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and barack obama slam china. >> day one. president romney stands up to china. demands a level playing field for our businesses and workers. >> just today, to kick off his bus tour, the president played the china card too. >> just this morning, my administration took a new action to hold china accountable for unfair trade practices that harm american automakers. and let me tell you something. americans aren't afraid to compete. we believe in competition. >> the president is referring to chinese tariffs on american-made cars and raised costs between 10% and 22%. what is amazing when you look at the numbers the claim doesn't really add up. look at gm sales in china. in the month of may, they were up 21% from last year. so far this year gm sold a record 1.2 million cars in china, more than the united states. the real untold story here isn't really about chinese tariffs on u.s. cars. it's how much china is helping america's economy. so let's start with ohio, where the president was today. exports from ohio to china worth $2.7 billion and makes china, ohio's big third biggest export market and the top is machinery. this is according to the u.s. china business council. ohio is, obviously, a crucial swing state but it's not the only one with the story. look at pennsylvania. the next stop on president obama's tour, china is pennsylvania's second biggest export market. 3.5 billion dollars a cheer come from china to pennsylvania. chemicals and machinery and minerals are the reason. virginia, another swing state. china is number two in exports. colorado, another swing, it's third. those states export hundreds of millions of dollars worth of machinery and computers to china. you get the point. so our question tonight is -- should we be biting a hand that feeds us? outfront tonight, stephanie cutter, president obama's campaign manager, i talked to her a few moments ago and i started by asking her why the president is going after china. >> well, erin, your comment on biting the hand that feeds you, you know, we do trade a lot with china and we want to continue trading with china but we want a level playing field and we want a level playing field for u.s. companies and u.s. workers and that is what today was about. china has been imposing unfair tariffs being impose odd china and the president said no and he is holding them accountable. we want to trade with china and increase our trade with china and sell more autos over there, but need to assure there is a continued level playing field. >> what about china selling more cars in china than in the united states this year. it's a record for them. and even the detroit news reports that any chinese person who can afford a gm car is already a very wealthy person but the tariffs may not make the decision between buying or not buying the car. does that really mean this is politics? >> that doesn't mean we shouldn't do it, you know? if another country is imposing unfair tariffs on american products, that's an unlevel playing field for our goods and services, then the president is going to take action. the united states is going to take action. it doesn't mean just because our products are doing well in that country that we shouldn't take action. imagine if we didn't have those tariffs on those automobiles. i'm sure gm would like to keep some of that money. the american people would like to keep some of that money. this is about creating a level playing field. >> stephanie, let me ask you about the money here. obviously, a lot of talk about that phone call the president made from air force one to donors earlier this week. the romney campaign and republican national committee said we have raised a hundred million dollars in june. are you guys going to be anywhere close? >> well, we will put out our figures when we are ready, when we are done adding up the numbers, but no secret why the romney campaign put their money out today. they are trying to change a very bad story line on themselves. and that story line is that governor romney and his campaign have flip-flopped on his own health care policies, his position on the president's health care law, but also his position on his own health care law in massachusetts. >> the issue of tax? >> they are claiming to change the bad story line, i don't blame them if i were on their side, i probably would do the same thing. >> but, again, i know you won't give me an exact number but i know you've been frustrated in saying they are raising more than money than you all are. they are raising more money than you in june, right? >> i won't forecast what our money is. it's not uncommon for the challenger to outraise the incumbent after they become the nominee. i worked for john kerry in 2004. we outraised george bush. we will continue building our grassroots support and that as many people as possible are contributing to this campaign. one thing to keep in mind about that hundred million dollars, we'll never know who raised that money. we will never know who mitt romney's bundlers are. we know one of them, mr. dimond who resigned from barclays last week but don't know how many more are out there and where this money came from. that's one thing to keep in mind when he puts his hundred million dollars out there. >> that's true. although i guess you have your -- they have their diamonds. >> we release our bundlers and completely transparent on it, as most candidates have done. mitt romney plays by a different set of rules and keeps his bundlers secret like a lot of other things that he keeps secret. >> that was stephanie cutter, deputy campaign manager for the president's campaign. john avlon is here with me now both romney and the president bashing china is a bad thing to do. >> it doesn't add up. look. bashing china is a very effective ad campaign technique especially in ohio. the 2010 cycle we saw a surprising number of ads using china shorthanded for marc's place in the world and feeling that american manufacturing sent what it once was and we had a miniresurgent in manufacturing in this country until the last month. but so it is an effective boogie man politically but it doesn't add up if you look at the bottom line numbers. i spoke to the mayor of toledo tonight where air force one sat down today. i asked him what do you make of this and how does china play? he said i've been to china three times. he said, you know, china -- >> he wasn't a vacation? it wasn't a beach trip or a vacation. it was a pure economic outreach and he said members of my administration have been there more. despite the fact that toledo has a success story in economic resurgents because of automaticive manufacturing. he says china is a key to economic growth which helps his city turn deficits into surpluses. >> a policyup on the money raising. i think it was pretty clear from what stephanie cutter said they won't come close. interesting in the point when john kerry was running he outraised george w. bush at the time. >> she did work for kerry but there are gripes but the party is uniting around mitt romney and especially on the back of the supreme court nomination where they raised a huge amount of money in 24 hours and he has a big boost and sounds like she is adjusting expectations downward and it sounds like romney a hundred million dollar month with rnc money and not including superpacs. we know this is a billion dollar election. this is going to be big money. >> big money on both sides. >> big money on both sides. >> i thought her comment was important. it's easy to say, oh, you know, some guy who is in trouble running a bank is bundling for the other guy. the problem you had a guy on your side too. the bundlers tend to be very wealthy and very connected. often wall street people. >> exactly. as you pointed out neither party has a monopoly on virtue or vice. for every time there is a corzne. >> a verdict in the case of a man who beat up the priest that he says abused him nearly three decades ago. do claims of an assassination using pulonium add up? 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(push button tone) this is stacy from springfield. oh woah. hello? yes. i didn't realize i'd be talking to an actual person. you don't need to press "0," i'm here. reach a person, not a prompt whenever you call chase sapphire. we have breaking news tonight. the man who beat a priest he said molested him has been acquitted. 44-year-old william lynch claimed he was a victim of sex abuse. he was found not guilty for hitting that priest. casey wian has been on this story on outfront. what is the bottom line here? he is live in los angeles now. >> reporter: the bottom line william lynch who alleges that he and his younger brother were molested by this catholic priest at a camp in the 1970s, his father william lindnor is now going to be a free man. he was facing up to four years in prison for walking into the retirement home where the priest is living in the bay area of california, claiming that he had some news to deliver to the priest about a sick relative and then beating the priest up, according to prosecutors. now, william lynch always admitted during the trial that he did, in fact, hit the priest a couple times. he said it was provoked by the fact that the priest refused to sign a confession that he was the abuser of lynch and his younger brother. he also said during testimony that the priest leared at him and it reminded him of the abuse when he was a child. now, what we should point out is that although reverend lindner was never convicted of any kind of sexual abuse, the catholic church paid out more than a million dollars of alleged victims of his abuse over the years, lynch's defense attorney tried to make the point the wrong man was on the stand here and the wrong man was being prosecuted because father lindner lives comfortably in a retirement home. >> society is a victim. a man up there who is mow lessed children and allowed to go free. society is the victim here. >> as for lynch, we don't know if prosecutors are going to refile a misdemeanor charge against him. the jury did deadlock on that count. the judge threw it out but a possibility the prosecution could refile that case, though, it seems at this point very unlikely. we also reached out to that retirement home where the priest lives to see if we could get some comment from father lindner about this case. they have not gotten back to us at this point. >> casey, thank you very much. now our second story outfront. poison. was yasser arafat murdered with polonium? the leader's widow is asking for his body to be exhumed and autopsied after an investigation it's happened if, indeed, it it's happened if, indeed, it just did just happen to yasser arafat. bob is writing a book on assassinations and outfront from irvine, california tonight. polonium 210 the same poison used to kill the russian spy two years ago after yasser arafat died. at this point is the case this strong that arafat could have been to blame? >> it was a swiss laboratory that found it on the toothbrush and it's not found in nature like this. it's fairly good evidence that we have to dig arafat up for true to find that out and they will find it in his bones or his flesh. >> because of the radioactivity? would still be -- you'd be able to figure it out, right? >> my understanding is that doesn't go away. it will be in the corpse if, in fact, he were assassinated. if he was assassinated this is a momentous event. the west bank and gaza are on the surge of a second antifatha. >> to your point, bob, given that his illness in 2004 he died in a paris hospital his illness was mysterious and decline was very swift. why didn't people think to ask those questions at that time? the russian spy who died right away, everyone knew there was something amiss. >> i think the british interrogators are very good. so i think once they discovered this method of killing people, it was an obvious clue that you could look into arafat's death. so, i mean, the palestinians wouldn't have necessarily looked for this when he died, nor would the french. but, you know, they are catching up with this. >> so polonium 210 how common is this? how easy is it to get? i mean, how shocked are you to hear that it could be used in assassinations like this? is it, i guess, more common than we would all think? >> it's much more common. this can be obtained, it can be extracted from common materials, photographic materials, for instance. >> wow. >> normally, i think the russians got this out of a laboratory in russia but it's not impossible that someone local in either israel or palestine came up with this method and poisoned arafat. >> you bring up israel. that would be the assumption that israel would have done this. you know, with your cia hat on is that more likely an alternative that someone planted it now at a later date to cause a problem with the peace process maybe on the other side, not the israel side? >> you know, i think that's too macuvalian. this is sheer speculation at this point. if, in fact, he was assassinated, the assassins probably didn't count on getting caught. this stuff is very hard to detect polonium and if it hasn't been for the russian spy case, no one would have suspected this. like i said we have to really have to wait. i mean, the culprit could have been israel, it could have been other palestinians. we just don't know and frankly, i don't know that we will know. >> thank you, bob. not guilty is what casey anthony heard a year ago. so where is she now? fired for saving a life. the lifeguard and his boss together outfront. this is new york state. we built the first railway, the first trade route to the west, the greatest empires. then, some said, we lost our edge. well today, there's a new new york state. one that's working to attract businesses and create jobs. a place where innovation meets determination... and businesses lead the world. the new new york works for business. find out how it can work for yours at nno matter what you do. when you're living with moderate to severe crohn's disease, there are times it feels like your life... revolves around your symptoms. if you're tired of going around in circles, it may be time to ask your gastroenterologist about humira. because with humira, remission is possible. humira has been proven to work for adults who have tried other medications... but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. if you're tired of going around in circles, get headed in a new direction. ask your gastroenterologist about humira today. remission is possible. our third story outfront. exactly one year after casey anthony was acquitted in the murder of her daughter caylee. he said she insisted nothing to her daughter's death. a year later, a look at the trial that made casey anthony a household name. >> we, the jury, find the defendant not guilty so say we all. not guilty. not guilty. >> reporter: with those words, the person once described as the most hated woman in america was let loose and declared not guilty of murdering her two-year-old daughter caylee. many people did not agree with the verdict. so casey disappeared. the newspapers magazines reveals her hideout. a two bedroom home in west palm beach where she waits out the remainder of her probation and lives looking over her shoulder says a friend. she blifs a dog and roommate and reconnected with her mom cindy anthony. they wear necklaces wearing ashes of caylee. >> we're extremely excited that i'll be able to skype and obviously keep a video log. >> she surfaced briefly in a series of video diaries. she reportedly trolls twitter for any mention of her name and obsessed about celebs like kim kardashian and friends say casey considers herself a celebrity. she cut ties with jose baez, the florida lawyer who masterminded her defense and he thinks casey isn't well. regardless of whether you think casey did anything wrong baez tells "people" magazine, she needs professional help. but "people" says casey quit her grief counseling only after a few months and now focused on building a new life. she's learning spanish online and plans to travel abroad and may hope to planned a book deal worth millions. she relishing the fact she's a villainous, a friend tells the magazine and although casey can convince the world she's innocent, so far, publishers aren't biting. >> george zimmerman was granted bond but his attorney says he won't be walking free any time soon because he needs the public's help to raise the money. the dollars and cents and chaos in the romney campaign. one of his biggest defenders turns on him. at gas stations through september. it pays to discover. mine was earned off vietnam in 1968. over the south pacific in 1943. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. male spirit present.trong it's the priceline negotiator. >>what? 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"wall street journal" has turned on mitt romney in a scathing editorial today, the conservative paper takes aim at the candidate shifting position on the health care law writing, quote, the campaign staff and strategy are slowly squandering a historic opportunity. i am joined by roland martin and ryan. the "wall street journal" has been critical of mitt romney before but today was a damming editorials and criticized him the way he handles health care and said you're about to do it again on the obama's campaign allegations on outsourcing and you need to shake everything up. >> i think some elements are on target. it is true the romney campaign seems ton rattled now that momentumum seems to have shifted back to the president. on the other hand, i think that mitt romney were right in the first place to say we agree. >> his chief adviser? >> yes. we agree with the justices who said this is not a tax and the idea that you just accept whatever a majority says seems very strange given that conservative republicans have been critical of a lot of majority supreme court decisions in the past >> think they were trying to move it from a than issue. every day you're not talking about unemployment and the economy is a day that is good for president obama and the home team. >> roland, this also comes on the heels of rupert murdoch whose company owns "wall street journal" personally being extremely critical of mitt romney and demanding staffing changes. i guess you could call it a pylon but a lot of people seem to agree. >> look. one of the reasons therapy so critical of mitt romney right now is because health care has been the albatross around his neck for quite some time. part of the romney camp's problem is that they are so desperate to try to defend what did he in massachusetts as opposed to go on the attack with what president obama is doing with a national health care. so i think that basically if you're able to simplify the argument, you cannot try to make a nuance argument on an issue like this when your support is simply want clear explanation in terms what have is going on. that's the fault there. so they keep saying, no, what we did is a penalty. what obama is doing is a tax and we agree with the conservative justices, so you're sitting here going, dude, make up your mind! that is what i call a schizophrenic communication attack. >> i understand it's a serious distinction but for people paying attention to this it does kind of make your eyes glaze over. it is what it is. called it what you want to call it but it's politics. >> barack obama and joe biden in 2000 said the individual mandate is not a good idea and not work completely. >> because they wanted universal health care. >> in that race, he was the one who is running to the right of hillary clinton and john edwards who both favored a mandate. it's a nuance discussion on that side too but it's certainly true that health care should not be the focus of the election if you're mitt romney. >> romney shake up his staff? >> i think if you look at how these guys have handled they dispatch to all of their rivals in a systemic way during the republican primaries and i think they can do that again. the reason why they had this flip on july fourth, let's remember, a day when people weren't paying attention is because they wanted to move this out of the kind of the conservative zone where people are complaining and upset about it and want to bury it. and i think refocus on the economy if they can. >> you just used the words flip which leads to flop, unfortunately. roland, i want to get one more thing in here before we run out of time. i want to play a sound bite for you who think is the biggest fighter and biggest asset in mitt romney's campaign. i'm bias but here it is. >> it makes you recognize that they are going to do everything they can to destroy mitt, so, you know, they are trying to portray him in a light that is just completely wrong. >> why? why is that? >> well, it's politics, isn't it sad? i think early on, we heard what their strategy was. it was kill romney. >> roland, i say i'm biased because she is a woman but she always seems to be fighting back. why isn't he the one fighting back? why is it ann? >> first of all, it has nothing to do with the fact you're a woman. look. i believe that michelle obama was then senator obama's biggest asset and she can explain his accomplishments even better than he can on the campaign trail. and so i think you do have to properly deploy ann romney or michelle obama but do not want to put them in a position where they are the chief communications surrogate. you also have got to have strong people who have been politician, who have been governors, who have been senators out there. romney's problem is -- romney, as well as finnstrom and his own advisers are trying to draw the conversation. let the other people who are good at this do it for you, not you or your team. >> thanks very much to both of you. we appreciate it. george zimmerman has been grand bail again but the cost of freedom is a million dollars and extra restricttions which he include he cannot maintain a bank account and not on airport property or apply for or have a passport. he has a curfew 12 hours a day and can't drink alcohol. he is charged with second-degree murder in the february 26th shooting gej of trayvon martin. judge lester revoked zimmerman's initial bond of $150,000 last month when he learned that zimmerman and his wife misled the court over that money they had raised online for their defense. benjamin crunp is an attorney. benjamin, are you feeling good about this or are you concerned that he will successful raise as he is trying to do again online, what appears to be the hundred thousand dollars needed to go free? >> well, erin, trayvon's parents -- and i'm here speaking on their behalf, would rather that the killer of their unarmed son remain in jail until the trial. they respect the court's order and the fact that the judge sent a very strong message in his order. >> so -- so -- are you -- i guess let me bring you in, paul, before i ask the follow-up i want to ask there. i want to confirm. our understanding is florida precedent would be put 10% down if you can raise a hundred thousand dollars, he would be able to go free. >> actually, only $85,000 because you already put down $15,000 for the original bond. if he raises another 85 but he has to post collateral for the remainder. so that the entire million dollars is collateralized. so somebody has got to put up a house or a few houses to be the collateral for the bond. >> benjamin crump, do you think george zimmerman's attorney said he is seeking donations for the cost. money that george raised online and didn't disclose and caused the last one to be revoked but they are raising money again noumt do you think that's fair in this world of social media is so central to this case on both sides or is it inappropriate? >> erin, i think judge lester put in his order the money that he raised was -- money. it is a situation where he wants to have zimmerman have to put up his own money or his family's own property so there won't be any flight risk. he ruled that based on the circumstances the hiding of the passport, the hiding of the money, that it was substantial scheme possibly for a flight risk and that was very real. the judge saw what everybody in america saw and heard when they listened to those jailhouse recordings when he was orchestrating this scheme. so we have a system in place that assist people if they can't afford representation, so i don't think george zimmerman will be treated any different from any other person charged with a crime in the state of florida. >> do you think, paul, it's appropriate to raise money for defense online? this seems to be -- this is something we are hearing more and more about. not just in this case but, obviously, most publicly in this case. >> well, i think it's appropriate. frankly if george zimmerman were a wealthy person, he would be able to raise the money to bail himself out. the florida constitution has a very strong position in favor of reasonable bail conditions as does the u.s. constitution. where you get the money is not really the issue. it's whether you're going to return for trial, that should be the issue. >> benjamin, do you believe george zimmerman is a flight risk? >> well, i think it's not as important what i believe, it's what the court believes and the court concluded that he was. we don't object to people donating money to his legal defense team, for him to get a good representation. ton o'mara has a hard job and he'll need money. >> i guess you could do it too, right? why not? >> at this point, it's a obvious situation that trayvon martin and his family has been -- the zimmerman team has raised three times as much as trayvon martin's family and something we have to have in great society. >> thank you both for joining us. outfront a move for the student who almost died when a chimp attacked him. the lifeguard who was fired for saving a life is out front to tell his tale. i'm the second owner. the what? i will own this car after you. look, i'm not telling you how to drive our car. our car? nor where to park her. maybe under a tree with less sap. if you're gonna have a latte in the car, keep a lid on it. it's a cappuccino. still needs a lid. 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>> our thanks to you. to france where investigators presented their final report today on air france flight 447. that's the flight you recall that crashed into the atlantic and was on its way from brazil to france three years ago this month. all 228 people on board died and the report blames a series of pilot errors. richard quest told me what those were. >> reporter: erin, the report is more than 200 pages long. it goes into great detail about what happened and why. the heart of it is technical fault, the speed sensor and the way the pilot flying, the youngest and most inexperienced responded to it. it was those actions which ultimately doomed the plane. time and again what is clear is a lack of training, a lack of education, and a lack of cockpit culture. frankly, should have the more senior members of the crew flying the plane after the incident took place. this will be a incident where the aviation industry, the airlines, the pilots themselves, everybody has to rethink what they are doing to make flying that little bit safer. erin? >> our richard quest who covers aviation. about 20 miles from miami. tomas lopez was on duty in one of hallandale florida's two public beaches. earlier today i asked him what happened. >> i radioed him in, the other lifeguard and told him i'm going for a rescue, it's outside the zone. it's south of us. so i started going. my manager was telling me don't go. go back to your tower. get back to your tower. i told him i'm not going back. i was running for a while. didn't see the guy. then i noticed him splashing around. by the time i got to the water, two other guests had finally got to him and started dragging him in. i then was in the water already and i grabbed him under the -- under his arms and under his feet and we carried him out of the water. >> and was there ever a moment when you hesitated and said it's outside my area of the beach. there's so many people in my area of the water i shouldn't go, or it was just instinctual for you. >> it was probably instinctual for me. i could have probably thought about that a little. but at the same time we are trained to when something of an emergency happens, the other guards on the other stands are supposed to watch your water. >> and there were other guards, right, watching your area, so it wasn't as if you left all the people that you were hired to protect unattended, right? >> no. even the company stated at no point was my water unattended. >> so, tomas, let me ask you a question. obviously you lost your job. were you surprised, first of all, when that happened, that they went through and did that? >> a little. they made it very clear beforehand that we will lose our job if we did violate this rule. but i wasn't going to let that stop me, you know. a stupid rule over someone's life. it's a pretty obvious choice, you know. >> not everyone would have made it and i know a lot of people have been really impressed with you stepping up and doing such an amazing thing. i know i'm going to surprise you a little bit here, but i wanted to bring in jeff ellis. we have him with us, tomas. he is the man who runs the company and there he is. so you're both on together. so, jeff, let me ask you. i know you weren't the one on the beach that day that made the decision, but did you approve of the decision that it was the right thing to do to let tomas go? >> no, i was not aware of the decision until two days later when i talked with an area manager who let me know what had happened. clearly he should not have been terminated for what had occurred. i know that he has tried to do the right thing. he and i had an opportunity to discuss this earlier this afternoon, and i am now aware of all of the details after completing a formal review of what occurred. as a result of that, we have offered his job back to him. >> and, tomas, what do you say to that? >> i really am humbled by your apology, again, and everything that was said. it's nothing against the company in general, it's just i'm going to move on to the next stage of my life and just continue to do my schooling and move on with everything. i really appreciate the opportunity, though. >> and tomas, why? why not take that job back? >> it's something i'd rather just get behind me and continue on with everything that i have for me. >> jeff, what's your response to that? that's got to be frustrating to hear. >> everything that i know about tomas since we got involved in this event on tuesday afternoon has led me to believe that he was a good employee and our staff should not have taken the action that they did. we've certainly learned a lesson from this, and we will use it as a training tool in the future on how to approach these sorts of circumstances and make sure that we get all the facts before we react and make a decision. this also applies to all of the other employees that were involved in the event. we have extended invitations for all of them to come back. and in particular, tomas, i would hope that he would at least finish the summer with us. i think that would be a welcome on behalf of all of the folks that were associated with this matter. >> well, tomas, you would be the hero lifeguard. you'd be the celebrity of the beach. >> i don't have it in me any more honestly after everything that's happened. like i said, i really do appreciate it, it's just -- i just don't want to go back. >> do you think policies should change? >> to watch our guarded beach was our priority, but we do train and we do have moments when we do not watch our water and another guard does watch our water, so i believe that the policy could be modified for other guards to watch the water when we go to the unguarded area. >> we also are going to revisit the entire policy with the city, which mutually agreed on it in the first place. >> all right. well, thanks very much to both of you. we appreciate your taking the time and coming on together and both of you being so gracious. thanks. >> thank you. >> thank you. two lifeguards were fired for saying they'd do the same thing as tomas. at least four others quit in protest. as you heard from the president of the company that employed them, they can have their jobs back if they still want them. you heard from tomas's point of view, he absolutely does not and he told us he's probably going to work for his uncle closer to home to save money for college. next, a whole new side of robots. a side that frankly would not be decent to look at if it were on a human body. outfront next. this is $100,000. we asked total strangers to watch it for us. thank you so much, i appreciate it, i'll be right back. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money ? if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. delivering mail, medicine and packages. yet the house is considering a bill to close thousands of offices, slash service and layoff over 100,000 workers. the postal service is recording financial losses, but not for reasons you might think. the problem ? a burden no other agency or company bears. a 2006 law that drains $5 billion a year from post office revenue while the postal service is forced to overpay billions more into federal accounts. house bill 2309 is not the answer. thor's couture gets the most rewards of any small business credit card. your boa! 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[ cheers and applause ] so here we are at the bottom of the show. no buts about it, this is the craziest thing i've seen today. a japanese graduate student has invented the world's first robotic buttocks. it's made of silicon. the robo butt reacts to a user's touch, stroke or slap and can quiver in fear. it measures the kind of touch it's receiving through a microphone implanted in the skin. now, this has been called an important step towards fully functional robots at home and at work. which brings us to tonight's number. 18. according to the u.s. bureau of labor statistics, there will be 18% fewer automotive jobs by 2018. how can that be so when car production is expected to increase over that time?

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Automaticive Manufacturing , Toledo , City , Growth , Policyup , Money Raising , Surpluses , Deficits , Party , Work , Back , Gripes , Supreme Court , Nomination , Expectations , Sounds , Amount , Boost , Rnc , Superpacs , A Hundred Million Dollar , 24 , A Billion , A Billion Dollar , Guy , Sides , Election , Bank , Bundling , Big Money , Trouble , Problem , Monopoly , Wall Street People , On Virtue , Case , Priest , Verdict , Corzne , Lawyer , Casey Anthony Verdict , Claims , Assassination , Anniversary , Pulonium , Points , Restaurants , Dining , Chase Sapphire Preferred , Announcer , Mattress , Six Million , Everything , Everybody , Bed , Owners , Tempur Pedic , Firm , Tempur Pedic Beds , Sealy , Simmons , Serta , Soft , Mattress Set Savings Event , Brand Owners , July 8th , On Tempur Cloud Supreme , Mattress Brand , 00 , 200 , 600 , 8 , Event , Apr Financing , Purchases , Financing Mattress Set Savings , Don T Wait , 0 , 5 , Push Button Tone , Tempur Cloud Supreme Savings End July 8th , Springfield , Oh Woah , Prompt , Yes , William Lynch , Victim , Sex Abuse , 44 , Casey Wian , On Outfront , Reporter , Romney Camp , Brother , Bottom Line , Line , Los Angeles , 1970 , William Lindnor , Retirement Home , Walking , Prison , Bay Area , Four , Trial , Prosecutors , Relative , California , Cup , Confession , Testimony , Abuser Of Lynch , Leared , Kind , Abuse , Sexual Abuse , Victims , Child , Reverend Lindner , Catholic Church , A Million , A Million Dollars , Society , Defense Attorney , The Wrong Man , Stand , Children , Misdemeanor Charge , For Lynch , Mow Lessed , Judge , Count , Jury , Prosecution , Deadlock , Possibility , Polonium , Yasser Arafat , Poison , Autopsied , Widow , Body , Investigation , Leader , Assassinations , Bob , Book , Spy , Arafat , Russian , Irvine , 210 , Swiss Laboratory , Nature , Toothbrush , Evidence , Understanding , Flesh , Bones , Radioactivity , Corpse , Doesn T Go Away , Surge , West Bank , Second Antifatha , Gaza , Hospital , Illness , Didn T , Questions , Decline , Paris , Everyone , Interrogators , British , Killing , Method , Palestinians Wouldn T , Clue , Death , French , Materials , Instance , Someone , Israel , Russians , Laboratory , Assumption , Palestine , Russia , Alternative , Cia , Hat , Peace Process , Assassins , Hasn T , Speculation , Stuff , Macuvalian , No One , Palestinians , Culprit , Casey Anthony Heard A , Lifeguard , Life , Boss , Together Outfront , Railway , New York State , Well Today , West , Empires , Edge , First Trade Route , Business , Determination , Innovation , Thenewny Com , Matter , Moderate , Crohn S Disease , Nno , Humira , Remission , Symptoms , Circles , Gastroenterologist , Adults , Medications , Studies , Saw , Majority , Patients , Symptom Relief , Significant , Infections , Heart Failure , Nervous System Problems , Events , Have , Liver , Blood , Reactions , Ability , Tuberculosis , Cancer , Lymphoma , Types , Doctor , Region , Tb , Hepatitis B , Fatigue , Sores , Cough , Fever , Infection , Direction , Casey Anthony , Daughter Caylee , Murder , Nothing , Defendant , Household Name , Look , Words , Woman , Home , Remainder , Friend , Probation , Newspapers , Magazines , Shoulder , West Palm Beach , Hideout , Cindy Anthony , Necklaces , Ashes Of Caylee , Roommate , Dog , Skype , Video Log , Celebrity , Friends , Defense , Series , Jose Baez , Florida , Celebs , Ties , Name , Video Diaries , Mention , Twitter , Casey Isn T Well , Kim Kardashian , Magazine , Help , Grief Counseling , Anything , Spanish , Wrong Baez , Plans , Villainous , Book Deal Worth Millions , Aren T Biting , George Zimmerman , Bond , Attorney , Dollars , Public , Chaos , Gas Stations , Defenders , Level , Generation , Protection , Auto Insurance , Usaa , Vietnam , South Pacific , Iraq , 1968 , 1943 , 2003 , Veterans , Commitment , Families , Military , Legacy , Equal , Auto Insurance Quote , Deals , Male Spirit Present Trong It , Priceline Negotiator , Way , Hotel Deal , Bidding , Gym , Pool , Guest Rating , Save , Big , Thanks Negotiator , Ya , Refrigerator , Half , Show , Area , Stories , Reporting , Lines , Control , Militants , Somali , Sanctions , Extremists , U N , Media Reports , Cholera Outbreak , Refugees , Land Mines , 1000 , Governor Officials , Aid , Part , Military Program , Flood Gates , Efforts , Pakistan , 1 Billion , Protest , Jail , Find , Senate , Congress , Where Justin March A Panel , Interest Rates , Skill , Development , Central Bank , Osama Bin Laden , Gord Chan , Rate , Cut , Word , Beijing , Crisis , European Central Bank , Interest Rate , Leaders , Hope , The Way , Europe , Zero , Father , Doctors , Rehab , Aimee Copeland , Tasks , Flesh Eating Bacteria , Battle , Wheelchair , Who , Construction Company , Prosthetics , Foot , Legs , Limbs , Aimee , Mortgage Rates , Fixed Rate Mortgage , Record Lows , 3 26 , 4 6 , 30 , Borrowing Rate , Finances , Wall Street Journal , Opportunity , Strategy , Paper , Campaign Staff , Aim , Editorial , Candidate , Quote , Health Care Law Writing , Health Care , Editorials , Campaign Allegations , Roland Martin , Ryan , Ton , Outsourcing , Target , Elements , Momentumum , Idea , Justices , Chief Adviser , Republicans , Decisions , A Lot Of Majority Supreme Court , Heels , Home Team , Unemployment , Rupert Murdoch , Roland , Company , Staffing Changes , Whose , Pylon , Therapy , Attack , Neck , Albatross , Support , Nuance , Argument , Fault , Doing , Penalty , Explanation , Terms , Saying , Dude , Attention , Communication Attack , Distinction , Eyes , Mandate , Joe Biden , 2000 , Running , Discussion , Race , Hillary Clinton , John Edwards , Wall , Guys , Staff , Focus , Rivals , Romney Shake , Out , Zone , Flip , Primaries , July Fourth , Fighter , Asset , Flop , Sound Bite , Bias , Flight , Mitt , Nit Sad , Michelle Obama , The One , Fighting , Campaign Trail , Accomplishments , Politician , Ann Romney , Chief Communications Surrogate , Senators , Governors , Advisers , Conversation , Finnstrom , Both , Thanks , Team , Restricttions , Bank Account , Airport Property , The Cost Of Freedom , Grand Bail , Trayvon Martin , Passport , Curfew , Alcohol , February 26th Shooting Gej , 150000 , 50000 , 12 , 26 , February 26th , Court , Benjamin Crunp , Zimmerman , Wife , Parents , Raise , Behalf , Order , Killer , Son , Follow Up , Precedent , Message , Paul , Collateral , 85 , 5000 , A Hundred Thousand , 15000 , 85000 , A Hundred Thousand Dollars , House , Somebody , Houses , Cost , Donations , Benjamin Crump , Social Media , Didn T Disclose , Situation , Family , Circumstances , Flight Risk , Scheme , Hiding , Won T , Property , System , America Saw , Representation , Estate , Crime , Florida Constitution , Conditions , Bail , Favor , U S Constitution , Defense Team , Job , Ton O Mara , Great Society , Student , Owner , Chimp , Move , What , Tale , Lid , Program , Tree , Sap , Cappuccino , Latte , Take Care , Cash , Baby , Bonus , Ugh , 50 , Rewards Card , Huh , Ri , Baby Bear , Phhht , Wallet , Ha , Nba , Planet , Video , League , Fans , Replays , Cisco , Berlin , Intelligent Network , Around The World , Nice , Shot Kid , Graduate Student , Outer Circle , Chimps , Sources , Website , Johannesburg , South Africa , Jane Goodall Institute , Texas , Recovery , Oberli Is Doing , 20000 , 0000 , Reasons , Care , Nelson Mandela , Hospitals , Media , Privacy , Andrew Oberli , South Africa International Icon , Wasn T , Hospital Officials , Condition , Premises , Report , France , Investigators , Air France Flight 447 , Brazil , Atlantic , 447 , Richard Quest , Heart , Pages , Detail , Pilot Errors , 228 , Plane , Actions , Pilot Flying , Speed Sensor , Inexperienced , Black , Incident , Training , Education , Crew , Cockpit Culture , Pilots , Safer , Aviation Industry , Airlines , Aviation , Miami , 20 , Tomas Lopez , Duty , Hallandale Florida S Two Public Beaches , South , Manager , Me Don T Go , Rescue , Water , Tower , Guests , Him , Beach , Shouldn T Go , Feet , Arms , Guards , Little , Stands , Emergency , Unattended , Rule , Choice , Jeff Ellis , On The Beach , Area Manager , Tomas Go , Details , Result , Review , Schooling , General , Apology , Stage , Response , Employee , Action , Lesson , Training Tool , Facts , Employees , Invitations , Particular , Summer , Folks , Welcome , Policies , Policy , Train , Guard , Priority , Lifeguards , Others , Robots , Closer , College , Human Body , Next , Outfront Next , Strangers , 100000 , 00000 , Stranger , Dime , Fees , Rally , Nonsense , Ally Bank , Bill , Service , Medicine , Offices , Mail , Packages , Layoff , Thousands , Law , Revenue , Accounts , Bears , Agency , Burden , Losses , Post Office , 2006 , 5 Billion , 6 Billion , Answer , 2309 , Small Business , Rewards , Purchase , Credit Card , Boa , Garth , Thor , Thor S Couture , Spark Card , Business Card , Fabrics , Settle , Ahh , Capital One , 2 , Cheers , Applause , Buts , Bottom , Buttocks , Touch , Silicon , Slap , User , Stroke , Robo Butt , Japanese , Step , Fear , Skin , Microphone , Receiving , S Bombs , Swimmer , Bloomberg , Attacks , Joey Chestnut , Hot Dogs , Car Production , Number 18 , Bureau Of Labor Statistics , 1 Million , 18 , 2018 ,

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