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♪ the voters have spoken. the message they are sending now today to republicans and democrats alike after last night's big election. it is debate day in america. donald trump is skipping, but the five candidates who are showing up, they are already planning sharper attacks. which candidate absolutely needs a knockout punch? and michigan congresswoman rashida tlaib censured over her comments about israel, how she's responding to the rare and stunning rebuke. i'm sara sidner with kate bolduan and john berman. this is "cnn news central." forget reading the tea leaves anymore, forget analyzing polling data. this morning we have new and concrete data from the voters themselves who went to the polls in multiple states. democrats appear to be breathing a sigh of relief, republicans maybe some of them left scratching their heads about what this means today. one issue that voters seem to speak with a loud voice on yesterday is abortion rights. an increasingly conservative ohio even voters from districts that have supported donald trump moved to approve a constitutional right to access to abortion and, remember, this is a state that voted twice for donald trump. in virginia democrats won control of both the statehouse and the state senate and that means the republican-controlled legislature that the republican governor glenn youngkin was hoping for is not happening. abortion a key issue in those races as well. in kentucky governor andy beshear locked in a second term in that deep red state. despite millions of dollars of super pac money stacking up against him all of this means a lot for today and could offer important insights for tomorrow, and by tomorrow i mean 2024. let's start with cnn's eva mckend in louisville, kentucky, for us this morning. great to see youaeva. what are you hearing after the big night last night for andy beshear. >> reporter: kate, democrats are waking up this morning in this state elated that they are still viable in a state this red. they weren't as successful, though, in down-ballot races but they really attribute governor beshear's victory to a number of factors, one of them being he spent the critical final weeks of the campaign speaking directly to trump supporters in rural pockets of the state, including in places like western and eastern kentucky. he spoke to that strategy, that spirit of inclusivity during his victory speech last night. let's listen. >> this election shows who we are as kentuckians. we are a proud people who take care of each other. we believe in the golden rule that says we love our neighbor as ourselves and the parable the good samaritan that says we are all each other's neighbors, no exceptions. >> reporter: now, another potent issue in this race was the issue of abortion. there is a near total abortion ban in this state and he talked about how republicans really pushed for no exceptions for rape or incest, and if beshear could be successful in a state like this one centering this issue no doubt democrats across the country are going to try to replicate this strategy as we head into 2024. >> eva mckend in louisville, thank you. >> let's talk more about abortion rights because in ohio they voted to enshrine abortion rights into the state constitution by a margin of 13 points. that is particularly significant because ohio is a state that voted for donald trump by 8 points. so an 8-point trump victory and a 13-point victory for abortion rights. let's dig deeper there. let me show you counties that donald trump won, every county colored here orange or green is a county that donald trump won. the green counties are counties that voted for abortion rights. so you can see these are counties that voted for trump and abortion rights. it provides a little bit of a target for democrats as they run around the country. and there is a little more information we can glean from this. let's talk about the suburbs here. i think analysts look at the suburbs as a key battleground, maybe the key battleground in 2024. again, every county that's colored here is considered a suburban county. these counties i'm going to circle them voted for abortion rights in ohio and i just want to show you these green counties voted for abortion rights, if we go back to the presidential election, these suburban counties, many of them voted for donald trump. there is a little blue in there, but there is a lot of red. a lot of red trump counties in the suburbs are supporting abortion rights. you can bet democrats are looking at this map, kate, and they are considering how to adjust their campaigns in 2024. >> absolutely. and that map is visually extremely informative. let's talk more about this. cnn's senior political analyst john avalon is here. let's start where john just left off. what, then, from what we see in these districts -- john, please come over -- what, then frrks what we see in these districts should be the instruction for republicans in ohio and beyond and also democrats in ohio and beyond when we are talking about the issue of abortion? >> i think berman laid it out graphically so well because it's the suburbs, it's swing voters that make swing states and suburbs are usually the swing. with the overturning of roe that was done not through any, you know, voting process, but through the judges, many of who promised that it would stay in place, all of a sudden the issue of freedom ingot recast in democrats' freedom. the essence of pro choice and how that's different. the maximalist positions don't reflect the majority of american people. they had been told the right was theirs for half a century. >> they felt this way for a while but it hasn't been motivating them. >> now it is because it was taken away. even in these sort of center-right suburban districts people are saying, no, that should not be the government's decision. we are going to preserve that now in the constitution. it's a push back against i think the extreme edge of the maga agenda and that's one of the big take a ways from last night. i think you see over and over again donald trump and his policies and the people carrying it forward to its more extreme ends are absolutely toxic to the center of the political spectrum. >> how far can democrats take abortion rights in 2024 and are there any limits if it is trump at the top of the republican ticket because, remember, trump -- and i will let you analyze this, yes, he put all those supreme court just sis on the court, however, he has a position on a lot of abortion rights issues in states that is what might be considered more moderate than some of his opponents. >> donald trump is not a conviction politician, maybe in the legal sense, but not in the moral sense when it comes to abortion certainly. but he has taken credit for appointing these judges, he has embraced this. nikki haley, for example, is trying to carve out a broad middle ground saying that, look, we have to find some middle ground to come together. donald trump is not in the middle ground business. donald trump is in the divide and demonize business. he's going to have a hard time hughing that. democrats can't make everything about abortion but this is the seventh consecutive a election where attempts to further restrict abortion access in the wake of dobbs have been rejected even in red states. that's a very clear message. >> i would say after seven times you should start listening. phil mattingly this morning spoke to biden -- the biden campaign's principal deputy campaign manager, asked him to explain the disconnect between democrats' performance in midterms and last night and the struggling poll numbers that are facing biden right now. here is what he said. >> look, what we saw last night is maga extremism fail. we saw maga -- the maga agenda fall flat on its face. we do not feel like there is a disconnect at all. in fact, we feel like this is exactly what our campaign has been saying in the midst of this and so i'm extremely excited for the results tonight, i want to applaud all the campaigns across the country who worked their tails off to get this done. >> the sign of someone who hasn't slept overnight is the sign of someone who still talks about tonight. >> good catch. >> regardless, what do you think of that? >> i think he has a point. i think he absolutely has a point. there were a lot of pundits and analysts who were predicting a red wave in the midterm elections that's how the pendulum politics usually swing. it didn't happen. and we saw again last night, i mean, major tickets -- to be clear, andy beshear shows you can be a red state democrat but down ballot republicans did very well, but he can point -- the biden team can look at this, it shouldn't call them to ignore all the polling that says there is a problem with perceptions around the president. that said, as we've talked about, the special election record this year has been decidedly in democrats' favor, far ahead of the partisan splay in any specific state. this is a continuation of that story. it's really republicans who should be doing the soul searching right now. what's their problem? i think their problem is a perception they've been captured by extremes as embodied and personal if i had by donald trump. >> john avalon, great to have you here. >> always, guys. all right. sara sidner, by the way, welcome back. >> welcome back. >> thank you. thank you. it's good to be back. i'm going from politics to politics in case you guys haven't noticed. >> welcome back. exactly. >> it's a debate day. tonight five republican presidential hopefuls will take the stage in miami, but once again, former president trump he is not going to be there. it's the smallest debate stage yet with several candidates exiting the race and others failing to qualify. so you only have five people on that stage instead of verbally sparring with the other contenders, though, donald trump is holding a rally, practically down the street, because he is still the front runner. steve contorno joins us from miami this morning. what can we expect to see tonight? we have just had the special election, there are lots of things to debate and talk about, but the one person they are up against isn't going to be there. >> reporter: that's right, share ration but with that smaller field and with donald trump not there, this could be an opportunity for some of these candidates to get more time to explain and make their case to the american people and the republican voters and for them to challenge each other a bit more. we have certainly seen these candidates suggest that they are going to go toe to toe a little bit more than we have in previous debates. for example, nikki haley's camp put out a pre debate memo where they called desantis a, quote, sinking ship. desantis had his own pre debate spin, they called nikki haley a, quote, spoiler candidate who will only help to nominate donald trump. these two especially more than anyone have been on a collision course heading into this debate. we have seen nikki haley rising in the polls, forcing ron desantis to confront her a little bit more. desantis is struggling to maintain his support as he goes into these early nominating contests. tonight will be critical for them to both make their case that they deserve to be the top alternative to donald trump. for the rest of the field it's their chance to say that they deserve to still be part of the conversation, the debate stage has shrunk after each debate and the fourth debate will be even harder to make. for tim scott, vivek ramaswamy and for chris christie it's a chance for hem to say we're still in this race. >> it will be interesting to see because with five people you're going to hear a lot more from each of those candidates. thank you for the update. coming up for us, moments ago ivanka trump arrived at a manhattan courthouse where she is going to be taking the stand this morning in the civil trial against her father and her family. there has been plenty of drama as you well know leading up to her testimony so what to expect from inside the courtroom today. also with donald trump skipping another debate, what the five candidates who will be taking the stage are going to do about it tonight. and democrats divided this morning over a rare rebuke of one of their own, congresswoman rashida tlaib censured by the house for her comments on the israel-hamas war. we will be right back. as we speak ivanka trump is at the courthouse in new york, she will take the stand in her father's 2r50 million civil fraud trial. she will be the fourth member of the trump family to testify and she will likely be pressed about accusations that trump inflated his assets to obtain favorable bank loans for the family's real estate empire. she didn't want to testify but the court said she had to. cnn's kara scannell joins us now from outside the courthouse in new york. kara, what might we learn from ivanka trump? she is one of the children who is not named in this indictment -- in this case -- i shouldn't say indictment. >> reporter: yeah, that's right, sara. she is no longer in this civil lawsuit after the judge had removed her from the case, but her testimony here is something that the new york attorney general's office wants because she was involved in some of the deals, the deals at issue in this case. remember, this is a lawsuit alleging that fraudulent financial statements were given to banks and insurers to get more favorable rates on loans. so ivanka trump is the one who introduced the trump organization to one of their big lenders, deutsche bank, and she was involved in several deals including a golf course in florida, doral, and the old post office building in washington, d.c. the questions she will be facing will involve her knowledge of the financial statements, she has denied having any knowledge of them, as well as what her conversations were with bankers, what representations she made to them and that they may have relied on. so that's going to be the key piece of her testifying today. now, when her testimony wraps, and this could go into tomorrow because trump's lawyers say that they are going to cross-examine her, unlike the other trumps who have testified, when that wraps, which could be tomorrow, that is when the new york attorney general's office is going to rest their case. they're seeking $250 million but so far what has come out in testimony through expert witnesses, one expert witness said that they had -- that the trumps had received $168 million in improper gains by getting these better interest rates. during trump's testimony there was also some evidence that came in that showed on the old post office building which they sold recently that they had received $139 million. so that brings that total of potential ill-gotten gains now to $307 million. so that is a new knowledge that we are looking at that was kind of overlooked during trump's testimony and she may be asked about that today because she really worked on this old post office building project. so once they rest, though, then it will be trump's turn. his lawyers say that they will start his defense on monday and that that could go until mid-december. sara? >> kara scannell doing the math for us this early morn. thank you. >> joining us is jeremy saland. she's taking the stand, she will testify, but why do you think she worked so hard to avoid testifying? >> we hear this term intimate knowledge and she was involved just like her brothers and there is no doubt that she is a person that has that hands-on knowledge. she was the person who had to make sure certain loans were paid, made introductions with deutsche bank. she made some money on the sale of the post office. she was a person the former president routinely turns to as the iconic person in that family to be trusted. i don't think she wants to throw anyone under the bus and she has a pristine image as well so she wants to stay away and not be a part of this, even though she's removed from the actual charges. >> it is interesting, in the political sense she has been removed from trump world, it seems she has tried to do so for the last couple of years. >> years. >> she is not a defendant. >> she is not. >> in this case. how does that make her a different and perhaps even more threatening witness to the dense defense? >> she doesn't have as much at stake. it is her name and the family business she stands to inherit. could she perjure herself and face charges, certainly, but she doesn't have the same incentive to be as avoidant and bombastic and challenging as her brothers are. i think she still has exposure but not the exposure we think of the actual dollars and actual liability. >> i'm wondering do you think she can take that route that don jr. and eric did claiming ignorance, claiming below my pay grade. they did that you could argue with a varying degree of success from the stand. do you think she can do that? >> i don't think she does it in the same way. i think that she has put herself out there as someone different. she didn't go out there and support her father's new campaign, she did not go and say, you know, january 6th that i believe my father was actually won the election. she's always removed herself. i don't think she's going to take that same offensive and challenging tach, i think should be a lot more gentle and calm, but at the same time even though she doesn't have liability she's going to want to corroborate as best she can that it was someone else, it was the accountants who did this. we may be the fiduciaries, but we're looking up from way above not in the minutia. >> who is we here? does she testify -- what does she say when asked what did don jr. do? what did you see eric do? what did you see your father do? >> i think a lot of that we saw in the deposition, she did not point blame at her father, she said i don't really know, i don't know what's his and what's mine, i separate it. i don't think that she's going to point the fingers at her siblings, i think she's going to keep that same tune and same theme of we are here, yes, we have roles but it's not the thing that you believe it is that we are caught up in actually looking at it and understanding it. that's the accountant. >> the fact that she is not a co-defendant in this, does the state and attorney general approach her differently? >> i think that you approach her differently -- first of all, it's on direct, you are not cross exam i think. i think it will be a much more formal of what you would expect to see. what you have seen or at least what we've heard is not really how a trial unfolds, it's been all over the place. i expect them to be a lot more calm and assertive and direct with her and i think she will be a little more forthcoming, a little being the operative word. >> of course, ivanka trump on the stand very shortly. stay tuned for that. israel gives gaza residents more time to flee south as israeli troops are said to be deep inside gaza city. we're getting new reporting in on what the five candidates showing up to the debate tonight intend to say about each other and about donald trump. all right. breaking news, moments ago we heard from new york attorney general letitia james, she spoke on the courthouse step minutes before we are to hear from ivanka trump who takes the witness stand in the civil fraud trial against her father and her father's business. let's listen to the attorney general. >> donald trump, her brothers and the trump organization, ivanka trump secured, negotiated loans to obtain favorable terms based on fraudulent statements of financial condition, and she will attempt today to distance herself from the company, but unfortunately the facts will reveal that, in fact, she was very much involved. we uncovered the scheme and she benefited from it personally and ms. trump will do all that she can to try to separate herself from this corporation, but she is inextricably tied to the trump organization and to these properties that she helped secure financing for. so you cannot hide from the truth and the facts will belie the truth and evidence so we look forward to her testimony. thank you. >> all right. that was the attorney general letitia james talking about ivanka trump and her testimony. her comments there were actually longer than the comments she made about donald trump before he testified and letitia james the attorney general made clear that she thinks ivanka trump has benefited from the scheme which the trump organization and donald trump have already been found liable for. not letting her off the hook and not differentiating between her and her family. >> but she is not in this case she is not part of this case, but she does have to testify in this case. >> important point. she is not a defendant. >> yes. all right. thank you, john. all right. the five-hour window set up by the israeli military for people in northern gaza to evacuate to southern gaza is now closed. thousands of people took to the streets as the israeli military says its troops are now in the heart of gaza. secretary of state antony blinken seeming to respond to prime minister benjamin netanyahu's remarks about israel having overall security responsibility for gaza when this conflict ends. >> one, gaza cannot be continued to be run by hamas. it's also clear that israel cannot occupy gaza. now, the reality is that there may be a need for some transition period at the end of the conflict, but it is imperative that the palestinian people be central to governance in gaza and in the west bank as well and that, again, we don't see a reoccupation. >> blinken also renewed his objections to an immediate ceasefire in gaza. i want to bring in jim sciutto, he was live for us in jerusalem. there is a couple of things to talk about here, the ceasefire issue that was brought up, but also you hear blinken saying that israel should not reoccupy gaza. what does that mean for this conflict long term? >> reporter: well, he says they should not reoccupy but you heard in a statement there that a transition period is to be expected, and that, like so many things in this conflict and the war under way now, and whatever follows the war, the time period has not been defined. how long of a transition period is the u.s. willing to support? he seemed to be saying the u.s. will not support an endless one, but who is going to define how long of a security presence there is necessary for the israeli military? to date those decisions have been principally israeli decisions. how far to go into gaza, what methods to use, what munitions to use, et cetera, they've been getting today vice from the u.s., but they are making their own decisions and that's yet another one that might not just put it into conflict with other parties in the region here, particularly the arab leaders, but there is a difference between what netanyahu is saying and what secretary of state blinken is saying. how they resolve that conflict we don't know. you bring up the other issue of ceasefires, which, again, this has been something of a football back and forth between the u.s. and the israelis. the u.s. has supported some sort of pause but it was notable today to hear blinken say, actually, it's arab leaders calling for a full-on ceasefire who have to then explain how hamas is kept in check if israel were to stop military activities for a day or two days or three days. so the u.s. at least endorsing to some degree israel's position there, which is that we can't stop. we can't stop because hamas remains a threat. frankly that's what israel has been doing as we've seen these ground operations continue. >> we are looking at some of the results of the air strikes there in gaza which have been devastating to the population there. we will be watching the story and thank you for being there. i think you're right outside the old city if i'm not mistaken from the looks of things. >> reporter: that's exactly right. >> jim sciutto, thank you so much. we will check back in with you soon. >> with us now retired army major mike lyons. let's talk about what's happening inside gaza right now. the idf has you are rounded, is inside gaza city. we have new video provided by the idf of northern gaza and what they're doing. what are we seeing here? >> this is called clearing operations combining engineered assets, bulldozers with the tanks, armored forces to protect those assets. soldiers going in to specifically go after likely tunnels or specific places where they think the enemy is. farther part of where this battle is right now, clearing operations. >> once they're in they've also got to pay attention to what's behind them, right? >> no question. if they've come into certain areas, this he come around the city here n clearing operations you're always concerned about counterattacks. in this particular situation with all the tunnels they have hamas will continue to pop up behind those israeli forces. the commanders on the ground are focused on two things, focused on moving forward but at the same time watching what's going on in their rear area of operations only because that's where those attacks will come from. >> we will talk a little bit about how the israelis have gone about this. we said they came in from three directions, from the northeast, the northwest and also from the south of gaza city here, and there are reports now that this southern line here, cutting off northern gaza, has almost reached the sea here, has almost reached the sea. what's the significance of that? >> that was always the intent as they came in from the north they used the sea at their back to protect them, to provide themselves that protection there. by coming in in this direction, getting to here, they will completely surround gaza city. they will continue to encircle it, go after those tunnels. they are sending dogs, sending explosives, all kinds of things knowing full well from a military objective those tunnels have to be destroyed. >> major mike lyons, thank you so much. coming up for us, donald trump will be in south florida tonight but will not be on the debate stage in miami with the other republican presidential candidates. the new reporting this morning on how they are preparing to take on each other and the absent front runner. and a bitter divide between democrats is being exposed right now, nearly two dozen democrats voting to formally censure democratic congresswoman rashida tlaib over her pro-palestinian chant from the river to the sea. we will be right back. so tonight is the night, five republicans will take the stage in miami. how many will be walking off with their heads held high and campaigns still intact? we will see. one thing we do know, though, is that donald trump is continuing with his counterprogramming effort by not showing up yet again and yet again holding a rally nearby in south florida. let's go to miami, cnn's jeff zeleny is there. what are you learning about why trump is holding this counterprogramming rally in high l hialeah? >> reporter: kate, we know that the former president does not want to be on the debate stage, we know that he does not want to be questioned on challenged so he is going to hold another rally in hialeah, florida. of course, he is trying to focus on what he believes is a growing advantage for him and perhaps other republican candidates as well, that is, the broader umbrella of the hispanic voters, particularly men. we've seen in poll after poll, survey after survey including our latest cnn poll looking at a head to head hypothetical matchup with president biden and former president donald trump. hispanic men in particular are one area where democrats are struggling with. we are told that is one of the things that former president donald trump will be focusing on tonight. talking about socialism, talking about other things he believes that democrats represent. of course, you will remember back to the 2020 campaign, even the 2016 campaign, former president donald trump carried the state of florida, it has always long been a swing state. it certainly has been trending republican in recent elections. so that is one of the reasons he will be in hialeah. this is not simply a speech just to reach out to latino voters and of course they are not a monolith by any stretch, but this is going to be an opportunity for him to show grievances which we've heard every time he holds a rally, talking about his indictments, et cetera. so he does not want to be on the debate stage, he wants to hold a separate counterprogramming. but this is aimed first and foremost directly at florida governor ron desantis. the former president will be surrounded by some florida officials who have endorsed his candidacy over the florida governor. kate, when you sort of step back and sit here, this is the first debate in florida in the governor's home state. he carried florida by nearly 20 points last november. a year ago. now he is struggling to be seen as the leading alternative and the former president clearly is wanting to take a shot at him tonight. so that is why the former president will not be in this debate hall, he will be holding a rally on his own. kate? >> good to see you, jeff. glad you are there. thank you. joining us now republican strategist doug heye and former trump white house deputy press secretary sarah matthews. good morning to both of you. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> let's start with the easy one, doug heye, what did you think about what happened from this special election? what does it tell republicans? >> well, it tells them that clearly they have a problem with how they're communicating and also what's being legislated whether it's in the state legislatures or on ballots when it comes to abortion and how quickly that issue has moved. i think what governor youngkin put forth is where most voters were before the dobbs decision, 15 weeks, most voters didn't like abortion, wanted it to be rare, safe and legal with exceptions, but those politics don't exist anymore. as republicans find themselves legislating out loud what we've learned is all politics are not local anymore. all politics are national. and so what south carolina does determines a lot of what is voted in ohio or virginia. >> doug heye said it here, all politics are not local anymore, which is really, really different from what we've all experienced for so many decades. sarah, we have this debate coming up, what should the five candidates that are going to be on the stage, what should they be doing? how should they be changing their message because of what happened or should they just stay the way they've always stayed and go with what they've always done? >> look, a lot of the candidates on the debate stage tonight, with the exception of chris christie, have shied away from attacking donald trump, but we're already seeing a change in messaging. i've seen from team desantis and team haley that they have come out this morning and said that last night needs to be a wake-up call for republicans, and that they're tired of the culture of losing. look, the republican party lost in 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022 and now 2023. so i'm encouraged to see them be a little bit more aggressive with their messaging of saying, look, trump is the leader of our party and all we've done is lose over the last several years under his leadership. so there needs to be a change. so i'm hoping to see a more aggressive stance from these folks on the debate stage tonight and a willingness to take on donald trump more aggressively. >> you mentioned nikki haley and i'm curious to ask you what you think this surge tells you about what voters want, at least republican voters in this case. and this is to sarah. >> i do think that there is a desire from republican voters for there to be an alternative to donald trump. and we've seen that with the rise in the polls from nikki haley. and she had two very strong debate performances, she had some momentum on her side, but until the field narrows down and we can offer one single alternative to donald trump, i don't see a path for someone to effectively actually challenge him and defeat him in the primary. and so right now i think as the field stands it's too large so my hope is that the other folks in the field will see that there is an urgent need to defeat donald trump in the primary, if we want to change this culture of losing in the republican party, and will drop out of the race and throw their support behind nikki haley who stands the best chance to beat him. >> but here is the issue, if you look at the polling and i know we are a year out, but donald trump is still far and away the front runner. so does this election that we've just seen the results of change that? do you think that this -- you know, what might -- how might this change the presidential election, do you think, doug? >> well, look, we've put this construct in our politics where everything that happens is a result of donald trump and if we're talking about football it's all about taylor swift. that's sort of all we're allowed to talk about these days, but what happened last night wasn't really about donald trump. sure, we can talk maga republicans or what have you, but it's about ballot initiatives that were unpopular with voters, it's about positions and ultimately candidates. we often say races -- democrats say this, republicans say this, races aren't won or lost in washington, d.c., then we try to define who won or lost it the day after. we also can look at the spending done. every place republicans lost they were massively outspent, but moving forward we have five candidates on a debate stage who thus far haven't taken on donald trump. we've heard this phrase so often of watershed moments and the reality is january 6 was a watershed moment, the 2018 elections, the 2020 elections were watershed moments. when your opponent gets indicted, that is a watershed moment for you to use, whether you're running for mayor, council -- city council, senator, what have you, but apparently if it's donald trump not only do you not attack him on that, you reinforce his messaging. so for months now donald trump has been in a shored up stronger position because of those candidates who ostensibly are running against him and we may be coming to a point where it's much too little, much too late. >> we might see some attacks like we haven't seen before with the exception of chris christie. all right. doug heye, sarah matthews, thank you for your analysis on what happened last night and what's going to happen today during the debate. >> if i heard that right what happened last night was about taylor swift. a rare and significant rebuke at the capitol. why more than 20 democrats joined nearly all republicans to censure congresswoman rashida tlaib. first palestinian-american woman to ever serve in congress. the house passed a gop resolution to censure representative rashida tlaib over comments she made of the israel-hamas role. overnight she tried to clarify her comment to say she simply was talking about the israeli government. >> but let me be clear, my criticism has always been of the israeli government and netanyahu's actions. it is important to separate people in government, mr. chair, no government is beyond criticism. i can't believe i have to say this, but palestinian people are not disposable. >> the house voted 234-188 with 22 members of tlaib's own party voting in favor of her censure. some democrats were especially critical of the defendant of the pro-palestinian chant from the river to the sea which the anti-defamation league defines as an antisemitic slogan. it basically for some means the erasure of israel. joining us now is cnn's lauren fox. lauren, what are some of the lawmakers saying because it's unusual that several members, more than two dozen members of her own party were part of the censure. >> yes, sara, let's put this in context, too. a similar resolution for marjorie taylor-greene it failed on the house floor to censure rashida tlaib. this week it was a different story. this resolution was more specific, more tailored, but it also speaks to the fact that so many of her democratic colleagues were beginning to get more and more frustrated with her language, with her not apologizing for her language and the step yesterday with more than 20 democrats supporting the censure resolution really does reflect attention within the democratic party on how this has been handled and specifically how rashida tlaib has talked about the war between hamas and israel. you saw some of the impassioned tensions taking place on floor speeches last night. here's a bit of that. >> i believe that actions have consequences, and i believe that after a long string of antisemitic remarks and hate-filled rhetoric, censure is an appropriate consequence for the gentle lady of michigan. never again, damn it, means never again. >> please stop misrepresenting ms. tlaib's words. without her words we would lack more empathy for the people of palestine! >> specifically, many of her democratic colleagues were extremely frustrated and disturbed by the use of the phrase "from the river to the sea" which rashida tlaib said in a tweet she viewed as a call for freedom, but as you noted, sara, many jewish groups and jewish lawmakers view that phrase as really an erasure of the state of israel, something that the anti-defamation league is an anti-semitic phrase. sara? >> extremely emotional issue, and as you might imagine for a palestinian-american as well as the jewish population, this is something you'll be watching for a very long time. lauren fox, thank you very much for your reporting. kate? >> coming up, ivanka trump is about to take the stand as the state's final witness in the case against ivanka's father and family. how costly could her testimony be? we are live at the courthouse. and a new and innovative use for breast imlantplants and how it d one man's live. dr. sanjay gupta has this amazing story. we'll be back. is it possible my network could take my business to the next level? it is with comcast business. powering all your devices with gig-speed wifi. and you get fast downloads and uploads. pick it up! pick it up! oh we got this! because it's powered by the next generation 10g network. more speed for your business? it's not just possible. it's happening. get started for $59.99 a month for 12 months. plus, ask how to get an $800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet bundle. comcast business, powering possibilities. ivanka trump in court and about to be under oath. donald trump's daughter is the final witness for the new york attorney general's civil fraud

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