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reporting from new york. yasmin vossoughian picks up the coverage right now. >> it is 11:00 a.m. in the east, 8:00 a.m. pacific. this morning, major political fallout on capitol hill as republicans formally launch their impeachment inquiry into president biden, hours after his son defied a subpoena to speak with lawmakers behind closed doors. meanwhile, new developments in the federal criminal case surrounding former president donald trump. why a new court ruling threatens to push back the trial's start date, even further, into the presidential election year. this morning in an unexpected twist, former trump lawyer rudy giuliani will not take the stand in his multimillion dollar civil defamation trial. we'll take you live to the courthouse and breakdown what is next for this case. as democrats are considering major concessions on the border, we're going to take you live to one port of entry officials had to close after being overwhelmed with new arrivals. we're also going to ask congressman henry cuellar what congress should do on immigration. hi, everybody. we want to begin on capitol hill this morning, where house republicans are plotting their next steps after voting to formalize its impeachment inquiry into president biden. the vote was along party lines, with all republicans voting yes and all democrats voting no. >> the house has now spoken. and i think pretty loudly, pretty clearly, with every single republican voting in favor of moving into this official impeachment inquiry phase of our constitutional duty to do oversight. so when a majority of the house goes on record in support of an official impeachment inquiry, with the power that resides solely in the house of representatives, this impeachment power. >> so republicans are saying the move is going to grab them this ability to better enforce their subpoenas in court. the investigation, it has focused on the president and his family's business dealings. so far, though, republicans have failed to put forward any concrete evidence that directly connects president biden to any wrongdoing. the president reacted to the vote in a statement saying in part this, instead of doing anything to help make americans' lives better, they are focused on attacking me with lies. instead of doing their job on the urgent work that needs to be done, they are choosing to waste time on this baseless political stunt that even republicans in congress admit is not supported by facts. with us to start our coverage off, ryan nobles, michaela gardener, ashley etienne and former governor john kasich and msnbc political analyst. welcome to you. thank you for joining us. ryan, start us off, i kind of got into this a little bit. talk us through if you heard of a real more formal structure to this impeachment inquiry, considering the fact they're more looking for evidence versus having evidence as they had with the impeachment inquiry that was launched into the former president. >> yeah, you know, yasmin, i think the stage we're at now is the three committees responsible for this impeachment inquiry now are in a phase where they have additional power and resources to collect all the documents that they're looking for, to require this witness testimony that they have requested to formally come in and sit for these depositions and collect that information. and then begin to streamline their argument here that the current president joe biden has committed what they believe are high crimes and misdemeanors and worthy of articles of impeachment. there is no doubt that the members of the committees and particularly their chairs believe that they're already at that stage, but when you talk to rank and file republicans, thy are far less willing to take that step. they believe more evidence needs to be uncovered. they were comfortable voting for the inquiry yesterday, because they're allowing the process to move forward, but articles of impeachment are a grave next step that many of them are not yet willing to take. and it is going to be incumbent upon these committees to deliver the evidence that would allow them do so. and the chairman of the oversight committee, james comer, the leader of this in many respects talked about this yesterday. listen to what he had to say. >> we have a simple question, i think an overwhelming majority of americans have, what did the bidens do to receive the tens of millions of dollars from our enemies around the world. we expect to have people honor our subpoenas, we want to wrap this investigation up. but obviously you get to the deposition phase before you -- >> reporter: what is interesting, when you li listen how the chairman talks about this, many times they say there is a different purpose for what their investigation is or different specific question that they want answered. it has been a little scatter shot in many ways as this investigation has played itself out. they're not going to enjoy that luxury once they move to articles of impeachment. they're going to need to issue a report with very specific accusations about the president of the united states that are backed up by evidence and if they fail to do that, yasmin, they put themselves in a political position where president biden could argue he's been exonerated as a result of this investigation. so, the next couple of weeks are going to be very crucial for republicans if they're going to make good on their promises as it relates to this impeachment inquiry. >> so, governor, in sticking with this kind of line of questioning and talking about how republicans here are more looking versus actually having, i wanto read for you a quote from a piece that chuck todd wrote about this. talking about the former impeachments of former preside donald trump with former president clinton as well. whatever you think of the three other impeachments, the conduct the presidents are accused of was plain for everyone to see. there was no doubt clinton had an affai with an intern. there was doubt trump tried to coerce ukrainian president zelenskyy into opening a probe against biden, and trump's speech on january 6th 2021 alone is evidence of what he hoped supporould accomplish by marching on the capitol. the point is, the conduct alleged in those impeachments was not really in question. the question was whether the conduct was bad enough to merit the political death penalty. if you are a republican, governor, in a vulnerable district, and you have voted to launch this impeachment inquiry in which all republicans did in the house, how worried should you be about your future inside of an election year? >> well, probably thinking about the base, but, look, what i'm concerned about is it is like we're a third world country now. it is like we're looking at some place in south america where, you know, you keep putting your political opponents in jail or you charge them with this or that, and it has been going on for a long time. i think back to the investigation, for example, before you were born, of caspar weinberger. there was nothing there. but it bankrupted him. we have been increasingly weaponizing politics. so i want to ask you a question, think about this, would you want to quit your job and go run for public office today? i mean, who in their right mind wants to go through all this stuff? and so i think the quality of people that are now being elected to these positions is not as good as it once was. and now every time somebody, you know, gets in trouble, somebody else, they're going to go find somebody else to punish and it just goes on and on. and it just damages our credibility in the world, it damages our ability to get things done. and so there have been many investigations, democrats investigating republicans, republicans investigating democrats, so now this one, i mean, it is like we're going fishing. so, we haven't caught any fish yet, but if we can go out in the ocean long enough and keep throwing our line, maybe we'll find something. i just -- i just -- it is just very disappointing. but it is kind of where we are on the -- in the political side of america today. >> first of all, governor, i won't answer your question, but politics is not in my future, my friend. it is not in my future, i'll tell you that much. but how do you stop the cycle then? hearing your frustration here, which i think a lot of americans feel now, how do you stop the cycle? >> it is leaders, yasmin. the quality of leaders in our country today, not just in politics, but across the board, has -- is not where it once was or where we want it to be. look, let me tell you another thing i think we forget. one of the primary problems, don't think i'm preaching a sermon, maybe i am, when we cease to look at another person and realize that we forget that they're all made in the image of god and they deserve respect, when we lose that, that's when things begin to fall apart. we start to treat people with hatred, we start to treat them like widgets, and that's where we are today. we look at our polarized country, and when you hear somebody tell you i love trump, and i love biden or whatever, think about the reaction from those on the other side. it is like we are not treating people with the respect that they need and want and that's why i think we're in this spiral and cycle and what i think it is going to take is i think it is going to take some sort of a wakening, where people like you and hopefully myself and many others that we know stand up and say knock off this nonsense. when i was running the budget committee in washington, i told republicans we were going to treat democrats with respect. we still got what we wanted, but i was liked by both sides. same thing as governor. show respect. you don't have to agree, but stop trying to destroy somebody's life and their career. >> good luck, governor. good luck, governor. i want to pick up on where the governor is leaving us off, and talk about kind of the white house strategy here. and how they don't want to necessarily turn this into a dogfight, but they're heading into an election year, this impeachment inquiry was just launched, we know where the president stands on this. but knowing how he wants to communicate when it comes to maintaining respect and not turning it into this dogfight. >> the white house strategy really from the beginning has been to pivot to other issues. as we saw the president lay out in his statement yesterday, he says he wants congress to focus on ukraine funding, border security, avoiding a government shutdown and just the coming weeks, but i think what is really at play here, especially for speaker mike johnson, is he's looking for leverage when it comes to securing border security, when it comes to securing ukraine funding, and pursuing this impeachment inquiry could really give him that leverage he needs with those far right republicans who have already issued sort of a veiled threat to vacate the speakership if they cannot extract certain proposals on the border. so, that's definitely competing interests there, but i think something that gives the biden campaign comfort is it is not yet showing in polling this is a top issue that is driving voters and that's hopefully what republicans are hoping to extract from this. >> ryan makes a good point, they haven't necessarily, republicans, haven't necessarily been focused on that they're going for, what they're trying to find here. you were in the war room during the former president's impeachment with nancy pelosi, working in her office. talk us through kind of the pitfalls you see here for republicans and how democrats should fight back. >> here is the thing, we had two things going for us that the republicans don't currently have. one is we have public sentiment on our side. 60% of the american public thought donald trump should be impeached. the second is we had evidence. as you mentioned, there is no evidence here. republicans have admitted that. their witnesses have admitted that. they're calling it a retribution impeachment inquiry that's happening right now. and so that's really the problem for republicans. they're reaching at straws. this is a tactic i saw them use against barack obama when he was running for a second term. what i think is the bigger play here is this really is serving as a major distraction for the american people, for the media, for us. they would rather us talk about a baseless impeachment inquiry into president biden rather than talking about the fact that trump said he's going to terminate the constitution, that he's going to lead as a dictator on day one, and that he's currently in court now for trying to steal the election and for initiating an attack on the capitol. both of those two things he was impeached for doing. they're trying to distract us. they don't want us to focus on that. they would rather talk about this baseless impeachment into biden, and i agree with the governor, it is a lack of leadership on the part of the republican party. they're leaving town without addressing the border, without addressing funding for ukraine and israel. it is coming at a cost to the american people and i want to quote my former boss, elijah cummings, we're better than this as a nation and it is going to require big leadership on the part of the republican party to really remind the american people that we got big things we need to get done and walk away from this baseless impeachment inquiry. >> yasmin, one comment here. and that is it is a lack of leadership across the board. let me just suggest to you, so the republicans are saying they want some changes so we have border security. maybe they're asking for things that are extreme, but i notice the administration's beginning to say, oh, yeah, maybe we can do something there. we got do something about the border. and it takes leadership on both sides to do it. on the republican side, the democrats side, and if you can do something on border security, you can approve this vital aid for ukraine. the tragedy here is we're stuck and the world is looking at us saying what the heck, what are you doing, folks? what are you doing, america? and so we got to resolve this and it takes grown-ups on both sides to work a deal. they'll get a compromise. just do it sooner rather than later in my opinion. >> by the way, we'll be talking about the border in just a moment. did you see that, it is happening on this network right now, within this hour, ashley etienne saying she agrees with former republican governor john kasich. thank you to you both. ryan nobles, akayla gardener, thank you. a twist in the giuliani defamation case. we're back in just 60 seconds. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports." seconds. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports. ♪ febreze man: i don't about y'all, but when it comes to working from home, i gotta have every part of my house clean. that means tidying up, then spraying my febreze air mist, to leave every room smelling fresh and clean. with that done, it's time to get to work. ♪ la la la la la ♪ unnecessary action hero! ♪ -missing punches? w-unnecessary!, it's-check reversals?ork. -unnecessary! -time sheet corrections? -unnecessary! -unentered sick time? -unnecessary! -go! -unnecessary! -go! -unnecessary! -when you can take this phone, you'll be ready. -make the unnecessary, unnecessary. let your employees do their own payroll. 15 past the hour. earlier on this hour, a new york state appellate court rejected trump's challenge of the gag order he's under in his new york civil fraud trial. the testimony for that case wrapped up yesterday. and a decision is expected as soon as next month after closing arguments in court. want to bring in nbc news justice and intelligence correspondent ken dilanian and msnbc legal analyst, charles. i know this just broke in the last couple of minutes or so. this rejection of the former president's request to challenge that gag order. >> they did it in the form of a lawsuit against the judge, accusing the judge of violating former president trump's constitutional rights. the appeals court has simply rejected that argument and said that this was not violative of his constitutional rights. the trial is over, so it is moot at this point, but still a kind of affirmation that the gag order that judge engoron imposed on former president trump was valid and constitutional. >> so, what does this mean, in fact, going forward, if we can talk about the new york civil fraud trial timeline, ken, if you will, and then move on to some other developments we have been following as well when it comes to the supreme court. >> right, so we're expecting a verdict from the judge after the holidays. and, remember, the question in this case is merely one of penalties. how much is -- what kind of fines and penalties is the judge going to impose, and to what extent is he going to essentially separate the trumps from their new york business? and there is some appellate issues around that, so he's not totally free, he's constrained in some areas. but a lot is going to rest on how the judge decides to impose these penalties, and it could be very severe. it could suspend or prohibit former president trump and his children from doing business in the state of new york. and that would be a big blow to their real estate empire. >> i want to transition and talk about the d.c. federal case, ken, and talk about the delay put in place by judge chutkan waiting on this ruling from the supreme court. talk us through it. >> so there is two appeals courts now that are waiting to take a crack at this. but the circuit court, the d.c. appeals court and the supreme court, jack smith asked the supreme court to get involved. they have not yet said whether they will do that, but they asked former president trump's lawyers to file a response by next wednesday. and so a number of things could happen here. the supreme court could weigh in. and they could move quickly. they are perfectly capable of deciding issues like this in a matter of days or weeks or they could sit on it and wait, they could wait to see what the appeals court does, in which case we may see some kind of delay. the chances are that these appeals will delay the start of a trial, which is currently set for early march by some period of time. the question is by how much and that's really up in the air. then on the substance, you know, it is anybody's guess. the supreme court may not have to rule on this vexing question of can a president be charged -- will a president be immune from criminal acts by dint of being president. the court could decide everything donald trump did in trying to overturn the election he was not acting as the president. an appeals court already ruled that in a civil case. they may not have to get to that other threshold question of is a sitting president immune from criminal charges. >> i want you to make couple of guesses for me if you can, charles. i would love some guesses from you and then i'd like you to weigh in on an opinion from kavanaugh and looking at how the supreme court could rule on this. kavanaugh being one of the justices that was appointed by the former president. along with two others as well. talk me through what you feel as if the supreme court will do with this case if, in fact, they will rule on it? >> well, just number one is that i don't necessarily think that to ken's point the supreme court is going to question or take up the question of the notion of immunity if they do not have to. i think that's a really important distinction to make between how they will ultimately decide. if they do have to take up the question of immunity, i don't suspect it is going to go the way that donald trump thinks it is going to go. the main reason for that is the precedent it could create for future presidents in office regardless of anything that happens with him, and his criminal cases. >> and then when we're talking about a delay here, are you expecting a delay either way, considering the timeline that we're looking at, even if we go and are waiting for a supreme court decision here? we're looking at six to eight weeks, that will put us into march at this point. >> well, this is a guess i feel much more comfortable with. it is important to understand most of the attorneys understood, the trial date was not necessarily set in stone. i think that was meant to be a guide post for most people to understand. this is around when we want to get things moving, we want things to move as expeditiously as possible. it was not so solid that these delays that are now surfacing were not to be anticipated in some form or fashion. >> there is the question of how the supreme court justices would rule. a lot of cases would be looking to the supreme courts that were appointed by the former president and how they would rule if they would rule in favor of the former president. there was this opinion written by justice kavanaugh about two and a half decades ago in the i want to read.journal. the framers ts appeared to anticipate that president who commits serious wrongdoing house and removed from office by the sena a then prosecuted thereafter. the constitution itself s to dictate asian that congressional investigation must take place in lieuf criminal investigation when the president is the subject of investigation and the criminal prosecution can occur only after the president has left office. do you think that dictates, tells us something about how specifically justice kavanaugh could rule when it comes to presidential immunity? >> absolutely. i think that in this case it is a very interesting question. and one that i think would be easily sussed out for many of the reasons we talked about. there is a difference what you're doing as a sitting president and also what you're doing when you are not acting as the president. i think that the separation of those questions, having already been placed before the court, and separated, makes it much easier to have this conversation. but this sort of line of reasoning that you see or that you just noted in kavanaugh's previous opinion does give some insight in terms of how he would approach the question if he's to stay consistent with what he's written before. that's a big if. >> that's a big if. thank you. surprising developments in rudy giuliani's defamation damages trial this morning. his lawyers announcing he will no longer testify in his own defense before he was expected to take the stand. he's been found liable for wrongly accusing two georgia election workers of fraud and a jury is determining how much he will have to pay them. and nbc news justice reporter ryan reilly joins us with more on that. rudy decided not to testify. last week, ryan, the former president decided not to testify in his fraud trial as well. is there anything we can draw from both of these? >> reporter: i think this really would have backfired if ry giuliani took the stand. he still believes these fundamental lies, these conspiracy theories about the two plaintiffs in this case and doesn't seem to be able to sort of get himself out of that nexus and still getting sucked into these conspiracy theories. and he want going to be able to get into that on the stand. if he did, it would increase the penalty that jurors are going to impose on him here. so right now we're at closing arguments in this case and the attorneys for ruby freeman and shaye moss had a copy of rudy giuliani's book with them. they pulled up a passage where rudy giuliani talks about his dad when he was a child telling him, don't be a bully, don't be a bully, and the attorney told the jurors that, you know, it is a shame that basically giuliani did not take the advice of his father. so, it is really a remarkable argument here. we should hear very shortly from giuliani's own lawyer in closing arguments here. >> ryan reilly, thank you. coming up, as both parties negotiate major border policy changes, we're going to take you live to one spot in arizona where hundreds of migrants, men, women, children, are crossing the border every single day. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports." very singl. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports. d all- night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. a few years ago, i came to saona, they told me there's no electricity on the island. we always thought that whatever we did here would be an emblem of what small communities can achieve. trying to give a better life to people that don't have the means to do it. si mi papá estuviera vivo, sé que él tuviera orgulloso también de vivir de esta viviendo una vida como la que estamos viviendo ahora. es electricidad aquí es salud. we planned well for retirement, but i wish we had more cash. you think those two have any idea? that they can sell their life insurance policy for cash? so they're basically sitting on a 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migrant detentions and deportations to get republicans on board with the aid package, according to two sources familiar with these discussions. i want to bring in julia ainsley. she's at the southern border in lukeville, arizona. if you will, talk us through what you're seeing there, the latest that you're hearing, especially when it comes to talking with homeland security officials about what is being discussed at the capital right now. >> yeah, i'm in the perfect spot to show you exactly what those officials are worried about. right here in lukeville, arizona, they have seen a lot of migrants come through, so many that they had to close the port of entry behind me. a lot of commerce is suffering here right now. we have seen about 100 migrants come through this processing center here behind me, just this morning. and right now border patrol is on their way out to pick up another group of about 40 who found themselves stranded. this is such a remote area of the desert. what dhs officials are worried about as those negotiations ramp up is that if the biden administration and democrats agree with the republicans to start detaining all migrants until asylum hearings, they say they will get so full in detention, that soon they won't be able to process more migrants because they won't have anywhere to put them. the migrants who come through places like this and are processed under tents behind me are released. they're taken into tucson, processed and released and given a court hearing, sometimes set years in the future. a lot of people say that is really what is at the heart of this broken asylum system. but officials say that the answer can't be indefinite detention, especially because a lot of these migrants are coming from countries like venezuela that won't take them back. it is a really complicated situation, but people here say they're worried about the negotiations happening in washington and the real impact it could have here at the border, which is already seeing record highs just last week over 12,000 undocumented migrants crossing the southern border in a single day. >> julia ainsley, thank you. appreciate it. i want to bring in texas congressman henry cuellar who represents a border district, the top democrat on the house appropriations subcommittee for homeland security. thanks for joining us on this, appreciate it. you heard our report from julia on the ground there, key town in arizona, very remote as well. we're hearing more detentions, more deportations, that is the plan coming from negotiators. by critics called title 42 on steroids. where do you stand on this? >> well, you know, certainly i'm one of those that i believe that we should have detentions. we should deport people that don't have a legal right to be here. look, you know, the asylum law is very clear. you got to have state persecution, based on five things, race, nationality, political belief, religion, part of a social class. and if you don't fit that, you know, you can come here for a job, you can come here for economic reasons, come in for so many other reasons, they don't qualify, so why are we allowing everybody to come in, most people come in, stay here four or five years and have an immigration judge deport them. i live in the border, and we have been talking about this since 2013. and if you look at some of the past experiences that we have had with different administrations, i think president obama along with secretary jeh johnson, i think they had it right. they gave people their claim to asylum, but at the end of the day, they deported people, detained people and they just did one thing, they enforced title 8. >> so, congressman, what is to be done, if i'm hearing you right? because as julia said, folks are critical of more detentions, more deportations, you're looking at detentions in perpetuity, no end in sight. you have people trekking for days upon days with young children, them being turned around and deported, mistreated. what is the solution then? >> well, just what i said. you got to enforce the law. look, the asylum law is very -- >> they're going to keep coming. they're going to keep coming. >> no, no, no. let me tell you something. if you -- if you have repercussions at the border, like we did under president obama, then the numbers would certainly go down. they won't eliminate them to zero, but it will bring them down to where it is more manageable to do it. if you don't have repercussions at the border, if you and i were down there and then we said, hey, look, we can get to the u.s. border, and then they're going to let us in, of course we're going to pay the $8,000 to the bad people to come in. but if i had a -- if you and i saw that we were probably be held and then deported because we don't qualify, i would think about that and you would think about that. it is simple repercussions that you got to have at the border following what the law is right now. >> congressman, your fellow congressional hispanic caucus members say it is not right there is no latina representation in any of these talks. and along with that, they think it is setting a dangerous precedent and giving into republicans when it comes to immigration reform and getting aid for ukraine. where do you stand on this? >> well, look, i respect my colleagues, they certainly have a different opinion. but some of us have been talking about this since 2013. you talk to some of us on the border, we think a little differently. i don't have any sanctuary cities. i don't have any public officials that say let them in, let them in. we have been dealing with this migrant situation for so many years. now that new york, now that chicago, washington, d.c., colorado, massachusetts and other places are feeling what we felt, this is what we have been talking about. i don't call this a republican idea because some of us push this idea before some of those republicans were even in office. we just want to see one thing at the border. we want to see law and order. we want to -- don't want to see chaos at the border. at the same time we want to respect the migrants' rights and their claim to asylum. but, again, the law is very clear. persecution by a state, by a state, based on five things, and those -- most of those folks do not qualify. they do not qualify. >> do you think it is important to have latina representation in these talks? >> well, you know, secretary mayorkas is certainly involved in the talks. i have talked to some of the folks about it. in fact, some of the ideas that they're looking at are ideas that i talked about it. certainly, you know, the senate should have latinos, but it is not only latinos that should be involved. it is one of those things that, you know, we want to make sure that the migrant rights because right now migrants are not coming only from latin america, they're coming in from 50 plus countries across the world. >> we have about 30 seconds left. i want to get you on the record with this and that is the launch of this impeachment inquiry into president biden and what you voted against. what is your reaction? >> well, you know, i wish that republicans would not do this. i voted no on the inquiry. depending what comes out, i'll probably vote no on the impeachment. but let's see what we see. but, you know, we have so many issues, we got ukraine, israel, border, we got so many things that we need to address, this is just not one of the issues that we should be spending time on. >> so, just to be clear, you are unsure as to how you would vote when it comes to impeachment of president biden? >> no. again, listen to what i'm saying, i voted no on the inquiry. i said i probably will vote no unless something comes out, but i probably will be voting no on the impeachment. >> got it. congressman henry cuellar, thank you. we have breaking news we're following. suspected members of hamas arrested. russian president vladimir putin speaking. the russian leader giving his first press conference since moscow's invasion of ukraine. what he had to say about a potential deal with the u.s. to release two americans detained in russia. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports." sia. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports. customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ the subway series is taking your favorite to the next level! like the #20. the elite chicken and bacon ranch. built with rotisserie-style chicken and double cheese. i love what i'm seeing here. that's some well-coached chicken. you done, peyton? the subway series just keeps gettin' better. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well. ♪ ♪ jardiance ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance, ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seee. ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c. ♪ jardiance works 24/7 in your body to flush out some sugar! and for adults with 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planning a terror attack, the danish prime minister calling this situation a serious as it gets. and within the last half hour, the german state prosecutor saying four suspected members of hamas have been arrested. one in the netherlands and three in berlin. the german prosecutors saying one of the members was searching for the underground stash of weapons in europe, which hamas developed in the past, and investigators believe those weapons were due to be taken to berlin. they believe the motive here was to then use those weapons for potential terrorist attack against jewish institutions in europe. of course, this continues to be a developing story that we are keeping a close eye on. >> meagan fitzgerald, thank you. also today, white house national security adviser jake sullivan is in israel meeting with prime minister bibi netanyahu and the war cabinet. the meeting is coming as the united states and israel are starting to show divisions over how the war with hamas is being carried out and what comes next. the families of hostages held by hamas are demanding answers. israeli officials did not comment on the reports. joining us now from tel aviv is raf sanchez to talk more about this. a few things i want to talk through. anything more you're learning in your reporting about the potential blocking of this masad chief when it comes to hostages getting exchanged or released and the visit by jake sullivan on the ground today. >> reporter: starting with jake sullivan, he's here in tel aviv, at the israeli defense ministry a couple of miles from where i am now. he met earlier with prime minister netanyahu, going to meet with the israeli war cab next we're already seeing some tensions you mentioned between the u.s. and israel come to the surface during this visit. he's meeting with the israeli defense minister who made a point in the public readout of their conversation of saying this war is going to last more than several months. now that is not what the white house wants to hear. they haven't put a firm timeline on how long the u.s. will continue to support israel's operations inside of gaza. but they made clear, this war cannot go on indefinitely. the civilian casualties cannot continue at this rate. and we have seen the u.s. very, very lonely at the united nations as countries around the world, including some american allies press for an immediate cease-fire. it has been up to the u.s. to defend israel in the diplomatic arena. now, when it comes to the hostages, a lot of frustration among the families here at this report that the israeli spy chief, their chief mediator, was blocked from going to qatar to try to restart negotiations. it has been two weeks exactly since the last hostages came out of gaza and i put it to a senior adviser to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu that the families feel that their loved ones are not the top priority for the government, they feel the government is more focused on fighting the war on destroying hamas. take a listen to his answer. >> from our perspective as a government, we see no contradiction between the goal of defeating hamas, destroying hamas, and getting the hostages out. ultimately the only thing that worked so far in getting hostages out has been the military pressure. it is not this versus that. the goals compliment each other. the military pressure has achieved the release of hostages more than many people thought were possible. >> at this point, there is no sign of any concrete progress toward another cease-fire that could lead to hostages getting out, give some respite to civilians inside of gaza, but it does feel like the political conditions here in israel anyway might exist, the israelis feel like they made a lot of progress on the ground in southern gaza over the last two weeks. that might give prime minister netanyahu the political cover for another cease-fire. >> raf sanchez, thank you. coming up next, russian leader vladimir putin holding his first press conference this morning since moscow's invasion of ukraine. what he had to say about the fate of the americans jailed in russia. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports." russia you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports. any iphone in any condition into a new iphone 15 pro with titanium and ipad and apple watch se - all on us. only on verizon. every day, more dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. 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, Interest , A Month , Business Mobile , Providers , Bill , Carriers , Big Three , Comcast , 0 , 75 , 30 , 5g Mobile Network , Line Activation Fees , Contracts , Device , 5 , Negotiations , 29 , Agreement , Migrant Detentions , Precondition , Deportations , Hearing , Julia Ainsley , Discussions , Sources , Aid Package , Latest , Lukeville , Homeland Security Officials , Capital , Migrants , Border Patrol , Commerce , Suffering , Processing Center , 100 , Area , Group , Desert , 40 , Detention , Places , Anywhere , Asylum Hearings , Court Hearing , Heart , Asylum System , Tents , Tucson , Answer , Situation , Countries , Venezuela , Impact , Undocumented Migrants Crossing , Washington , 12000 , Thanks , Ground , On The House Appropriations Subcommittee For Homeland Security , Congressman , Julia , Border District , Texas , Detentions , Title 42 On Steroids , Negotiators , Critics , 42 , Asylum Law , Right , Nationality , State Persecution , Race , Five , Class , Religion , Belief , Immigration Judge , Four , 2013 , Claim , Jeh Johnson , Experiences , Administrations , Asylum , Title , Solution , Perpetuity , Trekking , No End In Sight , Repercussions , Law , Numbers , Zero , Course , Look , 8000 , 000 , Latina , Following , Congressional Hispanic Caucus , Representation , Immigration Reform , Colleagues , Some , The Border , Sanctuary Cities , Feeling , Chicago , Colorado , Massachusetts , Law And Order , Persecution , Chaos , Secretary Mayorkas , Senate , Latinos , Ideas , Launch , Latin America , 50 , Address , News , Hamas , President Putin , Leader , Moscow , Press Conference , Invasion , Russian , Speaking , Liberty , Pay , Series , Favorite , Level , Save , Mustache , Subway , Sia , Liberty Bibberty , Stop Taking Jardiance , Chicken , Type 2 Diabetes , Elite Chicken , Better , Cheese , Bacon Ranch , Peyton , 20 , 2 , Story , Pill , A1c , Day S Staaart , Seee , Ketoacidosis , Heart Disease , Risk , Side Effects , Sugar , Death , Body , Adults , Jardiance May , 24 7 , Doctor , Infection , Urinary Tract Infections , Perineum , Dehydration , Kidney Function , Genital Yeast , Skin , Symptoms , Insulin , Blood Sugar , Dialysis , Sulfonylurea , Deep Exhale , Rsv , Abrysvo , Breath , Breath Matters , Em , Trumpet Music , Breaths , 579 , Vaccine , Prevention , Respiratory Disease , Diabetes , Copd , Asthma , Rsv Vaccine , Pfizer , Immune System , Spain , Ingredients , Headache , Injection Site , Tiredness , Retailers , Muscle Pain , Pharmacist , Deep Breath , Abrysvo Com , Europe , Learning , Institutions , Planning Attacks , Meagan Fitzgerald , Suspicion , Arreste , Jewish , Netherlands , Denmark , Prime Minister , Serious , Planning A Terror Attack , Prosecutor , German , Danish , Weapons , Stash , Investigators , Berlin , Prosecutors , Terrorist Attack , Motive , Eye On , War , Meeting , Bibi Netanyahu , Jake Sullivan , Divisions , White House National Security , War Cabinet , Hostages , Families , Answers , Reports , Reporting , Blocking , Tel Aviv , Is Raf , Visit , Tensions , Miles , Surface , War Cab , Israeli Defense Ministry , Defense Minister , Readout , Rate , Southern Gaza , Casualties , Haven T , War Cannot Go On , Operations , Cease Fire , Arena , Allies , United Nations , Spy Chief , Chief Mediator , Qatar , Government , Senior Adviser , Priority , Loved Ones , Listen , Perspective , Contradiction , Goal , Destroying Hamas , Hostages Out , Military Pressure , Each Other , Goals , Release , Progress , Respite , Civilians , Sign , Conditions , Raf Sanchez , Cover , Israelis , The Americans , Fate , Pet Food , Dog People , Approach , Vets , Dog , List , Door , Veggies , Meat , Portioned , Looks , Honey , Fast , Life Insurance , Bathroom , Bath , Sad , Colonial Penn , Hm , Baxter , Health , Health Questions , Sounds , Name , Boxes , States , Options , Exam , Acceptance , Wages , Colonial Penn Guaranteed Acceptance Whole Life Insurance , Need One , 95 , 85 , 9 95 , Insured , Lifetime Rate Lock , Lifetime Protection , 35 , Beneficiary Planner , Calling , Obligation , Hope , Joy , Kids , Food , Hunger , Backyard , Friends , Best , Aren T Being Met , Breakfast , Meals , Kid , 19 , 0 63 , 63 , 9 , Test Scores , Well Being , Game Changer , Classroom , Focused , Grades , Confidence , Energy , Yes , Love , Team , Credit Card , T Shirt , Helpnokidhungry Org , Ends Meet , Hard Times , Russian Court , Espionage Charges , Detention Of Gershkovich , Nine , Dealer , Prisoner Exchange , Keir Simmons , Brittney Griner , Arounds , Possibility , Offer , Demands , Evan Gershkovich , Russians , Basics , Prison , Espionage , Allegations , Paul Whelan , Wall Street Journal , Small , Brave Question , Flight , Snowy Moscow , Interest Rates , Rally , Wall Street , Path , Federal Reserve , 2024 , Car Insurance , Hundreds , Liberty Mutual , Dog Barks , Dog Walking Business , Money , Bunny , Work Shirt , Downy , Shoulder , Clothes , Laundry , 56 , Points , Wake , Dow Jones Industrial Average , 115 , 500 , Cuts , Midst , Christine Romains , Powell Wouldn T , Inflation , Jerome Powell , Interest Rate Hikes , Decreases , Victory , Inflation Numbers , Job Market , Direction , Hasn T , Moderating , Rate Hikes , Interest Rate Cuts , Idea Being , Stocks , Landing , Tear , Growth , Fine , S P 500 , Round Number , Rate Cuts , Half , 37000 , Stock Part , 23 , 401 , Safe , Joke , Fingers , 2022 , Portfolio , Price Levels , Cooling , Prices , Polls , Good , Disconnect , Ahold , Messaging , Reelection , O ,

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