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this is cnn breaking news. we do continue to follow the breaking news this morning. this time tomorrow morning 13 women and children who are held hostage inside of gaza should be free. qatari officials held a press conference and laid out the details. the truce begins at midnight tonight. and then the first group of hostages will be released. the list of the names of those women and children to be releasrelease ed in this first group is now in the hands of the israeli officials. the prime minister's office says with that list in hand, they are contacting the families of the remaining hostages, and last hour, one family received word while live on air with us that their loved ones are not part of the group. >> and qatar says that once the truce begins, desperately-needed aid will move into gaza, and the trucks are waiting right now at the rafah crossing. >> kaitlan collins with us now. and a lot of moving parts in the last couple of hours. what are you hearing there? >> yes, kate. if this is going forward as we have heard from the official, it is the biggest diplomatic breakthrough since october 7th. nothing is coming close to it as to what is going to happen, and it seems confirmed from the officials in qatar, and they have been in the center of all of the negotiations, and the news that 240 families of the hostages that are being held in gaza have wanted to hear so desperately, and that is that at least by tomorrow, they believe that 13those loved ones will be releaseased and coming home. and israel has the list of the names they are planning to release tomorrow, and they are vetting the list and contacting families. they are contacting all of the families of the hostages, and something that we should note that some of the families have complained about saying they have not heard enough information from the israeli government, and they have been hearing about the deal from the media, but the government says they are going to be in touch with them. so there are major questions of what this looks like, because tomorrow is going to be serving as a template of what the rest of the hostage release could look like, because it is not just this 13, but the 50 in total over the series of four days which is how long the pause in the fighting is going to last. that takes us to jeremy diamond in sderot, and where you are, there is no shortage in fighting and the action as israel is intended to hit gaza, but that is expected to stopped a midnight tonight, and they are going to stop flying the drones which is picking up intelligence. what can we expect? >> yes, we are just hours away from the truce to begin. all parties have agreed that midnight is the time when all hostilities will stop, but in the meantime, the fighting is indeed continuing. we are watching from our position here along the gaza strip, and we have been hearing small arms fire within the gaza strip, and hearing and seeing the strikes, the israeli strikes into gaza. just a couple of hours ago, we heard from the israeli defense spokesman that the israeli military is going to continue to operate in gaza until they get the order to stop, and right now, everything is business as usual. as you can hear behind me, a loud explosion going off. now we have more details of how and when some of the hostages will be getting out of gaza tomorrow. in less than 24 hours, the 13 of the first 50 hostages and 13 of them tomorrow crossing the gaza strip at three different crossing points, and hamas is going to hand over the hostages to the red cross who will hand them over to the israeli military, and from there, children under 12 are expected to meet their parents at a designated locations near the crossing points, and those above 12 and adult women are expected to go directly in hospitals in israel, and from there, they will undergo various medical examination, and then be reunited with the families. the hope amid all of this is that it is not just 50 hostages, and it is not going to be four days of a pause in fighting, but the hope is that the first four days, the first 50 hostages can be a proving ground effectively to continue freeing more hostages, and to continue providing more relief for the people inside of gaza who are also eagerly anticipating the loss in fighting, and not only because it is going to be a rereprieve from the bombardmen s of southern gaza, and that will halt as soon as the truce begins midnight. >> that is a massive part of the deal as the massive humanitarian aid going n ing in, and the qui hours we have seen in some time. and u.s. officials have been in the center of the negotiation, including president biden's top official bret mcguirk, and he has been on the phone meeting with the qatari official, and secretary of state antony blinken is expected to go back to the region. and we know, mj, the americans are to be among those held by hamas, and what do we know if any of the names, the names of the americans are on this initial list of hostages? >> kateitkaitlan, we had been t to get a sense of the reason for the delay, and the white house said that the reason was chiefly logistical and chiefly trying to get a sense of the location of each of the hostages and the movement of the hostages, and all of that does seem to be confirmed by this qatari spokesperson in the lengthy press conference. now we wait. 13 women and children are expected to be released in the next 24 hours or so, and kaitlan, what we don't know right now is if any of the three american hostages, and talking about two women, and also of course 3-year-old abigail aidan who is an american citizen, and if any of them will end up to be part of the first group to be released on day one with regard to how the families of the american hostages will be told by the government, we are told that it will be confirmed after they are departing gaza. so this is once a u.s. official has eyes on the official or once a trusted third party has eyes on the hostage. so that means it does not happen until the hostages are physically out of gaza. now it is worth noting that some of the hostages are dual citizens is israeli and american, and so it is possible that some of the family members will get information first from the israeli government as well. now, we don't know how this going to pan out, because the schedule of some of the hostages getting out, and whether the americans are in the mix, but in terms of the u.s. government being in touch with the families of the american hostages, i am told that earlier this week, they did have a zoom meeting with the american hostages, and so that he have tried to be in a constant state of contact with the family members of these hostages. >> m.j., thank you for the update. and kate and danny, you heard the mention of abdaleigail aida a and she is expected to the be 4 on friday, and her family hoping to have her home. >> they can hang on to the hope. >> and one of the families that is waiting for word. take a look at that family. the family of chen amal goldstein. and on that day she was not only a hostage, but a widow and bereaved widow. hamas murdered their eldest daughter and her husband. chen's cousin joining me now, and spearheading the hostages and missing family members forum. thank you for come on. has your family received any word from the officials? >> yes, kate. the israeli officials did contact our family, and it took some time, but i can't say more about it right now. >> they have contacted you since they have had the list in hand, and they have contacted you today? >> i don't know. but they have contacted us within the last 24 hours, and they have contacted us in the last day, yes. >> i hope upon hope that means good things. what did you think watching and hearing this press conference just now with the qatar official laying out the details, and finally getting the details that there is a list and 13 hostages women and children which we are talking about very much of the cousin laying it out, and what you could see in the press conference. >> we are all waiting for this kind of press conference and understand that hamas is irrational terror group, and we don't have trust with them, and if we want to get a deal done, we need to get it done as fast as we can. and to be glad, as much as you can be glad, that we have mediators, and the u.s. government, and focusing about mere in the activities in new york and d.c. and all over the u.s., and glad to see our other arab countries are worried about what happened in israel and in gaza and try to bring a cease-fire, and trying to bring humanitarian aid and bring the hostages back home. >> with this news, are you more hopeful today? >> of course, i am. i think that every soul that we manage to bring back, judaism will say that every person is a whole world, and so every person that we can get out of there, it is amazing and the good news that we are waiting for, for a long six weeks that we have only bad news and only hard times, but we still remember and understand that the struggle is long. we will have to help the ones who will come back, and hopefully, we will see them come back to recover and return to a normal life as much as possible, and fighting for the rest of them. hamas is not planning to open the gates and let people go. it does not matter if they are israelis or americans or canadians or thais, it doesn't matter. they took innocent people, and took innocent people from their house in a vicious attack, and we are highly devoted to bring each and every one of them home. >> in talking about ta long road ahead, have you started to talk about that long road ahead, and how best to help chen and the children when they are released? because you have to -- i don't, and you to assume they don't have any full grasp the scope of what happened really on october 7th. do you think that she is aware of what happened to her husband and her eldest daughter? >> i don't know to be honest, and i think that this is the question i think about the most. if they go back to israel, and i don't know. it is terrifying that they don't know, and it is terrifying to think that they know. all answers are bad. i just hope that they can come home as fast we can, and the situation is that their old kibbutz, and they burned the houses. the grandparents from the kibbutz and the god parents, and everybody they know grew up in this area, and it is evacuated and they are either murdered, hostages or displaced. it is a beautiful area in the country that will have to recover and bring a lot of efforts to try and help them to resettle and get their life back, you know. >> in helping chen and the children come to grasp with that reality dealing with so much trauma as they will be coming out, it is the definition of a long road ahead. i know that you have been a peace activist for many years, omer, and i heard the qatari official speaking today saying that their goal, if you will, to achieve a lasting truce and expanding the pauses. when it comes to hamas being on the other side of this, is a lasting truce what you are hope for? >> so, i said it before, but unfortunately not. i don't think that hamas is a partner that we can deal with them, and you know, build trust with today. and hamas suffered by people on both sides. it is a vicious terrorist organization, and after that what happened october 7th, and there was a cease-fire october 6th, and we had those rounds coming every two hours, but we can see with the governments and the leaders in the arab world when israel is managing to bring a more powerful agreement. i hope that after this war, we will see better leadership on the palestinian side, and maybe on the israeli side, and start and build a better future for both sides. >> i am really hoping for good news for your family in the coming days. thank you so much. >> thank you so much for having me. >> thank you. >> thank you for that, kate. coming up, the idf has just confirmed that it has detained the director of al shifa, what they say is the hamas command center. and now, new york mayor eric adams is being accused of a sexual assault in a new case. what we are learning up next. this morning, israeli forces say they have obtain the director of the al shifa hospital following evidence showing that the al shifa hospital under his direct management served as hamas direct command and control center. he was arrested sunday while evacuating with the world health organization convoy. eleni giokos joins us with the latest. >> yes, this is big news, because we knew that there were only a couple of doctors left at al shifa, and then we hear from the ministry of health in gaza saying not only the director of the hospital, but other doctors have been arrested or detained at a checkpoint in the evacuations. now, from what we understand, this is for questioning according to the idf, but take a listen to what peter learner, the spokesman from the idf, about what they plan to do and ask the director of the al shifa hospital. >> he needs to be questioned in the constant state of denial saying it does not happen, and how could the general manager of the hospital not know about the extent of the tunnel systems? >> at minimum, we have to see exactly what he can share with us about his knowledge. >> you have to remember that the idf ended on a raid on the al shifa hospital, and what that meant for the medical perspective and the ability of the doctors do their work. al shifa has been one of issue since the start of october 7th when we saw the idf saying that not only are hospitals mass hospitals, but it is being used as command centers and hamas tunnels. he was saying that under his control, there were hamas activity, and findings of this would subject him to further isa questioning, but for now, the ministry of health says they are now suspending all work with the world health and to evacuate the patients out of the al shifa. they also want to know if the w.h.o. knew about the checkpoints and the possibility of them being arrested. so what we are seeing is something coming to a head. firstly, the idf looking at what information to gather from the management at al shifa, and the ministry of health saying that they want to know more in terms of how this arrest actually occurred. >> eleni, truly coming to a head at a critical moment on this front. let's start with the breaking news that we have learned this morning. the breaking news coming out of qatar, the announcement of 13 hostages to be released tomorrow morning as the first group of this part of the hostage agreement deal between israel and hamas. with that, the truce, the pause in fighting, and that begins at midnight tonight. going into taking it a step further, the israeli officials say they have the hostage list in hand, and they are communicating with the hostage families ant what the steps forward are. what are you hearing? what did you take away from the big announcement this is >> fundamentally good news, but i want to keep on the military hat on. and they have about 12 hours, because think have to stop fighting at 12a local time. so they have 10, 20 forces in there repositioning to protect themselves, so they will be losing some momentum, because they had upper hand going forward, and so from that perspective, that is the first thing, and once the truce starts a louder people who will fight the question is if they get the hostages released or not. the next 12 to 24 hours from military perspective from the idf side are going to be challenging. >> interesting. >> what is threshold there, because you say little skirmishes are inevitable. >> yeah. >> but what is the threshold that scuttles the deal in case this escalates? >> it is the size of the conflick. so, for example, no but if hamas fires large rockets into israel, do they call the deal off? we are at the beginning of the beginning, and so many things in time could happen before the hostages are released. cooler heads will prevail. i am interested in how the communications, too place from qatar to the ground soldiers there. and they don't want it to happen, and last year, pauseing to give hamas a dhons breathe, and move shoulders and go further south. >> i wanted ask you s, to regroup,p and from the tactical standpoint, how do you approach it if they say it is going to happen. >> in this point, they could move 5,000 to 10,000 soldiers. and the war is going to go south in that direction. so from the realistic perspective, it is going to prolong the war. if israel keeps to the mission of destroying hamas, and making sure they are not there when it is over, they will allow them to live another day. >> but it is the choices to make though? >> as i understand and for gaza to move troops in this period of time. >> and the minister seemed to suggest that the drones had something to do with not wanting to frighten the hostages as they were brought out. >> the noise aspect. >> so, yeah, the drone doss do , and they give israel intel, and the way it happens is that the hamas is going to turn them over to the red cross, and where does that take place? if the eyes are on those locations, then israel knows where the hostages emanated from, and they could use the location information to go back to where they came from. >> thank you, major, for coming in. >> yes, happy thanksgiving. and mayor eric adams is accused of sexual assault. we have more details ahead. and what do young voters believe of president biden's response to the israel-hamas war. we will go to michigan. ( ♪ ♪ ) welcome to big tobacco's fantasyland. a new, healthier world without cigarettes. as long as you don't count the 6 trillion sold worldwide every year. and vaping won't lead to smoking, if you ignore the research that says otherwise. in big tobacco's fantasyland, the deadliest industry is your friend. breaking news now into cnn. new york mayor eric adams is being accused of sexual assault. the alleged assault happened in 1993 according to court documents filed yesterday. we go right into it with jean casarez and it is breaking right now? >> this is under the adult survivors act expiring at the end of the week which allows the alleged victims to come forward no matter when they believe the sexual assault happened, and it is about sexual assault, sexual battery, and this is a summons filed from 30 years ago. according to the alleged victim, 1993, and both of them were city employee, it is alleged, and in the summons, it says that she is accusing the now mayor of sexual assault, sexual battery, employment discrimination, retaliation, hostile work environment and intentional infliction of emotional distress. suing him with the city of new york, the police department and so many other defendants city-wide, and asking for a minimum of $5 million. now, we have a response. minutes ago the mayor of new york city gave a response to the legal filing that just happened. listen to this. >> you know, it is, it is absolutely not true. i would never do anything to harm anyone. it is just really, you know, my career speaks for itself. i am just really something absolutely that has never happened. i don't even recall ever meeting this person who made, this allegation. but i have a city to run, and i am focused and we will continue to do so, abut absolutely this has not happened. >> so the summons has been file and now on to the complaint, and they can file a complaint and then of course, the city of new york and the mayor can file legal answers to all of that. >> the mayor defiant in that statement for sure. >> never met her he says. >> thank you, jean. and coming up, several young michigan voters are divided on how the president has handled the war in israel. and how this israel-hamas war may impact president biden's re-election bid. now, to race for 2024 and president biden struggling with the young voters who are not happy with the response to the israel-hamas war. polls show that he is losing the young bloc that he sorely needs. now, we go to john king with his latest series of "all over the map" and it is tracing the campaign in the eyes and experiences of the young voters in all of the battleground states. today, we go to michigan. >> midterms are done, and finals ahead, and there is a rhythm on the campus, and this year, a raw divide. >> i'm jewish israeli american is how i identify. >> reporter: chatting with friends here at the jewish campus hall halil, and there is a security guard posted outside. that is not ordinary. >> it is now. >> and now downtown, detroit, ibrahim is one of the americans. >> i eenl american, palestinian. >> reporter: he calls this horrible and disgusting. are is there a flipside of this? >> islamophobia, yes. >> reporter: yes. >> i think that standing up for women dying and children dying and infrastructure being destroyed is holding up support for hamas. hamas has their own flag, and nobody is carrying their flag. >> reporter: this coffee shop is in deerborn, and this student and his parents say that this is greenlighting in what they see as indiscriminant. >> our country should not fund that reaction. you feel this way? >> to the extent, yes. i feel as though president biden doesn't value my life as a muslim american as much as he values other lives. >> reporter: and young voters were a huge part of buy zen's coalition. if were biden and trump -- >> i'd go biden. >> and these are some middle eastern enthusiasts, and a lgbtq supporter, and they wish that biden would listen to them. >> as young people, when we want to talk about the conflict with the palestinian and other people, and we have student loan forgiveness and other financial problems not being handled when they are capable of being handled. >> reporter: and matt is not ruling out a third-party vote, and joseph fisher thought that way, but right now, fisher was 17 in 2020, but he helped, c lsl -- helped the aclu register voters. you voted for biden? >> yes. but not in time. >> and we are complete divestiture from this. this started way back with the colonialism. >> reporter: and some believe that is stoking rise of the antisemitism. >> i wish it weren't like this, but that is what we are living right now. >> reporter: this is ann arbor, and the rise of democrats is up. >> we have had 50-40-30 consistently for the meetings. >> the past, it is 15, 20-15. >> and jay gray helped to generate big turnout here in 2020 and 2022 and they have weekly meetings to plan 2024. should we have somebody younger coming up much >> absolutely it comes up. that is a real point the make. it is a real conversation to be had. >> reporter: the immediate challenge is seeing the students to agree on things like abortion rights and others at odds over the israel-hamas crisis, and president biden response. >> i seen you take key step, but the next is a cease-fire. it would go a long way with the voters. >> we don't know what is going to happen next week or next month, but if the election were tomorrow, would some to members sit out or look for another party, because they mad at the president about this? >> yes, some have shared with us that they are thinking of reconsidering. >> reporter: are you glad that the election is not tomorrow? >> yes. >> reporter: and so which of these most stir your routrage. john king, cnn. >> those pieces are so great. the glimmer of hope for the families who have members held hostage. and when the group of 13 women and children will be out, and be back with their families and also, the devastation left in the wake of deadly landslide in southeastern alaska, and the search for the missing. xxxxxx. new details in the shooting at an ohio walmart. the sheriff says that the shooting may have been inspired by racially inspired ideology. james benjamin jones went into a walmart in dayton and shot three women and a man. they say that his journals made them believe it is racially motivated. jones later died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. a search strategy to be for three people still missing from a slandslandslide in alaska. boat operators managed to rescue people in the wake of the landslide. and two stars are accused of sexual assault, jamie foxx and the star of guns 'n' roses. foxx is accused of sexually assaulted a woman in a restaurant in 2017. she believes that foxx was intoxicated at the time. foxx has not commented. the one against axl rose centers around 1989, and penthouse model sheila kennedy said he violated her after they met at a nightclub. rose says he has no meeting of meeting her. >> this is coming after a new york law to allow the accusers to sue their abusers in a new york court even if the statue of limitations had expired. and the story we are following all morning that the temporary truce and hostage deal of the israel-hamas war is that the truce is going to last four days, and beginning midnight tonight, and 13 children and women will be released nine hours later. >> but those are just a few of those missing, and family of those missing are awaiting any word. >> let me update you, that we have received a message, and that daniel and carmel are not on the list. we are a big family now, and we have many new relatives in the family, and i am actually myself excited to hear about the kids that are coming home, and the hostages that are coming home, and but after saying that, i can't really believe anything until i see them free and home. it is a terror organization, and the war has been horrible, and they have done horrendous things to the people they, you know, to the people of be'eri and to the other people, and so we want to see all of the hostages home and everything is okay. >> to try to defend this family, and we are not certain about what is happening with him, and we are not certain of anything. but with him, it is harder. >> now, qatar says it cannot reveal the routes it is taking, but it is working with the red cross to facilitate the handoff and palestinian hostages will be released a at the same time. >> thank you for being here, danny. and thank you for joining us on cnn "news central." and "inside politics" is up nextxt.

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Locations , Hospitals , Points , Adult , 12 , Hope , Examination , Proving Ground , Relief , People , Loss , Rereprieve , Bombardmen S Of Southern Gaza , Part , Ing In , Go Biden , Phone Meeting , Negotiation , Bret Mcguirk , Americans , Many , The Americans , M J , Secretary Of State , Region , Antony Blinken , Sense , Reason , Delay , Kateitkaitlan , White House , Location , Spokesperson , Peach , Movement , Course , Abigail Aidan , Two , 3 , American Citizen , Day One , Eyes , Third Party , Family Members , Citizens , Worth , Schedule , Mix , Being , Terms , Zoom Meeting , Contact , Estate , Danny , Update , Mention , Abdaleigail Aida A , Home , 4 , Look , Chen Amal Goldstein , Husband , Eldest , Daughter , Cousin , Widow , Forum , Come On , I Don T Know , Things , Kind , Waiting , New York , Activities , Trust , Mediators , Fast , Cease Fire , Countries , D C , Arab , Judaism , Soul , Bad News , Person , World , Hard Times , Six , Life , Ones , Struggle , Doesn T Matter , Gates , Israelis , Canadians , Thais , House , Attack , Ta Long Road , Road , Scope , Grasp , Question , Most , Answers , Kibbutz , Situation , Area , Houses , Everybody , Grandparents , God , Country , Life Back , Efforts , Helping Chen , Definition , Peace Activist , Reality , Trauma , Goal , Speaking , Omer , Side , Pauses , Partner , Build Trust , Terrorist Organization , Sides , Rounds , Cease Fire October 6th , 6 , October 6th , Governments , Leaders , Agreement , Arab World , War , Leadership , Future , Idf , Coming Up , Eric Adams , Director , Al Shifa , Command Center , Sexual Assault , Case , Forces , Management , Command And Control Center , Evidence , Convoy , Latest , World Health Organization , Eleni Giokos , Doctors , Hospital , Couple , Checkpoint , Ministry Of Health , Evacuations , Peter Learner , Listen , Questioning , Extent , Minimum , Denial , Tunnel Systems , General Manager , Knowledge , Perspective , Work , Ability , Raid , Issue , Command Centers , Control , Tunnels , Findings , Activity , Health , Isa Questioning , Checkpoints , Patients , Possibility , Head , Arrest , Firstly , Front , Announcement , Hostage Agreement Deal , Step , Hostage List , Hostage Families , Steps , Want , Military Hat On , 10 , 20 , Forward , Thing , Momentum , Military Perspective , Threshold , Skirmishes , Conflick , Size , Example , Beginning , Cooler Heads , Communications , Soldiers , Move , Shoulders , Pauseing , Dhons Breathe , Ask You S , To Regroup , Point , Standpoint , South , 10000 , 5000 , Mission , Direction , Choices , Destroying Hamas , Troops , Drone Doss Do , Israel Intel , Minister , Noise Aspect , Way , Major , Location Information , Response , Voters , Israel Hamas War , Michigan , Lead , Cigarettes , Smoking , Won T , Fantasyland , Big Tobacco , Vaping , 6 Trillion , Research , Friend , Industry , The End , Assault , Survivors , Documents , Jean Casarez , 1993 , Summons , Sexual Battery , Matter , Victims , Victim , 30 , Mayor , City Employee , Hostile Work Environment , Both , City , Defendants , Infliction , Distress , Police Department , 5 Million , A Million , Filing , Anything , Career , Anyone , Allegation , Complaint , Abut , File , Statement , Sure , Re Election Bid , Israel Hamas War May Impact , 2024 , Bloc , John King , Campaign , Tracing , Map , Polls , Midterms , Battleground States , Campus , Rhythm , Experiences , Divide , Finals , Reporter , Israeli American , Friends , Jewish , Campus Hall Halil , Security Guard , Detroit , Palestinian , Flipside , Islamophobia , Eenl American , Ibrahim , Support , Infrastructure , Flag , Coffee Shop , Nobody , Student , Deerborn , President , Greenlighting , Reaction , Biden Doesn T Value My Life , Indiscriminant , Lives , Muslim American , Buy Zen , Enthusiasts , Coalition , Trump , Lgbtq , Conflict , Supporter , Student Loan Forgiveness , Vote , Problems , Joseph Fisher , Register Voters , C Lsl , Aclu , 2020 , 17 , Believe , Rise , Colonialism , Stoking , Divestiture , Meetings , Antisemitism , Ann Arbor , Democrats , 40 , 15 , Jay Gray , Turnout , 2024 Should , 2022 , Conversation , Make , Students , Abortion Rights , Challenge , Odds , Others , Crisis , Biden Response , Members , Party , Election , Routrage , Pieces , Glimmer , Missing , Landslide , Wake , Search , Devastation , Southeastern Alaska , Xxxxxx , Shooting , Sheriff , Ohio Walmart , Benjamin Jones , Ideology , Oman , Journals , James , Walmart In Dayton , Strategy , Gunshot Wound , Jamie Foxx , Stars , Boat Operators , Slandslandslide , Woman , Restaurant , The Star Of Guns N Roses , 2017 , Axl Rose , The One , Sheila Kennedy , Meeting , Nightclub , 1989 , Accusers , Statue , Limitations , Abusers , Law , Morning , Story , Beginning Midnight Tonight , Few , Nine , Message , Carmel , Relatives , Daniel , Terror Organization , Kids , Handoff , Routes , Inside Politics , News Central , Up Nextxt ,

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