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right now. >> thank you very much. afternoon. i'm martha maccallum and this is the story. coming up clay travis is here. ari fleischer senator tom cotton consistently on the shortlist for trump spee p. we'll ask him about that and a lot more. but first breaking moments ago kathryn princess of wales announcing she will make her first public appearance tomorrow since this shocking news back in march that she had cancer. >> it has taken us time to explain everything to george charlotte, in a way that's appropriate for them and to reassure them that i'm going to be okay. as i said to them i am well and getting stronger every day by focusing on the things that will help me heal. in my mind body and spirit. >> we remember that day. that was a big surprise. she has just done it again with this message much more positive and this photo released on social media. beautiful photo taken at windsor. she says she will attend tomorrow the celebration of king charles' official birthday. though she writes quote i am not out of the woods yet. i am making good progress, and there a picture of her standing in the woods. at their home near windsor. so anyone she says as she continues the state and going through chemotherapy will know who's good days and bad days and on the bad days you feel weak tired and you have to give into your body resting. but on the good days when you feel stronger you want to make most of feeling well. princess catherine says her treatment is ongoing and will be for a few more months. here's she is just a year ago at the kings birthday parade. since then he was diagnosed with cancer and has been quite a year for the royal family. both these cases we still don't know exactly what kind of cancer they are each being treated for. let's bring in uk media correspondent royal reporter neil sean covering the royal family more than 20 years. what can you tell us about the nature of this announcement? we heard she might be attending this. what about the timing involved? >> good evening from london. great positive news to start the weekend and wonderful news from the princess of wales. this was always a gold coast. this is basically the thing she was hoping to achieve. this was really decided around about late wednesday afternoon literally between his majesty the king and the prince of wales. both really wanted her to her obviously but it's if and when and how you feel and as she pointed out a message you have good days and bad days. so wednesday you want to do this more importantly this is about the closeness, you know, the real love and bond between his majesty the king and princess catherine but also just throwing this caveat over here around the world is in terrible situations awful things printed written discussed on digital platforms about the princess and this was really like a smackdown to those ridiculous and outlandish rumours so that also is part of it. >> i guess everyone assertive is curious and while we are talking with this will take a look at last year not that long ago as the royal family entered the balcony so that's 1 question. will she be out on the balcony with the rest of the family? will she be riding in a carriage? what we think tech what you expect from her tomorrow? >> what i'm being told so far by palace as we are looking at the balcony. it all is down to catherine tomorrow morning. it's kind of how does she feel, does she want to that sort of stuff. the fans everybody around the world will be delighted to see her in the carriage that opens a lot more scrutiny, lens cameras that sort of stuff unless just be honest, the lady is going to be very nervous. it's her first steps but whoever you are it's daunting thing. anybody's going to to scrutinize you. so i would suspect we could definitely 100% look forward to a balcony appearance even support by the 3 children fingers crossed. and of course his royal highness the prince of wales. it's very much a thing about unity getting the confidence back and getting back out there. as you pointed out beautiful picture taken earlier this week at windsor of sweden see she looks a lot better but it's all about how we feel on the day. >> i would imagine they didn't want her to just walk out there because they want to make sure that there will be throngs of people as there would be anyway but now probably many more so now and i would imagine she's going to just get an absolutely enormous overwhelming spots from the people of london and the uk. >> is going to be emotional. i think there's going to be a lot of tears outside buckingham palace tomorrow and i can tell you where the press corps is the whole thing is now sold out. you can get in. i'll be there obviously but you can't get in and that's created a worldwide interest back in this event, not the as you see it's not popular anyway but i think the fact that i know, you know, the king his majesty really had a word with earlier this week and said he would be delighted if she could but i think she's been inspired by him because we don't know the types of cancer each individual has but he's ploughed on sort of bulldog spirit that's resonated with the british public. he's doing a lot of good for people going through a similar thing. yes, he has the best healthcare in the world. the world knows that but it's about personal stamina and i think catherine in the situation she's undergoing right now will be inspirational to lots of people going through very similar difficult thing. it's a nice heartwarming moment. >> and as far as we know she's been undergoing treatment since january so jun would make it about a six-month treatment. but she says she's not out of the woods yet. any thought on that before we go? >> as i told you first hear in your show icy moralists for a return september october time. their fingers crossed about wimbledon. may be she could go to that. but again it's very much exposed event for a long period of time. >> neil sean thank you so much for jumping in with this breaking news and will be watching tomorrow for that coverage. thank you neil. former president trump tells fox he's got a pretty good idea of who he will pick for his running mate saying maybe it will happen right before the republican national convention or at the convention. senator tom cotton is 1 of those whose on the list and we'll talk to him about that and foreign policy which is a very pressing matter right now nexyot t conditd thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at >> martha: president biden at the g7 in italy where the war in ukraine has been 1 of the major focuses. back here at home former president trump saying this in a brand-new interview that he did with logan paul. watch. >> the russian attack on ukraine would have never happened if i were president would have never happened. just a shame. so many dead people and i think that the way afghanistan worked, i think when putin looked at that he said let's go in. president xi of china also looked. he's looking at taiwan and he's drooling. he's drooling over taiwan. so something could happen there. we've lost a lot of respect. there laughing at us all over the world and that wasn't happening 4 years ago. >> martha: tom cotton was with the former president in dc yesterday and sits on the armed services intelligence and judiciary committees. good to have you with us. you hear the former president. what do you think vladimir putin and president xi are thinking as they look at trump potentially coming back to the white house in january and how do you think that may be guiding directions? >> what i think they're thinking as they hope joe biden wins because 43 and half years america's had a kick me sign on their back because of joe biden's week failed presidency. i agree with that the former president just said. this invasion in ukraine would not have happened if you are president but i think he's being too modest. he should be able to say it did not happen when he was president. we're in a unique situation this year. for the first time in more than a century the american people have a choice between 2 presidents. they don't have to speculate about what a challenger might do in office. i would have to do is look back to what president trump did in office. remember those days and that's why he's leaving because most americans fondly remember the peace stability and prosperity we enjoyed 4 for years. by contrast vladimir putin seems to invade ukraine only when democrats are president. barack obama first and now joe biden. he does that just like xi jinping takes advantage of america during the obama biden years. because they're not strong and confident in the defence of america's interest. >> martha: that's part of my question. how does that guide their actions now? if they have 5 months to expect something that happened between now and the election that they will take advantage of the window given what you're saying? >> i think it something to worry about because it's not just ukraine. threats of war in asia. we have an ongoing war in israel or israel fighting back against the invasion of october seventh in gaza as well as a slow boil to potential war in the northern front and outlaws and rebels in yemen shooting ballistic missiles and cruise missiles into israel and our ships in the red sea. everywhere you turn president biden's weakness has invited chaos and war. by contrast president trump's approach, my approach like ronald reagan's approach was peace through strength. i think the american people prefer peace through strength than war through weakness. >> martha: let me ask another question and get at least 1 more in. this is something us he said it has to do with another big element of these wars. watch this from president trump. >> what's your relationship like with vladimir putin? >> i think very good but i was tough with him. i and the pipeline. he built the pipeline that was going to supply oil and gas to all over europe, all over europe germany in particular. we are defending you and your giving the people we are defending you from, we are giving you the defence but you're giving them money. i ended it. it was dead and gone. this guy comes in and principled kills keystone. >> martha: how much of that is the equation terms of oil and russia and china buying up all the royal while we have sanctions on them? >> there's no question unfortunately that china and russia have grown closer together because of joe biden's weakness but president trump is right there. i thought it was always very foolish in 2016 that hillary clinton was saying somehow donald trump was the 1 close to russia. look at the issues donald trump championed and still champions shape versus democratic party's agenda. president trump champions north american energy production. hillary clinton and joe biden wanted to shut it down. oh in energy production hurts russia. president trump did not agree to a no strings attached extension of the only nuclear arms treaty we have with russia. joe biden kvitova on the first day. president trump stopped nordstrand 2 pipeline. joe biden let it go forward. time and time again you see president trump taking strong positions in defence of america's interests in dc joe biden and the democratic party taking positions that are causing vladimir putin to smile. >> martha: do you want to be vice president if trump wins? >> i'm sure the president will make a good choice for not only himself in the ticket by the country when it's time frame to make the choice. i'm confident it will be a great 1. i suspect he see anyone knows who's on the shortlist. >> martha: is a job you want the was my question. >> i think any great patriot avast by the president to serve in any capacity of this country would have to consider it seriously. right now i'm happy serving the people of arkansas and senate and working to elect president trump and republican majority in the congress to begin to repair the damage caused by joe biden and the democrats. >> martha: we'll see you. sounds like we get big reveal at the rnc. we'll see what happens in milwaukee. thank you very much. have a good weekend. good to have you with us. >> thank you martha. >> martha: kim strasser who has a great piece out today, leslie marshall in the biden-trump battle for older and younger voters. who's ahead in those groups? and might surprise you. >> to me doesn't have to do with democrat or republican. it's about which president will fight for us and who's going to represent us the best way possible. and that's really what the young people in america want. this is the smartest generation. we've had the most access to information and knowledge out of any other generation. so you can't fullest ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight we jusff?t want the truth ♪ ♪ and we want authenticity ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm 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theatre. this whole thing is the theatre of the absurd. and california has had enough. >> not so absurd now. correspondent matt finn reports live from california. hi met. >> you heard a portion of governor newsom's new video in which he talks about how he doubled california national guard at the legal point of entries in this state. and he says that's resulted in a record seizure of fentanyl but we've been reporting to the illegal pathways here in california and we don't see any california national guard out here. so newsom's new video begs the question of whether he plans on ever sending national guard to assist the overwhelmed border patrol here in his own state. all week long we been showing you images of thousands of migrants freely and easily crossing into united states so we have reached out to governor newsom to ask if he plans on sending any national guard to the legal crossings here in the state. the border patrol union in san diego rather quickly responded to governor newsom's video writing in part quote we need help in stemming the flow of illegal migrants entering california not rewarding illegal migrants with taxpayer-funded programs. governor if you are serious of a closing the california mexico border you would allow california national guard to help us. we shut new video of a group of mostly chinese migrants who illegally cross ended up wandering around a rural residential neighbourhood. border patrol process goes migrants in front of a home in the border patrol agent told us it's demoralizing day after day to keep chasing around illegal groups of migrants. and the migrants here in san diego repeatedly tell us they fly into mexico and pay extreme amounts of money $10,000 plus to the human smugglers who died them here in the united states. as you stand on american soil you are watching a well oiled criminal enterprise in which human smugglers are taking advantage of the united states and the state of california. >> martha: bigger business than drugs for the cartels now and they clearly control that part of our southern border. they are in charge of it. to bring people in all the time. so thank you very much matt finn. what we are now learning about the 8 suspected terrorists from to jake istan who have ties to isis. they walked right across the southern border. despite some nonsense frankly about the fact they were vetted and we don't even know what that means at this point. 1 law-enforcement official telling cnn the us quote may be done with isis but isis is in town with us. my next guest testify before congress about the changes that he saw take place during the biden administration and his fears for our security. >> to be blunt to systematic destruction of border security and the predict about consequences hell out of me and they should scare you. renew terrorist organizations were going to increasingly seek to use operatives that were unknown. we cannot rely solely on rec reference checks. the ongoing massive illegal immigration immigration is a threat to our national security and didn't we all promise after 9/11 to never forget? >> that's ring and former patrol chief rodney scott who spent 29 years with the agency serving various sectors along the border. he's now distinguished senior fellow for border security at the texas public policy foundation. rodney scott thank you very much for joining us today. i imagine when you heard this news about these 8 citizens who have crossed the southern border and have ties to isis that you probably based on what you said there were not all that surprised i would imagine? >> i'm not surprised at all and thank you for having me on martha. leading up to this you talk about the vetting. people need to understand we're talking about about vetting real true vetting involves face-to-face interview beyond just records checks. but this massive amount of illegal immigration we have today that really really took off when biden change the policies on the border from being preventative and insurance to reactive. it overwhelms border patrol along the lines so they are doing figure prinsen photographs but if we don't have a record of these individuals every single 1 of them will come back clean. it's a joke. it's silly that you can have government official standing up saying with a straight face we are vetting these people because we are not. >> once they got through somebody got a sense of who they were and where they were from. because then they took him into custody sort happened between a and b.? >> let's not forget and thank god we have some great border patrol agents, fbi agents ace agents, that they are doing the best they possibly can but to triage the chaos on the border today. so it was found out later should have been found out immediately but once border patrol is done with these individuals they process them into the system. luckily fbi and ice session countries with a high-risk are going and doing more due diligence and they are trying to triage this but let's remember this is triage. when you have 5,000 people a day can 3 million people coming across in a year the amount of triage going on is less and less so this isn't just between the ports of entry. this is people coming in through the ports of entry and just the numbers are too high and it's overwhelming our capabilities. spee just real quick on governor newsom this is from kamala harris back in 2019 who said governor newsom's decision to remove california national guard troops from the border is smart government and the right thing to do. we cannot support this administration's misuse of our military resources and attempts to militarize our border without justification. quick thought on that before i let you go? >> i interact with lieutenant governor newsom and then governor newsom quite often. dishonesty i just can't even highlight enough. border security is national security. i briefed him and walk the border with him. i had him touch the border fence border wall and admit that we need to prevent threats from coming into united states. that once they're here because we are free and open society we can't control them but then he walked away handed a video completely beyond the opposite. he's. >> martha: rodney scott 29 years in leadership of the border former us border patrol chief always good to have you on. thank you very much. you're a voice of reason and we hoped to speak with you again soon. thank you sir. so how about this older voters are gravitating more towards president biden for 2024. and it seems when you look at the numbers gen z voters are increasingly backing former president trump. you see the tiktok video on the right-hand side of your screen. ari fleischer kim stressful and leslie marshall after this. dad is a legend. and his legendary moves might be passed down to you. ancestrydna can show you which traits were inherited, where they came from, and who he shares them with. but get movin', this sale is only for a limited 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let in the lyte. ask your doctor about caplyta. find savings and support at >> martha: republican national committee kicking off what is calling the protect the vote tour to make sure quote it's easy to vote and hard to cheat this november they say. first up is battleground michigan. mike tobin reporting live from chicago. >> it has been officially kicked off protect the vote tour of michigan, initiative the posts republican national committee will recruit 100,000 poll watchers and workers and lawyers to scrutinize the vote. cochair of republican national committee laura trump said trump backers have 2 macros month abilities, get out the vote and protect the vote. >> we can never go back and repeat 2020 but we can learn the lessons from 2020. that's why chairman michael whatley and i are here today because we fledged 100,000 people volunteers across this country to make sure that we have transparency and fairness in our elections. we want people feeling like when they go out and vote their vote counts and their vote matters. >> democrat suggests the army of poll watchers will amount to voter intimidation and voter suppression. the language and persistent claims despite a lack of evidence that the 2020 vote was stolen create the impression the vote is a foregone conclusion and republicans are not guarding against an unfair election, but guarding against a finish in which trump does not win. michigan is an interesting place to launch the initiative. former deputy press secretary for donald trump claimed on wednesday michigan has more people listed as qualified voters than michigan has voters. it's a state where pfeffer years ago joe biden led donald trump by 8 points. now according to the latest fox news poll biden trails trump by 3 points in michigan. real clear politics average that has the neck and neck at roughly 457% each. the launch lacked specifics for how republicans plan to get out the vote by the former president is not taken wolverine state for granted. he'll be there tomorrow for rally. >> mike tobin thank you very much. former president trump apparently is gaining with more young american voters cutting president biden's lead among 18 to 29-year-old registered voters by more than 20 points. that's a big move when you compare recent new york times paul to the 2020 election results. let's take a look at the older voters. president biden doing better with voters 65 and over. he leads the former president by 9 points after he lost seniors by 3 points back in 2020. first lady jill biden making a pitch to other voters in battleground wisconsin yesterday kicking off with the campaign is calling seniors for biden harris. watch. >> joe isn't 1 of the most effective presidents of our lives. in spite of his age but because of it spee equestrian ari fleischer former white house press secretary for president george w. bush. can really stress a wall street journal opinion columnist and mcat strategist leslie marshall. fox news contributor's great to have you with us today. i will start with you. what you think we are seeing that dynamic in the polling that joe biden is gaining with older voters and trump is gaining with younger voters would last time around their strengths were the opposite? >> i wouldn't get locked in on this. politics is fluid so it see what continuing polls show to see if this is an enduring trend but having said that politics if you just think it's locked into the past your make a mistake about the future. and that may give you some numbers that prove that point. when it comes to education this is how people change over the years, college graduates used to be the bedrock of the republican party. no longer. when george h. w. bush ran and won in 1988 college graduates went 62% for george h. to be bush. bush got only 51% when he ran and donald trump lost college graduates. people making less than $30,000 lower income voters mitt romney lost them by 28 percentage points. donald trump lawson by only 8 percentage points. sometimes changed. trends change and if you're a good candidate what you need to do is lock down your wins see stop the loss among seniors and pick off the other guys coalition the young voters. >> this is 1 of the reasons why you hear the former president trump talking a lot about not touching social security or medicare and i think you hear this at the debate for sure. on june 27th the debate. i want to shave from the washington post because for a while we are hearing how formidable the tiktok joe biden machine was going to be. and this is in the washington post yesterday. aydin coban murphy founder of a coalition once known as tiktok for joe biden called gen z for change. joe biden out of step with him people in a number of issues. frustrations of young progressive leaders are barometer of widespread satisfaction among gen z voters. that would imagine that the israel-hamas issue has quite a bit to do with that. >> they do. and i rarely agree but i don't agree you don't put tweet too much stock because this is very fluid. outside joe biden is doing well seniors specially because republicans do constantly threat to cut slash do away with social security and medicare. we see a larger population of older people every year because of baby boomers. so there's a significant voting block. they are also significant answer robo calls block grant comes to polling and the methodology used in these polls. when it comes to the use it does concern me some of these numbers and the reason is you're talking about a 20% advantage the president had in the last general election and i have seen that come down. the top 3 issues among this voting block gen z our gag guns abortion and gaza. so to your point that a mix of approximately 30% or more of the issue they care about but it also makes me rack my brain because if you want to cease-fire where he wanted to state solution you want more something for the plight of the palestinian people in gaza joe biden is your guy not donald trump. so be curious to see what happens. also when you look at who democratic voters more so than republicans, so i would like to see some more poles come out before i get too worried about this. >> i understand. and strasser let me turn to you. he wrote a very interesting piece on the people trump is backing now versus 202200 think 1 of the comments we had a lot of yesterday when he was on the hill and spoke there was the message was more disciplined factory targeted, prepolicy oriented and he said in his interview and she asked about larry hogan do you support him he said yev course i do." >> of knock-on along that well in the past as we know so here's a look at the trump endorsements in 2022 just a handful. herschel walker and blake masters senate races time around backing david mccormick lost in the primary to oz mike rogers and larry hogan the governor of maryland. so what's happening differently this time around? how do you see it kimberly? >> you use the word discipline and hasn't gotten a lot of attention but endless stories in 2022 about the endorsement trump has gave to very flawed candidates who ended up losing the races. they are not doing that this time around. if you look at the people that he has endorsed in nevada and montana, those ones you just put up they are ones that everyone has agreed to the best position to win. doesn't mean they will but they are not notably the folks that were kind of the rowdy or loudmouth participants in the primary playing up their meghan credentials and very much hoping they would get the endorsement on the basis of that. he's been listening to a lot of advisors. you see it happening in the house as well. with a lot of candidates including sitting incumbents some of whom have even been critical of trump in the past, but either endorsed them or decided to stay neutral in their races because he's understood that even if you wins the presidency he's not going to get a great deal done if he's got a democratic senate and/or democratic house. >> absolutely. that something he really needs to push or if he wants you have any success because he is only going to be there 4 for years so it will be sort of at the starting gate. quick thought on that on the people that he's endorsing this time around and supporting and how much wider in that it is. >> it struck me and the interview yesterday on capitol hill when he said he's for the team. you heard donald trump talking in broader terms ingest himself, doing so with a sense of discipline. i thought that was a striking and strong performance by the president. the can of worms you want to hear. >> martha: real quick, it looks like a republican favourable year for the senate but you never know. >> you definitely never know. i would say i was surprised because it's definitely a change from the former i, me, i and the team. that's a smart thing for anybody running for president and anybody considered to be the leader of the party to do. at the gets actually wise decision politically to do that. >> martha: big debate june 27th which we are covering live. that's a pivotal moment in all of this as we move into the really heated season of campaigning. thank you all in great to have you here today. leslie cumberland ari have a great weekend. so the nba commissioner wades into the debate over 22-year-old phenom caitlin clark's olympic snob. they travis because the wnba decision the worst business move ever. he's next. >> think it's a disservice to the wnba when people switch their dog's food from kibble to the farmer's dog, they often say that it feels like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's simply fresh meat and vegetables, with all the nutrients dogs need— instead of dried pellets. just food made for the health of dogs. delivered in packs portioned for your dog. it's amazing what real food can do. >> women's basketball phenom caitlin clark taking her olympic snob in stride. but now the head of the nba adam silver is weighing in telling reporters quoted would have been nice to see clark representing team usa this summer but his priorities he say differ from those who made that decision. >> my job is to get more people to watch and love basketball. usa basketball is very specific mandate about the best possible team from a competitive standpoint and accept. already proven herself that she can compete at the highest level in this league. and i'm sure there are lots of opportunities for her to represent her country. >> bringing in frantically travis good to see you on this friday. what's your reaction to it adam silver had to say? >> first you did an amazing job covering everything in normandy. i don't know if you got a lot of props on air but you should. your viewers appreciated. welcome back stateside. second adam silver is 100% right and the analogy that i would make from a sports perspective is? go back to the late nineties, tigers woods came into golf and he was an absolute whirlwind of interest and attention. at what happened was the golf world which was overwhelmingly white and male suddenly embraced this young dynamic whirling dervish of incredible talent and the overall sport skyrocketed in popularity. every golfer white black asian hispanic, on the tour suddenly made way more money. the amount of dollars for champions rose. the amount of viewership skyrocketed and everybody benefited. a rising tide lifted although with tiger woods and golf. the same thing should be happening with caitlin clark. you've got a league which is desperate for attention, has been begging for nearly 30 years for people to care at all about their product. you have a supernova comment streaking across the night sky, the tigers woods of women's basketball is a gift that the league has been given and they are falling all over themselves. i really think sadly it's because caitlin clark is a white straight girl from iowa going into majority black lesbian league and they don't want to let her left the rising tide. they don't want to all benefit from it. instead they are all attacking her. the been given a gift of their sport and they turned it into a disaster. >> interesting characterization. this is post so kevin clarke made the mistake other people think of saying she doesn't pay attention to all of the stuff in an interview. she said i'm just here to play basketball. that's what i do. that's my focus. i want to put points on the board. we won 3 games. i think we can win more so i'm working at my job, but the sex post from connecticut sun player carrington pushed back on her for saying this. she says doug holcomb will not be bothered by their name being used to justify racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia and intersectionalities of all of them and she ends with silence as a luxury and says we'll have a voice and hold wait what you make about that? >> caitlin clark caitlin clark specific essentialism on fans of hers who are homophobic or racist or sexist and i don't think they are. just think about this. if you are choosing to watch women's basketball are you likely to be incredibly sexist, are you likely to be incredibly racist? what she's doing is what tigers woods did. she's bringing in an audience that otherwise have not been consuming a product. that's what adam silver got right. the decision to leave her off the us women's basketball team is crazy. the way you grow a sport or any audience is by having more people understand and consume the content you are putting out there so it's just so shortsighted. she's made it clear she doesn't embrace those things. >> sticking to basketball and working living under a meritocracy where you want to be the best and you want your team to win should be where everybody's head is in all of sports. so we'll see where it goes. i want to pl this quickly from tom brady's patriots hall of fame ceremony speech. just get a quick thought from you before ago. >> to be successful at anything the truth is you don't have to be special. you just have to be what most people aren't. consistent, determined and willing to work for it. no shortcuts. >> he's the go. no days off. >> i played this for my 3 boys. i said i care way more about your effort then the results. i think every parent should share the same. >> that's great message. thank you very much. i travis pare joining us. >> have a great weekend. coming up next fitness influencer gillian michaels says even as the gay woman with nonwhite children california's laws are too woke for her. >> i hold a million cards in your game of woke victimology poker. and when i leave california may be lost your [ bleep ] mind. just may be. like when you, when you have me running from home, maybe it's gone way too far. a, or td. so his doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ austedo xr significantly reduced dan's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, dan can stay on his mental health meds— (dan) cool hair! 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Rogers , Kimberly , Candidates , Attention , Races , Discipline , Endorsement Trump , Stories , Hasn T , Ones , Doesn T , Position , Montana , Nevada , Participants , Endorsement , House , Listening , Credentials , Loudmouth , Basis , Advisors , Folks , Meghan , Incumbents , Deal , Success , Starting Gate , Team , Capitol Hill , Can , Performance , Worms , Change , Hi , Big Debate June 27th , Party , Leader , Anybody Running , Women S Basketball Phenom Caitlin Clark , Commissioner , Campaigning , Season , Leslie Cumberland Ari , Nba , Olympic Snob , 22 , Business Move , Disservice , Wnba , Magic , Dog , Food , Health , Nutrients , Dog Bark , Kibble , Farmer , Vegetables , Fresh Meat , Dried Pellets , Dogs , Packs , Head , Second Adam Silver , Team Usa , Reporters , Snob , Stride , Basketball , Mandate , Usa Basketball , Priorities , League , Opportunities , Standpoint , Level , Travis Good , Viewers , Props , Normandy , Tigers Woods , Golf , Analogy , Sports Perspective , Whirlwind , 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