Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20220422 :

FOXNEWSW Hannity April 22, 2022

0 a bill to eliminate the disney corporation special tax breaks in the state of florida after disney decided it is in charge with the florida legislature passed thereunder the ocracy. the census joins us here j on this show live tomorrow night to explain why t he did i. we'll see this . and welcome to hannity. and tonight, big newss surrounding the media mob vice president harris oh ,he m boy. y another word salad and guess what ? biden's old boss barocco s obama is still obsessed with yours truly. i have a message forll him tonight . of the dayideo features a man harassing world famous boxer mike tyson on an m airplane. thenikson on he paid the price. i'm actually on mye side t and i'll tell you why.el but to first i want to start tonight with a very personal thank you . when the management of fox came to me and told me what i'm i about to tell you, i'll be honest. i didn't believe them at first i asked you need to go back and double and triple check that . but apparently they're correctha as of this program tonight ,t i officially passed the late and the great larry kingff to become the longest running prime time cablele news host in american history. a little hard it feels like yesterday they started to be very honest. if you ivery would have made a t in october ninety six that i still be standing after alls this time it would have been'v a horrific bet. the long shot of a whole longg shots. but i do want yoush to know how grateful i am to all of you in this audience. you absolutely make this showt possible. i can't thank you enough words simply cannot express my gratitude towards you. i want to also take a minuter and thank my dear friend he's been gone waywa too long, died way too young. i started this journeyan with him.d alan colmes. what a wonderful man, wonderful partner he was. well,ar before woke but he wasim a good man and i miss him was a friend. i'm also grateful to the best team on television, the best team on my radio show. i will t tell you all the peoplh that worke on both shows, so we can putard on the best shows possible a every day. we're so committed to that . i'm really extreme grateful to fox news for being amazing t partnerso to me and for something that is very rare for people in this business in broadcasting they give me the freedomca. they allow me to be who i am to be myself and they've been amazing partners all these years.ners same with my radio partners alli i mention everybodyon by name bt it will take upak the entire shw . but to all of you and you know who you are. thank you . h and toav all the people that has worked on my showst, in the pas. thank you as well. i just feel really blessedt by god. you know, the thing the thing we hold these truths to t be self-evident. all men were created but by the thing you know the thing anyway . but i feel blessed. i really believe in god and i feel that way. i've got way beyond what ive deserve in this life to do i w what i do and what i love every day. but i want to be clear. i don't plan on leaving any time soon. so if you're out to the left wing media thinking, oh ,ha that's the end of hannity, he's done. we have a lot of news to cover and frankly a lot of elections to winlot and country to and my hope and my prayer is h that i will be here with you all for many years to come. thank you again. apparently my staff haspare a surprise later in the show. i'm not happy about it, but we'll find out later. all right. we begin with a huge shout out to my biggest fan of all. all, he's back former president barack obama.. we might actually have that beer finally. i'm not quite sure while he's why he's still obsessed with me. but today t during his first speech in quite a while, barack once again mentioned i'm not exactly sure s why take a the researchers paid a large group of regular fox news watchers to watch cnn for almost a month. se and if these were not swing voters, these were. you know, hannity, carlson fanso right out there.ig >> they're right there on some of these issues. their views have changed by five, eight, ten points. if people have been suddenlyes turned to the liberals, i i'm sure they still don't like me. but at the margins they had reshaped their perspective in meaningful ways by way, president obama, we don't hate you. you just a horrible president. your policies areesid awfulha that simple. obama now is talking aboutki a study was conducted by to obviously my view guessing liberal college professorsof one from berkeley and one from yale. odds are pretty high.e. i'm right. p they paid fox viewers to watch cnn for an entire month. iri doubt it was a fair and balanced study, but it sounds like torture of course, once one big difference between fake news, cnnnn fox is we don't have to pay people to watch this channel. they actually choose. we work hard to earn your viewership fact according to a key demo data from nielsen, more democrats actually watch fox news thanfo cnn fake news or msnbc. even barack obama himself seems to continue to be a loyal fox viewer. after all, lello, me and this network have been on his mind for years and we've got the tape to prove it. take a look. i'll put i'll put mr burgess up. against sean hannity. they'll turn him up. i mean, look, is is sean hannity suddenly going to get on the air and say, you know,no i was wrong about this obamagate he's my man. no, that's not going to think that there's a certain segment of hard core sean hannity fans that probably wouldn't want to go havepr a beer with me. there's no doubt about that .. with respect to sean hannity, i didn'tt know that he had invited me for a beer. his opinion of me does not seem to be very high, but but i'm always good for a beer. >> i was viewed through this prism fox news and conservative media and making me scary and i haven't, you know,w, turned on fox news or listen to conservative talk radio yesterday. but i turned them on and offse over these past seven 1/2 years to no, i'm not exaggeratingn in terms of their story, but if i watch fox news, i wouldn't vote for me either. right, because you know, you'vet got this screen, this funhouse mirror through whichee people ae receiving information perfect. >> not to go back and reachse back into that vault and bring out some of these old tapes. now we did reach out to former t president obama. i did invite himo on this program.'s it's an open invitation, mr. president. any night of the week you can have the full hour. we'll even have beer during the show if you like. i'll pay for it. i know socialists like free stuff. so you know, if that's an incentive for you, i will pay for everything. i'll even pay fororn a steak dinner after obama is now on a mission to somebody says misinformation and disinformation. and this network has the largest reach of any other outlet. so i'm sure that our viewers would love to hear his take on hunter biden's very real laptop and the very real money the biden family made by selling out the obama white house. and i'm sure they'd love tor hear barack's take on why t the media breathlessly pushed hillary clinton's dirty misinformation dossier and the russia collusion hoax for years we got it right. they got it wrong. i was right about obama's radical social. a he didn't want to hear it. i'm sure they'd love to hear his take on this information surrounding just this cavanaugh the verbal assault and slander and smearing of nicholas sandmann, the mostlynd peaceful violent riots during the summer of 2020 five and seventy four of them. kyle rittenhouse hands up, don't shoot duke lacrosse uva freddie gray baltimore of the cambridge police acted stupidly. and while we're at s presidenthy obama, why don't you tell us how you really feel about our current president joe biden ? because according to politico, hardly the vastjocc right wing conspiracy you encouraged by not to run enc. you didn't want them to run.. i wonder what you knew that maybe other people knew that maybe you cared more about him than others. i wouldn't be surprised if t. that wasf the case. obama once even reportedly said, quote, don'tma underestimate joe's ability to wrap things up. and of course, thi obama doesn't want to answer any of these questions. that's because he's not really interestedec in battling disinformation. instead, as he said today,at he wants to reshape your perspective in other words, he wants all of you to be far left wing new green deal democratic socialists like him. luckily, the american people are more intelligent than obama realizes, which is probably why the brand new effort of fake news cnn called cnn plus was such a massive failure. now as you know, the ratings the network's ratings are pathetically low and that's the free cnn that you get cable channels and yet fake news. cnn still spent they spent 300 million dollars on brand brand30 new streaming platform that viewers could only access with a paid subscription. okay, naturally, predictably, no one subscribe pretty muchh nn one . and now cnn plus is o officially dead. now this three hundred millionas dollar waste of money lasted all of thirty three days as many twitter users rightly pointed out, a gallon of milkk. de blasio has presidential aspirations. kamala harris, his presidential campaign and seattle summer of love all lasted longer than fake news cnn plustl and apparently americans were not willing to fork over threee whole dollars for a daily dose of humpty dumpty or the occasional interview from liberal swamp creature chris wallace. apparently, as it is, americanst get more than enough fake news if they're not watching the regular channel, why are they goingheanne to pay for an a channel anyway? they get allll the conspiracy theories of vitriol they want for both fake news cnn and msnbc twenty four hours a day look at our old friend nicolle wallace, for example, spentd much of her life pretending to be a republican . she actually helped run johnd mccain and sarah palin'sh presidential run. she now gets paid by msnbc and she pretty much spends every show smearing s republicans. i'm fine.ub i believe in free speech. that's's fine, inow today she d governor desantis and governor youngkin to russian soldiers children. we have those we'll play them coming up later in the show. nowho i asked lester holt, chuck todd chuckie, do you condone h this kindim of rhetoric? do you feel good about that kind of rhetoric? is that the kind of news you support? they support your colleagues. do you support rachel maddow conspiracy theories? and not to be outdone,es one guest on one of these shows that are low rated over there compared against to a groomer really take a look. o the entire message of the gospels of the easter to love was one another. and i've said this before and i'll say it again if jesus christ was alive today, he would be called a groomer. w he wouldou be called wolke and e would be called a socialist if he was alive today. no pushback, an assault on christianity, a false narrative on christianity, pretty disgusting, pretty bigoted. not a word we absolutely in this country, as i said, ct have an information crisis. i predicted it, said it in two thousand and seven. i've beenn more right than i thought i'd ever be . journalism as dead buried and it has been for quite some time the echo chamber, the media mob, they are unyielding and yet obama ora the democrats the fox news is to blame if they truly want to battle misinformation. i suggest they start atstar home here now with fox newsto contributors joe concha and laurar' trump is with us. you know, laura , your family lived through three years of hoax, a lie, a conspiracy theory, unrelenting attacks.ns it was it was our after hour,, day after day, month after month, year after year you lived with all of those lies and nobody's ever fullyre retracted and corrected the record. so we'retr t going so to get led by the left on thisis. well, i'm sure the part of barack obama's plan is to come out and clear all of that up. sean, of course, that is what he's going to do. i mean, so much of what you t said in the intro to your show here is totally laughable. i mean, we're supposed to believe that barack obama is going to be the arbiterma of what is true and false. bute? then again, this is t the party that tellshi that men can get pregnant, that they don't want any equality whatsoever in women's sports . soty i guess nothing should g surprise us . but it's allue fake. this is all fake outrage. these people don't o want anything fair and balanced.y they are not fox news, that is for sure. and it's no wonder that cnn plus his ratings are so low. i mean people nobody wants to. go on an online streaming service and be perpetuallyly depressed and all i can thinkin watching those msnbcg clips is i guess because no g one is tuning in , they had to just ratchet things up. they said nobody wants to watch because all of our programings is terrible. and sote they said let's just come out with some really crazy ,outlandish, disgusting things to say, which isou exactly what you heard there.t but yes, i don't think any of us in the trump family, sean, are holding our breath waiting for anybody to clear things up for us . we just soldier on . weay knows that the truth always comes out. itit has time and time again it will continue to do that . but i just want to say on behalf of all americans to you, sean hannity, on yourni tenure at foxty news, your tenue as one of the longest running shows ever on television shot i mean you're sort of amazing. we love you. congratulations. it's just we could have to a better person. you're very kind. i honestly wouldn't like that . i can't i can't i can't even my mind around it to be honest. but thank you for your kind words, joe . you follow the media all the time. you see the corruption. look att biden's laptop. they knew this grand jury was convened in delaware. they knew the likelihood wasikhu high that biden is going to be in big trouble. so all of a sudden now they're going to say g will validate the laptop. they never looked into it. val it would have been a huge issue if it was donald trump's son's laptop and that's the hypocrisyy that is the media. it's also why people don't watch them 20 months later. right. october of 2020, the new york post, the oldest newspaper in the countryhe comes out with this story and the mediah doesn't even suppressth they cal it russian disinformation with an assist from former intelligence officers like john brennan and james clapperrs l who then say, oh , no, this is russian disinformation even though they had no proofn around that whatsoever. and then you see cnn right. and what they have gone through because they helped push all of that russian disinformed in as well as far as collusion is concerned with donald trump c and the sudden collapse of cnn. plus, sean is the leastis surprising thing we've seen since the sun rising in the east. right. and look, it's been rumored fort weeks that cnn plus wasn't attracting a wave of customersha ,more friends and relatives. c this idea was mismanaged from day one , an idea, by the way,er built on an alternative reality because how could the brain trust behind this ? and that's an oxymoron if there's ever been one actually think that people were going to pay to watch content coming from those on a networkhose that nobody trusts and therefore nobody is watching cnn is getting beaten in primetime right now shown by the hallmark channel home and garden television, tlc, infp, the food networkhe and a history channel among others. so again, why charge for a content? nobody wants for free? and could you imagine having a sunday morning political show on a highly successful network only to leave forul a streaming endeavor at a so-called rival network?k? and then that endeavor lasts about as longngso-calle as two f scaramouch. talk about a gut punch on to lara trump before. yes, indeed. congrats. you're like now the george burns of cable news. you've been at fox news since you were sixteen nineteen ninety six twenty six years2 ago. your vote is twenty five years rent. listen, i tell you there is there is something called kalmykia and everybody that works with us knows exactly what i'm saying g tonight . you guys are y thank you both and we've got a lot of work to this country's in the worst i shape i've'v seen it in my lifetime and we've got two elections to focus. and you know what ?o we've got a country to fix. this is the greatest country god gave we will fix it again.. wego will save america. and amen also agree. thank you both, laura . thank you , joe . thank you . one great example of this information in action comes from the self-proclaimed fact checkers in the media who fact checks the fact checkers. snopes, fortifact example. these organizations only exist to smear snopes, e republicans h and conservatives and defend democratser from any and allck attacks. for example, politifact over a half a dozen tweets desperately trying to debunk this very real video we showed you last thursday. a it shows a very confused joe biden putting out his hand. nhe's not pointing. they're claiming he's pointing putting out his hand to shake wt hands. nobody's withinhi ten feet of hm as you can see, and is out there to shake it. and no one in the audience is anywhere near him. and then he waits. then he slowly turns and where do i go? and is confused. but politifactg, they're asking you not to believe your lying eyes according to them , there is nothing unusual about this video is just pointing. in meanwhile, no one in the media mob seems to have any interest in finding out who visits the president during his weekly trips to delaware. i doubt that would be something that they would do with donald trump that the secret service is claiming they have no visitor logs. okay, so the washington post outed the woman behind the lives of tiktok twitter account, but they just can't be bothered to investigate who the president of the united states is meeting with every week in delaware. whow about we start with all the secret service service agents that have been theree? why don't we ask them who they were called, be in there and we could start the list that way? not that hard to do it with reaction is the host the monica crowley podcast. monica crowley along with former white house chief of staff reince priebus. are both of you who've been around presidents? i don't think i don't think rice is that hard a thing to do to to go and ask the secret service guys who do you recall being at camp david? wouldn't that be pretty has not been in office that long? tyeah, not at all s and in fact, if you go on the actual white house website tonight , joe biden released r their policy as far as these actual visitor logs right on the website. and what it says is that every single visitor log is going to be released wherever it's generated. it actually says that as long as the visitor logs have to do with white house business, they're going to be released. so these are visitor logs that have to be released or released per the per the white house and they're not doing it. and you're right as far as the media covering up for joe biden in this political fact garbage that we deal with every single day, i think sarah palin coined the phrase back in 2009 the lamestream media. the big problem isn't so much that the m media doesn't do anything about these crazy gaffes like tellinge troops in poland t that they're going o be in ukraine or accidentally calling for regime change. i mean, these are a really important gaffes, let alone handshaking. you know, the er but the lamestream media doesn't educate the public. that's the problem. they're not t tellingng people why do we have a border problem? what were the executive orderss that joe biden signed that created a border problem? whyated do we have this inflatin problem in this country? what were the executive orderss ,the a

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