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very much prima donna trump sweeping the race in wisconsin limits from now he's going to be rallying in a key state as president joe biden announces some sweeping new protections for migrant sponsors and u.s. citizens no matter the state from were living in now. it is all pointing migration front and center in the border front and center -- welcome, everybody, i'm neil cavuto, the story right now is wisconsin, this is always a state that is as close as it gets between the major candidates, it has been in the last few presidential elections, polls are looking equally tight right now. let's go to bryan eneas in racing with more. >> there are several thousand trump supporters that are here in wisconsin just ahead of rally were expected to start at any moment here. i give you a sense of what it looks like you're on the coast of beautiful latent -- lake michigan. these folks are expected to hear former president trump hammer president biden on immigration and inflation, two issues that he leads by double digits over president biden. according to our polling here in wisconsin. but this could be the first time we hear the former president comment on the new executive order by president biden already receiving republican's online saying that instead of mass amnesty, we need mass deportations. the former president commenting especially the fox digital earlier today about a case out in new york city were an illegal immigrant from ecuador is charged with raping a 13-year-old girl in broad daylight in queens, new york. across the border illegally in 2021. trump telling fox digital extensively, "i grew up right near there. something like this was unthinkable years unthinkable years ago. unthinkable. these are biden migrants that are flooding our country, it will get worse, forwards, unless i'm elected president." we spoke to voters lined up today here in racine wisconsin, estate trump lost by more -- >> just that they're not able to vet criminals coming in the safety issues. >> the former president will also hammer president biden on gas prices which have risen by over a dollar a gallon in wisconsin since biden took office in 2021, up to $3.28 a gallon. former president -- the former president will also hit biden on inflation are consumer-products and general. food, shelter, energy, transportation all of about 20% here in the midwest since biden took office or make a new poll out today has trump and biden tide nationally among registered voters and tight among young voters under the age of 45. wisconsin, pennsylvania and michigan are near must wins for president biden if he plans on winning reelection. and r., neil, senior citizens could very well make the difference here in wisconsin. there are more than a million senior citizens living here in wisconsin, one reply people, many of them on fixed incomes that extract the former president of that on that here we are macniel? >> neil: thank you for that, we look forward to going back to you my friend, when the former president start speaking. we want to go to -- and wants to stay there another four years has been championing an effort right now to make a million illegal immigrants from being deported but there is a special connection here, he was pounding today, over to you, rich. >> while, neil, this is a new policy that the administration has just announced, president biden had did so on what is about the fourth anniversary of daca here from the east room in the white house. basically what this new orders are this new policy does is it protects from deportation about a half a million people in the cou country. to qualify a person would have to be in the united states for ten years and legally married to a u.s. citizen as of yesterday. they also cannot have a criminal record. no the white house on this policy would also apply to about 50,000 children younger than 21 whose parent is married to a u.s. citizen. normally a migrant married to an american citizen would need to return to their home country to apply for legal residency here. the president's policy today changes that. >> president joe biden: is already a system in place for people we're talking about about today. the process is cumbersome and rest -- separates families. >> two weeks ago the administration knows it was limiting asylum applications at the border that immigration activists called the white house and the -- antifreedom, and by family and on the america a couple weeks ago while they were allotted today's action. republican say biden's policy amount you does not enforcement. >> is another soft to the pro- amnesty crowd. this is the most pro- amnesty open borders president american history. >> know the white house particular he was as just a couple of hours ago weather today's announcement was a counterweight to the more restrictive border announcement that he had from a couple of weeks ago. karine jean-pierre said she would look at it that way. neil? >> neil: all right, thank you very much, richardson on all that. the president first part is saying you can do things like this and also, not in the border, and practicing in the last couple weeks since he's done so but there has been dramatic results. take a look. >> president joe biden: two weeks ago i did what the republican congress refuses to. at the action to secure our border. that includes restricting unlawful crossings of our southern border, making decisions on asylum quickly, and so much more. and so for -- so far it's working. since the order, the -- and we are seeing the lowest number we've seen in a long time. >> neil: there was a surprising number to us, we just wanted to check that and who know better than lieutenant -- department -- texas department of public safety. chris of the border crossing, the apprehensions, you know, they don't know if i'm%. is that true? >> good afternoon, neil. border crossings are known especially in the last three days, they been well below 3000 now. of course, again this is all politics, we know that were of back and i know american people are well aware of what's taking place in by some of those comments the question shouldn't raise schmuck should be raised if you're able to take executive action now, why not take executive action on day one when there was policies in place to prevent the worst border security crisis we've ever explained in her history? those are questions that need to be rescreaming also questions need to be raised from the families and victims that have been victimized by criminal illegal immigrants that have been released in to the country. was recently third -- g. -- two 13-year-old immigrants that were sexually assaulted by illegal immigrant -- >> neil: when you talk about this 25% drop in these border related encounters, you can quite argue are you just did that this -- -- but it does seem to be working. a confident and -- that it will continue to work? >> you know, neil, right now specially in texas i mean, for one for one cognition beast zero unlawful border crossings between a port of entry, even 202,500 the excellent sustainable, you're still looking at well over 900,000 illegal border crossings between ports of entry and first off there should be something in place to prevent anyone from seeking asylum to cross between a port of entry. the legal is to ago part of entry where it's much safer that does not -- criminals have been coming across the board and -- that's where we need real action, real solutions and many of these families and victims that have been victimized by some of the criminal immigrants they want donations. condolences can only go so far at least families kathy -- american people want actions, not sincere solutions not during a particle year but they want solutions right now. >> neil: so when they talk about this decline in crossings and the like, is that because some of the asylum cases are being reeducated or what's counting for that? is it your men and women capturing more and having the ability to do that? or what? >> you know, that's a great question, neil, and that something the federal government needs to answer. i can tell you in texas ever since january illegal border crossings and taxes are down more than 74% because of our efforts, because of the fact that we have national guard soldiers are placing physical barriers around the river, because we're making arrest, were actually applying consequences to those that violates the law and we saw this shift, this dramatic shift not to the west, california, arizona where bill melugin is no reported, have chinese nationals, people from the middle east and africa letter coming across as areas because there is no consequences, there is no national guard. it all goes back to what are the states doing the particular status report when we launched operation also marked in march of 2021 these are the efforts because of that because of what -- we are seeing that decrease. a robust back to -- why now, why -- when he converted from the one there were prevented so many other tragedies that are taking place over the years, so many other victims that we could've saved because of the disastrous border policies. that's a question that needs to be respirit, of course, we don't know why or what's causing this, this decline cabinet can venture to say that it has something to do with political you're being there is a politically her and we have to wait to see what happens after this year what did you act and was going to be. >> neil: yeah, and you just hope the -- lieutenant chris oliveira's calgary see you again. think you very much. again it depends on where on a more regular, we talked about the texas side of it with mexico but, of course, there is california, are going to, for -- bill melugin with some numbers of a different sort are being registered. bill? >> that's exactly right, unlike what you just heard from the tenant oliveira's with texas locking out its state category is border, none of that happening here in statuary state california where there is there are lessons whatsoever at the state level here in how come by. we'll show you what we're talking about. take a look at this video we shot earlier this is a -- walked in illegally right here where were standing in this area, we continue to see large numbers of chinese nationals coming in they in and day out, a big language barrier for these border patrol isn't out here to deal with. there was no agents around as you can see in the video when we shut it when this group walked in but that wasn't only go. take a look at this video we shot, same spot, 1:00 am this morning while everyone is sleeping during the overnight hours, the cartels are pushing bodies across here in this san diego sector and once again people from all around the world crossing illegally, middle of the night, mormon from china, mormon from india, and this is something that we see play out very often at 1:00 am out here in jacumba it's the time cartels like to push -- post people across border and that certainly was not -- take a look at this, neil, another group of chinese nationals at chemung lacrosse illegally, several dozen of them, about 30 or so. and what we've noticed with the chinese nationals is a lot of them bring these paper ideas that they've printed out. you might see them as they get processed remainder not only bring their passports calibrating these paper ids. canada venture information on it's citizens so it's hard for border patrol who met these folks. we know little to no -- but the chinese government is because they expect to be released in to the country and the last lee border patrol in del rio sectors reporting this october 1st there agents have arrested 68 convicted sex offenders who cross in to the sector trying to sneak in to the country. of those 68, 62 of them were convicted of sexual crimes against children. there is 91% of these guys have some of the crimes include multiple child grapes, sexual assaults of children and multiple child molesters. and back out here live it just goes to show the contrast between each state like texas and california. texas has barbed wire all over the place, thousand of national guard soldiers. texas troopers down there helping out. here in california we are lucky if we see a border patrol agent every no and then. there is nothing, no california highway patrol, no california national guard out here in jacumba. we'll send it back to. >> neil: this amazing reporting on this, bill melugin in jacumba california. we'll update you and thank you julie racine up with consumer we'll hear from former president trump, this is a state where it's at close of the tech right now. joe biden was it by 20,000 votes four years ago, donald trump wanted by 30,000 votes thereabout four years about that and they're essentially tired right now in that same state. that's how important it is and how much it on the line. speaking up on the line when it comes to you and your money across the board record for the s&p 500 today and nasdaq as technology stocks rolled for the second straight record, the s&p 500 increased accounting up for 31st record of the year that now are not all that far from record territory. what is bowling this particularly in technology with retail sales flooring a little bit canada federal reserve has more wiggle room to maybe get an interest rate cut done this year after our grandmother is the hope anyway. i should also point out nvidia for those of you who like to follow grandma, is known the riches market cap company in the market, it is now worth more than microsoft county surpasses that. but again you might want to break needs things down in pencil because the three of them, as microsoft and apple and nvidia have all switched sides on whose number 1 for the day. right now it's nvidia. l have more, after this. >> ♪ ♪ eze makes sleep feel cool. so, no more sweating all night... or blasting the air conditioning. because the tempur-breeze feels up to 10° cooler, all night long. during our july 4th sale, save $500 on cooling tempur-breeze mattresses. our biggest challenge? 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>> it does. remember this was a state that donald trump was able to flip in 2016 then, of course, he lost it in 2020 so it's a part of that very important blue wall that also includes michigan, pennsylvania, you know, even someone may say minnesota even though minnesota even though trump is pulling better than expected, is still considered to be more say for john chrysler michigan, pennsylvania and wisconsin obviously are but for trump he a -- he has recently got himself in a bit of a hot water in wisconsin for, you know, reportedly talking badly about milwaukee saying it was a horrible city during his meeting at the capitol last week. 's campaign pushing back on that saying he meant it was horrible in terms of crime but democrats using that to go on the offense up against him in that state. >> neil: i don't know if there has been any poll impact from that yet, jerry, but again, everything up and saying in the state has always been close. on this wondering what will turn it, you know, you can go back to the economy, i go back to people's perception about inflation. this is one of those states where it would likely follow those leads. >> yeah, neil, i think that's right and the democratic started its i spoke to quite recently said he thinks the entire election could very well come down to wisconsin and as julia said if you look at the swing states, trump does seem to have a pretty solid lead in those sun belt states grandmother also states -- that we that trenin has twin and by the way if humans are three he within went by 27t263. so it's a hotbed, -- i don't think i suspect was remarked that trump has alleged to have made with the bubbly were taken out of context he was talking about it in terms of it being a horribly run city at a democratic run city with all kinds of crime and other problems. about -- remember their publicans are hosting the convention there in just a few weeks time so it will take -- get a lot of attention there, is going to get a lot of national media attention, a lot of republican attention, there will be a new vise presidential peak assembly at that point so i think all of that -- the one thing we can definitely say is that biden will be making a mistake that eluded and made in 2016 when you recall there lm sure, neil, engineering campaign in wisconsin assuming it was in the bag and, of course, she lost it. so there is going to be a real battle, i think wisconsin could very well be the fundamental deciding point of the election. >> neil: you know, we already know, neil, about the 30 plus million dollars raised by joe biden of courses with the big -- and all these stars and we are already seeing the reporting entities are part $15 million and campaign is rolling out right now where the former president is being targeted as a convicted felon are going to keep using that counter going to keep looking at his legal problems. is not a bit of a role others for them, julia, seeing as the president's on sun also carries that label, convicted felon i mean it is a generation removed, but it's not totally removed? >> yeah, it's certainly a risk especially this close to the debate which is in just over a week, you know, i would imagine that if the biden campaign is, you know, putting this in an add it could be telegraphing what president biden will say to attack donald trump and the debate and if he calls donald trump convicted criminal for convicted felon which he technically is how it's going to be very easy for donald trump to turn back a joe biden and say well, you know, look at your son, he is also a convicted criminal and felon so, you know, it's definitely a risk. we don't know how well that messaging will play mark we have seen polling that would suggest that some independents, you know, or worried about this conviction and, you know, or worried about how well it can impact trump's ability to serve as president. but it certainly and -- a ad line that the biden campaign is willing to go through with. you heard president biden, you know, in a closed-door fundraiser copy reportedly also referred to trump and that so it seems like there warming up and really trying to see how this message plays particularly in those very important swing states without independent voters. >> neil: interesting, jerry baker, one thing i meant -- the biden people do make note of the records on wall street that has been hampden county don't pounce it, really brag about it, maybe the concern about how it looks, refer wall street, mezzo with four main street but is sort of a conundrum, you know, like a teller trump in the day was reportedly talking about records that were -- off -- almost on a weekly basis it would seem. not so much the biden folks. >> when the economy message, neil, just does not work for biden and mikey was seen this. have been talking about the economy a lot and their right. we've had reasonably -- probably not reasonable growth -- implement has remained low and the economy has created large number of jobs not -- compared with prices. everyone is very upset about her presence around him in the last three years. to a parent hammered -- it's really -- it's really not working to them because it's so completely outweighed by what people can see every day when they go to the grocery store and see how much more money they're paying grandmother not focus on the s&p 500 or the dow jones counter focus on the fact that, you know, food cost 20, 30,000 more it did a few -- fast food prices -- so i think that message, you know, is just a losing one for democrats and it's pointless for them to keep trying to present. >> neil: or keep telling people that it's not really that bad. is a difficult and intractable off. i want to thank you both very much, jerry and julia on all of that and we are waiting for the former president, of course, he is in racine wisconsin. i should point out as well as the backdrop that only for the market and is not so much in wisconsin right now but he we was beginning to grip the entire country it seem target 60 million americans are in the path of 90 plus degrees temperatures through the end of the week, some of this going into next week, that represents more than 80% of the population that will be feeling that. some are better prepared for it, others not so much that after this. >> ♪ ♪ (fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different. 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(dog bark) it's just smarter, healthier pet food. it's amazing what real food can do. >> neil: right now nvidia is king of the blog, it is now the most valuable market company in the world overtaking microsoft, that is just for another kind of these things do change tracking of the hell after this. but that changed when my urologist told me about axonics therapy. a long-lasting solution that has really changed my life. this is not another drug, and it works. visit to arrange an appointment with an expert physician to determine if axonics therapy is right for you. results and experiences may vary. stop suffering in silence. with so many choices on there are so many tina feys i could be. so i hired body doubles to help me out. splurgy tina loves a hotel near rodeo drive. oh tina! wild tina booked a farm stay to ride this horse. glenn close?! with millions of possibilities you can book whoever you want to be. that's my line! booking.yeah >> ♪ ♪ >> neil: we should you about an hour ago president biden announcing this new policy shielding and documents process of your citizens from deportation. no doubt challenger donald trump will be mentioning that, taking about that, may be criticizing that. is addressing a crowd in racine wisconsin report showed that is in the entire state with ten electoral votes up for grabs. he and president biden statistically that even donald trump. >> mr. trump: oh and, you know, i love milwaukee. i was the one that picked milwaukee, i have to tell y you. i was the one that picked it. of these lying people that they say oh, he doesn't like milwaukee. i love milwaukee. i said you have to fix the crime, we all know that. after make sure the elections honest. but i'm the one that picked norwalk and the democrats or the radical left lunatics as they call them what they say is just a terrible. they lie lie lie, they have a herbal candidate kelly air canada back has no clue other know where he is and all they can do is lie. eleven. of them on my i'm the one that picked milwaukee officially so -- and you have -- [cheering and applause] anything about about ten congressmen in the meeting that we had recently rested how much i like milwaukee. they all came out and said that it's what he said, we can help it and it was for people but i just want to begin by saying hello, wisconsin. hello. great state. we've had great success here. it's great to be back in this beautiful state with thousands and thousands of proud hard-working american patriots. what a crowd. what a crowd. with your help, five months from now, we're going to to win wisconsin, we're going to defeat your radical left democratic senator, one of the worst, one of the worst in the senate. nobody even knows she's enter-mac i mean frankly she's not doing a good job representing, we have somebody that's going to be great. so. but we're going to the figure senator tammy baldwin, we're going to -- [cheering] were going to elect eric of the of this area, by the way, was a great gentleman and spent a lot of time with him. he and his wife éric gravel people. is going to be a great reveler the counter going to be great rather than the lives of your state. but were going to elect him to the u.s. senate, or grindavik week while an incompetent joe biden who was an incompetent person. from the white house and quite simply we are going to make america great again. [cheering] less than four core years ago, or border was secure and inflation was nowhere to be seen, the world works at peace in america was strong and respected. we were respected all over the world. none of this -- with russia and ukraine and the attack on israel. none of it would've been happening, we would've had -- we wouldn't have a thing called inflation. there was a nice too. but it was a different place for core years ago. but now are going to make it bigger -- better and bigger and stronger than ever before. but you have a president to put america first. i put america first. they don't put -- they put america last. on there, and joe biden, of the world is in flames, or border is overrun, inflation is raging. erupt is in total chaos, the middle east is exploding. iran is emboldened, china is on the march, and the worst, most incompetent, was corrupt president in the history is going to drag us into award war three. other than that he is doing quite a good job, don't you agree? [boos] joe biden is humiliating our country on the world stage. he is actually humiliating us. it so -- you so what happened this weekend, it's turning the united states in to a total joke all over the wo world. first he wanted off the g7 in europe, at this stage, he looked like he didn't know where the hell he was, but he didn't know where he was. he is blaming it now on ai. he's saying -- he didn't know what ai is but that's okay. now they're saying the media is -- or he's saying the media is manipulating now, on that one had to stick up for the media. i have to tell you, he said the media is manipulating the pictures of him constantly, not knowing where the hell he is. doing just the opposite counter making him look better. at the g7 in europe and you had to be rescued by other world leaders and had to pull him back then he bizarrely put his face on the pope's for head. what was that all about? that was weird. vbac is here. that was weird, vbac. i don't know. did you see the pope? the pope is, like, what's happening? the pope didn't really know what was happening. he said this is strange. that he froze during the celebration on the white house lawn then barack hussein obama had to grab his hand and lead him on the stage as though he were a child. i have to tell you obama could've handled differently, you know, differently. he could have done it a little bit softer. you could've done it, like, let's go, let's go. he didn't have to grab him and pulled him off the stage but, you know, earmark but he looked good and i guess that is his primary purpose, he wanted to look good. you get any better job. and back that biden people were very upset about that whole incident about, you know, yet to be discussed. but crooked joe and his handlers are insisting he's sharper than ever and they see the videos of crooked joe shuffling around our clean fake. you know what a clean fake is? the -- this either deceptively audio -- he can go anywhere without a mistake grandma i'm perfect. he said smacked they say he made a mistake. perfect. and i don't think lien takes although they do. they do that. they do that. there's a terrific news. the common you have other. they're all over the place. [boos] but with me, they take every speech and they make it look as bad as possible. with him gladly take the worst speeds you've ever heard and they try to make him look like semi normal. he's shameless lawyers who are trying to deceive you about other people, the people that represent biden. there shameless liars. there the russia russia russia people, the laptop from help people. to 51 intelligence agent people. are the people that said all sorts of lies about military, about our great military. they make up stories about our military. it's a disgrace for what they can do and they're so disruptive to our country. they're the people that really destroy everything that they touch, that's why this november, the people of wisconsin are going to tell cooking joe biden remember the apprentice, you're fired! get out, you've done a horrible job! you've done a horrible, horrible job. which president in history. get out, you're fired, get out. you -- we can't get them out fast enough. i'm right about the next five months. we could end up in world war iii with this person. is the worst president ever. the biden administration has been nonstop catastrophe -- he has been a catastrophe. it's been nonstop catastrophe but one of crooked joe's was disruptive move yet in the lawless executive action he is taking today. you been reading, in the middle of the largest border invasion in world history there's never been a border in the world that's like this border that we have where probably 17, 18 million people by now have entered our country illegally. joe biden's formally granting mass -- figure, is going to formally grant a mass amnesty to millions of illegal aliens that came into our country. [boos] and you have people -- your people there -- they just keep on working. under this program, a deluge of illegals will be given immediate green cards and put on the fast track to rapid citizenship so they can vote. i think a lot of them are going to work for me if you want to know the truth. because if you look at the hispanic population, if you look at the black population, clare balding fortran ten. their voting fortran ten. you, you, look at you! you. thank you. i like that person right there. but they give them free -- to give them welfare, they them three healthcare, food sta stamps, chain migration, chain migration. one of the catastrophic things, one of the many catastrophic things that were confronted with when they come in. crooked joe is sending a message through world that he rewards illegal entry and that's what's happening. they hear about all of the things that are coming in and don't kid yourself, the ones that are hurt the most the black population, the hispanic population, and you know what else capua -- who else is bad -- hurt badly? unions because unions are not able to compete with us. this is a mass entry into our country and the units are getting absolutely killed by it. all an illegal alien has to do is set up for his new program, it's a sham marriage or college degree, think of this, and they can expect amnesty and taxpayer support. they want to get taxpayer support. we are supporting people to come in illegally but our soldiers at our veterans are dying on the streets of these worldly round democrat cit cities. our country is under invasion that we should not be talking amnesty, we should be talking about stopping the invasion and instead. the is an invasion of our country. [cheering and applause] we have to seal the border, we have to let people come into our country, but they have to come in legally. we have to stand joe biden's illegal aliens back home where they belong. we have no choice. we have no choice. don't forget all over the world are present smacked her imprisons carbondale's governmental institutions currently insane asylum's they're all being emptied o out. and i don't blame them. and now the leaders, and soma -- at the bill with them, i dealt with a very nicely i said you don't behave governor going to give you any of the money we pay them so much money and they do nothing, get stolen all over the place. but i had a lot of things we want to bring -- i was told that for years obama couldn't get anybody out. we suffered with ms-13 by the thousands and thousands, that killed people, that correct two young girls, corp. in long island, up to be sick ms-13 monsters and we can get them out of our country and i came back and said why and they said they won't take them back to macon duress going to take a look at honduras and any one of the -- mexico to a certain extent, mexico a little bit less. but we have countries all over south america, countries all over the world i wouldn't take them back. but in the case of the four countries i said here's what we do, el salvador is an example, very tough, smart, good leader, but i would've been more advanced than him. out of hydrogels completely and that -- emptied in to the almost empty. if you take a look at when his well, hugh hewitt happening there. seventy-two% now in crime because they've taken their gangs, their drug dealers also their prisoners and where have they broke -- brought them back to the united states of america thank you very much. [boos] no, no. you can believe that they allow this to happen. >> everyone: send them ba back! [chanting] >> president biden: j. >> mr. trump: who can blame can do this to our country. joe biden doesn't have a clue. were going to watch -- is anybody going to watch the debate? [cheering] he's going to be so pumped up, is going to be pumped up, you know, all that stuff that was missing about a month ago from the white house? what happened? who left -- somebody left it. i wonder -- let's see, somebody -- an office of a gentleman who was supposed to fix the laptop from hell, he never picked it up and somebody didn't pick up hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of cocaine. i wonder who that could have been. i don't know. actually i think it was joe. but crooked joe's action today is an illegal unconstitutional amnesty without approval from congress, no approval from the court or the american people but he never done that. you did that with the tuition and that didn't work out to, like, you got rebuked and -- that he did it again, it's going to get rebuked to get even more so. even more vile attack. but he did that with tuition. is to get the publicity for the election, he doesn't care about that, you just want to see if you can get it by the election like with all my stuff. negative people from all over the smuggle after trump. never did this before. this is like third world country stuff. go after trump. but he did nothing wrong, that doesn't matter, just go after him. go after him. ma don't know -- care what happens after the elation. just do it. method. no country has ever done this outside of a few third world, horrible, banana republics. very rarely learn. this biden and misty in a direct attack on american democracy and yet mark -- another example is how biden and his -- demolishing our educational system and releasing it with a corrupt and fascist regime. it is -- these are bad people. and i don't think he calling the shots i don't -- little badgering of 20,000 people but i don't think he's calling the shots. are you don't think, you know, i'm almost -- are almost sound -- win i talk about, you know, alphonse capone was indicted less than trump, i've never heard the word and document and all of a sudden that's all coming from different angles at me, all caused by biden and his thugs. but is not going to happen -- it's interesting because we're doing better now than we've ever done because people know it's a scam. it's a big scam. in the biden but rail is not going to stand. when i'm reelected, joe biden's illegal amnesty plan will be ripped up and thrown out on the very first day when we're back in office. [cheering] because he's just using that group, but he's going to let everybody come in because you know what they're trying to do? they're trying to sign these people up and register they're not citizens, are not allowed to do it, is illegal as hellcat were filing court courses all over the place including her but were filing court -- to whether trying to do is they're trying to use all of these people that are pouring into our country to vote. what other reason? look, is either their stupid color not stupid. he is but they're not stupid, the people that's around him is his, you know, leaders, his leaders aren't stupid. you can keep the wall in an election and be stupid, okay? so you say that either stupid or they hit our country or the third thing is they want to sign people up to vote for meg and that's what they're doing right now, there's any people up to vote. people don't even know where they are. and they're getting in cars to vote. they're trying to register them to vote. and where in courts all over the place and were going to get it stopped and were going out -- not going to let what they did four years ago happen again. our country is being destroyed. joe biden wants to be the president for illegal aliens but i will be the president for law-abiding americans at every background every walk of life, every race, religion, color and creed. i'll be the president. [cheering] >> everyone: trump! trump! trump! [chanting] [cheering and applause] >> president biden: >> mr. trump: thank you very much. crooked joe's amnesty comes in the wake of a series of horrific murders back -- i call them the biden illegals. they come in here illegally. they just walk across and, not vetted, not checked, all over the world they're try trying, from the congo and africa, 22 people coming out of deals recently, and where are you from, the congo, where you live, in a jail, what did you do, we don't want to say. but they come from africa from asia, become from the middle east. they come from south america, but they come from all over the world and they really, vary in many cases very, very bad, very bad people. the only thing -- only good thing is they make our gang members look like next people that comparison. you know the good thing about planning's administration, right, he makes jimmy carter look like -- look like engineers by comparison. jimmy carter's administers and looks brilliant by comparison. in all fairness he wasn't doing things like this. he wasn't allowing 17, 18 million people to walk into our country unchecked, unvetted, we have no ideo the hell they are. day after day, week after we got more americans are raped, kidnapped and really killed at the hands of criminals and joe biden release them into our country chemically release them up. we had, by the way, four years ago, i wish they could put it on the screen, we are the strongest border in the history of our country. now we have the weakest border in the history of the world. in the history of the world. there is. take a look. that caused a little money to bring that sucker up here, you know, that's -- take a look at that. you see the red arrow in the bottom? that was the week i left office, what a sad day that was for the country. but that was the week i left office. see the red arrow at the bottom. that's the only one he have to look at. there was the last week in office for trump. look at the number. that was the lowest number in the history over the country of illegals coming in but you can also add drugs and other things okay? would look at the number. and northern by border patrol. look at the number. and then look what happens as soon as i live. look at the numbers underwrite. that's the largest in smacking faksa people ever smiling there's never been anything like this. and we don't know where they come from, who they are. we don't know any records. there's no way to check it, you know, they come from some country that nobody ever heard of. they don't keep records and we don't get their records. and we don't know what were taking in. but you know one thing that he remember the snake its not going to be good at right. when you look smart let in ethnic, when you let in people that come in from prison for murder, is not going to end well. were going to have a lot of problems and were going to get them out, we're going to get them out as possibly can, we're going to have the largest deportation, we have no choice. [cheering] this last week another biden migraine was arrested for the savage murder of an innocent american woman, you probably all read about it in maryland, rachel moran, 37 years old, mother of five, beautiful woman, next woman, everybody loved her. police believe this animal was responsible for rachel's killing, was murdered another young woman in el salvador, went to -- came from el salvador, murdered a woman, at least one. and lacrosse this joe biden open border, is coming in, everybody, we won't even check your name. he came in to the united states after which she savagely attacked in 9-year-old girl and her mother in a home invasion yes, and -- los angeles in an area that was supposed to be safe. and finally he was charged and murdering rachel win she was out for iran, she was running, went to keep herself in shape before number her body in to a drainage ditch. that's how they found her, in a drainage ditch. this monster should never have been been allowed in our country and if i was president he would never have been able to come in. he would've never been able to come in. you see those numbers. >> [chanting] usa! usa! just like the killer, you're right about this, blake and riley. beautiful lake and riley would've never been in our country. she was admired by everybody that knew her. and she was murdered by the same kind of a person, personally came in here under biden -- there is no policy. they just come in. i listen to the tom homan the other day. tom homan is great. real pro. he said there is never vented administration so good on the border and so good generally. he's a border guy. he said there's never been an administration like trump, the greatest border, the safest border we've ever had. these murders taking place, all the murders that will take place, you're just seeing the beginning. they are just getting comfortable. they are here for little while. they are not going to start up. now they are having fistfights in the street. i have seen cops shot. i have seen a lot of things but a fist fight, that's they are duking it out in the middle of the street. if they happened in his country they would've had him killed immediately. he would've been killed mutely but here we are nice. we are politically correct. recently in new york on illegal alien with mutual on multiple prior arrests approached two 13-year-old children with a machete in broad daylight. forced them into the woods and tied them together and raped the girl in a park in queens. we'll remove these horrible people from our midst and we will do it immediately. [chanting] it's not like we have a choice. do we have a choice. we are not going to live like that. that area in queen, that's where i grew up. i grew up near that area. it was unthinkable. my parents said, i would go to the park. it was 20 blocks away. i would take a bicycle. nobody thought any was going to happen. i did that for years, played baseball in different things in the park. you would come home and mother would s say hi, darling, would u like something to eat? now if you leave a kid for 5 minutes, you never see them again. it's horrible what's going on. we are not living the proper life. this is not appropriate what's happening. our country is so badly run. by the way, you know kenosha, you know that? i saved kenosha when i was president. kenosha was about ready to go down the tubes in the governor wouldn't move. i'm not supposed to. it's supposed to be the governor. the mayor or the governor but we did a great job and we saved a lot of different places. and some here, we saved a lot of places. joe biden's amnesty is also a cold-blooded betrayal. did you see nancy pelosi? her daughter did a documentary, crazy nancy. list happen just a couple days. they found a documentary. her daughter who is a quote documentary maker has a documentary where no nancy pelosi saying it's my fault, her fault, not my fault, her fault. she takes full responsibility for tapping. she was being honest for the first couple hours. i offered them 10,000 soldiers. i knew the crowd was going to be big. i offered 10,000 soldiers and she turned it down. the mayor of washington, d.c., which we are going to redevelop and make beautiful again because tnow it's a crime-ridden capita. now the g6 committee, i call it the unselect committee. we should have people like you. we should have put vivek on the committee. the unselect the evidence was so bad and so compelling against the democrats that against the people that are supposed to be doing that job that they destroyed and deleted, everything is deleted. they said i attacked secret service agents while i was in the back of a car. and i have friends that say "don't change that story. you sound tough as." these guys are 30 years old. one is a weight lifter. the other is it karate guy. i went for the one that was rebuffed by my hands went around the other ones neck. i would've been trouble if i would've done them. secret service told the proper story, nothing happened, absolutely nothing happened. that's just one of many things. the pelosi thing is something that was now, totally on the record and they have deleted and destroyed all the records. they are really disgraceful people. remember i said peacefully and pray tragically, right? they didn't have that in my speech. they put my speech up they took phrases out. like peacefully and patriotically. these are very dishonest people. i say we have problems from the outside and problems from within and i really believe that you have a smart president. i had no problem with china. i know problem with russia. i stopped russia. russia would've never gone into ukraine. i stopped their pipeline going into germany which buy a new mutely approved. the first week he approved it. pollutants said they say you and i are friends. i hate to see you as an enemy. you stop by pipeline. biden approved it but he killed our pipeline. he stopped our pipeline. keystone xl. biden and his party are hell-bent on legalizing every single biden migrant who has violated our borders, upping millions of people onto medicare and social security and even obamacare by the way even took all these people going onto social security, medicare, obamacare, whenever you want to call it, it's going to destroy all of them. it's not sustainable. they're going to ruin your social security. your social security. biden and the democrats are wheeling granny off a cliff to give benefits to illegal aliens. they are giving benefits to the illegals. a stat that came out the other day, almost all the new jobs in this country are going to illegals. they are not going to our people. they are going to illegals and that's why the black population, the hispanic population is voting for me at levels no one has ever seen before. they're not getting the jobs. in fact, they are losing their jobs. as president, i will fight for american seniors like nobody has ever fought before. we will not be fighting for the biden illegals come as i call them. i will fight for american workers. not for human traffickers. i will fight for the american dreamers, not that child smugglers and woman smugglers and i will restore the sovereign borders of the united states of america, so help me god. >> we want trump! we want trump! >> thank you very much. you know, they actually have the best location. people think -- no, people think it's them but it's not because nobody sees you on camera. they are on camera for an hour and a half depending on... and in numerous cases perhaps to become hollywood stars. they will say who is that person with great star appeal behind trump? let's see. got a few of them. you never know. what is a star after all. what is a star? i will also take immediate action to save our economy. our economy is doing terribly. inflation has killed our economy. it's a nation buster. on the lasting office, inflation was at less than

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