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from american reporters and a question each from bought -- ukrainian reporters. first colleen moncada associated press. >> reporter: thanks mr president. about 2 weeks ago you changed course to allow ukraine to fiery u.s. weapons into russia. given the reported successes, would you consider further expanding the parameters on u.s. weapons into russia back even despite you're concerns about escalation and on the note -- news from home you are going through something so many american families go through. the intersection of drug addiction in the criminal system. dew you believe the justice department operated independently and politics in your son's trial? >> with the answer you're question. with regard to the first question, it is clear that the mere broad meeting just across the line on the border of russia and ukraine and makes a lot of sense for ukraine to be able to take out or combat what is coming across that order. in terms of long-range weapons, into the interior of russia fact we've not changed our position on that. with regard to the question regarding to the fit -- the family i'm extremely proud of my son hunter. he is overcome an addiction and is 1 of the brightest most decent men i know. and i am satisfied, i'm not going to do anything. i said i will bye-bye your decision and i will do that. carl not pardon him. >> ukraine president volodymyr zelenskyy, a number of leaders here in italy including president biden are facing upcoming election challenges. how will the security agreement signed tonight and other problems as of support continue if they are not an office? what is your contingency plan if they don't? >> yeah, good 1. [ speaking alternate language ] >> voice of interpreter: thank you for this question. first and foremost i would like to thank the people of the nation of the united states and countries in europe across other continents who have supported us since the beginning of this absolutely unjust more, russia against ukraine. they are killing people and homes and all of that is vary important first and foremost we are speaking about the lives of people. we understand and this war was unjust since the very beginning. the war of this evil whose name is prudent. he has killed so many people. to say it is not putin it was a military man who did it, the last 1 is just an instrument of him. he is playing this instrument and therefore it is putin for us. since the beginning we were supported by people, by nations because they understood that we share common values. we simply wanted to live and the people understood they imagine what will happen if such evil attacks them and therefore we were supported by people. i think president biden and other leaders who since the very beginning of the invasion started to support us. it was based on their values. based on the voice of their people and it is impossible without people. i'm sure that this nation chooses leaders and presidents and it seems to me no matter whom the nation chooses, first and foremost it seems to me that everything depends on the unity within this are that state. if the people are with us, any leader we'll be with us in the struggle for freedom. [ end of interpretation ] >> ukrainian reporter. >> yes thank you so much. [ speaking alternate language ] 's. >> voice of interpreter: yes, please. inter- tv channel. [ end of interpretation ] >> today during the g7 meeting discussion on developing ukraine's air system to share defence system based on the most advanced tech and long-range capabilities. my question is can you provide any details about the initiative and the readiness of our allies to take part in it? thank you. >> i'd be happy to respond to that. we have acquired commitment from 5 countries so far for patriot batteries and other air defence systems as well as we let it be known to those countries expecting from us air defence systems in the future that they are going to have to wait. everything we have is going to ukraine until their needs are met. then we will make good on the commitments we made to other countries. >> at the president biden already answered to your question really. all other partners as well as himself know that urgently need 7 patriot systems. in order to save our cities, urgently 7 i needed. and and we discussed the possibility of having 5 of them it is true but the partners work on it. it doesn't mean tomorrow we will have these 5 systems but we see a good result for ukraine in the future. >> american reporter josh wein broke lindberg. >> reporter: thank you mr president i have a question for ukraine president volodymyr zelenskyy shortly but if you don't mind i'd like to ask you about your discussions on the situation in gaza here at the. the right -- talked about it before but can you give us your assessment of hamas as a response and do you believe they are trying to work towards a deal or is this response working against a deal and what is your message to allies including those here at the g7 about what more if anything the u.s. could do to drive towards the peace agreement. thank you. >> i wish she would play by the rules a little bit. i'm here to talk about the critical situation in ukraine, i'd be happy to answer detailed later but the bottom line is, we made, i laid out an approach that's being endorsed by the u.n. security council, by the g7, by the israelis and the biggest hangup so far as hamas refusing to sign on a even though they have something similar. whether or not it comes to fruition remains to be seen we will continue to be fresh will continue to push, i don't have a final answer for you. >> to president biden's point the question about today's discussions ukraine president volodymyr zelenskyy $50 billion today you have the supplemental of course from u.s. congress recently, can you give us an assessment to the situation on the battlefield right now and what has been given now how long will this get you in terms of stopping the russian advance or making headway on this? and how long will it last you if indeed future leaders or current leaders are unable to reach consensus on further aid packages president biden i would welcome your assessment of the situation currently on the battlefield of what difference the supplementals may make. thank you. [ speaking alternate language ] >> voice of interpreter: thank you for your question. indeed we were expecting the fundamental -- fundamental package. it is important, we are grateful that in the vary end we had this supplement and it will for sure strengthen us. yes this has given the opportunity to the enemy to try to occupy kharkiv but they were repelled. despite everything, we disrupted all of their plans and to me that is there -- the most important thing. with this supplement, it enables us to fully equip the reserves. those brigades that are ready. so that they provide for the opportunity to a our units on the battlefield so they can have some rest and the bird gets canned regenerate and other briquettes enter the battlefield. this is what the supplement gives them. it raises morels but also raising strength. it seems to me this is the most important. for how long this will be enough. we have been holding the line for 8 months and the russian had -- russians had no successes. therefore the question for how long it will be enough, no i thank the question has to be for how long the unity we'll last. the unity in the united states together with european leaders. these only those elections could influence the unity. it seems to me that we could look on it exactly this way, to preserve unity and to preserve the integrity of the world, the integrity of the democratic world because if ukraine does not withstand the democracy of many countries will not be able to withstand. i'm sure of that. [ end of interpretation ] >> attaway the idea we had to weight until he passed legislation overall navy held up a small majority of our republican colleagues church is terrible. there is a lot more money coming beyond authority come and other options that are available now after passing legislation. they will get it there as quickly as they possibly can. >> take you so much mr president. telegraph. >> voice of interpreter: telegraph, please stop it back. >> taking this opportunity i've come a long way from kim and had long time to repair such a question. firstly for joe biden, mr president additional preparations act is signed the submission of -- for the war in ukraine within 45 days after it in akron. this deadline passed june the 8th and now the international community yet has not seen this strategy. has been developed? as it classified, what step does your administration plan to take in the war? that is my first question. i will have another for ukraine president volodymyr zelenskyy. >> what was the last part of your question? >> has it been developed and what steps does your administration plan to take in the war to help ukraine. >> the steps we're going to take to make sure ukraine is victorious in russia does not prevail his continued support. we signed it and a significant number of nations signed it. we got support of the g7 and quite frankly 48 other countries we set the product -- with the prime minister of japan, south korea. we have 50 nations that have signed up beyond nato in the g7. so we are going to stay as long as it takes. with regards to the plan it is a planning process now. we are discussing exactly what it would be and we have a lot of movement towards that we know the outline of it. we've not done the detail of it all but we know what ukraine is capable of doing when given the material to defend themselves and that's exactly what they're doing now. [ speaking alternate language ] >> voice of interpreter: my second question is for ukraine president volodymyr zelenskyy recently a couple statements were made about china and rumours in the press about possible supplies of russia's weapons to china. but from that china is actively promoting its own plan among several countries. what are the motives of beijing now and would it be possible to change the vision of china regarding our work we the final question is, is china a partner of russia in these crimes that it commits? [ end of interpretation ] >> my apologies that you're trip was long. [ laughter ] >> first of all i had little conversations with the leader of china by phone. he said he will not sell any weapon to russia but he said to me he will not because he gave me the word. the second, you know, very good with details rp's formula is very open for everybody. and you know that it's based on principles like territorial integrity, sovereignty, nuclear security back food security. if china has alternative view on ed, it can prepare alternative peace formula. if we share common views on it like we do globally with all the world i think so. so if they share the same way -- wait of this we will find dialogue. >> by the way, china is not supplying weapons but the ability to produce those weapons and technology available to do it. so it is in fact helping russia. inc. you also very much -- >> this concludes our press conference thank you everybody. -- thank you very much. [ ♪♪ ] >> okay. that last comment by president biden we will sea exactly what he said there but an interesting comment at the end by ukraine president volodymyr zelenskyy and we will turn this around in a moment but he basically said he had spoken with president xi jinping of china and had assurances from him that he would not sell any weapons to russia to use in the war against ukraine. obviously he already has gotten 1 weapon in essence exchanged between the countries because china is buying up a lot of russian oil and helping them make a lot of money during this period of war. so the bottom line of this g7 meeting we just witnessed this news conference after is that they signed a security pact that the administration says "sends russia is signal of our resolve. co eating u.s. resolve in this matter. and other big focus today that your 7 litres agreeing to loan ukraine essentially, it is couple get it, but is $50 billion to be paid back with interest on frozen russian assets. they've locked up an enormous amount, billions of dollars of russian assets. the idea is that the interest on that, the many spinning off would be used to support the war in ukraine. it is inventive, whether or not it could work let's find out. let's bring in engineman hall, great to have you with this this afternoon. what are you're thoughts on allegis heard. they went on a little longer than we thought they might in terms of answering questions. what did you make of it? >> absolutely, markup -- martha i thank the big question is that he will stand side-by-side with ukraine's russia can't wait. we will stay as long as it takes the pieces there. he said 3 things, the 10 year bilateral peace agreement which ukraine president volodymyr zelenskyy said was legal then obviously he said the 50 billion-dollar loans he was going to arrange and then he talked about sanctions which he thinks is a key area to focus on as well. but aside from those -- other then the background you have the idea of these elections that will take place, first of all in the u.s. in november. sending a message today to say the u.s. we'll be side-by-side with ukraine's matter what happens in november. that's why they're putting these plans and plays no. president trump was speaking earlier today and already spoke about trying to bring back the money being spent overseas. the message is strong. president biden saying we are side-by-side with you but of course so many questions about whether or not it can continue depending on the results in november. >> that's a great point. we've seen what's happening in europe. you see further right wing candidates gaining traction in the legislative arms of governments in france, germany where scholes position is a bit in jeopardy. you know, when i listen to ukraine president volodymyr zelenskyy talk he talks about countries that have shared values. last week we were in normandy and the commander-in-chief of the u.s. forces -- excuse me joint chiefs of staff, you know, also referenced normandy. the bond that exists between european countries against countries that are not like minded like russia when it comes to the elements of freedom. so it feels like this is a very seminal moment in terms of how russia will act based on how what happens in all these places, been. >> while absolutely. and russia president vladimir putin is watching vary closely to see what happens in these elections. trying to make them change their ways but today the message was all about unity. ukraine president volodymyr zelenskyy said it many times, we are unified over this. i do think that even if all these leaders sitting there today except for maloney the italian leader are at risk of losing their jobs quite quickly and all of those likely to move further to the right. but that doesn't mean the other countries will turn away from ukraine spending a military man to -- 2%. traffic that is a key point when it comes to how many in the u.s. should be looking at it. we didn't hear president biden talk about that today but that's something they have to do. >> martha: absolutely. and we've heard former president trump essentially say if you don't pay her fair share than you are on your own. so we will see where that goes. then, they cure much greater heavy with us. >> the q. martha. >> martha: joining me now national security analyst and fox news contributor who has been to ukraine many chances the u.s. -- since the war began. could to have a bright. what is you're take away from what you heard? watch of doubt it you from news conference that just ended? >> printing this $50 billion from the g7 it is a historic agreement. it intensifies russia and assess a president for our international law can adjust to respect states -- state-sponsored aggression period it's clear from the soldiers in the trenches on the ground they need support more than ever. we as americans are supposed to be the beacon of that international support and other countries tend to follow our lead which is exactly why we can't just walk away from them. ukrainian does significantly hurting for materials, manpower and money to defend their country. they have this underlying fear of going away. are we going to leave them like we did in afghanistan? you can take that from our previous actions what we did there in afghanistan whether your diplomat or businessman or he military and in ukraine these are the types of questions ukrainian leaders ask americans. so this continued commitment to them is important. the funds will come from interest accumulating from frozen russian assets which is key. they are getting about $3 billion in interest alone but they are not allowed to release these assets follow yet. they're still more work to do their. but it does mark a significant move in international sanctions from ukraine. i never felt like the previous sanctions against russia have been working. they need to face that reality and come up with more creative solutions. have over 6 to 16,000. lived in is 6 times the amount before the full scale war began. yet russian banks, the military-industrial complex have adopted. they've developed workarounds to evade it. they reallocate russian assets and its trends -- sends a strong message about violin these laws. >> martha: i want to put up a couple maps before everyone at home. the first is june 2023 and the next is the current map. may 2024. they are from the institute of the study of war. not a lot of movement between these 2. the red is the section that the russian offensive took over and there's not a lot of movement. president biden said recently that the goal is to get russia completely out of ukraine. when asked joan kirby about that he said yes, it means crimea cat all of it out of ukraine. that's on victory looks like. and a more timely manner would be great. a lot of people are dying and is worth. >> it is difficult as a. i think this are unfortunately will last for quite some time. ukraine has been extremely resilient that is a factor ukrainian people are fighting democracy for us. we need to do whatever we can to support them. we need to provide them with more weapons and more capabilities and support this long-term regional stability and security. at thank this financial support does that and also potentially helps create more diplomatic efforts to start and look for some peaceful resolutions to this conflict encouraging russia basically to may be engaging meaningful to may be stop as work. >> martha: we will sea. russia president vladimir putin seems pretty determined and you know better than anyone having spent time on the ground. thank you very much bright we will talk to you soon. be well. also breaking today a lot going on this afternoon, former president trump issued a direct rallying cry to republicans. you was back on capitol hill for the first time sister noy sixth really. less than 5 months to go until the election day. byron donald's congressman, he is on the list sec as potential vice presidential candidate with president trump. we will talk to about what the message was today, what was achieved will may come back. >> how is it being the former president? 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>> it was great. the president was really talking about his him -- his mission and his agenda. he talked a lot about how he would do everything he could to help house republicans keep our majority and actually increase it. and what his personal time investments would be to helping members appear on capitol hill who are in tough reelections and also candidates who are in tough reelections where we are trying to pick up seats to get some of the democrats off capitol hill and get our country back on track. that's what he was talking about. also expanded some policy areas, really thinking deeply about ways to make america great again because we are a struggling nation right now with joe biden as president. he is taking the time to thank they're all those things and talk to the members of the house about them. >> martha: so there is a report to today in politico that says the former president is demanding someone help them overturn in election. i heard accounts of it from johnson, dropping frequent f. bombs as he spoke "we have to overturn this, trump insisted". what is your reaction? >> i don't have a reaction because i'm not aware that the skull even took place or i talk with mike johnson every other day it seems and not heard anything about this. when we go back and find out what's happening to let me say for the record of course the president has a right to be upset. what happened in lower manhattan was a travesty and injustice pair now you have the democrats trying to have this moral equivalency between hunter biden being convicted in delaware, what happened in lower manhattan was a violation of doubt -- followed trump's constitutional rights. no 1 is above the law but donald trump is not below the law. so there are things that happen appear capitol hill where we are funding departments that are violating the constitutional rights of citizens, no matter who that citizen might be. congressman have been responsibly due to look into it and take action. >> martha: walk in congress do about that? >> there's been talk about looking at funding that go to certain jurisdictions that violate the constitutional rights of citizens. all these local prosecutors in all these areas they want federal funds. if you're going to take federal money you have a responsibility to protect the constitutional rights of every citizen. you don't get to pick and choose but unfortunately in lower manhattan, judge marchand and alvin bragg chose to violate donald trump's dew process rights. >> martha: hat. we expect bragging calendula will testify before the house judiciary committee. i know you are on oversight but what would you hope they would be pressed on in that room in that hearing, congressman? >> i thank the key thing is why did they try to go through this scheme? it was a scheme. this is important to understand. why go through this scheme of resurrecting supposing this to mean or that is passed the statute of limitations, using a federal election mod knowing the fac had artie looked at this case and decided to proceed anyway. i think with respect to mr cole angelo what lawyer do you know, i know a lot in this business especially, what lawyer leaves a prominent job being the number 3 ma justice to go down to be a frontline prosecutor and some state jurisdiction in lower manhattan unless you have a political ax to bribe. use are important issues to fare it out because we are witnessing the political persecution of the republican nominee by joe biden's to primitive justice. >> martha: last question. these are the current names we understand around the vp shortlist. we know the former president may have ideas of its own separate from this. but these are the ones who are the most discussed and several of you are in the room today. dew you want to be the vice president of the united states congressman? >> of course i would but look, right now it's about making sure we get to our convention. we're going to make sure donald trump is our nominee that is going to happen no matter what. then it is about victory this november. whoever on that list might come up they are going to do a great job helping donald trump become the 47th president of the united states. that's the mission at hand. whoever becomes the person on the ticket. that's going to just be to help donald trump get our country back on track. >> martha: so i sought jody vance, is this something you guys talk about when you're hanging out? >> no. the only thing that comes up is just like all of the intrigue and speculation. at the end of the day doll which i was going to make this decision on his own, by himself. and he now has the true advantage of having been president for 4 years. unfortunately for america he had time away from that post. i think he knows exactly what he needs and i look forward to that choice and i will support him no matter what he does. >> martha: have you been vetted, asked for information? >> that when i'm not going to get into. whatever's going on in the process i will leave between the process -- president and his team. not getting into it. >> martha: always a pleasure to speak with you, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> martha: former president trump just sat down for an exclusive new interview with fox. we will bring that next. >> martha: breaking moments ago president biden's first on current -- on cameron reaction since his son hunter was convicted on all 3 charges in his gun trial. here's what he said. >> i'm extremely proud of my son hunter. he is overcome an addiction and he is 1 of the brightest most decent men i know and i am satisfied that i'm not going to do anything, i said i abide by the jury decision and i will do that and i will not pardon him. >> martha: okay let's bring elizabeth host of the truth. podcast. fox news contributor. jack former at about player and chairman of the jack brewer foundation. and for metered -- former debbie assistant and senior advisor to hillary clinton now see kr solutions. great to have you with us today. lisa khaki reaction to what the president had to say? we will ensure if he would get a question about hunter's situation, but he did. >> i think he is lying. i think he absolutely will try to pardon his son hunter biden. i think this is political speak and he will turn around and do the opposite after the election. i don't believe him. i thank the verdict against hunter biden muddies the water a little bit but more so than that the law a guess donald trump has helped them. as long as they don't throw the guy in jail unified republicans for donald trump and given a reason to those who may be from the fence in support of him to turn out. they made it so much bigger than double drug. this election is about saving the republic, the rule of law. and a people like me who previously were enthusiastic, martha i would walk through broken whilst in the middle of a house on fire to support donald trump to try to save this election. >> martha: philly buick do that also? [ laughter ] >> i've got to tell you i never met lisa but i think lisa should be donald chime's vice president. that's about the most full throated devotion i'd ever seen. >> i don't think it's going to happen but, you know, i am available. >> i would almost have to switch my vote. it's sad what is happening with hunter biden. you know, it always lay takes a real net out of what they republicans are saying about the corruption in the department of justice when you're own son is going to jail. i realize it would be convenient for the president to pardon him but he is not. we will sea if lisa's right. i don't think he is personally. i hope that hunters let out of jail at some point. in terms of the trial, i think this is crazy, this idea that donald trump is benefiting from being related to a felon. if that was true his lawyers wouldn't spends much time trying to delay the other trials. you just saved further on right now and pleading guilty. that is not the case. the numbers have tightened because of it and there is specific demographic groups softening because of it. >> martha: interesting. let's take a look at some of these polls. heroes poll number 2. monmouth. 66@agree with the verdict in the new york trial. that goes to phillips point. then this 1 another monmouth poll trump and biden remain a statistical time from april's polo despite the trump guilty verdict. so the pulse of not moved from april until now, jack brewer. what do you say about that? jack can you hear us okay? i think he is having some trouble with his link. lee so you're thoughts on those poles? it looks like people are not so sure about the verdict or about trump biden. very tight. >> again thank the verdict has helped donald trump and the rally cry. we are seeing the r. factor get we have people like susan -- susan collins saying its probably bad when you had a judge who donated to stocker publican's who seems committed to doing just that with law a. i think you have an awakening going on there. also in the monmouth pole you pointed out 71% and republicans were enthusiastic about the rematch between donald trump and joe biden whereas only 46@of democrats are enthusiastic about this rematch. it has had a motivating impact and as i said on the network and on the show elections are building books. republicans are building a broader base of support. we are starting out there and you build from there. so it has had a motivating impact. you also look at the $53 million raised in 24 hours after the guilty verdict as well tells that story. i maintain what a previously said. >> martha: a quick thought philippe but i'm sorry to jack brewer i think we lost his signal. every day there's more video i could play another but i will not right now. looking up into the sky wondering where he is. a lot of people who you work within the past have called for him, they think there needs to be another alternative here. dew you have any more thoughts on that today? >> this is a great opportunity to wish former president trump and early happy 78th birthday. he's closing in on 80. we've got 2 guys who are not spring chickens. if someone wants a young guy were all out of luck. if donald trump and his campaign the republican party in the right wing want to continue with this catch joe biden can barely stand up routine and when he does stand up in the debates and state of the union have to call him on drugs than that is great expectations for us. because this is silly, we just watched him with ukraine president volodymyr zelenskyy. i understand you can pick up any video anytime there's plenty video of donald trump where he looks out of it he mumbles and doesn't make sense. should have been driving cars. >> cannot shaking the air. >> i'm glad these guys don't drive themselves. >> there's a lot going on in the world. i will its. >> i will endorse that message. >> firing donald say he wants it see on the new kid out. great to see you both. breaking right now and exclusive new interview with former president trump who just spoke with our congressional correspondent with -- after his meetings with republicans in washington. i should join us now. >> hi martha i could deceive. yes trump snuck in a good interview with me as he is now on his way back to his residence after quite a whirlwind tour outside capitol hill all across washington dc talking with republicans in the house and senate trying to unite the party not only behind him but being able to tell voters you will be in good hands he wants to win back majorities in both chambers and as he departs he already created some chaos around the city of buzz he also made a buzz -- ton of news in my one-on-one exclusive interview. i asked if he had chosen as vice president if he had known it and i think america he was telling you and brett on the national stage in iowa but here he knew his vp pick and here's what he told me. listen. >> dew you know who your vp is because you told us at your town hall you. in the aisle caucuses. >> i have a pretty good idea. we have some really talented people. i've a pretty good idea but i think i probably do it the way it's usually done, you announce it -- >> male-female can you give us an? >> now khaki nosed democrats are watching his every move and right now they are blowing something up. something he said about the rnc home city of milwaukee apparently called the city horrible. i asked them to explain and he said he was talking about the crime in the city and the election integrity issues he said democrats are making a big fuss about. he also made some pretty big news on the campaign trail. you will remember there was some back-and-forth between the trump campaign, the rnc and larry hogan of former governor of maryland because he was telling voters and americans to respect that new york critic that came down against the former president. kai asked him, to you support or will you support larry hogan and leonor sam querrey he said he had i guess i am here endorsing larry hogan. he will be behind him 100%. i also asked him about hundred biden and many more things including his conversation with mitch mcconnell coming face-to-face with the gop leader for the first time he said he had a pleasant conversation with the leader after 4 years of bad blood. a lot more news from that interview. martha. >> martha: very interesting. thank you very much. bearing the hatchet there between mcconnell and trump today as they unify to support the former president as he runs again. aisha thank you. >> you got it >> martha: men charged with having a car full of weapon, ammo, body armour and more were probably posted extremist messages online and may have been planning something "very bad cocoa according to law enforcement. so here is what police say officers found when they stopped an suv with a blacked out license plate in queens yesterday. axes, knives, glauca gun, 9 loaded magazines, a stun gun, handcuffs, an orange vest that transit workers where and an nypd bulletproof vest. where did he get those? >> members of this apartment make an arrest weapons arrest knives arrest every day but an arrest of this magnitude, the amount of ammunition, nypd paraphernalia in the car was significant. >> martha: so that comes just days after the feds arrested 8 migrants, the source telling fox they are suspected of having ties to isis. former congressman and candidate for governor least any mantra first national correspondent reporting life and brian hello brian. >> it's the kind of story that makes you ask yourself what if nypd officers patrolling queens new york at 130 number and he did not decide to stop before explorer for having a blacked out license plate. could there have been a terror attack? in court today prosecutors say this car stopped could have been a disaster for the country. the suspect a 27-year-old was a rent less than an hour ago on multiple charges including multiple criminal weapons possession charges at a charge for an obscure license plate. the queens district attorney said they are continuing their investigation that at this time no formal terrorism charges. not only was sampson travelling with a loaded handgun and 9 loaded magazines, we're learning more about the stockpile of weapons in that car. there were 10 weapons hack and ask, waited with, stun gun, machete, 2 switchblades, 2 middle lot knives and expandable baton and a hatchet. prosecutors say on the baton they found written phrases etched including left me no choice. year gonna learn today and an arabic phrase that translates into a asked and god for forgiveness. they also found official nypd gear like handcuffs and police body armour. and orange vest, the kind worn by new york city's subway employees at a v for vendetta mask. antigovernment symbol. this comes after fbi director christopher ray warned last week about our nation's vulnerability to terrorism saying the threat right now is that a whole another level. ray says he's concerned loan will for small groups will draw twisted information from ward israel and the isis attack at the russia concert hall earlier this year that left some 140 dead. martha. >> martha: brian think you very much. and new warning about how the feds screen migrants coming into the country car homeland security department insert george's partner general said the technology and procedures are using are not really fully effective. no kidding. "dhs will remain at risk of admitting dangerous persons into the country are enabling asylum-seekers that may pose significant threats to public safety and national security. dhs agrees with all the reports and recommendations and is starting to fix the problem". lee joins me now former new york republican. congressman. ran for governor 2 years ago. lee's eldon great to have you with us thank you very much. >> that you martha. >> martha: i mean when i look at this list of this is what the dhs inspector is recommending we do at the border to prevent dangerous people from coming in. 6 biometric data, develop new policies to check names, update technology, update screening requirements for individuals, work to automate security checks for asylum applicants. what are they doing with the $86 billion mr selden that is that is needed for the department of home end security. i could have written this list, you could have. how are they not doing these things already? >> there is no excuse not to. it's great that this is being identified as a need that still exists but for those who were on capitol hill right now and trying to figure out, you know, what to do with government funding, the government is funded until the end of september. they need to make sure the money that's appropriate to spend as intended and clearly is something that should not still be a need at this point june 2024 when they catch isis affiliated terrorists. we say great that you caught them but we also ask as concerned americans hounding more have been letting? if there is a vulnerability at the border where you can't verify everyone as to who they are and what their intentions are, it's just another reason why we have to close the border. and as you point out that list of 5, 5 more reasons why we have to control the border. if we can ended up i was walking in we can shut it out. >> if you look at the money, it always comes down to we need more money for that. we need more money for border patrol, all these things. and yet the money that exists $86 billion and they have not updated their technology? they said these people were vetted who came across the border. this should give everyone no security since whatsoever. what about what happened at new york with this individual? what does it's only to you and are you concerned there are more people with designs on new york city we. >> there certainly are more people out there who are planning then no good criminal behaviour at different levels and in different cities and elsewhere. we need to make sure law enforcement is properly funded and supported and they have the tools they need to be able to conduct these investigations and prosecutors are actually focused on prosecuting violent criminals as opposed to seeing resources getting spelled else -- spent elsewhere as we witnessed since the first day alvin bray came into his position. he is not feeling district attorney inside the city of new york who has shown priorities that are being out of whack. so thankfully the nypd has been on top of this case but what i'm concerned about is as more illegal migrants continue to come into the country, they may continue to organize and may continue to ramp up their activities that could be a gang related activities and we may be going backwards towards the time when ms 13 if years ago. >> gang activity i want to play this disturbing video for you this is new york anti- israel protesters chanting on a subway. watch this [ chanting ] >> raise i had a scientist this is her chance to get out [ chanting ] >> okay no scientists we are good. [ cheering ] >> martha: no zionists here telling people they should get off that subway train if there jewish -- zionist. or if they support the jewish state -- zionist. did you ever think you would live to see this moment in new york and a subway? >> absolutely not. i'm jewish and i went through kindergarten and 12th grade college law school 4 years of active duty and never express anti-semitism. i didn't have people around the who had experienced anti-semitism and then thought maybe i'd be the first of what would be many generations that would not have to any longer experiences. what we are witnessing on a daily basis in new york you someone example there. they were people who had their homes vandalized in brooklyn. i saw story that came out of western new york and buffalo where there is a days school that was blocked of government funding because it was a jewish affiliated days school. this is happening on a daily basis and is now crossing into the line of terrorism and there is been a free-speech conversation at 1 point where saying certain sites or this is beyond free-speech. people who are using october 7th as a rallying cry that is a red flag but what we are witnessing right now is outright terrorism. i say this identify it, confront and crush it. you can't be silent. even if you do nothing you have to step up and leave. you have to identify it and eliminate it. >> martha: it's amazing these people are comfortable walking onto a new york subway chanting these things. absolutely shocking. former congressman and governor, leaves eldon thank you very much and good to see you as always. >> they gave martha kirk. >> martha: the supreme court issued an anonymous ruling today protecting access to the abortion pill. it accounted for almost 2 thirds, think about this, 2 thirds of all abortion that happens in the u.s. is by pill. so their opinion finding the federal courts are the wrong form to adjust the concern about the fda's action. it was a standing issue that an issue based at any sort of judgement on this pill but an issue whether it was a standing of the court. president biden said it doesn't change the fact the court overturned roby way. he also slammed republicans there extremely dangerous abortion agenda to destroy nationwide. more to come. probably gonna get more supreme court decisions coming tomorrow at 1 of them might be mek's for the former president donald trump. we are watching that closely here tomorrow on fox news. thank you were being with us today the story goes on. i will see you back here tomorrow at 3. you're world starts right about now. >> neil: thank you martha. box on top of the world when day

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