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the temporary ceasefire agreed between israel and hamas — that's due to begin in a few hours�* time — will take effect as planned. there's been violence close to the deadline. hamas claims at least 27 people have been killed by an israeli strike on a un—run school in northern gaza. israel hasn't commented. if the ceasefire does go to plan, the four—day pause in the fighting in gaza will begin on friday at 7 in the morning, local time. the first group of israeli hostages — 13 from a group of 50 — will be released a few hours after that. israel has confirmed it has a list of names and has been contacting the families. in return, israel will release 39 palestinian prisoners with a commitment to free 150 if things go well. according to hamas, fourfuel trucks and 200 aid lorries will be allowed to enter gaza on each day of the ceasefire. according to egypt. israel has been clear the truce is not the end of its war against hamas, but clearly there are hopes the pause could be extended. orla guerin reports. they sing. in tel aviv tonight, friends and campaigners coming together. there is hope here and there is caution. the first israeli hostages should be coming home tomorrow. 13 families should be reunited, but it is bittersweet. many hostages will remain in gaza. only 50 are due to be released during the ceasefire. sisters daphna and ella are not on the list for tomorrow, according to their mother. she tweeted tonight, "it's incredibly difficult. "i long for their return. "but i am relieved for the other families." gil dikman says all the families will share the joy when hostages come home. his cousin carmel is being held. she's 39 and loves to travel. her sister—in—law is also being trapped in gaza. even if our hostages are not released in the next few days, the fact that there will be hostages released... pictures of children and mothers coming back, that's very, very strong and i think people will feel as if it's their own children. in gaza, one more day of death and wrenching loss. this is rafah in the far south, where israeli air strikes flattened a neighbourhood. this boy says, "they brought the building down on top of us." he's asked if he was at home. "yes," he says. "i put my hands over my head and fell to the floor." if hamas was the target here... ..civilians seem to have paid. loud blast. israel says it has been striking hamas wherever it's hiding. hamas says the truce will be temporary and its fingers will remain on the trigger. gunshots. many palestinians are hoping that at least for the coming four days, israel's crushing assault on gaza will be on pause. orla guerin, bbc news, tel aviv. let's bring ina bring in a senior fellow at the middle east institute. he served as an adviser to palestinian leadership on permanent state negotiations with israel from 2004— jeff knight. he was also a key part in the annapolis negotiations in the annapolis negotiations in 2007. and 2008. thank you so much forjoining us today. some people are concerned whether the cease—fire will hold for four days. others appear hopeful that it could actually get extended. what is your take? i actually get extended. what is your take?— your take? i think anything that brings _ your take? i think anything that brings even _ your take? i think anything that brings even some - your take? i think anything - that brings even some temporary relief from the ferocious bombing of the past 47 days will be most welcome certainly by palestinian civilians in gaza who have borne the brunt of israel's military onslaught. so, and of course, there's also an expectation that there will be a surge in humanitarian supplies. israel cut off on october the night. the hope is that this four—day pause to be extended —— october the 9th. and perhaps eventually, it could lead to a full cease—fire. could lead to a full cease-fire.- could lead to a full cease-fire. ., ., , ., cease-fire. how hopeful are ou, cease-fire. how hopeful are you. though. _ cease-fire. how hopeful are you, though, of _ cease-fire. how hopeful are you, though, of a _ cease-fire. how hopeful are you, though, of a full - you, though, of a full cease—fire? because we're just talking about 50 hostages out of more than 200 who were taken, and one could argue that once hamas frees all its hostages, it would lose its leverage. it might not be likely to do that.- leverage. it might not be likely to do that. rights. i think the _ likely to do that. rights. i think the israelis - likely to do that. rights. i think the israelis have - likely to do that. rights. i i think the israelis have made clear that they are going to resume their military campaign immediately afterwards. i think they have already demonstrated that they have now moved from the north to the south, and there really are no safe places in gaza at all. it's clear that they want to continue the military campaign that they're not finished. with the way the arrangement has been structured allows for an extension of the pause i suppose for as long as both sides are happy and both sides are meeting the terms. so, we can see not necessarily indefinite, but an extended pause that involves four waves of prisoner releases on both sides. that could create a different dynamic in which both sides have an interest in sustaining that dynamic and also the longer the pause goes on, the more international pressure there will be for it to continue indefinitely, leading ultimately to a cease—fire. leading ultimately to a cease-fire.— leading ultimately to a cease-fire. ., ., cease-fire. there are other factions — cease-fire. there are other factions involved, - cease-fire. there are other factions involved, aren't i factions involved, aren't there? like g hyde, who also hold hostages. —— ——jihad. that —— jihad. that complicates the situation. -- jihad. that complicates the situation-— -- jihad. that complicates the situation. ., , ., ., �* situation. he does and we don't know how _ situation. he does and we don't know how other _ situation. he does and we don't know how other groups - situation. he does and we don't know how other groups are - situation. he does and we don't. know how other groups are going to respond. i think right now, everyone has an interest in demonstrating their defiance, that they are committed to meeting the fight, whatever that might mean to them. but we'll see how it actually plays out on the ground once people are actually released and once there supplies coming out. people might change search calculations, but it's too early at this stage. i wanted to ask you _ early at this stage. i wanted to ask you a _ early at this stage. i wanted to ask you a question - early at this stage. i wanted to ask you a question about| early at this stage. i wanted - to ask you a question about you taking part in tuesday negotiations and also have been an adviser for ramallah, but how distant is the hope for diplomacy now?— diplomacy now? certainly diplomacy _ diplomacy now? certainly diplomacy for— diplomacy now? certainly diplomacy for work - diplomacy now? certainly diplomacy for work full i diplomacy for work full cease—fire, there is a lot of hope, and i think there has to be. israel can't keep bombing gaza forever. it's already done considerable damage that may be irreversible. in terms of a broader political process that will address the underlying roots of this conflict, palestinian self—determination, a state border, — all of those things are solution for dividing jerusalem. those are very far off. i don't see any real chance of this environment, particularly after such a destructive war, in which both sides are going to be very embittered towards each other and hearts are very much hardened. the united states frankly is not going to be seen as a credible broker. i don't see much hope for a longer term, broader political process that will lead to a two state solution. i think we're very far off. ., , solution. i think we're very far off. . , ., far off. khaled elgindy, are ou so far off. khaled elgindy, are you so much _ far off. khaled elgindy, are you so much for— far off. khaled elgindy, are you so much forjoining - far off. khaled elgindy, are you so much forjoining us. far off. khaled elgindy, are - you so much forjoining us. we really appreciate you speaking to us. ., ~ really appreciate you speaking to us. . ,, ,, in the last few hours, there have been violent scenes in the irish capital dublin, with police clashing with protesters near the scene of a multiple stabbing. police condemned what they called a "lunatic faction driven by far—right ideology". a woman and three young children were hurt in the knife attack. a man who was arrested is being treated for serious injuries. sara girvin reports. tonight, dublin has been witness to violent classes between rioters and police. vehicles have been set alight, smoke seen rising from the city. this afternoon, three young children were attacked outside their school. two of them and a woman remain in hospital. eyewitnesses said bystanders wrestled a man with a knife to the ground. i looked across the road and i seen a man and a stabbing motion with a load of children so i flew across the road and the man was after stabbing two children as far as i could make out. we got the children up to the left with the women that where their run the teachers i presume. the man, in his 40s, is being described as a person of interest. irish police, the garda, say they are not looking for anyone else. —— that was there. what happened here has led to hours of intense violence. cars on fire, shops broken into and fireworks thrown at police. the garda commissioner said people involved should go home and let police do theirjob. i think it's disgraceful scenes in terms of major investigation, the maintenance of a scene, the gathering of evidence, and we have a complete lunatic hooligan faction driven by far right ideology, and also then this disruptive tendency here and engaged then in serious violence. riot police have been at this scene for hours now and we've watched as at least one officer was injured. he was led away by his colleaguesjust behind me here. there were then several oud bangs. dublin city centre. extra policing resources are being made available. with the clashes still ongoing, work to contain these violent scenes will continue into the night. sara girvin, bbc news. the world health organization has asked china for more information over reports of hospitals being overwhelmed with children suffering from flu—like illnesses. the request was made after an alert was issued through promed, a global surveillance database which monitors disease outbreaks, warning of an epidemic of "undiagnosed pneumonia" in young people. dr amish adalja is an associate editor of the journal health security — and i asked him how concerned we should be. any time there's a cluster of unexplained respiratory illness, that should be something that's concerning, concerning until we figure out what's behind it. however, the early indications are that this isn't something that's novel or something new, but many of the usual types of respiratory pathogens all circulating, all attacking a lot of people at once. but it's important any time we see this type of cluster that we really run it down, we figure out what's behind it to make sure it isn't something new. now, it's not unusual, i guess, for the who. to request further information from countries about outbreaks of disease. but it is rather unusual, isn't it, for them to announce that they have done so? are they trying to get ahead of this, given the criticism of china being slow to report the covid—i9 virus? it's probably the fact that both the who has had a loss of confidence in it, as well as the fact that this cluster is occurring in china. so, what we're seeing is a who being aggressive, being very transparent about what information needs there are to characterise this outbreak and the fact that it's happening in china, a place which is notorious for lack of transparency — lack of transparency we saw during covid or during the first sars outbreak in 2003. that's all playing into this. and i think it's very important that it's considered a norm, that if you have an outbreak in your country, that you are very transparent, very quickly to put the world at ease, to make sure that everybody is comfortable with what's going on there and your ability to handle it, because an infectious disease outbreak is different than any other kind of event occurring in a country because it could spread outside that country. so, we want countries to be transparent, and i think it's good that the who is being forthright and forceful with china, because what we don't want is a lack of transparency, which could lead to conspiracy theories as well as just more loss of confidence and distrust amongst countries, which is essential for health security. indeed. can you tell us a bit more about this permit system that first flagged these illnesses? so, permit is not something that's very high tech. it's basically an email listser where doctors and other individuals that are involved in infectious disease email each other, report about disease outbreaks that might be occurring in their country, in their home town. in their home town, and people discuss it. and it's, as i said, not something that's very fancy or sophisticated, but it is what gave us warning of the first sars outbreak in 2003 or the middle east respiratory syndrome outbreak in 2012, so it does work even though it's low tech. and this is a criticalforum for infectious disease experts to exchange information because sometimes, as we've seen, official channels lag. they are not as transparent, they are not as open as individual clinicians, epidemiologists speaking with each other about what they're seeing. around the world and across the uk. this is bbc news. let's look at some other stories making news. household energy prices in the uk will rise injanuary, putting more financial pressure on billpayers at the coldest time of year. energy regulator ofgem said the typical annual household bill would go up by £94, or 5%. it said it was the result of higher wholesale costs faced by suppliers. the car manufacturer nissan is expected to announce on friday that the electric versions of the qashqai and thejuke are to be made at their sunderland plant in north—east england. the plant currently employs around 6,000 staff to build petrol versions of the two cars, as well as the electric leaf. british families will be £1,900 poorer at the end of this parliament compared with the beginning, according to the think tank, the resolution foundation. according to the think tank the resolution foundation. it said this government would set a "grim" new record for living standards going down. but chancellorjeremy hunt said the tax cuts announced in the autumn statement would put more money in people's pockets. you're live with bbc news. figures from the office of national statistics show that net migration to the uk has hit an all—time high. the revised figure for the year to december 2022 was 745,000. the number for the year tojune 2023 is estimated to be slightly lower, at 672,000. foreign students are the biggest contributor to non—eu immigration accounting for 39% of arrivals., mark easton reports. today, we got updated figures for long—term migration to the uk, and the number that raised eyebrows is the revised net migration figure for 2022, a record. 745,000 more people came to the uk than less — far higher than previously thought. now, the equivalent figure for the year tojune this year is 672,000, suggesting that net migration may now be on a downward trajectory. let's look in a bit more detail at who the immigrants are. now, the figures suggest 1.2 million people came to britain for more than 12 months. roughly a third of those were higher skilled workers and theirfamilies, and one in three of those were coming to work in the nhs and in social care. the countries providing the most workers were india, nigeria and zimbabwe. now, the uk also welcomed — down the bottom — 410,000 students, another third. the remainder here, a range of people — dependants, humanitarian visas and so on. we also got another set of immigration figures from the home office today, and they show that in the year to september, 45,000 came to the uk by irregular means, mostly in small boats — down a little from the previous year. now, the asylum backlog remains high, slightly down, but the number of asylum—seekers in hotels has reached a record high — 56,000 people, costing the taxpayer around £3 billion a year. the government focus may be on the small boats, but today's figures show that they make up a tiny fraction of all arrivals. 97% of immigrants coming to britain arrive legally. it's the difference between a channel ferry and a tiny inflatable. mark easton, bbc news. staying in the uk, metropolitan police officers have seized a record 150,000 tablets of the synthetic opioid nitazine. it says the tablets were found in a makeshift factory and are probably being sold on the dark web. nitazine emerged as a problem in the uk earlier this year. nitazenes were first developed in the 1950s as a pain—killing medication, but are so potent and addictive, they have never been approved for medical or therapeutic use. 11 people have been charged. in india, rescue efforts to retrieve 41 workers trapped in a collapsed road tunnel have stopped for the evening. the workers have spent 12 days underground. engineers have managed to reach them, delivering food, water, air and electricity. late on wednesday, the operation slowed after a drilling machine encountered a steel structure it could not cut through. the men appear to be in good health. ambulances and specially—fitted stretchers are on standby in preparation for their rescue. our south asia correspondent samira hussain is at the scene with the latest. in the last 24 hours, rescue workers here have made very little progress. now, just behind me, you can see the mouth of the tunnel. that is where all of the rescue operations are taking place, and what they're trying to do is drill a hole through the rubble and debris where the men are trapped behind. but each time they get closer, they hit other rocks, debris. and now they're hitting metal, which damages the drilling machine, so it forces rescue operators to bring new machinery up into this area. and the longer that this rescue operation takes, the longer that those 41 construction workers remain. now, we did see some video of them earlier this week. it was the first video released of the construction workers that have been trapped since last sunday. and they appeared in the video wearing hard hats, some with high—vis vests, and they were saying that they are in good health. samira hussain reporting. let's take a look at some other stories in the headlines. dutch political leaders are preparing for negotiations to form a coalition government, after the far—right freedom party pulled off a surprise election victory. no party won a majority, but the freedom party's controversial leader, geerd wilders, may now lead negotiations. his political agenda includes ending immigration and banning the quaran. one of the rising stars of american politics, the new york city mayor, eric adams has been eric adams, has been accused of sexual assault. a summons alleges that the plaintiff was assaulted in 1993, while they both worked for the city. a spokesperson for mr adams said he "vigorously denies" the claims. in ecuador, 35—year—old daniel noboa has been sworn in as president — becoming the the country's youngest ever leader. at his inaugueration, in the capital, quito, mr noboa promised to tackle the twin challenges of economic stagnation and a surge in violent crime. —— inauguration. if you're a bit squeamish, it might be time to look away. or if you're eating breakfast or midnight snack! rats — in massive numbers — have over run areas of queenland. rats — in massive numbers — have overrun areas of queenland. numbers — have overrun residents have been overwhelmed. a wet winter and a good harvest have created ideal conditions for the rodents to breed. our reporter nicky schiller is in the newsroom with more. the rats are everywhere. social media has been full of images like this one. tens of thousands of rats, both dead and alive, have swept up on beaches across queensland. now, as you can imagine, local media has been covering this. the abc here, they've posted a video where you can see those rats at this shoreline. now, in some cases, those dead rats have attracted flies and other insects. they've also been seen floating in the water. to give you an idea ofjust how big the rats can be, take a look at this image. you can see a hand and also the rat there. now, the rodents, they have been forced to move across the state in the search for food. derek glaude, he owns a vehicle hire company. he posted this video. he said it was terrifying how the rodents could destroy a vehicle overnight by getting at the wiring in an engine, so much so that he set up these homemade traps to try and catch the rodents. how many this morning? oh, another four. the area worst hit by the rat plague is here around the town of normanton and karumba, which is on the queensland coast, well—known for fishing and bird watching. so, why has there been a sudden surge in the rat population? well, experts say it's down to a combination of factors. first of all, the wet weather has meant there have been ideal conditions for breeding. add to that the fact that the rats reproduce quickly. there has also been a bumper harvest of food for the rats to eat. now, more wet weather is forecast for queensland, which has led some people to fear that the worst is yet to come. and we could see many more rats in the area. that's it for now. thanks for watching. hello. a change is taking place in our weather. thursday brought temperatures as high as 15 degrees in parts of the uk. i don't think we'll see 15 on friday. colder air has been pushing down from the north. a cold wind, some sunny spells, yes, but scattered showers, some of which will be wintry over high ground in the north. we've got high pressure to the west of us, low pressure to the east driving these strong northerly winds, bringing that cold air southwards — although, as you can see, we start the day with something a little bit milder across parts of wales, southern and south—western england and the channel islands. colder further north, wintry showers for a time, even to quite low levels in northern scotland. i think the wintriness increasingly becoming confined to the hills. quite a few showers down the east coast of england, too. northern ireland, wales, the south—west starting cloudy, but brightening up as the day wears on. breezy for all, but windy for the east coast of england and most especially for north—east scotland. there'll be a significant wind chill through friday afternoon. so, these are the temperatures on the thermometer, but factor in the strength of the wind, it will feel like freezing across parts of north—east scotland, particularly the northern isles. a little bit milder down towards the south—west corner. now, during friday night, winds will slowly ease. it does stay quite breezy for these eastern coasts with a few showers, but with high pressure building from the west, we'll see clearing skies, lighter winds and a really cold night. some places likely to get to —5 celsius as we start saturday morning. quite a widespread frost, but lots of sunshine to start the weekend. still some showers down this east coast. i think it'll still feel quite chilly here. still a fairly brisk wind, but not as windy. top temperatures, 4 degrees for glasgow, 8 degrees in plymouth. so, yes, a chilly—feeling day, but it will not be as windy. now, as we move into the second half of the weekend, high pressure tries to hold on — a frosty start for some on sunday. but low pressure attempting to push in from the west, so it does look like we'll see some outbreaks of rain spreading eastwards. but eastern parts of england, certainly north—east scotland staying largely dry. could see a bit of rain getting into shetland. something milder trying to push in from the south—west. but broadly speaking, actually, next week looks like remaining cold, with spells of rain at times and perhaps a little bit of snow in places. that's all from me. bye for now. the week that shook the tech world. we take a look at how the turbulence at two trail—blazing companies is rippling through an entire industry. plus, the black friday shopping festival is here again. but amid high inflation and high interest rates, will it be a success? hello and welcome to asia business report. i'm mariko oi. let's begin with the two separate stories that rocked the technology industry this week. on tuesday, the boss of the world's biggest crypto exchange, binance cz, quit after pleading guilty to money laundering charges in the us. the next day, a week after being sacked, sam altman returned as the boss of openai. earlier, i spoke to founding partner of technology investment firm in capital, jennifer zhu scott. she told me the drama at openai resulted from a bigger underlying conflict between public and corporate interests. so much to unpack, in terms of what happened at openai. i think this drama in the past few days ultimately really showed the tension between... our society has been really impacted and influenced and controlled by technology. a certain part of those digital services are supposed to be

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Hiding , Cloud , Fingers , Trigger , Gunshots , Palestinians , Assault , Part , Adviser , State Negotiations , Leadership , Senior Fellow , Middle East Institute , Jeff , 2004 , Cease Fire , Annapolis Negotiations In The , Others , 2008 , 2007 , Stake , Anything , Bombing , Relief , 47 , Surge , Expectation , Brunt , Onslaught , Course , Supplies , You , 9th , October The 9th , 9 , Rights , That Leverage , Leverage , Israelis , Rights Ii , Military Campaign , Places , Arrangement , Way , Sides , Terms , Extension , Prisoner , Waves , Pressure , Interest , Dynamic , Aren T I Factions , Factions , G Hyde , Aren T , Situation , Jihad , Groups , Everyone , Ground , Fight , Defiance , Stage , Negotiations , Question , Search Calculations , Diplomacy , Lot , Ramallah , Process , Damage , Gaza Forever , Wall , Conflict , Solution , State Border , Roots , Self Determination , Dividing Jerusalem , Chance , Hearts , Environment , Term , Frankly , State Solution , Broker , Two , Metropolitan 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Grim , Chancellorjeremy Hunt , 900 , 1900 , Immigration , Figures , Autumn Statement , Money , Pockets , Office Of National Statistics , Number , Figure , Thigh , Tojune , 2023 , 745000 , 2022 , 672000 , December 2022 , Students , Immigration Accounting , Mark Easton , Contributor , Arrivals , Migration Figure , Eyebrows , Record , Immigrants , Trajectory , Detail , 1 2 Million , 12 , Workers , Theirfamilies , Nhs , India , Social Care , Nigeria , Zimbabwe , Third , Immigration Figures , Set , Orange , Visas , Remainder , People Dependants , 410000 , Boats , Little , Home Office , Irregular Means , 45000 , Asylum Backlog , Record High , Focus , Asylum Seekers , Taxpayer , Hotels , 56000 , 6 Billion , 3 Billion , 97 , Difference , Fraction , Channel Ferry , 97 , Tablets , Officers , Staying , Opioid Nitazine , Tiny Inflatable , 150000 , Factory , Pain Killing Medication , Nitazine , Web , Problem , Nitazenes , 1950 , Evening , Rescue Efforts , Collapsed Road Tunnel , 11 , 41 , Food , 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