Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20220412 : v

FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight April 12, 2022

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we are the so where those vans going? well, here are pictureshose of a quarantine camp in china. tha the child you just sawyo mayu t there nowe many thousands ofen chinese citizens are at this camp. mattresses are strewn on the floor of cells. there'ss no there's just one toilet. just days ago the inmates you see here, we're living ordinaryt lives in their own homes now they're in prison. what happenedhe? pe the lives they left behind. what happened to the dogs and catsca they left at home? well, chances are chinese c police beathi those dogs and cas to death on the street. that's happening tonight allss over shanghai, a mass slaughter of pets and we didn't even toe. show this to you.nd we t it's too horrible, butho it's also real and we thought you should know the kovik prevention worker was caught on camera bashing to death a pet corgi. apparently this happened after the pets owner had tested reportedly positive for covid-19 and taken away to c a quarantine center. it was a resident in the compound who filmed this video and filmed how this health worker used a shovel to strikeor the corgi three times beforeth the pet dog died on the scene, a corgi beaten to death with a shovel in china. hina, that' that's covid protection. the chinese government is also confiscated some huge butd unknown number of house cats from people's homes, throwing them in bags and left themle on sidewalks to be killed again, . it was a tough judgment call whether or not toju put that on the air, but it's real and you should know exactly what the authorities are talking about when they say the chinese government is responding to covididgo their videos like that one all over social media so the chinese government isn'tea denying this is real and it'sl i not apologizing. letting one yen ist'no a spokess for china's national health commission. effectively he is china's tony fauci he recently gave ane interview to the state excuse me the state run newspaperew people's daily and explain the government's thinking here quote chinaspen adheres to covid zero. he said china's socialist system has a strong ability toli organize and mobilize, whichtyf will help it ensure the success of the zero strategy. >> so the chinese government certainly has the capacity to mobilize. but what is success look like? well, this isat what success is in shanghai tonight . this is video shot by aathis resident of one of shanghai's i countless apartment towers.ow what you're hearing in this video are the screams of the people trapped inside has there ever been a clearer picture of what isre like? twenty five million people imprisoned in concrete apartment m blocks screaming for help and slowly starving in the words of of a western journalit called jepp girlyman who is apparently stuck in shanghai, quote, this is the biggest, he richest, most international city in china and peopleci are starving without medicine, without freedom. parents are separatedme from their children. the military is on the streets hasshanghai's optimism but it to a halt. but it's's worse w than that . some in shanghai are so desperate they are crying out for food. watchtc and people are complaining that stores have run out of food and it's nearlyo impossible to schedule deliveries because couriers keep up with the demand.e one manma in shanghai documentif the shortages on twitter says he has three deliveries that were booked to deliver todayy. . all three were canceled. social media videos not verified by nbc news described as protest by people desperate a to get food and medicine store shelves cleared out because one man on the street yelling what am i supposed to buy? what am i going to eat? i have some areas drome telling people to stay home controle. your soul's desire for freedom day. and in this video the residentsa say we a the police. at one point they say we are starving, we are starving. they scream stony faced police as drones overhead tell them to stop longing for freedom. this is again the richest citya in china and you a never thought you'd see anything like this . so the question is what is going on here? obviously it's not about covid. let's stop pretending shanghai does not have a covid crisis. even if shanghai did have a kovik crisis, we know perfectlyn't well from recents experience this is not the way to handle a crisis. so from the perspective of china's central government, the problem is not covidbl the problem is shanghai itself. shanghai is probably the freest ationals thana. it's certainly got more foreign nationals than any city in china drawn by the tradeor that revolves around its historic port. soic by chinese standards, shanghai is an independent minded city and that's the problem for authoritarians independent mindedness isth the main threat.e the if you're the head of the communist party of chinail and you're trying to run a highly volatile country of peoplent four billion from beijing, naturally your top concern always will be shanghai. shanghai is the ones placend a meaningful insurrection might start and that's especially true this year. xi jinping, the chinese autocrat, is set to take a third consecutive termo beginning in the fall. now that was not supposed towe happen. there were term limitserm limita ,but four years ago the chinese communist party did away with those term limits and xi jinping can now rule the country forever even in china. that is a controversial move is a china expert callede the tarsha kassam put it quote from beijing's perspective,he there is no higher priority than stability ahead of the party congress this fall. this is the closest you mightht come to seeing campaign season in china. oh , there it is right there. a campaign season, even an authoritarian country. public opinion still matters..ll a campaign season is still real even if you're president for life. sound familiar? so f china's rulers want to stay to dost forever in order that , they're using covid restrictions. they're pretty sure covid restrictions pretty work. t they watched our last presidential election closely. how should we respond to this ?c ifra you believe in democracy, this is replugug movement. peol twenty five million people just lost their most basice human rights. soio the question is, is anyone in the biden administrationco which is constantly lecturing a us about democracy and human rights, said anything about us ? has the state department issued an angry denunciations thing? it is the u.s. government threatening sanctions against for building the world's largest prison camp?of well, of course not. effectively our leaders are defending what china is doing. here's tony fauci admitting on camera he will never criticize the chinese government. we spoke to one of the whl investigates. han to you've been to wuhan to investigate how the virus started. details they were prevented from seeing key details and from speaking to key peoplein. why do you think the chinese government did that ? you know, i don't want to create any or d mention any any disparaging remarks about that . but the chinese the are very close in a way of being veryer reluctant, particularly when you have a disease that evolvesw in their they become extremely secretive evenh though there's no reason to be secretive. i think they were veryy concerned and maybe embarrassed that the virus evolves from their country. but is nothing wrong with that? yeah, soth they lied about aner international pandemic that they clearly hadad hand in creating. but according to tony fauci there was quote nothing wrong with the chinese government lying about covid there's certainly nothing wrong with starving the population of shanghai. youu would have said so if there were in fact, shanghai may be a model a long time harvard epidemiologist called eric feilding just wrote an op ed explain that we should all be grateful for the atrocities the chinese cnt government is committing in shanghai tonight because they're in quote everyone's interest. a health security expert called nicholas thomas just told cnnnn that shanghai is an inspiration to the world's leaders. quote, the legacy of shanghai. we'll see a return to massit lockdowns for larger cities in the near to medium term. can and if you watch carefully, you can see all of this taking shape and why wouldn't it be anding shape in this country? we've got midterm elections coming and the ruling party is predicted to be b in tough shap so they're doing something about it in thear city of i philadelphia, authorities just announced the return of an indoor mascot mandate. is there science to justify this philadelphia as a seven day averagegeeven of two covid s to cover deaths in a city of one point five million people over a week? peo now, ofple course, when your strategy is quote covid zero two dead from covid is more than enough to justify anotherh mass quarantine. according to a report tonight , the bush administration plans to bring back its geneticor vaccine mandate for federal employees and of course,ec a massive mandate remains in effect for all commercial air travel in this countryom ort not for nancy pelosi's private plane. despite no scientific evidence at all that it works. but you must obey and they're m making sure at loe field in dallas to robots known security control observation towers scott for short scan the crowd to make sure that everyone is in compliance now with facial recognition software. the robots could know exactly who the disobedientt are. are j we're just beginning to seess the outlines of the repression that covid has made possible. to that's the point. and if youks want of the future, looks like you can look at china and shiver in the state of california. och state is starting to pull fundingoo from any school, that will comply with the new mandate of vaccine mandate for children. at joe biden endorses that . inject your children with a drug with no actual benefits or no education for your family.. naomi wolf is in the state ofia california fighting against all of this . she saw the outlinery and very y . she joins us tonight. the book "t she's the author of the book the bodies of others the new authoritarians covid-19 in the war against the human. and we will thanks so much for coming on tonight.e what when you see what's happening in shanghai, which has got to be one of the most certainly att scale one of the biggest violations of human rights ever. twenty five million people and the administration has nothing. >> what do we learn from that ?g i mean, you're not t wrong to se this is the future a and it's nt just the future in shanghai. it's the future for us and the future throughout the west unless we continue to fight back the way we t have here in l.a. in this to the mandates rally. 2020 was the story right. it launched a narrative and the narrative is you can restrain billions of people, locklion thm in their homes, inject them against their will masks and against their will destroyga their economies, suppress all their human rights. but if the narrative said covid, that was the plausible deniability that you weren't actually just a flat out fascistic tyrant. so too was just preamble. and so now shanghai is the next step and the surveillance ofla us these machines is the nextnc step and the injecting of children by force in california it's california is always the tip of the spear is going to be rolled outbed across the country just like i warned vaccine passports could be rolled out across the country and there's nothing now youtr know, with thisy. script in plae to prevent this kind of d crackdown lockdown down from happening again in american citieses n. and you're right to worry about the midterms given the history of totalitarianism, there's no reason to believe that the midterms which to deliver a resounding defeat to t the biden administration are going to be allowed to unfold without an emergency w and thata emergency keeps us all at homet all the better. so i just to want to say for people who don't know washington state launched a regulation for the board ofat health that would allow this kind of quarantine withoutf oversight if you're quote unquote exposed to a blood borne pathogen and you can't't new yorkwithout a court order. and new york state where i live is trying to do the same thing. and two state senators have taken action to stop governor hochul from just sneaking itn in through again a board of health regulation t. ngs so they are preparing to do things like this here in theth united states to do themit in western europe because this is a global scripteded andf we don't wake up to it now, there's not going to be an alternative. it's also bewildering for anyone is rational minded becaus the last two years of covid response lockdown's mandatory didn't prevent a million people from doing it, didn't work as anca epidemiological matter. so on what basis can they justify another round? mr. carlson, when i read, you know, cnn describing what's i feelng in shanghai, ill. they are still hewing to the narrative that lockdown's have a relationship of any kind to epidemiology success. it's a falsehood the data are in from multiple studies. it's beyond question. lockdown's didn't work exceptea to create other kinds ofte catastrophic outcomes from depths of despair, deaths from suicide, opioid overdoses, suicidality among children as we all should know by now, california did no better fully lock down n than texas and florida did opening up britain did no better lock down than sweden did open up itk doesn't work and brave epidemiologists and public health experts have been saying that , yeah, i don't think we can put up with this and i'm glad you're not. j naomi wolf, thanks so muchoi for joining us and for everything you've been doing on this b. uc. thank you so much. so it's was a crisisss that justifies repression. so barack obama just emergedack from one of his many houses to tell us that people will die if you get to use your first amendment rights. free speech is a threat tome their lives. rg the joe biden emerged whatever he spends to tell us , we havee to get of the second amendment because people are dying here.[l weo. know that's tripolis. you will see the glory of god. everything. i'm your host kathie lee gifford in new series you're going to meet fascinating people who share their faith journey. joining me now, the pastor you all know and love our friend who knows what god's going to take on the maga hat great bravery. but they also suffered extraordinary long, good people in this world. i'm just here to try to hallelujah for god. don't be afraid to police your what's your name? 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