The course of decade but has not reached its pinnacle. Whether critical race theory, critical gyppedder theory, which comes under different names, socalled Green New Deal movement, marxist movement, born in europe, exported to the United States. That is a war on your lifestyle a war on your income, a war on your income, a war on your private property, a war on capitalism. It is true, it is here. It is now. I have written a book called, American Marxism. I dont make any bones about it. We have to take the language back. We have to take the narrative back and we need to confront this. This is in our schools, it is in our immigration policies, it is in the Executive Orders issued by the president of the United States. It is in our corporations, it is in our media. Some of these people are unwitting who are promoting it. Some are surrogates or useful or really useless idiots. That is why i have written American Marxism. You can see it in congress playing out right now. They talk about the squad. This isnt a squad. This is a cabal of marxists who hate this country. Some first, Second Generation immigrants into the country, who bring their attitudes, their indoctrination into the country are at war right there in the halls of congress against our own country. They have found a home in the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party has no intention of doing anything about this. What has nancy pelosi done . She has been a quisling. She has been weak. Why . Because their numbers are increasing. When you have open borders and people are coming into the country and theyre not vetted and you dont know who they are, when you have people in our country who welcome them by trashing america, from he will americantry school to Middle School to high school and beyond, trash america, our media, a president of the United States who trashes his own country in the most devilish and vial terms, well people are not going to a simulate into our culture when our culture is under attack from within. And so where does this all come from . Well we know where it all comes from . Now the media arent going to tell you where it all comes from. The Democrat Party is not going to tell you. Black lives matter. Black lives matter is a marxist organization. How do we know . They dont confess it. They celebrate it. Antifa, what is it . Its a marxist, anarchist organization. How do we know . They say so. Theyre proud of it. The media wont say it. Theyre just useful protesters wraying in racial justice. This has nothing to do with racial justice. It has nothing to do with justice of any kind. This is a fullscale, multilevel, Intersectional Attack on our system of government on our founding, on our principles. And the Biggest Political Party in the country, the Democrat Party, represents this movement. The media in this country with very few exceptions represents this movement. Our educational system, starting with our colleges and universities, has fomented, promoted, created mobs, promoted violence, coming out of our classrooms and now has leeched into our elementary schools, secondary schools, high schools. Maybe they call it critical race theory. Maybe they call it social justice. Maybe they call it equity, they call it whatever they will, it is all the same thing. Some are completely out of the closet now. Look at Bernie Sanders. Bernie sanders now calls himself a democratic socialist. He is not a democratic socialist. He is a old marxist with a massive soapbox. He is in charge of the budget committee. He is driving the finances of this country, driving them into the ground. Trillions and trillions of dollars of spending on what . To whose benefit . You see beginnings of inflation. Once the inflation monster Out Of The Box that will affect each and everyone of us. Why . Because it devalues the currency. Your income, your pension, your savings and the price of goods and services go up. So while the value of the dollar goes down, the price goes up. Guess what happens . More people are impoverished. What will the answer be from biden and his fellow democrats . More spending, more government, more centralization. By the way, these policies come with what . They come with this. An iron fist as the police, they get stronger and stronger and stronger. Did you hear the Attorney General earlier this week . What did he say . The greatest danger is domestic terrorism. What is the greatest danger in domestic terrorism . White supremacy. Who are the White Supremacists . The klan, neonazis. We have a fbi. We have prosecutors. Go get them. What is interesting in the Press Conference i didnt hear a name of any of organization, of any person, of any investigation, of any prosecution that is going on. This is the game theyre playing. White supremacy, the white dominant society, this is critical race theory. This is the 1619 project. So you hate america because there is just too much whiteness in its founding. Hate the founding. Dismiss every document and everything the framers did. White supremacy, white domination. Then they talk about the klan and nye neonazis. There are 60 Million People in the country that the government identifies white, caucasian. Are we all members of the klan . Are we all neonazis . How absurd. How disgusting. You have republican legislatures trying to get their Election System back since the covid virus and since the system was changed. Illegitimately by judges, by governors, by boards of elections, by secretaries of state. The federal constitution gives the power to the State Legislatures, to no one else. They did it purposely because they wanted representatives 6 each state to make those decisions. Joe biden goes out on a blasphemous campaign a poisonous , cancer russ campaigns accuses legislatures to enact jim crow activity to suppress the vote. Joe biden knows something about jim crow activity. He supported segregation. He opposed integration in our cities. He didnt want his kids to attend intigrated schools. Calls them potential jungles. That is joe biden. He knows something about it. He knows nothing about what is taking place today. So State Legislatures want to go back to precovid. Was precovid jim crow . The Attorney General of the United States says i need to double the number of civil rights attorneys that i have, they have a Civil Rights Leader who is a bigot, out of and out bigot. Why does he want to double the civil rights attorneys . To go after the republican states. What theyre doing is the worst things since the 1960s when Robert Kennedy was Attorney General of the United States. You see what is going on here . Theyre, they are saying that people with whom they disagree are potential domestic terrorists. They lump everybody in with the klan. They lump everybody in with the neonazis. By the way if youre not white, you love america, and youre not part of this counterrevolution, this American Marxism movement, you know what they say about you and there are many of you . Black, hispanic, interracial, what have you, they say you have been colonized. Your mind, your believe systems have been destroyed. Youve been colonized. You may be black, you may be brown, you may be yellow, you may be red, you may be interracial youre one of them. If youre not down for the revolution youre one of them. That is why i have written this book American Marxism to expose them, expose it all. At the very end discuss a number of things we must do, can do, to claw back and get our country back. Get our country back. So white people get their country back . No. Redblooded american yanks of every shade, every background, every ancestry, every religion. Now i have a couple of really fine guests tonight. The first guest is dr. Zuhdi jasser. Why do i have dr. Zuhdi jasser on this program . He is an american patriot. He served in the u. S. Navy. Number two he has been fighting these domestic jihadis and others for years. He is a man of great courage. He is a an american muslim. His family left syria under horrific conditions and came to the United States and they and he are great patriots. You dont hear about zuhdi jasser. You hear about omar and talib and cair, and these other hate america individuals and hate america organization. I warranted to bring zuhdi jasser in so we have an honest discussion what is going on in this country and the growing wing of the Democrat Party of this element, this radical, marxist element, antisemitic, antiamerican element. Zuhdi jasser, how are you, my friend. Great to be with you, mark. Thanks, brother. How are you . Mark im doing great. I want to thank you for everything you do. Youre the president of the American Islamic forum for democracy. Youre a Senior Fellow at the center for security policy. Youre an internal medicine specialist, former u. S. Navy lieutenant commander. You wrote a fantastic book, the battle for the soul of islam. Zuhdi jasser, the battle for the soul of islam in the United States at this point, when you look at talib, omar, others who are just rampant antiamerican, antisemites and in my view, out of the clossette marxists, this is a real battle and you saw this battle early on. How is that . Well i have to tell you this isnt new to us. As you know my family and not only escaped syria but escaped the synergy happens in the regimes across the middle east between the marxists and islamists. We call it the green axis. Hussein working with hamas, assad working hamas, working with venezuela, this is an old playbook and a lot of Evangelical Islamists left somalia, palestinian areas, came to the u. S. , not because they love america but came because theyre evangelizing their islammism. They want to come in to weaken america. Rest of us, majority of muslims here in america came to be free. Came to be able to practice our religion like we could those so caught muslim countries celebrate individualism, democracy, not marxism. You see now with black lives matter, a lot of these other new movements, theyre using the playbook, mark, that i was talking about in my congressional testimony back 2011, 2013, to the senate, to the house. I told them, i said, islamophobia is being used as a bludgeon to prevent you from criticizing muslims, calling you youing bigots and racist because they dont want to deal with theocracy. We see the same thing with critical race theory. Anyone critical of the far left is called the bigot and the 1619 project is to the marxists what protocols of elders of zion hating of jews in Political Islam. Mark when we come back, zuhdi jasser, i want to ask you this, why do you think the Democrat Party is so inviting of these individuals and organizations . Why do you think the media is so embracing of these Radical Idealogues who are enormously dangerous to this society . Well be right back. When a hailstorm hit, he needed his insurance to get it done right, right away. Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Usaa what do we want for dinner . Usaa. What youre made of, were made for. Burger. I want a sugar cookie. Wait. I want a bucket of chicken. I want. Its the easiest because its the cheesiest. Kraft. For the win win. To make my vision a reality my varilux progressive lenses provide seamlessly transition from near to far. With every detail in sharp focus. Thats seeing no limits. Varilux lenses by essilor. Aging is a journey. You cant always know whats ahead. Since 1995, seniors have opened their doors to right at home for personalized care. To be their guide. To steer them through uncharted territory. And when it comes right down to it, to keep them safe at home. After all, home is the best place to be. Right at home. Navigating whats to come. Mark welcome back, america, zuhdi jasser, president of the American Islamic forum of democracy. A very courageous man out there in arizona. Why do you think the Democrat Party is embracing, encouraging these individuals in this movement and why do you think the media is doing exactly the same thing. There are multiple reasons. They are idealogical. Theyre collectivists. They are antiamerican. They dont appreciate or love the institutions in america, based on our founding fathers, constitutionalism, Classic Liberalism of liberty if you will but the at the end of the day, mark, theyre afraid of the islamists. I have to tell you the Democrat Party has lost its way. You think of the tom lantos, i was a physician to congress i got the honor of knowing tom lantos a hungarian refugee who came to america, was a holocaust survivor. Lantos commission is about his work, about standing up for american ideas of human rights abroad. So that is the Democrat Party of the middle 20th century, that now has been lost to this antisemitism, to Political Islam and the Red Green Axis where the center, the proamerican part of the Democratic Party has been snuffed out by antiamericans. Folks that have a world view that is globalist. Think of the u. N. When you want to think of the Democratic Party. Who is running the u. N. . Why doesnt the u. N. , supposedly built postworld war ii to protect democracy is now antidemocracy . Spends over half of its time attacking the only liberal democracy in the middle east, israel because it is driven by venezuelas, irans, the chinas of the world. So you see a cinergy of globally, jihadis and socialists. Democratic socialist in america are willing to let congress turn into the u. N. Where u. S. Citizens are left to be subservients. Immigration is not coming to freedom. It is letting anybody come in without any idealogical filter. Omar, they are prime examples of come here, not they celebrate american ideas but because they want to weaken our institutions. Mark very important number of points you raise here. Number one, look at Bernie Sanders, nobody dares to seriously question Bernie Sanders. Bernie sanders is a marxist. He attraction the domestic jihadis. Many of them ran his campaigns in local areas and states. He doesnt have to answer for any of them. If you ask black lives members leaders they support any politician it would be Bernie Sanders. When there is violence done by Bernie Sanderss supporters the media basically squelch it. For instance when took place four years ago when the congressional Baseball Game took place. The media was very loathe to mention that the shooter who almost killed Steve Scalise and two police officers, among others, was a Bernie Sanders supporter. Look at january 6, you look what took place there, and theyre trying to paint every single trump supporter as a white supremacist. The Attorney General gives this outrageous speech where he draws in the media to his own employees at the Department Of Justice where i was once Chief Of Staff. There is a lot going on in this country in terms of the Movement Towards tyranny that concerns me greatly. Do you agree or disagree with that . I couldnt agree more. I mean it starts with biden, from the top. He had a tarmac staged embrace of Rashida Tlaib. He called her a fighter, called her courageous. She is no different than abbas fattah in her secularism and embrace of hamas as omar is basically a hamas supporter and at the end of the day the Democratic Party is embracing them. You see an unleashing of jihadis. Omesh is a School Board Representative who is 24 years old. Gave a Commencement Speech to Justice High School which she told the folks in Northern Virginia to embrace jihad against the White Supremacists against capitalists. Democratic party. Democrat Elected Official whose father is one of the founding folk notice muslim brotherhood, even obama couldnt appoint, was dismissed from the Immigration Commission in 2007 because of how radical he is. Im sorry, 2009. So at the end of the day you see now coming to fruition, a farm team of. Hadis working with a farm team of progressivists that have taken over the far left. Americans are sitting back watching this. Daytoday we respond to this tweet or that tweet. It is more single tweets. It is a resume radicalism, omar , talib, we are ignoring to our own destruction. Mark biden is ignoring it. We have open border. We dont know who is combing into the country. We cant assume everybody is in the up and up. That is not the way the world works. Joe biden doesnt seem to give a damn. Joe biden embraced talib. She is among the worst politicians that this nation has ever seen quite frankly. She is very open about her views and antisemitism and antiamericanism. Joe biden embraces her. Apparently joe bidens Chief Of Staff spends a lot of time talking to that wing of the Democratic Party trying to know what they want. Then we have even worse than that, then we have them constantly going on about the state of israel as an apartheid country. They have all but said that is should be pushed into the mediterranean sea. They were trying to take steps to prevent us from supporting israel when rockets were fired into these israeli Population Centers by hamas of all things. We know this, zuhdi jasser. Now the New York Times knows. The Washington Post knows this. Nbc, abc, cbs no, sir it, msnbc and cnn knows this. Why do they pretend they dont . Why do they pretend like israel or United States is at fault . These Media Corporate institutions. Cnn is owned by at t. Msnbc and nbc is owned by comcast. What is going on in these corporations . Are they cowards too . Utilization of any cost of Identity Politics and the palestinian narrative fits the Identity Politics of the aggrieved victims when in fact even the term cycle of violence that they say imply as moral give learn sy doesnt exist. Hamas starts these wars. Attacks schools and attacks civilians. When israel responds to defend itself somehow become as cycle. This is what omar says celebrated by the left as she sits on the Foreign Affairs committee she has no busy thing on. She and talib defend bds. This is boycott, divest, sanctions movement. Mark, that movement is basically to destroy all of i was rails economy to wipe it out. To say that is compatible sitting on Foreign Affairs committee. I testified she should have Security Clearances limited whether they believe in Political Islam or not. They have not done that. The left needs to wake up and to the threat of their ideology. Mark if an Enemy Of America, an outspoken of Enemy Of America sitting on the Foreign Policy committee. A man in swalwell who literal slept with a Chinese Communist spy who remains on the intelligence committee. You have the inability of the leadership of the Democrat Party in the house to take control of these growing elements within its caucus, and you have chuck schumer, the majority leader of the senate, democrat from new york, jewish, like me, who says, absolutely nothing to condemn this growing poison within his own party because he fears that aoc may challenge him in a democrat primary. This is a disgrace. And there sits joe biden, throwing around the term jim crow where it doesnt apply, knowing it doesnt apply, talking about a white supremacy, a white majority, dominated society when the violence that we saw all last summer from the marxist elements were the violent rhetoric and antisemitic rhetoric that were hearing from congress coming out of his party and he says nothing. I will be right back. Well, well, well. Look at you. You mastered the master bath. You created your own style. And you yes, you turned a sourdough starter into a sourdough finisher. 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More than 150 people remain missing. A fire deep in the rubble which had hampered Rescue Efforts is now contained. The america of miamidade says rescuers used infrared technology, water and foam to battle those flames. A hotair balloon crash in albuquerque killing five people. Police say the balloon struck power lines causing the gondola to crash to the ground. The crash knocked out power to thousands of homes. And a fan causing a major crash during the first stage of the tour de france. It happened when a spectator stepped in front of the pack holding a cardboard sign. Several cyclists were injured and had to withdraw from the race. Im jon scott. Back to life, liberty and levin. Mark welcome back, america. Zuhdi jasser, youve written in newsweek about this fusion of black lives matter which is a marxist, antiamerican, antisemitic organization and modern islamists of which weve been talking. Describe that a little bit for us. This is so important, mark. It is not just about muslim reform and Political Islam, far left, black lives Matter Movement wants to destroy our institutions. Like the mao chinese revolution, just like the far left revolutions from venezuela, soviets, chinese, et cetera. It is the exact same mantra. Destroy the institutions of democracy, destroy the institutions of capitalism and individualism, allow autocratic socialist entity take power. We saw it. My parents saw it in irin syria, iraq, china is about the same type of movement. Why they tear down statues and violent riots from portland to washington. It is the exact same movement. Employ us in the Muslim Reform Movement because we know their playbook. Were willing to be leaders at the head of the spear if you will. Mark it is interesting they talk about american history. They talk about the confederacy. They talk about these various generals. Talks about the founding fathers. You know who they dont talk about . They dont talk about marxism. They dont talk how 100 Million People lot of their lives under the doctrine of marxism. They dont talk about how mao tsetung murdered 60 million of his own people. They dont talk about how stalin murdered 25 to 30 million of his own people. They dont know how current communist china rounded up uyghurs, 2 1 2 million who are tortured, who are raped. Who are murdered. They dont talk about that. Many of the supporters of black lives matter defend communist china. So these are massive gulags. These are massive genocidal states. Bernie sanders never criticizes them. Criticizes america. We have slavery going on in the world right now throughout the world. We have it going on in africa. We have it going on in the middle east. We have it going on in the far east. As i said we have it going on in xis china. Real live slavery today. Not 150 years ago. Slavery today of black people, muslim people, white people, all kinds of people, nothing, not a word. You look at black lives matter, what the hell have they done in our inner cities to help our communities . They dont fight for school choice. They dont fight against inshrined Democrat Party iron fisted rule which destroyeded so many of these cities. They dont fight against crime in these cities where black on black murder is through the roof. Black lives matter, that is very nice title, when it comes to actual blacks, that is africanamericans, what the hell do they do . Antifa, antifa is a movement that was imported into the United States. It started in london. It has been heavily funded. It is now in the United States. And so, quickly i will ask you this, and it is not a fair question but i will ask you anyway because youre a very wise man. Where do we go from here . We have to develop a coalition, mark, who love america. That dont tweet about our soldiers being terrorists like omar does but talk about the value we bring to the world advancing capitalism, freedom, liberty. Recognize black lives Matter Movement, the far left where the destructionists that they are. Just like the taliban destroyed statues in afghanistan. The black lives matter far Left Movement is trying to destroy america as an institution. I believe the majority of america dont want to destroy our institutions. Dont see us all as racist but see us as Promoters Of Freedom and liberty not only domestically and globally. Many muslims, arabs come here want to celebrate that. There are only a minority of islamists that dont believe that. We can defeat them. Mark beautiful. I wish governor ducey listened to me over the airwaves, that is the man that needs to be your senator replacing john mccain but he didnt. Sued city jasser zuhdi jasser, we appreciate it. Keep at it. Yo yes, sir. Mark well be right back. other Money Manager but you still sell investments that generate high commissions, right . judith no, we dont sell commission products. 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During the time he served including his military intelligence officer, prosecutor, military magistrate while assigned to the armys elite 82nd airborne division. In summer 2006 he was deployed to tikrit i iraq with fellow paratroopers to support iraqi freedom. Youre a great patriot. I know you announced youre running for the republican primary for new york. Lets focus on new york. We saw something a few weeks ago that was utterly shocking. As the terrorists in the gaza strip firing missiles into israel, israel was defending itself, you had individuals with palestinian flags chasing down Orthodox Jews in trucks in a parking lot. You had socalled Diamond District under attack by dozens of thugs who were attacking jews randomly on the street. You could see in los angeles the swastika being painted on synagogues and that Jewish Community has been under attack both by black lives matter and a few weeks ago. What do you make of all this, congressman . It was sickening to watch and im in new york. I represent a Congressional District in new york, im jewish. Im a strong backer of religious freedom. Here in the United States and All Around The World you saw Men And Women being attacked because they were jewish. It was raw, violent hate. Here in new york its a consequence of not just the rise of antisemitism but Elected Officials in new york city, albany, turning their backs on Law Enforcement. They support the defund the Police Movement in new york city where last year they took out over A Billion Dollars from new york citys budget for the nypd. They got rid of bail where now people are being released in the same day. Not that theyre fearful theyre going to get caught. They know theyre going to get caught but theyre confident after they do get caught they will be released again. Convergence of a number of forces. Nypd now, morale low. Retirement packages surging, suicides increasing. You end up with innocent Men And Women of different backgrounds, you saw different communities under attack, as you point out most recently with the Jewish Community, Law Enforcement doesnt have their back the way they want to, it is a sickening erosion of Public Safety around raw hate hurting people physically. It is coming without consequences. Mark now the Attorney General, i mentioned this early in the program with zuhdi jasser had this big Press Conference. He calls in the media, he wants it to be a sterling iconic moment where he says we have domestic dough mess terrorism going on in this country, well increase resources, focus on it. He compares himself to Robert Kennedy in the early 60s. He talks about white supremacy. But he never once talked about the fact that the fbi statisticses show, when it comes to religious hate crimes, overwhelmingly, 60 are against jews. He doesnt mention exactly who it is that is involved in these hate crimes of jews. Im no fan of neonazis and clansman. We can wipe them out but that is fine by me. Not klans men and neonazis they are doing this in particular in your state. Especially in brooklyn, new york. He didnt mention it. He certainly didnt emphasize it. What do you make of that . Does that concern you . Greatly concerning because it is about fitting political narratives. It is about Dough Mess Ticker Politics and inconveniently avoiding truths and its, you know, unfortunate when were trying to tackle a problem and people who should be part of the solution cant even identify what exactly the problem is and weve seen this with in the halls of congress with members like ilhan omar, Rashida Tlaib others who empower them. Others who are close to politics. People like linda sar soar who influence others. Others promote the bds movement and raw, antisemitic hate. If we to do something about it you can cower or be silent. What happens if you become silent the individuals in the movement become elevated. You can embrace them through silence. What you should be doing it, identifying, confronting it, crushing it. That first piece in order to confront and crush it is to identify the threat. This is not knew. I remember the time end of Barack Obamas time in the white house, there was an issue with democrats identifying radical islamic extremism being a threat. Fast forward to today, theyre unwilling to identify what is causing Violent Attacks so you cant crush it an confront it. Youre willing to identify it. Im willing to identify it. People a part of the Department Of Justice, the fbi, theyre not willing to call it balls and strikes accurately, as a consequence you end up elevating empowering, embracing it and people actually get hurt as a result of it. Mark well be right back. fiv 72,807 72,808. Dollars. Yep. Everything hurts. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. When you earn a degree with university of phoenix, we support you with Career Coaching for life, including personal branding, resume building and more. Thats our promise to you. Thats Career Services for life. Learn more at phoenix. Edu. What does it mean to be a hero . Ancestry helped me learn more about the man behind the medal. He was a father to two young daughters. He was a scout and he knew the land better than anyone. He came from italy with nothing for a new life. His family depended on him. He sacrificed so much. Isaac payne barney f. Hajiro elijah bacon Michael Valente he is our familys hero. Who are the heroes in your family . Mark congressman lee zeldin, you you i see a fusion of these radical marxist movements, a fusion of antisemitism with some of the radical muslim movements and people in the house that weve talked about among others and all this action really is in the Democrat Party, or on the fringes of the Democrat Party. I hear nothing from biden. I hear nothing from your senator who like us is jewish, schumer. I hear nothing from your speaker of the house. In other words the Democrat Party is appeasing this movement or these movements or embracing them. What do you want to say to these socalled leaders . Lead or get out of the way. Pelosi, hoyer, and clyburn, the top three in the house, have been serving there now for in the House Of Representatives for over 104 years. I mean it is time to move on. If youre not willing to lead when youre confronted with people like ilhan omar and Rashida Tlaib, theyre pushing antiamerican propaganda, if youre going to tolerate it, it is time to move on. We dont care about your power, your perks, if that is the reason why were all living here in your world. We care deeply about our country. I still serve to this day in the army reserve. Im a lieutenant colonel. It is an honor to wear our nations uniform. Im surrounded by people who believe in a cause greater than themselves. Individuals that come to congress because they love our constitution, our freedoms, our liberties. People serve in our Armed Forces Willing to give their lives to defend it and because nancy pelosi wants to be speaker of the house. She likes the feeling of the gavel in her hand, she likes to be in control, she has been there as long as she has been there, she is still there. She is Still Holding on to her power. She has gone out of her way to say she is not rebuking ilhan omar for equivocations, trying to draw eequivalencies between the United States, israel, hamas and the taliban. Omar should not have been appointed to the house Foreign Affairs committee in the first place. I was the first person to to out against it. I was on your show almost three years ago to the today. House member ron desantis. How much things have changed since june of 2018. Were talking about Foreign Policy. Ilhan omar gets elected to the house. Rashida tlaib gets elected to the house. Pelosi becomes speaker again. Someone who is willing to blame u. S. Foreign policy for the that bab attack in kenya, willing to blame u. S. Foreign policy for the what is happen together venezuela people. Having sympathy for islamic fighters because on 9 11 some people did something, the equivalency i just drew, you shouldnt serve on the house Foreign Affairs committee. Says a lot about nancy pelosi her people have not problem with it. Eric swalwell gets to serve on the committee despite the background on him. There is about double standards, more equivalencies, and slippery slopes. If something needs to be confronted with antisemitism, they wont singly, forcefully go after antisemitism. They draw up all hate matters resolutions and draw equivalencies to other backgrounds and hate. When other forms of hate go after it singularly. People say, steve king cant serve on any house committees. Say marjorie taylorgreen cant serve on house committees. If you want to go there, that is where your standard is, how the heck does ilhan omar appoint and stay on the house foreign affair committees. Im on two committees in the house, rin affairs, im with omar on Foreign Affairs. Im saddened about this moment were in right now but imless encouraged that as long as all of your viewers are doubling down and tripling down for their passion and principles and beliefs to do something about it, we can correct this november 8, 2022. We have to for sake of our great country. Mark very wellsaid. It is amazing that joe biden decided he wants to be the civil rights president and greatest civil rights issue of our time has nothing to do with what he is talking about, critical race theory. That is a racist, antiamerican, marxist theory. No. Right in front of his face he sees what has been taking place in this country. He wants it to be the klan and neonazis. As i said 1000 times before, crush them. Who is stopping you. Go get them. Get them. Crush them. What is happening in our streets, joe biden is either silent or passively supportive. He is the president of the United States. He is in charge of his party and it is a damn shame. What a disgrace. Congressman lee zeldin, i wish all the luck in your Gubernatorial Race and, god bless you. Thank you, mark. Mark well be right back. Fine, no one leaves the table until your finished. Fine, well sleep here. Its the easiest because its the cheesiest. Kraft. For the win win. Lisa here, has had many jobs. Shes worked in retail during the holidays. As a barista during rush hour. And a nanny to a couple of rambunctious kids. Now, all that experience has led her to a job that feels like home. With home instead, you too can become a caregiver to older adults, with a career that makes a difference. Apply today. Ery miracleear store, youll find better laughs at family barbecues. Youll find a better life is in store at miracleear, when you experience the exclusive miracleear advantage. 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Its unheard of in the Publishing Industry and unheard of with any socalled conservative author. Its called American Marxism for a reason. What you heard tonight is only a little piece of whats going on. The various movements spawned from marxism. Its not a conspiracy theory. Thats the point of the book, to tell you who is behind it. What are the institutions here in the United States. We need to know who our enemies are in order to have a Fighting Chance to push back and reclaim this magnificent country. The first chapter is called its here, because some people dont believe it. It can no longer be dismissed. Its in our politics, schools, media and entertainment. Once a fringe movement, its here, its everywhere. You, your children and grandchildren are immersed in it. Of course, the primarily difference between the counter revolution and American Revolution is the former seeks to destroy the American Society and oppose autocratic rule. The latter sought to protect American Society. This is a daunting task. You and me must undertake this task. I have every pennsylvania it in you, and i hope you have every faith in me. See you next time on life, liberty levin. [ ] jesse welcome to watters world. President biden will not protect you. You will have to protect yourself. Biden has no solutions because he doesnt understand the problem. He has never been a big thinker and its starting to show. This week he tried to spin the crime wave against

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