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. it's good to be back with you in this second hour of "chris jansing reports." we have breaking news, a u.s. official and a diplomat in the region tell nbc news one american could be among the hostages released today. just moments ago, the red cross transported two former captives over the border as urgent talks continue to extend the truce in gaza, possibly by another two days. we're live in tel aviv with the latest. plus, hamas now claiming that three hostages, a ten-month old baby, his 4-year-old brother and their mom will not be coming home, and that all three were killed during the fighting. israel is still looking to confirm that. also ahead, we'll talk to the former director of the cia about the challenges of bringing the remaining hostages home with israel ready to return to combat at any given moment. then later, a set for the angels, the heart wrenching tribute for the young lives cut short at an israeli music festival. so much to get to in this hour, but i want to begin with the breaking news that we could see an american citizen among those released today. that's according to a u.s. official and a diplomat with knowledge of the fast-moving events. nbc news who's correspondent monica alba joins us now. of course, the situation is still fluid. nothing is ever final in these situations, but what more can you tell us? >> reporter: exactly, chris. this is really minute by minute, hour by hour, and this is something that in the last couple of days, we knew was a possibility, but remember that in the last two days of hostage releases, we haven't seen americans in those groups. and we did on sunday see the first american released, that duel israeli and american citizen, just 4 years old, abigail adon, who was reunited with family members after her parents were brutally murdered by hamas on october 7th. that leaves two other american citizens who potentially could be eligible for release. when we discussed the criteria of the current framework, which is women and children. and we know that given the current extension, which is set to expire tonight, though, the u.s. and officials i have been talking to all day say they are hopeful that could be extended. but we know that according to that current agreement, these two american women were the ones who could be a possibility for release. but i'm told by a u.s. official that it looks like today m mayb one of them is included in this group. we won't know that for sure, until she would be potentially handed over to the red cross and crossed over to gaza, again, to get any kind of confirmation, and the biden administration has been very careful here not to get ahead of any of this because of how fluid some of the lists have been. sometimes they have changed. sometimes they have added people, and of course this is really ever evolving as we are counting down the minutes to see whether this current temporary truce is going to be extended again, and then what that could tell us about any potential future release of americans. and when we discuss other kinds of americans who are currently being held, there are still questions about whether they might be held, if they're not being held by hamas and gaza. whether they would be held by other militant groups there, and in terms of whether they are located or how that could work, all of that is still what the negotiators are trying to discuss and find out more about, and then finally, chris, there's really this mad diplomatic dash right now in the region to try to do these things on parallel tracks, to get the truce extended so that more hostages can come out, and more aid can go in. that is what secretary of state blinken, what cia director burns, and what a special envoy for hostage affairs named roger carstens will be doing in the coming days. but again, every minute really counts here, and there is hope among officials i have been talking to that an american could be released from gaza today. everybody, of course, crossing their fingers that that is indeed the case. chris. >> monica, i know you'll keep us posted as you learn more, thank you. i want to go go to nbc's david noriega on the latest, on the hostages we believe will be released. we have new information about those who we know already were taken by the red cross. what can you tell us? >> reporter: yeah, chris, we know that two hostages have been hand or to the red cross. hamas said that it had made the handover, and the idf confirmed that it had that information from hamas as well. it's a little bit unusual because that is only two hostages. every night so far in this temporary truce, we have been seeing the full group of hostages handed over to the red cross, and then to israeli forces in one group. but this is a group of just two hostages who are duel, israeli russian citizens. both of them are women. given that we haven't seen the full group released yet, it's a question of whether this is an exchange happening outside of the framework of the cease fire, and because they are israeli and women they do count toward the cease fire agreement. we are paying attention to when the next group of hostages is released tonight. it's unusual they're being released in more than one group, and we're all paying close attention to the hours between now and midnight when the cease fire is supposed to expire. especially the families of those hostages who are, look, i have been meeting a lot of families of hostages, and a number of them are in a very particular situation. they have some family members who have been released during the cease fire, but they have other family members who are still being held captive in gaza. this is an extremely emotionally complicated situation to be in. i spoke to one of them. his name is yair moses, yesterday. i want to play a little bit of what he had to say. >> for the first two days, we allowed ourselves to be happy and put it on the side, and be happy she is back to us, and we are back to work, making sure we can do whatever we can, like we did before, to make sure people hear us and try to bring him back. this is urgent. >> reporter: yair's mother was released during the first day of the cease fire, but his father is still in gaza. these families and some of their supporters are some of the main people putting pressure on the israeli government to extend the cease fire beyond tonight's deadline to get more hostages out. chris. >> the idf is working to determine whether that absolutely heartbreaking claim by hamas that three hostages, a mother, her 10-month-old baby, and 4-year-old son have died. what more can you tell us about that family and what the idf is trying to learn? >> reporter: yeah, chris, the bibas family, we have seen during the course of this conflict, several hostages at different times become symbols hat's at stake, and i think the bibas family is precisely th family a lot of us are paying attention to as representing everything that's at stake. we're at a cross roads, how many more hostages will be released, when will the fighting resume. hamas has claimed that family died as a result of an israeli air strike. they didn't provide details or to support the claim. the idf is trying to verify whether or not they are alive. the family has put out a couple of releases essentially saying we are waiting to find out. we are waiting to get some kind of confirmation. hopefully refutation about the claim, and in the meantime, trying to lay low, stay quiet, not talking to the press. allowing this to be a private moment. in terms of the way that israeli authorities are talking about this, and you know, those associated with israeli authorities, lieutenant colonel peter learner spoke with msnbc earlier today. he's an ex-spokesperson for the idf, and this is what he had to say. >> we will continue to work in order to verify and clarify exactly what the situation is. we hold hamas accountable for their well being. they are responsible for all of the hostages, every single one. >> a lot of things are very influx right now, chris. the midnight deadline of the cease fire agreement, the question of the bibas family, whether or not they are alive. how many more days we might expect this to last, if any. it's been a fluid moment from the beginning, and it is a particularly fluid moment right now, chris. >> a particular kind of hell they are living through. we'll talk to you in a bit. i want to bring in former cia director, john brennan, also an msnbc senior national security and intelligence analyst, so when we talk about a family who is living in this hell, they believe they've been told, at least for sure, that hamas claims that their family has been killed. idf is trying to verify it. how complicated is what israeli intelligence is trying to do right now? >> i think it's very complicated. first of all, you cannot take hamas at its word. at the same time, seems as though they wanted to convey the message that these three individuals are no longer alive. and so i'm sure that israeli intelligence is trying to determine the bestcan, with limited acc to the hamas network that is holding these hostages, whether or not those hostages are indeed alive. this is continuing to be quite complex. the fact that we have had six days of the truce and six days of the exchanges of hostages for prisoners is a positive and hopeful sign, and hopefully after the release of further hostages today, this truce can be extended and more hostages will get out. >> as monica was just reporting, cia director william burns is in doha amid these ongoing talks, and a senior arab diplomat told nbc news that the expectation is the truce would be extended by two days. what do you expect is happening behind the scenes right now to make that happen? >> as you point out, bill burns is working i know very closely with the qatari officials, as well as the head, this is the intelligence channel where the sensitive discussions, negotiations are going on. clearly it's in hamas's interest to try to extend the truce. they are seeking to be able to benefit somewhat in the pause of the fighting to reposition fighters, move some of their weapons and other types of things. at the same time, the israelis are interested in getting more hostages out. what bill burns is trying to do is to see whether or not there can be some arrangement where this truce is going to be extended, but also to try to get as many hostages out as possible. hamas might raise the stakes when it comes to getting men out, and certainly idf personnel that are in the custody of hamas or any of these other palestinian terrorist groups in gaza. i'm sure that bill burns is doing everything possible to try to facilitate an extension of the truce and the hostage exchange. >> you mentioned the concern that keeps coming up when we talk about this pause, and that is that every day that goes by gives hamas more time to regroup. do you think that as this gets extended day by day, their advantage gets larger and larger or has that been overstated? >> no, i think the israeli defense forces are very concerned that when and if this military operation resumes, and i think it will resume once the truce is over, it's going to be a much more difficult and even dangerous environment for israeli forces inside of gaza. so the fact that the momentum has stalled in terms of the israeli military operation and which has allowed hamas to be able to, again, reequip and to make sure that they're poised as best they can be for the restart of these operations, i do think it's a very legitimate concern on the part of the israeli defense forces, but still, there's overwhelming fire power that the israelis have, and the question in my mind is whether or not the u.s. pressure on israel to try to scale back the scope of these military operations and try to avoid to the greatest extent possible, civilian casualties, that's what i think we will all wait to see once the truce is over. >> i have an update on information we have been reporting about two more hostages that have been released and now the idf have reported they are currently with the hostages with idf special forces and isa forces inside israeli territory. they'll undergo a medical assessment which is what we have seen. they'll continue to be accompanied by idf soldiers, and then they will be reunited with their families. there you see the mother and daughter who are the two we are told have been released. we're also told, we could see the release of a second american hostage possibly today. the biden administration had previously expressed disappointment that only one american, 4-year-old abigail adon had been released so far. now there's word a second could be released today. do you believe hamas is purposely holding american hostages back, and if so, why? >> gives them some additional leverage. i think they want to keep the americans engaged because it's u.s. pressure on israel that is allowing this truce and pause to continue. the release of an additional american hostage today, would be a positive sign and might be a way for hamas to be able to encourage the united states to continue its efforts on this matter. but i do think that hamas is going to try to hold back any american hostages that it still has, idf personnel. again, another question is how many of the remaining hostages are actually under hamas control, and what type of influence does hamas have over the palestine islamic jihad and other groups that may, in fact, be the ones in control of some of these hostages. >> former cia director, john brennan, it's always terrific to have you on the program. thank you. >> thank you. and still ahead, house republicans are demanding to talk to hunter biden, so why are they balking at his offer to testify publicly. we'll explain in 60 seconds. stiy we'll explain in 60 seconds. 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confirming there were eight individuals on board. this was a cv-22, an osprey, a variant flown by the u.s. air force. in this case, it was assigned to an air force special operations command unit, but actually the wing was based at kadina. air force special orientations command is saying it was a routine training event. beyond that, we don't know what they were doing or what happened when it crashed. there were eyewitness accounts of a fire on board. u.s. officials haven't been able to confirm anything like that, chris. >> courtney kube, thank you very much, come back. the standoff continues between house republicans and hunter biden, after his request to testify in public was rejected. oversight committee chair james comer says republicans expect full cooperation on their demand for a deposition in private. but hunter biden's lawyer responded, quote, we have seen you use closed door sessions to manipulate, even distort the facts and misinform the public. we therefore propose opening the door. and the committee's top democrat, congressman james raskin, slammed his gop colleagues for refusing public system saying, quote, what the republicans fear most is sunlight and the truth. carol leonnig is "the washington post" national initiativive reporter, and msnbc contributor. david jolly is an msnbc political analyst. great to see both of you. what are the pros and cons of this for both sides? >> i think what hunter biden and his legal team are pursuing is one of call my bluff, like i'm willing to testify. i want to do it publicly. if you have this desire to share my public truth with the public, then let's do it in public. the danger of course is that something could go wrong this that testimony or an argument could ensue, a very testy exchange that might not be flattering for either side, actually. the danger for the house republicans now is they said they want the answers but they want them on their terms behind closed doors, and this sort of show me kind of letter from hunter biden's lawyer kind of puts them in their place because if they really want the information then they will take it in a public hearing. >> what happens, next, carol? the republicans control the committee, they say no, this is not going to be public. hunter biden doesn't want to do it behind closed doors, so what happens? >> well, ultimately, the committee in its subpoena, it powers are significant. but they're not endless. and any witness is able to negotiate to try to press for the way in which it wants to give its testimony. i remember when secret service agents were being interviewed by the january 6th committee. you know, they had a very strong feeling about the way in which their information would be used and in order to provide it, they negotiated specific terms. there are some sometimes when witnesses before congress try to negotiate that their name will not be shared later about their transcribed interview. obviously that's not going to happen here. i think we're going to see a couple more sort of right and left hooks in this negotiation before it's settled, chris. >> yeah, we'll see if any of the punches land. david, let me go back to the dilemma for hunter biden. on one hand, if he testifies publicly, he avoids committee leaks that he and his lawyers believe could misrepresent his testimony. if this does become a public hearing, republicans can say what they want in lieu of an actual question for a moment played as a sound bite on conservative media. is there just risk for hunter biden in either case? >> i don't think so because hunter biden would tell you everything has already been taken from him. he appears in news by way of scandal every day in conservative media, the "new york post," fox news to elsewhere. i think he's used to it. i don't think he enjoys it. there's probably up side. i mean, the agenda of republicans around hunter biden has never really been about the truth. it's been about politics, and the politics of hunter biden for republicans have been going the wrong way for about six months now as their theory of the case has started to unravel. i think hunter biden is saying, great, let's put the politics out in the open and all of this. let's have a conversation around the truth. everything about me, hunter biden is already known, and i think that's the most important legal point here. for five years, he was under investigation by the department of justice. there's not anything house republicans will find the doj didn't have and if there's any legal tactic at all in this, congressional subpoenas can be referred for criminal prosecution if the person doesn't cooperate. hunter biden cooperated and said, okay, i'll come d it. that makes it harder for hunter biden to face culpability for not cooperating. >> let's talk about the potential political risk to his dad. republicans have had zero success trying to tie the president to his son's problem, producing no proof that he did anything to profit or help his son profit, but just by having this in the news, the republicans pounding on it. is there political danger for the president and his reelect campaign? >> i do think there is political danger that's already baked in, chris. sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll are scandalous, and that has now been attached to joe biden through the activities of his son, and they have been very open about that. without legal culpability that touches the president, though, i don't think there's any more room to get to joe biden on this. even if you look at the criminal charges, it's around hunter biden's possession of guns, and his personal tax filings. it's not around pay to play or grift or graft or any of the business dealings. and so i think the narrative of hunter biden is baked into joe biden. he's a sympathetic father who cares about his son, who clearly there was no wrong doing on the vice president's part now president's part. >> carol leonnig, thank you, great to have you on the show. david jolly, you're going to stick around. an emotional tribute to the victims of the nova music festival. we'll head back to tel aviv right after this. al we'll head back to tel aviv right after this whenever you're hungry, there's a deal on the subway app. buy one footlong, get one 50% off in the subway app today. now that's a deal worth celebrating. man, what are you doing?! get it before it's gone on the subway app. ♪♪ i'm kareem abdul jabbar. i was diagnosed with afib. the first inkling that something was wrong was i started to notice that i couldn't do things without losing my breath. i couldn't make it through the airport, and every like 20 or 30 yards i had to sit down and get my breath. every physical exertion seemed to exhaust me. and finally, i went to the hospital where i was diagnosed with afib. when i first noticed symptoms, which kept coming and going, i should have gone to the doctor and told them what was happening. instead, i tried to let it pass. if you experience irregular heartbeat, 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the site of the nova music festival massacre. a group of djs performed before photos of those who lost their lives. nbc's david noriega is reporting for us from tel aviv. those images are striking, the emotions it evokes are strong. tell us more about this tribute. >> reporter: chris, since october 7th there has been an effort within israeli society to find ways to memorialize, and i think kind of understand the event, particularly through art, culture, public art. you know, we were just earlier this evening and have often been going since we've been here to a place that's become known as hostage square. it's a place where the families of hostages frequently gather, and there are a number of installations there that are all endeavoring to find ways to show the absence of the people who were held captive in gaza. the center piece of hostage square is a very long table that has a place set for each of those hostages. this, of course, is a little bit different. i think it's notable that it's happening in this moment when we've seen a number of the hostages, particularly the most vulnerable hostages released. perhaps some attention is beginning to turn not just towards those who are missing because they're captive but those who are missing because they were killed. i want the viewers to hear more about the specific event from the people who helped organize it than from me. let's play a little bit of sound from the people who were involved in putting this together. >> we are here to remember, to remember the lives that were taken, to remember the lives that were kidnapped and we are waiting for them to come home. >> these guys, all of them are ravers, and in their legacy even, they want this party to go on. we are in israel. we're happy people. even when we have a big war, and we have a big crisis, we try to take it in the maximum positive way. >> those people danced with me, and didn't survive. >> first of all, it's for the people who got killed or kidnapped. we call it dj plays for the angels. and it's to show the world what happened here. >> reporter: chris, i spoke to someone earlier tonight at hostage square who described october 7th as a generationally defining event in israel. i think we're going to be seeing israelis find new ways to grapple with what happened that day. a lot of different new ways to grapple with what happened that day in the weeks, months and years to come, chris. >> so few words from that young man were searing. both people danced with me. david noriega, thank yo. and just a little earlier, we did hear firsthand from a man who says relatives were killed by hamas on october 7th. four other family members were kidnapped. they founded the hostages and missing families forum to help bring their loved ones home. here he is, speaking to my colleague, jose diaz-balart about their return. >> well, they went through hell. i think we may never fully understand. but they are making progress. it's a slow process of recovery. unfortunately on this terrible day, my cousin became a hostage, a widow and a bereaved mother all at once. her husband and their eldest daughter were murdered, probably before their eyes. i don't know fully if the children saw but i know she had saw it and had to carry this knowledge through her entire time in captivity while also keeping her kids safe, you know. they felt, from what we hear from the family, they showed great courage, and they were there for each other. but we're dealing with a historical event. in israel, we need to start to have protocols to how to deal with young children like this. you see them on the screen, how to recover them, and what process you need to have to bring them back to normal as much as possible after two months being hostage. >> he emphasized that his heart and the hearts of his family will not be full until every hostage is returned back home. giving boost for nickly -- nikki haley, is it enough to make trump feel the heat. you're watching msnbc. 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millions of dollars and massive grass roots support that comes with the koch brothers endorsement. it's particularly bad news for ron desantis by potentially further consolidating the empty trump support behind haley. nbc's vaughn hillyard is covering the 2024 campaign. former rep, david jolly is back with me for more. we know the people who did not get the koch brothers endorsement aren't happy about haley. what have we heard from democrats? >> right, this is a moment here where nikki haley, there's a recognition when you look at the pollings of the head-to-head match ups between joe biden and the gop field. nikki haley fares best, and beats joe biden in a number of head-to-head matchups in polling. nikki haley is the best performer of the lot. take jamie dimon today publicly calling on others, including democrats to go and support nikki haley in the primary. there's a potential in new hampshire, that indemnities can take part in the republican primary next january, and ultimately have an impact in this race. and when you look at the polling, she is clearly right now the number two to donald trump here, and it's a matter of at what point does this field consolidate, and does it consolidate in time for her, and is that enough support to take down donald trump? >> has the dnc responded to this? >> reporter: we're waiting to hear from the dnc about this, chris. >> david, look, there is a little bit of nervousness that i'm hearing from democrats, right, and i think it's exactly what vaughn just said, which is that she performs well, and i wonder, frankly, if you think that nikki haley has the potential to be a more serious contender against president biden than donald trump is, if you were on his campaign, david, would you be worried? >> 100%. nikki haley, i think, would stand out formidably against joe biden, and possibly be leading the current president by a stretch. she would be a very strong general election candidate. the question is can she actually get to that match up? i do think we'll continue to see her rise. i mean, this koch brother endorsement is part of her rise. i think she will perform well in the early primary states, and then a one-on-one match up with donald trump, can she possibly overcome the former president. it would seem not based on the numbers, but here's the important thing. with this endorsement and others bring a lot of money. it pays for tv ads and gives you a ground game to get her message out there. we have a yet to see a message that allows another republican to topple donald trump. even if you have more money, if the message isn't working, does it change a lot? it's a good day for nikki haley. this is an opening for it. >> is it fair, as i read some republicans are indicating, they don't think that donald trump is beatable right now, but if there is something that happens, and there is a lot roiling about, if something happens, they at least want to have somebody there who is the clear alternative, number one. number two, if she suddenly looks really strong in iowa, and she looks really strong in new hampshire, does that start to change the game? does it get more republicans thinking, maybe i need to go out in the primary. i don't normally, but we need to think about who can beat joe biden. >> yeah, that's right. and the people who are not yet supporting trump, there's still a large number of undecided between haley and desantis and the others. and the state primaries for haley and desantis will solidify the final chapter of the race. donald trump secures the nomination sometime in march. what if he loses his freedom. what if he's convicted after that. what if his behavior becomes something republicans can't take. you have until the convention where you can make historic change, and look at nikki haley. these are farfetched ideas in the realm of possibility. they are to be in the place of trump's alternative and see if anything happens to donald trump that wounds him fatally. we haven't seen it. nikki haley is close to being in the alternative slot. >> we shall see. david jolly, vaughn hillyard, thank you as well. a five-alarm fire, the nation's highest ranking jewish elected official addresses anti-semitism. how is his message resonating on capitol hill? democrat of florida, congressman jared moskowitz will join me next. me next we want to show you some video we just received from hamas. it appears to show two hostages, 50-year-old yelena and her mother, irina tati being released. they previously identified them as two of the hostages who were freed today. both were kidnapped from their home near kibbutz nir oz. they were held for 54 days. yelena's son was also abducted. yelena's husband vitali was murdered. in a moment emotional and chilling, the highest ranking jewish lawmaker in the u.s. is calling the rise in anti-semitism in the u.s. virulent, and a five-alarm fire. this morning, senator chuck schumer on the senate floor describing how jewish americans feel as demonstrations spread across the country. >> when i've asked some of the marchers what they would do about hamas, they don't have an answer. many don't seem to care. and so jewish americans are left alone. at least in our eyes to ponder what this all means, and where it could lead. can you understand why the jewish people feel isolated when we hear some praise hamas, and chant its vicious slogan? can you blame us for feeling vulnerable, only 80 years after hitler wiped out half the jewish population across the world? while so many countries turned their back. can you appreciate the deep fear we have about what hamas might do if left to their own devices? because the long arc of jewish history teach us a lesson that is hard to forget. ultimately, we are alone. joining us now, democratic congressman, jared moskowitz of florida. it's good to have you on the program once again. congressman, as a man of jewish faith, you have been also living this personally. so i wonder how senator schumer's words resonate with you today. >> thank you, chris, and thank you for talking about this. it's important that we talk about it. senator schumer, i'm thankful that he did that speech. that is the conversation that went on at every jewish dinner table over thanksgiving in america this last week. it is the conversation that's going on in every synagogue. it is the conversation that's going on with parents and their children. it's the conversation that's going on with parents and their kids on college campuses. the jewish community is extremely worried about where the conversation and the rhetoric are going. here's why. we see these obviously protests in the streets that are on a foreign policy issue like a cease fire. while we might have disagreements on whether there should be a cease fire or not, in the crowds of people, we see signs that say gas the jews, kill the jews, cleanse the jews, that's not a foreign policy. we see people clawing at posters of hostages, and we hear them saying these people are not real, and as they're being filmed and their lives are probably going to be ruined as a result of their behavior, they're still clawing at these things, almost like a magnet drawn to it, can't stop without ripping the posters off the walls, and so these are the stories that my grandparents and other folks told us in the lead up to everything that happened in europe, that jews were looked at as subhuman, and so the jewish community is experiencing this right now, and too many of our friends, and allies are silent. they're quiet. yeah, they might privately disagree with what's happening, but they're not talking. and this is a bipartisan problem. right? when donald trump has dinner with a holocaust denier, republicans don't want to say anything. it's easy for democrats to criticize because it's across the aisle. when democrats are silent on anti-semitism, it's easy for republicans to criticize the squad, but democrats don't want to say anything internally. and so it's much easier to call it out what's on the other side but harder to do it within your own party. look, president biden has done an excellent job attacking anti-semitism, appointing an ambassador on anti-semitism. these are excellent first steps. but, no, the jewish community is extremely worried about where this can go, and what's happening on social media, and the fact that people are falling for china and russia and the united states enemies are running with these kids. these kids don't know what they're saying. it's hip to say, it's hip to be anti-semitic. >> and against the backdrop of what's happening in the country, there are genuine policy differences where you are on capitol hill. right now, a foreign aid package, which would include money for israel, of course, is in limbo. there are lawmakers on the left, including bernie sanders who want conditions on any aid sent to israel. they're concerned about how that money will be used. so what is your position on this? >> so, look, i think senator sanders is wrong, and i can prove that because early on, both the white house and senator schumer told all of the democrats in the house to vote against speaker johnson's bill on israel's aid because it had conditions in it. right? we agreed there should be no conditions. speaker johnson played with important aid for israel. he's the one who played a political game, rather than uniting us on the house steps after the hamas attack. speaker johnson chose to divide us, and israel still doesn't have that needed aid, our numb one ally the in middle east because the speaker decided to play those games. and so what i'm for is i'm for both. i'm for defeating hamas and giving israel the necessary tools to do that, and i'm for humanitarian aid for the people of gaza, the innocent civilians of gaz. there's no doubt that hamas has not just taken israelis hostage, and people around the world in the gaza strip, but they have taken the palestinian people hostage by using them as human shields. make no mistake about it. hamas would like to see more palestinians die so they can feed that propaganda to the rest of the world. i think we have to support israel in their time of need and we got to help the innocent people of gaza and humanitarian aid, and we shouldn't start this conditioning thing. otherwise, there will be strings on the humanitarian aid to gaza that require none of the aid to require hamas to leave. this creates problems for innocent civilians. >> how wide do you think the democratic divide is over aid to israel, could those divisions complicate the efforts to get the aid package to the president's desk? >> there are definitely divisions. they're smaller than people think. there's 435 members here, 212 democrats. there's disagreements with a couple of dozen. the overwhelming majority are going to support aid to israel without conditions. >> congressman jared moskowitz, we appreciate you taking the time to be on the program. thank you. winter in washington, the two fun white house events on the way, and the reason why the national christmas tree is having to make a comeback after getting a winter wallop. we'll explain next. er wallop. we'll explain next ♪ when better money habits® content first started coming out, it expanded what i could do for special olympics athletes with developmental needs. thousands of bank of america employees like scott spend countless hours volunteering to teach people how to reach their financial goals. it felt good. it felt like i could take on the whole world. 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, Witness , Hunter Biden Doesn T , It Powers , Subpoena , Secret Service , Feeling , Agents , 6 , January 6th , Witnesses , Interview , Congress , Negotiation , Hooks , Punches , Dilemma , Lieu , Lawyers , Media , Sound Bite , Agenda , Fox News , Scandal , Elsewhere , New York Post , Politics , Theory , Unravel , Conversation , Investigation , Department Of Justice , Five , Subpoenas , Person Doesn T , Doj Didn T , Prosecution , Tactic , Culpability , President , Success , Problem , Risk , Proof , Talk , Dad , Son Profit , Let , Zero , Campaign , Rock N Roll , Drugs , Reelect , Joe Biden , Activities , Room , Charges , Business Dealings , Possession , Filings , Guns , Tax , Graft , Grift , Narrative , Vice President , Doing , Subway , App , Tribute , Deal , Victims , Nova Music Festival , Meal , Oman , Afib , Footlong , Deal Worth Celebrating , Kareem Abdul Jabbar , 50 , Breath , Inkling , Airport , 30 , 20 , Doctor , Hospital , Symptoms , Physical Exertion , Heartbeat , Shortness , 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, War , Party To Go On , Ravers , Didn T , Crisis , World , It Dj , Someone , Words , Earlier , Thank Yo , Forum , Relatives , Loved Ones , Four , Jose Diaz Balart , Progress , Recovery , Return , Process , Saw , Eyes , Husband , Widow , Cousin , Eldest , Kids , Courage , Each Other , Captivity , Safe , Screen , Protocols , Hearts , Heart , Nikki Haley , Boost , Nickly , Trump , Pursuit , Heat , Reinvention , Location , Ching Msn , Accenture , Businesses , Story , Writers , Airline , Communities , Bank , Technologies , Help , Startup , Architects , Innovation Labs , 160 , Series , Chicken , Level , Elite Chicken , Favorite , Cheese , Bacon Ranch , Better , Area , Medicare And Medicaid , Damion Clark , Hi , Peyton , Pay , Special Needs , Plans , Benefits , Options Allowance , Allowance , Groceries , Utilities , Medicare Advantage , Whatever , Month , Spend , Brent , Over The Counter Items , Card , Rides , Appointments , Doctors , Hospitals , Networks , Pharmacies , Humana , Human Way , Healthcare , Field , Ground , Candidates , Reality , Millions , Change , Ground Operation , Spending , Access , Donors , Koch Brothers Endorsement , Grass Roots , Rnc , Support , Bad News , Rep , Ron Desantis , Vaughn Hillyard , 2024 , Koch Brothers Endorsement Aren T , Pollings , Recognition , Polling , Matchups , Match Ups , Primary , Potential , Performer , Indemnities , New Hampshire , Jamie Dimon , Donald Trump , Race , Impact , Dnc , Nervousness , Look , Contender , 100 , Rise , States , Stretch , Candidate , Election , Koch Brother Endorsement , Money , Numbers , Thing , Endorsement , Ground Game , Tv Ads , Message Isn T Working , Opening , It Fair , Somebody , Number One , Alternative , Game , Thinking , Beat , Don T Normally , Iowa , Estate , Primaries , Undecided , Behavior , Freedom , Nomination , Chapter , March , Convention , Realm , Ideas , Fire , Slot , Congressman , Capitol Hill , Florida , Jared Moskowitz , Elected Official , Nation S Highest Ranking Jewish , Yelena , Video , Irina Tati Being , Nir Oz , 54 , Anti Semitism , Senator Schumer , Jewish , Lawmaker , Virulent , Husband Vitali , Country , Demonstrations , Marchers , Floor , Senate , Least , Means , Answer , Care , Jewish Population , Slogan , 80 , Countries , Arc , Jewish History Teach Us , Fear , Devices , Back , Lesson , Personally , You , Jewish Faith , Dinner Table , Speech , Synagogue , Jewish Community , College Campuses , Protests , Rhetoric , Foreign Policy , Disagreements , Streets , Signs , Crowds , Issue , Gas , Posters , Cleanse , Walls , Stories , Folks , Grandparents , Lead , Magnet , Friends , Allies , Europe , Happening , Dinner , Say Anything , Holocaust Denier , Squad , Democrats Don T , Aisle , Party , Job Attacking Anti Semitism , Ambassador , Enemies , Social Media , Russia , China , Hip , Policy Differences , Package , Kids Don T , Backdrop , Lawmakers , Position , Limbo , Left , Senator Sanders , Speaker Johnson , Schumer , In The House , The One , Attack , Israel Still Doesn T , On The House , Civilians , Tools , Rally , Games , Middle East , No Doubt , Gaz , Mistake , Human Shields , Rest , Conditioning Thing , Need , Strings , Palestinians , Propaganda , Problems , None , Divide , Aid Package , Divisions , Desk , Majority , 435 , 212 , Reason , Winter Wallop , Fun , Comeback , National Christmas Tree , Er Wallop , Washington , Content , Needs , Thousands , Money Habits , Athletes , Employees , Special Olympics , Goals , Camera Shutter Sfx , Car Screech , City Ambience Sounds , Car Door Slam , Plaque Psoriasis , Flaky , Otezla , Ned S Plaque Psoriasis , Patches , Ned , Skin , Blood Tests , Flaking , Itching , Psoriatic Arthritis , Weight Loss , Headache , Thoughts , Vomiting , Nausea , Diarrhea , Depression , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Crowd Gasp , Movie , Ting , Menu Lineup , Monster , Iphone , Carolers , Charge , Fifteen , Philly , Naming , Subs , The Boss , Titan Turkey , 15 , Liberty Mutual , Plan , Condition , Dog Walking Business , Titanium , Ipad , Car Insurance , Hundreds , Apple , Holidays , Dog Barks , Bunny , Magic , Tree , Fine , Girl , Honey , Joy , Struggle , Holiday , Alarm , Ring , Peace Of Mind , Ring Com , Yes , Cpap , Customers , Safety Information , Term , Foods , Inspire , Mask , Hose , Inspiresleep Com , Jennifer , Weight , Food , Release Supplement , Blood Sugar Levels , Meals , Golo , Size , Aren T Hungry , Hunger , Pant Sizes , Dieting , Golo Plan , Seven , Success Stories , Try , White House Christmas Tree , Holiday Event , Winds , Crane , Spruce , Lighting Ceremony , Cable , 40 , Skating Rink , Ice Rink , First Lady , Peggy Fleming Performing , Jimmy Carter , Lawn , 1980 , Staff , Peggy , Amazing Skater , 00 ,

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