Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20220517 :

FOXNEWSW Hannity May 17, 2022

0 as we continue to work operating from the new norms, rules and agreements that we will convene to work together on to galvanize global action. so if you take a truckload of cliches and put them in as blender, that's what you get . congratulations, kamala harris. we'll see you tomorrow night. the ones you loveamal. and welcome to hannity. it is the night before the all important pennsylvania primary and coming up, the candidate and that i and president trumpat endorse the senate. dr. mehmet oz will be here. plus we will continue our investing into his opponent, ve kathy barnett, who is backedst by a shadowy swampy never trumper group names club for growth. i know they used tonymo be republican. they're not anymore. nowys tonight , the mystery surrounding kathy barnett gets stranger and strangernd. there are still more questions than there are answers tonight about barnett, her background, her rhetoric, political beliefs, her tweets beyond controversial whether or not she could even compete in a general election. that's straight ahead. but first we. turn to the horrific shooting in buffalo, new york over the weekend. a deranged racist monster opened fire at a supermarket murdering 10 innocentre americans. tonight we all doo pray for all of the victims and their p families and the entire city of buffalo. everyone impacted o by this despicable act of violence. sadly yet unfortunately, predictably, many on the left almost immediately startedg exploiting their pain, their suffering for political gain. in fact, after the shooting itok took democrats just three hours to start blaming republicansca and conservatives and talk show hosts and fox news. of course, it's the same terrible smear tactic that liberals have been using for years now in the 90s0s youl might remember former president bill clinton tried to blame rush limbaughcl and talk radio for the oklahoma city bombing. he letters he later said, quote, so the instrument carrying this forward was basically the right wing radio talk show hosts and they understand clearly that motionn was more powerful than reason most of the time. and now you might remember in 2007 then senator joe biden remember he blamed george w. bush, newt gingrich for the virginia tech massacre. rem you might remember in twenty sixteen the new york times blaming 2 the entire republican party for the pulse nightclub shooting in twenty nineteen democrats blaming president trump for the el pasob shooting. and just today, democrat eric swalwell blaming house republicans for a shooting in california where apparently a chinese man opened fire on a taiwanese a congregation. swallow referred to the shooter as the gop's quote, boy,. whatever that means now we can go on and on . democrats always play the blame game unless of course,unle doest benefit them politically. almost no one in the media mob is covering the thirty three people that were shot in chicago. their nameshica right there over the weekend. did youei hear their names? did you hear any reports? did you hear any outrage? you did you hear any blame? we as per usual, this program we've done this since two thousand s nine. we scrolled the names of thousands and thousands of names of people shot in chicagoi that you've never heard about. and you might ask, well, why is that ? why every weekend 30 , 40 , 50 , 60 people shot. we never hear about those people shot. democrats can't blame republicans. they can't blame conservativeses and they'd have to look at their policies. let's see on crime defund dismantle a no bail lawss so not a peep from the democrats about the ten people shot in baltimore duringt a single day that any of you hear about the thirty four people shot during one week in los angeles. does joe biden ever talk about the daily violence gripping america's cities because a democratic party policies defund, dismantle no bail out tomorrow biden will pay a visit to buffalo, but keep in mind, he didn't visit wisconsin but keep in mind he didn't visit wisconsin last fall after darrel brooks murdered six and injured sixty two during an attack on a christmas parade. he didn't visit new york in april after a black nationalist named frank james opened fire in a new york city subway shooting ten in fact, democratse didn't play the blame game after either of these attacks, by the way, never m mind the fie hundred and seventy four riots that let's say killed dozens of americans, injured thousands of cops, caused billions in property damage. ie their silence was deafening. they called those protests mostly peaceful. they weren't even close to mostly peaceful in twenty seventeen after a far leftie bernie sanders super fan and according to the dailydo caller, rachel maddow lover attempted to massacre republik lawmakers at a congressional baseball practice that's one where steve scalise nearly lost his life and no blame game there either. this was a politically motivated act of violence from a guy who openly declared his love for bernie sanders and rachel maddow. butg following the shooting, democrats didn't smear matto. they didn't they didn't goie after bernie sanders and nor should they have no one to be held accountable for the evil actions of a depravedir individual. whatever their political leanings may or may p not be , everyone's responsibler for their own conduct. in fact,uc right here on this program, when these incidents came up, it turned out to be big supporters of liberals. i have been saying it for years. take a look. let me make one thing clear . we believe that every individual they are responsiblee for their own actions and theirs own decisions. i did not blame bernie sanders on this program. i went out of my way not tola blame himme for the fact that oe of his supporters was violent against those those people playing on the ball field. now earlier i said the sameab thing about al gore. remember the unabomber radically far left anen environmentally conscious terrorist who was apparentlyvi n avid reader of al gore's book earth in the balance ofn' the unbalanced. but i didn't blame al gore for the psychotic actions of ted kaczynski either. we've been remarkably consistent. we condemn all riots, we condemn all violence and we don't blame people that did nott cause people to act this way. take a look . were always called by the left. never blame the victim for example, you had the unabomber in his hut. al gore's book earth in the balance was in there that al gore inspired the unabomber. that wouldn't be fair.ny or you can take any number ofpl exampleses where left wing words do not cause people. op you cannot say that words are causing people to be violent, ve but that's the narrative on this show.s we condemn show all violence. we deplore all acts of hatred, all acts of bigotry. we stand up against racism where we see it. wewe refuse to exploit horrific loss of life for political gain . democrats, liberals, the media mob should be ashamed of themselves but sadly they have f no shame they will do anything for power. they'll dothey anything to lie, smear, besmirch and slander conservatives. and by the way, for the record,r no one spews more violentas rhetoric than the left in case r you need a refresher course. >> here you go. you cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you standde for, what you care about. but i like to debate this gentleman. ld take i said no. i said y if we were in high a school i'd take yound behind the gym and beat the hell out of you. i'd be ready to take a punch.ote i think i'd be throw a punch. you'll get out and you out and then you will go.ot >>e everyone should take note of that on both level. >> >> they're not going to let up and they should not. i want to tell both sidesll i want to tell you, cavanaugh, you really a whirlwind and you ride get up in the face of some congresshe. does you any good running away from donald trump? i think i need to go back and punch him in the face. i dare you say the things he does. of course want to punchto himunh in the face. yeah, i have thought an awful h lotav about blowing up the white house last time nitrogeniv assassinated the president. michelle says that when they go low they go low. we can go they go low, we kick them magin us for a second. that was rhetoric coming fromm c conservativeson, donald trumpne supporters or this news channel. what would the reaction in the country be anyway? here with reaction now, foxh news contributor joe conchaut along with fox news contributor leo 2.0or hero leo 2.0 tomorrow. we'll start with you tonight very specifically. dardi this double standard has existed for a long timest . fed up with it. it's a big lie. they get away with it. i neverhe blame rachel maddow. , i never blame bernie sanders. i never blame anybody forny violent actions except blame ale gore for the unabomber. you blame u the peoplenabomber.e involved in the actions. but the left doesn't play fair like no, they never will. they it's done. you've done this for years. you scroll the names of those black victims. it's going to be very clear tomorrow joe biden is going to buffalo to playo the whites of privacy card because the democrats exploit black americans for one reason for power. for the black on black crime. you will see joe biden going to chicago or l.a. or any of these democratic cities if because they use black is americans for power and control, do they do help black americans? look at the school, look look at the crime? absolutely not. but they played this rhetoric. they played this game. ki young know what if not working as much, if not having the samec effect that it had years ago because people are wise to that's why you have blacks and brown leaving the democratic party . i and what they're trying to do now is do whatever they can to create a new base because most people want liberty and freedom. the democratic elites want that control over people's lives. the best example is legal to point outxa because with joe v biden said ifot you vote for trump, you a black and they're fighting to please black americans, people of all o color was liberty and freedom and that's what they don'tra get from the democrats. the democrats are only masters of the race card when it's black and white. all right. let me bring in the media angley . joe concha, probably the best media person on tv todayay. you pay very close attention to this . the doubleub standard i don't what the examples i use areof only the tip of the iceberg here, joe . you can give many more and go on probably for the next hour giving examples of the hypocrisy. yeah. and in the end the focus shouldl be on from those in this mediaun accountability should begin and end with the person pulling and we should mourn the victims. but some of this business completely skipped that partny and rush to judgment beforeon anyone really knew anything about the shooter or his motives. here are f the facts, sean,ac the shooter in this specifically attacked this network and conservatives in general in his crazy manifesto no matter because this horrific shooting is being exploited to push broader narratives and agendas. in this case, it's twofold. it's gun control and it's censorship in no particular order. and by playing a blame gamese and pointing the finger at those not remotely involved, we missed nd, the bigger storyth that overall when you look atat it from a macro level, the u.s. murder rate in this country rose to a twenty five year high .t year. mr biden's first year 16 cities said homicide recordss in twente twenty one . and there also isn't enough focus on the heroes here eithero . and that laguna beach shooting a primary care physician, is dr. john chang.hi he sacrificed himself to save others. ohe attacked the gunman and was able to subdue have long enoughs while injured for othern parishioners to come in and hang time before the police arrived. dr. chang saved god knows how many lives in that church and throughout his life in this profession, he's an absolute hero and may he rest in peace, say his name again. dr. john chiang. here, let me go to you, joe . stay on the media for a second, then we'll get a comment from leah and leah brought it up. we have scrolled the names of thousands of people that have been shot in thee city of chicago. we started in two thousand and nine. that was barack obama'ss homee city and they have not lifted a finger to stop the violence in that city. the names go on every weekend xw numberee 20 , 30 , 40 , 50 , 60, maybe even as high as 70 people shot 30 people dead. whatever the number is, youea never hear a word. i thought every life mattered. why is that ? we never hear a word from anybody on the democratic side about fixing violence in cities and towns that have been runts by liberal democrats now for decades. >> it's accepted as as the new the new normal, i suppose, sean, you know, when i mentioned before that sixteen cities saidef homicide records, all of them were run or are rund by democratic mayors, mostly in states that haveem democratic governors. so the narrative suddenly becomes very inconvenient when it comes to reporting these stories. and yeah, you mentionedgo the shootings in chicago. wein know what's going to happed this summer as the days go longeray and more people are ou, you're going to hear numbers that rival thosese that you hear about only in other countries. you say, well, no, that'she happening over there. no, it'ss happening here in chicago, my favorite city and you're rightic, the national media just yawnsns at this point because i guess they feel it isn't a story because it happens so often, sean, and they can't blame conserve s there's and they can't blame fox news and talk radio and republicans leo, they can't because you know what's like for the last year since i've been a contributor, systemic racism doesn't existstraci excee in the minds of democrats. you see the democratic playbook nineteen sixty. you talked about crime in democratic city. they run b the city but there's still systemic racism stillri systemic discrimination because it's the only card they have. and again president biasbi can drop everything and run to buffalo and he's going too play the race card as much as he a can to distract us . but the american people are too wide for. that gate. >> all right, leo, thank you . joe , thank you . a right now to the all important gop senate primary race in the commonwealth of pennsylvania. that will happen tomorrow. full disclosure, we've been honest we always are. i endorse dr. oz and the primary president trump has endorsed him as well. recently another gop candidatewn has drawn a lot a of latett attention after only the last week, the 10 days all seemingly out ofmi nowhere. she hasn't been vetted up to t this point. kathy barnett is now facing a massive and evolving scandal over her past beliefslv or past comments or past tweets and her actions and inconsistencies that she seems unwilling toto answer. we tried to call or contact w her team and we can't make contact at this point. look at your screen. here is barnetttt marching alongside us just broke today. radical proud boy storying jan a six. she claims she had no idea who they were and that she breached the capital . and look at this on twitter. barnat frequently spewed i mean, not just once, nott one day, not occasionally. quite a bit of hateful rhetoric against gay people, people that are muslims. she once asked her followers to pray for her because she was about to board the plane tobo california and there was a homosexual female on the flight all right. and she also insinuated obama was a muslim. i this will alln come up in ael general election. she called for islamec to be banned in the united states. kathy, we have something called freedom of religion in this m country. what part of that are you not understanding when asked about these incendiary remarks and other issues, kathy barnetts doesn't ever really seem to have an answer. >> takewe a look. >> where were you an adjunct college professor? yes. you know, and in fact, let me just make this really short form you into your list and to your viewers. you can go to my website at barnat for senate .com. we've placed right there on the front page you'll see my family and around my family is i a will and we place rightyo there the things you want tou know about happy barnat, overwhelming majority of the tweets that are now being presented are not even full of thoughts. they're not even fullr sentencet and yet people take it and they begin to build their own narrative around it. so i can't provide a lot of context because again, it's almost ten years ago. whyyear is a where is your acco hacked? i'm very curious about this . yeah. regarding that regarding those particular tweets, if you look y at the tweet, they are not evens a full stop. it's n not even a full there's o it's not even a full sentence. s and so there is more to follow and because this is seven, eight years ago, i don't w know what you did and when presented initially i had no idea it would just put in my faceus ambushed. >> okay, and when asked about it she says i it doesn't sound like me. whyim is that on your timeline? do you sher t wouldn't answer t your question if she thoughtar she was on twitter. she's also hadhy a hard time explaining why she led an effort in twenty twenty toff a massive statue to former president barack obama next to a lincoln statue in washington dc. what republicanta i conservativo you know that would lead an effort to build a statue of barack obama? one personon't knoww and get this in 2015. didn't support president trump at all. she slammed him on her twitter account regularly, didn't vote for him in the primary. she attacked me for supporting then candidate trump. meanwhile, her ties to the club for growth t is even more disturbing now make no mistake about it used to be a good group. steve moore started it. he's a good guy. he's out of it. seventeen years. but this group hasro now evolved into a never trumper shady swampy washington group that is now sending millions and millions of dollars into her campaigner. and according to the new york times, the group is supporting barnett as an act of revenge against trump and they have given barnett millions of their donors dollars donorsee don't give to the club for w growth unless you agree with them. they're supporting a candidate. you agree with the candidates tweetie. so how should we interpret this ? is the club for growth willing e to lose a senate seat because they want to stick it to donald trump who they neverk supportedrs in the first place? oft course, the club for growth denies the allegation seems m pretty obvious to me. that's my conclusion now according to barnett, she loses the primary. she's not going to support whoever the gop nominee is. >> not a good idea. take a look. if you do not win tomorrow, do you intend to support the republican nominee? whoever does, i have no intention of supporting globalisten. i believe we have ran out of room on this one race and this patient i believe we have very h little rope left to just roll the dice and see how it all works out. on the other hand , i cannot even put into words how critically important this race is. as i've said many, many times, it mightht well decide the balance of power in the us senate after this midterm the late great william f. buckley jr. once stated be for the most conservative or right viable candidate one that couldy win. i like kathy barnett.he i think she has a great life story but she has not been vettedhe and she does not seem o meet that criteria at all in any way, shape or form. pennsylvania is a must hold senate seat and if you look at real conservatives when you will hear from next that will a in fact have not only a great chance i predict will win the general election if he wins the primary tomorrow. we'll hear from dr. ozil a as we continue straight ahead after the break. >> please stay wi

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