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consumer-driven economy like that of the united states, how people feel is the key determina determinant. the number you'll tell our viewers about shortly is consumer sentiment, how do you feel about the economy now, how do you feel about it in the future, and this number is as strong as it's been since october of 2007. i want to take you back to october of 2007 and tell you what was going on. dow was at 14,000. it had set a new record. we had just started to see weakness on the housing front. but things were still feeling pretty good. it was only after that, only after october into december of 2007 when the recession started did people start to say, uh-oh, something is wrong with this economy. remember, john, it's when people, americans, consumers start to feel something is wrong, they start to act that way, they spend less, and this starts to create job losses. so this is very key that we're back up to where we were in october 2007 when things felt pretty good. >> it's key, and you've mentioned the reasons for the upside. what could derail this improved sentiment? >> anything and everything. gas prices, you just said, was one of the key motivators for stronger consumer sentiment. well, gas prices, as you know, have very volatile. we still don't know what's going on with iran, and that's been causing oil prices to be up and down. europe, we know many more serious problems going on. just today we heard a major spanish bank asked for a $19 billion bailout. china, growth is slowing down. china buys all of those raw materials, many of them from the united states, including commodities. lots of things can go wrong. but we're feeling better than you might think right now. >> ali velshi, our chief business correspondent, thanks. let's look at why this matters so much in presidential politics. this is a determinant that a lot of pollsters and strategists use, they think it's more important than the president's approval rating. why? the average number is 95.9. if the incumbent president is above 90, especially in the 95 range, that incumbent president, going back to 1956, he wins if he's around 95. the average among incumbents who have lost, 78.4. if the president is below 80, the president's in trouble. where are we today? right there. 79.3. guess what? the president of the united states can be happy about that. this is the high mark of the obama from the president si, 79.3. it's also almost exactly where george h.w. bush was back in 1992. he's the last incumbent president to lose. you have to get above 90 to be an incumbent to be confident you can win. let's take a look at this through time. in ronald reagan days, he won re-election, started october 1980 in the 70s. by this time in 1984 he was above 98. he ended above 96. the average among incumbents above 95. bill clinton in 1996, let's bring this up for you, 1994 in the low 90s. at this point he dipped to 89, but a little before election day in 1996 bill clinton of course coasted to re-election. here's the history, right now, this is the michigan consumer sentiment index. it was way down in 2010. it was down 79.3%. that is where we are right now. that's again, as i said, almost identical to george h.w. bush. the question is can this president get that above 90 by a few weeks before the election. that's the big determinant. it's the high point of the obama presidency now. if you look at recent history, it would tell you as of yet it's not high enough. being donald trump apparently means never having to say barack obama is american. it's been more than a year since the president released his long-form birth certificate from the the state of hawaii. the donald still doesn't buy it. he stopped by "the view" this morning. >> i have something for you. my birth certificate. >> ah. like to see obama's. >> so, just what is mr. trump up to now? let's check in with our senior political analyst, david gergen. about a year ago we thought this was settled. eve pln trump said i assume it's real. why now? >> i have no idea. you have no idea which way it's going tounce bo next. they're just testing out themes. but donald trump loves to stir up a controversy. >> he does. most times i would plain ignore it, but he's a major surrogate for governor romney. he said on that same program i'd love to be considered for vice president or he wouldn't rule it out. he's had a big fund raise we are governor romney and speaker gingrich next week in vegas. the romney campaign has a big raffle if you go online. put in $3 and win a chance to have dinner with the donald and governor romney. is there any burden on the romney campaign to say, whoa, stifle? >> the thing the rom e knee campaign ought to be careful about is not letting this get too crazy and wander out beyond the message control. for example, donald trump is thinking of starring up a big pac and -- you know, that'll be fun, but they need to be very careful about what they say. >> do you think there's any sense, let's say the romney campaign, if they privately said, please, you think he would listen given his history? >> you know him bert than i do. no. i don't. but i think they can have some persuasive power. after all, he is going to be their host. governor romney is going to be the guest in the trump hotel. and the donald will raise a lot of matchup for him. they'll both have chuckles out-it. but this is a serious campaign, and they need to keep their focus on jobs, the deficit, america's future. >> our senior political analyst david gergen. thank you. >> thank you. you know the old saying, don't bite the hand that feeds you. it's advice being ignored by the obama re-election campaign as the president and his political team ratchet up their attacks on mitt romney and his record while at bank capital. here's cnn senior congressional correspondent dana bash. >> reporter: the obama ads are harsh. >> they closed it down, filed for bankruptcy. >> reporter: testimonials like this about bank capital, the private equity firm mom used to run. >> came in and is sucked the life out of us. >> reporter: the irony, some of the money to pay for this tv ad may have come from inside the very company team obama is demonizing in it, bank capital. it turns out employees had given $124,900 in donations to the obama campaign in this election cycle. and three of those bank capital donors have given the president's re-election efforts the maximum amount allowed by law, $35,800. in the case of levine, he didn't just write his own check to the president,. he's what's called a bundler. a fund-raiser who helps the obama campaign raise money from others. $125,000 is a lot of money from people who work at a company the obama campaign and its allies vilified, like in this super pac ad. >> bain capital always made money. >> reporter: all of the nearly $125,000 in donations to the obama campaign from bain employees were made in 2011, well before the president's team started accusing romney of killing while at bain. still, the obama campaign tells cnn they do not intend to return any campaign cash from bain employees. no one, aside from mitt romney, is is running for president. but is isn't it hypocrital for the obama campaign to keep money from employees of a company it goes after as job killers? here's the democratic chairwoman's answer. >> accepting a contribution from a particular person involved in venture capital and criticizing mitt romney, who has made his record as a venture capitalist at bain, is the central focus of his credibility and his qualification for being president are completely different things. >> reporter: we've put calls into the bain capital employee who is donated to the president and asked if they were going to demand their money back. none of our calls were returned, but a spokesman for bain capital did get back to us and said in a statement that it is not a political organization, it takes no position on any candidate. he also said that bain capital celebrates the fact that employees are, quote, active in civic affairs and philanthropy across a range of various policy and political views. >> not wanting to comment publicly perhaps, but the bain democrats are not happy. >> not so much. >> dana bash, thanks so much. still ahead here, the identity crisis overshadowing one of the neigh's most watched u.s. senate races. up next, governor rick perry says he's living proof attacking mitt romney's bain capital won't help president obama. >> we were looking for some ways to score some point, and it didn't work. so, john, the bottom line is it didn't work then, it doesn't work now. ♪ [ acoustic guitar: slow ] [ sighs ] [ announcer ] all work and no play... will make brady miss his favorite part of the day. ♪ [ upbeat ] [ barking ] [ whines ] that's why there's beneful playful life, made with energy-packed wholesome grains... and real beef and egg. to help you put more play in your day. beneful. play. it's good for you. see life in the best light. [music] transitions® lenses automatically filter just the right amount of light. so you see everything the way it's meant to be seen. experience life well lit, ask for transitions adaptive lenses. are you still sleeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule. the first technology of its kind... mom and dad, i have great news. is now providing answers families need. siemens. answers. the focus of the president and his campaign this week largely on mitt romney and his record at the private equity firm bain capital. the attacks from the president's campaign were tough, but if you follow the republican primary, familiar. >> they're vultures sitting out there on the tree limb waiting for the company to get sick. then they swoop in. do you want to have an individual running the country who has been all about making profit for the company and for bain capital? if it is a fatal flaw, then we need to talk about it now. >> that was of course the texas govern governor, onetime presidential candidate, rick perry. he's now a supporter of mitt romney. you've heard it from the president, his team, and you could say you heard it from you first. any regrets? >> well, good afternoon to you, john. and no, not at all. as we said, now is the time, back in the earlier part of the campaign, to vet that issue. didn't work then and it's not going to work now. as a matter of fact, there were 13 different democrats and counting that have said to the president, don't go there, mr. president. this election is going to rotate around, revolve around who has the best experience, both private sector and public sector, to get people back working again, then it's going to be no contest. mitt romney has an excellent record from the standpoint of creating jobs, and on the other hand you've got president obama, who has about 1.4 million job loss record right now in the states that are still on the negative side of job creation. so i don't think barack obama wants to go there either. >> well, let's talk about it a bit. did you say it not just once, not just twice, but many times in the republican primaries? because some consultant said, hey, governor, try this, or did you believe it then and do you believe it now to be a weakness for governor romney? >> well, that's an old story. and it didn't work then, it doesn't work now, so -- >> but i'm not asking if it worked or not. i'm not asking if p it worked. when you were looking over and deciding whether to do that, you thought it was a way to a working-class guy, this guy's not on your side. right? that was the point? >> no. the point was we were looking for some ways to score some points and it didn't work. so, john, the bottom line is it didn't work then, it doesn't work now. >> your state holds its primary next week, and that will officially put governor romney by all accounts, including our cnn count, over the top. he will officially be the republican nominee for president. the convention has to go through the formality, but we'll have the delegates thp then planning the convention and picking a delegate. if he called you and said who should i pick, who should it be? >> i think mitt romney has plenty of people around him and has excellent instincts of his own on who can be his best running mate. he doesn't need me to give him any advice on that. what he's going to be asking me to do is go out and talk about not only hiss record but the record of states like texas, records like susanna martinez and brian sandoval, marco rubio that are reaching out into the hispanic population across this country with a great record. i mean, when we talk about what is it that the hispanic voter is looking for and the republican party i think encompasses those, whether if they're very pro-life, very patriotic, very economically minded, and those are issues that the republican party i think -- and you know what, i just mentioned three people that would be very capable as vice presidential nominees as well. >> those are three people who might make the list. you also mentioned another issue, another issue you sparred with not only governor romney but other republican candidates when in your opinion the race, eventually saying you had disagreements on policy but also on tone. you were one of the candidates from a state with a significant latino population saying, look, we have to be careful how we speak about these issues. do you think governor romney has gotten that message? >> oh, without a doubt i think that governor romney's reaching out to the hispanic voter in the country and talking about the issues they care about, in particular, economics. i mean, who is it that has the best vision for america and how to get america back working? you know, barack obama believes that we need to print more money, that we need to spend more money. somehow or another you can stimulate the economy. all that stimulus didn't work back in 2009, 2010, it's not going to work now. so if you're a hispanic voter and you're looking for the individual who can put policies in place where you can best take care of your family, you can have a job and take care of your loved ones, then this is no contest. mitt romney is that person. >> and what about rick perry? what's next? >> we've got a legislative session coming up so we've got a budget compact that we've laid out to continue to challenge our legislators to make texas even more competitive because i can assure you bobby jindal over in louisiana and rick scott in florida, susanna martinez in new mexico, they're going to be look at ways to make their states more competitive. we can't just rest on our laurels. >> that's a pretty cautious day at a time answer. are you saying no to 2014 or talk to me in six months or a year? >> oh, check on me in june of 2013 and we'll have that conversation. >> you got a deal, governor. hope to see you before that, as well. ? thank you, john. >> appreciate your time tonight. >> yes, sir. a sneak preview of "tonight's truth." president obama is african-american. but there's still a big question. how much will donald trump and his birther friends perhaps hurt mitt romney? but next, one small step in orbit, one giant leap for u.s. business and the space program. we love theme parks but with four kids, it can just be too expensive. yeah, so to save money we just de our own. oh no! what could be worse than ninety-foot swells?! typhoon! first prize! it's a cheese grater. wooooo... this isn't scary. are you kidding me? look at that picture of your mom's hair from the '80s. there's an easier way to save. wooohooo... geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. [ woman ] it's like a magnet. pulling us together for different reasons. music. games. photos. shows. we share stories, laugh... and truly engage. it brings us closer and that is my happy place. ♪ [ male announcer ] the best family moments happen in an instant. capture them with internet explorer and a powerful dell pc. where he willcom back. here's lisa vsilvestre. >> happy friday. pedro hernandez is under a suicide watch in a new york hospital. this week he confessed to killing patz back in 1979. the case gained national attention because patz was among the first missing children whose face appeared on milk cartons. and this was a bad day to drive on interstate 4 near orlando. until a short time ago, part of the highway near disney world was closed because a thick cloud of smoke from a brush fire made it impossible for drivers to see. at one point, the smoke plume stretched for at least 12 miles. and check out these pictures of history being made in space today. for the first time, a privately built spacecraft brought supplies to the international space station. the station's robotic arm grabbed the spacex dragon capsule and attached it to a special port. astronauts will unload its cargo tomorrow to. the key there is it was privately funded. you know, it's a very different era. >> spacex is a happy company tonight. pretty cool pictures. i could watch space missions all the time. >> i think a lot of people would join you on that one, john. >> see you in a little bit. next, the issue that could decide one of this year's most watched senate races. years ago one of the candidates claimed she's part native american. and who "time" magazine calls one of the most influential people in the world. are you guys okay? yeah. ♪ [ man ] i had a great time. thank you, it was really fun. ♪ [ crash ] i'm going to write down my number, but don't use it. 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[ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪ this half hour, joe biden shares his anger over his guilt of losing loved ones. new questions over a u.s. kand day's family tree. did a white house favorite misrepresent herself as native american? and this is what it looks like to win the world's biggest science fair. what this high school freshman invented that could help detech cancer. it could well be the highest profile senate race this year. consumer advocate democrat elizabeth warren wants to unseat scott brown in massachusetts. he made national headlines shocking us by winning ted kennedy's seat in 2010. with president obama holding a 25-point lead over normal the state, expect democrat warren to have a big advantage. but the latest polls show a statistical dead heat. now warren on her heels after new revelations about her native american claims in an academic bio. reporter for "the boston globe" has been covering this story. mary, elizabeth warren is trying to talk about the economy, her record as a consumer advocate. listen to her here when reporters want to ask about her biography. >> i have answered these questions. i am going to talk about what's happening to america's families. >> i've covered a lot of campaigns. that's an exasperated candidate. she says asked and answered. has she answered all the questions? >> the chief question is how did harbor come to think of her as native american in the first place. no one has answered that at all. harvard hasn't answered that either so, that's what we were trying to get at today. >> i talked to a couple advisers today, and they acknowledge she checked a boox at hvard saying she was native american. they don't know what happened since. she addressed this on a cnn program justut wk ago. >> i'm proud of my native american heritage. i'm proud of my family. it's now the case that people have gone over my college records, my law school records, every job i've ever had to see that i got my work, i got my jobs because i do my work. >> she says, mary carmichael, she's proud of my native american heritage. but can she prove it or is this just family lore? >> well, she's basically relying on family lore. there was a genealogist who said for a while he had turned up an ancestor, but there's not been has seen to move from. the more key point regarding the documents we were looking at today is they lay out a strict definition of what is considered native american. it's not just proving you have an ancestor. you have to show a tribal affiliation or community recognition, and she's not done either of those either, i don't believe. ? and harvard was using it at the time it was on the defensive for not having diversity on its faculty. to the question, elizabeth warren says if they did that, i didn't know anything abit, is that what she says, or is there any evidence she used this to gain affirmative action or unfair advantage? >> there's certainly no in evidence the documents that we've looked at, and harvard and professor warren both said that's not the case. the question, though, is if she didn't qualify as native american under these documents then why was she being identified as such. >> you keep trying to get to the bottom of what happened, who did what, that's part of the investigative reporting that needs to be done. help me understand how you think this is prayplaying in the campaign. the organization that did that poll shows it's a dead heat, scott brown up one point. the first word that comes to mind when you hear elizabeth warren's name, smart/well educated, 40%, don't like, 34%, dishonest, 25% of massachusetts voters say the first thing that comes to her mind is dishonest. if that sticks in a close race, she's in trouble. certainly if i were running for senate i would be upset about that. of course we don't know if the people regard her that way because of these native american revelations or something else. i think it would probably help a lot if she would come out and address things directly and we could see what happened to the numbers then. >> fascinating issue in what i believe is the country's most interesting senate race. mary carmichael, appreciate your help. read the story in today's boston globe. thank you. vice president joe biden made a deeply personal and emotional speech today paying tribute to our fallen troops ahead of this weekend's memorial day celebrations. he spoke to military families who have lost a loved one in combat, drawing parallels between their grief and his own. he spoke of his feelings as he fell in love again. >> it made me feel guilty as hell. you're going to feel this awful, awful, awful feeling of gill. b -- guilt. but just remember two things -- keep thinking what your husband or wife would want you to do. keep thinking what it is. and keep remembering that those kids of yours are him or her the rest of their lives, blood of my blood, bone of my bone. because, folks, it can and will get better. there will come a day, i promise you, and your parents, as well, when the thought of your son or daughter or your husband or wife brings a smile to your lips before it brings a tear to your eye. it will happen. >> incredibly moving remarks by the vice president. he'll spe to the military community again this weekend delivering the commencement address at west point. this memorial day weekend is mainly to pause, honor, and reflect those who gave their lives serving our country. also a good time to remember those who survived the battlefield but aretrug li afte. look at these sads statistics. 18 military kill themselves each day. that number for one year is on par with the total number for the total killed in iraq and afghanistan combined. a charity provides free health services to iraq and afghanistan. she made time's list of 100 most influential people in the world. honored to have you here. >> thank you, john. >> the vice president is talking to the families of the fallen. you deal with a lot of troop, the soldier who is come back with these horrible ptsd issues and mental health challenges. you hear great worlds of support there from the vice president. i don't mean to demean it at all. that was incredibly moving. in terps of the resources available, the reason you're doing what you're doing is because tovernment has failed the test, is that rigt, of providing enough people to help these heros? >> i think that no one could anticipate how long these wars would go on or the resources that, in fact, we would need. and so the government is doing more than has ever been done in response. department of defense, department of veterans affairs. but there still is a tremendous am that needs to be done incomm fit in. >> as you mentioned, nobody could anticipate. i don't mean to sound cold about it. nobody could anticipate. and you learn lessons a you go. just last week the army said it will reveal mental health cases going back to 2001. there are some suggestions they took people off ptsd lists or wouldn't put them on those lists because the cost of care, the cost of the benefits are higher. is that significant? does that give you a sense they're more aware? >> i think so. i think what we found is that from the top down, admiral mullen was a great advocate, general dempsey, the president, the first lady. but there still a huge bureaucracy in the middle where folks don't necessarily understand the importance of proper identification, early treatment, and it's a good thing that we're going back to look at those cases. >> and tell me from your experience, what you're doing is heroic, getting yourself and others to volunteer and step in. what is the key? when you see that suicide rate and people link a lot of that to posttraumatic stress disorder, is there one key when you're working with these soldiers? is it case-by-case basis or a way to try to get them from the dark spot to a place they can start a recovery? >> for many of these men and women when they come back, the key is to help them find meaning in their lives again. and we haven't done a good job with helping them fit back into communities. so our effort and linked with many others that are now up and running, that's what it's about. the commune has to step up. it can't be one organization or the administration. it has to be a joint combined effort. our communities have much to offer. we just need to harness them. >> on memorial day weekend, when you hear the vice president's remarks to the families of the fallen, you're dealing mostly with troops who have these symptoms. what about the families? >> absolutely. >> what is their stress, and is there a system for them because they're not still active duty or just didn't come off the battlefield or lost somebody on battlefield, are they more likely to be foreign, their mental health needs? >> things are changing there, too. we provide free mel care for the troops, their families, the communities, anybody who is affected, and many other organizations now are stepping up to assist the families because you're right. they suffer. they are under tremendous stress. they're incredibly resilient, but after almost 11 years of war, we can see the strain. >> barbara, appreciate you coming in. >> thank you very much. >> congratulations on being noted and congratulations much more importantly for your work. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. thank you. still ahead, donald trump talking about president obama's birth certificate, yes, again. the true about the newest chapter. [ slap! slap! slap! slap! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums how did the nba become the hottest league on the planet? by building on the cisco intelligent network they're able to serve up live video, and instant replays, creating fans from berlin to beijing. what can we help you build? nice shot kid. the nba around the world built by the only company that could. cisco. i'm an expert on softball. and tea parties. i'll have more awkward conversations than i'm equipped for because i'm raising two girls on my own. i'll worry about the economy more than a few times before they're grown. but it's for them, so i've found a way. who matters most to you says the most about you. massmutual is owned by our policyholders so they matter most to us. massmutual. we'll help you get there. the donald is a birther. no news there. but it is news that he just can't let it go. >> i have something for you. my birth certificate. >> a- like to see obama's. >> you heard him there, i'd like to see obama's. truth is i once offered him a chance to see it. >> i mean, first of all, i haven't seen it. i'm looking at that -- i'll look at it later. i don't need to look at your copy. but i hope it's -- everything's perfect. i've been saying that very consistently. i hope that he has it. >> now that was a year ago. and the release of the long-form version quieted all but the birther fringe. but mr. trump apparently aspires to be their leader or spoex model. now the donald is seizing on this, a synopsis of the president's first book that says obama was, quote, born in kenya and raised in indonesia and hawaii. his former literary agent says she made a mistake and that the author, now the president, never suggested he was born anywhere other than the united states. but mr. trump just doesn't buy it. today telling the daily beast he didn't know he was running for president so he told the truth. you might be asking at home, why am i wasting your time with this? most of you see mr. trump for what he is, a self-promoter. the few of you who might share his conspiracy theory are unlikely to be convinced by anything i say. i raise this for mitt romney, not donald trump. candidates cannot and should not be held responsible or accountable for crack pot things their run-of-the-mill supports say. but trump is no run-of-the-mill supporter. the romney campaign heavily promoting a big fund-raiser with trump next week in, where else, veg vegas. and a raffle, throw three bucks in, the winner gets to dine with the donald and governor romney at the trump tower and you get a tour of the "celebrity apprentice" set. not bad. team romney says the candidate long ago dismissed any birther talk and says it has no obligation to rein in or criticize mr. trump. >> mitt romney has made it clear that the place of the president's sbirt not an issue for him. he accepts the fact he was born in hawaii. and we have many important challenges facing our country, and that's what we'd rather talk about. >> okay. fair enough. there's no obligation. but it would show leadership and try to quiet those who stir this foolish debate. some of them, like mr. trump, i suspect, just for attention, but some of them, sadly, because they can't accept the fact that the president is african-american. here tonight to talk truth, the new yorkers, washington correspondent ryan lizza, republican consultant, alex castellan castellanos, and hilary rosen. alex, as the republican, you first. look, it's nuts. but he is going to be at governor romney's side two days -- or one day next week for the fund-raiser, then this thing. do they have a responsibility to publicly say stop it? >> no. of course not. look, first of all, the rule in politics -- >> you condition be hurt by that? >> absolutely not. the rule in politics is just because you support me does not mean i support you. donald trump is not the candidate. mitt romney is there. there are hundreds of -- >> if president obama showed up next week next to jeremiah wrig, no republicans would say anything? >> he would have to denounce jeremiah wright again. you done do that in politics. >> okay. >> it's actually a plus for mitt romney because nothing makes you appear more rational than standing next to donald trump. >> well, beat that. >> i'm going to have to disagree. i have to. here's my thing -- >> i don't want to get into guilt by association but -- >> here's the -- >> i think trump does this for attention. the thing that bothers me about this issue is that small silver of people who can't accept the fact he's black. >> that has nothing to do with it. it doesn't stick because everyone knows who mitt romney is and he's not that guy. >> wait a minute. >> mitt romney is not a scary creature of the lunatic ritd so, this stuff does not stick to him. >> this is not enough to be self-certain about who you are. it's important to show people who you are. when you're running for president unfortunately that is something you have to show people over and over and over again. and i think that mitt romney -- you know, i agree with john. i think that mitt romney sends a weak message when he's afraid to stand up to donald trump, when he's afraid to say, you know what, that is not cool. even eric fernstrom, i thought his -- you know, i take it that, you know, the fact that i -- i accept the fact that he's a border american, you know what, he was born in america, say it, done with it, be a man about it. >> somehow saying he does not agree with this, that he believes barack obama was born in hawaii, somehow that does not make his position clear. one thing that's changed in politics these days is we have more information than ever, people get to know these candidates. you don't need to define them by intermediaries. >> i don't think that's true. >> he's never done it. >> we're in this critical period. the thing the obama people used to talk about in 2008, why jeremiah wright, why some of those radical associations from chicago mattered so much, he was introducing himself to the american people, they didn't know his background and the people he hung out with were really important. isn't romney in the same position here? he's introducing himself to the public. as long as he's been in politics, people still don't know that much about him. >> in a blowout either way, i guess who cares. but in a close election you're sure that -- i'm not asking -- >> wait a minute. one more -- >> asking to say put the face on a pinata. >> this is like the opposite of that. >> mitt romney's problem in the primaries is he was not a creature of the far lunatic frin fringe. this stuff doesn't stick to him because it's not true. unless he changes his hair to look like donald trump, this is a nonissue. >> sorry. donald trump is not a fringe, you know, guy stand manager the back of a -- >> this issue is. >> let me finish, alex. i let you talk. he's not a fringe guy stand manager the back of a rally with a poster saying what he thinks. he is a billion-dollar businessman seeking credibility. he's on tv all the time. he is hosting fund-raisers side by side with mitt romney. the fact that mitt romney does not denounce what he says just makes mitt romney look weak. he's wrong for not doing it. >> i'm running a little l over time. if you think he's nuts on the birther issue, look what he says about if he was asked to be mitt romney's vice president. >> a lot of people are asking that question. i don't think that will happen, but i'll do anything i can to help this country get balanced again. we're a mess. >> if they offered you vice president or cabinet position, you would say yes. >> who would turn it down? you have to do something to help the country. >> i'd bet all your money he will not be mitt romney's running mate. that's a safe bet. ali velshi has the honor of filling in for erin burnett at the top of the hour. >> you know where i was born? >> i think canada. >> i was born in kenya. and i have a birth certificate to prove it. >> certificate to prove it in case it ever comes up. >> any comeback i had right here would end up somewhere viral, so i'll just -- >> i grew up in canada. let's talk football nor a second. you know the story about concussions, the injuries caused by them and the effects they seem to be having on players long afterward. well, more than a thousand lawsuits have been filed by 80 -- or, more than 80 different lawsuits have been filed by more than a thousand ex-nfl players. tonight we're going to speak to one of those ex-players and speak to one of the lawyers representing more than 100 clients, more than 100 former nfl players and their families who say that not enough has changed in the nfl and that they want this to go to court and they want awards for their clients who have been injured because the nfl knew how dangerous these concussions were. in fact, the former i'm talking to tonight, leroy jordan, said that they treated a sprained ankle more seriously than they would a bell ringer, a concussion, and they want that changed, john. >> look forward to hearing that. a very important story. look forward to seeing you. and still ahead here, it seems that the historical elections in egypt will have a part ii. we'll tell you who made it past part i. and this is the best celebration ceremony we've had in a long time. what this science fair winner invented that could help fight cancer. see life in the best light. 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governor perry, listen here. he says he's living proof what the president's doing now won't work. >> no, not at all. as we said, you know, now is the time, back in an earlier part of the campaign to vet that issue. it didn't work then and it's not going to work now. as a matter of fact, there were 13 different democrats and counting that have said to the president, don't go there, mr. president. >> you sure, alex? governor perry was doing it in an audience, a pool of republican voters. the president's doing it in a bigger pool. independents, conservative, independent democrats who might be swayed the other way. are you sure? >> last time i thought barack obama ran one of the smartest campaigns i've ever seen. and this campaign, i'm stunned by how dumb some of these choices they're making are. for example, if you're attacking mitt romney for the wrong kind of success. he knows how to create profits, not jobs. when most american's experience is, those things are one and the same. you can't have a successful business without helping -- >> so the question the issue. >> john, it's like saying, hey, that's a basketball team. they know how to win games, but don't know how to play good basketball. it's an attack on every business, because every business does the same thing. you try to schihrink what's not growing and grow what is. >> is it dumb or a building block to something else? >> well, it's clearly a building block. a couple points, first of all, corporate profits are as high as they've ever been right now. ceo pay is as high as it's ever been, and the stock market's at an all-time high. so we actually are seeing a lot of profits without enough jobs. so that theory doesn't work. the mistake that's been made with this bain conversation, i think, is that nobody's connecting the dots. really, except the president, which he did yesterday. he said, it's not that bain capital is a bad company or private equity is a bad thing. it's that this does not make him a job creator. and by the way, the dot to connect is that when this the guy had a chance to be at the head of government in massachusetts, massachusetts was number 47 out of 50 in the country creating -- >> the president hasn't done that aggressively, but what the president's trying to say is this the guy has no heart. >> that's what he's saying, it's a character attack. and obama's exaggerating a little bit, the relationship between profits and jobs is obviously there. romney's exaggerating the jobs part a little bit too much, and obama's exaggerating the profits part a little bit too much. on perry, though, i don't think the problem with the perry campaign or frankly any of romney's candidates is they department have the right attacks against romney. we just had a bad field. >> the unemployment rate in massachusetts when romney left was 4.7%. wouldn't we all love to have that now? and if you're right the stock market and all those things are doing great and we have no jobs, that means president obama does not know what he's doing. >> i'm calling a time-out on a holiday weekend. lisa sylvester's back with the latest news you need to know. hi, there. >> hi, john. egypt voted and it looks like there will be a runoff between a muslim brotherhood candidate and a former mubarak ally. the runoff race is set on june 16th and 17th. and the fbi says an incident aboard an airliner today does not appear to be connected with terrorism. a man from canada rushed toward the cockpit of an american airlines plane just after it landed at miami international airport. 24-year-old ryan snyder was subdued by a couple of passengers. he now is is in federal custody. and the golden gate bridge is turning 75 this weekend, and san francisco is throwing a big party. today, governor jerry brown and nancy pelosi were on hand to dedicate the new visitor center. the anniversary celebrations will last a year. john? >> okay, here you two. this is our moment you missed. he's not on the golden gate bridge. pancreatic cancer is one of the most difficult cancers to diagnose. but thanks to this 15-year-old boy, spotting it just got easier. enjoying his celebration there is jack andreka. he just won the world's largest science fair by creating a new test for pancreatic cancer. about 34,000 will die from it this year. his dipstick sensor will make a dramatic difference, 100 times more sensitive than the current test. he should be celebrating. >> and that test only cost pennies. for his work, i was looking this up online, i think he gets a $75,000 price. not bad, not bad at all, john. >> a $75,000 price and a down payment on a continuing career and hopefully he keeps inventing in the medical sector. everybody, have a great and safe memorial day weekend. that's all for us tonight. we'll see you back here next week. "erin burnett outfront" starts right now. "outfront" next, some good news regarding the country's economy tonight. is it also good news for president obama? new york prosecutors have now charged a man with the murder of 6-year-old etan patz, who disappeared 33 years ago today. how the case even with a confession could cause problems for prosecutors. and the nfl coming under attack from within. a former player who blames the legal for serious injuries comes out front.

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Name , Smart , Don T Like , 40 , 34 , Voters , 25 , Sticks , Mind , Numbers , Address , Something Else , Speech , Troops , Loved One , Combat , Feelings , Grief , Parallels , Memorial Day Celebrations , Feeling , Gill , Tb , Shell , Wife , Husband , Lives , Rest , Blood Of My , Bone Of My , Smile , Thought , Well , Parents , There Will Come A Day , Lips , Daughter , Remarks , Community , Commencement Address , West Point , Eye , Tear , Memorial Day Weekend , Honor , Battlefield , Sads Statistics , Pause , Li Afte , Military Kill , Charity , Par , Total , Health Services , Iraq , Afghanistan Combined , 18 , Afghanistan , 100 , Soldier , Mental Health , Challenges , Resources , Worlds , Support , Troop , Ptsd , Terps , Test , Reason , Heros , Wars , Rigt , Tovernment , Nobody , Government , Am , Response , Department Of Veterans Affairs , Department Of Defense , Incomm , Cases , Cost , Army , Wouldn T , Lists , Ptsd Lists , Lessons , Suggestions , 2001 , General Dempsey , Benefits , Down 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Winner , Tour , Celebrity Apprentice , Set , Where Else , Veg Vegas , Trump Tower , Three Bucks , Obligation , Talk , Sbirt , Debate , Leadership , Alex Castellan Castellanos , Ryan Lizza , New Yorkers , Washington , Nuts , Responsibility , Hilary Rosen , Rule , Jeremiah Wright , Hundreds , Jeremiah Wrig , Republicans , Rational , Plus , Silver , Guilt By Association But , Creature , Everyone , It Doesn T , Stuff , Lunatic Ritd , Eric Fernstrom , Border American , Intermediaries , Information , Isn T Romney , Associations , Background , Chicago , 2008 , Public , Blowout , More , Guess Who , Problem , Pinata , Opposite , Lunatic Frin Fringe , Stuff Doesn T , Fringe , A , Nonissue , Manager , Guy Stand Manager , Guy Stand , Businessman , Poster , Tv , Rally , Side By , A Billion , Birther Issue , Mess , Cabinet , Safe Bet , Filling , Erin Burnett , Somewhere , Certificate , Comeback , Canada , Injuries , Players , Lawsuits , Concussions , Effects , Let S Talk Football Nor A Second , A Thousand , Clients , Nfl , Lawyers , Ex Players , Former , Awards , Leroy Jordan , Bell Ringer , Elections , Ankle , Egypt , Fight Cancer , Celebration Ceremony , Part Ii , Osteoarthritis Pain , Back Pain , Cymbalta , Mood , Spain , Doctor , Fda , Glaucoma , Changes , Thoughts , Suicide , Maois , Behavior , Antidepressants , Adults , Teens , Thioridazine , Aspirin , Nsaid Pain Relievers , Blood Thinners , Abdominal Pain , Liver Problems , Signs , Skin , Confusion , Risk , Fatal , Eyes , Yellowing , Skin Reactions , Muscles , Migraine , Medicines , On Cymbalta , Fever , Alcohol Use , Conditions , Standing , Hives , Mouth Sores , Peeling Rash , Blisters , Liver Disease , Stop , Dizziness , Fainting , Trial Offer , Cymbalta Com , Alex Lizza , Hill Rosen , Won T Work , Pool , Audience , Independent Democrats , Conservative , Profits , Same , Helping , Choices , Success , Attack , Basketball Team , Schihrink , Basketball , Stock Market , Building Block , Pay , Couple Points , Thigh , Ceo , 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