[shouting] >> dana: angry protests leading to violent confrontations in los angeles on a screen of uncensored video showing the atrocities committed by hamas against israel. >> bill: new hour, right? i'm bill hemmer. yesterday's screening organized by wonder woman actress gal, gadot. it took place at the heavily guarded museum of tolerance. fighting broke out. the hard to watch video runs 47 minutes we're told. it was compiled by raw footage of the deadly attack on october 7th shot by hamas terrorists showing the murder and kidnapping and dead bodies in israel. >> dana: christina coleman has more on this story from los angeles. good morning. >> good morning, dana. a private screening of graphic footage from hamas's attack on israel called bearing witness to the october 7th massacre sparked fighting outside of the museum of tolerance last night. a witness captured video of the violent incident saying some israel supporters were pepper sprayed in a clash between pro-israel and pro-palestinian demonstrators near the museum. inside of the building an audience of more than 150 people including hollywood executives took part in the private screening of the attack video. the footage was compiled by the israel defense forces sojourn allists and public figures to view it and counter the misinformation being spread by some regarding the attacks. mayor bass responded to the fight. we cannot allow worldwide tension to devolve into this unacceptable violence in our city. this is a time of immense pain and distress for thousands of people in los angeles. we must stand together. wonder woman star, born in israel and served two years as a soldier in the idf has drawn swift criticism by pro-palestinian supporters for organizing the screening of the hamas attack and support for israel. she is not backing down. yesterday she posted a video of broadway performers singing bring them home with the caption over 240 hostages including 30 children are still being held captive by hamas. this is a prayer from broadway to bring them home. as for the fight outside of the museum last night lapd has not said if any arrests were made. dana. >> dana: keep us posted. thank you. >> bill: in the meantime you have israel battering gaza with drone strikes and troops on the ground. idf saying it destroyed 130 hamas tunnels and killed the terror groups top weapons maker and also learning that israeli forces are conducting a raid in the west bank. that is ongoing. trey yengst, southern israel for the latest on all of this now. >> good morning. i want to start with the breaking news out of the west bank city. today israelis launched a large scale raid into the refugee camp at the heart of this city. the purpose of this raid was to destroy militant cells inside the west bank city. we also understand according to the israelis they conducted a drone strike against a cell of militants outside of the city limits. here along the southern front israeli forces continue to push deeper into the gaza strip. i want to step out of the frame and show you what the border looks like as the sun just set. israeli infantry troops continue to destroy and operate in certain areas. a number of explosions along the border as israelis targeted the tunnel network of hamas. we know they are facilitating the evacuation of thousands of palestinian civilians from gaza city and also going after hamas leadership. they eliminated the head of hamas's missile array. this was used in a variety of attacks, these anti-tank guides missiles are targeting communities but israelis are expected to continue operations trying to push deeper into gaza city ultimately trying to get to the hospital that is said according to the israelis to be the headquarters for hamas. >> bill: thank you, southern israel. morehead lines as we get them. thank you. it's almost nightfall. show you on the map around 6:00 east coast time yesterday we hit a shed or equipment area or storage facility on the eastern edge of syria in the desert. the reason we did that is because of continued strikes on bases in eastern syria and throughout iraq. the attack on the forces back on the 19th of october not too long ago, 2 1/2, 3 weeks, a couple here and there. you can watch on the map here the number of red dots we'll show you how these attacks have increased in their number and then as of i guess it was late yesterday, there are at least 42 attacks on our military bases throughout this region. no fatalities reported. injuries from been reported and that was the reason why this response happened. you can ask yourself whether or not it's enough. das iran listen to this? it's ripe for debate as well. another thing to update you on here. as you look at the region here, remember the amount of control and influence that iran had on so many aspects of the middle east. we talk about the west bank, lebanon and hezbollah, we talk about hamas in gaza. we don't talk a lot about yemen. the houthi rebels are backed by iran fighting a war with the government of yemen and the saudis are fighting back against them. over the past two weeks the houthi rebels according to military intelligence have been firing long-range rockets trying to reach israel. many of these rockets have been knocked out of the sky by the united states navy in the red sea along this waterway here. others are taken out by the saudi arabian government. very interesting developments. as you examine this now and think about yemen and what they did yesterday, this is called a reaper drone. an awesome piece of military equipment and surveillance equipment. it can be armed and flies at 25,000 feet. yesterday the houthi rebels claim they knocked one of our drones out of the sky and released this video. show it up here, jimmie, up to the left there. the houthi military media put out this image now of what they claim is their rocket hitting our reaper drone. so you have to ask yourself after the hit in syria because of iran whether or not this escalates also. keep an eye on it. those drones with expensive. $32 million each and very good pieces of military equipment. for more let's go across the room to dana. >> dana: we want to bring in a former foreign policy advisor to the bush administration and the co-author of the genius of israel getting great reviews. you know a lot about the region and players. an unnamed senior military official said what we blew up inside were bad things. could have been rockets, drones, artillery shells. what is being used against our forces in the region. your take on all this. >> look, from the moment october 7th happened it was clear to everyone, including the biden administration, even though they don't want to say it publicly. they said some things between the lines. the source of all this is iran. iran is behind hamas, iran funds and arms hezbollah, iran funds and arms the houthi rebels. you can go palestinians islamic jihad. group after group after group. the u.s. has a greater presence militarily in the middle east more than it did in the obama,/and biden administrations up until know. a growing recognition all military assets there, u.s. military assets will be under attack and that the u.s. has to stay on offense here a little bit. maybe not as much as i would like but they are doing something with the recognition that iran is at the source of all this. >> bill: interesting developments from overnight. "new york times" had this interview with a spokesperson for hamas who lives in qatar. the point he was trying to make is we did this because we wanted to make sure that the palestinian cause was still kept out there. we can debate whether or not that was being lost in this eventual peace deal between the saudis and israel. but mike pompeo was with us last hour. there is a lot of talk between these groups about getting a cease-fire. if you do it maybe some of these hostages come out or you get aid in there. this is how pompeo talked about it. >> if it's the case that redirecting fires for a few hours or a short pause in the attacks would actually deliver some of these men and women back to their families, but a three day pause with no promise of what you'll get from these guys who will lie to your face would play into their playbook. >> bill: that's the point. remember who you are dealing with. >> and why they want it. why does hamas want a cease-fire, a pause so badly? the israeli ground incursion is working. it is affective and exceeding the expectations of even the israelis. senior folks i've spoken to both in the military and civilian sides of the israeli government are cautiously -- let me underscore that three times cautiously. all military operations are fragile until we're over even when going well. they're cautiously optimistic that the 20 days or so before israel went on the ground. the work they did from the air taking out a lot of traps set up for israel and a lot of the infrastructure has candidated the battlefield for israel to start moving and getting closer. the early report on the ground getting israel closer to the center into gaza city. so of course hamas wants a break in the action. hamas needs breathing room because the israeli military operation is working. when you think about what according to the reports what hamas is offering. they say 12 to 15 hostages. that's not even half of the children there. it's this speculative, abstract maybe 12 to 15. we're not privy to the details of those negotiations. it seems to me hamas is desperate to throw something out to get fighting to stop and a number of the leaders in the israeli government is if keep going militarily their offers will grow. instead of 12 or 15 it could be all the children. >> bill: squeeze them. >> dana: that's the perspective. >> bill: nice to see you. in a moment republicans facing head winds on the road to 2024 as they try to figure out an effective message on abortion. this could play large next november. why democrats see a winning issue despite dismal polling on other issues like the economy. >> dana: a violent felon accused of murdering a mom in front of her sons is on the run after being released on bond. >> whoever let him slip through the cracks need to be held accountable. my daughter is gone. i can never get her back. 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(♪) >> bill: we now have a third republican debate last night highlighting the division between the hopefuls. with the economy and foreign policy taking center stage. a lot of the stuff was drowned out by some personal attacks, shall we say, the bariage back and forth. donald trump wasn't there either and bryan llenas was live in florida to bring us the fallout. nice to see you. >> good morning. former ambassador nikki haley and florida governor ron desantis didn't spend a ton of time talking about the frontrunner former president trump but aggressively attacked and more aggressively than they did at other debates. >> donald trump is a lot different guy than he was in 2016. he should explain why he didn't drain the swamp and he said republicans were going to get tired of winning. we saw last night i'm sick of republicans losing. >> i think he with as the right president at the right time. i don't think he is the right president now. i think that he put us $8 trillion in debt and our kids will never forgive us for that. >> trump held a rally some ten miles away from the debate stage where he took his own shots at haley and primarily at florida's governor. >> unlike ron desantis i will always protect social security and medicare. he wanted to do bad things to it for our great senior citizens. everyone said he did well. he did well because i endorsed him. >> back on the debate stage desantis and haley the top candidates to be the alternate choice to trump, they attacked one another on the issue of china. >> we will go an end all formal trade relations with china until they stop murdering americans from fentanyl. something ron has yet to say he will do. >> ambassador haley said somehow i wasn't doing. she welcomed them into south carolina, gave them land near a military base, wrote the chinese ambassador a love letter saying what a great friend they were. >> trump called the debate unwatchable. campaign says he won't be participating in the fourth debate until he is. >> bill: nice to see you in miami. >> dana: the abortion issue back in the spotlight at last night's republican debate one day after the gop suffered losses in key contests across the country. the party struggling to nail now its messaging on the issue as the democrats make it the cornerstone of their 2024 campaign. a former chief of staff under the obama administration. you are the ceo of your group and enjoy having you on the show. "the new york times" poll comes out on sunday and shows biden losing to trump in five of the six swing states. then you have tuesdays elections where democrats do better than republicans would have liked certainly. and then you have nate cohen of the "new york times" saying tuesday was great for democrats but doesn't change the outlook for 2024. what say you? >> look, i think what you are seeing ever since president trump got elected in 2016 is republicans losing at local levels because of some of these positions. dana, i think you hit the right words. republicans keep thinking they can message their way out of this abortion problem. youngkin said a 15 week ban. state after state, red states like kentucky and ohio they keep trying this thing and it really is just being rejected repeatedly over and over by voters who just keep saying look, stop taking away our freedoms. don't try to message us on this. we don't want you to go after our abortion rights. and they can message whatever they want. they keep losing elections every time they try it. >> dana: i was thinking back to 2022 mid-terms and you were on our show the next day and they had done well on a couple abortion issues, democrats had, and i said do you think there will be abortion referendums in swing states in 2024 and i recall you saying if i have anything to say about it, yes. it looks like that's going to be the case in several places, possibly nevada, arizona, even florida. so can you game out for me the democrats' strategy in those swing states in 2024? >> absolutely, dana. it is imperative the party for people who want freedom here to take these ballot initiatives to the state. what the dobbs decision did was say it's up to the states. it is very reasonable in state after state, red states like kansas and kentucky and blue states like the midwest blue wall in places like nevada and arizona that will be highly contested, you will see ballot initiatives. the problem for the modern republican party is how to message that when it's absolutely going to pass, yet their nominee for president is against all of it and wants to go even more draconian. that's the challenge that the republicans will have with donald trump as their nominee. >> dana: earlier this week you tweeted what if the democratic brand and joe biden have policies people actually like and the way people voted last night is a reflection of both those things? then how does that square with "the new york times" poll showing president biden's numbers so dismal? >> it's a great question. look, just a little history is important. you and i remember this. at this exact same time barack obama trailed mitt romney in every battleground state. george bush, the president you worked for trailed john kerry. bill clinton trailed bob dole. incumbents the end to start out slow. they own the economy, they own other things. but in the end in election years they become choices and why the issue stuff is so important. it is why abortion will be such an important issue in the presidential election as well. eventually after the republicans go through this primary they will have donald trump as their nominee and then we get a real choice between the two candidates and why i wasn't worried about the polls for obama at this time and not worried about them for joe biden. >> dana: do you disagree with david axelrod joe biden needs to think about whether he is the best nominee for the democrats? >> 1,000%. we have had an election where biden beat donald trump and we shouldn't risk it by having a 25-way primary and not sure who would come out of the primary. >> dana: you bring up bob dole. i had a dole camp t-shirt. i still have it, i think. i keep my history around. thanks so much. >> bill: so it is considered the most dangerous place on the southern border. heavily armed cartels fight for control that put law enforcement to the test. their challenges on our own soil. whimper form vital roles in the israeli military every day. a brave combat medic is risking her life in the war against hamas to save her fellow soldiers and she has quite a story to tell and will. >> i want to say to all the women in the world, if we can do it. that we are able and smart and beautiful. be safe and pray for us. ♪ ♪ we're building a better postal service. for more on-time deliveries. and easier, affordable ways to ship. so you can deliver even more holiday joy. the united states postal service. delivering for america. ♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don't...you don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪ hello! hello is friendly... hello is open... it's welcoming... everything we want to be when helping people find a medicare plan during the annual enrollment period. so, say hello... to hellomedicare, a one-stop shop for medicare plans, including a range of “all-in-one” medicare advantage plans... from the names you know. learn, compare, even enroll—all in one place. no matter where you are in your search—whether you're just starting out, or already have a good idea of what you want— give us a call. our hellomedicare licensed insurance agents are here to make things easy and help guide you to a plan that fits your needs. because w