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"early saturdtart." >> you know, you come back from vacation, you have a new anchor. >> thanks for joining us, everyone. i'm zoraida sambo will i n. up first, authorities in egypt trying to negotiate the release of two kidnapped victims. one of the victims is diabetic. and his family is not here he has his medication with him. mohammed sami joins us on the phone in sinai, egypt, right now. where do the negotiations stand right now with the kidnapper? >> they are trying to negotiate with the hostages. the kidnapper insists that his uncle be released from prison and he's saying his uncle is not guilty. but the authorities are keen on making sure that they do not switch their arms. so this is a complicated situation. we know in fact past that six attempts have been kidnapped attempts in sinai d none of the hostages were ever harmed. so we are positive that the situation might be resolved soon. >> let's talk about that. as you mentioned, this is the third time that we've had american hostages. there is no demand for money, but there is a demand for somebody being released from jail, perhaps. i was just in the area and security is of concern here. and tourists traveling into the area. i was in luck, and i was traveling through upper egypt. is there an area there that is not safe for americans to travel? >> well, if sinai is known to be a -- and there's a lot of religious sites. there has been a security vacuum after the uprising of mu bar ra. but security forces here blame the travel agency for not informing them that the buzz was coming through because they would have provided security. lately, egyptian security have been trying to increase patrolling, but there's a restriction by the camp david accord signed by israel and egypt that the amount of soldiers would be deployed in that area. the last kidnap that happened in may where citizens were involved, the authorities oblige to the kidnappers and release the prisoner and the hostages were released without any damage. >> all right, thank you very much. we'll check in with you a little later. and in the next hour of "early start" we'll be joined live by reverend louis's four children, as well. secretary of state hillary clinton had her own tense moments in egypt, protesters throwing shoes at mrs. clinton's motorcade yesterday after she spoke in alexandria. a tomato hit an egyptian official in the face and several shoes. the secretary of state is now in israel where she just met with the israeli president. she's making only her second visit to israel in the last 22 months. the unrest in egypt, palestinian relations and iran's nuclear program are all on the agenda. >> incidentally, clinton was there in alexandria, which is exactly where that prisoner is that she wants released. it's interesting to see how those negotiations happen and was she able to have conversations about that sfp. here at home, storms are moving through houston, texas, and they have turned deadly. two people were killed in a lightning strike at a soccer complex on sunday. authorities say the three players had taken cover under a tree when the sudden storm just rolled in. police say the lightning strike sounded like a bomb going off. >> they were fierce storms here in new york yesterday. my wife brought the kids to the basement the lightning was so strong overnight. in london, there's a scramble to make sure there's enough security personnel. british government ministers announced over the weekend that 3,500 military personnel are being brought in at the last minute. the move comes in after a private contractor admitted it was not able to hire the 10,000 plus workers it had promised would be in place. a $15,000 reward now being offered for the search for two missing girls in iowa. they were last seen going on a bike ride near a lake in evansda evansdale, iowa. and you have to check this out. the tour de france turning into the tour detacks after someone placed a series of tacks along the race route. this is not a good idea. around 30 competitors drew flats. race officials are asking police to investigate who placed the tacks along the court. so everyone wants to know this morning who is it going to be? we're talking about mitt romney's choice for running mate. there's even a buzz about condoleezza rice. how do you feel about that? more on the vp stakes, coming up. of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios in here, every powerful collaboration is backed by an equally powerful and secure cloud. that cloud is in the network, so it can deliver all the power of the network itself. bringing people together to develop the best ideas -- and providing the apps and computing power to make new ideas real. it's the cloud from at&t. with new ways to work together, business works better. ♪ use the points we earn with our citi thankyou card for a relaxing vacation. ♪ sometimes, we go for a ride in the park. maybe do a little sightseeing. or, get some fresh air. is but this summer, we used our thank youpoints to just hang out with a few friends in london. [ male announcer ] the citi thankyou visa card. redeem the points you've earned to travel with no restrictions. rewarding you, every step of the way. redeem the points you've earned to travel with no restrictions. ♪ atmix of the world needs a broader that's why we're supplying natural gas to generate cleaner electricity... that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. and it's also why, with our partner in brazil, shell is producing ethanol - a biofuel made from renewable sugarcane. >>a minute, mom! let's broaden the world's energy mix. let's go. . president obama is in the crucial state of ohio today where he will say room foe's tax policies will send jobs overseas. meanwhile, the president has made clear he has no intention of backing down from his offensive against romney's history at bain capital. >> no, we won't be apologizing. sometimes these games are played during political campaigns. understand what the issue is here. mr. romney claims that he's mr. fix it for the economy. because of his business experience. and i think voters want to know what exactly was that business experience? and there's been a time of talk of running mates hately, including a condoleezza rice balloon. first off, full disclosure, i should tell everyone i've been a huge fan of peter's for years. peter, you've been talking to republican governors, hill insiders all weekend. what do they make of this balloon? >> yeah, it's interesting. a little bit of a mix, like you said, of a trial balloon, but also maybe an attempt to change the subject from the bain capital remarks last week. but if it was a trial balloon, it had its own consequences. many conservatives erupted because condoleezza rice described herself as mildly pro choice. a lot of conservatives said absolutely not. and george will, the conservative columnists put a fine point on it yesterday on abc's this week. take a listen. >> condoleezza rice would inject tremendous excitement into the campaign and remove all suspension from the outcome. you would have such an up roarus convention, you'd have a challenge to her on the floor, walkouts and delegations and he would lose 40 states. >> and it isn't just the elite political class talking about this. i was talking to one republican senate staffer this weekend who told me that her office was blowing up with phone calles from constituents calling in to see if condoleezza rice is romney's vice presidential pick i'm not voting for romney. so the fact that this pen straighted so deeply down to voters in the states, it shows you that this might be a problem for romney if he does go through it. >> took the air out of that balloon in a hurry. now condoleezza rice, who else might romney be considering? >> if you talk to senior republicans, we keep going back to these top two names. rob portman and tim pawlenty. neither of these guys are super exciting, but they are in keeping with romney's competent brand. they have guys that have been loyal to mitt romney. also bobby jindal, he's going to be with mitt romney this week. and paul ryan, the house budget chairman is also sort of in the mix, too. there are lots of other names, kelly ayot, marco rubio, but the top two still seems to be rob portman and tim pawlenty. we'll see if we get a pick in the nmgs next few weeks. >> great talking to you. thanks so much for being here. >> thanks. here is christine romans with this morning's top stories. >> good morning. good morning. police are working to release two kidnapped americans. there are concerns about the health of one of them. 61-year-old pastor louis. he's a diabetic and no one knows if he has his medication with him. a difficult wildfire is a canyon is threatening dozens of homes in north carolina. the fire has destroyed two homes and another 170 homes are in danger. the fire is just 20% contained. the california national guard and nearly 2,000 firefighters trying to put it out right now. >> the estranged wife of mary kennedy was moved and has been buried on a hellside in cape cod. the kennedy family bought 50 plots around her grave to be reserved for his children and their spouses. officials in san bernardino, california, are considering a drastic plane to rescue mortgages for people that are upside down on their mortgages. the city would buy them, cut those mortgages to the value of the home bere selling them to a firm. a 15 minutes past the hour. we're getting another one early read on your local news making national headlines. >> we're going to start with this newspaper. the tacoma news tribune. what do you like to do for fun, do you like to go hiking? >> on my couch. anywhere i can hike as long as it's on my couch. >> four injured hikers were rescued. they were working overtime in that area. the north cascades national park in washington state. on friday, two climbers hit a campsite on the mountain and on saturday two climbers goes into trouble. friday's incident, the climbers were injured by falling snow. that was natural, right? no big deal. but on saturday, you know wh they did? they inadvertently pulled loose a large boulder. how do you do that? so they got into a lot of trouble. the rangers had to go and rescue them. one woman is actually in critical condition now. she has multiple fractures. the other injuries were not serious, but over the weekend, two times a rescue crew had to come out. >> i'm glad they're already. let me just say i have never had to be rescued from my couch. lin-sanity appears to be over. now newspapers are saying he may be headed to houston. the lin star update. what's happened is the houston rockets have made a $25 million bid on a contract right there, including a $15 million third year that the knicks might not be able to match. so here in new york, the lin-sanity might be lin-over. >> how is that possible? a month of my life i spent wi this. >> we covered it nonstop last year. >> what is he saying? >> he's going to say he's going to wait and see if the knicks match the offer. persistence reportedly pays off for a man searching for a car that was stolen 42 years ago. i love this story and i actually thought about you because you are a hopeless romantic. do you know this story? >> yes. >> oh, you do. bob russell of texas found a rare 1967 vehicle for sale on ebay. his car was stolen in philadelphia at some point if in 1970. do you know why this is so important? this car he used for his first date with his wife, then his second date. somebody stole it. he's been hanging on to the original keys, the title, so he had no reports. eventually, he was taggeling with this guy. the guy said no way. police got involved, the guy got his car back. >> in every give up. >> he kept the keys. i thought that was so great. >> and for an expanded look at all of our top stories, head to our blog, there is a fly right around here. >> everyone join in on the party, new any, new anchor, everything. he is the most closely watched man on wall street. everyone wants to hear what fed chairman ben bernanke will say about stimulus, about our economy, christine romans covering it all. he's taking a look ahead, coming up. ♪ express yourself [ female announcer ] why not try coffee-mate? 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[ female announcer ] the whitening you've always wanted. new crest 3d white glamorous white toothpaste. your smile will shine brighter after just one brushing, and it removes up to 90% of surface stains in just 5 days. for a smile so white, you won't just be the ex-girlfriend. you'll be the one that got away. crest 3d white glamorous white toothpaste. life opens up when you do. did you know honey nut cheerios is america's favorite cereal? oh, you're good! hey, did you know that honey nut cheerios is... oh you too! ooh, hey america's favorite cereal is... honey nut cheerios ok then off to iceland! would you mind if to be i go ahead of you?omer.rios instead we had someone go ahead of him and win fifty thousand dollars. congratulations you are our one millionth customer. people don't like to miss out on money that should have been theirs. that's why at ally we have the raise your rate 2-year cd. you can get a one-time rate increase if our two-year rate goes up. if your bank makes you miss out, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. all right. minding your business now. let's check in on the markets. u.s. stock futures down this morning. european markets are down, too. christine romans are here. christine, why are all the stock futures down after this big rally on friday? >> this often happens when you have a big move up. also, there's a lot ahead of this us this week. fed chairman ben bernanke will be testifying on capitol hill. we're going get another gauge of the health of banks. on friday, everyone was talking about jp morgan chase. they weren't talking about the health of the banks. also going to be looking for comments from these banks about libor and this big scandal on a very important interest rate. i don't know if a lot of you have been following this, but this is something that shakes the banking industry to its core. starts with barclay's. barclay's is, of course, settled with regulators over a huge rate ratings scandal. and out this week with an ad in newspapers saying, we're sorry. and the company is really trying to figure out how it's going to go about, you know, getting its brand and its brand back to something that's good and not necessarily bad. reuters, bbc, reporting that barclay's put out a memo regarding this saying that it needs to be put into perspective. but maybe there could be other, perhaps, banks that are going to be pulled into here. look, i want to tell you about the banks that help libor, barclay's, jp morgan chase, affects everything from mortgages, students loans, car loans. it's as if someone were saying the temperature were off by a few degrees. >> it's the foundation of the industry. >> absolutely. so the allegation here, the investigation in all of these big banks, the investigation is that the these banks were colluding or setting this libor interest rate at a level that was going to give them more profit to make them look better during the heart of the financial crisis. it's a very, very big deal. it's another black eye for the banking industry. we'll watch to see what happens here next. >> i wonder if these early mea culpas come out next. >> we'll see how that works out. >> get to the heart of credibility, not a good day for the banks right now. >> in the banking industry but regulators and prosecutors are interested in this because they have been criticized for moss being able to hold the banks accountable for the mortgage crisis. they say maybe this will be easier. >> it's the target they have been looking for. >> exactly. >> in a few minutes, bel be back with a mysterious death of a hollywood icon's son. that's coming up, what investigators know about so far with sage. watch us anytime, go to she loves to shop onh her debit card, and so doesp onh bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts and stole her hard-earned money. now meet jack. after 40 years, he finally saved enough to enjoy retirement. angie, the waitress at jack's favorite diner, is also enjoying his retirement. with just a little information, she's opened up a credit line, draining the equity in jack's home. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft, and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. see, ordinary credit monitoring services tell you after your identity has been stolen. they may take up to 60 days to alert you-- too late for jack. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available. if mary had lifelock's bank account alerts, she may have been notified in time to help stop it. if jack had lifelock's 24/7 proactive protection, he could have been alerted by phone or e-mail as soon as they noticed an attack on their network, before it was too late. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available, guarding your social security number, your money, your credit, even the equity in your home. while identity theft can't be completely stopped, no one works harder to protect you than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free-- that's right, 60 days risk free-- use promo code "not me". order now and get this document shredder to keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands-- a $29 value, free. [click-click] [♪...] 28 minutes past the hour. tense goerngzs under way to free a boston pastor and another american being held captive in e egypt. president obama talking about the biggest lesson he's learned so far in the white house. at last, statistical proof that women are, indeed, smarter than men. at least in one sense. >> oh, really? really? >> you know this, don't you? this is a proven fact. >> it would prove i'm dumb if i disagree with you right now, right? i'll take the smart approach and say you're right. yes, dear. >> i like that, john. >> it is 29 minutes past the hour. up first, authorities in egypt trying to negotiate the release of two kidnapped americans and time may be running short because one of the kidnapped victim, boston pastor michel louis is a diabetic. we're hearing that the pastor offered himself to spare parishion parishioners. the hostage taker is demanding his uncle 5e7s release from jail. >> usually there's a window that this certain negotiations are resolved. because tier not actually for money, this makes it a little bit more complicated. >> the state department says they are working with the egyptian government to free them as soon as possible. mohammed fahmy joining us by phone now. what do you know about the negotiations and where they stand right now? >> i just got off the phone with a yrl and he informed me that two of his officers had visited the kidnappers on friday and saturday. they met the hostages and he unfortunately informed me that michel louis has suffered a diabetic attack. that's how he described it. he also mentioned that the kidnapper provided him with medicine that he got from the pharmacy. he's confirmed that the hostages are being moved around in different areas in sinai and that the kidnapper is very advanced. he is using mobile phone, he's maneuvering around the israeli border which makes it more complicated for the egyptian authorities to do anything about apprehending him because due to the captivity agreement with israel and egypt, people are -- >> there were reports that perhaps he was on some different types of drugs. do we know what his condition is now? >> basically, the kidnapper has been on national tv here and he stated that he does not have an intention of hurting any of the hostages. in the past year and a half, there has been six kidnaps that went well. the hostages were released unharmed and he's assuring everybody that he will not hurt any of the hostages. the general also informed me that they are well fed, they are in good condition, but they are also concerned about michel louis due to his health situation. >> i just got back from egypt on saturday and i was traveling along the nile, particularly. and i was in upper egypt. and as we were travel to go lower egypt, they did actually put some armed security on board. and we were just going one town over. other than that, though, i have to tell you, i felt perfectly safe being in egypt. with there specific areas where people should be concerned about their safety? >> sinai has always been a terrific destination, like a lot of the. they said they would have provided a police escort for the tour bus in the region. there's a lawlessness after the uprighting and the revolution that toppled mubarak. the police are trying to increase the patrolling in that region and, of course, there has been a lot of coverage n media about these kidnaps. so it's important to be aware if you're going to that region for the time being. >> all right. thank you very much for joining us this morning. in the next hour of early start, we will be joined live by reverend louis's four children. coming up right at the of the hour. and staying in the middle east. he was the longest country and he tells cnn he's firmly on the side of the syrian uprighting. >> translator: i served the syrian regime in 34 years in many different positions. but after what happened in the last year during the holy revolution, all of the killings, the massacres, the refugees, i don't see how anyone can remain silent. >> he's calling on his former colleagues to abandon the government. he says history will curse the syrian president for the crimes he's admitted against his own people. strong words. >> and the red cross is now calling a civil war. we want to warn you, the video from syria you're about to see is disturbing to many of our viewers. the declaration comes in the wake of accusations. look at this. accusations that syrian forces mass occurred up to 200 civilians in the town of tremseh. politics now, president obama admits he's been feeling frustrated at times during his first term in the white house. he tells charlie rose on cbs news that one of the biggest lessons he's learned since taking office is everything takes longer to get done than he'd like. join the club, mr. president. what's his biggest regret to date? >> it is that i haven't been able to change the atmosphere here in washington to reflect the decency of ordinary citizens who i think they want to see their leadership solve problems. washington feels as broken as it did four years ago. >> who is at fault for washington being broken? the president says there's enough blame to go around for that. the obama campaign has an unlikely ally. conservative xhem tater bill kristol says romney should re lease the returns. >> release them and take the heat for a day or two. now let's have a debate about capital im, let's have a debate about business, now let's have a debate about jobs. >> kristol says romney has to get the focus back on president obama's record. when it comes to the big flack over u.s. olympic uniforms being made in china, mitt romney doesn't seem too concerned. he says the candidate doesn't believe in politicizing the games and wants to make sure the athletes have the best time possible. it will she another six to eight weeks before authorities can determine exactly what caused the death of sylvester stallone's oldest son, sage. the county corridor conducted on sunday. the 36-year-old stallone was found dead friday in his home and was engaged to be married and was working on various film rojts at the time of his death. >> very sad. jason kidd is in trouble in new york days after reportedly signing a contract with the knicks. it says slam drunk on this headline. kidd was arrested for driving while ip tox indicated after smashing his suv into a telephone pole in the hamptons. this all happening where jeremy lin apparently might be leaving new york. so tough news for the knicks this morning. >> why did you do that? >> i'm a celtics fan. good news, girls. women are officially smarter than men. >> what do you mean we? >> i'm surrounded by men here. females have outscored men on iq testing for the first time in a century. while more data is needed to explain the trend, i might get because of multi tasking. some may be able to fascinate their arrest rate. >> i'm sure you're right. you're so smart like all women, you're so smart you might be right. >> well done. >> all men aren't stupid here. moving on, it is 38 minutes past the hour. politics, he famously refused to run for president, but now new jersey governor chris christie has turned down a chaps at another big role. curious? that story, coming up. ffer on the powerful c250 sport sedan. but hurry before this opportunity...disappears. the mercedes-benz summer event ends july 31st. use the points we earn with our citi thankyou card for a relaxing vacation. ♪ sometimes, we go for a ride in the park. maybe do a little sightseeing. or, get some fresh air. but this summer, we used our thank youpoints to just hang out with a few friends in london. [ male announcer ] the citi thankyou visa card. redeem the points you've earned to travel with no restrictions. rewarding you, every step of the way. we take it on ours. this summer put your family in an exceptionally engineered mercedes-benz now for an exceptional price during the summer event. but hurry, this offer ends july 31st. and there she is, a beautiful look over new york city. the city that never sleeps. 72 degrees now, will get to 93. it's going to be hot and sticky. it is 42 minutes past the hour now. let's get you up to date. here is christine romans with the morning's top stories. >> if you can make it there, you've got too much bills. >> let's move on to some news headlines. right now, authorities in egypt are attempting to negotiate the release of two americans who were kidnapped on friday. there are concerns about the health of one of the hostages, 61-year-old boston pastor michel louis. he's a diabetic. it's not clear if he has his medication with him now. the kidnap is demanding the release odd avenue jailed uncle in return. >> there's a scramble to make sure there's enough personnel. the move comes after a private contractor admitted it was not able to hire the 10,000 plus workers it had promised to put in place. stop whatever you're doing and check thought amazing video of landslide caught on camera in british columbia, wiping down trees, swiping everything in its path. a news crew captured this realtime footage. they were on a boat. they just skaebtd disaster. journalists have been documenting another land slide has wiped out host last week. they found the bodies of four people in that landslide. officials say the other people caught in the prior slight were also dead. florida getting access to a voter database to challenge voter credibility. voters have sued to get the information in an effort to surge noncitizens from its voting roles. new jersey governor chris chris tee says he has enough on his place to he's declining to take a key leadership are on the nshl national governor's association. he was supposed to become vice chairman of the organization over the weekend. but in a surprise move, he said he would not be able to commit the time necessary to perform the role properly. you're not what you eat, you're who you he'd with. that's the conclusion of researchers who studied borderline obese high school students. they found those who socialize with thinner people had a better chance of maintaining or losing weight. those who hung out with obese friends had increased odds of gaining weight and were less likely to shed pounds. >> that kind of makes sense, right? >> yeah. but it's still -- >> it's like sharing somebody else's fries. >> right. cler stretching across testify negative in skies after heavy flooding and raven this weekend. a double rainbow forms when part of the ray of light that creates the primary rainbow is reflected again along a different path. take a close look. you'll see the colors of the secondary rainbow are reversed from the original rainbow. >> i love it when you give us these beautiful pictures. >> we've got beautiful pictures coming up from nasa shortly. i never understand what it all means, but i love looking at the pictures. rob marciano is off for today. >> good morning to you guys. it's all about sun with the rainbow. the sun is a low angle, the sn rays hitting the rain drops. we've seen a lot of them certainly in the south this summer. we have the sun today, we've got the heat. here is where the access to the biggest heat will be today. rapid city, minneapolis, green bay, even into chicago. temperatures once again between 90 12k3 100. tomorrow, that access heat moves into the northeast. philadelphia, washington, baltimore within more 1 00 degree days on tap for you. washington, washington has already had five times they've hit 100 degrees this year. today's high temperature, washington 95 today. staying in the 80s and low 90s. chicago, 96. kansas city, 97. but you can see where the swath of heat is. minneapolis, this is definitely going to go down the road books for the twin citys this summer. highs tomorrow, washington gets to 101 and you can see where the heat is. but then, this is a short lived affair. nothing like what we've been dealing with. cold front will move through, dry things out and cool things down for thursday and friday. a whole different picture than the heat of what we're seeing at the beginning of the week. in terms of the flood threat to the west, heavy rain is expected. strong storms, wind gusts, even lightning expected for the west today as another storm moves in. we've got weather across the country, no question about that. but the heat, guys, the biggest story in the northeast through much of the plains. >> at least it's not going to stick around very well. thank you, alexandra. we appreciate it. bruise springsteen might be "the boss" but he had no control or what happened at a concert over the weekend. what happened that left some fans hanging? if you're leaving the house right now, you don't have to fret. go to take us with you. graph that our sales have increased by... sorry, my liege. honestly. our sales have increased by 20%. what is this mystical device i see before me? it's an ultrabook. he signed the purchase order. with an ultrabook, everything else seems old fashioned. introducing the ultra sleek, ultra responsive ultrabook. a whole new class of computers powered by intel. the lines, the cost, the hassle. ♪ express yourself [ female announcer ] why not try coffee-mate? with over 25 delicious flavors for a fraction of the cost of the coffee house. add your flavor, with coffee-mate, from nestle. add your flavor, one is for a clean, wedomestic energy future that puts us in control. our abundant natural gas is already saving us money, producing cleaner electricity, putting us to work here in america and supporting wind and solar. though all energy development comes with some risk, we're committed to safely and responsibly producing natural gas. it's not a dream. america's natural gas... putting us in control of our energy future, now. try capzasin-hp. it penetrates deep to block pain signals for hours of relief. capzasin-hp. take the pain out of arthritis. there she is, atlanta, counsel in georgia. any big company based there? i'm learning. >> that is not good, mr. berman. >> it's going to be 92 degrees there later today. >> maybe a lot of delayed flights, so check on that before you leave today. bruce springsteen, known as "the boss," they showed him who is the boss in lopped. ♪ >> they're getting down. in london, what happened was they pulled the plug. bruce springsteen was jamming with paul mccartney. that's sir paul mccartney. then you won't believe this, but they pulled the plug on the show because it had gone on for three hours and gone past curfew. i guess in lot of london, they pull the plug even if you are the boss and sir paul mccartney. >> was there an uproar? >> therein an uproar here this morning if there was no uproar there. it happened right in the middle of twist and shout. it was bad, bad, i tell you. >> i guess you have to keep the if curfew. >> absolutely. we have some incredible video. it's from nasa. it's the latest pictures of a solar flare. this is time lapsed video. here is what i want to tell but this. dramatic photos from nasa showing our mighty sun having a mild hissy fit. so this apparently started thursday, july 12th. they're finally released this time lapsed video. they say don't worry about this. this is called -- it's rated an f-1.4. you know what that means, right? >> slightly more than the 1.3. >> yes. and it's barely within the extreme range, so it's not expected to cause any problems like damage to electronics equipment. so just enjoy the video because nothing terrible should be happening. >> i'll be wearing my tinfoil hat later today and putting it on. now, you have to check out this video in china. a group of people you might say laying down on the job quite literally. the source here is china's vvtv. you're looking at a houm domino chain. by the way, it beat an american record that was about 850. they've only been doing this for about two years. it started in china. there are rules to this. you have to be touching the mattress when it falls. i'm very impressed by them. world record. the hats off to them for this. >> why? >> why not? i think that's it. you have a mattress, you want to fall over. >> it was really smacking them across the face. >> luckily, there were no injuries. i don't know that for the sure, but i assume they were all safe. people who were there say it sounded like a bomb went off. a lightning strike on a sox soccer field. coming up, the latest on the casual casualties. you're watching "early start." kidnapped in egypt, negotiators work to try to free two americans abducted while traveling with a church group. it is a desperate search in iowa. two young girls disappeared after a bike ride near a lake. news of the lin. sane. jeremy lin could be leaving new york for a new address next season. >> what will i do with my tee shirlt? >> that's going to be big news here. good morning and welcome to cnn "early start." >> it's 6:00 a.m. in the east so let's get started here. increased security in esinai ths morning. the egyptian government has been asked to free them as soon as possible. new reports that the referee michel louis offered himself as a hostage to spare his parishioners when a man ambushed their tour bus friday. the hostage taker told negotiators that unless his uncle is freed from prison in the united states, he will take more prisoners. thank you for being with us this morning. pastor lou is, i'm going to start with you. is it true, do you know, that your dad offered himself up as a hostage? good morning, zoraida. it's a pleasure to be with you this morning. we want to spectacle out of anything. but we also are like i told you before, christians and we were not -- we don't lie, not supposed to lie, we're supposed to set examples. i didn't want to discuss and didn't want to give details in regards to it and i know the story is out there. i want to tell you the truth as it is -- as it was given to me by my mother when i spoke to her the day of the kidnapping. and the story is consistent with what you said. the gunman did get onto the tour bus and the initial reaction or the initial steps were to take the member, the female member that is also detained with my father as hostage and being the leader not only being the leader of the missionary group, my mom said that, you know, he stood up and he just asked that the -- they leave the lady and take him. so this is why two people in addition to the translator, that is detained right now somewhere in egypt. so this is what the story is. >> i don't mean to interrupt you here but the kidnapping is communicating quite a bit and we understand there are conversations that happened. did your mother speak to the kidnapper? was she able to speak to your father? >> i'm glad that you addressed that with us this morning. there's a lot of reports saying that the gunman allowed both my father and this other lady to contact the relatives and loved ones. to my knowledge, because i speak to my mom you know, as much as i can, as much as they allow us to contact with her, that those stories are false. those stories are false. she has not spoken to her husband since 2:00 p.m. egyptian time since the incident. >> let's talk about your dad's health. we know he's a diabetic and somebody said perhaps he suffered a diabetic seizure while with the kidnappers. does he have his medication with him, do you know? >> again, based on the story that i heard from my mom, everything happened so quickly so he even -- i remember her clearly telling me on friday one of her concerns were that he didn't have shoes on when they took him off the bus. he -- he doesn't have any of the natural medication he takes. i don't know anything about a seizure. we don't know any information in regards to my father as of 2:00 p.m. of the incident on friday. >> i'm going to address all of you here. feel free to chime in. this is the third kidnapping that happens in egypt of amerans and others have been released unharmed. how worried are you that your father is going to be harmed? >> again, we speak to a lot of good people, some effective -- we have some people that are elected officials that work on the staff of the elected officials that are telling us to be in good spirits, we're confident not only in the -- in the government of the united states and the people that are doing the negotiator, we're also very confident in the god that we serve. this is the reason why we are not -- the description says we're pressed down but not defeated. >> it's nice to hear your faith is so strong. that is very nice to hear. >> we have to. and zoraida, we have a lot of people of faith rallying behind us, calling us, giving us a lot of support. the reason why my brothers and sisters, they choose not to speak, not that i can articulate better than them, you can understand there's a lot of emotion. >> absolutely. >> tied to all of this. >> so i seem to be better controlled and trying to express what we want to say. >> i really -- i appreciate your time this morning, i just came back from that region, i have to tell you, i felt very safe and the people were very good. i'm very sorry about what happened to your father and i'm hoping just like the other prisoners we've had that he will be released and the other two will be released unharmed. our prayers are also with you. you appreciate you joining us this morning, jane, daniel, nathaniel and debra. >> the family showing really impressive strength in what's got to be a really difficult time. >> faith is something, isn't it? >> hillary clinton had her own problems in egypt, protesters throwing shoes and tomatoes at her motorcade after she spoke in alexandria. an egyptian was hit in the face with a tomato but mrs. clinton was never in danger. she met with perez and but didn't take questions about the threat she faced, instead calling this a time of opportunity for all middle east nations. >> it is a time of uncertainty but also of opportunity. it is a chance to advance our shared goals of security, stability, peace and democracy. along with prosperity for the millions of people in this region who have yet to see a better future. >> secretary clinton says she will answer questions this evening after she meets with other israeli leaders. >> violent storms moving through texas. they turned deadly. two people were killed in a lightning strike. this was a soccer complex in houston on sunday. a third person was injured and remains hospitalized. the three soccer players decided to take cover under a tree when that bad weather rolled in. police also say when the lightning struck it sounded like a bomb went off. >> the search resumes this morning for two missing girls in iowa. 8-year-old elizabeth collins and 10-year-old lyra cook disappear the last friday. they were last seen going on a bike ride in evansville, iowa. hundreds of volunteers joined the research over the weekend. a $15,000 reward is being offered for information in this case. >> poor parents there. council members in california are considering a proposal that would require all of their proceedings to be conducted in english and nonenglish speaking members would be required to bring their own translators. nearly two-thirds of walnut's residents are asian. a vote is scheduled for july 25th. lin sanity leaving the big apple for the lone star state. in this case it will be the lin star state. >> i didn't catch it before. >> three-year, $25 million offer to jeremy lin, a lot of money. it doesn't look like the knicks will do it, in the third year of the deal, it's worth $15 million, calling it a poison pill for the knicks and trigger the luxury tax. even in knicks and in new york they may not be able to afford it. >> wasn't he sleeping on somebody's couch when he arrived? >> yes, cut by the houston rockets last year and now he may get $25 million to go back and play there. >> wow. >> times change. >> that's kind of sweet revenge. all right, president obama not backing down today. he's offering no apology for attacking mitt romney over his time at private equity firm. the question is, are those attacks working? we have more live from washington coming up. 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[ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. energy is being produced to power our lives. while energy development comes with some risk, north america's natural gas producers are committed to safely and responsibly providing generations of cleaner-burning energy for our country, drilling thousands of feet below fresh water sources within self-contained well systems. and, using state-of-the-art monitoring technologies, rigorous practices help ensure our operations are safe and clean for our communities and the environment. we're america's natural gas. i tell mike what i can spend. i do my best to make that work. we're driving safely. and sue saved money on brakes. now that's personal pricing. welcome back to "early start." president obama returns to ohio, his eighth trip to that crucial battleground state and will hold a town hall meeting where he'll continue the campaign offensive against mitt romney. he says his attacks against his time at bain capital are fame game. >> we won't be apologizing, understand what the issue is here. mr. romney claims he's mr. fix it for the economy because of his business experience. and so i think voters entirely legitimately want to know, what exactly was that business experience? >> our political reporter peter hamby joins us now. obviously he things the attacks are working. what are the republicans telling you? >> i was at williams burg at the national governors association meeting and a lot of high ranking republicans are falling in line and parrotting the line, when it comes to the tax returns, the obama campaign is trying distract from the economy. but republicans are saying this is a problem and it is starting to catch and spilling over politically. chris toll re -- cristho called for him to release tax returns today. they are saying romney should have dealt this with back in january but the obama campaign is keeping their foot on the gas. check out this tough new ad hitting romney over bayne. >> ♪ oh, beautiful for spacious skies ♪ ♪ for purple mountain's majesty above the fruited plain ♪ >> that's taking aim at some of the outsourcing bain did and offshore bank accounts. even republicans that have seen that ad say it's a tough ad. they might be a little scared of it now. and the obama campaign will keep up the pressure. bolt asking more questions about bain capital. they are going to ridehis as long as they can. >> mitt romney went out and spoke to five networks on friday, which is unusual. he had surrogates out all weekend trying to clean this up but maybe not that effective. gillespie saying he retired retroactively in 2002. how do they turn the team? >> they are trying to turn the page and will start today hitting obama on sort of rewarding his political donors, accusing him as sort of political cronyism, saying that these company that the obama campaign rewarded them with stimulus dollars but they've either closed or shipped jobs overseas themselves. we'll see if that works. solyndra has been a talking point for the romney campaign for a while. it's not exactly a fresh thing. the tax returns and bain has really snowballed to a point that it's going to be tough to turn the page, at least for the next few days. >> peter hamby, get back to those phones and make more calls. nice to see you this morning. >> let's get you up to date. here's christine romans. >> egyptian authorities are working to negotiate the release of two kidnapped americans. there are concerns about the health of one of those cappives, 61-year-old boston pastor louis, it's not clear if he has his medication. the kidnapper is demanding the release of a jailed uncle. in northern california, the fire has destroyed one home and torched nearly 2,000 acres since it started wednesday. local reports say another 170 homes are in danger and this fire is just 20% contained. nearly 2,000 firefighters in california national guard trying to put it out right now. the tour defrance turning into the tour de tacks after tacks were placed on the route. one rider crashed. race officials are asking french police to investigate who did this, who would place tacks along this famous course? >> that is not funny and awfully dangerous. thank you, christine. 16 minutes past the hour. meet a man who creates brand-new worlds through a marriage of art and technology. scott sniby designed a way to put the cosmos in the palm of your hand. >> before the ipad i joked that i made useless programs but they are as useless as a song, movie or story, something like that. and all of a sudden with the ipad, i could just go directly to people and say, check this thing out. it doesn't even -- we don't have to label what it is, it's called bubble harp, see if you like it and all of a sudden they did. >> so to find out more about scott and his interactive worlds of wonder, tune into "the next list" next sunday at 2:00 p.m. >> that's plain cool. we've seen positive signs in the housing market, that's cool also. and fewer homeowners are under water on their mortgages. what that could mean for recovery in the long run. for an extended look at the top stories, head to start. >> a recovery? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] what's the point of an epa estimated 42 miles per gallon if the miles aren't interesting? the lexus ct hybrid. this is the pursuit of perfection. mine was earned off vietnam in 1968. over the south pacific in 1943. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. it's hard to see opportunity in today's challenging environment. unless you have the right perspective. bny mellon wealth management has the vision and experience to look beyond the obvious. we'll uncover opportunities, find hidden risk, and make success a reality. bny mellon wealth management resulting in unexpected power and agility. introducing the all-new, all-powerful gator rsx 850i. sixty-two horsepower, a fully independent multilink suspension and a top speed of 53 miles per hour. it's a whole new species of gator. see just how much the gator has evolved at new data shows in the first quarter of 2012, significantly fewer homeowners are under water on their mortgages than the last three months of 2011, dropping from 12.1 million to 11.4 million. >> that's the good news. the not so good news, a report out from bloomberg said this and other upticks may not last and we're few years away from a full recovery. christine romans is here with much more. >> this is what a bottom feels like -- that sounded weird. >> staying silent on that one. >> welcome, john. this is what it feels like when a market is skidding along the bottom. it starts to be very rough. if you have a job and have a house and holding on for dear life, if you don't you could be under water. with me now is economic analyst with bloomberg government and co-author of this interesting report about what we have to do to see a meaningful recovery. welcome. >> thank you for having me. good to be with you. >> you name seven things we need to see, seven signs of a housing rebound. we're going to put them on the screen. i want you to tell me how far are we from a real rebound in housing? >> well, that's a great question. i think there's been this preoccupation of whether housing has reached bottom. what we really should be concerned about are the signs of recovery. the first, have house prices stabilized. we've seen good news in recent months in the first quarter. but how much of that was just because we had really great weather and people started looking for houses again. we think that prices are going to decline through to 2012 nationally and into 2013. >> on the houses -- we can talk a little bit. we have a chart of that home prices, even as home sales were picking up, prices were still declining because people had to move on. you got a new job, you're trying to move to a new place, there's enough time tat's passed since the bubble burst and you can see it there. 33% was taken off home prices this this country. you see they could continue to go down a little bit from here? >> they could. and you make a very good point about mobility, mobility and housing are tied together. people need to be able to move where jobs are when we have such high unemployment rates. unfortunately if you can't sell your house, you may not move to where the job is. >> when you have savings and a job, you're more likely to take the hit and keep moving and that's where you're seeing sales pick up if people took a price hit because they have to keep going. lending standards, meanwhile, i keep talking about these super low mortgage interest rates, the one thing you need to know, mortgage rates have never been cheaper. but it's harder to get the loans. every time i talk about mortgage rates, people tell me, yeah, but i wish i could get one of those low rates. what's the situation with mortgage rates and the available of those low rates? >> christine, from the first time since 1950, people are paying back more on their mortgages than banks are lending. in the past four years, only one quarter were banks lending more than people were paying it back. not just paying it back through mortgage payments, but foreclosing on properties and short eling. the mortgage markets are frozen. banks don't want to lend when they think house prices may be falling. until banks regain their confidence in the housing market, they are going to require huge requirements in termof down payment, credit scores in order to make a mortgage, 20% down and definitely 720, 750 higher scores. >> the national average according to some data was 736 for a fico score, compared to 680 before the housing boom. so there's been a huge tightening in standards by banks to get a mortgage. >> senior analyst bloomberg government. it brings me back to the one thing you need to know about your money. if you have a job and have savings, you're moving ahead in this economy. if you don't have a job or savings or booth, it still feels like the recession and days after the recession. i feel like we're separating into two different camps here, people moving ahead looking at numbers like this and saying, i see opportunity in these numbers and the other people saying, this is just the same. >> you don't have money, can't get a loan and the low interest rates don't mean a thing. >> some lenders are asking for six months to a year of all of your expenses in the bank after you pay closing cost and after you paid everything plus a high credit score. they want to make sure if you lose your job this year -- also they are doing zip code. if there are a lot of people in your zip code having trouble paying your mortgage, they could ask for a higher score as well. >> i'm going through this process right now, they scrutinize everything. whatever they ask for you, must give them. >> you're a real rule follower too. i could only imagine you have a good credit score. >> i was surprised how good it wasn't according to the standards now. >> interesting. >>s to just just credit score. >> cumulative. >> the secret is out about the north korean government. really? >> there's been a big shake-up of leadership near the top. we have all of the details coming up. folks if you are leaving the house right now, you can watch any time on your desk top or mobile phone. go to i'm barack obama and i approve this message. [romney singing]: oh beautiful, for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain, for purple mountains majesty, above the fruited plain, america, america, god shed his grace on thee, and crowned thy good, with brotherhood... tension negotiations to free a pastor and another american being held captive in egypt. when did mitt romney really leave the private equity firm bain capital. a top adviser tries to put the controversy to rest once and for all. a man who refused to run for president turning down a chance at another leadership role. the latest on chris christie, what did he decline to do now? >> you'll have to wait to see. >> it's 31 minutes past the hour. made it this far. >> authorities in egypt trying to negotiate the release of two kidnapped americans. and time may be scarce because once of the kidnapped victims, boston pastor michel louis is diabetic and his family is not sure he has medication in his possession. joining us from sinai, egypt right now. we spoke to the family earlier and they are very concerned and very prayerful this is all going to end peacefully. what are you hearing about the latest on the negotiations? >> i just got off the phone with the general involved in the negotiations and you confirmed to me they had visited the hostages on friday and saturday and unfortunately also mentioned that pastor michel suffered a diabetic attack. that's how he described it. but he got his medicine fm the kidnapper himself, who sent one of his men to the pharmacy. the other hostages are well. everybody is well fed and safe according to the general. as for the negotiation, it appears to be sort of a stalemate at the moment. the kidnapper wants his relatives released on drug charges. he claims falsely incarcerated. at the same time the government here does not want to give into his demands. they say if they do that, everyone will kidnap tourists and the situation will get out of control. >> we also heard earlier that the kidnapper said unless his uncle is released, he'll either take more hostages or perhaps do something worse. what have you heard about that? >> that is correct. the kidnapper is very dangerous, wanted fugitive. he has threatened if his uncle is not released. he will kidnap more tourists and he is maneuvering around the israeli egyptian border which makes it harder for authorities to deal with him because of the camp david accord that limit the access to the area in terms of deploying more soldiers and heavy machinery. using israeli cell phones and moving the hostages around so the situation is not as simple as expected. >> this do something worse is very concerning because this is the third time americans have been kidnapped and typically they are released. is there a different concern in this situation? >> well, in the past year there's been at least half a dozen kidnapped and all of the hostages were released unharmed, including americans kidnapped in february and may. this time around it seems a little bit more complicated but the kidnapper was interviewed by phone on local channel and he mentioned that he does not have any intentions of hurting the hostages and that they are safe and well fed. he also is very keen that the authorities relieved his uncle. speaking to the general, he mentioned that when he spoke to the kidnapper, he said, if my uncle stays in there for 15 days, the hostage will stay withmy for 15 days. it seems he's very, very stubborn at the moment. but we're following the story closely as it happens and we'll be coming to you with more details as the story progresses. >> we really appreciate you spending some time with us this morning. thank you very much. >> staying overseas now, north korea's top military chief has been relieved of his post. government news reports say ri yong ho is ill, but no word on a possible replacement. mitt romney's top adviser claimed his candidate retired as head of bain capital, retroactively once the salt lake olympics started. ed gillespie telling candy crowley, romney took a leave of absence to rescue the games and never returned to bain. >> he was not involved in the management and day to day decisions and wouldn't have had time. he left a life he loved to go to salt lake city to save the olympics for a country he loves more and somehow classic style chicago chick politics is trying to make this sinister. >> do you understand how people -- >> the obama campaign accused romney of lying after the boston globe reported he maintained the title of chief executive office three years beyond the day he claims he relinquished control. there's been a lot of talk about his possible running mate, new jersey governor chris christie says no, to a position, not to that but a position vice chairman of the governors association. in a surprise move he said he would not be able to commit the time necessary. >> the british government is calling for reinforcements, we're going to go live to london where the larger domestic security moblization since world war ii is under way as we speak. >> it's big. i go ahead of you? instead we had someone go ahead of him and win fifty thousand dollars. congratulations you are our one millionth customer. people don't like to miss out on money that should have been theirs. that's why at ally we have the raise your rate 2-year cd. you can get a one-time rate increase if our two-year rate goes up. if your bank makes you miss out, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. there are new concerns about security in london for the summer olympics set to start in 11 days, thousands of military personnel had to be called in virtually at the last minute. cnn's senior correspondent dan rivers joins us live from london. this date has been on calendar for a long time. why the sudden change in plans? >> well, this all comes down to the private security firm that won the contract to guard many of the olympic sites, g 4 s, they were originally asked to provide 2,000 guards and last december, that was upped to 10,000 guards. they reassured the government and olympic organizers, no problem, we can do this. then the home office is telling us here, the interior ministry saying only last wednesday did they come and say we can't get that number of people because of a computer glitch which means the guys we've recruited were not sure if they've received the right training, not sure if we can contact them in time. the whole thing is a shambles, now the army have stepped in providing 3,5,000 extra soldiers in addition to the 10,000 to fill the breach as it were. it is a bit of a fiasco to put it mildly. but the government are pushing back and saying they only knew about this on wednesday, laying the blame firmly on the door step of g4s, their chief executive has come out over the weekend basically holding up his hands, saying it is a disappoint. their share price is tanking, down 6% again today after a big fall last week. they are getting hammered by the main. they are used to providing services to the government. this is probably one of the highest profile things they had to do and they dropped the ball to put it mildly. >> also unsettling reports overnight from london papers that suspects on a terror watch list somehow got through at heathrow airport. what have you heard? >> reporter: the home office here are pushing back on this report. they are saying yes, they have got extra staff on the front desks when you come into heathrow where they check your passport and some of the staff are not normally force guards, retired policeman and so on, extra people drafted in. but they are insisting that all of the checks that need to be done are being done. they are describing it as the idea as sort of half a dozen bearded islamic terrorists that are running around and ready to blow up the olympics. they are saying that is simply not true and pointing to an independent inspector who said he's completely satisfied that all of the tests and checks that should be done are being done. >> dan rivers in london, thanks very much. and soledad o'brien joins us with a look at what is ahead. >> so much. welcome to you, nice to have you joining us in the morning team. lots happening, you've been talking about the american tourists kidnapped at gun point in egypt. egyptian officials are trying to negotiate their release, the kidnappers are threatening to kill the captives, we talked to the children of one o the hostages live. is it an ill husband industrious symbol, should the school tear down the huge, 900-pound bronze statue of joe paterno outside the football stadium. that is our tough call. >> have you seen these pictures? this is amazing. this is ken block, a repetitive stunt driver. >> is that real? >> ripping through the streets of san francisco in -- amazing. goes on for ten minutes like this, filming the whole thing. we're going to talk to him as he comes in live in the studio to discuss -- >> might want to watch the rest of this first, i would say no, don't try it. then here's a brilliant idea and i say that sarcastically, so-called easy parking spots just for women. >> what? >> i knew you would get mad at this. >> we're outrage. >> all of that and much more this morning on "starting point." we'll see you 15 minutes from now. you don't even know the story and you're like, it's so wrong. >> we'll let you work this one out. seems like a good one to stay out of, especially on my first day on the job. i'm told there are a few things you should not do, disagree with zoraida and soledad, another one, get arrested. one nba star learning that the hard way coming up. this is new york state. we built the first railway, the first trade route to the west, the greatest empires. then, some said, we lost our edge. well today, there's a new new york state. one that's working to attract businesses and create jobs. a place where innovation meets determination... and businesses lead the world. the new new york works for business. find out how it can work for yours at there it is ! there it is ! where ? where ? it's getting away ! where is it ? it's gone. we'll find it. any day can be an adventure. that's why we got a subaru. love wherever the road takes you. wow, there it is. until i got a job in the big apple. adjusting to city life was hard for me. and becoming a fulltime indoor cat wasn't easy for atti. but we had each other and he had purina cat chow indoor. he absolutely loved it. and i knew he was getting everything he needed to stay healthy indoors. and after a couple of weeks, i knew we were finally home! [ female announcer ] purina cat chow indoor. always there for you. good morning to you, washington, d.c., time to get up and get moving and get underway. 76 degrees, you'll enjoy the weather. later, 95, perhaps a little muggy for you but it's not going to last. we were talking to alexandra steele, she said it's hot now but it's going to get better. >> thank goodness. >> let's get you up to date. here's christine romans with the top stories. >> good morning to both of you. the state department confirms authorities in egypt are negotiating, attempting to negotiate the release of two americans kidnapped on the sinai peninsula. there are concerns about the health of one of the hostages, 61-year-old pastor michel louis, he's a diabetic and it's not clear if he has his medication. the kidnapper is demanding the release of a jailed uncle. check out this amazing video of a landslide in british columbia. >> crazy. >> a news crew captured this real time footage. >> happened to be stopping by? >> they were documenting the aftermath of another landslide that wiped out three homes last week. rescue crews found the body of one of four people missing in that landslide and officials sadly fear the other three people missing are also dead. >> terrible. >> the department of homeland security giving florida access to a data base. florida officials had sued to get this information in an effort to purge nonvoters, noncitizens from its voting rolls. >> thank you very much. christine. it will be another six to eight authorities before authorities can determine what caused the death of sylvester stallone's older son, sage. jason kidd is in trouble with the law here in new york. just days after signing a contract with the new york knicks, kidd was arrested for driving while intoxicated after smashing his suv into a telephone pole in the ham tons. kidd has played for the nets and dallas mavericks. >> he's always in trouble. it's a london 2012 games around the corner. some of the most gifted performers have arrived in the capital from brooklyn, new york. check out the extreme action dancers, shimmying down famous landmarks. >> i can do that. >> i'll put you to the test. one of our landmarks here, dance and acrobatics and stunts. holy cow. >> now a quick look at your travel forecast with alexandra steele. >> another torrid hot day, especially around the plains. rapid city to kansas city to minneapolis to chicago, highs between 90 and 100 degrees. also, we're going to see heat advisories in new york today and tomorrow in the northeast tomorrow really the hottest of the hot. then we will see a cooldown. but philadelphia to harrisburg, baltimore, washington, washington has already had five 100-degree days so far this year. 95 today, you can see in the 90s in the eastern seaboard, around the twin cities, 99. 97 in kansas city. wichita, whole week with temperatures right around 100 degrees. highs for tomorrow, you can see where the access of the heat moves into the mid-atlantic, a scorcher in baltimore and washington tomorrow. the heat through much of the midsection and east but then again, cold front coming in thursday and friday cools it down. it's a two-day affair for two-thirds of the country. flood threat though, we've got fire and rain in the west. heavy rains and strong storms and even frequent lightning. we've seen that a lot. we'll continue to see it. here's where the fire and water is. of course all of the fires and heavy rains, potential for flash flooding as well. a lot going on in the weather books today but again, boy, a steamy summer for so many and just typical july in a drought or really severe drought for 2012 and with the heat and late day thunderstorms, it's a recipe for so much of the summer. >> hang on for a few it will get cool at the end of the week. actor la var burtton, hear what he has to say about passion coming up after this quick break. thanks for babysitting the kids, brittany. so how much do we owe you? that'll be $973.42. ya know, your rates and fees aren't exactly competitive. who do you think i am, quicken loans? 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[ female announcer ] new ensure clear. nine grams protein. zero fat. twenty-one vitamins and minerals. in blueberry/pomegranate and peach. refreshing nutrition in charge! in blueberry/pomegranate and peach. according to ford, the works fuel saver package could terally pay for itself. jim twitchel is this true? yes it's true. how is this possible? proper tire inflation, by using proper grades of oil, your car runs more efficiently, saves gas. you could be doing this right now? yes i could, mike. i'm slowing you down? yes you are. my bad. the works fuel saver package. just $29.95 or less after rebate. only at your ford dealer. so, to sum up, you take care of that, you take care of these, you save a bunch of this. that works. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] you've been years in the making. and there are many years ahead. join the millions of members who've chosen an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. go long. ♪ [ male announcer ] sixty-two horsepower. fifty-three miles per hour. the gator rsx 850i. it's a whole new species of gator. we wrap it up as always with best advice. >> think wraparound glasses and rainbows, it's levav burton, remember him from reading rainbow and star trek. >> the best advice is from my mother, the first teacher and among the many things she tougt me was that it is so important to do whatever it is you do, you have to do it with purpose and with passion, whether you are sweeping a floor or you know, flying an airplane. it doesn't matter what the activity is, you have to be wholly engaged in it. and that's advice that's really worked for me. >> john berman is new to the best advice every day. you can take it or leave it on our way to work. our unscientific best advice is almost always from the mother. you have a lot of work to do. >> i'm going to do whatever zoraida says. do what she says and you'll have no problem. >> whoever gave you that is genius. but i love his purpose and passion, right. i interviewed him for reading rainbows when he stopped by. he is so passion nalt he had to continue it. you see it. who doesn't want to live like that. >> i grew up watching him on reading rainbow and it changed a lot of lives and made it cool to read. >> and changed a lot of trlivesn "star trek" too. >> we made it through our first show. >> nicely done. >> that's quts earrl larly star. i'm john berman. >> "starting point" starts right now. welcome, everybody, two americans and tour guide have been kidnapped in egypt. their release is being negotiated right now. we'll talk to the children of one of the hostages, a pastor coming up live. president obama and mitt romney are battling over bain, the white house suggesting mr. romney may have committed a felony. team romney says he's departure was heroic. worries about security at the summer olympics, did officials take their eyes off the ball? we'll take you live to london. racing through the streets of san francisco, really fast. this is the rally cross going viral. the man behind the wheel is driver ken block an he'll join us live. we have the

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Happened , Morning , Someone , On The Road , Everyone , Thanks , U S , Anchor , Vacation , Zoraida , Early Saturdtart , Will I N Up First , Family , Upper Egypt , One , Authorities , Release , Victims , Medication , Mohammed Sami , Two , Kidnapper , Negotiations , Phone , Sinai , Uncle , Hostages , Prison , Situation , Attempts , Fact , Arms , Six , Talk , Let , None , Sinai D , Somebody , Security , Area , Money , Demand , Tourists , Jail , Concern , Luck , Lot , Kidnapped Americans , Sites , Uprising , Security Vacuum , Mu Bar Ra , Buzz , Travel Agency , Security Forces , Kidnap , Citizens , Patrolling , Israel , Soldiers , Restriction , Amount , Camp David Accord , Kidnappers , Prisoner , Damage , Right , Reverend Louis , Hillary Clinton , Children , Shoes , Protesters , Secretary Of State , Mrs , Motorcade , Four , President , Official , Tomato Hit , Alexandria , Visit , Agenda , Relations , Unrest , Iran S Nuclear Program , Palestinian , 22 , People , Storms , Home , Conversations , Houston , Texas , Sfp , Bomb , Lightning Strike , Police , Storm , Cover , Soccer Complex On Sunday , Tree , Players , Three , New York , Government , Lightning , Wife , Scramble , London , Security Personnel , Military Personnel , Kids , Basement , British , Ministers , 3500 , Place , Contractor , Move , Workers , Reward , 10000 , 5000 , 15000 , Girls , Lake , Search , Iowa , Bike Ride , Idea , Tacks , Detacks , Route , Race , Series , Evansda Evansdale , Tour De France Turning Into , Race Officials , Competitors , Court , Flats , 30 , Mitt Romney , Condoleezza Rice , Choice , Running Mate , Vp Stakes , Heart Healthy Diet , Honey Nut Cheerios , The One And Only , Gym , Collaboration , Cloud , Ideas , Network , Power , Computing , Apps , Points , Card , Ways , At T , Business Works Better , Sightseeing , Thank Youpoints , We Go For A Ride In The Park , Fresh Air , The Hard Way , Announcer , Citi Thankyou , Rewarding You , Friends , Restrictions , Step , Electricity , Natural Gas , Partner , Co2 Emissions , Broader , Atmix Of Energies Ve The World , Brazil , 50 , World , Mom , Sugarcane , Biofuel , Energy Mix , Let S Go , Shell , President Obama , Tax Policies , State Of Ohio , Room Foe , Jobs , Games , Intention , History , Apologizing , Offensive , Backing , Bain Capital , Mr , It , Economy , Campaigns , Issue , The , Voters , Business , Business Experience , Running Mates Hately , Fan , First Off , Peter , Condoleezza Rice Balloon , Peter S , Weekend , Governors , Balloon , Hill , Republican , Bit , Trial Balloon , Attempt , Mix , Subject , Conservatives , Consequences , Fine Point , Columnists , Listen , George Will , Abc , Campaign , Floor , Suspension , Outcome , Excitement , Delegations , Walkouts , Challenge , Up Roarus Convention , Office , States , Class , Constituents , Staffer , Isn T , Phone Calles , Senate , 40 , Pick , Problem , Condoleezza Rice Is Romney S , Pen Straighted , Names , Republicans , Hair , Hurry , Guys , Brand , Rob Portman , Tim Pawlenty , Lots , House Budget Chairman , Bobby Jindal , Paul Ryan , Talking To You , Marco Rubio , Kelly Ayot , Nmgs , Stories , Christine Romans , Diabetic , Health , Concerns , Dozens , Wildfire , Canyon , 61 , Homes , Fire , California National Guard , Danger , North Carolina , 170 , 20 , Mary Kennedy , Firefighters , Hellside , Cape Cod , 2000 , Officials , Grave , Spouses , Plots , California , San Bernardino , Mortgages , Value , City , Plane , Selling , Bere , News , Newspaper , Headlines , Firm , Tacoma News Tribune , 15 , Couch , Hikers , Fun , Hiking , Anywhere , North Cascades National Park , Trouble , Incident , Deal , On Friday , Climbers , Campsite , Mountain , Washington State , Snow , Woman , Rangers , Boulder , Condition , Injuries , Fractures , Times A Rescue Crew , Jeremy Lin , Newspapers , Sanity , Star Update , New York Knicks , Contract , Rockets , 25 Million , 15 Million , 5 Million , Life , Lin Over , Story , Oman , Car , Offer , Persistence , 42 , Yes , Point , Bob Russell , Sale , Vehicle , Philadelphia , Ebay , 1967 , Keys , Title , 1970 , Reports , Guy , Wall , Look , Party , Head , Fly , Blog , Cnn Com Earlystart , Everything , Coming Up , Romans , Ben Bernanke , Look Ahead , Stimulus , Wall Street , Fed , Coffee Mate , Cost , Coffee House , Flavors , Flavor , Fraction , Record Skips , Music Plays , Nestle , 25 , Protein , Times , Water , Vitamins , Fat , Minerals , Standards , Lid , Clear , Huh , Zero , Nine , Twenty One , Peach , Pomegranate , Blueberry , Railway , Charge , New York State , Nutrition , Nine Grams Protein , Businesses , West , Well Today , Empires , Edge , Determination , Innovation , First Trade Route , Skin , Thenewny Com , Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion , Moisturizer , Improvement , Oatmeal Formula , Aveeno , 2 , Olympic Dream , Planet , Sky , Breathes , Stadium , Solutions , Dream , Dow , Solutionism , Olympic Village , Optimism Tm , Dream Nikki , Brick , Smile , Crest 3d , Whitening , White Toothpaste , Surface Stains , Brushing , Wow , 90 , 5 , 3 , Cereal , The One That Got Away , Ex Girlfriend , Ooh , Iceland , Omer Rios , Rate , Rally , Congratulations , Raise , Cd , Customer , Fifty Thousand Dollars , Fifty Thousand , Bank , Rate Increase , Nonsense , Ally Bank , Markets , Stock , Down , European , Move Up , Christine , Stock Futures , Fed Chairman , Capitol Hill , Banks , Gauge , Jp Morgan Chase , Something , Course , Banking Industry , Barclay , Interest Rate , Starts , Comments , Scandal , Core , Barclay S Is , Company , Sad , Saying , Regulators , Rate Ratings Scandal , Put , Perspective , Reporting , Memo , Reuters , Bbc , Students Loans , Car Loans , Investigation , Level , Allegation , Industry , Foundation , Temperature , Heart , Mea Culpas , Crisis , Black Eye , Profit , Credibility , Prosecutors , Mortgage Crisis , Target , Moss , Bel , Death , Son , Go To Cnn Com Tv , Sage , Investigators , A Hollywood Icon , Jack , Identity , Identity Thief , Bank Accounts , Debit Card , Onh Bill , Stole Mary , Onh , Information , Equity , Angie , Retirement , Credit Line , Diner , Identity Theft , Lifelock , Millions , Havoc , Credit Monitoring Services , Protection , Stop It , Bank Account , Alerts , 60 , E Mail , Attack , Credit , Social Security Number , 24 7 , Service Guarantee , No One , 1 Million , A Million , Hands , Nothing , Identity Theft Protection Risk , Document Shredder , Promo Code , Documents , 29 , 9 , Being , Boston , Captive , White House , E Egypt , Lesson , Tense Goerngzs , 28 , Men , Women , Sense , At Last , Least , Proof , Don T You , John Berman , Approach , Up First , Dear , Pastor , Victim , Hostage Taker , Parishion Parishioners , Uncle 5e7s , Window , Tier , State Department , Mohammed Fahmy , Officers , Yrl , Pharmacy , Medicine , Mobile Phone , Areas , Anything , Border , Maneuvering , Captivity Agreement , Drugs , Types , Kidnaps , Half , Tv , Everybody , The General , Many , Assuring , Health Situation , Nile , Town , Lower Egypt , Safety , Destination , Region , Revolution , Tour Bus , Uprighting , Lawlessness , Police Escort , Media , Mubarak , Coverage N , Country , Translator , Regime , Middle East , Side , 34 , Positions , Anyone , Massacres , Refugees , Killings , Colleagues , Words , Crimes , Syrian , Red Cross , Video , Accusations , Declaration , Viewers , Wake , Civil War , Politics , Of Tremseh , Forces , Civilians , Feeling , 200 , Term , Cbs News , Join The Club , Lessons , Charlie Rose , It Doesn T , Regret , Decency , Atmosphere , Problems , Leadership , Fault , Blame , Bill Kristol , Conservative Xhem Tater , Heat , Debate , Record , Back , Capital Im , Focus , Candidate , Doesn T , China , Uniforms , Flack , Athletes , Sylvester Stallone , County Corridor , Eight , Film Rojts , 36 , Jason Kidd , Headline , Ip Tox , Suv , Telephone Pole , Hamptons , Iq Testing , Females , Data , Time , Trend , Multi Tasking , Some , Arrest Rate , Chris Christie , Role , Moving On , New Jersey , Chaps , 38 , Opportunity , Event , Ffer , Mercedes Benz , Powerful C250 Sport Sedan , 31 , July 31st , Price , Summer Event , 72 , 93 , News Headlines , Bills , Odd Avenue Jailed Uncle In Return , Personnel , Landslide , Path , Swiping Everything , Stop , British Columbia , Camera , Wiping Down Trees , Journalists , Host , News Crew , Realtime Footage , Boat , Disaster , Land Slide , Bodies , Voter Credibility , Voter Database , Slight , Florida , Chris , Effort , Noncitizens , Voting Roles , Tee , Surprise Move , Vice Chairman , Organization , National Governor S Association , Nshl , Chance , Weight , Researchers , Conclusion , High School Students , Kind , Fries , Odds , Somebody Else , Cler , Part , Ray Of Light , Skies , Double Rainbow , Rainbow , Flooding , Raven , Negative , Pictures , Nasa , Colors , The Sun , Angle , Means , Sn , Rob Marciano , Access , Summer , Chicago , South , Minneapolis , Rapid City , Green Bay , Rain Drops , Temperatures , Heat Moves , Northeast , Baltimore , 12k3 100 , 100 , 1 , 00 , 12 , Kansas City , Tap , Low 90s , Staying In The 80s , 96 , 97 , 80 , 95 , Five , Affair , Citys , Swath , Road Books , Highs Tomorrow , 101 , Things , Terms , Flood Threat , Heavy Rain , Picture , Wind Gusts , Cold Front , Alexandra , Question , Weather , Plains , Storm Moves , House , Control , Bruise Springsteen , Concert , Fans , The Boss , Sales , Liege , Graph , Fret , Ultrabook , Device , Purchase Order , Ultra , Sleek , Computers , Lines , Intel , Hassle , Ultra Responsive Ultrabook , Wedomestic Energy Future , Clean , Risk , Wind , Energy Development , Solar , Hp , Energy Future , Pain Signals , Relief , Capzasin , Spain , Arthritis , Counsel , Berman , Georgia , Atlanta , Bruce Springsteen , Flights , 92 , Boss , Lopped , Plug , Paul Mccartney , Show , Jamming , Uproar , Curfew , Middle , Bad , Twist And Shout , Hissy Fit , Photos , Solar Flare , Banks Don T , F 1 4 , July 12th , 1 3 , 1 4 , Thursday July 12th , Electronics Equipment , Orange , Tinfoil Hat , Job , Group , Source , Vvtv , Houm Domino Chain , Mattress , World Record , Hats , Rules , 850 , Face , Safe , Sure , Casualties , Sox Soccer Field , Negotiators , Address , Church Group , Sane , Season , Tee Shirlt , 6 , Ths , Referee , Esinai , Hostage , Parishioners , Prisoners , Pastor Lou , Dad , Pleasure , Don T Lie , Spectacle , Christians , Details , Truth , Regards , Didn T , Lie , Examples , Kidnapping , Gunman , Mother , Member , Steps , Reaction , Father , Lady , Leader , Addition , Somewhere , Relatives , Knowledge , Loved Ones , Husband , Seizure , He Didn T Have Shoes , Bus , Others , Amerans , Work , Staff , Negotiator , Spirits , Faith , Reason , God , Description , Support , Faith Rallying , Emotion , Brothers And Sisters , The Other Two , Prayers , Daniel , Jane , Strength , Nathaniel , Debra , Hit , Tomatoes , Tomato , Questions , Nations , Perez And But Didn T , Threat , Uncertainty , Peace , Prosperity , Stability , Goals , Democracy , Leaders , Person , Soccer Complex , Soccer Players , Elizabeth Collins , 8 , Volunteers , Hundreds , Research , Evansville , 10 , Proposal , Council Members , Case , Speaking Members , Proceedings , Translators , Parents , Nonenglish , English , Vote , Residents , Walnut , Asian , July 25th , Lin Star State , Knicks , Luxury Tax , Poison Pill , Wasn T He Sleeping , Times Change , Sweet Revenge , Houston Rockets , Cut , Attacks , Dog , Private Equity Firm , Apology , Barking , Movie , Bone , Home Insurance , Cut Rate , Allstate , Gasping , Car Insurance , Electricity Crackling , Thing , Soil , Mayhem , Agent , Friend , Everywhere , Difference , Dennis , Food , Goodness , Thinking , Mind , Tricks , Oils , Purina One , Pet , Maturity , Purina One Smartblend , Nature , Road , Love , Diabetes , Shakes , Weight Loss Plans , Doctor , Subaru , Help , Hunger , Sugars , Carbs , Carb , Blood Sugar Spikes , Glucerna Hunger Smart , Fifteen , Energy , Lives , North America , Producers , Generations , State Of The Art Monitoring Technologies , Sources , Drilling Thousands , Feet , Well Systems , Operations , Rigorous , Communities , Environment , Pricing , Brakes , Town Hall Meeting , Battleground State , Campaign Offensive , Eighth , Fame Game , Romney Claims He , Peter Hamby , Williams Burg , Tax Returns , Line , Meeting , Spilling , Cristho , Chris Toll Re , Gas , Tax , Foot , Romney Over Bayne , Above The Fruited Plain , Offshore Bank Accounts , Outsourcing Bain , Aim , Purple Mountain , Pressure , Bolt , Ridehis , Networks , Ed Gillespie , Surrogates , Team , Donors , Sort , Page , 2002 , Cronyism , Works , Solyndra , Talking Point , Phones , Calls , Cappives , Defrance Turning Into The Tour De Tacks , Rider , French , Christine , Scott Sniby , Worlds , Art , Technology , Marriage , Palm , Cosmos , 16 , Ipad , Programs , All Of A Sudden , Hand , Song , Say , Worlds Of Wonder , Bubble Harp , Homeowners , Signs , Housing Market , Cool , The Next List , Recovery , Cnn Com Early Start , Long Run , Miles Aren T , Epa , Lexus Ct Hybrid , Generation , Auto Insurance , Pursuit , Perfection , Usaa , Vietnam , South Pacific , Iraq , 1968 , 1943 , 2003 , Veterans , Families , Commitment , Military , Legacy , Equal , Auto Insurance Quote , Wealth Management , Opportunity In Today S Challenging Environment , Experience , Vision , Bny Mellon , Opportunities , Reality , Make , Obvious , Success , Gator Rsx 850i , Agility , Gator , Species , Horsepower , Multilink Suspension , Speed , Johndeere Com Gator , Sixty Two , 53 , 2012 , 12 1 Million , 2011 , 11 4 Million , Upticks , Bloomberg , Bottom , Market , Skidding , Silent , Report , Analyst , Co Author , Housing , Housing Rebound , Rebound , Screen , Seven , House Prices , First , Quarter , Preoccupation , Houses , Prices , Home Prices , Chart , 2013 , Bubble , Tat , Home Sales , Mobility , 33 , Rates , Savings , Unemployment , Mortgage Rates , Lending Standards , Mortgage Interest Rates , Price Hit , Loans , 1950 , Mortgage Payments , Lending , Foreclosing On Properties , Mortgage Markets , Confidence , Short Eling , Requirements , Mortgage , Credit Scores , Scores , Fico Score , Order , Down Payment , Average , Termof , 720 , 736 , 750 , Senior Analyst , Housing Boom , Tightening , 680 , Recession , Camps , Booth , Numbers , Interest Rates , Same , Lenders , Loan , Credit Score , Zip Code , Expenses , Process , Rule Follower , Score , Wasn T , Secret , Cumulative , Top , Shake Up , Desk , Message , Folks , Amber Waves Of Grain , Romney Singing , Oh Beautiful , Grace , Brotherhood , Good , Thee , Tension Negotiations , Private Equity Firm Bain Capital , Top Adviser , Controversy , Leadership Role , Possession , General , Latest , Medicine Fm , Negotiation , Stalemate , Drug Charges , Demands , Wanted Fugitive , Cell Phones , Machinery , Kidnapped , May , Unharmed , Intentions , Local Channel , Well Fed , Military Chief , Story Progresses , North Korea , Word , Post , Replacement , Ri Yong Ho , Government News Reports , Adviser , Leave , Salt Lake , Candy Crowley , To Bain , Absence , Management , Wouldn , Decisions , Olympics , Chick Politics , Sinister , Boston Globe , Chief Executive Office , Position Vice Chairman , Position , Reinforcements , Security Moblization , World War Ii , To Amaze , Correspondent Dan Rivers , Thousands , Summer Olympics , 11 , Security Firm , Change , Plans , Calendar , Olympic Sites , 4 , Home Office , Guards , No Problem , Organizers , Interior Ministry , Number , Computer Glitch , Training , Shambles , Breach , Army , Fiasco , 35 000 , Chief Executive , Door , G4s , Share Price , Tanking , Services , The Main , Ball , Terror Watch List , Suspects , Profile , Papers , Desks , Heathrow Airport , Passport , Need , Terrorists , Inspector , Pointing , Dan Rivers In London , Tests , Soledad O Brien , Captives , Gun Point In Egypt , O , Statue , Symbol , School Tear , Joe Paterno , 900 , Ken Block , Call , Football Stadium , Streets Of San Francisco , Rest , Studio , Ten , Parking Spots , Starting Point , Outrage , Star Learning , Soledad , One Nba , Adventure , Wasn T Easy For Atti , City Life , Indoors , Couple , Purina Cat Chow , Muggy , Alexandra Steele , Washington D C , 76 , Negotiating , Both , Thank Goodness , Crazy , Aftermath , Footage , Rescue Crews , Body , Department Of Homeland Security , Data Base , Terrible , Voting Rolls , Nonvoters , Law , Ham Tons , Capital , Performers , Nets , Corner , Dallas , Brooklyn , Landmarks , Test , Stunts , Acrobatics , Action Dancers , Shimmying Down Famous Landmarks , Travel Forecast , Holy Cow , Highs , Heat Advisories , Cooldown , Hottest , To Harrisburg , Twin Cities , Eastern Seaboard , 99 , Scorcher , Mid Atlantic , Wichita , Trains , Fire And Rain In The West , Midsection , Fires , Books , Potential , Flash Flooding , Drought , Hang On , Thunderstorms , Recipe , Passion , Break , Brittany , Actor La Var Burtton , The Kids , The End , Fees , Know , Ya , 973 42 , 73 42 , Spokesman , Quicken Loans , Works Fuel Saver Package , Grades , Pay , Tire Inflation , Ford , Jim Twitchel , Care , Sum Up , Dealer , Rebate , Bunch , Mike , 29 95 , 9 95 , Insurance , Members , Making , Aarp Medicare Supplement , Insurance Company , Unitedhealthcare , Fifty Three , Advice , Glasses , Teacher , Levav Burton , Rainbows , Reading Rainbow And Star Trek , Purpose , Activity , Matter , Airplane , Way , Passion Nalt , Reading Rainbows , Reading Rainbow , Doesn T Want , Quts Earrl Larly Star , Star Trek , Trlivesn , Two Americans And Tour Guide , Bain , Departure , Eyes , Worries , Felony , Racing , Don Lemon , Bullies , Daughter , Without A Trace , Interview , Bikes , Joke , Tires Punctures , Saw Cnn , Facebook , Elizabeth , Wheel , Rally Cross ,

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