around the reykjanes peninsula. more than 3,000 residents have been evacuated from the small fishing town of grindavik, not because of the quakes, but because scientists have warned about an imminent volcanic eruption. we are a little bit desperate, a little bit... ..paralysed and sad actually and if you start to think about all the time and energy that you have put in building up your home, it'sjust sad. these broken roads and paths only spell out part of the danger seismologists say is waiting under the ground. the magma is now at a very shallow depth. so we are expecting an eruption within a couple of hours shortest, at least, within a couple of days. the reykjanes peninsula is one of the most seismically active regions on the island, but has been dormant to volcanic activity until 2021. eruptions have though increased in recent years. in 2010, volcanic ash clouds drifted into europe, grounding thousands of flights. for now though, planning is focussed here in grindavik, where scientists say an eruption could happen in hours or days. sean dilley, bbc news 0ur correspondent jessica parker reports. we're in the southwest of iceland and the road behind me, which is blocked off, as you can see, leads to the famous blue lagoon geothermal spa, which has been closed, and the town as well of grindovic, which has been evacuated. of course, iceland is no stranger to volcanic activity, but there are a couple of reasons as to why what's been happening is causing particular concern. number one, the amount of magma that has been detected underground. and number two, the proximity of this activity to the town of grindawik. its 4000 inhabitants have been evacuated. they won't be allowed to return tonight. cracks have appeared in local roads and officials tell me that they are monitoring the situation minute by minute. seismic activity has actually decreased a little bit in the last 12 hours or so, but there are still real fears that there could be destructive lava flows. in truth, nobody knows exactly what's going to happen. but it's certainly true to say that iceland is bracing itself. we are going to go to tel aviv now and a press conference. underneath he hosital and a press conference. underneath he hospital in _ and a press conference. underneath he hospital in the _ and a press conference. underneath he hospital in the basement - and a press conference. underneath he hospital in the basement we - and a press conference. underneath l he hospital in the basement we found a hamas command and control centre, suicide belt vests, grenades, ak—lfl assault rifles, explosive devices, rpg and other weapons, computers, money, etc. we also found signs that indicate that hamas held hostages here. this is currently under our investigation but we also had intelligence that verifies it. additionally, we found evidence that hamas terrorists came back from the massacre on october the 7th to this hospital. among others after butchering israelis in their homes. executing the innocent by murdering entire families, burning babies, burning young women alive. and uses this children's hospital to hide. hamas hides in hospitals. today we will expose this to the world. for the last week, we have been conducting an effort to safely evacuate the patient being treated there. in other hospitals as well. israel helped the hospital manager evacuate the gaza patients to a safer hospital. yesterday we were informed by the hospital that the last 18 patients had safely evacuated to a safer hospital. this is because our war is against hamas, not against the people in gaza. especially not the sick, wounded or the women all the children. 0ur war is against hamas, he uses them as human shields. i will now share the raw footage that we found a few hours ago, proving that hamas systematically runs its terror machine and a hospitals in gaza. this is a hospital, next to the complex there is a school. 0ne this is a hospital, next to the complex there is a school. one of the head of the terrorists is one from the naval commando unit of hamas. this complex is next to the hospital. i am talking about short yards. you will see in the video there is a tunnel next to a terrorist building which has solar panels above it meant next to the school and next to the hospital. we are now trying to indicate the roof to a tunnel to the hospital. we are investigating right now with our engineering team. but we have evidence that this tunnel goes to this direction. in the hospital, in the building located in red, we have revealed hamas infrastructure in the basement. we are still under operation that searches other flaws in the building in this operation is still conducting. i will show the video right now. this is the area where the tunnel is being dug next to the school connects hospital. they are building those tunnels specifically next to the sensitive location, a robot is digging down to the tunnel. you see the electricity panel and the wires going underneath to the tunnel. it comes from the energy, the solar energy in the house to maintain energy into the tunnel. instead of this energy, this is a covert tunnel, more than 20 metres down. then we have a double. the robot found a door. nothing else but a terror tunnel. we are still conducting and investigating this tunnel. all the infrastructure indicate it is a terror tunnel built next to a hospital. this is a children's hospital. the sign says it is for cancer, the ones who have cancer. in this building you see the terror infrastructure, now i am going to teach you. —— show you. this is the tunnel. 0k. going to teach you. —— show you. this is the tunnel. ok. this is the basement of the building i am showing you, the hospital. hamas has created a location inside the hospital, disconnected from the rest of the hospital. it hospital, disconnected from the rest of the hospital.— of the hospital. if you are 'ust “oininu of the hospital. if you are 'ust joining us fl of the hospital. if you are 'ust joining us we i of the hospital. if you are 'ust joining us we are i of the hospital. if you are just joining us we are watching - of the hospital. if you are just joining us we are watching a l of the hospital. if you are just i joining us we are watching a live press conference with a spokesperson for the israel defence forces. he is describing here the tunnels, he described as terror tunnels under and near to a hospital in gaza. this is summed _ and near to a hospital in gaza. this is summed to _ and near to a hospital in gaza. ti 3 is supposed to be a basement for children to hiding. hamas took all of this area under its control and conducted its war against the israelis from this hospital. these are serious matters. it takes a risk for patients inside a hospital. these are explosives, bombast you see in the film, for terrorists to hold a bombast on than any children's hospital, next to hostages, as we presume. stop. this is a motorcycle. _ hostages, as we presume. stop. this is a motorcycle, like _ hostages, as we presume. stop. this is a motorcycle, like you _ hostages, as we presume. stop. this is a motorcycle, like you have - hostages, as we presume. stop. this is a motorcycle, like you have seen i is a motorcycle, like you have seen on the day of the 7th of october. it also has a bullet inside it. underneath it is something we think is part of our hostage... click. they brought the motorcycle inside the basement with the hostage, presume. if you are just if you arejustjoining us, this is a press conference which is happening now in tel aviv. the man on the right is a spokesperson for the israel defence forces. he has been describing what he said his forces have found underneath and close to the hospital, which is a specialist children's hospital in the north of gaza. he has been showing this footage which we have no way of independently verifying as yet. our team will be trying to do that as soon as this press conference is finished. we will continue to monitor it. he said his troops found vests, grenades and rpg is underneath the hospital. he also said there were signs that hostages had been kept there, some of the 240 hostages taken israel after the attack. he also said israel had helped to help evacuate people from the hospital. he said israel is not trying to target civilians and hamas are the ones who are trying to do that. they keep explosives underneath the hospital. the president of kenya, william ruto, has urged people across the country to join in a national effort to plant trees. the government declared monday a public holiday, marking the first day of an ambitious plan to plant 15 billion trees within a decade, to combat climate change. kenya is currently grappling with heavy rains which have killed dozens of people in the north—east — and has also recently suffered from the worst drought in four decades. a short while ago, i spoke to dominic kahumbu. he's the founder of biogas international. extremely, i would say. in africa, we have a huge problem of the use of wood fuel for cooking fuel, for charcoal, so any initiative to plant more trees is absolutely essential for the whole country to restore our green cover. it did come at a bit of short notice, but we hope that it is going to be an ongoing event. alot of people came out today to plant trees. i would say, in all, it was quite a success. dominic, you say a lot of people have been out planting trees. were you out with your shovel earlier on? did you do some tree planting? yes, we did, we did. i work for a company called biogas international. we are an environmental company, so part of our process of processing waste is we produce a lot of compost. we donated compost to kajiado county and to kiambu county. we were out very early in the morning distributing the compost fertilizer to the different planting programs, to the planting areas. so, yeah, we participated in two main areas. in our teams we planted at least maybe 40 or 50 trees per team. dominic, kenya is a big country, but 15 billion is a lot of trees. is this an overly ambitious target? is this realistic? it is a very big figure. i think the target time is 2030, so it's not that we need to plant the trees all this year or all next year. i think there was math done where if you take the population and divide it into the 15 billion trees, it's only 30 trees per person. if you knock out 50% of the youths or the very young, yeah, then i think you still have 60 trees per person in the next five years, i don't think it is unachievable. a british man, who spent two years with islamic state in syria and knew the british militant dubbed jihadijohn, has beenjailed for eight years. 39—year—old aine davis had admitted two charges of financing terrorism and possessing a weapon for terrorist purposes. intelligence services once believed davis was part of the "is beatles" who tortured and killed hostages. he was deported to the uk in august 2022 after serving a prison sentence in turkey. they're silent, can reach speeds of up to 70 miles per hour, and sometimes cause havoc for members of the public. police say electric motorbikes — while environmentally friendly — are often being ridden illegally on roads, parks and pavements. danjohnson has been given exclusive access to a bristol police operation targeting the bikes. if you can withdraw for now, we've got stinger contingencies. we've now got two sur— ron motorcycles out and about. it's an electric—powered bike. he's in black clothing. this is a menace tearing through communities. it's a huge issue. the best word to describe it is relentless. he's got no helmet on. they're going about 18 miles per hour in a car park, - doing wheelies and doing _ god—knows—what, and shouting abuse at people while they're doing it. teenagers, riding high—speed electric bikes. you imagine four kids on bikes coming towards you with balaclavas, just their eyes. it's fun. it's fun for me. i like the thrill of it. yeah! the police are being taunted, and can be left looking powerless. it's a game. making us chase our tails, basically. and lives are being put at risk. well, someone's going to get killed. really? yeah, hurt or killed. i don't want these people to be losing their lives. . i don't think the police can win. one detained, one detained. often, motorcycles are historically linked to bristol south. in bristol, officers are ready to go after the electric bikes. but listen to the word of caution. you'll all be aware of the incidents that took place over in cardiff. two cases have ended with tragic consequences for everyone involved, with a suggestion officers have been following these vehicles. this was cardiff back in may — an estate up in flames after the death of two teenagers, harvey evans and kyrees sullivan crashed their electric motorbike, a sur—ron. they'd been followed shortly before by a police van. the south wales officers are still under investigation. i'm going to go into hartcliffe now and show our presence. the purpose of this op is to improve public confidence, as well as stopping the offences in question. there's a lot of sur—ron bikes driving anti—socially and just antagonising people. can you confirm what sort of speed he's doing? yes, he's three—zero. electric motorbikes are higher powered than regular e—bikes and capable of much greater speeds. they are dangerous pieces of kit if you haven't got the relevant training behind you, because they can go off at high speeds like that. most aren't road legal. the sur—ron is the most popular. we have to bear in mind that if they're young riders, they might not be experienced on that bike. therefore, if a police vehicle was to get behind them, they might come off. and we have to be proportionate and realistic in how we're dealing with it. and if it means letting them go and we can identify them later, then so be it. which one's this, then? they won't stop for the police, but we managed to get one young rider to talk. they're eco—friendly. but you're not riding that to be eco friendly, are you? no, i'm riding it for, like, the fun of it. some people think they are dangerous. yeah, well, they could be dangerous if you ride them dangerous. like, obviously, i don't ride this dangerous. i didn't want to harm anybody. it's not legal on the road, though, is it? no. so you shouldn't even be here, really?- what's the key to getting away from the police? lanes, little lanes. little alleyways. there's a sense the law has been left behind by quickly—developing technology, and officers want clearer guidance. that's a no—trace. we need to do some serious looks at our policy. so something's got to change? yeah, it does need to change. we need to start prosecuting people. we need the results from the courts. we need something to start showing that we mean business and we're not going to take it any more. withdraw, withdraw. i'm happy to follow until he runs out of battery and then we'll strike. there is some success on bristol's streets. after officers were told to drop back, the helicopter kept tracking this rider. one detained, one detained. he was jailed for seven months and banned from driving. but there is a new generation of young riders now reaching for the saddle. danjohnson, bbc news, bristol. that is it from me for now. now the weather. hello there. good evening. well, storm debi brought strong, gusty winds, heavy downpours of rain and some large waves across the north—west of the uk earlier on today. here's the isle of man as recorded by one of our weather watchers. gusts of wind here in ronaldsway, recorded at 68mph, but those wind gusts were even stronger still across parts of north—west england, northern ireland and north wales — 77mph recorded in aberdaron. you can see storm debi really quite nicely with a curl of cloud here on the satellite picture as the storm worked its way further eastwards. it's rattling along quite quickly, clearing out into the north sea overnight tonight. you can see that on the pressure chart quite nicely. it's still blustery towards the south with the tightness of the isobars, but the winds have eased down further north. but still some showers moving in to eastern scotland. more showers moving across northern ireland, wales, north—west england and some heavy thundery downpours approaching south—west england as we head towards the end of the night. there could be a rumble or two of thunder on these. but it's a mild, frost—free start to the day pretty much across the board. lows between five and 11 or 12 degrees celsius. staying windy in the south tomorrow morning. this line of heavy, thundery downpours works its way further eastwards through the morning to coincide with the morning rush hour. some heavy downpours of rain, some showers too across wales and northern ireland, but it will tend to brighten up from the west as we head through the course of the afternoon. the showers across scotland again pushing further eastwards with the centre of that low pressure. in the colder air across northern scotland, some of those showers could turn out to be a bit wintry. a drop in temperature across the board, so we're losing a couple of degrees from where we were earlier on today. the area of low pressure again pulls out into the north sea as we head through tuesday night and into wednesday. still some rain across south—west scotland. in fact, that rain will stretch down as far as perhaps north—east england as we head through the day on wednesday, but brightening up for many northern areas of scotland, across caithness and sutherland, also aberdeenshire through the afternoon. to the south of that band of rain, again, some more sunshine for northern ireland, wales and england. another drop in temperature. the winds will also lighten in the south as we head towards the end of the day. in the cooler—feeling air and with the lighter winds there could be a touch of frost perhaps in the south as we head into thursday morning. thursday, a lot of dry weather around towards the south, but raining again towards the north. the air will turn milder on friday into the weekend. bye— bye. hello, i'm ben thompson. you're watching the context on bbc news. and i'm a bit tired, but i don't think i've had a funny turn. but let me just tell you what's just happened. david cameron hasjust walked up the street and gone into 10 downing street. i think, i don't know, but i think that means he's going to be the new foreign secretary. i will do everything to strengthen our alliances, to work with our friends, to build those vital partnerships to make sure our country is secure and prosperous in a difficult and dangerous world. that work starts now and i've got to get on with it. we're absolutely committed to - stopping the boats, as we promised, but also making sure that everybody in the uk feels safe and secure. - suella braverman had to go, and she had made a sort of habit of using language which was quite unsuited to that of a home secretary.

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