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paul: welcome to the journal editorial report, the federal trial of hunter biden is underway, the first son is facing three felony count stemming from his purchase of a gun in 2018. prosecution rested its case friday after calling hunter's ex-wife and former girlfriends to testify about his drug use during the period in question and introducing his infamous laptop into evidence facing a bruising election campaign remounts against donald trump. president biden told abc news he will accept the jury's verdict of his son is convicted. >> will you accept the verdict no matter what it is? >> president biden: yes. >> have you ruled out a pardon? >> president biden: yes. eric: let's bring in dan heninger, bill mcgurn, bill, how strong is the case against hunter? >> the case is very strong. three felony counts, lying about being a user, lying to a licensed gun dealer, possessing a gun illegally. he had 11 days, he would have more if haley biden hadn't founded and gotten rid of it. eric: you think the evidence is strong. critics say, people aren't usually charged for this kind of crime and if hunter weren't the president's son, he wouldn't be charged. >> talk to andy mccarthy, federal prosecutor, he says they are conflating that with cases, you didn't charge, he got the gun, was reckless with the gun and so forth, it's a fair trial. something has gone on with georgetown, bill clinton famously didn't understand what the word is meant when they asked if he was carrying on with monica lewinsky. hunter biden's lawyers are making the same argument. it depends what is meant when you say that. he didn't identify as a drug addict. but there is all texts. there's text about drug dealers after he got the gun. eric: the prosecution called haley biden his brother's, 1-time girlfriend, what did they add to the case? >> he did do time in rehab. he was very much doing well during that period. the witnesses, he attested he wasn't an addict to buy the gun. it's a clear case, the best perspective of hunter's status at the time, refuting his attempts to evade. to purchase the gun. eric: the arguments, seems to be they don't dispute the fundamental facts of hunter's statement of mind. >> that is true, abby lowell is throwing some hail marys, hunter biden was not response will, he was under pressure for doing this sort of thing. it has been a very weak case. the question is where is this case going to come out. they got it in delaware, and they exonerate hunter, what if he is found innocent, within days of donald trump being found guilty in manhattan. the political effect is just another weight on the scale for president biden and a lot of republican leaners, whether they vote for donald trump or not. a lot of them leaned towards trump. more than those republican leaners will head towards trump. eric: not to contest the facts, what's known for jury not of occasion. the evidence, and vote not guilty no matter what? >> and let's know the trial, one thing is notable about it, the biden department of justice, recognizing the validity of the laptop, they are contested that. president biden actually lied to the american people in the debate when he denied the laptop was real and so was russian disinformation, incited former intelligence officials who put out a statement to help with that. he is implicated a little way. i believe president biden when he says he will not pardon his son? >> there's no one in america who believes that. president biden has covered for his son at every turn, has denied all of the allegations about hunter's struggled and tried to portray this as just attacks coming from conservatives. he knows hunter is counting on him to pardon him in the eventuality of a conviction. i don't think there's any reason to doubt he would follow through with that. he's going to think that maybe he will take a little bit of a political history doing it but certainly that is something he will think is worth it. eric: especially after the election. still had as donald trump turns the campaign trail, a closer look at the political fallout from his conviction in a new york ct. . we will talk to karl rove about what posttrial polls are telling us next. it. paul: donald trump returned the campaign trail after his conviction in a manhattan court, it stopped thursday in the battleground state of arizona where a new fox poll shows him in a five point lead over president biden. he has touted his fundraising in the wake of the verdict and predicted a voter backlash against the case claiming in an interview this week that his numbers are better now than they were three weeks ago. are they? let's ask wall street journal columnist and fox news contributor karl rove. the hunter biden trial, what do you think of the political into -- impact? >> not going to be good for the sitting president because it is going to give voters were not enthusiastic about either of their choices this time around a chance to say all politicians are coca-cola look at the son of the sitting president, drug addict and lied about purchasing a gun and apparently charged with not paying his taxes. a pox on all their houses. paul: let's turn a week or so to the trump verdict. some polls out there, do you see any trend in the polling? >> two contradictory trends. on the one hand a number of polls showing a significant number of independents, high plurality or majority of independents think donald trump ought to end his campaign and a significant number of republicans, 10% republicans said he should end, another one was 16% so in terms of specific reaction, it's not helpful for donald trump but the ballot hasn't changed much. we don't have about of national polls, other polls have shown the race is where it was before the announcement. my view is it will take a wild for this all to sort of make itself felt and work its way through the system but the biggest thing will be how these two men conduct themselves. if they make it a centerpiece of their campaign either in the case of donald trump in order to complain with rage and a a over how he was treated or president biden to point finger and say convicted felon convicted felon convicted felon, whichever campaign if either campaign adopt that strategy they are going to hurt themselves. it was significant that at the speech on thursday in arizona donald trump spent very little time on the court case and lots of time on the broken southern border. that was smart on his part. we don't know how the president and his team will handle it because he's on a foreign trip where inserting the topic into a speech like the day not being particularly smart. in the immediate aftermath of it, he was at oppressor in the washington white house on the middle east and at the end a shouted question about it let him to turn around and with a very weird grimace on his face, for seven seconds he grinned at the camera. i don't know if that was intentional or not but wasn't a good look. paul: let's start with the president. he's making the centerpiece of his campaign about donald trump. she wants he wants to say he is a threat to democracy, to reminder people he will bring chaos. he is divisive. seems to me, his initial response to the verdict by using the phrase convicted felon, he is trying to attach that as part of his larger theme. you are saying that is a bad strategy. why? >> people are going to say it is clouded by they prosecuted him in the first place, what about his son. it's one thing to go after that and another to say on january 6th, he sat for nearly two hours and didn't do anything as this riot was attempting to take down the capital and we need a president who will lead the country in a moment like that. that is an effective attack but to do as they didn't say convicted felon, this case is not easy for people to understand. it is a business records case, for misdemeanor to a felony because it involved campaign election law violations. it's murky for people. yes, attack, biden art to attack trump but on things people care about and what matters to them and what matters to them is the broken border, the cost of living, the world that we live in and energy costs. none of these things are things people are worried about an everyday lives particularly people up for grabs in this election. paul: it seems i agree with you, the president, donald trump will be very smart not to focus on this verdict because that plays into biden's hands of making the election about donald trump. make this about president biden's policies and record and how trump spent the next four years making your life better. >> absolutely. that's the challenge for each one of them. we are tired of hearing about them in the here and now. we want to hear what they will do in the future and if they have something to say about the other guy, it ought to be concerned with the things we are concerned about as ordinary americans making our way through our lives each day. eric: when we come back, an appeals court in georgia halts the election interference case against donald trump and a major setback to one of the three case is still pending against the former president. frustrated by skin tags? 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>> a lot of people watching beforehand expect a lot of the country made up its mind about charges brought against donald trump. most republicans believe with credibility that it was a politically motivated indictment in new york and so when the verdict came out, they thought the judge helped to engineers this, the outcome was for gone and rally to donald trump's defense and make the more enthusiastic about supporting him. a few people did think that conviction was unacceptable but by and large it seems like republicans really rallied to his defense. on the other hand there was no doubt democrats were going to try to make this their main campaign theme. donald trump is now a felon and tried to convince independent voters he's no longer an acceptable option for office. if you look at the earliest polls, doesn't seem the battle lines have shifted that much after the verdict. paul: you have republicans who through recent years were highly critical of trump, mitt romney, susan collins, mitch mcconnell, the senate minority leader, they criticized the case and said it never should have been. were you surprised by that? >> i'm not surprised. you see the momentum building inside this case which was hard to understand that, they took some business record misdemeanors and build them into a felon related to new york state campaign finance laws that most people watching, watching the legal analysts, this was happening, people having trouble getting their hands around what alvin bragg was attempting to do. ultimately the president was convicted by this manhattan jury. what's the word on the lips of every democrat in america since? convicted felon, convicted felon. paul: that is redundant. you don't need to say convicted if you are a felon. >> that is what they are going to do, redundancy or not. it is striking that this process has caused people like mitt romney to say that donald trump was the subject of an unfair effort by the democrats. if you look across the electorate, one indeed, it is clear many republicans standing back saying i don't think i can vote for biden or trump are now saying i think i am going to have to support trump just to put some balance into the system against what the democrats are attempting to do. paul: it has political ramifications, larry hogan, who has the republican nomination for senate in maryland, the only republican anywhere in the world who could win in that state, said before the verdict, i want to be calm, i want everybody to trust the jury here. he was roundly criticized by lara trump running for the national committee, donald trump's daughter in law. she threatened to withhold support from larry hogan. is that smart? >> no, it isn't. i agree with lara trump. in a sense, people see the trial was unfair, not to win in maryland, you're not going to get the same kind of republican you get elsewhere. i am in new jersey. i have a similar problem. i think larry hogan has the best chance republicans have. you need their votes on things later. even donald trump would need -- eric: he couldn't run if he didn't take the senate. >> the larger problem i think is that all these verdicts, saying felon, don't scratch the itch of voters who are worried about inflation, crime, borders. looks like an invasion. it might move the polls slightly now but i don't think by november it will help president biden on the big issues. paul: it looks increasingly like the new york case will go to trial before the election, the georgia case, the prosecutor has messed it up. that helps trump enormously in terms of not having to face another trial. let me ask you a question about new york. president biden could pardon trump for a state offense, should he say governor hochul, you should pardon him? >> there are few things in this world less likely than joe biden deciding not to pardon his son hunter, that might be one. paul: wouldn't he get a benefit from that politically? >> i think he would get attacks from his own base, to the point of insanity, would not be worth whatever political bump he might get out of that. he will stick with the strategy of convicted felon all the way to november. paul: shot down again. president biden issues and executor for he says will stem migrants at the southern border but will it be enough to contain the political damage from three years of inaction? ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. when you're in the military you're really close with your brothers and your sisters that are in the military with you. and when you get out of the military, you kind of lose that until you find a new family. we can talk about our struggles and the things that we did overseas and not everybody can do that. adam! how's it going, brother? 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>> and improvement, it puts a on migrants who claim asylum between ports of entry at 2500 just to put that in comparison, we have been getting 6000 this year. during fiscal year, 7500. practical difficulties and legal challenges that will inevitably come up and hamper their ability to force it. paul: you think it would make a difference at the border and readers the flow and send a message to migrants around the world, don't come? >> i think it could. it is a little too little too late but if it gets implemented and that's the big question. it could make a difference. there are various carveouts for unaccompanied minors. and exemption for the conventions against torture. and as written, could actually be an improvement over the status quo. paul: the president is getting criticism from members of his own party, the political left, because he has broken from his policy of 31/2 years. is this going to help him politically with voters who say a mildly -- he is finally broken out of the progressive jail he put himself in for 31/2 years on not only this policy but so many others? >> support for israel and hamas and palestinian protesters the political team is so upset about. the same problem has persisted all three years of his presidency, allowing the border to stay open the way it is and now that he is doing this, the president does run some risk. we are talking with younger democratic voters. this election is going to be based on turnout. you have to have people motivated to turn out. both sides, especially president biden, has some problems on the democratic left with motivating younger voters, they don't vote in presidential elections. he had to do something. with the broader electorate, migration across the border had become a major issue. hard as it is to be leave, you would not have expected this to be the top 2 or 3 shoots out people's minds but it is. the question is have voters already discounted, already absorbed it and could be that mister biden has done this too late to make a difference with the broader electorate. paul: the effect that voters say five months before an election, come on, man. i think about we are going to pretend to crackdown on immigration until the election and the voters understand that. president biden's problem is not just the progressive left. a bigger problem is when he came into office, he undid all these trump actions on immigration and it wasn't all soft but lower than it is today and did it with great fanfare. his strategy not just on immigration, seem to be anything trump did, i am doing the opposite. to fix it, he would effectively have to admit donald trump was right. that's hard for him. paul: the president wants to blame republicans for not passing that senate compromise senator lankford of oklahoma put together with some democrats. is he getting any mileage now that he is now changed some of his policies? >> that's definitely the goal. he tried to compromise. the compromise legislation james lankford tried to negotiate in return for ukraine aid. one problem, voters don't trust biden on immigration for the reasons bill mcgurn just mentioned, his track record, his policies the last three years have been open border policies. that is why i am skeptical that this is down to his political benefit because he is suffering a crisis of credibility. paul: president biden delivers a stark warning about democracy as the world marks the 80th anniversary of d-day, the latest moves in ukraine enough to meet the moment? we will ask general jack keane next. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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>> i thought it was a powerful speech, honored veterans in that conflict, those who sacrificed their lives to achieve the goals and change history as a result, we could not have succeeded at against the germans without it. i love the idea comparing it to ukraine. the challenges we are facing today but the problem, that was a full throttled commitment back on d-day and world war ii and that is not what the president is doing. my judgment, while his remarks are worthy to hear, they are not credible in terms of delivery. the restrictions he is imposing on the use of american weapons in russia. paul: i want to ask about the decision the white house is touting as policy after criticism from people like you in the editorial page. how significant is this militarily? >> it is significant in terms of the restrictions that were imposed for sure but they haven't reduced the restrictions very much. you can see on the map the area in gray is the sanctuary zone russia has and they've pushed into that zone because they know no one can fire into it. significant military capabilities in airbases and the white circles, you can see everything is red, significant russian military capability. the limit of it is 300 km. biden says no attack at all. major restriction still impose, second, he says you can use high bars, 75 km, the first circle you can reach out to. but you can only use those weapons systems in the vicinity of kharkiv and only against counter battery, artillery or other weapon this firing at you long range and only when there's an imminent threat. isw has taken a look at this and analyzed what is really going on here and what it means. what it means is 16% is what is impacted favor. a full 84% is restricted from ukraine firing into that sanctuary zone. those facts are not what the administration is saying. they are giving the american people an impression that they've removed most of the restrictions and furthermore, it means we cannot go after many of the air defense systems in the area, we cannot go after, we being the ukrainians, the airbases in the area and the significant, major military components and logistics systems that are all in the area. that's the reality. this is confirmed by the institute for the study of war by talking to the ukrainians and getting down to the details of what's happening on the ground. paul: russia will continue in its own territory from which to attack ukraine. will that sanctuary be enough that they could still launch these guide bombs, standoff weapons from a distance that have been doing so much damage to ukraine's infrastructure not just in kharkiv but elsewhere. >> good news is the administration has given the ukrainians authority to attack those glide bombers in russian territory using our air defense systems we provided to them. that's good news. but the air defense systems themselves that are in that area, if ukraine could begin to take them down now prior to the arrival of the f-16s, it would give the f-16s the opportunity to operate more freely and independently in russian territory to do significant damage, not being threatened by the air defense systems. that's a major restriction from weapons system that's coming that can truly make a difference. paul: does this mean the strategy of the biden admin straighten continues to be we don't want ukraine to lose to russia but we don't want to give them enough that they can actually push russia out of ukraine? >> that's absolutely true. i underscore that. they are to this day, even though the ukrainians don't agree with them, russia could escalate, if we go too far with using weapon systems inside russia just as they posited. with we give them advance systems it could escalate. none of that has happened. the europeans don't buy into it. this administration is still buying into it. paul: appreciate it. when we come back, chuck schumer, democrats demand the biden administration prosecute fossil fuel executive for the high gasoline prices caused in part by the president's own policies. complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. ga, the advanced form of dry age-related macular degeneration, can irreversibly damage your vision. it can progress faster than you think. when ga threatens your eyes, take a stand. slow ga with syfovre. syfovre is an eye injection that was proven to slow damaging lesion growth over 2 years with increasing effect over time. it's the only fda-approved treatment to slow ga in as few as 6 doses per year. don't take syfovre if you have an infection, or active swelling in or around your eye that may include pain and redness. syfovre can cause serious side effects, such as eye infection and retinal detachments, severe inflammation of vessels in the retina which may result in severe vision loss, wet amd, eye inflammation, and an increase in eye pressure. most common side effects are eye discomfort, wet amd, small specks floating in vision, and blood in the white of the eye. tell your doctor right away if you have any side effects. every moment counts—act now to slow ga with syfovre. ask your retina specialist about syfovre. ♪ ♪ [sfx] water lapping. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [sfx] water splashing. ♪ ♪ [sfx] ambient / laughing. ♪ ♪ paul: americans head into summer with gasoline prices around $3.50 a gallon, chuck schumer and his fellow democrats have settled on the culprit, oil and gas executives. in a letter to the justice department last week, schumer and 22 of his colleagues accused oil producers of colluding to keep prices high, and inflate their profits and asked america garland and his department to take action but only the doj can prosecute and fully redress the anticompetitive behavior on the oil sector. demanding business leaders not be prosecuted. >> i can't really. chuck schumer was only able to get 22 of a majority to sign on to this. it's an indication how desperate that. they have a problem with inflation and the price of energy and food the. previously, supermarket executives, the meat cartel. people think for a second, the idea is the ceos of shell, exxon and chevron are picking up the phone and having conversations how to keep prices higher, that is preposterous. paul: getting on the phone with vladimir putin and the saudis. >> the markets determine the price of energy and gasoline. it has become the number one issue in the campaign, the democrats know that there's not much they can do about that right now and if they are so desperate, chuck schumer has no expectation they will do this but they are throwing it out bidding lawfair against corporations. paul: alicia, you look at the letter. is there any evidence in there, that the senators, would suggest that there is anything behind this accusation? >> the letter cites the ftc complaint against natural resources ceo scott sure field. that ftc complaint has no evidence of collusion. it points to statements he made that oil and gas producers show capital discipline, cites some meanings, when he went over to saudi arabia and opec, these were public meetings, on zoom, any instances of private collusion, or other small producers. mister share field said one was with his son's company and another company that nearly said, wishing him well on his return to ceo. there's no actual evidence which is why i doubt they will bring a case. we don't actually need a case to bar a strong legal case. you could indict a ham sandwich as the saying goes. paul: that's a killer accusation. >> violation law. in the democratic party, there's a violation -- fossil fuel dealers, worse than cocaine dealers, in the middle ages, we burned heretics at the stake, today we subject them to congressional hearings and annunciation's and so forth. that's what it is. their real crime is that they sell fossil fuels, not the prices, trying to put them out of business. that is the of our goal in so many ways and the economy can't take their going out of business right now so they are in a vulnerable position. paul: the biggest issue in this campaign, the biggest vulnerability to president biden seems to be prices. the cost of living has gone up and particularly working-class people are feeling it at that is why he is losing support among folks of all races of the working class. this is just an attempt to change the subject and say don't blame me, blame him. >> it is but it is difficult to do that. probably not going to work. donald trump talks about how strong the economy was when he was president, he did a lot to reduce unemployment among black and hispanic workers. real median wages rose smartly after 2016. no question about it and inflation was very low. the median wages have come back, some under president biden, offset by this inflation, this rise in prices. people aren't feeling it in their pocketbooks. there's there is no way for president biden to make that change. paul: we have to take one more break. when we come back, hit and misses of the week. smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. the terrorist attacks of october 7th were the single deadliest day for the jewish people since the holocaust. i stand here before you with an extremely burdened and heavy heart. not only for the immense cruelty and loss of life suffered here, but for the immense needs of the people of israel in the months and the years to come as we fight for our survival. it's an especially critical time right now for the elderly. many close family members were killed or severely injured and are no longer able to help them with their basic needs such as food. the international fellowship of christians and jews is urgently responding to help the thousands of displaced elderly jews. your gift of only $25 will help rush an emergency food box to an elderly jewish person who is at risk. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. zina, she used to take care of me. it was 6: 20 in the morning when we heard the first rocket. so i phoned my daughter and she said, "mommy, i'm on the bus. everything is okay." two minutes later, the terrorist shot her dead. volunteers from the fellowship deliver the food boxes and let them know that christians are helping provide them with a month's supply of healthy, ready to eat foods to strengthen them and encourage their faith. i can feel the love coming from this box. thank you and may the god of israel always bless you. let's extend our prayers together in support and share our resources to bring meaningful change to the lives of our brothers and sisters in israel. call the number on your screen, scan the qr code, or go online to i f c j now. ♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪ paul: time now for our hits and miss ifs of the week. bill, you're first. >> paul, a hit to boeing, the world's largest airline company has a taken a lot of hits recently with regards the airline safety can and so forth. but this week it had some good news. it successfully launch launched its skyliner aircraft from cape ca a-and-a-halfal. it's a manned aircraft designed to help shutting crews to the international space station. there were some glitch, but it landed safely, and we wish all onboard a safe return. paul: great. al highsia. >> this is a miss to the university of california which is proving that old adage that 'em employers get the unions they deserve. students are going on strike in solidarity with anti-israel protesters. this is the disrupting classes, finals and creating all kinds of headaches for the university. maybe they wouldn't is this problem if they didn't admit grad students who were more interested in progressive activism than actual learning. paul: mane. >> i'm going to give a hit governor glenn youngkin for untethering virginia to a's past was going to ban gas-powered cars by 2035, but he now has changed course, and that's going to give consumers a lot more choice, and i think it's going to be very well received if in his home state. paul: bad news for kwan newsom of california. all right. dan. >> a hit to the commemorations this weekend for d-day which is part of the allies' invasion of normandy in advance of defeating nazi germany. it is entirely fitting that we salute the bravery of those who fought in normandy, but let not us forget that the reason the horrors of that war happened is because we failed to deter the aggressions of japan and germany. unfortunately, paul, i think there is a complacency that is building in today in our time. we face another axis of aggression with in russia, china, japan -- not japan, but north korea and iran. and if we don't realize it takes a military structure to defeat them, i'm afraid we could be heading for another large war. paul: rhetoric alone won't make the difference, we have the act to deter. all right, thank you. and, remember, if you have your own hit or miss, be sure to send it to us at jer on fnc. that's it for this week's show. thanks to my panel and thanks to all of you for watching. i'm paul gigot. hope to see you right here next week. ♪ [inaudible conversations

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