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i'm liev schreiber. thanks for watching. good night. hello, and a very warm welcome to our viewers joining us here in the united states and all around the world and streaming on cnn, max next i'm paula newton in new york, just ahead for us or live in paris where emmanuel macron's election gamble appears to have backfired with the french far-right taking the lead in the first row browne of voting, a campaign in turmoil. >> cnn learns what us president joe biden's family is telling him as he faces increasing pressure to stand aside after his disastrous debate, performance and all eyes on the u.s. supreme court and the hours ahead, we'll learn whether former president donald trump pumpkin claimed absolute immunity on his alleged efforts to undermine the results of the 2020 election and we do begin this hour in france where my colleague, max foster is live for us in paris where max, there is no mistaking the seismic shift in the political landscape. there yeah, the very first time ever paula, that the far-right has come out on top in the french parliamentary elections is a projection of this point, but we're getting the details confirmed as we speak and it sent protesters demonstrators out on the streets of paris last night, a huge blow to president emmanuel macron. >> but of course they've got a lot of support as well. so this is just part of the story initial estimate, silly, showing that the national rally are leading with 34% of the votes, followed by the left-wing new popular front coalition is second. they are 28%. mr. macron's centrist alliance came in third in the end around 20%. the french leader who called the snap election since it was a surprise for everyone, wasn't it says a quote, broad, clearly democratic and republican rally is needed in the next round it do go into the next round of the story certainly isn't over yet, but the national rally's parliament leader, marine le pen says democracy has spoken. adding the second round set for next sunday will be decisive sounds obvious, but she's basically saying that to her supporters, they need to get out on boats national rally leader jordan bardella said, the vote shows the french people want change and urged voters to remain mobilized 6:00 p.m. on demos pushes the vote table catholic sunday is one of the most decisive in the history of the fifth republic. clearly in the view of the results, the presidential kale still largely rejected today is no longer in a position to win. and the score or the far-left raises major concern thank you. >> to measure what bardella is pushing for is an absolute majority. as opposed to a weakened position under macron as president. so is pretty clear that he is ready to take on the role of prime minister. but once an absolute majority i tend to be a prime minister or the cohabitation governments respectful of the constitution in the office of president of the republic, but uncompromising about the policies we will implement it the service of friends and the french people let's say more now from cnn, senior international correspondent jim pittman, who's here in paris jubilant, cheers, fill the headquarters of france's far-right national well, as projections show the party dominated in the country's first round of parliamentary election seen as a fringe movement, the national rally could be positioned to assume power and become the first far-right party to enter french government since the second world war controversial diana, the party marine le pen, asserted that the second round of voting to be held next week. we'll secure their position. >> they move. let's see, a apparently democracy has spoken, and the french people have placed the national rally and its allies in first place. >> we are now getting nothing has been one. >> and the second round will be decisive complete results of the election are not finalized and much political maneuvering is expected before the second round of voting is held next week which could determine whether a seismic shift is underway in french politics, national rally's leader and le pen's protege, 28-year-old jordan bardella, could be positioned to become france's next prime minister. >> a child of italian immigrants, bardella has maintained a party's nationalist politics, and hardline anti-immigration stance across the country and its overseas territories. voters turned out in huge numbers to participate in a high-stakes election. uncertainty has loomed ever since president emmanuel macron suddenly dissolved parliament and called for snack apple elections earlier this month, sending shockwaves across the country. now his gamble appears to have backfired as his alliance of centrist parties faltered in the vote, finishing a third, according to projections in a statement, the president called for the formation of a broad alliance to block the national rally from coming to power faced for the national rally, the time has come for a broad, clearly democratic and republican rally for the second round. i did a coalition of left-wing parties also had a strong showing coming in a close second. section shell. however, no party achieved it outright majority possibly leading parliament and their political deadlock for now, the preliminary results of the election are being received with the intensity drawing some protesters out to demonstrated paris as a country with a painful history with fascism and far-right movements hills with an uncertain future. jim veteran cnn paris i spoke to journalists zhang lizzie in the last hour and disgust really how this far right party has changed from what was seen as an extreme party, a few decades ago the program that they had up until two or three weeks ago was totally different from weather advocating now, it's it's it's political tactic, which is okay. >> but for example, basic questions like what age can french people retire you know, mecole past or reform that made 64 the legal age to retire. but i'm looping few months ago was advocating 60-years-old, she's now talking about 64, 65, which the the the the law of reality is going to catch up with her very quickly, like it in italy with the aloni. same about immigration. we have shortage of workers here in france, so she cannot be as radical plus she would like to meet or what does this mean for the world if we end up in a situation because it's not over until it's over. of course, where we have a far-right prime minister and macron as president. what does that mean for french policy? because it feels like chaos. >> well, chaos or paralysis and it's, it's, it's really important if you look at the map of the world right now, i mean, not right now, but the next few weeks and months you could have you know, going from east to west, you could have put me in russia. >> you can have a european union, which will be totally this united with about half a dozen leaders who kind of side with putin, even though they don't really admit it. and then you cross the atlantic and you may have donald trump. what does that? wing us what kind of world is this bring us and what kind of europe comes out of it if mr. putin fields and boldon to titillating poland a little more. the baltic countries, that's kind of scary paula, i mean, a lot of people scared about this idea about the far right rising to power, but they did really well. >> they got lots of votes and it's young people here who are voting for them when in the past, perhaps it would have been older people. so this is definitely something going on here and its reflection, i think if cost of living and this very young leader, the far right is really tapped into that connection. it with people yeah, it has been incredible though the political shift, just to watch it unfold since macron called the surprise elections, maxwell continue to check in with you. >> thanks so much as we turn our attention to the political turmoil on this side of the atlantic, u.s. president joe biden's family is encouraging him to actually stay in the race and keep fighting after a dismal performance during last week's debate. and that's from two of his advisers who say the family also spoke about whether top biden aides should be fired. they spent time together on sunday at camp david and discussed how they could support the president. now, biden's advisers say he's closely watching polling data which is not looking so good for the president in a post-debate poll from cbs news and yougov, 28% of voters said biden should be running for president. just 28%, while 72% said he should not now in that same poll, just 27% of voters said biden has the mental and cognitive health to serve as president compared to 50% for donald trump, axios is reporting that president biden's closest aides shielded him from white house staff and others from day one. alex thompson, a national political correspondent for axios, spoke to cnn's allison camerota earlier can you explain how these aids have been shielding or protecting the president? >> yeah, absolutely. some of it is just making sure that when they meet with people, when by meet with people that every once in a while, there's not really regular meetings with not even just mid-level staff, but even that tier one above and one above that, his core team is really not bigger than about well, if people and this was really the instinct of two of his top aides. they're very nondescript of name's anthony for null and any thomasine. and their task was really made easier at the very beginning because of covid. and so keeping a really tight circle around the president was just sort of building in as a practice. but then over time those habits continued. >> so in other words, they started during covid is that do i have that right? and now they've continued to shield him from the wider staff. >> yeah absolutely. and that's part of the reason the reason why this has been such a shock to the system inside the white house is because the joe biden that they saw on thursday night was unrecognizable to them, but as many of them have said to me, this could not have been the first time that he had acted that way. there's no where in the minds of a lot of people in the white house, they are both sad because how this could affect the election. they're sad for him because there's great affection for him, but they're also angry because they feel that this side of joe biden must have been known to at least some of his close aides and they hit and they hit that part of it, not just from them but from potentially from voters and from democrats and from donors. >> can you give us an example of how they keep the rest of the staff at bay yeah. >> absolutely. so one just a little example, but the residence staff of the white house, who should be the staff that probably get the most, actually just normal a political facetime with the president. now, i talked to you a few residents have officials, including one that gave me a code that basically said from day one the. very. closest aides, the president kept them at bay, kept them away from parts of the residents would sometimes shut the door and rooms where they usually would be allowed. basically, there was a huge division between the residence staff of the white house and the biden family. they kept them very much at bay, which struck many of them as unusual, including, they said it was even unusual compared to the trump white house i mean, i know that i've read your article. i know that the white house and president biden's pushback is that he's not comfortable with butler's and servants around him. that that's just not his style. he doesn't need that much help. and so but these the people that you're talking about. the closest is the anthony banal and the anatol mussini if all of this is true and they've been protecting him, why didn't they protect him from thursday night? >> that is the million dollar question. we just don't know and i think a lot of the aids expected that joe biden, you after doing a week of debate prep he everyone i've talked to said that he seemed good, he seemed fine. it wasn't like he was lying the world on fire with his answers, but he who's doing well and they were sort of surprised. and i think the fact that they let him debaters sort of what's also driving this anger if they'd ever even knew that this joe biden was going to show up. you have as a possibility. i think there's a lot of anger within biden world that any of the claims suppose a is let him go out and stage just because of the election, because of how this could affect his legacy and i would also say part of the reason that joe biden debated is because joe biden wanted to debate until you behind closed doors, joe biden has always often says, i feel so much younger than my age. joe biden has a little bit of what i've report on his denialism about how old he isn't, how old he can come across. so i think it was probably a combination of the fact that joe biden really wanted to debate. and then the people around him were like, well, he's fine and the actual mechanics of it, we're still don't know. him are still reporting now you also have reporting this weekend. >> if there's a specific window of time during the day when president biden is fully engaged and not as engaged outside of that window. so what is that? >> absolutely. so you'll notice that the president usually if he has a public event on camera, it's usually between the hours of ten and four, and that's not an accident. it's usually those times when he has less gaps, when he's less prone to misspeaking when he doesn't stutter as much you'll notice that whenever he's traveling abroad or whenever he's having a really late rally or even a really late fundraiser, just even going through the white house transcripts, you can see that they have to correct his words a lot and he can meander. i think of one particular fundraiser just last september in new york when joe biden he did the charlottesville story that he's often told about deciding to run he basically told the same story word for word, just a few minutes apart, and then just set a recent rally in detroit, it was a late sunday night, the white house office, transcription office had to correct the presence on words nine times and so basically what aides have told me is that he is just like he is solid between the hours of ten to four, but he often makes more mistakes. he can ramble be beyond those hours and there's a reason why he doesn't have many public events before ten has reasoning isn't have many public events on camera after four, and it's for that reason the limitations of his age and how the white house is adapted around them and our thanks there for that entry from alison camerota. >> meantime, in the coming hours, the u.s. supreme court is set to decide whether a former u.s. president donald trump has presidential immunity. now, trump has claimed sweeping immunity on his federal 2020 election subversion case. cnn's jeremy herb now brings us up today the supreme court is heading into its final day of decisions on monday, where the justices will rule on a case with significant implications for 2024 election whether donald trump can face trial on election subversion charges. >> the justices are set to issue their ruling on trump's claims of absolute immunity from prosecution. a decision that trump is not fully immune from prosecution could clear the way for the former president and to stand trial this fall. but the decision could also lead to another round of litigation and appeals that would push any trial beyond the 2024 election. the case stems from special counsel jack smith's in daemon of trump last august, over his efforts to overturn the 2020 election, trump responded by claiming he was immune from prosecution because he was president. the trial judge in this case, tanya chutkan and the circuit court of appeals, both rejected trump's claims of immunity, but the supreme court chose to take up this case and they heard oral arguments in april, several the justices, including chief justice john roberts, were skeptical of the circuit court decision that fully rejected trump's immunity claims. they focus on whether there should be some immunity for a president's official duties compared to his private actions this suggests is that the justices could grant trump some degree of immunity for his official actions. but not for those actions he took that went beyond his role as president. that could pave the way for the election subversion case against trump to move forward. but how quickly any case actually goes to trial? depends on whether the justices address trump's conduct specifically in their ruling or if they only set a standard for prosecution that the lower court would then have to apply to to this case. if that happens, trump could potentially start a whole new round of appeals likely pushing any trial beyond the 2024 election in november the special counsel, asked the supreme court in december to take up this case and this appeal immediately. but the justices declined to do that. instead, letting the case work its way through the appeals process. that's what led to april's hearing and the weight now for monday is consequential supreme court decision were just coming a little over four months before the 2024 election jeremy herb, cnn, new york after the break, caribbean islands prepare for an unprecedented and extremely dangerous hurricane. we will have more on that next well my doctor gave me breaths tree for my copd. things changed for me. >> raise, treat me better breathing symptom improvement, and reduce flare-ups grass tree won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. >> it is not grazia. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it, don't take breaths, treat more than prescribed rest tree may increase your risk the thrush pneumonia and osteoporosis call your doctor if for some 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time of year meantime, several countries are under hurricane warnings and watches and authorities are urging caution and we are also tracking a tropical storm expected to move inland over eastern mexico in the coming hours. tropical storm chris was updated, updated from upgraded pardon me, from a tropical depression just hours ago the u.s. national hurricane center says the storm could bring rain totals up to 12 inches or more than 300 milliliter middle meters in parts of mexico, they warn flooding and mudslides will likely follow us officials, say several american military bases across europe are on a heightened state of alert because of concerns about a possible terrorist attack. now, one official tells cnn, they haven't seen this threat level in at least a decade. cnn's oren liebermann has morning now for us, according to two us officials, at least several us military facilities in europe have gone to an elevated threat level. what's known as force protection condition charlie, that is above and beyond the previous condition and indicates the possibility of a threat, perhaps a terrorist threat against u.s. facility's in europe. here is how the u.s. army he describes force protection condition charlie, the army says it applies when an incident occurs, or intelligence is received indicating some form of terrorist action or targeting against personnel or facilities is likely. now, we've spoken with us european command. they will not confirm that some facilities, if not all facilities have gone to force protection condition charge arleigh but they do say that they're update. there force protection measures, this steps they take to mix your service members are safe and secure as necessary based on the situation, one of the u.s officials we spoke with said they haven't seen this type of move in more than a decade. now, it's unclear at this point if this is a response to a specific tariff birthright, or more generally, the security situation across europe, we have seen countries like france and germany elevate their threat level in warned a possible terrorist attacks, paris of course, has the olympics in less than a month and then germany's currently hosting the european soccer championships ahead of those european or rather german and french officials warned of a possible threat of a terror attack and said they would bring it international police officers to help as well as to make sure the crowds are safe and secure. us embassy in paris also pointed out that france has been at its highest threat level since march and warned of the possibility of large gatherings of people being a target for an attack. that of course would include not only the olympics, but also the torta france, which is coming up. we will keep you posted as we learn more about this and see how it develops in terms of the security situation across us military facilities in europe oren liebermann, cnn at the pentagon there's much more here on cnn including more on those french parliamentary elections and how those opposed to the far right might approach the second round of voting next sunday, stay with us, max foster is in france uly 4th. cnn concert event, which performance is by keith ashanti, maybe wrexham, the killers, and many more the fourth in america, thursday, july 4 and seven eastern on cnn this summer snacking just got serious introducing new $3 footlong divers world might not be ready for them. but at $3 a pop, your wallet definitely is choose advil liquid gels for faster stronger and longer lasting relief than tylenol rapid release jailed because advil targets pain the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil, the pain away. >> hi there. i'm an add ever noticed how some ads just speak to choose binds ai driven tools to plan, execute, and measure your connected tv campaigns on premium inventory choose wisely, choose by it okay, everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition are strengthened energy sure with 27 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and 24/7 transform your future welcome to paris, where there has been a surge in support for the far-right in the first round of the french parliamentary elections, initial projections showing us the national rally has come out on top with the parties, parliamentary leader, marine le pen, saying, democracy has spoken. >> the left-wing you popular front coalition came in second while president emmanuel macron's centrist alliance is in third, the french prime minister is urging voters to prevent the far-right from winning a majority in next sunday, second round election soon as to, swap tonight's lesson is that the far-right has on the doorstep of power never before in our democracy has the national assembly risked being dominated by the far right as it was tonight? >> and so our objective is clear to prevent the national rally from having an absolute majority in the second round from dominating the national assembly, and therefore from governing the country disastrous project, you need to be off to the protections came out. we had a down into central paris. these were the scenes that we saw their processes hitting the streets, voicing their opposition to the far right. but of course, the numbers of spoken and the far-right does have a lot of support as well. i'm joined now by helen coates moray, a senator for the socialist party representing french citizens abroad. thank you so much for joining us. not a shop jiu this result but what went through your mind when the protections came through no, actually, it was a shock even though the polls predicted than had been very clear for three weeks of this snap election, it was called but no, it still remains a shock we never thoughts that we would see the extreme right. >> being so strong in france. of course, the extreme right was in power just for a short time during the second world war. and we never had it since. but what they prune is quite counter to everything i defend, you know, i'm a pro european and university less than and i believe that we need to be open to and that france be loyal to what it has always been. and i represent the french abroad. so i'm glad open to the world and not believed there our borders ought to be closed, which is something that cannot be done anyway so what happens now you've got macron and the left alliance saying because they'll, they'll typically three candidates now going into the second round from left far right, and the center what's going to be the direction of the left and the center for their candidates. >> so they pull out to block the far-right's that was what's all the leaders of the left-wing parties announced last night? >> all right. so i mean they were all very clear as to the fact that they do not want extreme right. to have an absolute majority. we know that there will be a lot of mps, but the thing is not to give them an absolute majority and then having the president, well some kind of freedom to nominate who he wants as a prime minister and not be obliged to nominate the one that will be representing the absolute majority. so there is a major difference because at the end of the day, we may have a primary mr. with not from the extreme right. >> will the candidates actually adhere to it, though i'm just thinking of an example where there's someone from the right of the centrist bloc and someone from the far left of the left block neither them deciding who who should pull out, perhaps the centrist doesn't want to allow the far left to get through the end of the day. it's going to be down to the people voting. i mean, you know he's political parties may indicate what they want as a strategy, as i've just indicated, of not having an absolute majority, but individuels will make them mind and decides that, well, they they want to they don't care or they feel that they just want to vote for the mp that will be best representing the locally. and they will make their choice like that. but those indicators are for an overall strategy if you like of not having this absolute majority, which is going to have any impact far beyond france, if it is the case. so that's why that's why the left and the center have indicated at that indeed, they will pull out their candidate not to have a an electron with three candidates, but only two with the third giving their votes to either the center, right, left, or the left it's a the left failed here. >> i know the left block has kept there vote share. they didn't go down like macron's side did but typically young people would vote for the left. and now they're voting for the right. what happened there? >> i think it's just the situation france's in at the moment. she knew that we've had a president that for seven years made a lot of promises communicated a lot, maybe a bit too much. in fact and people are now disappointed with the fact that those promises were not kept we have the yellow vest and everybody as forgot to what it was about. it was about a surge of anger as to seeing france in ob integrated poverty being prepped, prevalent now in a society that never knew it. and people new social services being degraded, hospitals that 20 years ago, france was at the top. number one or number two now, we're down in ovr number 25 or whatever. so it's it's all of that that people can feel well, they know the politician let's in charge have failed. and they want something else and he wanted to give a strong message because when i saw the figure is yesterday of people voting, i can he felt well, we yeah, they do not want the extreme right. but in fact, it's vote that, that's been constantly dated from the three weeks ago the european elections where we thought maybe it was just message. no, it's not the message. it's an actual movements which is fairly strong with people saying, well, this is what we want now, based on the promises at the extreme right, has made. so i just hope that in 23 years time when the presidential elections are coming, that if they haven't delivered, they might, they might be a massive vote against them reversal of what they have known last night alone, conway a more, i really appreciate the second analysis today. thank you for joining us on this historic moment in french politics and really you just heard from european politics as well. we'd be back in a moment an unprecedented debate as only cnn could do it with a record audience around the world. >> our country is being destroyed. >> we are the most admired country in the world for the most complete coverage through election day and beyond. hello cnn. >> hi there. >> i'm an ad. ever noticed how some ads just speak to choose binds ai driven tools to plan, execute, and measure your connected tv campaigns on premium inventory, choose wisely choose biased when the saw dust settles and the engine finally roars the thing you care about most is the job well done but when you get your tools from harbor freight, something about the job feels a little different. >> your wallet 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united states ukrainian officials say russian forces launched air attacks on the country's two largest cities, sunday military officials in kyiv say air defenses destroyed russian cruise missiles heading toward the capital. debris from one missiles struck a 14 story residential building, though, causing a fire and destroying several floors. as you can see there. russian forces launched an airstrike on the northeastern city of kharkiv officials say one person was killed and nine others were wounded, and that was including an infant boy i want to thank you for joining us. i'm paul and didn't for international viewers, world sport is up next for our viewers in the united states and canada all right, back with more cnn news after a short break shipping trucks, advanced kamer technology lets you see over under through down and any other direction you may need up to eight available cameras and 14 views you can focus on the view that really matters chevys guy chevrolet together. >> let's draw 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named john carlos, and i didn't live in that shoe box for years. with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered so you don't have to worry, i guess like at the caviar, just give me join 18 million americans and take control of your financial future with a real-time dashboard in real life conversation empower what's next. close captioning is brought to you by christian faith publishing, right? >> for a higher purpose published with us christian faith publishing is an author friendly publisher who understands it. your labor is more than just a book color scan for your free riders guide, 800 455182 27 and welcome back to our viewers in north america. >> i'm paula newton in new york, us president joe biden is facing dwindling poll numbers. is this family urges him to stay in the race. they spent time together on sunday at camp david and discuss how they could support the president. now, two of his advisers say for the family also talked about whether top biden aides should be fired former house speaker nancy pelosi, you spoke to cnn on sunday praising president biden's record. listen let us not make a judgment about a presidency on one of one debate. let's talk about what it means to people in their lives. and that's why you're not seeing much change in the polls on this the difference between joe biden and the former president is so clear, it's not about performance in terms of a debate. it's about performance in a presidency. and i want you to know that the fact is that the reaction to the lies of donald trump is something that maybe tv isn't focusing on, but people are and to have a debate where you have to spend half your time. in the gating. what he said because he has no nothing knows the truth. one side of the suit, on one side of the screen, you have integrity. the other side, you have dishonored let's take yeah. and we have definitely been pointing out the about 30 falsehoods that we heard from former president trump. but what you just did madam speaker was make the argument for joe biden's reelection in a way that he did not on thursday night isn't that a problem? >> i don't want i don't say it's a problem. it's a bad night. i see everything as an opportunity. okay. you want to contrast? but these people could do debate if you're not even telling the truth or do you want to tall what it means to you and your life when this person becomes president, this president, i don't he, he lied about january 6. this was a horrible event in our country's history. he was an its president of united i'd stays who instigated an insurrection. he tries to blame it on me. yeah, i plan my own assassination when he was sitting on his button, the white house, not sending the national guard and lying about it on the show. and people people are are well-meaning, they i had one of your reporters say, did he really send the national guard know if they don't want even know then how can we make a judgment about how other people evaluate a presentation? so this is a dangerous person as opposed to a person who again saved our country from covid the first bill we pass shots in the arms, money and packet people own jobs, children at school. this president with his denial and delay cause people to die former speaker nancy pelosi there now, later today, the u.s supreme court is set to decide whether a former u.s. president, donald trump has presidential immunity he's accused of trying to overturn the 2020 election, including his actions on january 6, the court's decision could impact other criminal cases against the former president. now, trump argued that without immunity, presidents would be hamstrung in office and worried about facing charges after leaving the white house. and appeals court ruled earlier this year that trump is not entitled to any protection former trump adviser. meantime, steve bannon is set to report to a federal prison in connecticut in the coming hours and it comes after the supreme court rejected his bid to avoid prison while he appeals is contempt of congress conviction. cnn's polo sandoval explains steve bannon, the conservative podcast host. and at one point as strategies to donald trump ordered to report to a connecticut prison on monday, set to begin his four month prison term. this coming on the heels of a failed appeal at the prim court, basically a latch last-ditch effort to avoid prison time on the part of bannon. he refused to testify as part of a congressional investigation into the january 6 attack and efforts to overturn the 2020 election. so as a result, bannon was convicted of contempt of congress almost two years ago over the weekend, we heard from a prison consultant, justin paper neon, cnn, the former federal inmate, offering some words of advice to bannon. bannon recently and some interviews on other outlets still seeming to be quick defiant. it's going to come down to his routine. how we address, adjust and more importantly he's got to avoid problems ban and does frequently said no prison or jail can shut him up. he has to understand how prison staff can view a statement like that as he pursues his activities, probably 24 hours a day like many other members of the previous trump administration ban and has remained a very loyal supporter to donald trump and certainly supporting trump's reelection bid his argument during the proceedings initially where that he was not wilfully ignoring the house committee subpoena instead, just relying on advice from his attorneys, the department of justice, however, prosecuted the case against ban in response saying that he responded to the subpoena, quote, with total noncompliance. ben and head. so prison just months after peter navarro made history, becoming the first former member of the trump white house to be prison for contempt of congress. he also recently began a four-month prison sentence of zone after reporting to a prison in miami. polo sandoval, cnn clark officials in barbados say hundreds of people have taken two hurricane shelters as they wait for hurricane beryl to hit the island, the category four storm has raised alarms right across the region, bringing heavy rains, destructive winds, and the threat of flooding where l is expected to sweep through the islands in the coming hours and continue moving west towards puerto rico in jamaica later this week. >> now experts warn hurricane beryl could be just a taste of this year's atlantic hurricane season. cnn meteorologist chad myers explains a dangers of rapid intensification along with what to expect in the coming months we know is going to be rough, but i want to expect it all the house flooded. >> it just started going deeper during deeper and by time we were walking out, we were mid thigh those who have lived through hurricane that has undergone rapid intensification are often shocked by its speed and strength. >> rapid intensification is when a storm's maximum sustained wind speed increases by 35 miles per hour in 24 hours or less. and it could be a significant part of the 2024 hurricane season with both record warm ocean temperatures and a developing lead nemea, it means essentially that one day you can look at a storm. it could be a tropical storm, maybe a category one hurricane when you wake up the next morning and it's up to category four five for the strongest hurricanes that have ever hit the united states, the high-end category four is a category five, were all tropical storms or less three days before landfall. one example of dramatic rapid attack and suffocation, hurricane ian in 2022, which took more than 100 lives across florida and the southeast i've been here since 1965, and this is the worst hurricane that i've ever been through. i was working at midnight shift when i got on shift, it was a category 12 hurricane by the end of the shift, we have at the aircraft in there and it had exploded up to category four. >> there's gonna be some huge waves with this. i was working in the morning shift that de clearly saw the storm intensify overnight. i also warned of a slightly shifting track to the right of the center of that cone. a time to evacuate was quickly closing and i knew this was going to be bad when we tell people don't just check the forecast on one day and wait a whole nother 24 hours to check it again, you really do have to stay up to date when you live in a hurricane prone area 2024 has the potential to be a devastating hurricane season. >> noah has issued and above-normal atlantic hurricane forecast with up to 25 named storms, eight to 13 potential hurricanes and four to seven of those becoming major hurricanes. >> thanks. chad myers, they're now, the u.s. state of new mexico is facing a unique severe weather situation. both flash flooding and wildfires are wreaking havoc on the mountain village of ruidoso. and they're not enough to cancel each other out officials issued an immediate evacuation order due to flooding sunday, though it's unclear how many people have been impacted by that order. meantime, firefighters are trying to put out at least two deadly wildfires in the area, burn scars from these fires may be partly to blame for the extreme flooding in the floodwaters have created mudslides in the area, making firefighters jobs even harder carter and we certainly hope for some respite their new mexico soon. u.s. gymnast simone biles, those, booked her ticket to the paris olympics after a major win at the olympic gymnastics trials, she's now the fourth american woman to compete in three olympic games. biles place first and the all-around competition on sunday, leading hurt competitors by more than five points. now, it guarantees the reigning world champion and the most decorated gymnast ever an automatic spot on the u.s team. and we congratulate her as the saying goes, if your friends jumped off a cliff, would you well, what if it were part of the red bull cliff diving world series? yeah, you'd need some red voltage above that the competition has divers free falling from his is 27 meters. my stomach hurts. this is video from the third leg of the series held on italy's adriatic coast on sunday. the series moves on to northern ireland, causeway coast on july 20 will smith returned to his music roots at the bet awards on sunday debuting his new gospel inspired song you got it. right? when you get to win to hadi you saw a window width so at those bet awards, you can make it as you hear him sing it. >> there is the oscar winning actors first solo material in more than five years teeing up his first major music release in nearly two decades. the performance comes just months after smith's surprise, coachella appearance i want to thank you for joining us. you're on cnn. i'm paula paula newton. see it newsroom continues at the top of the hour with my friend and colleague rosemary church in atlanta and with max foster in paris next sunday, dr. sanjay gupta reports on hold for the devastating effects of alzheimer's reversing, something that seems so preordained. >> it sounds extraordinary. dr. sanjay gupta reports the last alzheimer's patient next sunday at eight on cnn. this summer lacking, just got serious introducing new $3 footlong divers world might not be ready for them, but at $3 a pop your wallet definitely is cities, industry leading global payments solutions help their clients move money around the world seamlessly in over 180 countries, and help a partner like the world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need together, city in the world food programme empower families across the globe phi there i'm an add ever noticed how some ads just speak to choose violence, ai driven tools to plan, execute, and measure your connected tv campaigns on premium inventory choose wisely, choose by it well done viv, you got the presence, the balloons, and the raptor cake now how about something to put a smile on your face has been dental provides complete, affordable care with dentists in labs in one 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