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headquarters in new york city. just when you thought it couldn't get any uglier, republican infighting on capitol hill turns physical. one member alleging the former speaker kevin mccarthy, quote, elbowed him in the kidneys earlier today. tim burchett then blasting mccarthy as, quote, just a bully with $17 million and a security detail. a senator stands up to fight a teamsters boss during a hearing. all of it coming with a key vote to avert a government shutdown just a few hours away. so, what now? plus, fulton county d.a. fani willis makes a stunning allegation, telling the court interviews with some of her key witnesses were intentionally leaked by the defense. the goal, she says, intimidation, harassment and threats. now she's calling on judge scott mcafee to step in. we have been watching the overwhelming show of support for israel on the national mall in washington, one speaker telling the crowd that the purpose is to show the world that jewish people, quote, have the right to live. it is a very busy day. but we begin on capitol hill, where tensions within the republican party intensified and are now boiling over with just three days and ten hours left to avert a government shutdown. republican tim burchett, who voted to remove kevin mccarthy as speaker, is accusing mccarthy of giving him a deliberate push while he was giving an interview. >> kevin mccarthy elbowed me in the kidneys as he walked by and it kind of caught me off guard. >> you felt it was on purpose and not an accident? >> absolutely on purpose, ma'am. 435 members of congress, eight of us voted against him, i'm the one who gets it, he publicly called me out. >> now, burchett is also among the dug in conservatives opposing a bill to keep the government from shutting down with about three hours until the house votes, speaker mike johnson is pushing hard anyway, arguing to his cs that this will allow them to get what they want eventually. just not now. because the proposal is not a permanent fix, the plan would extend funding for half of the government until january 19th. the other half through february 2nd. so, now, like kevin mccarthy before him, johnson will need democrats' supports to get this continuing resolution done. and the intense level of frustration being seen in the senate as well. check out this nasty exchange, involving oklahoma republican markwayne mullin, shawn o'brien and then bernie sanders trying to play peacemaker. >> this is a time this is a place, you want to run your mouth, we can be two consenting adults, we can finish it here. >> that's fine. perfect. >> want to do it now? >> i would love to do it now. >> stand your butt up then. >> you stand your butt up. >> hold on. >> sit down. sit down. you're a united states senator. sit down. >> act like it. >> joining us now is nbc's ali vitali, reporting from capitol hill, and ryan nobles reporting for us on the hill as well and former republican congressman carlos curbelo of florida and msnbc political analyst. carlos, i'll start with you. you spend a lot of time in the hallways. have you ever seen anything like what we're seeing today? one accusation he elbowed me, the other one standing up in the middle of a hearing? what's going on? >> yeah, i mean, congress is really a mirror of the country. as we have seen more and more violence in the country, we see it represented on capitol hill. it is a shame. i will say when it comes to kevin mccarthy, i kind of have my doubts that mccarthy was purposefully trying to hurt congressman burchett. kevin mccarthy does joke around a lot. maybe it was a joke that burchett did not appreciate, but that's just not in his nature. but zooming out, there is a lot of tension in the house republican conference, a lot of resentment given everything that has happened during this last year. and, of course, you know, that incident in the senate with senator markwayne mullin, that's just not what anyone wants to see. >> so, what can you tell us what are you hearing about this exchange between burchett and mccarthy? >> reporter: it is the wild west over here. we joke about that. those of us who spend time covering the house, but the tension that has been simmering among republicans over the course of the last two months is really the underpinning to what you're seeing now. i think what congressman curbelo says is right. all of us who walk the halls know it is narrow hallways, people who stop to do interviews as congressman burchett did are sometimes in the way of those who are trying to walk by. the fact that mccarthy has a security detail, of course, makes it a bulkier way of passing by someone. i could very much see a world in which an accidental elbow was thrown as people were trying to move through the hallways, i could also see a world in which what congressman burchett says is true, where speaker mccarthy did this on purpose. he says he didn't. i'm sure we'll hear more about this. when you think about the way mccarthy is looking at this current moment, there are so many parallels to what speaker johnson is doing now in trying to pass a clean continuing resolution. only difference is the fact he's trying do it with two end dates on the back end as opposed to one that mccarthy did. when mccarthy did this with democrat support, he got ousted over it. now, johnson is being given the benefit of the doubt, even by people who say they're not going to vote for the continuing resolution. there is no conversation about a motion to vacate and the emotional reaction to that is still very deep for someone who really worked to be speaker for the length of his time in congress. got there, and then was ousted in less than a year, now watching the guy who comes after him get way more leeway and benefit of the doubt to do the job. all of this is emotional. we all can talk about politics like it is some sterile thing that breaks down on paper, but it is not. especially in the halls of congress this is very emotional, very tactile place. nevertheless, this is pretty bonkers behavior to see from your lawmakers. >> yeah. and let me go back to the cr. all of this is against that backdrop, like, very serious stuff. but, ryan, over to you, what more can you tell us about what we just watched in that senate hearing? i mean, we have seen some nasty exchanges before, but for somebody to stand up, for there to be a threat of an altercation, that's something different. >> reporter: yeah, congress -- senator mullin, at one point, started to take his wed ring off to show you how serious this got to the level of physical confrontation. this wasn't an isolated incident, chris. these two men, senator mullin and shawn o'brien of the teamsters had been bickering on social media for several months. it goes back to a prior contentious hearing between the two of them and shawn o'brien accused him of being a bully and saying he would meet him anytime and anyplace and this was markwayne mullin in a very public setting attempting to make good on that threat. now, as we saw in the video, senator bernie sanders, the chair of this committee, quickly put an end to it, so it did not kind of spiral out of control. but one thing markwayne mullin suggested is the two of them meet in a cage match and mma style cage match to benefit a charity and markwayne mullin has a history as an mma fighter, a high school and college wrestler. this is how he solves problems. it is not the way you would expect members of congress, particularly members of the united states senate to solve problems. but it is indicative of just how much tension there is here on capitol hill that you get to the point in what is normally an invested senate hearing where you see two men really talking about taking it outside and trying to solve their problems that way, chris. >> a lot of the tension obviously coming, ali, because of what is going to happen in a few hours. this major vote to keep essentially the govnment running. this is an attempt by speaker johnson that a lot of the members of the conrvative freedom ccu say we aren't going there. where does this stand? >> reporter: it is a really serious moment of trying to keep the government open, of geopolitical tension overseas and yet i sit here finding myself what is it the obsession with men and cage matches? that's probably another segment, but it is the reality here on capitol hill where you see people threatening to come to blows over policy or political disagreements. in terms of the way we're going to see this continuing resolution strategy play out, just in the next two or three hours, maybe around 4:00, we'll start seeing lawmakers go to the house floor, around 4:20, 4:30, they'll start voting on the continuing resolution and they're doing it through a procedural slight of hand because of the realities within the house republican conference. they knew they had dozens of republican lawmakers willing to vote no on what the speaker has proposed. instead, what we watched them do is do this by suspension, which means that they need two-thirds majority within the chamber to pass this continuing resolution in the way that it is lined out on the side of your screen. we expect that they're going to get there, especially because in our conversations with democrats they don't see anything in this that is poisonous enough to make them be responsible for shutting down the government or potentially bearing some of the blame. it is because you see, though there is no aid to israel in there, that's what democrats and some foreign policy experts would have preferred. at the same time, there is no cuts in this, just a continuation of 2023 funding, up until january, and they'll live to have this fight another day after the holidays. >> we did hear from the speaker earlier today, acknowledging sort of the fix that they're in. i want to play a little bit of what he had to say. >> this will allow everybody to go home for a couple of days for thanksgiving, everybody cool off. members have been here for -- as leader scalise said, for ten weeks. this place is a pressure cooker. we're taking this into the new year, to finish the process and get back to the original way this is supposed to work. by the way, the house republican conference is committed to never being in this situation again. i'm done with short-term crs. >> there are a lot of people including many of the voters who are done with crs, who want the people there on capitol hill with our good friends to frankly do their jobs. now what they're hearing is, exactly, right, to the point that ali was making, there is a motion there, this is a pressure cooker, he acknowledges it is a pressure cooker, says, well, maybe we need to let people go home for thanksgiving, cool down a little bit, let cooler heads prevail, is that how this works? >> well, chris, this is just punting away, this is just kicking the can down the road at the end of the day. speaker johnson is going to have to convince house republicans that either they have to be willing to compromise with a democratic senate and the president in the white house, or they are going to have to pass bills with democratic support. you cannot have things, you know, your way or the highway, when you only control one chamber of congress and the other party controls both the white house and the senate. it just doesn't work. so, speaker johnson is going to let people go home for the holidays. but i predict that early next year he's going to be in the same predicament with a block of house republicans saying no negotiations, no way, we're only going to do things our way, and he's going to have to go to democrats and figure something out. what happens to him after that? nobody knows. there is a theory out there what happened to mccarthy was purely personal. maybe that's the case. maybe johnson gets a pass. but the dynamics in the house republican conference are not going to change from here until february of next year. >> carlos curbelo, ali vitali, ryan nobles, on a wild day on capitol hill, thank you, all. up next, the explosive taped revelations from former trump officials in the fulton county case. one lawyer says the testimony is beyond devastating for the defense. we'll ask him to explain in 60 seconds. m to explain in 60 seconds. ♪ shelves. shelves smart enough to see, sense, react, restock. so caramel swirl is always there for the taking. there has been an extraordinary development in georgia, where we just learned the fulton county d.a. filed an emergency motion for a protective order in donald trump's election interference case. she says videos of interviews with some former trump co-defendants were intentionally leaked to the media. in the filing, fani willis claims the leaks were, quote, clearly intended to intimidate witnesses in this case, subjecting them to harassment and threats prior to trial. the videos, which were obtained by abc news and "the washington post," but not nbc news, includes stunning new revelations about donald trump's alleged plot to hang on to power. the witnesses, jenna ellis, sidney powell, kenneth chesebro and scott hall, people once among trump's strongest supporters, but now talking to fulton county prosecutors as part of their plea deals. garrett haake with more details. >> reporter: this morning, new revelations in the 2020 election interference case. >> his instinct was to get one. >> pardon my french, but -- >> reporter: through a series of taped interviews between prosecutors and defendants who accepted plea deals, first reported by abc news and published by "the washington post." >> he said to me and in a kind of excited tone, well, dwoent we don't care and we're not going to leave. >> reporter: jenna ellis who pleaded guilty last month detailing to prosecutors an alleged conversation with dan scavino at a white house christmas party. >> he said, the boss is not going to leave under any circumstances. we are just going to stay in power. and i said to him, well, it doesn't quite work that way, you realize. and he said, we are don't care. >> reporter: in an interview that lasted nearly three hours, ex-trump lawyer sidney powell positioning herself to prosecutors as one who frequently communicated with the former president. >> the 18th, the only real justification he's giving you to why he's not bowing out is that his instincts tell him he won? >> that and the evidence that i showed him. >> reporter: powell testifying trump had been repeatedly told he had lost the election. but relied on his instincts and allegedly leaned on her for advice according to powell, though she acknowledged she never practiced election law. >> he never told you this is crazy, stop giving me this information? >> no. >> reporter: in a statement, trump's lead georgia attorney slamming any purported private conversation as meaningless, writing -- >> i want to bring in nbc's vaughn hillyard following the former president's trials and harry litman, constitutional law professor at ucla. welcome to both of you. i want to start with the new development from the d.a. fani willis talking about in this emergency petition they're trying to intimidate our witnesses. >> right. that's exactly what she says. she says, quote, this is an effort to protect witnesses and to safeguard sensitive and confidential information. this motion from the district attorney comes after the release of these videotapes. to give you an idea, talking about a lot of defendants here involved. in these proffer videos we watched, came from those individuals who have entered plea agreements. the statements that were made in those videos to fulton county prosecutors had to be truthful and accurate statements. what happened was the state was obligated to turn over those videos to the other defense attorneys. those other defendants who have not entered plea agreements yet. so that they understand the full scope of the evidence presented in front of the trial, that they're going to have to defend their clients on. what clearly happened was that a defendant or their attorney at some point passed along these videos and they are now publicly disseminated and it frustrated fani willis and the district attorney's office, this protective order would quash the ability of any of these defendants or their attorneys to disseminate any of the discovery evidence presented to them and in the instances of these proffer videos specifically, they would not get any future copies, they would have to go into the d.a.'s office and watch them and only be allowed to take notes. >> what is the likelihood that would happen and in 2023, do we look at things differently than we did ten years ago, 15 years ago, when we're talking about things like harassment and intimidation? >> i think november 14th, 2023, we do, chris, because trump is operative across a series of platforms. look at what he's just said about jack smith whom he savaged as well as his wife. so he's really pushing it on many different levels. i think judges who get these requests for gag orders really take seriously the prospect of some danger. he basically called for a citizen's arrest, for example, of letitia james. that's not this case, but nevertheless. i don't think there is any remedy for what has happened, by the way. they won't be able to find out and it is not clear that it was improper. but for her to get this motion i think is a real possibility that will fly and it happened sometimes with sensitive material, got to go to the prosecutor's office to review it. i think there is a real shot there, just generally, everyone is very nervous about trump's many, many intemperate statements. >> let's talk about the videos themselves. you posted on social media devastating is an understatement. you just heard the statement from trump's lawyer. this is a nonsense line of inquiry. tell us why you said what you did. >> that's pretty rich. private conversations are not actually at all useful. on the contrary, you can't get better than hearing. now we can set aside for the moment a possible miss ability issue. but having dan scavino say trump is not leaving under any circumstances, what is that? it is a constitutional hijacking. it is not about oh, he believes he won, he really wants to test it in the courts, this is december 19th, he's already decided he's going to essentially ignore the dictates of the law and constitution. that really is very damning evidence. i want to point out, these videos, we're not going to see them as testimony unless the witnesses sort of depart from what they said. but it is a real indication of what the d.a. wanted to know, and in permitting them to plead and what we're going to see at trial. we're looking at jenna ellis now, she has a cooperation agreement and she seemed very forth coming to me. it is not just the exact words in the -- including this really killer sentence in the videos, but what they auger about what we're going to hear at trial. >> yeah. i think that and maybe even it is just -- we think we heard everything, right? when you hear them from those folks who we see in a different light as being trump supporters, right, it does have a visceral impact, but tell us how it fits into the overall case here? >> right. these are folks that were at the forefront of perpetuating the stolen election conspiracies that millions of americans still believe and if you just take into account, we're learning information, us, you, me, the american public are still learning information that led to january 6th, kenneth chesebro testifying that he, personally, briefed then president trump about the fake slate of electors. we now know that because of kenneth chesebro and because of this investigation in fulton county. just take a look, i think it was an interesting note, jena ellis tweeted this morning, among her own video going out into the public, she quoted scripture, john chapter 8:32, then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. a timely statement from the former trump lawyer. >> we're not even into it, the way we're going to be. thank you both so much. such interesting stuff. we're also getting some breaking news that is tied to embattled new york congressman george santos. his former fund-raiser just pled guilty in a federal criminal case. nbc's ali vitali is on capitol hill for us. what more do we know? >> reporter: this all coming into us now, chris, in real time. but it is more bad news for the embattled congressman from long island, george santos. we're now learning that a former campaign fund-raiser for the embattled congressman pled guilty today in federal court for after being indicted for impersonating an aid to ex-house speaker kevin mccarthy. you'll remember that initially when this scandal was percolating, this was one of the key aspects that we were asking then speaker mccarthy about. the idea that santos' campaign team was impersonating members of the then speaker's staff to better earn funds to their cause. i think what is striking here is that even as this former fund-raiser admitted guilt, he did not at any point say that santos was specifically the lawmaker that he was working on behalf of. then again we also know that he was one of the people who was actively fund raising for santos, i think we might be parsing words there. at least according to his lawyer outside the courthouse. all of this comes as we know that his former campaign treasurer nancy marks also pled guilty and santos himself faces that superseding indictment of 23 counts, all related to the charges and scandals we have seen around him since he came to congress in january. i do think the other thing that we're looking for this week as much as friday is that government funding deadline, it is also the deadline that the house ethics committee put forward just a few weeks ago when they said they were going to have some updates, some report on congressman santos, we're looking to see when that comes this week too, chris. >> ali vitali, thank you. apologies for that delay. i just got word that we are seeing some things happening out on the mall, where you know there are tens of thousands of people who have gathered in support of israel. what we saw a few moments ago was many of the participants holding up posters of the hostages who are still being held by hamas. this is a huge event, where it is an all hands on deck security situation. a live report as those thousands of people go to the mall next. on "chris jansing reports," only on msnbc. next. on "chris jansing reports," only on msnbc th and i love overcoming challenges. ♪ when better money habits® content first started coming out, it expanded what i could do for special olympics athletes with developmental needs. thousands of bank of america employees like scott spend countless hours volunteering to teach people how to reach their financial goals. it felt good. it felt like i could take on the whole world. right now get a free footlong at subway. like the new deli heroes. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. it's a pretty big deal. kinda like me. order in the subway app today. hi, my name is damion clark. if you have both medicare and medicaid, i have some really encouraging news that you'll definitely want to hear. depending on the plans available in your area, you may be eligible to get extra benefits with a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. all of these plans include a healthy options allowance, a monthly allowance to help pay for eligible groceries, utilities, rent, and over-the-counter items. the healthy options allowance is loaded onto a prepaid card each month. and whatever you don't spend, carries over from each month. other benefits on these plans include free rides to and from your medical appointments. and our large networks of doctors, hospitals and pharmacies. so, call the number on your screen now and ask about a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. humana. a more human way to healthcare. 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on msnbc about why this turnout is so important. >> they want to be heard. they want to stand up and they want to stand together and say we're not afraid. we're not going to be intimidated. we will stand in the most visible place in our country on the national mall in front of the capitol and we will say this is not what america is about. >> we are hearing appeals from the loved ones of the hostages in gaza and they come in the wake of more heart breaking news from the idf that one of the hostages, 19-year-old noe marciano is now dead and peace activist vivian silver, thought to be held in gaza, was actually killed at her kibbutz on the day of the attack, according to israel's counsel general in canada. i want to bring in gabe gutierrez on the ground in d.c. for us. walk us through what you've been seeing and what else we're expecting to see and hear today. >> reporter: hi there, chris, good afternoon. we have been seeing speakers here for the last several minutes and people here have been coming from across the country as you mentioned. it has been remarkable. we have spoken with people from a bunch of different states. spoke with one woman from cleveland a little earlier today who said she had her parents were holocaust survivors and she really felt compelled to be here for all the reasons you described, solidarity with israel and also demanding an end to anti-semitic attacks both here in this country and around the world. and our teams have been speaking with some of these demonstrators here over the last several hours that they have arrived, take a listen to some that have come from a very long distance. take a listen. >> we knew that this was going to be and needed to be a transformative jewish moment for american jews in this country. we knew this was a moment in history we needed to be present for. >> it is a very emotional experience. and whether you know people in israel or don't, whether you have family there, friends there, colleagues, it tugs at your heart strings and so we needed to be here for that. >> reporter: and, chris, organizers expected tens of thousands of people here, still way too early to get any act ras number of how many people are here, but as you can see, it does take up a significant portion of at least this part of the national mall. now, over the next several hours, we expect many speakers here including some politicians, senator chuck schumer will be here, but also they're expecting to hear from the loved ones of some of the hostages that are currently being held in gaza. very emotional part of the program expected. and we also just spoke with one couple here that currently has a son fighting, they say, with the israeli defense forces in gaza right now and they say they haven't heard from him for a week and a half, chris. >> gabe gutierrez, thank you. right now inside gaza, the world health organization says the largest hospital in the strip is, quote, nearly a cemetery. the hospital director there says they have resorted to burying the dead inside al shifa, telling nbc news, quote, the grave we're digging is small and cannot accommodate all the martyrs. there are real fears that the lives of many children and wounded people will be lost inside the hospital. nbc's erin mclaughlin spoke to another doctor today at al shifa, he says they buried about 180 people without machinery today. >> imagine 180, it is a big number, it is not something you can do in half an hour. many people were doing this, not having anything, you know, anything which can help us to just dig big areas. we're doing this manual with little stuff we have within our hands. it took us at least eight hours to do that. totally unhuman the way of doing these things. some of them are known, others are unknown people. we put them all together. >> i want to bring in aaron david miller, carnegie endowment for international peace senior fellow and former negotiator for the state department. it is good to see you. that is painful. it is unfathomable what the folks who are working inside those hospitals are having to do. dedicating their lives to healing and to saving lives and now becoming essentially buriers of the dead. tell me how this fits into the overall picture and i think in particular the pressure that is out there primarily on prime minister netanyahu. >> i think of you've seen over the last -- thank you for having me. i think you've seen over the last several weeks, close to 40 days already, the needle is moving away from the butchery and slaughter of october 7 and focused now on israel's efforts to eradicate hamas' military capacity in gaza. the cruelest dilemma involved in that campaign is how do you prosecute this war, particularly when hamas assets are embedded, deeply, within civilian areas? how do you prosecute this war without endangering the lives of innocent palestinians? and the answer, i'm afraid, and the hospital situation is emblematic, is that it is virtually impossible to reconcile and to square that circle. the israelis have recently occupied rantisi hospital, a children's hospital, no longer serving as a hospital, they have been producing videos and i'm not sure there is any reason to doubt this, that hamas is actually using hospitals as command and control seb centers and that raises the question going forward of how do the israelis proceed? and at what point is enough enough given the rising toll of palestinian dead and humanitarian catastrophes? that's the position i think that the administration confronts. i think the administration's language has been toughening up. but i think by and large the biden administration may well accept the reality as cruel as it is that to prosecute this war successfully, if it is possible to destroy hamas' military capacity, there are going to be large numbers of civilian deaths. and i don't have an answer, chris. i really don't. it is a tragedy. it is horrific. but i don't see the alternative right now. >> well, the palestinian, innocent palestinian lives are at stake. so are the hostages, of course. we're about to hear a press conference from families of the hostages who are being held captive in gaza. some of them we already heard on our air who are at the d.c. rally. as the israeli military pushes further and further into the strip, do you see signs that it is having any success in putting pressure on hamas for their release? what are the prospects there? are there any, really? >> you know, i think the -- the data point that i find most persuasive actually was a comment that president biden made against -- it must be several hours and if he doesn't believe this he shouldn't have made the comment. that in effect an agreement to release the hostages is coming. and i suspect, we know there are negotiations, the israelis, the qataris, the americans, for a trade, releasing significant numbers, probably under 100, of the israeli women and children foreign nationals in exchange for the release, the israelis releasing young men and palestinian women who they have been holding in prison. and all of this is going to be wrapped and i think this is part of the argument in some sort of pause. in israel's military efforts. some cessation. not a cease-fire. some cessation to make this initial release secure, stable and possible. i suspect this is -- this is part of hamas' strategy. i think they'll wait several weeks, maybe longer to consider another phased release of hostages. so, i think the chances actually probably are better now than at any point since october 7 that we will in fact see releases. but let's wait until they occur to make sure. >> aaron david miller, thank you. and still to come, president biden is on his way to san francisco. he has a key meeting with china's president xi jinping. what to expect when the two go face to face? that's next. e two go face to face that's next. 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>> reporter: well, there are no big deals that are expected to be announced from this. it is the very fact that these two leaders are again talking that is going to be the main takeaway at the summit slated for tomorrow and we still don't know where it is going to be held. there is so much secrecy around the choreography of this visit. optics mean everything and in particular for china's president xi jinping who will touch down here in san francisco shortly after president biden. there is no surprise there won't be some big announcement that comes out of this meeting. the u.s.-china committ said that in the annual report saying the result of high level meetings recently between the u.s. and china, these would be the ones by secretaries yellen and rmondo and blinken saying china now appears to view diplomacy with th united states primarily as a tool for forestalling and delaying u.s. pressure over a period of years while china goes down the path of its own development. china's economy is weak and it is hurting. there are a number of fractures in the property sector. there is an aging population. youth unemployment is at a high. as the chinese economy undergoes a transformation. it is what is bringing xi jinping to the table, to try to stabilize the relationship with the united states, china's number one trading partner, to the tune of $758 billion. so, again, the fact that these two leaders are meeting tomorrow after the year that they have had, that has seen u.s.-china relations hit an historic low will be the main takeaway of this summit. chris? >> as many diplomats will tell you, sometimes just meeting is a statement in and of itself. janis mackey frayer, thank you so much. coming up, we're breaking down october's inflation report. it is good news for consumers. but can the biden campaign convince voters of that? you're watching "chris jansing reports" only on msnbc. you're watching "chris jansing reports" only on msnbc ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit so i didn't think i needed swiffer, until, i saw how easily it picked up my hair every time i dried it! only takes a minute. look at that! the heavy duty cloths are extra thick, for amazing trap & lock. even for his hair. wow. and for dust, i love my heavy duty duster. the fluffy fibers trap dust on contact, up high and all around without having to lift a thing. i'm so hooked. you'll love swiffer. or your money back! before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days, (cough, cough) flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups, including those that could send me to the hospital. so now i look forward to more good days. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. can't afford your medication? 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>> we're talking about inflationary numbers here, 3.2%. that's how much more expensive things were in october of this year than last year. that's slower than the september to september period and substantially lower than the 9% we saw in the year prior in the summer. now, where did we see the price category changes? in food. these are monthly figures here. food did go up by .3%. energy went down 2.5% because gasoline prices went down. then shelter only going up by .3%. that's a slower pace than september. when we look at the individual categories, things that people are buying daily. egg prices are down compared to a year ago. down almost a buck and a half. gasoline also down and milk down, although not everything is going down. price of bread per brand is going up about $2 per loaf. interesting and encouraging to see the overall rate of inflation, prices are still going up, they're going up slower. >> encouraging signs, but is it enough to change voters' minds on the economy? >> what any president would want is a good story to tell. and that's all they can really ask for is do they have a good story to tell the american people and start to tell that story. look, when you look at inflation, what we look for are trend lines. if you go back a year, what you see in the trend line clearly in the data, is that inflation is steadily going down and getting under control. and while some on wall street begin to speculate next year that it could see fed hold interest rate but perhaps lower, which is something we've all been hoping and waiting for. you add that with strong job growth. and you you look at gdp. i think the biden administration has a strong story to tell about the economy. now, the economy won't be the only variable. there's always an important variable but they've got to start telling the story. i'll remind you that back when reagan infamously said it was morning in america what's now a famous political ad about america turning around the economy and getting better, americans weren't exactly happy and excited about the economy then either as we were coming out of an economic downturn, but all the president can hope to have is a good story to tell. and these numbers no matter how you paint it, is a steady line of progress in the american economy and better than what we're seeing in europe. >> the argument is that you can tell people what the numbers are, but if they're not feeling it, and that's what the poll suggests, it's a hard argument to make. claire mccaskill said something interesting earlier today on this network. she said essentially, you can want can't argue to voters they are feeling something they're not, but you can talk something like gas prices. they're down 42 cents from a year ago. what should the messaging be based on what we know? >> well, it's you know, what comes first the chicken or the egg. i love senator mccaskill. what i would argue is that you have to actually tell the story. right? people are never going to start feeling better at the economy unless you tell the story. especially if the other side is -- the other side is talking about how terrible the economy is. blaming high inflation on president biden. you have to tell your side of the story. look, at the same time, you have to have a conversation, the job isn't done. you have to say this is what we've done to get our economy on the right footing and we are coming out of the storm and all indicators, we're coming out of the storm because of our strong leadership, right? but it's not enough. these are the things we're going to do moving forward to make things even better. that's what the biden administration is talking about across the country right now. >> cornell, brian, thank you, guys. in our second hour, celebrities, members of congress, and family members of hamas hostages. all of them set to take the stage as thousands of people descend on the national mall in washington, d.c. for what is known as the march for israel. we're live on the ground with the latest, next. you're watching chris jansing reports, only on msnbc. g chris reports, only on msnbc and i am the owner at isla veterinary boutique hospital. i was 5...6 years of age and i knew i was going to be a vet. once alexandra called me to let me know that bank of america had approved my loan... it was important to me. we not only just provide the financing piece, we do everything that we can to surround them with the right people. all you need is a perfect, amazing team that will guide you through the right steps to be successful. and that's what bank of america was for me. ♪everything i do that's for my health is an accomplishment.♪ ♪concerns of getting screened faded away♪ ♪to my astonishment.♪ ♪my doc gave me a script i got it done without a delay.♪ ♪i screened with cologuard and did it my way.♪ cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪i did it my way!♪ hi, my name is damion clark. if you have both medicare and medicaid, i have some really encouraging news that you'll definitely want to hear. depending on the plans available in your area, you may be eligible to get extra benefits with a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. all of these plans include a healthy options allowance, a monthly allowance to help pay for eligible groceries, utilities, rent, and over-the-counter items. the healthy options allowance is loaded onto a prepaid card each month. and whatever you don't spend, carries over from each month. other benefits on these plans include free rides to and from your medical appointments. and our large networks of doctors, hospitals and pharmacies. so, call the number on your screen now and ask about a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. humana. a more human way to healthcare. right now get a free footlong at subway. like the new deli heroes. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. it's a pretty big deal. kinda like me. order in the subway app today. 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