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donald trump clearly engaged in insurrection to overturn the 2020 loss. even that does not bar him from running in this state. we will try to make sense of this stunning ruling in just a moment. we are also live on the ground in israel as the onslaught against gaza continues, differing accounts of what is going on at al-shifa hospital. we are monitoring a news conference from israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, and we will have the very latest in a moment on that. nbc news exclusive reveals two very different messages, the president is sending out to people who write to him. depending on where they stand on the israel-hamas war. plus, fear and failure for elon musk today. he is facing a backlash over his own antisemitic tweet on x. backlash that now includes the white house and some top advertisers. latest spacex launch coming up in flames today in texas. very latest, much more on both of those mosques stories ahead. we want to begin with a stunning and landmark decision in colorado by judge sarah b. wallace, ruling that although trump did engage in an insurrection on january 6th, the disqualification clause of section three of the 14th amendment that would have kept him off the ballot does not apply to him in this case. judge wallace wrote this, the court concludes that trump incited an insurrection on january 6th, 2021 and therefore engaged in insurrection within the meaning of section three of the 14th amendment. she goes on to say this, for section three of the 14th amendment to apply to trump in this court, they must find that both the presidency is an office, quote unquote, under the united states, and that trump took an oath as an officer of the united states. to support the constitution of the united states. part of the court's decision, as she goes on, is its reluctance to embrace an interpretation which would quiz qualify a presidential candidate without a clear, unmistakable indication that such is the intent of section three. here is colorado secretary of state janet griswold's reaction on velshi earlier today. >> the idea that any official who would engage in insurrection would be barred from taking office except the president -- except the presidency, that is incredibly surprising. it means the presidency is a get out of jail free card for insurrection. as someone who cares deeply about the state of our democracy, i find that very troubling. >> joining me now, former u.s. attorney and former deputy assistant attorney, general harry litman, to talk more about this. this is actually the first ruling, essentially, stating he engaged in insurrection. judge luttig was on air earlier today, essentially said of course he was an officer of the united states under the constitution. what is your reaction to this ruling? what does the judge have to say about it? >> the headline clearly is, the part you're saying, having engaged in insurrection, no other court had done that. if you think about, it is a step on the road, if we get to the end of the road, that had to happen. this is what trial courts do. she held a one-week-long trial. she considered evidence from both sides. if this issue we're in a higher court, they might opine on what it means to have an insurrection, what it means to engage in. they could not make the ultimate finding that now has been made. it now goes on to the court of repeal. it is true that, as the end, she blinked and said this officer issue, it was not as i understood the colorado secretary of state's disappointment, but it is a very close textual reading. it's probably a week one, but it's not crazy. the bigger point is this, a court of appeal can easily say we agree with everything she said, but we disagree with this final interpretation of what it means to be an officer. you can see it here, it is not listed on the other hand, could the framers really have meant that if jefferson davis wanted to become president of the united states and -- in 1870, he could have? that would be the argument. and it's an argument that had to happen in order for this to go and succeed. the final point here, jasmine, only the u.s. supreme court, the only way this supreme court eventual e embraces it. you can't have trump off the ballot in colorado and on everywhere else. so if the court above this now says we agree with her, and we defer to her findings, but we disagree and reversed on this very -- it's a sleeper issue. the plaintive spent a third of a page of 100-page brief on it. if they now reverse, now it is set up to go to the u.s. supreme court. and again, unless something like this had happened, all hundred pages of it, we would not have been even out of the gate on this issue. now we are out of the gate on this issue. >> so you're saying this could go to the u.s. supreme court? judge luttig saying he doesn't think the colorado state supreme court will overturn the judges decision here. what is your take on that? >> i think he says it will. on this little legal issue. i think he thinks that the higher court will take up everything she said, okay, this is all right on insurrection, okay on engaged, most importantly we defer to all of the facts here, trump's intent, et cetera, and then judge luttig is saying that small point at the end is -- he thinks it's ludicrous. i wouldn't go that far, but if the colorado supreme court agrees with him he thinks that they will reverse that part. that means reverse the bottom line, jasmine. and actually hold that he has disqualified. it would be at that point that the supreme court would have to jump in and luttig said from the start, the only way this succeeds and runs the full course is if it goes to the u.s. supreme court. without it, an opinion like this, the supreme would obviously have said we can't go in on the facts. now they can defer to this on the facts. >> harriet, just talk about the significance of the ruling that in fact a former president of the united states engaged in a insurrection, what does that mean legally for donald trump going forward? >> it could mean legally that he is out if only a higher court finds that he in fact was an officer of the united states under the meaning. it was by far the more important issue. she comes to a legal judgment of what an insurrection is, court of appeals might not agree with, it the supreme court, she gets involved in a way that the supreme court might say, as every other court has so far, this is not for us. but this is the necessary and real seismic ruling. yes, he engaged -- his first amendment claim is wrong. in an insurrection. this is 95% of what an opinion disqualifying him would look like -- -- . the extra 5% is something that a higher court could do, where is they couldn't do the part that she has now done. they could not adjudicate it. it is really big in ways that mainly go against trump. >> harry litman for us, thank, you harry, we appreciate you. >> in israel, benjamin netanyahu and other israeli officials have just kicked off a press conference. you could see benny gets there. israel says the military is expanding operational activities in additional neighborhoods. amidst those questions about who really ordered the evacuation of al-shifa hospital in northern gaza, i want to bring in nbc news correspondent, jay gray, to talk more about all of that. during this press conference happening live here in israel, just see what comes out of it, but if you will, jay, walk us through much of the developing that has happened over the last 24 hours? what can you tell us also about this controversy over al-shifa hospital, what are we learning? >> yasmin, you are absolutely right. yasmin, youa lot is unfolding w here. the initial comments from prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, much of what we have heard in the past from netanyahu, talking about the dedication of his soldiers, the fact that they are winning and that they will continue this war until they have an ultimate victory. he said their goal is to rescue the hostages and to eliminate hamas. he used the word annihilate hamas. he will not -- he will make sure that hamas is not a threat again. we also heard from the idf that they are now officially, in what they say, is the next stage of this war. as you talked about, they are moving, moving to the east, moving to the south as well. we have really seen the footprints start to expand. some of the fighting in those dense, heavily populated neighborhoods still in the north as they continue to move forward. we have seen airstrikes today to the south. we've also seen school facilities that were hit. hamas is saying that dozens were killed in that strike. the idf, to this, point has not commented on that situation it'll. it is clear that this war is shifting a bit and moving as we have talked about. when it comes to al-shifa, the hospital, we have seen over the last 24 hours hundreds of people leaving the facility. doctors there say that that is on the order of troops on the ground, that israeli soldiers have told them that they have got to leave. the idf has countered saying that it's not the case, they said they continue to bring aid into the hospital. medicine, food, incubators for some of the babies. they say they have not told anyone to leave their. they are still on the ground, they are still going through that hospital with special forces. they found ammunition, they found weapons, they found technical infrastructure, they found tunnels. what they have not located to this point is any command and control center. the u.s. intelligence, along with the israeli intelligence, has said it is their. what the idf is saying is just going to take, yasmin, some time to find all of that. >> jay gray for us. we will continue to monitor the press conference on the ground with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. we will bring you news as we get it. thank you, jay, we appreciate. it sticking to israel, but really the political messaging happening in the united states, this new nbc exclusive reporting involving president biden's response to the israel hamas war and how it's being communicated. the white house is sending out very different messages to pro palestinian and pro israel americans. that is according to letters shared with nbc news. we want to bring in jonathan allen, one of the reporters who approved the story. before i get to you, jonathan, i want to make clear to viewers just how different these messages someone receives from the president ar depending on where you stand on this war. it is not just a few slight ks. from jonathan's reporting, those who are pro israel get a response that includes, quote, the people of israel live through a moment of pure evil that resurfaced horrible memories and amounted to the deadliest day for jews since the united states stan whes. israel, he continues, we will continue to ensure that israel has what it needs to defend itself against terrorism in accordance with international law. if you are pro palestinian, however, you get a very different letter that includes no references to evil, the holocaust or american support for israel. it condemns terrorism and hamas, and then continues with this. we mourn the manyent palestinians who have been killed, he goes on to explain that it is why his administration is working osy with partners to ensure the lifesaving assistance, including food, water and medicine, can urgently reach innocent palestinians in gaza. jonathan allen, again, great to talk to you about this. talk me through if this is something with your extensive reporting that is normal, with a divisive war like this going on. when it comes to the messaging, the communication coming from the white house? >> that is the perfect question, has been. the truth is, according to the white house and according to people who have worked in the office before and prior administrations, when you have a complicated controversial issue that will be two different letters that go out to people who write to the white house about that issue. what this is, though, as you point out, the text of these letters is almost entirely divergent and basically if you are pro palestinian, you are concerned about what is going on in the gaza strip, that is the concern you expressed, you get a letter that does not talk about how the president stands with israel, does not talk about how -- comparing october 7th to the holocaust. if you are somebody who worries about israel and its right to defend itself, you are not going to get -- you get a letter that says that the president is trying to limit the loss of civilian life, but the letter you get when he talks about the hatred he wants to prevent various people from being subjected to, your letter does not include the term palestinians in that place in the letter that goes out to the pro palestinian people. very different letters here. i think that you would normally see -- more than you would normally see. none of it is inconsistent with the presidents policies, but he says one side of the position to one side of the people and then another side of the position to another side of people that is just overlap maybe a little bit on, say, condemning hamas and wanting to protect innocent civilians. >> so while the president is doing a lot of different things at the same time, monitoring the humanitarian crisis unfolding in gaza that we watch every single day, also obviously recognizing the terrorism that happened in israel on the 1200 israeli lives lost and condemning hamas. how much of this is driven by the politics? coming up on an election year, seeing how divided the american public is on what is actually happening within this war. >> i'm not sure exactly how to quantify how much of it was driven by the politics. what is clear, two things, one, americans, in addition to so many people in the middle east, are hurting. whether they are concerned about civilian lives in gaza or most concerned about the terrace attack on the israelis, and the continuing threat of rocket fire and other potential acts of terrorism in israel. there's a lot of people hurting in the united states about that. that is one piece of. it the other side of that is you have a divided democratic party. you e this division for isra a the palestinians exacerbated and explosive, it's a threat to biden's coalition. this is something that is an electoral imperative for him, to be able to keep both sides of that on board with his politics going into next november. >> jonathan allen, as always, we are thankful for you. coming up everybody, and just excuse seconds, a tumultuous week for elon musk. i double spacex explosion this morning plus multiple major corporations pulling ads from twitter over his support of an antisemitic post. we will be right back. we will be right back. one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours. shingles. some describe it as an intense burning sensation, or an unbearable itch. this painful, blistering rash can disrupt your life for weeks and could make it hard to be there for your loved ones. shingles could also lead to serious complications that can last for years. if you're over 50, the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside you. and as you age, your risk of developing shingles increases. don't wait. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles today. 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(vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. a major launch everybody for spacex. instead of one giant leap for mankind it was more like one step forward and two steps back. watch this. >> three, two, one. >> that is not how it was supposed to go. that was the next generation starship mega rocket launching earlier today, almost 400 foot tall crewless rocket lifted off for its second test flight. unfortunately, spacex lost contact with the proportion known as starship, ten minutes after lift off. spacex says the rocket booster exploded moments after separating from starship, describing it as a rapid unscheduled disassembly. we will have much more on what happened in a live report coming up. you will want to miss that conversation. we're monitoring followed continuing from elon musk on another front, his company x, formerly known as twitter, a number of media companies like apple, disney, they're pulling their advertising dollars from social media sites including comcast, the parent company of this network. it also started after he embraced the antisemitic conspiracy theory earlier in the week. the biden administration condemns those comments, we want to bring in nbc's erin guild, to talk more about this. erin, if you, will walk us through exactly how the white house is reacting to do this this afternoon. >> the white house has been the latest to weigh in on this controversy. issuing a real rebuke of this post by elon musk. in fact, i will back up a bit, he was actually replying to another user posting something on x that is often a repeated conspiracy theory that we hear that says, essentially, jews promote a hatred of white people. and his response to that post, elon musk said you have said the actual truth. of course, that generated millions of views on the social media platform. the white house put out a stemt yesterday, we will put it up on the screen to see exactly what the white house spokesperson had to say, quote, condemn thisabhorrent promotion of antisemitic and racist hate in the strongest terms, which runs against our core values as americans. this is something the essence of which we have heard from president biden himself as well on this. as you mentioned, the response in the business world has been swift as well. we have seen a number of media companies and particular pull their advertising from acts, from that platform. you mentioned apple, ibm, warner bros., paramount, comcast of course, the parent company of nbc universal. musk last night wrote on his platform that ex corporal be filing a thermal nuclear lawsuit, he said. that is in response to the fallout here, saying this is an attempt to undermine free speech. what he is seeing from media companies, media outlets in particular. this is an incident that has generated a lot of headlines, yasmin, because we know that after the october 7th attack by hamas and israel there's been an uptick in antisemitic incidents as well as islamophobia incidents here in the united states, really and around the world. this is something president biden has spoken out about gantz, his administration has spoken out against it over the last several weeks and will continue to do so as necessary, yasmin. >> seems like musk repeatedly points to free speech when in fact he is promoting hate speech. aaron gilchrist for us, thank you. nikki haley's attempts to soften her stance on abortion rights runs into some trouble. plus, the new efforts to boot congressman george santos from the white house, from the house i should say, after an ethics report that is shocking and it's detail of how he spent campaign cash. just a day after explosive allegations about sean didi combs, that includes sex trafficking and abuse, the settlement shuts it all down. we will be right back. when you have chronic kidney disease... ...there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis. ♪far-xi-ga♪ 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after -- a day after she filed the suit. she was trapped by comes in a cycle of abuse, a lawyer for comes rejected the accusations. combs said in the -- terms of the settlement were not disclosed. terms of the settlement were not a 23 year old woman out of taylor swift concert died. it happened just before the singer was set to take a stage overnight in rio de janeiro as part of her eras tour. on instagram, swift wrote that she was devastated, writing this, there is very little information i have other than the fact that she was so incredibly beautiful and far too young. because of extreme heat, videos on social media from the performance show swift saying people needed water. at one point she threw a bottle of water to someone in the crowd, but it was not immediately clear whether he played a role in the fan's death. we will be right back. we will be right back. ts and retirement savings. with voya, considering all your financial choices together can help you make smarter decisions. 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(vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. welcome back. friday night surprise as house speaker, mike johnson, -- announced -- 40,000 hours are going to be made available to the public. a house committee has already begun by posting 90 hours of video to a public website with that video already released to media outlets. however, some democrats are blasting the move, citing security concerns. we want to bring in nbc's, julie tsirkin, following the story for us from the capital. what do we know about why speaker johnson decided to do this? >> well, yasmin, this was actually a promise made by johnson's predecessor, allison's -- kevin mccarthy. remember, last february he decided to release most of the footage to fox news. that was met with criticism. not only from democrats in congress but also from other media outlets, or is included, who thought it would be pertinent to receive all of this footage if one outwit is having it and the others are not. now you have speaker johnson who dropped all of this footage, i would, note the friday before thanksgiving weekend, clearly this is a topic that republicans, many of them don't want back in the headlines for obvious reasons. he released a statement saying that he did so because of transparency and truth. he continued saying both of those things are crical. he said they will be mediately posting all of this video. he said interestingly that in the meantime all of the 40,0 hours of footage are being uploaded, a public viewing room will be available starting monday. every member of the public can request by appointment to view this footage in the capitol complex. what y have on your screen there is actually from the top democrat on the panel task who safeguarding the footage, joe morelle. he is saying that it is unconscionable one of the speaker johnson's first official access steward of t institution is to endanger his colleagues, staff, visitors and r country, by allowing virtually unfettered access to sensitive capitol security footage. again, this is from all the cameras in the capital complex. you can see the exits, the entrances, secure rooms, including once the lawmakers used to hide on january 6th. all of this is certainly a concern for democrats. johnson again said this is about being honest with the public. >> i want to ask you about george santos as well, julie, well i have you. with the chairman of the house of the committee filing this motion to expel santos from congress after the committee released its scathing report yesterday. we know that santos has already survived one expulsion vote, the question is, can he survive yet another? >> i don't think. so you already had more than a dozen republicans in the minutes after this report was released saying that the findings are just too troubling for them not to vote to now expel santos. the vote that could, by the way, happened as soon as lawmakers are back from the thanksgiving break. also, they are armed from a statement from speaker johnson that essentially said, if you want to vote him out, do it. that is certainly a change from what johnson said earlier when he said and other republicans said to that he deserves to process. certainly his trials in court in which he's indicted or not yet finished. the trial is happening next september. but it appears that this ethics report handed out by a bipartisan ethics panel, 56 pages, it alleges essentially that santos spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign donations on everything from botox to vacations, onlyfans, the list goes on. that is just too much for lawmakers here to bear. so what is needed to happen here for santos to get expelled is two thirds of the house needs to vote in favor of doing so. that would mean all democrats vote to kick him out. it's just 77 republicans that are needed in order to make that happen. santos, for his part, called this report ridiculous. he said it was biased, even though this was bipartisan. he interestingly said he would not seek reelection to his competitive seat, which is a one 80 from what he's been saying in the months before. it looks like his colleagues might kick him out before that can happen. might kick him>> julie tsirkin,e appreciated. let's bring in running back, former press secretary to former speaker john boehner and counselor to paul ryan. he's an nbc political analyst as well. let's talk about a couple of these things. i want to pick up where julie left off, i want to talk about the possible expulsion of george santos. this scathing report that i mentioned, the overall bucket is this misuse of campaign funds. has enough changed at this point that you think your former republican colleagues would expel george santos at this point? >> yes, absolutely. look, there was an expulsion resolution introduced by the chairman of the exit ethics committee themselves. you know the writing is on the wall. the big question i think is whether he does -- the smart thing and resign before it comes to that. let's remember, there's only been five people expelled in the entire history of the house of republicans -- the house of representatives. in 200 years, 300 were for a confederate. you could add themselves -- he's not the first person who's had a lot of ethics struggles and has had to leave congress, it just rarely gets to the point where you have to vote for it because people realize that they need to go. you happen to be dealing with a person who seems to be so out in his own world that he may not understand that that is what is good for him. one way or another, at this time in congress, his time is coming to an end very soon. >> you have george santos, there is one bucket for you, brandon. then you have the chaos that ensued essentially and congress over the last week or so. you had the elbow given by -- allegedly given by former house speaker, kevin mccarthy. you had comer calling moscow it's a smurf. you had a head to head in a senate hearing with a leadeof a union, where they said let's take this outside and go head to head on this. i want to read for you this exchange, this comer text, saying i did call him a smurf. i will not be apologizing for it. what do you make of all of this? >> it's about environment up there right now. some of it is something really -- it's in the weeds, but simple. congress has been in a session for ten weeks. that's usually about idea. we usually try to let people go home and have a week at home every three weeks or so. being around each other that match under such stress tends to lead to bad things happening. now it is really broken open. this is also, i think, ever since january six the environment on the hill has been really bad. people just don't trust each other, they don't like each other. there is just a lot of ill will, a lot of venom going around. it is just spilling out into the open right now. hopefully a little time at home with their families, they can get their minds right before they come back. they have a lot of work to do in the next couple of months. >> then you have chip roy, essentially pleading with his republican colleagues and saying, give me something that i can go home and campaign on. i want to play for you some sound of what he had to say. then on the back end, i want to read for folks a little bit of what you had to say about the republican party right now. >> one thing, i want my republican colleagues to give me one thing, one but i can go campaign on and say we did. one! anybody sitting at the complex, if you want to come down to the floor and come explain to me one material meaningful significant thing that the republican majority has done besides well, i guess it is not spot of the democrats. >> he was out and proud about the fact that he was going to vote no on the cr proposed and that w passed by the new house speaker. here is what you read outhe house freedom caucus. when it comes to putting points on the board under gop majorities, both past and prent, no group has done more to undermine conservative policy than the freedom caucus and the like-minded members who proceeded its founding in 2015. can you talk more about this? >> sure, the house of representatives is a majority aryan institution. you need 218 votes to do anything. freedom caucus says, adopt a mindset that anything that a democrat would vote for, a democrat in the senate could adopt, anything a democratic president would sign, you can't vote for it. when you half a majority where 20, 30 members are never gonna vote for anything that has a chance of becoming law, you force yourself to have to go work with democrats. now, the house is capable of putting pressure, putting leverage on the other body to a certain sense, it only when it works to get them. time to time again the freedom caucus has said, my way or the highway! that's the attitude that undermines everything we are doing, it makes a smoke to the left, closes our plans and all the conservative policies we wanted to do get washed away. they put themselves on the back and we can nothing. >> brendan buck for us, thank you brandon, we appreciate. it still ahead, why add 2002 letter by osama bin laden is going viral and forcing tiktok to take action. we are live in halifax, nova scotia, where world leaders are gathering for a global security summit. the israel-hamas war is top of the agenda. the news, coming out of it, coming up next. coming up next. it may be time to see the bigger picture. heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms, like carpal tunnel syndrome, shortness of breath, and irregular heartbeat could be something more serious called attr-cm, a rare, underdiagnosed disease that worsens over time. sound like you? 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>> i think the first concern a lot of people here have is this is a gift to russia, to putin, that the war between israel and hamas has diverted attention from russia's invasion of ukraine. you have some ukrainian representatives here that are worried about that. they are also pointing out that iran is -- in the conflict. iranian drones bombing ukrainian cities, of course you have iran backing hamas and other proxy groups in the middle east. what was interesting today, yasmin, the former prime minister of israel, an outspoken critic of the former prep -- current prime minister, he was act about the toll on civilians, the terrible scenes that are emanating out of gaza now that we are all watching. he said that, you know, obviously he regretted any civilian deaths, but even he was saying that israel had to finish the job, as he said. there was no alternative to continuing to press this assault on hamas and to basically somehow dismantle hamas as a military force. he also said something that netanyahu obviously would not necessarily agree with him on. he said that ultimately he -- is the only solution to all of this is a formula that has been spoken of for decades, a two state solution. some kind of peace settlement that would allow for the establishment of a palestinian state. it is something that he tried to negotiate more than 20 years ago. he came close, and failed. but a lot of concern here about the war spreading and the war possibly backfiring domestically in the u.s.. so you now have moderate democrats expressing concern about how israel is conducting its war. i think we should hear from representative slotkin who was on msnbc earlier today saying that israel had to be held to a standard that democracies are held to. here is what she had to say. >> hospital is a very sensitive topic. if you are going to go after it, the onus is on the democracy to prove that there was truly something significant, significant enough that would ever make that a viable target. the united states went through this ourselves in places like afghanistan, with kunduz and hospital raids there. you know, i think that's the difference here is you have a democracy going against a terrorist group. the democracy has different rules. they need to live up to those rules just as we needed to live up to those rules 20 years of war. >> that is a moderate democrat making the case that israel was under scrutiny here and how to justify and disclose why it has done what has done around the hospital. >> are they talking at all about solutions there? >> no. it is more how long is this israeli offensive going to last. there is an acknowledgment at least from a relative moderate like her that there is no escaping a political solution ultimately. there has to be a palestinian state. there is still so many problems and obstacles when we talk about this. >> thank you, dan. i appreciate it. among those that are under siege, i should say, in gaza right now, hundreds of americans who have been trapped for weeks in the territories since the world war began. erin mclaughlin has the harrowing journey of one american who finally made it out. >> even if you did not die, you still feel like you're in the worst nightmare that you've ever lived. >> 17 year old fara says that no one nowhere -- in gaza and safe. the pennsylvania teen was visiting family when the war started. her and her family were forced to evacuate south. >> you've been here it is not safe. >> nbc news joined farah and her mother on their truck to the egyptian border. >> i'm so scared. >> at one point their bus was bombed. ferret says shrapnel struck her hand. she lost two fingers. >> my hand falls like this. and this finger flew. i took my hijab, i wrapped my hand around, i did not scream, i did not cry, i just kept praying. >> her and her family then walked two miles to al-quds hospital. >> the entire road of the goods hospital is just dead bodies. >> al jazeera capturing this moment, shortly after farah and her family arrived at the emergency rooms. they were trapped inside al-quds for 11 days. faris as bombs were dropping all around. >> so many people were in their rooms, they got hurt. a guy that we knew, he went downstairs just to smell fresh air. one of the plains above started shooting all around and the gunshot went through his head. >> israeli military says it does not target civilians and alleges hamas exploits hospitals for cover. on tuesday, the idf evacuated al-quds. we reconnected with fara from the safety of cairo. >> what do you want other teenagers in the united states to know about gaza? >> they are just like us. these little kids that have great big dreams. half of them got their lives taken away for no reason. why does everyone there have to live through this? >> erin maclachlan, nbc news, tel aviv. >> thank you, erin. for that report. up next, donald trump on the campaign trail in iowa. a day after a colorado judge ruled him and insurrectionist. we will be right back. back. back. en a longer life or quality of life? you deserve both. and with kisqali, a treatment for people with metastatic breast cancer, you can have both. kisqali is a pill that, when taken with an aromatase inhibitor is the only treatment of its kind shown to both help people live longer and improve or preserve quality of life. because you shouldn't have to sacrifice one for the other. kisqali can cause lung problems, or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. avoid grapefruit during treatment. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills, or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. live longer and live well. ask about kisqali, and long live you. -we're done. -what about these? 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>> yes so that's exactly right yasmin. the former president is set to take the stage in fort dodge, iowa, just behind me in less than an hour. and that topic is something he is likely to tout, seeing it as a win. the colorado judge ruled that although he did engage in an insurrection on january 6th, that he will be able to appear on colorado's primary ballot in just a couple of months. but one thing that might lead him to further legal trouble, is the fact that the judge did rule that he engaged in this insurrection. you know, he has cases across the country where other prosecutors could bring that up as a topic. ultimately, he will be able to appear on that colorado primary ballot, something that he is guaranteed to talk about, and tout as a win as we go into these remarks and less than an hour. >> let's talk nikki haley, while i to have with you for. what we see -- for taking a more moderate stance on abortion. other than many of her rivals, in the republican primary. she was though, challenged on that, and then she seemed to change her tune. walk us through what happened? >> yeah so as you mentioned in the beginning, vivek ramaswamy and ron desantis were also in the state. they were when with nikki haley on stage loss and the thanksgiving form in des moines. and she was asked if her stance on abortion is a weakness for her, as we go into this primary election. and she said we need to bring it to make it more personal. we need to focus on saving as many babies as possible, and supporting as many mothers. so, she is taking a more moderate approach to this. she did speak to a room of more conservative, faith-based voters, which is why it was questioned to her as, is this a weakness? but she kept her stance that she is pro-life, but we need to treat this issue with respect and support, and make it more personal, so when people are deciding on the ballot box with this issue, that they feel heard and seen. and that is something she is going to stand, with that she is pro-life but she wants to bring it more personally, and continue her more moderate stance on this topic, yasmin. >> when all right catherine -- thank you catherine, appreciate it. we have got a lot more coming up folks, who are watching msnbc. our second hour starts, right now. now. hey everybody, and you absolutely in. if you are just joining us, welcome. if you are sticking with us, we are thankful for that. we have the very latest out of israel, and after telling gaza residents to evacuate the north, there are new israel attacks aimed at the south. and, the israel-hamas war has made osama bin laden a tiktok celebrity. why a letter justifying the 9/11 attacks is leading to new controversy today. plus, a major magazine has identified the biggest 2024 global threat, and it's donald trump and his possible return to the white house. how new york voters are reacting to the revelations in a damning ethics report on george santos. and, an explosive end to elon musk's latest space x test. why the company says this is a success. that's coming up as well. we want to begin though with the war. prime minister benjamin netanyahu of israel has been speaking over the last, hour just wrapping up his press conference with israeli media, where he confirmed there was no deal for the release of hostages held h

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