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no. >> joe biden brought us the era of catch and release. now house democrats want to bring us to the era of catch, release, and vote because mass emigration that is uninvited by our country is there a mechanism to seize power at the border. it's a terrible time to be offering amnesty in the congress. we should be focusing on border security and protecting our country. >> texas republican congressman august lugar just toured a border facility. we'll talk about that when he joins me and we will get his reaction to shocking new video of a gun battle not far from the texas border. i want to begin with casey >> live in mission texas with our top story. >> at least some are getting access to some of these migrant detention centers and getting a chance to tour them. as you well know, fox news and just every other media organization on the planet have been asking over and over and over when journalists would be let inside to tour one of those facilities as well. and then we have not had any requests back answered in terms of yes or no or just a flat out and i'll. i went through holding center with other reporters to see conditions for ourselves at the time then report back to our viewers. i can't say that this go around yet. the dhs secretary says migrant adults and family units are being sent back to mexico. refugee camps in cities like this year are growing, you can see. on the u.s. side, children apprehended are allowed to stay housed by the federal government and assisted by dozens of charitable organizations will also relay their horror stories. >> they come with their young children, because they are so afraid they will not be able to protect their children. that their child is going to be pulled away by one of the gangs. >> and the fox news droned back with us in the sky over the rio grande river at our live position here. governor greg abbott now putting state law enforcement teams on the case. specializing in child and human trafficking and smuggling. he says it's important to help identify and stop the flow right from the source of those organizations. and also he says it's very important to have access to those children. in other words, bps troopers need to be that in he says to these holding facilities so that they can interview the kids to see if they have been criminally exploited or a lot of the other horror stories that we here can happen along the way. harris. >> harris: we have so many of them to gain access to now for all of those agents. that is a tremendous job. casey stegall, thank you very much. we're seeing border agents have their hands full. talk about -- aside from the migrant surge that's playing out, a former texas border captain captured this terrifying video of a cartel gun battle in mexico right across the river from texas. watch. >> gun battle. >> it's important at the american people know that what's happening here is much broader in scope than people crossing our border. >> harris: i want to bring in congress republican from texas who just visited the border. thanks for being with me. what we just saw and heard, is that a fluke? >> it's not a fluke. it is the behavior that's incentivized by the bad bod and border policies. drug trafficking, humic trafficking, the heat reversed. we've seen thousands of illegal crossings every single day. the secretary cannot even accept the fact that this is a crisis. he won't admit to it and neither will president biden. >> you have to experience this. what that sentiment just was witnessing as he stopped talking to let the camera roll on the sound of that gun battle, i, that's not iraq. that's our southern neighbor. >> bill: that's exactly right. it is just another symptom of the fact that the policies are indicating to everyone including american citizens that our borders open. yesterday, the secretary of homeland security said that our border is secure. excuse me, mr. secretary, we have for thousands of 5000 to 6,000 people according to your own agents that are crossing every day including those on terror watch list. this is not secure. >> harris: we are both young enough to remember secretary jeh johnson. i'm being facetious. it wasn't that long ago that he said under obama if he had a thousand crossing over in a day, it was a bad day. this is gone so far field that can make catch up and what does it look like? >> have to get back to policies that actually secure the border. the remaining mexico policy that we had with the northern triangle countries of the honduras and guatemala, they were able to turn folks back. president biden to use rather it strong and secure rhetoric it. do not come to this border illegally. we have a process. there is a legal law and order way that we do this. knowing across illegally. the people that are actually hurting the most are the kids. that is the real tragedy. >> harris: congressman, i want to get this in real quickly before i have to let you go. you know, the president joe biden has said in the interview recently with george stephanopoulos, don't come. you might take that as i don't come yet. there's no indication that the policies are going to change. it says that our agents, everybody is overwhelmed right now. fema is there. they're putting gears in the first time today and that convention center in dallas. you seeing things rollout. you not seen the president go to the border. this is the thing. i don't know if the words from him would make that much of a difference. when you consider the two immigration bills that are being pushed today, what does that do to the situation? >> eight shows you how tone-deaf the administration is to their crisis. when zero notification with no coordination, they put overnight a facility to hold up to 700 kids. they didn't contact the sheriff for the mayor of a judge or anybody i could actually help and collaborate. they just did this. it's a symptom of exactly what i just talked about. not realizing or admitting that this is a crisis. the same thing could be said for the bills that they are trying to pass this week which don't address the real issue. we have a crisis at the border because of biden's bad policies. >> harris: congressman, i've been calling it a disaster. the only time i've covered fema on the ground as reported they were going through a hurricane, or tornado, a disaster. that's what's happening now with how they are dealing with this. >> thank you very much. i appreciate it, harris. >> harris: absolutely. the date is set for a president biden sellout news conference. why did it take so long? it will have been 64 days. like a nonday advance of what the news is going to be. i wish i got a nonday advance and what the news is going to be. there is this. >> why have we not still in the images inside the facilities? it seems like there's an element of secrecy here. >> if you wanted to grant access to the press, could you just tell dhs to do it? >> harris: great question for the white house facing a barrage of questions on press access at the border. the biden administration is reportedly enforcing an official -- unofficial i should say a gag order on its agents. when will we get to see for ourselves what's actually going on? all this with joe concha next. g ♪ hey limu! 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>> one would think. i always heard this saying that the buck stops here with the white house. for the white house breaks every theory to say go talk to dhs, we can handle that. i thought this was supposed to be one of the most honest and transparent administrations that we will see. instead we see a media blackout at the border. imagine if president trump had done this. they were its authoritarian and dictator, the quota would run out. we know why there's a blackout. you have facilities that are at 100% being overrun. the cdc says these facilities have 50% because i was covid and now they are at 100% purity of migrants by the hundreds testing positive for covid and being released into the u.s. population that is literally a supers breaded event. and certainly something you support. okay. if it's something they support, to simply say, allow the media in and see what's going on. but instead, it's the usual dodge. >> harris: there is layering on to this. as journalists, this is really a problem. when you start to tell the very people who are doing the work of this that they are not allowed to talk to the press, what is going on behind the scenes? is there a threat they are to their job? what does that look like? the freedom of information act information. if they want to talk and put in writing, we can do that. what does this administration trying to say? is this a hit on us as reporters? >> it certainly seems that way. it's typical of the pattern as far as not allowing any access to the president, for instance in terms of a press conference not being held for nine weeks into and administration. at the border, the fact that -- it's not only that he is putting in request saying we want to see these facilities in other news organizations are as well be at the requests aren't even being returned in this situation. while this is one of the biggest problems right now on the biden administration overshadowing everything. when this news conference comes up in nine days, guess what's gonna dictate that news conference. if they hold it right after this covid bill that was signed, maybe that was the story of the day. nine days from now, 90 days from now. it's only going to get where it the weather gets warmer. >> harris: i do want to throw when that at least one of the facilities, image and they are at 100% capacity. they are just overrun. it's unbelievable. one week from now, president biden will finally hold his first formal news conference after two months in office. on that day, it would have been 64 days. we are counting. former white house press secretary is a little confused as to why the administration would announce this nine days in advance. >> did announce a press conference until the morning. you want to see what the news cycle is. it's really an extraordinary way to go about things, a compounding strategy. i'm not entirely sure why they chose to do it this way. >> harris: joe. >> 289 weeks. that's longer than the president should go back 100 years. you've unnecessarily created a lot of hype and a lot of anticipation around his press conference and even mr. biden supporters will tell you that any situations without a teleconference without a script where he is to speak extemporaneous certainly off-the-cuff, he usually gets defensive and angry or he provides misleading statements. those are three things that are very bad. even the most skilled politician, you just sign this $1.9 trillion covid bill. you say it was essential for reopening schools. most of the billions that are going to be spent to reopening schools as i get to be done until 2022. what do you say to parents or do you cdc director that said it safe? how do you answer that? i don't think there is any politician that can answer that because there is no answer. >> harris: you are so ready. out to be bigger than the people who can socially distance in whatever venue they're going to do this and if it's the white house press briefing room or whatever. that's not to be by virtual's let journalists all over the country can get a shot at this. they should not be given the question to the topics in advance. your question is excellent. i wish she could be on that virtual. >> i wish i would too, believe me. >> harris: with three investigations underway and allegations against governor cuomo, one of the accusers is pushing back. why she's calling the impeachment investigation a sham. and this. >> it seems like the criminals are getting the upper hand. >> you're giving everything to chemicals, and you giving them everything they need to be free of these crimes. >> a do not believe he's a district attorney pretty acts more like a public defender in my eyes. >> harris: a crime filed in los angeles has one official celebrating. ♪ ♪ the new myww+ gives you more of what you need to help you lose weight! more simplicity with the what's in your fridge? 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"do not trust carl. he is investigation is not designed to be transparent or to move fast. there's nothing governor cuomo wants more than time. this as the albany times union reports the cuomo administration is inducting its own investigation into claims that the governor groped an employee and "the wall street journal" reports cuomo's office hired outside lawyers to represent employees and his executive chamber. an attorney for cuomo's accuser and former aide criticized these moves writing in part, "at best, these actions will have a chilling effect of potential witnesses or accusers who want to go forward without fear of retaliation. at worst, this is deliberate attempt by the governor's office to interfere with the attorney general's investigation. governor cuomo's office said that they fully informed the ag of this review that they are conducting internally." >> harris: thank you very much. a shocking statistic from los angeles county at this hour. shootings have jumped by 88% in the first two months of 2021 compared with the same time last year. however, the los angeles county district attorney and sheriff's office don't appear to be on the same page of how to deal with this. the d.a. is touting reforms in this first 100 days as sheriff alex says there is a big issue. >> these trends are horrific, and a district attorney is doubling down and eliminating all of the enhancements that will these people accountable. gang enhancements, got enhancements for example and multiple victim. all of these things that puts the bad guy in jail for longer. lack of time and makes the community safer. >> harris: the opposite of what he's calling for is happening. william is live for us in l.a. >> most voters want to see fallon spend more time in prison, not less. in l.a., because he is not charging gun, gang, or hate crimes, criminals here could spend at least 8,000 fewer years behind bars, and he's proud of it. >> enhancements are no longer sought in most cases as research suggests that excessive sentences don't enhance safety, but leading to more victims of crime. >> the crime stats suggested soft on crime approach is not working. he blames for eliminating bail. no more than eight years for any crime committed as a juvenile. no misdemeanor charges for drugs, resisting arrest, or driving without a license. >> now 2021 is ushering a new era that's going to drag us all the way back to the early '90s. the d.a. is claiming that it makes it less safe. his science and data is bogus. >> he refuses to file any death penalty charges saying it's inhumane, expensive, and pointless. when he told gang bangers to stop spraying graffiti, he approaches the game charge on the death penalty for his killers. >> he is potentially putting more harm to his people of l.a. we feel like we were being victimized again. >> multiple deputy d.a.'s are refusing to follow his directives, and they sued him in court. >> he never talks about public safety. he doesn't talk one bit about punishment or about personal accountability. >> last night at the beverly hills city councils said he made the city less safe and approved a vote of no confidence. back to you. >> harris: you know who's paying attention to this extra close? criminals. john kerry is getting called out again for a new form of hypocrisy. remember, the president and his administration are telling americans to wear masks. thus, the airline he was on requires that. maybe now, he will go back to flying private. that's an option. plus this. >> president obama had a chance to veto this in 2011. his project was approved by congress. joe biden doesn't get the step and now ten years later literally ten years later and try to veto this project here this is something that congress has to do, not the president. >> harris: montana and texas leading 21 states that are suing president biden over his executive order that blocked the keystone pipeline shut down 11,000 plus jobs. right out of the gate for this president. they are arguing bite and lacked the authority to make the job killing move. montana attorney general, a key player in the legal battle over this will be with me moments from now. take a look. you run it by an expert, you talk about the risk and potential profit and loss. could've used that before i hired my interior decorator. get a strategy gut check from our trade desk. ♪♪ ♪♪ (car horn) ♪♪ turn today's dreams into tomorrow's trips... with millions of flexible booking options. all in one place. expedia. it all starts with an invitation... experience lexus. the invitation to lexus sales event. lease the 2021 rx 350 for $429 a month for 36 month's, and we'll make you're first month's payment. experience amazing. mom and dad left costa rica, 1971. and we'll make you're first month's payment. dad was a bus driver at the chicago transit authority. mom expressed herself through her food. that was her passion. and on august 20th, 1990, they opened irazu. last year business was great. and then the pandemic hit. we had to reset. the city had said that pick up and delivery was still viable. that kept us afloat. in the summer, we were so excited to have our customers back on our patio. safely of course. and keeping our diners informed was so important. last year was so hard, but the support from our customers, it honestly kept us going. serving the community, serving the neighborhood... this is the dream that mom wanted. mm. [ clicks tongue ] i don't know. i think they look good, man. mm, smooth. uh, they are a little tight. like, too tight? might just need to break 'em in a little bit. you don't want 'em too loose. for those who were born to ride there's progressive. with 24/7 roadside assistance. -okay. think i'm gonna wear these home. -excellent choice. >> show me the proof that this was canceled for an fundamentals, not political. that's what hurts this the most. it's hard to make plans when you have an administration that's trying to crush your future. speak out there's a lot of people hurting in this. >> our youngest daughter is going to college. >> harris: did you catch that? the future is not looking so bright. remember the heartbreaking stories. they weren't that long ago. right after president biden decided to cancel the keystone pipeline killing all the jobs. communities suffering around the 11 plus jobs. they depend on those people to frequent their businesses. 21 states are suing the president and his administration over that order. arguing that biden never had the authority to sign it in the first place. texas and montana are leaving the coalition of states which are suing. we are joined by montana attorney general austin knutson. you are busy these days. tell me how you win this case. >> good morning. we went by arguing that the constitution. article i section 8 is very clear. the authority to regulate interstate and foreign commerce is reserved for congress not to the president. congress approved this project, the keystone xl pipeline in 2011. it was in legislation. president obama had the chance to veto that legislation back then. he didn't do it. this is a congressional act that has been fully approved. congress is the only authority to undo a congressional act like this regarding interstate and foreign commerce. that's exactly exactly what we're dealing with. >> harris: clearly has a curtain around him and must've known that what you're saying is a truth or a possibility or whatever they wanted to think about it. so why did they do this? what how did he get away with this? >> i don't think there was a lot of legal thought that went into this. i think this is pure virtual signaling for a biden's. they talk to no one in south dakota, known in nebraska all the way down the line where the pipeline is going to benefit. instead, this is pure appeasement and virtual signaling in coastal elites. i think they probably knew what the legal ramifications and risk could be. i don't think it mattered to them. i think this was a foregone conclusion. he did it on day one. i think he knew he was going to do this from the start. >> harris: john kerry, climates are back in january said this when asked about the workers who lost their jobs. >> you look at the consequences of black long and measure that against the fastest-growing job in the united states before covid was solar powered technician pier the same people can do those jobs. i think that unfortunately, workers have been fed a false narrative. no surprise for the last few years. they have been fed the notion that somehow, dealing with climate is coming at their expense. no, it's not. >> harris: so attorney general, do those jobs really exist for people to just shift into immediately? >> those jobs do not exist. certainly not in montana. we just had a record cold snap and texas. we had power outages for weeks. we had people hurting and dying. solar panels and windmills are not going to keep the furnace is have 20-30 below winters. we know that in montana. i think a lot of the rest of the country learned that now. we are really thankful to have such a great partner ntc energy. they are committed to this project. we want to get this project done. we want to get this fight in the ground. we know this is the safest way to move crude oil. it is not in trucks on the highway. it's not in railroad cars. those can tip over and have environmental impacts. the safest way to transport oil is in the pipeline. >> harris: i'm sure you're talking to some of the laid-off workers. i found them on the program and told me that some of that oil was already in process. they were already really rolling with a lot of what they were supposed to be doing. he didn't just stop something that hadn't started yet. please let me know how all of this turns out. if you get any congress people to come and testify. biden took food off their plates when he did this. good to see you. speak to you as well. thanks. >> harris: see and raising some eyebrows for suggesting that florida's republican governor should not take credit for the state's booming economy as he recovers from the pandemic. power panel slides in and then there's this. >> at first i thought it was fake because he was flying commercial purity told us that not wearing masks was immoral. if anything he's hoping he will get banned from fine commercial so he will get back on his private jet and spew some carbon. >> i guess he was going to try to save on emissions by a flying commercial. who knows? controversy on climate on the way. john kerry is cut without a mask. maybe the rules apply to you if you are the spouse of a catch-up magnet. — they customize my car insurance so i only pay for what i need. 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that's a question i would like to ask. >> harris: any thoughts on what makes john kerry so special? >> i love the gotcha politics. he might have had his mask down for a second. who knows but the thing is bigger for me is that united states senators got nothing to complain about with joe biden because the people are so happy with him. they've got to pick a fight over whether or not john kerry were his mask for the entire flight. although year, everybody should be as fortunate. they want us to be as fortunate. everybody where your mask. all but the last person to die of covid. >> harris: don't be like john kerry on a commercial flight whereas been mandated. if you are in charge of the planet's climate change. right? that's a big job. you are flying private. he said he needed to broaden his footprint and not save on omissions because he had to go country to country and at all these things to do. people understand that. now you're on a commercial flight. you can abide by the rules that everyone has to abide four. people are getting kicked out planes for not wearing a mask. it takes more than a second. what was more than a second. he had time to take out that phone and get it right. >> he could have got a video if it was more than a couple of seconds. >> there have been whole families kicked off a plan because it may dropped his mask for a matter of seconds. there have been people who have been putatively dealt with by the airlines for far less than what we see in that picture. according to the person that took it, we know that last more than a couple of seconds. >> all right, i want to -- go ahead, real quickly. >> i think it is she aware is. yeah, he should be wearing his mask. he's a public person. he should never be photographed without his mask. so much time and attention has been spent on it. tucker opened his show with it. that shows how little there is to complain about. they want to complain about something. >> harris: you know would be really great? i think you have a point on this. maybe kevin will hear me out on this. at this country could see that president before a 64 days which is what it will be next thursday actually taking questions. he would set the bar a lot higher. john kerry is also going to take questions on this because he's already tweeted about it and has moved on. and called it malarkey in the middle of a pandemic. last word, kevin. >> i think if chris thinks there is nothing for the american public to complain i get out, he's not paying attention. the hypocrisy that runs this administration. >> all right, we will keep moving. thank you, gentlemen. tracking the nation's most elusive criminal from criminal escapees to kidnappers to and from to infamous killers. she does this so well. i've known her for over a decade. nancy grace joins me next to talk about america's most wanted over time on fox nation. don't forget, "outnumbered" is next. you don't want to miss that either. we're coming right back. owners. introducing refiplus from newday usa. refiplus lets you refinance at today's all-time low interest rates plus get cash. with home values climbing, now is the smartest time ever to turn your home's increased value into an average of $50,000 cash. refiplus. it's new, it's only for veterans, and it's only from newday usa. some companies still have hr stuck between employees and their data. entering data. changing data. more and more sensitive, personal data. and it doesn't just drag hr down. it drags the entire business down -- with inefficiency, errors and waste. it's ridiculous. so ridiculous. with paycom, employees enter and manage their own data in a single, easy to use software. visit, and schedule your demo today. ♪ ♪ we made usaa insurance for veterans like martin. when a hailstorm hit, he needed his insurance to get it done right, right away. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa >> harris: president biden and vice president harris will meet with asian american leaders in georgia tomorrow after this week's deadly shooting rampage. the suspected gunman is charged with eight counts of murder. six victims were women of asian descent. the police said his actions were not racially motivated and potentially has a sex addiction. nancy grace is the host of "america's most wanted overtime" and "prime stories with nancy grace" on fox nation. good to see you, welcome to the program. let's talk a little bit about how tough this case is going forward and is it necessary for the president and vice president to go to georgia to make sure that justice is done somehow? is that going to help the situation? >> i would like to see them doing something that really counts, that they actually put money behind to stop crime as opposed to a horse and pony show, visiting the scene. that's a day late and a dollar short about politics aside, let me tell you about this guy, harris. this guy is a sex addict. his parents had kicked him out of the house because he sat around all day watching porn. that didn't sit very well with his father, youth pastor, and his mother in church. they didn't like that. he has been in sex addiction treatment, and he had fallen off the wagon, is one way to put it, and went to one of these massage parlors. a lot of people have been judging these women and i don't really appreciate that. you think they want to work in a massage parlor? and actually, victims of human trafficking but that's a whole other can of worms. let's talk about this guy, in georgia, about a few minutes north of atlanta, comes down to the red light district. i don't know, it's in the shadows of the fulton county courthouse but there are a lot of asian restaurants, massage parlors, asian stores. so it's arguably an asian hate crime. this guy was so brazen, harris, he sat out an hour in front of one of the massage parlors, didn't even bother to cover his head, there was a lady in their hiding, trying to speak in broken english telling 911 what was happening. finally he goes across the street, another one, hops in his car, gets about an hour and a half away and all the credit goes to law enforcement in crisp county. they risk their own lives in a maneuver where they actually rammed his car to stop him and he said he was on his way to kill more women. >> harris: and reports are that he was going to jump states to do it in florida. amazing. i had not heard what the police had done and to give t them cret is so important. i want to move ahead and you and i have talked about cold cases, your new show, "america's most wanted overtime" just dropped on fox nation. from episode one, watch this. >> he's definitely a smooth operator. he can tell you your own shoes and he has done that twice in two different prisons, one in mexico and one in california, so he's able to win you over -- >> double -- >> he got out of the same jail that el chapo escaped from. >> harris: tell us what's going on there. >> oh, man, these guys, i want him so badly behind bars. he's at least a two-time killer but he escaped from folsom. that's no easy thing. plus el chapo in prison, without the benefit of an underground motorcycle, so this guy is very charming, some people think he is attractive. not me, of course, but some people think he's attractive. he can be very charming and very manipulative. this guy is right underneath our noses. a two-time escapee, multiple killer come he's on america's most wanted and now we have to hold him on "america's most wanted overtime." think about it, harris, not only does he need to be behind bars for justice reasons but think about the family of the dead victims all these years knowing he is out living the high life while there loved one is buried 6 feet under. >> harris: are you going to focus on a lot of cold cases that they are not just cold because people didn't try, and you have told me this before, they are called because people didn't talk. >> you are so right, i can't believe you remembered us talking about that. another one we looked at is jennifer suttle, she stole her little girl after the dad got full custody, has never seen the little girl. the twins, somebody took one of them, hell hath no fury until i track them down! then you look at the oldest guy on "america's most wanted" but he is a killer, gunned down a young mother outside the bus stop. those are some of the people we are for, harris. >> harris: nancy grace is on the case, as i often used to say and can say it again. my friend, best of luck with your new show and thank you for being so intrepid after the truth. so important. now as we said, i'm going to brag about you a little bit. bye-bye. "america's most wanted overtime" is available now for all on fox nation, subscribers. episode two comes out on monday. check it out. you know what you've got to do now, stay for "outnumbered." let's begin with a fox news alert, the national debate heating up over what should be taught about race and ethnic studies in our public schools, florida governor ron desantis has taken a stand as he unveiled a proposal for a civics education curriculum in the state. it says he will expressly exclude critical race theory from classrooms. governor ron desantis says it promotes a divided, anti-american agenda. >> let me be clear, there is no room in our classrooms for things like critical race

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