energy. >> dave: is the effort distraction here. >> clayton: and food fraud at the lunch line costing taxpayers billions of dollars. how a big bureaucracy is not only wasting cash, but hurting our kids for school lunches. "fox & friends" begins right now. >> dave: sloppy joe? ♪ ♪ icht. >> clayton: oh, happy mother's day to the mothers out there. welcome into "fox & friends" on this beautiful sunday morning here in midtown manhattan. >> dave: and there's natalie in the center. and a nice relaxing mother's day for you as always. get up at two in the morning, and go to work and what's that they want. >> alisyn: go home and dive into the family chaos, it's great. >> dave: it's a dream. >> alisyn: i'm grateful. >> clayton: my wife was texting, i was leaving at 3:30. both kids are up. both kids the same night. happy mother's day. we want to thank 1-800-flowers on thank them for the flowers on the set. >> alisyn: i want to say hi to one of our special moms out there. sue, she watches us every saturday and sunday and good morning, sue, happy mother's day. >> dave: happy mother's day to you all. meanwhile, a big saturday for mitt romney. some say his most important speech yet as he addresses the commencement at liberty university. as you might imagine, gay marriage was a part of the speech, everyone waiting for mitt romney to confirm this. >> now, as fundamental as these principles are, they may become topics of democratic debate from time to time. so, it is today with the enduring institution of marriage, marriage is a relationship between one man and one woman. >> clayton: there he was making the point that-- of course the university founded by jerry falwell, the evangelical leader and it was an interesting moment because you had a number of students who didn't actually go to the commencement speech who wanted to stay home, didn't believe as some do that evangelicals, and evangelical university that mormonism is not a strain of the christian faith so you had roommates basically saying i'm going to the speech and some saying you'll not going to the speech and he affirmed evangelical beliefs and talking about faith all afternoon. >> alisyn: he did. it's interesting the way he dealt with gay marriage was different than how rick santorum suggested he do so. he mentioned this sort of as a brief moment. he did mention it, but didn't dwell on it. rick santorum says it's an issue if morm were to capitalize would get more voters, a potent, weapon, if you will, for governor romney if he's going to step ut on hopefully governor romney will continue to stand tall on how detrimental it would be for society if this were to change, so, just interesting, i mean, different tactics and what you think, whether or not he should talk about it more at length. >> dave: as clayton acknowledged. there were some that weren't happy with it. that was the money line, one small part, but the loudest ovation of the afternoon. i think that crowd that did go, they were all waiting for him to confirm his thoughts on the issue. >> clayton: and he read from a teleprompter, prepared remarks and repeatedly invoked god throughout his speech and read off a laundry list of christian leaders and thinkers, pope john paul ii to the novelist c st. louis and hit the right notes as we were just talking about, there were those who refused to go to the speech altogether because of his mormon faith, but he says he can bring them together. all faiths together and that's what he was trying get his message across. take a listen. >> i know that there are very significant differences in creeds and theologies certainly between my faith and liberty university and yet, we find common ground and common purpose and service in values that he we share and i think, also, in our world view as relates to what it takes to have a strong america, to preserve our freedoms, to protect the institution of family. these, these causes bring us together and allow us to lock arm despite the different theological views that we have, and i think as dr. falwell has said today, we care very deeply about finding people who share our values and views and work for a person who can become our commander-in-chief. perhaps not our pastor in chief. >> and another thing he addressed in that interview is his quote, wild and crazy side, that ann romney referenced a week or so ago. we'll tell you what he said about his crazy side and some of his pranks. >> clayton: and his staff acknowledged a number of pranks. >> dave: he's a prankster and some things he's done. >> alisyn: fasten your seat belt, it gets nutty. >> dave: it is good. you think he's dry. wild and crazy. >> alisyn: meanwhile, now that romney has given his big speech, what's on tap for the president this week? for that let's go to peter doocy. hey, peter. >> alisyn, the president is going to be all over the map and start things off in new york city by giving his own commencement address at barnard college, a private women's college in manhattan and at that commencement the rounder of a pro gay marriage group is expected to receive an award and then off to see the segment for the view on abc where we expect the president to speak about his own new public position regarding same sex marriage and then head to a fundraiser co-hosted by ricky martin and the lgbt leadership council and the futuro. and then the at someone's home and then tuesday at the white house in d.c., at an event honoring law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty and l.a. galaxy of major league soccer to be recognized winning the mls cup last year and wednesday the president is going to layout a to-do list for congress aiming to create jobs for the middle class. thursday, nothing that we'll get to see, just meetings at the at white house. but, friday after a speech here in d.c., symposium, the president flies off to camp david for the g8 summit on saturday. later on saturday to chicago for an n.a.t.o. summit a broad spectrum, but the fund raising for the week is going to happen tomorrow. >> alisyn: thank you, peter. >> clayton: and interesting, what is the topic a on the stump speeches across the country? >> well, yesterday, we heard the to-do list the speaker is talking about on the radio address, and wants congress. and this week he was off message, some would say, talking about the legalization in some capacity of gay marriage across the country, but the president has a long history sawing that that kind of talk about these types of social issues is perhaps a large distraction from the focus on the economy. >> alisyn: right, back in 2008 when he was a candidate obama he talked about how the wedge issues were just not what the country was focused on or should be be focused on or cared about, talking about the economic health of the country and that's what everybody cares most about. in particular we look back at 2008 how often he talked about what distractions the web issues was, and making english the national language of the nights. >> when we get distracted by those kinds of questions i think we do a disservice to the american people it's ease toy get caught up in the sill aniness and the tot for tat, and i will not be false charges. >> senator mccain and his operatives are gambling that they can distract you with smears rather than talk to you about substance. >> i am going to keep on talking about the issues, i'm going to keep on talking about the economy, i'm going to talk about health care, i'm going to talk about education, i'm going to talk about energy. >> in fact, we don't hear a whole lot about health care at this point. it may be proven unconstitutional by the supreme court. we don't hear a whole lot about the stimulus or the economy and the positive direction it's moving or lack thereof. and there in lies the problem, how do you run on the economy, that's clearly not in the shape it needs object. >> karl rove said these the exact distractions, speaker boehner turned the switch in front of gay marriage right back to the economy and mitt romney talking about the economy. of course, a little bit yesterday off message at liberty university talking about social issues, karl rove on the show, saying these are the particularly the distractions that the obama white house wants right now. take a listen. >> you've got a lousy record on job and weakest since the great depression so the president welcomes a conversation about anything, anything, anything, but the economy. he loves, he'd love to be talking about "the washington post" bullying stories for weeks, anything to keep us talking about, jobs growth, the economy, debt and affordable care act. >> alisyn: and meanwhile, let's talk about immigration, another thing that obviously is a hot topic on the campaign trail. jan brewer, the governor of arizona at a big g.o.p. event in arizona last night where they were picking the delegates for the tampa national republican convention and she fired up the crowd, got a standing ovation and talked about how arizona will never be a swing state. >> with the right spirit is united, and courage and common cause, the white house will belong to us. not-- not-- this state will remain red. >> clayton: the of courses. supreme court-- we don't know which way they'll rule on portions of the immigration law. >> dave: as a side note, ron paul supporters were vocal saying it's not a done deal. we still have areas of the convention so we haven't heard the name ron paul in a while, but its supporters, vocal and passionate. >> vocal is a nice understatement. >> it's an understatement because they booed mitt romney's son josh off the stage. he got up on the stage to talk and they booed him off they were so upset-- >> not the coalescing they hoped for in arizona. >> alisyn: a fox news alert. an afghan peace negotiator was gunned down overnight in kabul. this is 70-year-old ramani, he was shot outside his home three gunman fired and took off. he close to karzai and a former official. his death as seen as a major blow to karzai's u.s. backed peace effort. and emotional candlelight vigil at boston university for three students killed while studying abroad in new' zeela zeeland. hundreds gathered to remember austin, and daniello, and the three died after the van they were riding in, in the city of topal drifted off the road and flipped over. >> and never be peace in my heart. i love you. >> he was absolutely wonderful. >> he lived the life that he wanted to live. >> five other students were also hurt in the crash, one critically. two remain in stable condition and two others have been treated and released from the hospital. well, the dalai lama is afraid of being poisoned chinese agents. he had received warning that they've trained women to wear poison in their hair or scar offed. and they're not known if they're from chinese agencies. they're unable to confirm the plot, but increased security on the grounds. >> it's not so sunny in california. the budget hole ballooning to a projected 16 billion dollars, up from 9.2 million dollars in january. democratic governor saying that california will have 0 to make career cuts and public safety. if they reject the tax hikes in november he's expected to layout a revised spending plan and brown blaming it on the economy and blocking billions of dollars in state cuts. just in case you fell asleep early. "saturday night live" cast members past and present taking some shots at the bid for the white house. >> joe, what's wrong? >> what's wrong, are you serious? do you really not get it? >> does it have something to do with the whole gay marriage thing. >> doy! >> it's not fair, okay? i was the first one said it should be legal and now you're the one getting the credit. you know, sm people say i make a great president, all right? better than you even. >> who said that, joe? >> george. >> we're going to talk about your imagery friend george again? >> he's gone, come out, george. >> that guy is a real buzz kill. >> (laughter) >> well done. it's great to see will ferrell back. >> i know. >> and actually a clever sketch there, i think. nice to see them start the show with that. >> let's check with rick reichmuth. >> rick: not always so clever. i am not hiding that at all. yes. >> clayton: will ferrell on screen is funny. >> rick: good to have him back at least for a day. all right, guys, another soggy day in the southeast, appalachians and cause a few problems and especially in may. and rockies severe weather and northwest in portland, you're going to have a great, great mother's day. this is the rain across areas of the southeast and do want to talk about this a little bit a storm, slow mover much of this last week and take a look at video now coming out of storms that were in louisiana area, on tuesday. this was a water spout that came on shore and take a look at this. somebody was taking this video out from their house and this is the house next door. usually we say, you know, get to a safe place if you can and don't take pictures if it's dangerous and this is too close, but these images amazing, a slow moving tornado and whipping up the debris. very dramatic. going back to the the storms, the showers back there, across the southeast, and cold front like detroit, and upstate new york and slowly move to the south and this moisture pulls up to the north in the next couple of days across the northeast are soggy and looking pretty good. across the west, the showers, little disturbance across parts of new mexico and hail and winds and anywhere to the west, another extremely spectacular and warm day. we will see a lot of rain across the east coast at least in the next two days, areas of florida, towards the southeast and georgia into the carolinas, we need a lot of rain across georgia, we'll take it, one to two inches on the the day that you want to take mom out. here are the temperatures and warming up pretty good. across the areas of the southwest and still, very, very nice towards the pacific northwest. back to you. >> thank you, rick. no secret that the schools are strapped in the news, and a little that you or i know, that we turn over a large portion of the school lunch issue to outside food processing corporations and handle like every aspect testify, right, when the food arrives and when it arrives on the truck and the school doesn't nitpick, they outsource that. turns out some of the big food processing companies are making quite a pretty penny off of taxpayers because of kickbacks and choosing certain distributors over others. >> now, nearly 20 states are joining a fraud investigation into the school lunch programs. they make a deal with the food processor who gives back a bonus, but the company told that bonus is going back to the schools itself. and not these companies that are pocketing the money. >> right, by the way, we're calling it kickbacks and the bonuses are legal, but it's not legal to not give it to the intended recipient. >> right, to the school. >> to the school and cheryl asked, a great investigative reporter. there are 17 states doing this investigation. let's look at new york. new york was robbed of 20 million dollars. >> right. >> because the big food-- they kept the money instead of giving 20 million dollars. again, these are schools that are it-- have cut lunch programs. don't have toilet paper and they could have used the 20 million dollars, instead keeping it, the solution they've figured out to cut out the middle man and take the money to the school and apply it directly to the farm. >> dave: the producer. >> clayton: and you also wonder why certain kids are eating garbage for lunch half the time. >> alisyn: like pink slime. >> clayton: pink slime or the other stuff, processed, highly processed food or french fries is considered a vegetable? really, a deep fried paotatpota this is what jamie oliver's smoe is about, but it's bureaucracy that he's fighting and get some headway. why not use the local farmer, and now you learn about the kickbacks. >> dave: if there was a 20 million dollar settlement in 2010, multiply that at least 1 states going forward with a from you fraud investigation, you're looking at hundreds of millions. >> alisyn: you asked what that was, that was mystery meat. >> dave: slop? i love sloppy joe. >> clayton: cheese covered pizza. >> dave: i think that's a vegetable serving, too. >> clayton: pizza is a vegetable. >> alisyn: again, even the public schools are obviously, victims, if you want of the bureaucracy, that things get so big, you then lose track of millions and millions of dollars. >> clayton: and the teachers and schools have enough to deal with. not enough to get with the administration accounting issue at their school and turn it over to somebody they think is competent enough. and and weigh in on this, also, and find this on twitter, ff weekend on twitter. >> meanwhile, a facebook billionaire, you've given for social network, a safe haven by the u.s. as a child and mobsters threatened his life and now he's trying to skip out on paying his taxes by denouncing his u.s. citizenship. >> wait until you hear that story, and celebrate our mother's day and all of our hard work, just how much money is being a mom really worth? there's a new survey that puts an actual price tag on her job and we'll show that to you next. ♪ you are so beautiful to me ♪ ♪ can't you see ♪ king capital or leasing options. and as one of the top-ranked small business lenders, regions can make the journey easy. see? so let's talk. my new place isn't that far away. it's 15 miles away ! with this droid razr by motorola on verizon 4g lte, we can video chat on skype. you're gonna get lost ! this has gps. well, that makes me feel better. me too. i'll go get two from the back. the droid razr by motorola now only $99.99. hurry in, offer ends may 13th. verizon. ♪ [ male announcer ] with 50 horsepower, dual overhead cams and fierce acceleration, the gator xuv 825i will shatter your expectations. ♪ before your next big trip outdoors, visit for huge savings at this year's john deere green tag event. ♪ ♪ >> welcome back to "fox & friends" everybody on this mother's day, we're saying happy mother's day to all of you, some of the moms of our staff and there is head writer, kelly cramer with mom sue. >> and here is our writer, jason, and his mom wendy. happy mother's day to you guys. >> and our production assistant robert mcnally and his mom, happy mother's day. >> alisyn: and so tall. production assistant christy and her mom, they look beautiful there. that's mom laurie. >> and head writer katie and mom karen. happy mother's day. >> great. >> which brings us to a mothers day, a kerr if you fe feel-- kerrfuffle, about ann romney never working a day of work. and a survey looked at the worth after mom. from dirty diapers to driving kids to soccer practice, what does it add up to in salary. >> alisyn: if you were to translate it into the working world and a price tag and everybody would say motherhood is priceless. if you put on a price tag, a full-time mom should be be paid $110,800. and that's what it adds up to. >> a part-time mom nearly $66,000 a year and how many hours does the average full-time mom work? it's a doozy. 95 hours a week. >> clayton: wow. >> alisyn: oh. >> dave: if you add up all of those duties, by the time you get up at 6:01, to the time you finally put the kids down around eight. >> clayton: that doesn't add up to me, to me, it should be much higher, ladies. >> dave: oh, you're such a panderer on the show. >> clayton: when you add up 95 hours, come on, when you look at the job that they break down here, housekeeper, van driver, laundry machine operator and ceo, ceo is listed as the jobs they look the at. ceo at 95 hours a week plus all the other job duties, i think that's small that number. >> alisyn: no, i agree with you. the dirty little secret, at least for m