Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom 20110801 :

CNNW CNN Newsroom August 1, 2011

9:00 am on the east coast, 6:00 am out west. marathon talks lead to a new debt deal. at least in theory. the president backs it. so do leaders of both parties. still, no reason to celebrate just yet. in syria, a violent crackdown on anti-government protests. more than 7 0 people killed and counting. and new this morning, a big change to health coverage. the federal government will require insurers who provide birth control without co-payments. now, in just a few hours, we could see the beginning of the end of the debt crisis. it's been the issue in washington for weeks. and you're probably tired of the finger pointing and doomsday predictions. today, that could all come to an end if the house and senate approve a compromised plan. the deal identifies about $1 trillion in spending cuts over ten years and raises the debt ceiling by about the same amount. bipartisan committee must find ways to trim another trillion a, a so-called deficit posse. the president and house speaker admit the plan isn't perfect, but it may be just good enough to avoid a disastrous default. we're covering all the angles of this story for you. ali velshi in new york, athena jones, and zain verjee from london, and brianna keilar at the white house. what do you expect to see with the opening bell? i guess it's less than 30 minutes from now. >> it's going to be strong. it's going to be strong. the belief is that there is a deal. strong asian markets overnight. things started to weaken earlier today in europe and our futures were much stronger earlier than they are now. they've tempered down a little bit for two reasons. this talk that it's not done until it's done and some people saying they're not going to support t the general betting is that this deal is going to get done. this isn't euphoria. we weren't supposed to have this debate ever. we weren't supposed to lose that 4% last week. some sense that we're not quite sure how this all benefits the economy. what we know is that we dodged a bullet and we should be happy about it. we're not quite sure what the effects r analysts and investors, poring through the details of it. bottom line for your 401(k) and your investments today, the investme markets will open higher. for people who didn't sell out friday, you got rewarded. >> ali, let's turn it over to athena now. the agreement means nothing if the rank and file members of congress don't approve it. what do you think? what's that vote going to look like? >> reporter: well, that's anybody's guess. we're going to watch the drama continue to unfold here on the hill. the hope is that both the senate and the house will vote on this bill today. we just don't know what those votes will bring. in a couple of more hours, leaders on both sides of the aisle and in both chambers will be meeting with their caucuses, talking about this deal. you can expect there to be some explains, some cajoling. everyone understands what's at stake and that we're down to the wire. tomorrow is the deadline. as far as the opponents, it's interesting. people on both sides, liberals and conservatives, who have problem with his this deal, which president obama and speaker boehner both said it's not the perfect deal. on the democratic side of the aisle, you have people who want to see tax increases included in this measure. they're not being included. they're disappointed with that. you have republican conservatives, tea party members, in particular on the house side, who don't want to see the debt ceiling raised at all. it will be interesting to see if they're able to cobble together enough votes. it will take people from both parties to come together on this, kyra. >> athena. brianna, this compromise a win for the president? what's the reaction there? >> reporter: certainly he gave a lot. the white house understands that. at the same time, there's still a lot of this deal that is to be determined. while the debt ceiling will be increased here in the short term, this committee, this bipartisan committee will determine exactly what, perhaps, comprehensive deficit reduction looks like. we don't know the end game on that. i think in several months we'll have a better sense of really who is the winner and who is the loser. the other thing is, i think it was obvious that democrats in the white house lost certainly a lot of leverage when republicans won over the house in november. and this is sort of the obvious result from that. another way to look at this in the game of politics as well, kyra, that president obama has been playing very much to independents, talking about compromise. so, certainly with a lot of these spending cuts, he is losing with his base for sure. in his play for independence, going into the november 2012 election, this is something that he has been trying to do as well, kyra. >> brianna, thanks. international reaction, of course, a lot of that going down right now in the debt deal. zain verjee has been monitor in that. we were losing a lot of street kred overseas when a lot of this bickers was going on, still going on. >> major street cred, kyra. let's take a look at the headlines immediately. this is "the independent." it says any reduction in america's credit rating will affect every person on the planet. it goes on to say u.s. government debt has become so substantial that there is now the small risk it will one day become unsustainable. a debt of these proportions threatens to overwhelm the economy's ability to service the debt. it's also overwhelming america's political system. check out the international herald tribune. a tilt to the right leaves obama with a party rift. if says, however the debt limit showdown ends, one thing is clear. under pressure from congressional republicans, president barack obama has moved rightward on budget policy, deepening a rift within his party, heading into the next election. and the general view from the world, too, kyra, is that, yeah, the u.s. has avoided a market meltdown with this current situation but they haven't got a solution to the long-term debt problem. and that's what they're worried about still, too. >> yeah. back here in washington, candidates on the campaign trail talking about the debt deal as well. >> that's right, kyra. cann candidates, though, have been all over the place on this and have been reluctant to weigh in on the specific details of the framework as they kind of wait to see how the politics of this deal shakes out. they're appealing to the conservative base during the republican nomination fight. one candidate who has been taking a hard line against raising the debt ceiling from day one is michele bachmann. she also happens to be one of the leading candidates who actually has an actual say in the vote. michele bachmann will leave the campaign trail in iowa to come back and vote against this framework. she put out a statement. here is what she had to say. throughout this process, the president has failed to lead and failed to provide a plan. the deal he announced spends too much and doesn't cut enough. this isn't the deal the american people preferred either, mr. president. someone has to say no. i will. that's congresswoman michele bachmann, who is making an appeal to the tea party, grassroots conservatives as she seeks the republican nomination. one candidate we haven't heard from is the republican front-runner, mitt romney, who has evaded taking a position throughout this process. he came out in support of the cut, cap and balance plan that was voted on in the house. obviously, that went nowhere. the other candidates are taking shots at romney for not taking a position on this, including former utah governor. trying to position himself as an alternative to romney. here is what he had to say. a debt crisis like this is a time for leadership, not a time for waiting to see which way the political winds blow. he did not name romney in that statement, but the implication is clear who he is refer iring . kyra? >> peter, thanks. go to our website 24/7, world markets reacting positively to word of a debt deal. many tea partiers will not be celebrating. we'll get into that. and how fast is a snake? if it's this one, it can go up to 65 miles an hour. i love that my daughter's part fish. but when she got asthma, all i could do was worry ! specialists, lots of doctors, lots of advice... and my hands were full. i couldn't sort through it all. with unitedhealthcare, it's different. we have access to great specialists, and our pediatrician gets all the information. everyone works as a team. and i only need to talk to one person about her care. we're more than 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. energy is being produced to power our lives. while energy developement comes with some risk, north america's natural gas producers are committed to safely and responsibly providing decades of cleaner burning energy for our country, drilling thousands of feet below fresh water sources within self contained well systems and using state of the art monitoring technologies, rigorous practices help ensure our operations are safe and clean for our communities and the environment we are america's natural gas. checking stories cross country. federal agents fear that some of the 26 assault rifles stolen from a california army post may be in fresno now. a $10,000 reward is being offered for information about the theft from ft. irwin army post. check this out. >> water moccassin. >> the snake was apparently making its way home on the car's engine when the family went for a ride and it slithered into the hood. eventually it fell off. hijacked a boeing 747 parachuting to an unknown fate. now the fbi says it may know d.b. cooper's real name, testing fingerprints of a new suspect and claim this is the most promising lead since the 1971 incident. this debt deal that congress will vote on is a compromise. not exactly what anyone wanted. and it's sure not what a lot of tea party supporters hoped to see. poppy harlow joins us on that. you've been talking to a number of tea party folks. >> absolutely. always in focus, the tea party members. especially in this whole debt ceiling debate. they were the focal point, freshmen members of congress, elected with all that tea party support, they were the reason that speaker boehner could not get his bill through thursday night. we spoke to a bunch of tea party supporters and representatives at a county fair in connecticut. we let them give us their pitch. what did they feel was so critical that we shouldn't raise the debt ceiling? take a listen. >> debt is a promise to collect a future tax. so, debt is a tax on children. what kind of person puts a tax on their children? >> we're about return to rule of law, live within our means. how simple is that? how can anybody say they're not for that? >> it's the job of people in congress to spend the money wisely. that's why they were put there, with a certain budget and they were supposed to stay within that budget. >> all right. those are some of the tea party representatives. they had a lot of supporters at that county fair in connecticut as well. here is their take. >> this debt has gotten so out of control in the past couple of years that our children and grandchildren are going to not have a quality of life anywhere near what i have. they have so much debt. >> we have enough of a deficit now. we don't need it to be more sky high. if it's not working now, what makes you think it will work when it's ten times more or 100 ti times more. handle what you have, handle the deficit and be done with it. >> you can see the emotion in that woman, kyra. we'll have votes later today, obviously, on that agreement in washington. it looks like those tea party members are not getting their way. one thing they must be happy about in all of this, kyra, there's no tax hikes. that's something we can't forget. tax hikes were on the table in a f few weeks ago, off the table now. kyra? >> thanks. real world, teen mom, jersey shore. oh, yeah, and a little music, too. today, mtv turns 30. british royals celebrate another wedding. this one, though, slightly smaller than will and kate's. hey can i play with the toys ? sure, but let me get a little information first. for broccoli, say one. for toys, say two. toys ! the system can't process your response at this time. what ? please call back between 8 and 5 central standard time. he's in control. goodbye. even kids know it's wrong to give someone the run around. at ally bank you never have to deal with an endless automated system. you can talk to a real person 24/7. it's just the right thing to do. an accident doesn't have to slow you down. with better car replacement, if your car is totaled, we give you the money for a car one model year newer. liberty mutual auto insurance. let's hit some showbiz headlines for you. ♪ video killed the radio star >> happy 30th birthday, mtv. network launched on this day in 1981 with the song you're listening to right there "individual crow killed the radio star." how could we forget it? they officially dropped their tag line, nod to all its video shows and programming. matt damon took part in "save our schools" rally, protesting the government policies and focus on standardized tests. damon's mom is a professor of early childhood education. smurfs movie earned more than $36 million in its opening weekend, tying "cowboys "cowboys & aliens." neil patrick harris as the main human. cousin's wedding in april was a bit splashier, but zara phillips was still a beaming beautiful bride this weekend, tying the knot in scotland. zain verjee is joining us from hon done with all the details. your friend -- what's her name again? still has so much attention, k.middy. >> i know. there was no upstaging here. it was a pretty private wedding, very low key. nothing like the big hoopla we had in april between william and katherine. the whole royal gang was out in full force in edinborough, scotland. the bride wore a lovely ivory silk gown there and her husband, mike tindall, is a famous rugby player. she is also well known in this country for being quite a good equestrian. she is always interviewed about horses, photographed that way. she has her own clothing line around horses as well. lovely wedding, very low key. everyone had a good time but it was nothing like the huge royal wedding. it was kind of the other wedding. >> interesting tidbits here. what's the deal on princess ann saying can your future husband get a nose job because he has been whacked too many times on the rugby field. is she seriouses? she even said she would pay for it. >> she did, because his nose is so -- it's wonky, because it's been busted up so much, playing rugby. so when her daughter called her up and said, hey, guess what, i'm getting married, she said, can we please fix the groom's nose? come on. she doesn't care that much. >> it didn't affect -- >> facebook major of like 900 people just dedicated to his nose. she loves him for his personality, not his looks, kyra. you know all about that. >> it didn't, in any way, interrupt the kiss. it was okay. they were able to work it all out. thanks, zain. it's all over but the voting. a debt deal is done, specifically because investors -- well, especially foreign ones, rather, they'll tell you how they're reacting to the news. don't forget, if you're walking away from the tv, it doesn't mean you have to stop watching us. you can stream us. down loan the app and go. it's easy. you're seeing a delay, obviously. but when you log on, you'll hit live tv up in the corner. you'll have your choice of newsroom on the side and, boom, there you go. you're off and running. home and auto insurance. you give us your information once, online... 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