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by hamas yesterday reuniting with their families for the first time in seven weeks. >> steve: just watch that, 11 israelis, including nine kids released yesterday, bringing the total to 51 hostages released over the last four days. >> lawrence: we're expecting the release of 10 more today as limited truce has been extended until wednesday. we've been seeing dark smoke clouds filling the sky. >> ainsley: i wonder why. >> lawrence: this is a ceasefire. >> brian: they didn't say they couldn't work in the tunnels. trey yingst, do you have any idea, have you gotten reports what it could be? >> trey: we've been talking with sources and we don't have clarity on what the black smoke is from inside gaza. there were reports of explosion or gunfire, we have not confirmed any of it. israeli officials are hoping more hostages will be released tonight. 11 taking to the hospital. this is day five of the ceasefire between israel and hamas and should be one more day if this holds thchl is a delicate truth and it could be extended if the qataris and egyptians agree today. so many dozens of people reunited with loved ones in this video. the brodsky family. the excitement on their faces after 50 days being held inside gaza. other families still waiting like the bibbas family, including a 10-month-old babying held inside the strip. a relative described the agony that family is going through. take a listen. they lost their home, there is nothing to come back to. every family that you see, those children receiving the dog and they have no home to go back to. no nothing they knew from previous life exists. >> trey: so many people lost everything, not just homes, but loved ones. even the american, abigail, four years old, both her patterns were murdered. >> steve: we showed the video of three kids being reunited with their dog rodney. when there are homecomeings, they are making them gentle as possible. there is a chance they don't know who was murdered on october 7. you don't know, they could have years of therapy ahead of wrapping their head around what happened. >> trey: a psychologist has been assigned to each and every person released from gaza and cater to the children. some children come out and don't want to speak. there are nutrition issues some children have. there have been moments of light amid this story. think about nine-year-old ohad, it was his birthday when he was held in gaza. when he was released they had rubics cubes. they have toys for others and some kids want empanadas, their favorite food. they are helping them reintegrate into society as they see their loved ones or learn others are not here anymore. >> brian: talk about delicate, how about this. mussad need to talk to the kids and women to see where they were held. how loud was the banging. were you held above ground or below ground. when you looked around, what did you notice? they went through trauma. they love to go through hostage swap to rescue operation. how close to submitting to some type of q&a? >> trey: yeah, absolutely, they have spoken with a number of the adults. they are taking their time with the children as not to expose them to more horrific things than they have seen. one of the hostages released over the weekend, said when she was in the tunnel, she was introduced to sinwar inside gaza and he told her that she would be safe. with that said, some media has taken this and spun it as they were being treated well. the doctors who have examined the children and those brought to tel aviv overnight, they say they were malnourished and not receiving medication. as we learn more information about what hostages saw, who they interacted with, put it in context. they were keeping them alive because they wanted leverage in the negotiations. >> ainsley: they are not treating them well, that little girl lost both parents, she has her two sib i thinklings -- siblings, will never see her parents again, abigail, they are not treating them well. i read about the release of adena moshi. her nephew said they were surprised when they saw her name on the list and saw her in the car. the whole darkness, she stayed in a room for seven weeks, she got light for two hours a day and ate rice, water and bred, no shower, no sunlight and hamas was trying to release her to get out and she slapped his hand and said she did not want his help. >> lawrence: notes were released from the hostages and it talks about, they probably forced them to do this. it talks how they were treated well. hamas doesn't tell you they still have family members of the people they released. they are not allowed to go to the media and say, i didn't write this, they still have family in captivity. >> brian: the nine month old, 10 months old now, kafir, hamas says we don't have her. we believe in some southern city, they say. his -- the youngest hostage great aunt joined us to talk about what they are going through and what they hope for. >> i was born and raised in israel on one side of this conflict and i always educate myself and learn and end of the day, even if mistakeings during history, i would never raise my children to say someone deserves to die or someone is not deserving had his right to exist. i will never, never stand behind a group that kid nap children and -- i don't know, it is early morning and probably children watching the screen, i don't want to discuss the brutal acts made and done in the kibbutz by hamas on october 7. i won't change anyone's political point of view, but a child is a child. >> lawrence: passionate interview with her. last thing i will say, we want all hostages back home. where is the president when it comes to american hostages? is there no leverage, no looking the enemy in the eye, we will stay out of this conflict if you give our people back. >> brian: it is all iran, don't blame saudi arabia, qatar, bahrain, none of them, it is iran. if you want answers and rapid return, go right to the source and we refuse to do that. >> steve: right now the source is qatar. i saw on times of israel, head of mussad is in qatar with our cia director negotiating and reviewing today's list of hostages. so looks like more people will be released. it is puzzling, we see a great big smoke ball in gaza. we don't know what is going on. behind scenes, mussad and cia meeting in qatar. >> ainsley: there is a teenager who had a birthday and his family thought he was going to be on the list, it was a fake list. yesterday they were hoping. we were reaching out for an interview and the dad said, i can't do it, my son wasn't on the list. >> brian: if you want to know why you don't hear about arizona, you have a democratic governor. if you had a republican governor, they would be talking like texas. take a look at this video, our nightmare we've been living but we had a president at one point that would do everything to stop it. now illegal immigrants coming through to mexico. they forgot to close the barn door to our gate. why are they allowed to stay on trains, up to the border and they are heading to us, to overwhelm border patrol again and think about that on top of the news we told you about tucson letting 15,000 into the border much >> steve: one big mexican train companies saw migrants getting on the train and stopped running the trains for a while. >> ainsley: if that happened in america, that is what we would do, you can't sit on top of a train. >> steve: it is trespassing, the mexican government doesn't care and wants the people out of mexico. that train line is 100 miles from piedras negras. they will be coming, so many that they are disbanding other operation with custom and border protection to tend to processing people. people are not doing their regular jobs. >> brian: see you in two weeks by roosevelt hotel. >> lawrence: i just think, you would think the president, no longer a republican issue, you have democrats in all major cities that are saying we can't take this anymore. you got mayor adams trying to get a meeting with the president of the united states, he kicked him off his campaign because he was critical what is happen nothing his city. you see this rail train coming in, you would think the white house would change course. looks like they made the calculation the president will win votes doing this. >> brian: republicans are saying, change asylum laws and bulk up the border and stop influx. schumer says that is a no go. this is called leverage for republicans and if they thought this out and played this out democrats would say hail mary for them. they could look tough on the border nine or 10 months until an election. >> ainsley: they are coming to new york and going to your city and roosevelt hotel, many might end up here. record number of migrants trying to enter the united states, tucson sector, 15,300 illegal crossings in one week, highest number weekly total ever. >> steve: two weeks ago, we did the story how many migrants went to chicago to discover chicago is cold in the winter. right now it is 32 degrees, freezing. >> brian: a lot of migrants can't watch bears in the winter. i would like to go to carley shimkus, here legally to deliver the news. >> carley: departure ceremony for former first lady rosalynn carter. her casket will be taken to emery university for invite only service. president biden, jill biden, kamala harris and second gentleman doug inhoffe will attend. rosalynn carter died last week at the age of 96. and officials are working to free --a rock to reach them, they are planning to pull them out one by one through a pipe that is three feet wide. officials say the region is prone to earthquakes, landslides and floods. back to you. >> steve: terrible story. >> brian: 15 after the hour, coming up, desantis, newsom and "hannity" on fox. >> ainsley: say this with me? 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>> they have to be careful going after donald trump. it could hurt themselves because obviously trump supporters will not like that. say nikki haley and desantis do somehow get past trump, they will need their vote. when somebody attacks donald trump, it helps them. they are going after one another. >> brian: she had 2500 in the gym, trump had a sold-out stadium. i listened to jeers and cheers and it was all cheers. in south carolina, trump endorsed by the current governor. this week it is going to be interesting. it was sean hannity idea, both sides accepted. put sound up and you can be the judge. [cheering] >> steve: it is her home state. >> brian: it is. without tim scott there to siphon home-town fans, he thinks he has a shot. the crowd is going crazy. he was allowed by south carolina, right? >> no other politician in our lifetime would dare to do what donald trump is doing right there temperature is dangerous to walk out into a place like that. it is unpredictable. the guy is master, "new york times" criticizes him for being a carnival barker. he goes out there and can command an entire stadium and i think that is i a good thing. >> brian: let's talk about two governors going at it, governor desantis against governor gavin newsom. sean hannity will be moderating for 90 minutes, what do you expect? >> i hope what we see and the reason this is such a good idea, great way to juxtapose between the ideology of gavin newsom and results of the desantis policies in florida. if you have a match up between the two, there is no way you can walk away and say ideas in california are working out great or walk away and say ideas in florida are not working out. when you look at exodus of people leaving california and going to mexico to get away from policies that gavin newsom and one-party state run by democrats for decades in california, what they have managed to do to that gorgeous state, you can't come away with anything other than saying the idea of this red state here are infinitely better than the ideological weirdness of california. >> brian: do opposition research. anticipate attacks and knows vulnerability and governor ron desantis has a sharp team, too. fascinating to see. charlie, thanks so much, appreciate it. >> brian: toss to ainsley in a secure location next to me in the studio. >> ainsley: a 14-year-old suspect in custody after deadly stabbing inside a high school gym in raleigh, north carolina. griff jenkins has been tracking the story and joins us with details. how is the student doing? >> griff: the one that is injured has nonlife-threatening injuries, this brawl sounds like something that happens in a prison yard not inside a raleigh, north carolina high school gym and this morning a 15 year old is dead and a 14 year old charged with murder after this fist fight between students broke out outside the gym and moved inside and a student was seen stabbing two other students with a sharp object, one dead and one left with injuries. the mother of alleged stabber told a local station this. the whole situation is terrible, i feel bad for the other family, i feel bad for my son, he was fighting for his life, it wasn't a fair fight. raleigh police chief says an investigation is underway. >> woe are working closely with public school officials to identify those directly involved in this altercation. one suspect is in custody at this time and we're happy to report that and no further threat to the school of community. >> steve: the school superintendent had this to say. we will be supporting our students and staff as they process this incident and work through this. what happened here today is unacceptable. >> griff: review is underway and he says changes will be made, it left that community in shock. >> ainsley: i can only imagine, you don't expect that at high school. you send your children to school, you don't expect to not see them again or see them with fatal injuries. so sad. fox news alert, new information, idf says three explosive devices were detonated near idf troops in northern gaza strip violating the operational pause. in one location, terrorists opened fire at the troops who responded with fire. desperate israelis hope their loved ones will be in the next round today, including our next guest whose aunt, three cousins were released but her 80-year-old uncle is among the hostages still held by hamas terrorists. efra, joins us from israel. thank you for coming on again. thank you for following up and keeping this story in the news. >> ainsley: of course, we're praying for israel and so sad for what you have gone through. you had four family members taken, 79-year-old aunt and cousins, 34-year-old, three-year-old and five-year-old. your uncle, what do you know about him at this point? >> so as october 7, we have no proof of life, we have no idea. it has been two months already and we have no idea. it just really so tragic and to think we are in a global world in 2023. still in such state, it is just really devastating and hard to believe that nowhere we can find global institutions like the un or red cross or anyone that could help with proof of life. it is not only proof of life now, it has been two months, we have been communicating for quite a long time right now, which i thankful for. we have so many of them in the group of about 160 still kidnapped. >> ainsley: yeah. >> medicine is something they have to have now today because as we speak, their lives are fading. >> ainsley: how is your aunt and cousins doing? have you talked to them? >> yes, i have not talked to one yet, i did with my aunt and that hug was a precious moment for us, she is amazing, she is so brave and so strong. nothing -- not in body, but in spirit. she is inspiration to all of us of how kind she was through all this time. we know she helped many people around her. it was very difficult for all the elderly to get up from the thin mattress they had on the floor. she would help them -- help picking them up and she helped a little bit with little food they had distribution and trying to keep up good spirit with people that share space with her in the tunnels and i think this is victory of the spirit and we can all learn a good lesson, we don't have to be masculine or have super powers, we can be ourselves when we are at our best and connected to morals and education we got and to the power of hope. we are very, very lucky and grateful to have her back. this is extraordinary and have the kids. with my uncle missing still it is hard. the happiness and joy is a mixed feeling. it is hard, hard to show him again. >> ainsley: i love that picture of him, we can relate. the button down shirt and the red wine he probably enjoys. >> the red wines his own wine. >> ainsley: that's right, i remember you telling us that. what is his first name? >> his name is gadi moses. the rest, the elderly and chronically ill, i hope people will push for his release and chronically ill. they are losing time, no time. tomorrow they might be dead. they are in really critical condition. lives are fading, there isn't time, they have to be brought back home. >> ainsley: we are praying for you, gadi, the other hostages and their family. >> thank you for having us >> you are a pleasure to talk to. the idfs three explosive devices were detonated near israeli troops in northern gaza strip potentially violating the ceasefire. trey yingst is live in tel aviv with big, breaking development for us. what does this mean? >> trey: good morning. breaking news right now, israelis say the ceasefire was violated by hamas. they are reporting three separate explosions in northern gaza that injured a number of israeli soldiers. the injuries are described as light. at one location hamas militants opened fire and they responded with live ammunition. hamas releasing a statement blaming the israelis. there was field friction but hamas is committed to the truth. israeli media reporting fighter jets were -- first time in five days reports inside gaza in northern strip of violation to this agreement and again israelis say three separate explosions took place, likely ieds by hamas. they responded with live ammunition in northern gaza. >> ainsley: that is not part of the plan and biggest fear for people at home and wondering does that mean we won't have the 10 hostages released today? >> trey: it's up in the air and we're in added time, initial ceasefire was supposed to end yesterday. after intense negotiations they were able to cut this deal and extend it in exchange for 10 hostages released. it highlights just how delicate this agreement is and in the incidents, you have such a fog of war and back and forth that at this moment, you have israelis blaming hamas for violating the agreement and hamas blaming the israelis, what we know, according to israeli officials in statement to fox news just released, there are multiple soldiers lightly injured in the gaza strip, they associate injuries caused by ieds, israelis in this statement maintain forces were within the bounds of this agreement and not operating on a mission outside that initial framework agreed upon and one location israelis say they were fired upon and returned fire with live ammunition. >> ainsley: that is what happens, they fight first, you fight back. this is breaking and we'll continue to check in for the latest. back at home, a fox weather alert. three million americans are under lake effect snow warning as cold front moves in. upstate new york getting first snow of the season. check in with janice dean >> janice: an awakening in new york. temperatures very cold for much of the country. this is windchill, it feels like negative 12 in duluth, 29 in atlanta, we are getting arctic air, quite incredible, 50 states below freezing. your forecast today, lake effect snow is biggest story along with cold temperatures and we have area of low pressure moving into the west coast and gulf coast will goat wet. for now, fairly quiet other than lake effect snow happening now. that purple polygone is like effect snow two to three inches of snow an hour. we could see thurn snow. they will get three feet of snow and ainsley, 652 days in new york city without over inch of snow, longest streak on record. lawrence, over to you. do you like the snow? >> lawrence: i love the snow, my favorite type of weather. >> janice: i did not know this about you. you are a southern boy and i should never assume anything. >> lawrence: it is a fair point to have. we get ice, we don't get snow, i'm happy about this. thank you. >> janice: if we have a snowfall, we will do snow angels on 48th street. >> lawrence: i promise, it's done. thanks. shocking new video shows hundreds of migrants had top of a cargo train heading for the u.s. southern border and in arizona, tucson sector announced all agent social media accounts will be reduced after they saw 15,000 migrants in one week. here to react border patrol chief monjarez. what is the policy for border patrol when you have people heading toward the country on top of a train, do you try to stop them before or do you wait until they come into the country? >> well, you know, in normal times, you want to work with the government of mexico and guatemala and el salvador. you have to wait until they arrive to the u.s.-mexican border. >> lawrence: you know this all too well. let's look at numbers and tell me how abnormal this may be. there is 117 pounds of fentanyl, 14 human smuggling and 17 rescues here at that tucson border sector. how abnormal is that? >> those numbers are staggering, incredible. look at 15,000 arrests in a week and multiply over 52 weeks, looking at numbers that are incredible. in fact, i have never seen those in the last 35 or 40 years. i don't think border patrol has seen that. it is staggering. what it does, it forces law enforcement to collapse operation, which means you don't know what is crossing in other areas and that is scary. >> lawrence: they are saying they will move people from social media site to do processing. as you know, american public have depended on social media to see what is going on. tell me how detrimental that is for the cause of the border being unsecure we are not able to see tha social media the las six years and increased and every sector has a social media account. to see that reduced or shut down, you got to scratch your head. sending agents back to processing, talking about a handful that do that. in terms of personnel they are willing to stop that or shut down social media and send them to processing. it is narrow straights, it does shut down what is happening along the border and that is disturbing. >> lawrence: makes you wonder is biden administration trying to hide what is going on at the border heading into election. the border patrol agents are processing, not on the field, i don't understand why they need four to six people doing social media to join them on the frontline. thank you for joining the program. carley, looks like you have headlines. >> carley: fox news alert, russian court extending evan gershkovich prison sentence for a third time. he will be held until the end of january. he was arrested in march on espionage charges. russian foreign ministry says it will consider a swap for gershkovich only after a verdict is reached. congressman george santos could face an expulsion vote. the house ethics committee found evidence of law breaking, include personal use of campaign funds. he says he is not going anywhere, interesting response from him, over to you. >> brian: what did he do wrong? i have no idea -- >> carley: google that one. >> steve: all right, for the most part, black lives matter aligned with political left. when the guy who co-founded it in rhode island and founder of blm incorporated, he came out so upset with joe biden and likes another -- you want to pick up your phone? you need a case. he is dismissive of joe biden, he has let people down. who does he like? watch this. >> i think personally it is the duplicity of democrats. hypocrisy, we're not stupid, the brothers are not stupid, we understand when someone is for us and someone is not. the democratic party is not for us. policies strike at the heart -- >> lawrence: hes the brothers aren't stupid, talking about black men. democrats are seeing surge of black males leave their party because they have become antifamily, antieconomy, people going out and making living for themselves, they focus on black women. they have not gone out for rally saying we want you to be part of the party. i'm still a part of black lives matter, i don't like the division. >> ainsley: are you hearing this from -- >> lawrence: i've been hearing it for a while, when i go into the barber shop or talk to friends, they don't agree with everything with trump or the republican party, basis of economics and they say, we were doing so good under donald trump. we were building businesses and ti, the rapper just opened low income housing, bought his block back and didn't need the government for that. >> brian: giving opportunity, you go in there, don't build up a neighborhood people can't afford. >> ainsley: he puts a business in the middle of a neighborhood and everyone has an opportunity to work there. >> brian: successful, got no publicity. >> ainsley: it did in south carolina. >> brian: that is great, i was listening to a podcast and an african american brought a tape recorder to the dinner table. the perception his family had of what republicans stand for was amazing ronna mcdaniel listened over and over. they said republicans are for the rich people, just to hear your opinion and when your opinion works and say i don't know what joe biden has done and others were saying, i'm probably going to vote for donald trump, at least he says what do you have to lose. just to hear perception of republicans being rich, white people when in reality, the breakdown is more blue collthan ever before. republicans have to go in there and have ignored inner city. vivek ramaswamy, just go in there, i don't care what reception you get. have a town hall. listen first and respond later. if you are republican, you would love to be at dinner to say, i think you've been deceived. capitalism does give people opportunity to be successful. maximize opportunity, not outcome, democrats pledge you outcome, they will not deliver on. >> steve: eleven before top of the hour. >> brian: you know them, their hit show, "home town," they restore homeless in the south. ♪ ♪ >> oh, gosh, i say that. >> the kitchen sink is gone. >> everything including the kitchen sink. >> steve: gone. in honor of giving tuesday, erin and ben napier are teaming up with salvation party red kettle campaign live on fox square. i'll go out there coming up. first bill hemmer. drop cash in the kettle. >> bill: they raised requirements, you have to sing and dance for 10 hours on the sidewalk. >> ainsley: christian organization, great organization. >> bill: great lineup for the latest on israel, i'll have it coming up here. more movement at the high school where students protested the teacher for supporting israel. and alex murdaugh could find out his fates today on financial see you at the top of the hour. introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. we handcraft every stearns & foster using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming innersprings, for a beautiful mattress and indescribable comfort. for a limited time, save up to $800 on select stearns & foster adjustable mattress sets. i try to put my arm around any vet that i can. absolutely. at newday usa, that's what we're doing. we put our arm around the veterans. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it's a great, rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. >> steve: i'm sure you recognize our next guest from the hit show hometown on hgtv where they renovate homes around laurel, minnesota. >> erin, do you have the new faucet? >> i have it and different than anything we've ever used before. i'm excited about these finishes on the faucet. are you ready? >> yeah. drum roll. >> rose gold. >> steve: good choice, this year they took on a special renovation for their local salvation army shelter. that partnership has continued into the holiday season. joining us right now outside the big christmas tree to celebrate giving tuesday, that's today, we have ben and erin napier. welcome to new york city. i always love your show. i'm from a small town in kansas and you are in a small town as well. you have something this year that the folks in laurel actually have a hand in. every year you come out with a candle. this one season of hope. appropriate for the salvation army. >> when i was growing up my mom and i would make the naval oranges with the cloves stuck in it. it smells like a real one. not like an artificial orange fragrance. it smells like a real orange peel. so good. we make candles and fragrances to raise awareness. >> laurel where we pour them and we have a store now that is just for our candles. it's a big doing. >> steve: the great thing is it smells like christmas. i went on your website, scent 50% off right now entering the code. you have been a bell ringer in your town and renovated the shelter as well, right? >> i feel like that's a little. i'm more of a -- >> he likes to throw his shoulders in it. >> that's right. if you are going to work at the red kettle you need to go all the way. >> steve: let's bring in the national commander. >> brian: it goes like this. >> you've got it. perfect. >> steve: bill hemmer said to be a bell ringer for the red kettle campaign in new york you have to sing and dance. >> it is not required but a real plus. there are a lot of performers. >> steve: it must be great to have the napiers teaming up with us. >> they've been friend for years and we're very grateful. >> steve: i didn't realize the bell ringers you see them outside stores and stuff like that bring in $80 an hour on average. >> absolutely. those who volunteer for two hours can produce hundreds of meals for hungry people. it can make an enormous difference. >> all the money stays local. >> steve: i love that especially in laurel it helps a lot of your folks. because of inflation, i hate to talk about it, but i know that your donations are down and you are encouraging people to donate digitally. >> absolutely. in addition to going to the kettle people can use g pay, pay pal, apple pay and go online to u.s. salvation >> steve: all right, guys. >> here we go. >> steve: very nice. >> i go side to side. >> steve: it's all great. visit salvation army napiers, commissioner, merry christmas. brian, back to you. >> brian: don't forget about giving tuesday. fox news alert. surprise, hunter biden is offering to testify at a public hearing as part of the impeachment inquiry into his dad according to a letter from his attorney just obtained by fox. hunter is already scheduled to appear for a closed door deposition on december 13th. keep it on fox for the latest. a new strategy, attack, attack. he is trying to sue everybody. >> lawrence: it lets you now how dire it is for the campaign to get him on record. >> ainsley: cross examination? >> brian: the biden campaign not happy about this. >> ainsley: you are on with us for a day and you head to georgia. >> bill: we're watching this now. at this hour smoke is rising

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