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good morning. it is thursday, july 14th. this is your a.m. wakeup call. here's break is news. we just learned that british police have made an arrest in that scandalous phone hacking case that brought down -- that is bringing down parts of rupert murdoch's news empire. i'll get you more on that in just a moment. i wish i could say there's big news about the debt ceiling talks. i can't tell you that. there's more drama than dealing going on in d.c. right now. a fifth round of talks is set for today. but yesterday didn't go so well. house republicans called for a short-term extension and house majority leader eric cantor says this is what the president said in response. quote, don't call my bluff, eric. and then he walked out a few minutes later. president obama said all along he'd veto any short-term measure. ed administration says failure to raise the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling by august 2nd could trigger a partial default on the part of the united states. thanks to that debt ceiling issue and the possibility of default you're on notice. i'm on notice. everyone from maine to san diego is on in. moody's investor services, the debt rating agency plans to review the nation's aaa bond rating and might downgrade it from stable to negative. standard & poors has the u.s. bond rating under review. let's talk about foreclosures for a second. realty track, the company that tracks the foreclosures, their numbers show foreclosures are down nearly 30% to compared to a year ago. that sounds like good news but it comes with a big fat asterisk. realty track says many are being delayed. many foreclosures that should happen this year will happen next year instead. nevada, arizona and cal lead the pack in foreclosures. the city of mumbai is on high alert right now after three separate explosions. they happened in a bustling part of the city during rush hour. 18 were killed, more than 100 hurt. authorities haven't figured out who's responsible yet and no terror group has claimed responsibility. >> every day, every hour but there was an attack in mumbai. >> this is the first big attack on mumbai since the terrorist siege nearly three years ago. new delhi and calcutta are also on alert this morning. gadhafi's forces are strong in the western part of the country. cnn's ben wedeman and his crew got caught in the cross fire, literally. they're okay but think about this if you think you're having a bad day. >> reporter: this is how our day started. ambushed by gadhafi loyalists. >> there's a lot of gunfire. it's continuing to come through. >> all right. he's okay as i said. ben and his crew are fine. a quick note about casey anthony. she could make big money from her story once she's released from jail on sunday. florida doesn't want jurors in future similar cases to profit. the state is planning a new law that will ban jurors from cashing in on their cases. it seemed public outrage has trumped common sense among some people. this is casey anthony, this casey anthony is getting phone calls and facebook messages telling him what a bad person is he. he's from philadelphia. looks nothing like the real casey anthony in florida. it's like people dialing 867-5309 thinking jenny would answer. the markets are worse off on the news of the potential downgrade from moody's and the difficulties with the debt talks but not so. >> it is affecting markets in asia. asian markets have had a down day today. the main concern is over moody's warning that could downgrade its rating as a political impasse over raising the debt ceiling drags on and dealing for doing so looms. >> the general global reaction to this, some sense of how it's going out there? here i talk to people in the u.s. who say they're betting there will be a deal on the u.s. debt ceiling. what's the international reaction? >> well, outside of asia, there's more negative reaction. for example, in europe there was a downward start to the day. that has been going on. debt troubles are on both sides of the atlantic in the u.s., stalled talks to raise the country's debt limit and that moody's warning in europe, italy, italy is planning a $7 billion bond sale on thursday as lawmakers are scrambling to pass an austerity package. the price for gold, the traditional safe haven has reached an all-time high. ali? >> a lot of people are looking to what they do in case things get worse. christy, a little bit of good news this morning. there's a lot of buzz about scientists maybe having found a new tool in the fight against malaria in a very strange place. >> yes, i love these science store prescriptions researchers have a new tool in the fight against malaria, smelly socks. i'm not making this up. this is according to "popular science" magazine. experiments are currently under way to see if dirty socks can act as poison traps for mosquitos. they carry malaria. it sounds ridiculous but if it works ali it's not something to turn your nose up at. malaria kills up to 900,000 people per year. ali? >> it's devastating to economies around the world, because of all the people that it kills. it's a money story, a health story. who knew smelly socks could be such a good thing. i'll catch up with you later on. let's go to rob marciano live from atlanta. rob we're not going to talk about your smelly clothes, because you stood outside all day yesterday. you're in today. let's talk about major delays. >> most of these will be this afternoon, there will be spots where thunderstorms are focused. i think minneapolis and atlanta, two major hubs there. especially for delta are going to see afternoon delays. this is the time of year that if you have the choice, especially down south to plan your travel in the morning, please do so. miami, same deal, although to a lesser extent, as a result, a cool and gentle rain out there in seattle. some of that trying to get down to the south. the bulk of the hot, humid stuff has shifted to the west. still, heat indices will be up and over 100 degrees in places like oklahoma, arkansas, mississippi and louisiana. a little cooler here. i know it's cooler up in new york. summer not over, as you know. >> you gave good advice. if it's this hot, stay hydrated. i want to the share this with you. beer drinkers in minnesota are stocking up on miller lite. the beer will not be available in coming dres. they didn't get a registration renewed before the government shutdown. the government is under a shutdown for budgetary reasons. it has to pull 40 brands of beers from restaurants, bars and liquor stores in the state. that's another casualty of the shutdown that left 22 state employees sidelined from work. stock up on your beer if you're in the minnesota area, rob. >> we've covered a lot of catastrophes this year but that's a state of emergency. that. >> say big one. >> rob, i'll catch up with you later on in the show. an invite to a marine corps ball is suddenly the hottest ticket around. we have the clip for you after the break. it's our quote, can you guess which newsmaker said this about the debt ceiling talk, quote, dealing with them the last couple of months has been like dealing with jell-o, some days it's firmer than others, sometimes it's like they left it out overnight. the answer after the short break. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um... try the number one! [ jack ] yeah, this is pretty good. [ male announcer ] half a day's worth of fiber. fiber one. hey, dad, you think i could drive? i'll tell you what -- when we stop to fill it up. ♪ ♪ [ son ] you realize, it's gotta run out sometime. [ male announcer ] jetta tdi clean diesel. the turbo that gets 42 miles per gallon. ♪ the authentic, the rare, the hard to define. to those always searching for what's pure and what's real from we who believe we know just how you feel. haagen-dazs. all right. just trying to check on what's going on right now. 12 minutes after the hour. before the break we asked you what newsmaker said this about the debt ceiling talks. dealing with them the last couple of months has been like dealing with jell-o. some days it's firmer than others, some days it's like they've left it out overnight. that's from house speaker john boehner. it's not just politicians talking about the country's debt crisis. cheedian i comedians are having a field day about it. >> in response, seniors are like did you say "b" 4? "b" 4, bingo, i have beginniing >> i lean toward harder news like duck fashion shows. folks, the president said to the republican leadership, you guys we've got to raise the debt ceiling and the republicans said, no way, nerd. and the president said you guys this isn't funny, cut it out. if we don't raise it, the economy will melt down and we could get in trouble. the republicans said if you're that worried about it poindexter, we might vote to raise it but first we have to make massive budget cuts. the president said, okay, thanks, guys. >> all right. time now for your political ticker with tim farley host of morning briefing. colbert doesn't have it all that wrong, tim. last night eric cantor says something to the president about an extension and from what he told us, the president looks at him and says, eric, don't call my bluff. i'm taking this to the american people. not a great way to start day five of the negotiations. >> no. you talked about john boehner and dealing with the opposition is like dealing with jell-o. this is a food fight now evidently that's taking place. democrats say the president held his ground and was being passionate and republicans are saying eric cantor forced the president to storm out of the meeting. this deadline is not going away. ben bernanke, another day of testimony today, second warning shots yesterday. we saw what moody's did. there are a lot of people watching with trepidation right now in the white house. >> three things that should be worrying our viewers this morning. moody's talking about a debt downgrade. bernanke warning about the economy and you've got the stuff on the right of your screen not happening in washington. all of that should be more of a fear than it seems to be on capital markets, tim. do we get the sense that people think they're going to work this out? >> i think that's part of it. i think it's also partly that some people don't necessarily understand. this is not to cast aversions on individuals. it's just when you're covering this every day, it's easy to see some of the consequences. it's making it tougher for people to follow this story sometimes if you're trying to keep your job or find a job. >> it has incremental moves which makes it hard to get your head around it. >> exactly. >> have a good show this morning. >> thank you. newark mayor corey booker just across the river, he's a democrat, he predicts what this debate could cost you if a deal isn't reached. >> what's going to happen, it's going to send a shock wave through our economy, drive interest rates up. it's going to cripple businesses all around our country. so might prayer is that we put principle and purpose over politics. >> and former new york city mayor rudy giuliani is still flirting with a white house run. today he visits new hampshire which is scheduled to host the first presidential primary next february. he he'll headline a fund-raiser and have some lunch with gop activists. mitt romney is already scheduled to be in new hampshire today. her friends with benefits co-star justin timberlake may have land a date, too. marine corporal desantis is try ing to get a date. >> so justin, you want to call out my girl mila? i'm going to call you out and ask you to come to the marine corps ball with me on november 12th in washington, d.c. and if you can't go, all i have to say is cry me a river. >> no definitive answer by either star. justin, just say yes. corporal desantis is a black belt. if you don't say yes, she can kill you with her pinky. first, as you know when you watch the show every morning, there's a day for almost everything. today it is national nude day. celebrated by the -- please, i don't want to get you arrested. let me tell you about a very important phone call i made. when i got my medicare card, i realized i needed an aarp... medicare supplement insurance card, too. medicare is one of the great things about turning 65, but it doesn't cover everything. in fact, it only pays up to 80% of your part b expenses. if you're already on or eligible for medicare, call now to find out how an aarp... medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company, helps cover some of the medical expenses... not paid by medicare part b. that can save you from paying up to thousands of dollars... out of your own pocket. these are the only medicare supplement insurance plans... exclusively endorsed by aarp. when you call now, you'll get this free information kit... with all you need to enroll. put their trust in aarp medicare supplement insurance. plus you'll get this free guide to understanding medicare. the prices are competitive. i can keep my own doctor. and i don't need a referral to see a specialist. call now to get a free information kit. plus you'll get this free guide to understanding medicare. and the advantages don't end there. choose from a range of medicare supplement plans... that are all competitively priced. we have a plan for almost everyone, so you can find one that fits your needs and budget. with all medicare supplement plans, there are virtually no claim forms to fill out. plus you can keep your own doctor and hospital that accepts medicare. and best of all, these plans are... the only medicare supplement plans endorsed by aarp. when they told me these plans were endorsed by aarp... i had only one thing to say... sign me up. call the number on your screen now... and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan. you'll get this free information kit... and guide to understanding medicare, to help you choose the plan that's right for you. as with all medicare supplement plans, you can keep your own doctor and hospital that accepts medicare, get help paying for what medicare doesn't... and save up to thousands of dollars. call this toll-free number now. 20 minutes after the hour. here are three things you need to put on your radar today. 8:40 a.m. eastern, primetime emmy award nominations will be announced live from hollywood. back on the east coast at 10:00 a.m. eastern, federal reserve chairman ben bernanke picks up from where he left off yesterday, delivering his semiannual report on monetary policy. and then at 4:15 p.m. eastern, president obama gets back in the room with lawmakers from both sides of the aisle for those continuing debt ceiling negotiations that ended badly last night. we begin with breaking news. british police have arrested a man in connection with that scandalous phone hacking case. they haven't named the man or divulged the charges. he's 60 years old and was arrested in london. that scandal has brown down rupert murdoch's "news of the world" up in and affected the rest of his media empire. let's go around the world right now. zain vergee live in london, picking up on the hacking story. the temperature is rising in london about this and here in the united states on news that 9/11 victims' phones may have been tapped, many of them, zain. >> yes, i had, ali. the pressure is rising on newscorp and rupert murdoch. more powerful u.s. senators have gotten together and are calling for an investigation under the allegations that newscorp and news of the world journalists may have hacked into 9/11 victims. what they're basically saying, this is illegal if it's happened, criminal and that there could be serious consequences. the attorney general, eric holder is being asked to look into this. this violates the foreign corrupt practices act. the temperature is turning up on rupert murdoch and they're calling for an investigation into his u.s. companies, too. >> zain, we're beginning to continue to watch this, and i know you are. if at some point in the next few days you can tear yourself away from world cup women's soccer, u.s. coming out on top yesterday, facing japan on sunday now. in the finals. u.s. defeating france, 3-1, in the semifinal yesterday. it was a nail biter. are you going to dresden for the final match? >> i am. the u.s. team, it will be amazing to see them. they have a magic, ali. they are in top form. they have team spirit, the never say die attitude. they're fit and very, very talented. it's going to be exciting. the other thing, japan, it's a big deal, too. because one of the stories that people are talking about is that the coach shows the japanese team pictures of the tsunami and victims before they play matches and it motivates them to go play. i know you're a football fan or is it socker? the rest of the world has to call it soccer. >> given there's nfl lockout, it's unclear whether we'll have anything to call football in the united states. it could be that soccer becomes our football very shortly. >> yes. >> as you know, americans claim they don't really love the sport except when a game is on, when a soccer match is on it's all everybody's watching. >> yeah, right. you know, the u.s. women's team is doing really well. i mean, we could be reliving 1999 when they won the women's world cup. ali, i learned a really cool fact right now that football used to be called pig's bladder. did you know this. >> this is real football, american football. >> soccer. soccer. and they used to blow up a pig's bladder and tie it on two ends after blowing it up and kick it around. obviously we now have the actual football. >> always learn something, zain. i taught you on the show that it's national nude day. we've exchanged valuable information, both of us. i'll talk to you in a little while. >> enjoy skinny dipping. >> exactly, yeah. all right. a guy who claims he used to be an islamic terrorist is earning big money. however, his story may not add up. he earned $5,000 for this lecture funded by taxpayers. he says he used to be a bomb-throwing terrorist. now he's a christian convert with a blunt message. he says terrorism and islam are inseparable. >> know your enemy. know your enemy. all islamist organizations in america should be the number one enemy. all of them. >> here's the problem. cnn reporters in the united states, israel and the palestinian territories found no evidence whatsoever that he was ever a terrorist. that's not stopping him from raking in the cash. his speeches, books and video sales have earned him over $500,000 in 2009, according to tax records. british scientists are working on a bomb-proof bag meant to protect planes from explosions. it's flexible, light weight a a a blast. first, our businessman's special nugget of the day. pc, we're talking about personal computing. i'll tell you what i have to say about it after the break, 26 minutes after the hour. [ diane lane ] is your anti-wrinkle cream gone... but not your wrinkles. new neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. its retinol formula smoothes wrinkles in just one week. why wait if you don't have to. neutrogena®. from "i like you." "i really like you." "i love you." "i will always love you." and sometimes a gift says, "you mean more to me than anything else in the world." life insurance from new york life ensures your loved ones will always be taken care of, with 166 years of financial strength -- it's the most selfless gift you can give. new york life. the company you keep. announcer: when life's this hard, it's no wonder 7,000 students drop out every school day. visit and help kids in your community stay in school. good morning. thursday, july 14th. this is your "a.m. wakeup call." british police have arrested a man in connection with that scandalous phone hacking case. they haven't named the man or any charges. we do know he's 60 years old and was arrested in london. than xadle brought down rupert murdoch's "news of the world" paper. the top cop in london will testify about scotland yard's investigation today. i want to be a fly on the wall during these ongoing debt talks. 20 days until the deadline on raising the debt ceiling. there's no deal yet. president obama reportedly told lawmakers, quote, this could bring my presidency down. talking about his promise to veto a short-term extension. he says he will not yield. they'll meet again today. the fifth session in as many days. the white house warns failing to raise the debt ceiling by august 2 send could trigger a partial default. the power is slowly being restored in the chicago area after one of the worst storms on record. the storm packed wind gusts of nearly 80 miles an hour, knocking down trees and power lines. nearly 1 million customers were affected. this morning, the power company says more than 75% of its customers have had its power restored. now the wakeup call for the shuttle "atlantis" crew. ♪ if you believed they put a man on the moon ♪ ♪ man on the moon ♪ if you believed >> good song. they probably couldn't have got noon the chorus a little bit more. that is by michael stipe of the group r.e.m. more supplies will be transf transferred from the shuttle to the international space station. check your local channel, they might be interviewing the astronauts today. these are not shuttle astronauts but four afghanistan women are making history nonetheless. they are among the first female pilots in the afghanistan air force. >> you're going to open the door for our ladies in afghanistan. it's a big deal for us to open the door for others, the other ladies that have the dream that they can't do it, we want to show them. >> their journey began two years ago when the afghan army began looking for women to join. they will spend the next few months training in the united states before returning home to afghanistan. the major phone companies aren't keeping the third party mystery fees off your phone bills. we're talking about land lines by the way, not cell phones. big phone says it's taken steps but admits it's still a big problem. for money news, let's go to joya dosh. i'm expecting a rough morning for stocks. how's it looking? >> it's actually looking pretty good. the futures are pointing to a higher open, which is a bit of a fresh start from earlier in the week. >> i want to ask people, don't think about ge so much, think about a small business person who really create a lot of jobs in this country. they're petrified right now. >> who are they scared of? >> look, what happens if the government doesn't roll over its debt? why would you invest into that? and if the budget deficit means super high tax rates for them, again, that to me is the piece that is missing. there has been bad new business generation, small businesses have gotten hurt coming out of this recession. >> all right. ali, what's happening here is that the clock is ticking. during one of the most tense meetings in washington last night between the president and lawmakers with moody's in the meantime has warned that its putting the u.s. credit rating on watch for a possible downgrade which could set off a firestorm as far as wall street's concerned. that's something to keep on the back burner today. >> joya dass, thank you very much. see you tomorrow. now back to today's businessman special on personal computing. if you bought a pc in the second quarter you're one of only a few compared to those who bought tablets. acor, the owner of gateway, shipped 20% fewer last quarter compared to a year ago. surprise. lenovo were up more than 22%, the computers that used to be ibms. dell dropped almost 10% and hp dropped 1%. let's talk about ipads. where do you think most people use their ipads, living room, at work or in the bedroom? i'll have that answer for you after the break. 35 minutes after the hour. [ female announcer ] now, give dry, damaged hair a whole new life! with aveeno nourish plus moisturize. active naturals wheat formulas target and help repair damage in just 3 washes. for softer, stronger... ... hair with life. [ female announcer ] nourish plus. only from aveeno. 38 minutes after the hour. before the break we asked you where you think most people use their ipads, living room, work or the bedroom in the answer is the living room. according to the university of missouri, just over half of the 500 people they asked said the living room. paul steinhauser, all eyes on are president obama and congressional leaders heading into their fifth straight day of talks about increasing the debt ceiling. >> you've got it, ali. day four ended on a very, very tense note between the president and eric cantor, the house majority leader. listen, they were discussing cantor's proposal for a shor short-term agreement. cantor says the president got aggravated and he told cantor, i've sat here long enough, he said don't call my bluff. i'll go to the american people with this. ali, as you can imagine, democratic sources have a different take on this exchange saying that obama was basically getting extremely frustrated with the congressional republicans' refusal to compromise on any tax increases. here we are going into day five, both sides seem pretty far apart, ali. >> what's the guessing, the betting in washington, regardless of the day-to-day goings on in washington? >> everybody says we have to get a deal sooner or later. everybody realizes the dire consequences if nothing is done by early august on the debt ceiling. if you look at every day meetings, it doesn't seem like they're making a lot of progress. the republicans want to come to revenue increases, pretty strong. if i'm a betting man, i don't know how they come to an agreement. >> no kidding. paul, i'll bet one thing, you and i will be covering this until the end. paul steinhauser, deputy political editor. here are three things to put on your radar, 8:40 a.m. eastern, the primetime emmy award nominations will be announced live from hollywood. then back on the east coast at 10:00 a.m., federal reserve chairman ben bernanke picks up from where he left off yesterday delivering the semiannual report on monetary policy. at 4:15 p.m. eastern, president obama gets back in the room with lawmakers from both sides of the aisle for continuing debt ceiling negotiations. you may remember eric la grand, the rutgers football star paralyzed in a game last fall. yesterday he tweeted two photos of himself standing up during therapy. he tweeted the words, standing tall, we can't fall. and tour de france, cavendish took the 11th stage. all eyes are on defending champ alberto contador of spain. he's been dealing with swelling in his right knee. and the americans are in the final. they they won yesterday 3-1. now they face japan. three members of the u.s. team will join us in about an hour on "american morning." right now we'll bring in pablo torre. reporter for "sports illustrated." the team heading into the world cup finals. tell us how tough an opponent japan is likely to be. >> there's no question the u.s. could beat any team in the world right now, ali. japan they haven't lost to in 25 games. the u.s. has a wombach and hope solo. >> while we're all watching soccer we might as well call it football because we don't have football in the united states. steelers linebacker james harrison has a mouthful to say about nfl commissioner roger goodell. calling him a crook and a devil in "men's journal." he says if that man was on fire and i had to something on him to put it out, urinate is not the word he used, i wouldn't do it. i hate him and and will never respect him. >> this is par for the course for this guy. he's a great linebacker but when it comes to discretion he's all of the discretion of a machine gun. he's really the nfl's uncontrollable embarrassing idd at this point. he got fined $100,000 last year for illegal hits. that hasn't helped james harrison on or off the field. >> we'll have to see if that settles itself at some point. pablo torre from "sports illustrated" joining us. july 13th, 1568, the dean of st. paul's cathedral perfects a way to bottle beer and all of history was changed. soy complexith scienn and natural minerals. give you sheer coverage instantly, then go on to even skin tone in four weeks. aveeno tinted moisturizers. then go on to even skin tone in four weeks. woman: saving for our child's college fund was getting man: yes it was. so to save some money, we taught our 5 year old how to dunk. woman: scholarship! woman: honey go get him. anncr: there's an easier way to save. get online. go to get a quote. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. the authentic, the rare, the hard to define. to those always searching for what's pure and what's real from we who believe we know just how you feel. haagen-dazs. good morning. it is thursday, july 14th, not july 13th. this is your "a.m. wakeup call." i told you on july 13th, 1568 bottle beer was perfected. it was perfected on july 13th. the 13th is now gone because today is july 14th. that's what happens when you work at this hour of the morning. i'm ali velshi, joining you live this morning. british police arrested a seventh person in connection with that scandalous phone hacking case. they haven't named the man or any charges. we do know he's 60 years old and was arrested in london. that scandal brought down rupert murdoch's "news of the world" paper. later today, the top cop will testify about the investigation. zain vergee joins us live from london. lawmakers are worried that 9/11 victims' phones may have been tapped. >> ali, they are really turning up the heat, a bunch of powerful senators want an investigation. they say that rupert murdoch's u.s. companies should now be closely looked at. they want the attorney general, eric holder, to look into it and see whether it's a violation of the foreign corrupt practices act. at the heart of all of this, the question is was there any criminal acts that happened here? and were u.s. citizens and victims of 9/11's phones hacked into it? it could get ugly. every single day, ali, is bringing a new dimension to this story. >> i think you're following another story very closely, zain. it is this new phenomenon of marines here in the united states using youtube to ask celebrities to attend a ball. a marine did this with mila kunis. now justin timberlake who encouraged her is being invited. >> it's the romantic in me, what can i say, ali? i love this story. a female u.s. marine has now uploaded a video request on youtube asking justin timberlake to be her date at a ball that she's going to in washington, d.c. listen to her proposal, ali. >> so, justin, you want to call out my girl mila? i'm going to call you out and ask you to come to the marine corps ball with me on november 12th in washington, d.c. and if you can't go, all i have to say is cry me a river. >> isn't that cute? i think he should say yes. justin, you need to do it for your country. >> which is what he told mila kunis. >> today is national nude day. there's something else that more people can do for their country. the question i want to ask, any other u.s. female marines do they want to take this man to any of the balls out there? what do you think? ali? >> that's quite a watch i'm wearing. i don't know if it counts as completely nude if you have a watch on. thank you for that. hopefully nobody spilled their coffee during that. zain vergee in london. there are no words for that. just to change gears i'll bring you up to speed on the debt ceiling talks. that will get that picture out of your mind. the fourth round was a bust. house republicans called for a short-term extension. eric cantor says this was the president's response, quote, eric, don't call my bluff. and then he walked out a few minutes later. president obama said all along he'd veto any short-term measure. failure to raise the debt ceiling by august 2nd could trigger a partial default. thanks to the debt ceiling issue and the possibility of default you're on notice, i'm on notice and everyone from caribou, maine to san diego is on notice. moody's investors' services plans to review the aaa bond rating and might downgrade it from stable to negative. standard & poor's revised it back in april. realty tracks numbers show foreclosures are down 30% from last year. realty tracks says many of these foreclosures are just being delayed, so foreclosures that would have happened this year are going to happen next year instead. nevada, arizona and california are the top foreclosure states. one of the biggest international store fliz your world right now is that fatal attack in india. mumbai is on high alert after three separate explosions. it happened in a bustling part of the city during rush hour. at least 18 killed, more than 100 hurt. authorities haven't figured out who's responsible yet and noer terror group has come forward to claim responsibility. this is the first big attack on mumbai since the terrorist siege nearly three years ago. new delhi and calcutta are also on alert this morning. rebel forces have retaken a village from moammar gadhafi's forces. ben wedeman and his crew got caught in the cross fire. they're okay. but before you're complaining about the day you're having today, take a look at this. >> wait, wait, wait. wait! >> okay, just calm down. >> we're cool. >> [ bleep ]. >> get down, get down! >> okay, we're leaving this area because there's gunfire all around us. we believe that gadhafi's forces are doing a round about movement. we are rushing out of this area. >> ben's seen a lot of stuff. you can see there's real concern on his face. ben and his crew are all okay. let's get to rob marciano live in atlanta. how's it looking for travelers today. >> the traveling will be less intense, regardless of the weather as compared to what's going on overseas. a couple of spots that will be the focal points of afternoon thunderstorms, including atlanta, late-day thunderstorms and up through parts of minneapolis. the northeast looks great. fairly low levels of humidity, pretty comfortable. the heat is shifting to the south and west. atlanta, minneapolis, those are your spots for problems. big delta hubs. miami, orlando and seattle will see delays as well. the heat is shifting south and west and abating just a little bit. oklahoma will be sizzling again. back up to you, ali. >> walked out of my apartment about 3 1/2 hours ago and it was actually cool here in new york. i thought -- >> life is good, huh. >> i felt good with my layers of clothing. i always have a vest, a shirt and tie and jacket. hold on, don't go away. you reported on wildfires before. has this ever happened to you? a reporter gets drenched by one of the water dropping choppers. >> really. >> as they report on a fire. >> it's mild brush that's burning. >> i've been very close but they haven't dropped on me. >> i would say -- oh! >> water dropping helicopters. >> oh. >> no harm, no foul there. at least it wasn't the fire retardant. that's awful stuff. >> she's good and wet now. >> the water that -- >> good to see you, my friend. she has a good sense of humor about it. today's word of the day is cramping, not cramping our foot into a tiny shoe or cramping too many groceries into a recycling bag. the definition of this word is why it's costing you money. that's coming up after the break. 54 after the hour. naturals from purina cat chow. delicious, real ingredients with no artificial flavors or preservatives. naturals from purina cat chow. share a better life. somewhere in america, there's a doctor who can peer into the future. there's a nurse who can access in an instant every patient's past. and because the whole hospital's working together, there's a family who can breathe easy, right now. somewhere in america, we've already answered some of the nation's toughest healthcare questions. and the over 60,000 people of siemens are ready to do it again. siemens. answers. hey, dad, you think i could drive? i'll tell you what -- when we stop to fill it up. ♪ ♪ [ son ] you realize, it's gotta run out sometime. [ male announcer ] jetta tdi clean diesel. the turbo that gets 42 miles per gallon. ♪ 57 minutes after the hour. now back to our word of the day. cramping. it could be costing you money today. here's the definition from google, the fraudulent practice of adding unauthorized charges to a customer's phone bill. according to a study, americans are shelling out about $2 billion in fees on their phone bill. now, to protect yourself, the fcc says you should carefully review your bill every month and report any fees that you don't recognize to your cell phone company. we're not talking about large amounts. check for $2 or $3 charges. file a complaint with the fcc if you feel you're being crammed. on the agenda today, at 8:40 a.m. eastern time, the primetime emmy award nominations will be announced live from hollywood. "american morning" will cover that live. at 10:00 a.m., federal reserve chairman ben bernanke picks up from where he picked off yesterd yesterday. at 4:15 p.m. eastern, president obama gets back into the room with lawmakers from both sides of the aisle-fo for debt ceilin negotiations. we go to kristie lu stout, live from hong kong. debt ceiling talks ending bad yesterday, ben bernanke's talks yesterday, how are things going? >> it's been a down day for most asian markets. the buzz kill, moody's warning that could downgrade its rating on u.s. debt as the political impasse over raising the debt ceiling drags on. that and of course worries about the european debt crisis we saw financial stocks, exporters here in asia feeling the most pressure today. ali? >> global investors, what's your sense of what people are thinking about the u.s. solving its debt problem here in the united states? >> well, let's just look at how the markets are trading in europe. looking at the stock prices here, on my ipad, the downward trend goes on. it's all red a arrows. debt troubles, they're on both sides of the atlantic. people are fixated with what's happening in the u.s. and also in europe. for example, italy, later today, it's making way for

Related Keywords

President , Eric Cantor , Quote , Call My Bluff , Extension , Don T , Response , White House , Didn T Go , House Republicans , Debt Ceiling , Part , Default , President Obama , Failure , United States , Measure , Debt Ceiling Issue , Thanks , Administration , Bed , 14 3 Trillion , 4 3 Trillion , August 2nd , 2 , Plans , Notice , Everyone , Bond Rating , Possibility , Moody S Investor Services , Nation , Debt Rating Agency , Aaa , San Diego , Maine , Foreclosures , Company , Realty Track , Negative , Talk , Second , Review , Standard Poors , Let , News , Many , Numbers , Sounds , Big Fat Asterisk , 30 , Mumbai , City , Explosions , Rush Hour , Cal , Pack , Nevada , Arizona , Three , Authorities Haven T , Responsibility , Terror Group , 18 , 100 , Attack , Siege , Country , Ben Wedeman , Crew , Forces , Calcutta , Moammar Gadhafi , Cross Fire , New Delhi , Cnn , Lot , Reporter , Gunfire , Loyalists , Casey Anthony , Story , Money , Note , People , Cases , Jurors , Estate , Common Sense , Outrage , Cashing , Law , Florida , Doesn T Want Jurors , Jail On Sunday , Person , Nothing , Phone Calls , Messages , Facebook , Philadelphia , Markets , 867 , 5309 , Moody S , Downgrade , Concern , Debt Talks , Difficulties , Asian , Asia , Reaction , Dealing , Warning , Impasse , Rating , Deal , Sense , Outside Of Asia , U S Debt Ceiling , Talks , Sides , Debt Troubles , Example , Atlantic , Debt Limit , Europe , Italy , 7 Billion , 6 Billion , Lawmakers , Ali Velshi , Price , Austerity Package , Bond Sale , Gold , Thigh , Scrambling , Safe Haven , Things , Malaria , Place , Fight , Tool , Scientists , Bit , Case , Science , Buzz , Christy , Way , Socks , Store , Prescriptions , Cup , Experiments , Magazine , Popular Science , Something , Poison Traps , Mosquitos , Nose , 900000 , World , Thing , Rob Marciano , Money Story , Health Story , Economies , Let S Go , Spots , Minneapolis , Delays , Thunderstorms , Atlanta , Most , Clothes , Delta , Afternoon Delays , Travel , Hubs , Choice , Miami , Two , Stuff , South , Some , Result , Seattle , Extent , Rain , Bulk , New York , Oklahoma , Heat Indices , Cooler , West , Mississippi , Arkansas , Louisiana , Beer , Advice , Share , Beer Drinkers , Minnesota , Dres , Stocking Up On Miller Lite , Government , Shutdown , Casualty , Stores , Beers , Government Shutdown , Registration , Restaurants , Reasons , Bars , Liquor , Brands , 40 , Show , Area , Work , Big One , State Of Emergency , Catastrophes , State Employees , One , 22 , Break , Newsmaker , Ticket , Invite , Clip , Marine Corps Ball , Answer , Others , Debt Ceiling Talk , Jell O , Announcer , Number , Fiber , Breakfast , Jack , Uh , Jack S Cereal , Um , Dad , Son , Turbo , Run Out , Gotta , Jetta Tdi , Clean Diesel , 42 , Authentic , Haagen Dazs , What S Going On , 12 , It , Debt Ceiling Talks , Debt Crisis , John Boehner , Politicians , Comedians , Cheedian I , Tb , Beginniing , Seniors , Bingo , 4 , Duck Fashion Shows , Leadership , Guys , Nerd , Republican , Folks , Economy , Trouble , It Poindexter , Budget Cuts , Isn T Funny , Colbert Doesn T , Ticker , Last Night , Tim Farley , Host , Morning Briefing , Wrong , Negotiations , Eric La Grand , Five , Food Fight , Opposition , Ground , Democrats , Ben Bernanke , Testimony Today , Meeting , Second Warning Shots Yesterday , Debt Downgrade , Trepidation , Viewers , We Saw , Wall , Screen , D C , Capital Markets , Fear , Cast Aversions On Individuals , Consequences , Job , Moves , Head , Corey Booker , Deal Isn T , River , Debate , Newark , Rudy Giuliani , Businesses , Politics , Prayer , Interest Rates , Shock Wave , Purpose , New Hampshire , Run , Lunch , Headline A Fund Raiser , Justin Timberlake , Mitt Romney , Corporal Desantis , Activists , Friends With Benefits , So Justin , Girl , King , Ball , Corps , November 12th In Washington D C , Cry Me A River , November 12th , Yes , First , Star , Pinky , Black Belt , Phone Call , Everything , Medicare Card , Medicare , Fact , Doesn T Cover Everything , Insurance , Aarp , B Expenses , Medicare Supplement , Card , 80 , 65 , Dollars , Expenses , Insurance Company , Pocket , Unitedhealthcare , Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan , Medicare Part B , Kit , Information , Trust , Aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance , Guide , Doctor , Prices , Specialist , Referral , Plan , Budget , Advantages , Orange , Needs , Claim , Hospital , Aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan , Help , What Medicare Doesn T , Eastern , Nominations , Radar , Primetime Emmy Award , 20 , 8 , Report , Hollywood , Federal Reserve Chairman , Monetary Policy , East Coast , 00 , 10 , 15 , Oman , Police , Phone Hacking Case , Debt Ceiling Negotiations , Room , Connection , British , Aisle , Breaking News , Charges , They Haven T , Rupert Murdoch , News Of The World , In London , Scandal , Brown , 60 , Temperature , Rest , Hacking Story , Zain Vergee , Let S Go Around The World , Live In London , Media Empire , Pressure , Senators , Phones , Zain , Victims , Newscorp , 9 11 , Investigation , Journalists , Allegations , Attorney General , Companies , Foreign Corrupt Practices Act , Point , Finals , World Cup Women S Soccer , France , Facing Japan On Sunday , 1 , 3 , Semifinal Yesterday , Match , Nail Biter , Dresden , Team , Japan , Form , Magic , Never Say Die Attitude , Team Spirit , Stories , Play , Tsunami , Football Fan , Coach , Matches , Pictures , Japanese , Football , Soccer , Anything , It Socker , It Soccer , Nfl Lockout , Everybody , Soccer Match , Women , Game , Watching , Sport , Women S World Cup , 1999 , Pig , American Football , Pig S Bladder , Tie , Bladder , Guy , Both , Skinny Dipping , Islamic , Big Money , 000 , 5000 , Terrorism , Message , Islam , Taxpayers , Lecture , Convert , Christian , Enemy , Organizations , Number One , Problem , Reporters , Cash , Books , Video Sales , Evidence , Raking , Speeches , Palestinian Territories , Israel , Planes , Tax Records , Bag , 2009 , 500000 , 00000 , Businessman , Blast , Nugget , Computing , Pc , Cream , Diane Lane , 26 , Wrinkles , Retinol Formula , Neutrogena , Wrinkle Repair , Rapid , I Love You , I Like You , Life Insurance , Gift , Loved Ones , Strength , Care Of , I Will Always Love You , 166 , Life , Students , Hard , 7000 , School , Kids , Community Stay , Visit Boostup Org , July 14th , Wakeup Call , Thursday July 14th , 14 , Cop , Scotland Yard , Xadle , Debt , Fly On The Wall , Presidency , Promise , Session , August 2 , Power , Storms , Storm , Power Lines , Record , Wind Gusts , Trees , Chicago , Power Company , Customers , 1 Million , 75 , Shuttle , Atlantis , Man On The Moon , Song , Rem , Supplies , Michael Stipe , Transf , Couldn T Have Got Noon The Chorus A Little Bit More , Channel , Space Station , Afghanistan Women Are Making History , Four , Door , Ladies , Afghanistan , Pilots , Dream , Air Force , Journey , Home , Afghan Army , Phone , Cell Phones , Phone Companies , Phone Bills , Land Lines , Mystery Fees , Third Party , Steps , Stocks , Let S Go To Joya Dosh , Futures , Open , Age , Small Business , Budget Deficit , Jobs , Piece , Business Generation , Tax Rates , Recession , Ticking , Credit Rating , Meetings , Clock , Firestorm , Special , Back Burner , Joya Dass , Concerned , Wall Street , Few , Gateway , Owner , Tablets , Acor , Surprise , Ipads , Computers , Dell , Hp , Ibms , Lenovo , Bedroom , Living Room , 35 , Washes , Naturals Wheat Formulas , Repair Damage , Aveeno Nourish Plus Moisturize , Hair , Nourish Plus , The Living Room , Half , University Of Missouri , 38 , Eyes , Paul Steinhauser , Leaders , 500 , Proposal , Cantor , House Majority Leader , Listen , Agreement , Exchange , Sources , Compromise , Tax Increases , Refusal , Guessing , Revenue Increases , Progress , Kidding , The End , Deputy Political Editor , Rutgers Football Star Paralyzed In A Game Last Fall , Therapy , Photos , Words , Champ , Tour De France , 11th Stage , Cavendish , 11 , Alberto Contador , Final , Swelling , Knee , Spain , American Morning , Members , Pablo Torre , Haven T , Opponent , Sports Illustrated , 25 , Games , Wombach , Hope Solo , James Harrison , Roger Goodell , It Football , Watching Soccer , Mouthful , Devil , Crook , Nfl , Steelers Linebacker , Word , Fire , Men S Journal , Course , Discretion , Linebacker , Par , Idd , Machine Gun , 100000 , Hasn T , Hits , The Field , July 13th , Cathedral , Dean Of St , 13 , July 13th 1568 , 1568 , Complexith Scienn , History , Minerals , Coverage , Aveeno Tinted Moisturizers , Woman , College Fund , Child , Dunk , 5 , Car Insurance , Honey Go , Scholarship , Anncr , Geico Com , Bottle Beer , Heat , Bunch , Violation , Question , Heart , Facts , Citizens , Marines , Phenomenon , Celebrities , Dimension , Youtube , Marine , Romantic , U S Marine , Mila Kunis , Video Request , Cute , Balls , Watch , Coffee , Gears , Picture , Mind , Bust , Services Plans , Investors , Caribou , Realty , Realty Tracks , Foreclosure , California , Noer Terror Group , India , Rebel , Wait , Village , Take A Look , Bleep , Live In Atlanta , Travelers , Movement , Face , Okay , Traveling , Points , Overseas , Couple , Afternoon Thunderstorms , Weather , Parts , Problems , Levels , Humidity , Northeast , Big Delta Hubs , Orlando , Mali , Just A Little Bit , Apartment , 3 1 2 , Life Is Good , Jacket , Clothing , Hold On , Players , Shirt , Wildfires , Vest , Huh , Don T Go Away , Water , Brush , Choppers , Harm , Water Dropping Helicopters , Wasn T The Fire Retardant , Cramping , Friend , Foot , Recycling Bag , Humor , Shoe , Groceries , Definition , Naturals , Preservatives , Ingredients , Flavors , Purina Cat Chow , 54 , Somewhere , Nurse , There S A Doctor Who , Patient , Family , Healthcare Questions , Siemens , 60000 , Answers , 57 , Phone Bill , Customer , Practice , Study , Google , Fees , Cell Phone Company , Bill , Amounts , Fcc , , 2 Billion , Complaint , Agenda , Eastern Time , Yesterd , Aisle Fo For Debt Ceilin , Kristie Lu Stout , Hong Kong , Buzz Kill , Worries , Exporters , Debt Problem , Stock Prices , Trading , Drama , Arrest , News Empire , Ipad , Trend , Red A Arrows ,

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