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blitzer denied it six once cnn closed captioning is bronchi by ucar help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you, cora, having utis four tenure. you, cora, we make uti relief products. we also make proactive urinary tract health products. you cora is a life's they tried today at your a major executive order on immigration. >> president biden, unveiling a new plan to offer legal status and protection to over half 1 million families undocumented spouses and children of american citizens could be impacted and so could the race for the white house and a wildfire pushing an entire town new mexico to evacuate, squeezing it like a pair of toms over 15,000 acres burned in southern california, a wildfire only about 25% contained as the midwest also swelters under high temperatures. and boeing ceo on a seat that maybe hotter than usual, testifying before congress on the heels of new who whistleblower allegations that the company had questionable plane parts. we are following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central we are for standby for a major announcement from president biden on immigration. >> and the next hour the president will unveil a sweeping new executive action impacting hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants. it provides legal protection for about half a million spouses of us citizens and are roughly 50,000 children this comes just two weeks after biden took executive action, putting new restrictions on asylum seekers. and it's happening at a critical moment in the 2024 race. next week, biden faces off against donald trump in a historic presidential debate, which you can watch right here on cnn and of course, immigration is a big issue for voters in several key battleground states. let's take you now live, but the white house with cnn's mj lee. so mj walk us through the plan and the reasons behind the timing yeah. >> baur is let me first lay out for you the top headlines from these significant announcement coming from president biden, that would offer protections for hundreds of thousands of immigrants who have been living illegally in the united states for are, but are married to you? us citizens or our children of us citizen. now, what do protections actually mean? it means that these immigrants are not going to be deported. it means that they are going to have an eventual pathway to citizenship. and it also means that they are going to be able to legally work in the united states as they wait for their status to work their way through the system. one important piece of fine print is that they must have been in the who us for ten years as of june 17 of 2024. that of course is yesterday, prior to this announcement coming out today. and it really does amount to the most expansive up protections for immigrants via executive action in years and years. and we saw the biden campaign saying that all of this really boils down to the fact this is according to the campaign manager that families belong together. it's that simple. they said in a statement, it's why president biden's actions today are so important, and it's also a powerful stark reminder of donald trump's unforgivable legacy of ripping crying children away from their parents when he put in place his fans family separation policy. now, at this east room event here at the white house where the president is expected to lay out these details. we do expect a bit of a celebratory mood and we of course know that that is in part because politics is it's really heavily at play here on an issue that has been a really big up political vulnerability for president biden with republicans and critics continually hitting him for not doing enough to get the situation you're not the border in a good place and also the just addressing more broadly the issue of immigration and what to do about immigrants who are here illegally and today's announcement is also just quite the contrast from the announcement that he made earlier in the week that really put in severe restrictions on asylum seeker. so you put the two next to each other and you certainly see president biden up playing a bit of a juggling act on an issue do that again, has been such a challenging one for him and democrats mj lee live for us from the white house. >> thanks so much. i'm jay briana. >> let's talk about this more now. this executive action by president biden with congressman adriano so sbi, he's a democrat who represents parts of new york city. it's also the first former undocumented immigrant to serve in congress. thank you for coming into the studio. we appreciate it how much of this executive action today is a concession to progressives who were very dismayed with biden's executive order. executive action two weeks ago that severely limited asylum i don't think is a concession, i think is a balanced common sense approach to immigration issues that can i just be about border enforcement? he already addressed that, but it also has to provide some help to some people that have a meritorious argument to be made. >> why they should stay here. and i think this action balances that out in a real smart way. >> if it balances, it, does it make the other executive action makes more sense to you? >> well it says that border protection is important but that the spouses of us citizens and their children that have been here for over ten years also deserve to work and to regular, regularize their status so this is important that, that it is balanced in its approach that is common sense, that is practical and that the american people see it for what it is. a smart way to move forward the aclu is suing the biden administration over that executive action. >> that will limit asylum once the average number of entries hit a certain threshold. do you support that lawsuit? >> i haven't seen the details of the lawsuit, but there will be lawsuits from both sides and i think the president has moved forward because congress has enacted and in light of that, i think he has shown leadership to move forward and address what seems to be more and more an important issue to the american public you haven't that lawsuits not brand new. >> i just want to be clear. and there was a similar lawsuit with the trump administration because former president trump used similar authority and the congressional hispanic caucus supported that lawsuit against the trump administration. why not? >> then support the aclu's lawsuit? >> i'm trying to understand the balance of that between the biden administration in the tree that i have to see the details the lawsuit i haven't seen that. and so i'll cross that bridge when i get there. i think that i am very happy that the president is taking this action today to help dreamers, daca recipients that have been here since they were little kids. and there have been educated by our universities. why not give them the opportunity also to get a job and so this is very smart, very practical. the american people on understand this and i think this is the first step forward that will be greater discussions about other other factors within the immigration debate. >> the lawsuit targets the authority that the president is using, which is the same section 212f in the 1952 immigration and nationality act, which is what trump used are you giving biden a pass on that when you didn't know? no. i mean, i think that there's some level of border security that should occurred. i don't know if that executive action maybe went too far for me. obviously not for everybody. but i'm happy with what's happening today and i think just to do enforcement or just to do what we're doing today alone is not an answer to the vast majority of the american people that are concerned about this what do you say to senate republicans like john foun who are worried that this new policy will create, pull factors that it will incentivize more people to come. oh, no, that's not true. i think that people come because of different reasons. some become because of violence, because imam is being threatened by a gang to recruit her 13-year-old. some of them come because of food security after a drought or an environmental crisis. they come for different reasons. i don't think that necessarily these actions will generate a greater numbers at the border. in fact, amnesty was really implemented by ronald reagan. that was the full amnesty program. there and i think the senator, now the senator's look at ronald reagan as an american hero. so he was the one that implemented amnesty. these these are very important part of the broader immigration, immigration debate that has tps. he has family reunification. it has dreamer and dhaka recipients. it has are also farmworkers. the immigration debate is very broad. it's complicated, and these are very specific items within that broader debate that are being addressed. >> are you forgiving biden, the executive action on asylum because of this one i act i ask just because i believe in a silent, but i asked just be because there does not seem to be at all close to the same level of heat for him that there was a very upset. >> and i am a strong supporter of the concept of asylum. if fundamental part of the american experience for someone he is being persecuted by, by, by dictatorship to come to our border or to come to our ports and knock on the door and say, i don't want to be killed by that government. can you let me in? >> that's a fundamental piece of america, right? >> and i think that we, as a democracy, must always provide asylum for ukrainians. four people fleeing communist regimes for people fleeing violence in a war torn country or in a country, gripped by gang violence. >> this is so important to the american experience. >> i'm not willing to sell that out. absolutely not. not anything that has to do with immigration because i'm an image good but i think that today's action is a good one. it's one that makes us look forward. and i think that biden should be commended for congressman. thank you so much for joining us. >> we really appreciate it. >> horus extreme heat is pulling 65 million americans at risk. that's about a fifth of the entire population, right now, people in at least 19 states across the midwest and northeast are under heat alerts as millions more face temperatures topping 90 degrees this week meantime, 29 large active wildfires are raging across the united states among them, a pair of fires burning in new mexico going through tribal lands. and forcing thousands to evacuate and north of los angeles, crews continue breathing dangerous conditions as they race to put out the post fire cnn meteorologist chad myers joins us now. so chad, what's the deal with the wind? the big question is whether they're going to ease up and allow firefighters to better contain these flames right for the post fire, this is northern los angeles county, ventura county. that wind has really died off. they are really now trying to mop up the northern part and really put out the southern part the way the wind is blowing. but only five to ten miles per hour. this is real dose, so this is an in mexico, this popped up at 9:00 local time yesterday, and now we are up to 13,000 acres. that is the size of manhattan that has burned in just 26 hours. the wind's not going to die down for them know, 15 to 20 today. and then we have a tropical storm that may make wind in an opposite direction, but that's a story for a few more maps later, 29 active wildfires, as you said, most of them in the west very hot weather across the eastern half of the country. most of the eastern half of the country above 90. look at toledo kunta, 99 degrees yesterday, and that's not adding in the humidity, hundred and 50 more record highs are gonna be broken before the weekend and the heat is on. it's even on in new england where places in vermont will get very close to 100 grid. that's the state with the fewest number of air conditioners in the whole us. and then look at the heat index for syracuse 10 yes, right now, today, it's in parts of the ohio valley. that's where the heat is pittsburgh, you're going to see 90s. then we talked about this potential tropical storm, which will likely become tropical storm alberto later today. and that will push some rainfall into mexico. and if you have been paying attention the past couple of days, about our story here, about the water wars going on man, could this really help? well, you don't need ten inches anywhere. but if you get rain right where they need it, this could be a big help force, potentially some relief on the way, glad to hear at chad myers and weather center thank you so much still ahead. >> a boeing bombshell, the plane makers ceo about to face lawmakers over a string of safety concerns and a new whistleblower flaming the company likely installed broken or mismatched parts after hiding them from regulators. plus, he was a key face of the government's response to the covid panel endemic. and now he's telling sanjay gupta it was painful to correct former president trump during the shutdown and pop star justin timberlake arrest sued allegedly driving while intoxicated. with new details on his first court appearance and just a few moments, they would see an a new central historically the soviet union killed traders i started to run two kgb cars had come behind us. i didn't know what to do secrets spies, a nuclear game sunday at ten on cnn. you found the right model for sure. now, how can you be sure you're getting the right deal? i have to talk to my bestie hey, girl this one's like your last boyfriend it's got issues let's ask the experts for the right use car. >> just say show me the car facts value. you'll get the motion price based on the vehicles accident history look for me and stop overpaying shop at the all new car we handcraft every stearns and foster using the finest materials like indulgent memory foam and ultra conforming inner springs 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neutrogena, ultras, your sunscreen maria and julio thought their life would never slow down then one day, it finally you will mate to find in our case, we will need to track flight prices to parents even mackenzie in washington and this is cnn after months of bad press and countless safety incidents, the ceo of boeing will face his first congressional reckoning about his company's problems next hour, dave calhoun will testify on capitol hill for the first time and explain to a senate subcommittee why americans should feel safe on boeing planes despite issue after issue, like the ones you see here. >> and as if there weren't enough questions, now, a new whistleblower says boeing managers not only tried to hide non-conforming parts for 737 max planes, but that boeing retaliated against him for trying to expose the problem we have seen an aviation correspondent, pete man teen on capitol hill following all of this pete, this whistleblower is actually one of a dozen speaking to senate investigators along with a boeing ceo, dave calhoun, who will be in the hotseat here. this was really a chance for him to course-correct. after months and months, a bad press about boeing, now, it seems like he's really walking into a buzz saw here in front of the senate committee. he just arrived here at the house. the senate heart office building for this hearing that starts at the top of the hour and he acknowledged to cnn the families of the 737 max eight crashes, who will be in the audience here today. what is so significant about this is that we will also hear from a new was so blower, add that to the list of about a dozen boeing whistleblowers who have come forward alleging problems with boeing and senator richard blumenthal, who is the chair of this committee says he has heard from a new whistleblower, sam mohak of quality assurance inspector at the renton washington facility, the plant there that builds the seven and 37 max that is critical because that is the plant that built the plane that left the boeing facility there without the door plug bolts installed that led to the door plug blowout on alaska airlines flight 12, 80 too back on january 5th, blumenthal until it says that mohonk alleges that boeing is not able to keep track of parts that do not conform to it. its quality control standards. and i want you to listen to what blumenthal told cnn earlier today. he calls these allegations incredibly serious. listen this kind of violation of trust is part of a pattern. a broken safety culture at boeing the company seems to have continued to put profits and production speed ahead of safety and reliability and his account of the retaliation against him is particularly chilling the pressure that was exerted on him to stay silent they have a program called speak up. well, he was told to shut up pretty strong sense all right pete, unfortunately, we're having a little problem with your audio there as we would like to hear what is coming up for dave calhoun, but you can hear all of that activity behind pete. this is going to be at the top of the hour. the outgoing boeing ceo, dave calhoun, testifying there before senators, and it is going to be quite a doozy of a hearing. >> and ahead, this could be awkward. >> former president trump heading to the swing state of wisconsin just days after he allegedly disk the city the walkie behind closed doors plus steve bannon's dreams of club fed dashed the former trump adviser isn't going to the cushy prison of choice and an appeals court could decide today whether or not to spare him from reporting at all while he appeals his conviction the most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president, one stage two, very different visions for america's future. the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 20, nine live on cnn. and streaming on max when migraine strikes are the trade-offs of treating worth it. you ravi is another option. it quickly 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so at any minute, we could get a ruling by a federal appeals court on the fate of former trump adviser steve bannon his lawyers have asked that the us court of appeals in dc issue a ruling by today on his request to remain out of prison bannon's team argued that bannon should remain free as he mounts further appeals including he says all the way to the supreme court now, he's been ordered to surrender by july 1 to begin serving his four months sentence for not complying with a house subpoena and the january 6 investigation and cnn is learning that sentence won't be carried out at the comfortable prison known as a club fed that bannon had hoped for cnn political correspondent sara marie joins us now with the details. sarah, what are you learning about where he's going to serve time? >> well, look, i mean, we'll see if any of these legal maneuvers managed to push bannon's sentence back. but for now how as you said, he's not going to be headed to the cushy is't of federal prisons club fed as you talk about this minimum security prison camp instead, we've learned he's going to be headed to a low security federal prison in danbury, connecticut again. so you could have plenty of white-collar criminals there, but you could also have some potentially violent offenders. and part of this is because of the nature of steve bannon's conviction. he defied a subpoena from the house. shanon you already six committee for documents and testimony. he was sentenced to four months behind bars, but he also has these criminal charges in new york for allegedly defrauding donors as part of this build the wall scheme along the southern border. and it basically said he raised this money and then funnel well, it to himself and his friends and is part of that he may face some pretty uncomfortable conditions of that still goes to trial later later this year and bannon is in custody. he could have after spend some time in rikers island in jail, they're certainly not something that anyone is looking forward to rikers obviously carries quite the reputation sara marie. >> thanks so much of the reporting. appreciate it still had dr. >> anthony fauci opens up about the attacks that he's faced from conservatives hear what he has to say about that. and what he thinks about his legacy they are unpredictable sleeping giants every volcano since i'm personality, if we don't understand them, they are windows into part of our planet. lives will be lost violent earth, with liev schreiber, sunday, it not on cnn. >> so easy to get your windshield replaced using safe flight, why don't you just get a fixed all right. so what do we do now? i've scheduled an appointment as safe told him he is here at the beach schedule a. free mobile service at safe that we pay are safe, like we place new, i see hot pro massaging bone easy to grip the massage and the power of two mac strength pain relievers is works he makes it less new. i see how pro massaging boehm right now, you get a free foot locker 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and minerals nutrients for immune health and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein this is pickleball is basically tennis for babies, but for adults, it should be called willful tennis yet bonum like a p we had nothing to worry about with e-trade for morgan stanley were ready for whatever gets served up till you get to work on your chest. >> i'd rather work on saving for retirement for college since we'd like to get schooled. >> it's pretty good burn, right? >> gato game thanks for coming to our clinic first one's free billy the kid, to try to take over the town what he needs is clean it up they've appointed a new sheriff, pat garrett means coming to you. >> sure does use the royal billy knows your job to hold them down a law doesn't take you can this ain't a game for me, healthier with the oral ring i'm natasha bertrand at the pentagon. >> and this is cnn public service official who was front and center and became a household name during covid pandemic is reflecting back on his career public service. >> dr. anthony fauci has written a memoir offering new details on his time at the white house under president trump. it's called on-call, a doctor's journey in public service in our own dr. sanjay gupta sat down with dr. fauci. he's with us now. so sanjay, dr. fauci is so at three, apparently though he has no plans to retire anytime soon, he writes about a career that has spanned seven presidents and more than 50 years it's an, incredible career. i mean, just think about that. i don't know if anyone else i think that has worked for seven different presidents. he reflects on their different leadership styles 54 years. that means hiv aids anthrax, zika, ebola, h1n1 obviously covid, he's been at the center of all these things. you got the presidential medal of freedom in 2008. but i think he'd be the first to tell you these last few years have also been some of the most challenging for him let me recognize dr. tony fauci for an update on where we stand and recommendations and guidance. it is a name that is almost synonymous with the covid-19 pandemic for better or worse but this wasn't the first time he had to face down a global pandemic with regard to drug development. >> the steps are simple although the goal is an ominous goal. >> i sat down with dr. anthony fauci to talk about his new memoir on call, a doctor's journey in public service, where he writes about a life and a legacy that is span seven presidents and more than 50 years illegitimate nom carborundum, right? >> then, which means don't let the best way here down, which is actually goes lately that is a very relevant and appropriate saying. >> when you say this phrase to yourself are you, are you able to not let these guys get you down? >> you know, the answer is, they don't get they don't get me down to the point of interfering with what my work is, but it does wear and tear on you. i mean, knowing that there are people who are just hell bent on trying to discredit you and they have no evidence about anything. and all you've done all your life, your professional life for me, 54 years and almost 40 years as director, have done nothing but try to save lives his journey to save lives started when he attended medical school at cornell, then made the pivotal decision to join the national institutes of health, where he quickly rose through the ranks and focused on infectious disease. >> but there came a moment july 1981 that would change everything. >> he was reviewing the cdc's morbidity and mortality weekly report, the mmwr, when he noticed a concerning spike in deaths, 26 young, otherwise healthy, gay men reading that mmwr totally transformed my professional career because i made the decision right there as if there's one disease that i have to study. >> is this disease, hiv aids became his whole life and he was one of the first to recognize the extent of the aids crisis in some respects, we're seeing an an increase in what we would call the heterosexual spread of the disease. i don't think many people who sort of know you from covid realize that in many ways you went through some of these same challenges before with hiv aids, not just new disease trying to find new therapeutics, but the activists, what was that part of your life like? >> it is as different as peanuts and watermelons. me, it just is very different because the activists we're trying to get the attention of the authorities, the scientific authorities, and the regulatory authorities that the time proven way of approaching the development of interventions for a new disease doesn't work well for a disease that's rapidly killing themselves. and their friends and their loved ones. >> the whole thing with the national institutes of health they won't test any of these drugs that'll keep people alive. and i got this segue. no peptide ti, no. compound. q, anthony fauci, i on you sit them myself. >> if i were in their shoes, i would be doing exactly what they're doing. that's when i invited them in to sit down with us and say, let's start talking to the point now where they're on all of our advisory committees there at part of the discussion. so they're confrontation to us this was based on a good thing i think back to john lewis's good trouble versus bad trouble. they made good trouble. my interaction and my response to them as they often get asked is dramatically different than someone on the basis of no evidence accuses you of killing people or that scene of marjorie taylor greene at the hearing. and do the american people deserve to be a bias like that. >> mr. fauci, because you're not doctor. >> i mean, come on. that is nothing like what the activists would doing. >> you wrote in the book, there. >> and this gets to this point that you have to function in a world that overlaps politics and science it. >> is as part of this politics as well, just getting the right message out. >> i think overall, you've got to admit without a doubt vaccines saves hundreds of thousands of lives. maybe millions in the united states, and matt and and multiples of millions globally, no doubt about that. but when you mandate something, given the psyche of the country and the fact that when you tell somebody they need to do something, the way the country is divided now that you might have a collateral effect unintended, that would have people push back on getting vaccinated. so that needs to be reexamined. >> now, you're talking about this interesting press briefing that you did this as in march of 2020. and you had to correct the record even if the president was talking how challenging is by sent to myself, i have a responsibility to preserve my own personal integrity and a responsibility to the american public. so when i walked up to the podium, i said, here it goes. dr fauci, the president just said that hydroxychloroquine is the end-all the answer is no, and the evidence that you're talking about john is anecdotal evidence that was painful to me to have to do that. but there was no doubt that i had to do it i mean, it wasn't like well, maybe you shouldn't maybe there was no doubt that i had to do it, but thank you very much he thought president trump would be angry, but listened to what happened behind the scenes. but then he called me in his office, one son when he one that asked me another question and he was on looking at three different televisions and he says, my god, this ratings are amazing. they're better than cable, they're better than the better the network, the president, it's no, it's no secret. i'm not divulging a secret about the president. he was very, very fixated on image and ratings and he thought that the the amount of attention that was given to the press briefings was really terrific and his comment was, wow, do you see those ratings and my feeling wasn't ratings are in the middle of a pandemic do we talking about ratings nowadays since stepping back from the nih fauci has been focusing more on family, but has yet to give up on his life's mission of saving lives. he is now a distinguished professor at georgetown when i take life on a daily basis and trying to enjoy aspects of life every single day and take really serious relationships, particularly my relationship with christine is i just think is something that i value immensely because she really keeps me on the track. and your grandfather now, i am. how grandfather life it's a feeling that people forever have described to me. oh, wait till you become a grandfather. it's going to be absolutely amazing. but you don't really understand what that means until you have this little kid who's the daughter of your daughter, sitting down in your lap playing with your eyeglasses or your nose. it's amazing. >> he ever going to retire? >> sanjay. that's a good question right now. >> i may be any three, but i feel like i'm 55 so i may i i don't see any end to it, but i do know that i think i have enough realism about myself. >> i mean, the people who would throw darts at me think badly of me, but i'm fundamentally a pretty humbled person. and i know and can evaluate my limitations and i can tell you when i feel i'm not able to leave it all on the court then i'll walk off the court you gotta tell you, i don't think he's going to retire the kind of guy he is going to go to a beach and henry books, i mean, he's 83-years-old and i just i emphasize that again because obviously been talking a lot about age recently and he was sharp, just wrote this 450 page book, working as a distinguished professor. and i just one other tidbit. i'll tell you the interview that i did there was at his home same homies lived in since 1977 so he is he's a stable sort of person, person who's really had a large presence in public health. but also in his family and his neighborhood. but he's been that guy for so many people for so long. >> essentially, in talking to him, did you get the sense that he aspired to be this public face? piecing figure. early on because it seems like he's almost reticent at times to answer questions and talk to reporters and be out in the press yeah, that's a great question, boris, i did ask him about that specifically. it's interesting because a lot of times these large scientific agencies, they have spokespeople who go due to the press briefings and things like that. but he's been out there as i mentioned, all these things, anthrax, zika, ebola, h1n1, hiv, covid when he the way he answered it was he said at some zero point he realized over the last few decades he was really good at explaining things. he was a good communicator and good at explaining complicated topics which a doctor myself, someone who reports on this, i would agree with. he was often the guy that i think are me and other reporters would call saying, hey, we're not quite understanding what you're saying about this particular issue or what's going on with x it's y or z, and he's a guy that we get on the phone at any time of the day and explain these things. and he did that for us, but he did it for the public as well. >> yeah. really fascinating to hear him i'm talking about the aids epidemic and all of the different challenges. what a thoughtful interviews, sanjay, thank you for bringing that to us thank you you got to hear you can hear the whole thing this entire interview that sanjay house with dr. fauci listened to chasing life. sandi podcast, wherever you get your podcasts, and still to come singer justin timberlake, released from police custody after being charged for driving while intoxicated. new details on his arrest and first court appearance right after the break debate in america as biden and trump meet and only cnn has complete coverage with unrivaled access and exclusive pre and post a beat analysis. follow cnn for every countless moment, followed debate in america begins june 27. >> now, first of all, as we begin arithmetic five today, and we want to talk about addition. so today and an academy screen time is 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you that sources said i'm really just soon after he was right behind me and downtown santa barbara when he was pulled over and according to the court paperwork i don't want to just after about 12:30 in the morning and the police officer who wrote up the paperwork says that hold him over because he failed to stop at a stop sign and was also swerving the lanes. and when they approached the vehicle, that officer has briana said reported that his eyes were bloodshot, that he had glassy eyes, that he showed that they actually smelled alcohol on his breath and that his speech was slurred when he was going to reach for his vehicle registration in addition to that, the officer reported that he fails a sobriety tests our sorry, field a field sobriety test actually brought timberlake to the town jail where he actually spent the night and at that point, they also said that he refused to take not one, not two, but three breathalyzer tests, which of course is within his rights, allegedly he told police that he had one martini i followed my friend's home. so like i said, he slept within the town jail overnight, his arraignment was earlier this morning where he pled not guilty to one charge of dwi and he has been released, as i said, on his own recognizance, guys, any more reaction from him you know, he has a local attorney who was a high powered attorney in this area of the hamptons. >> we're hearing that he is not going to be releasing any statements on timberlake's behalf. we also have reached out to his reps and we're not getting hang any information from them as well. this is a section of the hamptons where it's a lot of celebrity sightings. we know timberlake house and i was on tour right now after the release of its six hours he's actually set to perform in chicago over the weekend, but coming back here to new york to perform at madison square garden next week, and i can tell you there's like i said, a lot of celebrity sightings here in sag harbor, just a few minutes ago, billy joel actually just walked out of that same restaurants where timberlake was spotted earlier last night. and he was asked about this and billy joel basically toluse, good press board that was there that he will not be passing any judgments. so certainly, we are still waiting to hear, though from justin timberlake himself about these charges. are this charge generous? >> billy joel? >> i will say brynn grass. >> thank you so much life worse from sag harb, are we appreciate it. now to some of the other headlines that we're watching this hour, the shooter through open fire on an lgbtq nightclub in colorado springs, is expected to be sentenced on federal hate crime charges. today, anderson li aldrich has pleaded guilty to 74 counts, including gun charges as part of a plea agreement that spares him any chance of the death penalty. he's already serving five life sentence it says on state charges for killing five people and injuring 19 others in that 2022 shooting. >> and he got don singer, don't know mater has just revealed that he's been being treated for cancer in an instagram post, the 46-year-old from puerto rico posted a photo of himself wearing a hospital bracelet over a caption that reads, quote today i do. but tomorrow i won't have cancer. so you assume he gave no further details on his diagnosis omar had been one of the biggest names and i get don't since rising to fame in the early 2000s and thailand is set to become the first nation in southeast asia to legalize same-sex marriage supporters they're calling it a monumental step forward after lawmakers, they're approved a marriage equality bill today. once the king signs off later this year, thailand will become the only, will actually become only the third place in asia to allow for same-sex marriage after taiwan and nepal still plenty more news to come on. cnn news central troy, including boeing ceo admitting the company's culture is far from perfect. that excuse me, not cut it for lawmakers about to grill. dave calhoun on capitol hill. we'll dive into what they could ask and the alarming new whistleblower report that suggests a bigger problem after a quick break tomorrow cnn celebrate juneteenth, with special performances by john legend, eddie lewbel, smokey robinson. >> we still have a lot of work to do. >> juneteenth celebrating freedom and legacy tomorrow at ten on cnn three body serie a city client uses city's financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving so more pet parents can get everything they need, right when they need it keeping more pets and families happy for the love of moving our clients forward, for the love of progress so what's the codes as 547? >> well, that's all working. >> that's really needs to pay. >> we're gonna get into what's known present with her son you are a valued customer, sensitive. >> we can go in the window meanwhile, at a vrbo when other vacation rentals leave you hanging, try one where you can reach a human in 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