sexual harassment. the media is fine with the border crisis because trump is gone. there is no crisis. and it's their team at the controls which means no one is at the controls. before you break the rules, you need to understand and value feeding your should admit the importance of a border before you decide to ignore it but you can't get the dems to admit a process is necessary before they dump all over it. this isn't a bug in the system. it is the system. those calling for student loan forgiveness indoor for paying one's debts is vital to social relations. those calling for defunding the police. fail to recall how. mathematics helped us build bridges and towers and tunnels for thousands of years but now it's racist. i could keep going. saying shelter a proven historical good is preferable to homelessness is an attack on the rights of those who wish to freeze the debt. a billion years of reproduction can be brushed off, deciding ann in proportionate blink of an eye that genders are fluid. you see, this white house is hobbled by a grade of faulty thinking. to accept their path forward you must to pretend you were never on the right path before. it's an agonist for the sake of change. when you point to the age-old lessons that prevented much unnecessary strife, who are you then? a neanderthal. proudly. i think i should retire right now. pola piers morgan and leave. that monologue was the best work i've ever done. >> dana: it was right up there. right up there. >> greg: donna, do you agree? it was beautiful. he was a work of art. >> donna: i don't know if you qualify for an oscar and emmy but maybe this week and at the grammys you can sing that. it's not a hit worth remembering. >> greg: i want to throw to all of you, jen psaki jen psaki explain how labeling such crisis doesn't help the challenge. >> at this point is this a crisis of the border? >> i don't think we need to put new labels on what we've already conveyed. it's challenging. >> huge uptick in the number of migrants. thousands of children. if it doesn't qualify as a crisis, what does? >> it's most important to explain the substantive policy what's happening, with the root causes arm why these kids are coming and why, what we are doing to try to solve this is very challenging circumstances the border. >> greg: jesse, may be a year or two ago nobody really cared about the root causes. when trump was in charge. which was that he was tearing children from parents. >> jesse: that was the mainstream media asking permission to call it a crisis in the news articles. they haven't been given permission yet. still waiting on that ability to call it a crisis. gran, i think i speak for the american people and the american people are very uncomfortable with what's happening down at the border. you cannot have drug cartels foisting wave after wave of people that we don't even know who they are into this country. if you look at the video that wasn't really telling the truth. what it mostly is our adult males and unaccompanied teen males. they are coming in. the biden administration is not testing them for covid. they're letting the states test them. what they are doing. if they test positive are not tested all they put them on a bus and they send them both into the heartland. right now you have a situation where biden says he's managing it. no. that's false. he's mismanaging it. trump manage it by cutting deals, ending catch and release. if i did away with that. even the associated press says biden has no plan of the migrants feel like they're being welcomed in. it is like joe moved into a rough neighborhood, moved in and got rid of the fence, the security dog, the alarm system and put out a welcome mat. open the door and said i'm having a housewarming party. don't be surprised if the entire neighborhood shows up. they are not going to leave when you want them to leave. right now you have a situation where in my opinion he either didn't know that opening the borders was going to cause a crisis or he did. he's either devious or incompetent. both are disqualifying. we haven't hit peak migration season. we are having about 100,000 get caught crossing last month. that's the highest is spending 15 years. we are not even really there yet. right now he has to make a decision. is he going to try to stop the flow or is he going to absorb the flow? right now all he's doing is absorbing the flow and the american people are not going to stand for it. >> greg: donna, how do you respond? >> donna: i'm going to explain what i believe is the truth and not respond to jesse. on one hand, it's a cyclical problem. 2014, the obama administration was criticized. we have had problems of the border for a long time. over 20,000 people in the so-called migration protocols. i believe that we need more than just a short-term solution. this is a bigger problem. biden has not, president biden has not put a welcome sign at the border. what's happening now is that the smugglers understand that this is a prime opportunity to try to sneak in when they know somebody may not be working. people are working. more border patrol agents are being called in. a female called in to help with covid testing. so it's a all hands on deck approach but it's something that should worry them. he comes around every year at this time. >> greg: i believe you need order to have changed and i feel like the democrats are resisting order or process because for some reason it's always associated with republicans. we don't like what they did before. we throw the baby out with the bathwater, a phrase i just coined. >> dana: you know what happens when you throw the baby out with the bathwater? >> greg: no baby. >> dana: exactly. i have described the need for the security issue. the hierarchy of needs. >> greg: third time this week. >> dana: i learned from the best. you need the basic security in order for you to do the other stuff. comprehensive immigration reform. if they want to do something like a temporary worker program or they want to expand asylum. you're not going to be able to do it until you deal with the security issue. when it comes to the questions they are getting it's not just from one angle. now actually i would say someone like peter doocy, they are following his lead and now they're asking is it a crisis now? what about now? the facts in the figures shows there's three times as many people coming across in one month than before, that to me shows that you have a problem. i imagine what's happening inside the white house and the administration there are some people saying we have a communications problem with the border. i would imagine communications people are saying no, we don't. we have a fact problem with the border. at some point they are going to have to decide to pivot, take it on and it's going to be something akin -- i'm not trying to compare to the war. but when the bush administration put forward the surge, it was a whole different posture. from a security standpoint, communication standpoint. it was a different thing altogether. because it's cyclical, as donna was saying, it is. we know it's worse than before. there is a cause and effect problem. that's the communications problem. there fact problem was something else. deal with the facts, communications will get easier. >> greg: it's like they didn't think about a solution. they intensified the border crossings. what task is there. do you let them stay? do you put them in buses and send them back? they didn't think it through. >> dagen: jen psaki today, the plan is to let them in. the plan is for open borders. let people loose. catch and release. to donna's point, this isn't something cyclical. we are on pace right now in terms of the number of migrant children crossing the border to exceed the all-time high by 45%. this is something new. greg, remember the line repeated over and over again. smugly by the big media. the grown-ups are in charge now. well, adults in the age of only have taken a situation at the border that was working at in better condition than it's been years and created in less than seven weeks an unmitigated disaster. that's grown-ups. jesse is in touch with the american people. i am in touch with hollywood. i watch a lot of tv and a lot of movies. i want to hear from the celebrities who talked about kids in cages over and over. i want to hear some compassion for the children at the border. we don't know what the day-to-day life is like of these kids. is it safe, sanitary? are they okay? the woman who saying tweeted after the election my son hugged me and said mommy, no more kids in cages. tears of joy and tears of sadness. where are the tears for these kids being brought here by drug cartels. debra messing, mia farrow, bette midler, what do you have to say? >> greg: it's a new president so they don't need to say anything. coming up, california governor gavin newsom on the verge of being recalled and socialist bernie sanders is rushing to his defense. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ riders, the lone wolves of the great highway. ♪♪ all they need is a bike and a full tank of gas. their only friend? the open road. i have friends. 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gavin newsom or andy cuomo? they are both going down. they are in charge of 60, 70 million people. if only we could learn something from that. i like gavin because he blames himself for carrying too much. if only he didn't try so hard to save lives he wouldn't be on this cross wearing a crown of hair gel. it isn't texas. it's california. a state that is bluer than the cookie monster. the dems have to do a lot to get recalled. to the teacher's point, what if firefighters or nurses or police officers with the people preparing and getting your food to the supermarkets did this? there is a dual message going on with these teachers by not returning. that they aren't essential. everybody else that i just mentioned are essential and maybe they should all be fired. >> jesse: i have a confession to make. earlier in the year i predicted gavin newsom would be the nominee for the democrats. i think that's totally out the window. >> dana: it wasn't a bad guess. it wasn't a bad guess. but i don't think so. he might have a better chance of winning nationally with the democrats that he doesn't california. the issue for him in california's not so much that you have right wing republicans mad about it. that's not the case. i don't know bernie sanders has seen any of the articles. we would be happy to forward them to his office. it's been a very bipartisan group. nonpartisan. it's mostly been small business owners especially restaurant owners. business owners like my friend who runs a pilates studio. they have been shut down this whole time even though it doesn't make any sense. if you wanted to do class outside, not allowed. that's where that's all coming from. i don't know if you will get recalled. i don't think that his future in california is that great. nationally he could maybe do a little better. >> jesse: california is well-positioned to survive covid. beautiful weather. as dana said they can hold classes outside. outside dining. but for some reason they close to skate parks and then gavin newsom got caught eating inside a very expensive restaurant. it's like they did everything wrong. >> dagen: they didn't follow the signs. schools should a been open last year. schools were open in florida starting the fall. outdoor dining should've been open. the movie company could serve the film workers outdoors but the restaurant owner was literally crying in front of a camera because you couldn't remain open. to greg's point, i guess gavin newsom could just run on the slogan, at least i ain't cuomo. on behalf of my family members who had to move to california at the beginning of the pandemic in the spring, on behalf of all of the business owners, restaurant owners and parents because you have a governor who won't stand up to the teachers unions, to gavin newsom. please play on sand and guzzle mud and let me make an obscene hand gesture to you below the camera. >> greg: i saw it. >> dana: i sighed. >> donna: lord have mercy. >> jesse: the situation in new york with komal, the recall in california, does that hurt biden at all? or does he rise above it. is he going to be helping newsom survive the recall? >> donna: we started putting together a list of men behaving badly and then say all men are bad, we wouldn't have much fun. no. gavin newsom is going to give the most important speech of his life tonight and that is he is going to beg the people of california for patience to allow him to get it right. to outline reopening of the state safely and securely. he has a very important mission tonight when he gives his speech at dodger stadium. he wants to get everyone back to work and back in the classroom. if he fails to do that he will have to face the voters in the recall. i have confidence that gavin will rise to the occasion. >> jesse: okay. not really sure what you said about men behaving. we will figure that out. >> donna: honey, i mean. you understand? >> jesse: i don't know. i don't understand a lot. >> harris: boys will be boys. >> jesse: all right, if that's the message from democrats, let's have at it. the press is more focused on joe biden's dog. not everybody wants the same thing. that's why i go with liberty mutual — they customize my car insurance so i only pay for what i need. 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