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towards the capital. this is the city of zawiya. on this day, even if you couldn't see the fire fight close up, you could hear its deafening sounds reverberating from the eastern part of the city. just getting too close. there are snipers on the tops of buildings. loud bangs. artillery fire. morta mortars. we've got to get out of here. despite the major battle going on around him, a rebel fighter, who did not want to be identified to protect his family, was confident of victory. considering the fighting is to fierce here, how long before you think you're able to push into tripoli? >> hopefully a couple of days. or one week maybe. >> reporter: you think it's going to be that soon? >> i think so because we are, we are in control in 80% of zawiya. >> reporter: but to push forward, they need to secure the whole city where gadhafi's army is doing everything it can to keep hold of this town. why is zawiya so important? >> because of oil factory. >> reporter: zawiya has one of the last remaining functioning oil refineries in the country and is the most direct supply root to tripoli. as of now, rebels have captured the refinery. there is a large amount of oil left in the storage tanks, but the opposition fighters say for them, this is not about oil. it's about securing their homes and neighborhoods. most of the town is shuttered, abandoned by frightened residents, but some families remain. ♪ this family is staying put including the children. even though missiles and mortars are falling around their home. >> translator: a person feels unsafe and can't rest because of the rockets. they hit us every night, but we are resisting by staying in our homes until liberty, but we do feel fear. especially for the children. >> reporter: she and the rebel fighters are convinced the end of the gadhafi regime is near, but most here agree. trying to take control of nearby tripoli will be one hell of a fight. and more breaking news. iran state-run tv says two american hikers detained in tehran have been sentenced to eight years in prison. josh fattal and shane bauer were seized by iranian authorities two years ago and charged with spying and illegal entry. reza has been covering the story and joins us now. what more are we learning about these two men and the news they received? >> oftentimes, information coming out of iran is sparse, sketchy and incomplete and it's no different this time. but let's tell you what we do know. iran's revolutionary court has convicted shawn bauer and joshua fattal of trespassing and spying and has sentenced them to eight years in prison. this is obviously very bad news for the parents of joshua fattal and shane bauer who were hoping the ordeal for their sons would be over. i think it's a verdict that's going to surprise people outside the u.s. who were expecting these two individuals to be released after they spent more than two years in prison in iran waiting for this very lengthy case to be completed. but again, the revolutionary courts convicting and sentencing shane bauer and joshua fattal. according to the source cited by state media, they're saying the two individuals are getting three years for trespassing and five years for spying. a charge their lawyers have strongly denied. we have reached out to the hiker's lawyer and what's bizarre, he seems not to be up to speed on what's happening. he said he wasn't aware of the verdict. he heard it in the media and is not going to comment on this verdict until and unless he speaks with court officials. of course, this is a case that garnered worldwide attention shortly after july 2009 and increased tensions between washington and tehran. i don't think this is a verdict that's going to help relations between the u.s. and iran. we should note that this case is probably not over. the lawyer has 20 days to appeal and you recall back in 2009, another american, american journalist roxanne na was detained, convicted of spying and was released shortly there after. don't rule out the possibility of these two being release d as well. >> that was going to be my follow up question. thanks so much. appreciate that. so, the u.s. state department just issued a statement saying it's working to confirm the report on shane and josh's sentencing and reiterated that it has a call in of course for the hiker's release. susan candiotti has been in touch with the families of these two men. she joins us live from new york. what have the families said and just riding on that last comment from reza, will the families feel that doesn't mean a hard core eight years, that perhaps there is a possibility there may be an early release? >> that would be the hope of the families. we've been reaching out to the families and their representatives throughout the morning. so far, we have not been able to talk directly to the families. it's not unusual when there has been a major development in this case for the mothers and the relatives to get together to figure out what they want to say, to study the situation, make sure they have the most up to date information before they get together and agree on what it is that they're going to say. so that apparently, is what is happening right now and in fact, in the end, we may be hearing strictly from their lawyer they hired, who is in iran. and that might be the conduit throughout the day, but certainly, it's an ordeal, yet another step many this long ordeal that they've been living through. >> wow. i know it's very difficult for them to feel any encouragement especially after a sentence like that. how are the mothers of shawn bauer and josh fattal kind of keeping it together? >> you know, they tell us constantly that they gain strength from each other. they talk to each other every day. sometimes more than once a day. they've been sending letters to their, to shane and to josh throughout. we're also understanding that the swiss ambassador by the way has not yet been informed of what is happening now according to our sources, so she's aware of the reports. this is someone who is the main conduit from the families as well as for the state department since the u.s. has not diplomatic relations with iran. so that's what we're hearing at this time. but remember, one key thing about this, fred, is that in the trial, the lawyer has consistently said that he never saw any evidence presented by iran that shane and josh and sarah were spying. never saw that presented in court. never the less, the verdict is what it is. according to the source and now, we will find out what will happen next. >> thanks so much. we're also watching closely a few u.s. legal cases. a tweet posted on a rapper's twitter account jams police phone lines. find out what game had to say about this straight ahead. in this hour. and people still want to travel in this economy, so how can it be afforded? 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here's a clue. >> this town has something in common with the home of the kentucky derby and has more than 300 days of sunshine. what place has plenty of space to horse around in? we'll let you know after the break. at exxon and mobil, we engineer smart gasoline that works at the molecular level to help your engine run more smoothly by helping remove deposits and cleaning up intake valves. so when you fill up at an exxon or mobil station, you can rest assured we help your engine run more smoothly while leaving behind cleaner emissions. it's how we make gasoline work harder for you. exxon and mobil. what place has plenty of space to horse around? louisville, colorado. not to be confused with louisville, kentucky. it has 27 parks and 27 miles of trails to keep you out of the sun. >> when you get a little older and need a little space, louisville's the perfect place. >> and the perfect place to own a home. real estate values in town have barely budged in six years. the l.a. county sheriff's department says the rapper known as game won't face criminal charges for a tweet gone awry. here's what happened. last week, the compton county sheriff's station was flooded with hundreds of calls causing the phone system to shut down. investigators traced the calls back to the rapper's twitter account. the rapper says the tweet was a prank gone wrong. the sheriff's department says the prank was no joke. >> the people who were calling through with important calls, to include two robberies, a spousal assault, missing person, hit and run. >> i spoke to game and the incident and here's what he said happened. >> it was hacked, but by my friend. my phone was laying around and when ever is phone is laying around, we tweet from each other's page. that's what happened. >> so, what's your response to the l.a. police which are saying some real legitimate calls didn't make it through because of this mishap? >> it's a real sensitive subject. i never want to be the source of anything happening wrong to anybody or anyone not being able to get through the help lines tat police station. but it was a ten-digit toll free number and you know, when people are in trouble, they call 911. that's not to take away from the police. them doing a job with them saying that there was a robbery or something happened. i don't ever want to see anybody hurt. i got kids at home. woman at home. i'm not that guy. my sincerest apologies to the sheriff's department and like i said, it was just a joke gone wrong. >> all right. apparently, apology accepted. authorities say game will not face any charges. another phenomenon interfering with first responders, so-called swatting, our legal guys are at the ready and will help explain what this is all about. swatting, not that moex motion you do when a fly is in the room, but making prank calls to emergency services some think of this as a joke, but authorities say it is down right dangerous as in the case of a 15-year-old naples boy. and richard hermann, a criminal defense attorney and law professor from new york. finally. i know new york is happy to see you, richard. in t in the case of this 15-year-old boy, hunt r, his x-box apparently got hacked and this next thing you know, a s.w.a.t. team had descended on his home. richard, how often is something like this happening? >> apparently, it's an incredible phenomena right now. you don't tug on superman's cape, you don't yell fire in a crowded movie theatre and what's happening here, groups of individuals for revenge or jealousy or ego, not for money, go after target individuals, get into their x-box, make up these scenarios where these people are being held at gun point, they've been slashed, they're holding their parents and what happens is when law enforcement hears this and gets it, they dispatch s.w.a.t. teams to try to break it up because they can't tell if it's a prank or it's real. it costs about $10,000. people could get killed in these raids and very dangerous. federal, federal penalties for this. federal. using the wires. >> avery, this is dangerous, costly. and the sad thing about this, another sad thing about it is the people who are doing the hacking, they often get away with this because it's very difficult for authorities to trace and track down who is responsible for this. >> yeah, 911 systems actually were created around 1968. long before this technology. so the difficulty, it's hard to get ahold of these people, but what these cyber freaks are doing is bragging about it. since late 2010, congress decided to do something about it. they enacted the truth in caller i.d. act and richard's right. the penalty is up to five years in the pen tenturery and there's a man in massachusetts who this year was convicted. he is spending 11 years for swatting. so it's serious. i'm not sure how widespread it is, but it's growing and that's a concern to law enforcement. >> another big concern, this for big tobacco. the fda saying you got to put these new labels. there have already been some labels put on cigarette packaging, warning you of the potential health effects. now, it goes a step further and these tobacco companies are saying, wait a minute, you're essentially telling our customers, richard, to not buy this product. do they have a good case? >> i think they do, fred. i think -- look, this is what's going to be on cigarette packages. this probably goes too far. whether it's going to avoid people from smoking, i don't think so. there was a study that said smokers completely ignore warnings. this is pretty devastating. this is a lawful business, cigarettes. if it wasn't lawful, okay, but it is lawful and five of the six big tobacco companies are saying the government has gone too far and they've got to stop it. >> they're going as far as saying this is unconstitutional. >> yeah. >> is it? >> it's a constitutionally tantalizing case, but the problem is, the tobacco industry originally challenged the question of smoking may be hazardous to your health. and they lost. now, they're challenging, smoking will kill you. they think there's a big difference. no, there isn't. the constitutional basis, which is an intriguing one. this is big tobacco being backed up with some very good lawyers. at the end of the day, i think they're going to lose. >> interesting. now, let's talk about a very, very unusual case. i think we can all agree this is rather odd. a deaf man wanting to attend a nudist festival wants an interpreter to come along, but the park refuses. he is suing on what grounds now, avery? >> under title 1 of the americans with disableties act. a federal law passed in 1990. he is saying, i can't hear what's going on, so i want my interpreter right next to me and the nudist colony is saying, he's got to take his clothes off, too, at least give us three days notice. he's saying, that's unreasonable. believe it or not, the case is a little closer than one might think. if the three-day notice is too much and doesn't make sense, believe it or not, tom willard, who brought the case, wins. if there is a connection, they want to get an interpreter that will take their clothes off, then they lose. so, thest a fascinating case. goofy case, but lots of fun to look at. >> i wonder if this is something that really does challenge the american disableties act. this american needs the interpreter, period. this is a necessity. why should clothing, no clothing, stand in the way of what he believes to be his right? and his right protected under this federal act? >> fred, i don't think the as fascinating case and i think it was a set-up case. i don't think this guy generally wanted to attend. but in any event, under the act, under the act, if it's a place of public accommodation, they must provide interpreters. that is what the law says and that they have not done it, they have violated the law and avery's right. i think it's going to come down. he's going to be successful here, but i think it's a ridiculous case. give me a break. this is ridiculous. >> i think he's prejudice against nude, deaf nudists or something. >> still want to communicate even if you're at a nudist camp, right? verbally. you don't want your body to say everything. >> you've got to use your fingers to do it. >> okay. we're not done with you. we've got other cases involving of course, the name is back. casey anthony and the emergency petition -- yeah, i know. you haven't heard it in a couple of weeks, right? the case is not over. it's taking another turn. the emergency petition that her lawyers have now filed. see you in a few minutes and rebel forces are getting ever closer to libya's capital. will the country's long time leader fight or run? we'll take you live to tripoli just minutes from now. 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[ male announcer ] help protect your family at [ pigeons ] heyyy! hooo!!! those are top stories right now, rebel forces in libya could be just days away from advancing on tripoli. right now, they're battling gadhafi's forces in zawiya. libyan officials deny rebel claims that gadhafi and his family are preparing to leave. two years ago today, scottland released lockerbie bomber. he was jailed for the 1988 bombing of a pan am jet liner over scotland that kills 270 people. he was released on compassion at grounds after a cancer diagnose sis and report that he had three months to live. the movement and returned to a hero's welcome in libya and is still alive today. and tensions are rising between egypt and israel. egypt has recalled its ambassador from tel aviv and is demanding israel investigate the death of three egyptian security members. they were killed during israeli strikes in gaza. hundreds have protested, demanding egypt serve ties with israel. authorities in norway expect more than a thousand people today in utoia island as survivors of the shooting rampage return to the scene. families of those slaughters july 22nd visited the island yesterday. and brefic amitts to the attacks, but has pleaded not guilty. back to libya. and moammar gadhafi. what is he doing now that rebel forces are on his front doorstep? matthew chance is in the libyan capital. so, is there any sign that indeed overt signs that rebel forces are closing in on tripoli? >> well, we've all heard these reports. at least from our reporter to the west of tripoli, that zawiya, that very important, strategic town, is essentially in the hands of the rebel forces. that's had the effect of cutting off tripoli. so tripoli, the libyan capital, is now surrounded by rebel forces. there are other reports yet to be confirmed that the oil terminal has fallen into the happeneds of the rebels. they apparently lost the other oil refinery as well. the regime is looking pretty isolated. >> it seems there are these conflicting reports about whether gadhafi is making preparations to find a pathway to tunisa and maybe with his family along, then there are sources that say now, he's staying put. which is it? >> i don't know in short. certainly, there are a lot of rumors that gadhafi has, other arab countries to take his family. that's something that's been reyekted by the officials we get a chance to speak to here. we haven't seen colonel gadhafi for some time, but what he said in his public statements, he does not intend to go. he intended to stay and fight for the defense of tripoli against these rebels. that's his public position. but of course, there may well be negotiations going on. i spoke to the country's foreign minister and he indicated to us very strongly that he believed there would be a peaceful solution to this crisis in libya. that whether that means that colonel gadhafi leave it is country really remains to be seen. >> matthew chance, thanks so much in tripoli. back in this county tr, the latest case of a missing american woman in aruba has a lot of people thinking about this young man. remember the name, joran van der sloot? he's behind bars in peru and could be back on the streets in a matter of months. our legal guys are ready to take on the reroouf yan judicial system, next. [ woman ] welcome back, jogging stroller. you've been stuck in the garage, while my sneezing and my itchy eyes took refuge from the dust in here and the pollen outside. but with 24-hour zyrtec®, i get prescription strength relief from my worst allergy symptoms. it's the brand allergists recommend most. ♪ lily and i are back on the road again. where we belong. with zyrtec®, i can love the air®. casey anthony is back on top of legal dockets. this time, it's all about her probation for check froud. her attorneys have filed a motion to block her return to florida. will she have to report next friday anyway? avery, you first. why would her attorneys block her return to orlando? they're not denying that she has this issue of probation and the bad check charge, right? >> right. >> yes, they are. >> i think it's mystifying. and i think i'm going out on a limb on this, not much of one, i think there's about as much chance of getting a stay as christine o'donnell rebooking on piers morgan. especially when baez knows, the attorney, that he conceded it was upon release. so whatever, the only argument that can be made frankly is a procedural one. i think chief judge perry dealt with it very effect live any, that stay is very, very unlikely. >> so, richard, why offer this latest distraction? why would her attorneys try to argue this when this bad check writing charge had nothing to do with time served and why she was released under the conditions in which she was released? >> yeah, well, with all due respect to my esteemed partner, they are denying the probation aspect. they're saying she completed her probation when she was incarcerated and the probation department accordingly issued correspondence saying she completed it. even though they know that the sentencing judge said probation will begin upon release to prison. he said, listen, pal, you knew this all along. this is a frivolous case. borderline on ethical conduct. we kind cough gleaned last week there might be a problem. i believe it's coming from the judge at a minimum in this particular case. and that will be dealt with accordingly. >> okay. let's move on to the next case. this involving joran van der sloot. but the family of the slain peruvian woman says the murder suspect could walk out by december unless prosecutors and authorities there bring charges soon and get him in court. so, how soon are we talking that they need to hurry up and get things going before that december deadline, richard? >> that's what my latino friends say. hello, wake up. you have a time frame for him to prosecut prosecute. you have a video of him entering the room with that woman. also the fact there's a dead woman found if there and you have his confession afterwards. i mean, even the -- even the anthony prosecutors could win this case. >> what's going on? >> i have no idea. looks like corruption. >> they may know -- well. something we don't know, but i agree. we've got -- here's 14, 15 months in, so we're on a very short leash on making a decision. to be honest with you, we saw dutch justice as not. you know, i think everyone is asking. what are the peruvians doing right now. i think they're going to wind up going forward, but why is this taking so long? the evidence is overwhelming. >> it is. it is case of the natalee holloway case, authorities said they just never had the evidence. very different scenario in peru with the video and there were some allegations of dna and even with the computer activity. so, this is very perplexing to a lot of people, richard and avery. >> interesting though, fred, i just want to say one quick thing. recently, the netherlands and peru entered into an extradition agreement, so even though alabama has indicted him for extortion and wire fraud, if they don't prosecute him in peru, he may end back up in the netherlan netherlands, which will be incredible. >> they're going to prosecute. >> okay. now, let's talk about something very unusual. we've had a couple of unusual cases today. on wednesday, a judge will sentence a florida couple failing to properly secure their pet python that killed their 2-year-old daughter. they are convicted. charles darnell and jaron hair of manslaughter, child neglect and third degree murder charges. richard, this is pretty unthinkable situation. what was their defense by the way? how did they say this happened, we didn't mean it to happen? they were convicted, but is sentencing comes next. do they have any last words to try to influence the courtroom. >> their defense was this is our pet and we didn't know that not feeding the snake for a month and knowing that the snake had a history of escaping from this makeshift cage, they just didn't know that if the 2-year-old was left near the snake, the snake might kill it. these people are the most moronic individuals we've seen this year. i think the judge is going to hammer them and rightfully so. this is just complete insanity. i can't believe these idiots. what a tragedy. wow. >> it is a tragedy. avery, i'll let you have the last word. >> their argument is we've suffered unspeakably because of the loss of our child. what's more unspeakable is the death of this 2-year-old. the python is like a dog? not really. i think the judge and i agree is going to unload. up to 45 years, by the way. lots on the line. >> thanks so much, richard and avery. have a great rest of the weekend. >> you, too. >> see you next time. >> great seeing you. >> all right. another case to tell you about. kind of case closed sort of. three men convicted of killing three boys in west memphis, arkansas, in 1993 are set free, but not exonerated. prosecutors claimed the men mutilated the boys in a satanic ritual, but supporters argued there was no direct evidence and recent dna testing backed that up. even so, the three pleaded guilty yesterday in change for 18-year prison terms with credit already served. >> that we were innocent and they sent us to prison for the rest of our lives for it and we had to come here and the only thing that the state would do for us was say, we'll let you go if you have a deal and that's not justice. >> i'm just tired. this has been going on for over 18 years and it's been an absolute living hell. >> even when you're in prison, it goes on every day. you have to worry about your on safety. it don't matter what the crime is. you still have to worry about your safety. >> all three say they will continue to fight to clear their names. the president of the united states says there are things that we can do now to boost the economy. his ideas, next. [ male announcer ] they'll see you...before you see them. cops are cracking down on drinking and riding. drive sober, or get pulled over. it's delicious. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. i never really thought i would make money doing what i love. [ shapiro ] we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side. president barack obama is urging congress to put partisan differences aside and work together to boost the economy and create jobs. he made that call in his weekly address. take a look and listen. >> there are things we can do right now that will mean more customers for businesses and more jobs across the country. we can cut payroll taxes again. so families have an extra thousand dollars to spend. we can pass a road construction bill so construction crews who are now sitting idle can head back to the work sight rebuilding roads and brings and airports. >> in the republicans' response, john casic focused on a rather different approach to job creation. >> we need to start thinking about what we can do to help our children have a great future. reform, that is the federal government to create the space so that businesses can invest and create jobs cht let's look at what has worked throughout history. government the not the answer, but it can be part of the answer. rather, it's the ability of providing for a robust private sector where people want to invest and take risks. that's what's going to get this country moving again. >> and while president obama is on vacation in martha's vineyard, the economy and volatile stock market very much on his plate. dan lothian is live from martha's vineyard. dan, his team that has traveled with him. this is very much a working vacation is what the white house has been saying. is he spending a lot of time kind of refining the proposal that he's going to unveil to the country about economy, the economy and jobs? >> well, he is. i'm told by senior administration official that the president and his advisers have been making some progress on that plan that he plans to roll out when he returns to washington. it was described though to tme s a work in progress. right now, they are essentially crunching the numbers and weighing different options and that this is something that will continue all of next week. the president, one of the president's advisors will be coming here to the island to help with this process and to give the president frequent updates throughout the week on the whole economic situation, but yes, very much, the president here trying get a little r and r, but also folked on the big issue at hand and that is creating jobs and turning the economy around. >> all right. just looking at a few pictures there with the president waving. apparently also going into a bookstore with his kids and has talked quite a bit to some of the regulars there. martha's vineyard. the reception has been very nice, hasn't it? >> that's right. it's been described to us that in the morning, the president has his daily briefings. his economic briefings and also briefings on national security and then we're told today will essentially be much like yesterday where that's family time. yesterday, he went to a local bookstore, which is not far from where i'm standing. after that, he hit the golf course and played on a private course. we aren't allowed to be there to witness it. i know some cameras got shots between the trees and in the evening, the president had some private time with the first lady. they went out to dinner. it's sort of been a split vacation where he spends his morngs focused on the big issues then the afternoon and evenings with his family. >> appreciate that. so, after the break, we're also going to introduce you to a u.s. military man entertaining members of u.s. armed forces throughout the world. y get whate at half the price with new olay body collections, tantalizing fragrances and olay moisturizing ingredients that transform lathering into lavishing. olay body collections. but not in my neighborhood. ♪ [ female announcer ] we're throwing away misperceptions about natural gas vehicles. more of the vehicles that fuel our lives use clean american natural gas today. it costs about 40 percent less than gasoline, so why aren't we using it even more? start a conversation about using more natural gas vehicles in your community. everyone loves music i, especially on the weekends. >> you have to. >> and when a military man is playing the music, you know it goes viral. especially when a military band brings relief to troops in the middle east. let's take a look at this military rock band. ♪ >> they sound good, don't they? >> i'm very impressed. >> that's sergeant angie johnson with u.s. fair force. she's sounding a bit like adele there. the group, they're playing that "rolling in the deep" song of adele quite nicely. >> it's good to know the men and women fighting are quality entertained. >> this has been so popular that on youtube, they've gotten about a million hits. ade adele, look out. i'm sure she's very complimented they chose that song. >> those who happen to be listening on armed forces network and cnn, pass that along. some great stuff. i do feel better. it feels like a saturday. like a wonderful day. unfortunately, a little bit of a break from a workweek. a lot of people are not going to get a break from the weather. we have a lot of heat. some rough weather in pennsylvania today. might have round two in the midwest. some of the big trouble spots, we have, part of the upper midwest, strong thunderstorms near st. louis back over to milwaukee. chicago, this morning, and into the afternoon, it's going to continue. so any flights you have going to chicago or through chicago, you're not going to be doing either with this kind of activity. probably going to see some delays this and this is not going to stay anchored to the ground. it's going sweep acrosslake michigan by moving into places like detroit. expect delays there. here's the reason why you're going to see more in the midwest. you've got to frontal boundary sweeping from west to east. also a big catalyst to it. very unstable air mass. and like some of the flash flooding in parts of pennsylvania yesterday, we could see that happen again today. something else, the heat. extreme heat. records in shreveport. records in the triple dugts. austin, 107. the record high on that date was 106 in 1964. so records broken in places like waco. long view, dive city, even into monroe, louisiana, 106. 105 in college station. houston with 103. dallas, 106. 78 in minneapolis. 93 in salt lake city. 84 in seattle. 94 in portland. 91 in washington, d.c. and 91 in atlanta. all right. hopefully some of the rain in some places, music to your ears, but the heat, unreal. >> you ever been to a rodeo? >> i've been accused of being a rodeo clown. nothing against rodeo clowns. don't be offended. >> it can be quite exciting. you know what, excitement at one particular rodeo turns to pandemonium. anything can happen at a rodeo, we'll just say. it started with the first rider. first out of the gate, the video, the rest, what happens after this? you'll see. 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[ announcer ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ [♪...] >> male announcer: now, for a limited time, your companion flies free, plus save up to 65%. call 1-800-sandals. conditions apply. a look at the top stories right now. rebel fors in libya are closing in on tripoli. right now, they are battling gadhafi's forces in sa way. they could start advancing on the capital just days from now. in the u.s., republican presidential candidates are campaigning today from the east coast to hawaii. texas governor, rick perry, is in the early voting state of south carolina. hermann cane is concentrating his efforts i

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2010 , Concern , 11 , Labels , Health Effects , Cigarette Packaging , Fda , Big Tobacco , Saying , Tobacco Companies , Product , Customers , Smoking , Cigarette Packages , Government , Business , Study , Big Tobacco Companies , Smokers , Cigarettes , Warnings , Wasn T Lawful , Problem , Constitutionally Tantalizing Case , Tobacco Industry , Isn T , Difference , Health , Basis , Talk , Big Tobacco Being , Interpreter , Nudist Festival , The Park , Law , What S Going On , Title , Disableties Act , The Americans , 1 , 1990 , Clothes , Closer , Notice , Nudist Colony , Lots , Doesn T Make Sense , Connection , Wins , Fun , Tom Willard , Thest , Clothing , No Clothing , Necessity , Right , Event , Public Accommodation , Interpreters , Prejudice , Deaf Nudists , Nude , Body , Fingers , Nudist Camp , Casey Anthony , Name , Emergency Petition , You Haven T , Turn , Forces , Libya , Leader , Companion , Save , Cold Therapy , Condi , Sandals , Sore Muscles , Bengay , 1 800 Sandals , 65 , 800 , Soreness , Armies , Snowmen Masseuse , Who , Fiber , Breakfast , Coupon , Physical Therapists , Jack , Thugs , Polar Bear , Jack S Cereal , Uh , 5 , Um , Aflac , Doctors , Mortgage , Whatever , Cash , Safety Net , Boyyy , Spain , Pigeons , Hooo , Moammar Gadhafi , Rebel Forces , Rebel , Lockerbie Bomber , Scottland , 1988 , Compassion , Bombing , Jet Liner , Isis , Pan Am , Cancer Diagnose , 270 , Egypt , Movement , Israel , Hero S , Tel Aviv , Death , Security Members , Strikes , Ties , Gaza , Norway , Island , Scene , Survivors , Utoia Island , Shooting Rampage Return , July 22nd , 22 , A Thousand , Attacks , Brefic Amitts , Sign , Matthew Chance , Signs , Doorstep , West , The Rebel , Hands , Least , Effect , Oil Terminal , Happeneds , Pathway , Oil Refinery , Preparations , Regime , Tunisa , Chance , Countries , Rumors , Gadhafi Has , Arab , Reyekted , Colonel Gadhafi , Defense , Statements , We Haven T , Position , Foreign Minister , Negotiations , Solution , Crisis , Back , County Tr , Matter , Joran Van Der Sloot , Peru , Streets , Bars , Aruba , Jogging Stroller , Reroouf Yan Judicial System , Relief , Refuge , Brand Allergists , Allergy Symptoms , Eyes , Garage , Sneezing , Dust , Pollen Outside , Road , Lily , Hair , Zyrtec , Probation , Dockets , Top , Check Froud , Attorneys , Return , Florida , Orlando , Issue , Out On A Limb , Check Charge , Yes , Stay , Piers Morgan , Christine O Donnell , Argument , Chief Judge , Attorney , Baez , Nothing , Check Writing Charge , Distraction , Conditions , Partner , Respect , Probation Aspect , Sentencing Judge , Correspondence , Probation Department , Pal , Judge , Conduct , Minimum , Borderline , Prosecutors , Murder Suspect , Things , December Deadline , Video , Wake Up , Frame , Prosecut , Hello , Idea , Looks , Corruption , Confession , Anthony , Justice , Decision , Leash , Don T Know , Dutch , 14 , Everyone , Peruvians , Taking , Scenario , Allegations , Computer Activity , Dna , The Netherlands , Though , Extradition Agreement , Fraud , Extortion , Netherlan Netherlands , Alabama , On Wednesday , Python , Pet , Murder , Daughter , Manslaughter , Degree , Child Neglect , Jaron , Charles Darnell , 2 , History , Snake , Courtroom , Words , Cage , Tragedy , Child , Insanity , Word , Idiots , Loss , Unspeakable , Line , Dog , 45 , Rest , Weekend , Seeing , Boys , Supporters , Satanic Ritual , West Memphis , Arkansas , 1993 , Credit , Prison Terms , Dna Testing , 18 , Estate , Lives , Say , Safety , Crime , Living Hell , President , Names , Goal , Legalzoom , Toffee Company , Toffee , Dreams , Side , Dream A Reality , Barack Obama , Jobs , Differences , Businesses , Payroll Taxes , Take A Look , Address , Road Construction Bill , Construction Crews , Airports , Idle , Sight Rebuilding Roads , Republicans , John Casic , Job Creation , Approach , Future , Reform , Answer , Sector , Ability , Jobs Cht Let S Look , Dan Lothian , Vacation , Risks , Stock Market , Plate , Martha S Vineyard , Team , Working Vacation , Proposal , White House , Official , Progress , Advisers , Administration , Plan , Tme Sa Work In Progress , Wall , Numbers , Advisors , Options , Dr , Hand , Process , Updates , Bookstore , Some , Bit , Regulars , Pictures , Reception , Waving , Briefings , Hasn T , Security , Golf Course , Morngs , Cameras , Evening , Issues , Trees , First Lady , Dinner , Shots , Afternoon , Military , Evenings , Members , U S Armed Forces , World , Ingredients , Transform Lathering , Lavishing , Olay , Body Collections , Olay Body Collections , Tantalizing Fragrances , Neighborhood , Vehicles , Misperceptions , Natural Gas , Natural Gas Vehicles , Aren T , Conversation , Music , Military Man , Military Band , Troops , Look , Military Rock Band , Middle East , Angie Johnson , Ade Adele , Group , Song , Force , Men And Women Fighting , Rolling In The Deep , Hits , Look Out , Youtube , A Million , Cnn , Stuff , Armed Forces Network , Pass , Heat , Midwest , Weather , Workweek , Spots , Pennsylvania , Big Trouble , Chicago , Flights , Thunderstorms , Upper Midwest , Louis Back , Milwaukee , Ground , Activity , Detroit , Sweep Acrosslake , Michigan , Air Mass , Delays , Reason , Boundary , Catalyst , Parts , Records , Flash Flooding , Something Else , Records In Shreveport , Triple Dugts , Long View , Record , College Station , Louisiana , Austin , Monroe , Waco , 106 , 105 , 107 , 1964 , Rain , Houston , Dallas , Atlanta , Salt Lake , 94 , 103 , 78 , 84 , 93 , 91 , Rodeo , Rodeo Clowns , Tears , Rodeo Clown , Gate , Pandemonium , Excitement , Rider , Opening Day , Son , Symbicort , Lung Function , Doctor , Symptoms , Rescue Inhaler , Copd , Eye Problems , Risk , Emphysema , Lung Infections , Osteoporosis , Game On , Chronic Bronchitis , High Blood Pressure , Breathing , Heart Condition , Tradition , Whistle , Bedistracted Driving , Prescription , Medication , Astrazeneca , Disco , Car Crashes , 25 , Bum , Drivers , Agents , Rate , Insurance , Pa Dum , Rebel Fors , Advice , Bills , Spending , Anywhere , Care , Don T Go , Rick Perry , Candidates , Voting , Efforts , Hawaii , East Coast , South Carolina , Texas , Hermann Cane , 6 , 00 ,

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