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co coping with in the wake of the atlanta shootings. today, a house judiciary subcommittee heard testimony from asian-american lawmakers about the climate of hatred that they, and their constituents, are experiencing. the committee also heard from texas congressman, chip roy. the ranking republican who used part of his time to recall the good, old days, when lynchings in texas were a-okay. >> there's old sayings in texas about, you know, find the rope in texas and get a tall-oak tree. we take justice very seriously, and we ought to do that. round up the bad guys. >> so, to a community living in fear of random acts of violence, during a hearing to address that violence and discrimination. congressman roy, there, seems to have praised the idea of mobs of people lynching other people from trees. and just as -- as americans of asian desent are being slandered with false allegations of loyalty to a foreign country, racist allegations that have, frankly, a long history in this country. congressman roy decided now is, also, the time to stoke that particular fire, as well. >> the chi-comms the chinese communist party. and saying, hey, we think those guys are the bad guys, for whatever reason. and let me just state clearly, i do. i think that what they are doing targeting our country. and i think that what they are doing to undermine our national security and what they are doing to steal intellectual property and what they are doing to build up their military and throughout the pacific. i think it's patently evil and deserving of condemnation. >> now, the congressman isn't wrong in believing the chinese government does some pretty terrible things. it certainly does. what he's -- fails to acknowledge, or even seem to care about, is that americans -- americans are being targeted for being of chinese descent. or people believing they're of chinese descent. or merely because some violent person, somewhere, thinks they are. congressman roy had nothing to offer them. in fact, he barely even acknowledged them before veering off into what-aboutism. >> the victims of race-based violence and their families deserve justice. and it's the case what we are talking at here with the tragedy, what we just saw occur in atlanta, georgia. i would, also, suggest that the victims of cartels moving illegal aliens, deserve justice. the maamerican citizens in sout texas that are getting absolutely decimated deserve justice. businesses closed last week -- i'm sorry, last summer, deserve justice. >> to one of the congressman's asian-american colleagues, what he said is like saying, who cares? >> we cannot turn a blind eye to people living in fear. i want to go back to something that mr. roy said, earlier. your president and your party and your colleagues can talk about issues with any, other country that you want. but you don't have to do it, by putting a bull's eye on the back of asian-americans across this country. on our grandparents, on our kids. this hearing was to address the hurt and pain of our community. and to find solutions. and we will not let you take our voice away from us. >> putting a bull's eye on a community's back, as the congresswoman puts it. happened to loyal japanese americans during the second world war. it happened to catholic americans, well into the 20th century. and it's not like people are only realizing it now. listen to texas republican senator, john cornyn, a so-called moderate being asked about it one full year ago today. >> china virus, chinese virus, does that seem like the best right now to call it that? >> that's where it came from. >> but is it helpful? it alienates people. that there is a group of people to blame. >> well, i think china is to blame because the culture where people eat bats and snakes and dogs and things like that. >> in the year since those remarks, the organization stopped aapi hate has recorded nearly-3,800 acts of hate against asian-americans and pacific islanders. in san francisco, today, an arrest in the attacks on two elderly-asian victims. just a latest in the wave of bay-area violence against asian seniors. and according to a study from three uc berkeley researchers, the rhetoric from the former president, was indeed associated with an uptick in anti-asian bias. yet, ask a supporter of the former president and here's what you get. >> you regret using terms like chinese coronavirus? and -- >> i don't know. does cnn regret that? does the democratic committee that started out regret that? i would wait to see why the shooter did what he did. but the -- the virus came from china. and i think, the knowledge we had at the time exactly that. i don't think people, from the standpoint, should go after any asian from any shape or form. and i condemn every action to that. >> by the way, for the record, as for the congressman's allegations about cnn. we stopped using such terminology, very early on. and we explained it to viewers in language like this from march of last year and i am quoting now. after consulting with medical experts and receiving guidance from the world health organization, cnn has determined that name is both inaccurate and is considered stigmatizing, so we stopped, a year ago. congressman mccarthy, he didn't. in fact, he doubled down. and the former president went further. hammering the phrase and even went further actually calling it, quote, kung flu. over and over again to cheers and laughter from large crowds. but as much as the congressman would like to make it, this isn't a got-ya game over words. it is an example of a moment, when words actually matter, and victims know this. sadly, so do their victimizers. the only ones who don't it seems are the people clinging to them. joining us now, congresswoman strickland. i appreciate you joining us. a number of asian-americans testified today in front of the house judiciary committee on this uptick in violence. have you noticed a change in behavior of attitudes toward asian-americans since the pandemic began? >> oh, definitely. we know that hate crimes against asian-americans have increased about 150%, in most cities. and you know, i have friends who tell me stories of standing in line at the grocery store. and having people say, you know, you are a h you're responsible for this. i have friends who work in healthcare and they told me stories of patients not wanting them to touch them because they're afraid to get covid. so as i said yesterday, anderson, words matter. leadership matters and we have to stop using this rhetoric that, tragically, i believe, ended in death in atlanta. >> the fact that your house colleague, congressman roy, thought today was a good day to bring up lynching in terms that seem kind of glowing about the days when, you know, mobs would lynch people. he said, in the state of texas, from trees. is at least bizarre, if not wildly offensive. i mean, you know, famously, 17 chinese men and boys were lynched by an angry mob in this country. i mean, is there reason to believe that chip roy understands or is really concerned about the fear that many in the asian-american community are feeling right now? because he seems to want to talk about a lot of other groups. >> yeah. i mean, i think with someone like chip roy is that he probably knows better. but he likes to use language that's inflammatory and dramatic and here we are in the news talking about him. so, if he chooses to be ignorant, that's his thing. but we need to speak out against that ignorance and that hate. >> law enforcement has not ruled out calling the shooting a hate crime. do you see it as a hate crime? >> i do see it as a hate crime and there are many elements into this. this was, you know, eight people were murdered. this was a result of gun violence. but i, also, believe it was, you know, an issue around racism and bigotry. and you know, these were women who worked in a spa. and the shooter went there looking for them. and so, we can talk about economic anxiety. we can talk about sexual addiction. but i want to make sure that people understand that, when women are murdered, when women of color are murdered, there is often a nexus between racism and misogyny and we cannot ignore that. >> we have learned even more attacks, today, on -- learned of more attacks on asian-americans. when you read these stories, you watch videos of elderly, asian-americans, being pushed to the ground. completely, randomly. by -- by people just passing by. families in restaurants being verbally harassed. spit on -- on -- on the street. you know, i spoke with basketball player jeremy lin last night. he talked about how important it is for asian-americans to stand up and speak out about it. and he does feel that there is kind of this change, particularly in the younger generation, in this country and the willingness to and their sense of urgency about speaking out. is it enough to speak out? or are you afraid that these attacks against asian-americans are just going to continue to rise? >> so, you know, with any type of attacks on any group or any hate crimes, there have -- we need people to be punished and held accountable, and i think that's what has to change. and, you know, you are right. when jeremy lin talked about the fact that people remained historically quiet about it, that has to change. and i do believe for some people, there is a narrative that if you are asian, if you are asian-american and something happens to you, that you are just going to be quiet and go away. and that -- things have changed. you know, we saw protests happening around the country yesterday. we are talking about allyship between african-americans, latino-americans, and people who want to join with us. and so, this is just another example of the tragic history of racism that this country has. and it started with slavery. we know that it included the expulsion of chinese-americans. the internment of japanese. the way mexican-americans, were often demonized during economic crises and here we are during covid now having hate against asian-americans. and so, people are exhausted. people want folks to be held accountable and we need allies who are going to speak out with us. >> were you surprised when you heard -- i don't know if you saw the press conference. but you may have read the remarks made by representative from the sheriff's office in gwinnett county where the shooter was apprehended and where the first shooting took place. essentially, said that the shooter was having a bad day. and was at the end of his rope. does -- that's not kind of language i'm -- i mean, if the shooter was not a -- i mean, i'm wondering how you interpreted those statements? >> well, i mean, it's absurd that someone would even make that remark. but you know who had a bad day anderson? the eight people who were murdered. you know who had a bad day? the loved ones who had to get phone calls from officials saying their loved one has died. so to say someone had a bad day is another way of excusing something and making excuses for something. >> by the way, it was cherokee county. i think i misspoke. congresswoman strickland, appreciate your time. thank you very. . coming up next, the atlanta investigation. the question of hate crime charge and also more about that sheriff spokesman who, by the way, is no longer a spokesman on the case. we will tell you why. there is new frgz information out. plus, a clash over mask wearing. one senator, versus the facts. >> let's get down to the facts. let me just state, for the record, that masks are not theater. masks are protective. managing type 2 diabetes? you're on it. you may think you're doing all you can to manage type 2 diabetes and heart disease but could your medication do more to lower your heart risk? 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>> no, they're not, anderson. and, you know, that's the big question. you know, were these victims targeted because they are asian? because of the way they look? and atlanta police held a news conference, a couple of hours ago. they said, look, they are looking at everything. not ruling anything out. they also updated us with information about the suspect that he frequented these two spas here in atlanta. that he purchased the handgun that he used in these shootings, on the day of the shootings. but again, atlanta police stressing that it's just too early to say, whether or not these -- these shootings were racially motivated. take a listen. >> as a result of that, though, we still have an investigation that is, still, ongoing. our investigation is separate from the cherokee county's investigation. our investigation is slightly different. we had four asian females that were killed. and so, we are looking at everything to make sure that we discover and determine what the motive of our homicides were. so, again, it's just very important that -- to let you know that we are not done. >> now, anderson, atlanta mayor, keisha lance bottoms, believes race did play a role in these attacks. in fact, she says that you just can't ignore the fact that six out of the eight victims are asian women. and she also raised a good point. you know, mentioning the suspect's claims that this was not racially motivated. he apparently told police that this was due to a sexual addiction. making him lash out at these spas. and mayor bottom said, look, you can't take, at face value, the comments of a confessed murderer. anderson. >> also, if -- if part of what he has allegedly told police is that he was trying to, kind of, eliminate sexual temptation. the idea that he equates temptations with presumably-asian spas. when will the alleged shooter actually appear in court? and do we -- is it clear what the charges -- expected charges will be? >> so, he is charged with eight counts of murder, in both fulton county and cherokee county. we don't know, anderson, when his next court appearance will be. he was scheduled for his first court appearance, today. but that, for some reason, was cancelled. on request of his attorney. so, he waived his right for a first appearance. anderson. >> amara walker, i appreciate the reporting. thank you. we are going to hear more from mayor bottom, shortly. we are now learning what he posted online as well. cnn's natasha chen has that. >> reporter: the cherokee county, georgia, sheriff's office says captain jay baker is no longer a spokesperson on the case of a killing spree at three spas, resulting in eight deaths. baker has come under fire for this social-media post he allegedly shared last april. showing custom-graphic t-shirts reading, covid-19 imported virus from china. the post read, love my shirt. get yours while they last. the account has, since, been deleted. baker further invited controversy with this comment in an answer to a reporter's question about whether the suspect understood the gravity of his actions. >> i spoke with investigators. they interviewed him this morning. and they got that impression that, yes, he understood the gravity of it. and he was, pretty much, fed up. and kind of, at the end of his rope. and -- and yesterday was a really bad day for him and this is what he did. >> if someone's having a bad day, you don't go around shooting people. >> reporter: maria harris and her mother-in-law are muslim-americans who live near the site of the cherokee county shooting. they say had the suspect looked like them instead of being white, the actions would not be chocked up to a bad day. >> terrorist. someone goes out and kills someone, it's -- it's terrorism. if a black guy does something, he's driving, he is speeding, they are going to just shoot him. >> i have a young kid who could be growing up in a society, child of color, how am i supposed to explain this to him? >> reporter: cherokee county sheriff issued a statement regretting any heartache baker's words may have caused. part of the statement reads in as much as his words were construed as insensitive or inappropriate, they were not intended to disrespect any of the victims, the gravity of this tragedy, or express empathy or sympathy for the suspect. says removing baker as spokesperson on this particular case is not enough. she says law-enforcement agencies should go further, and offer better training to their officers. >> if you had more sensitivity training or if you were more in tune with your community, you would know that the words that you chose to use, at the time of, like he said, an event that he is not used to in his 28 years serving. he would know not to use such flippant language. >> natasha chen joins us now. so in addition to the statement that you released, the cherokee county also attended a vigil held at one of the shooting locations tonight. what did he say? >> anderson, sheriff reynolds said some of the same things he said in that written statement when we asked him about baker. he, also, said that there wasn't any, additional information, at this time, to suggest racial motivation. however, he said he wanted to let the asian-american community know that they are in his thoughts and prayers. and that he was very shaken by this crime. anderson. >> natasha chen, thanks very much. now, atlanta mayor keisha lance bottoms as we spoke just before airtime. >> mayor bottom, i want to talk about how people in atlanta are doing in a moment. but first, i am wondering what your reaction is to cherokee county, for him to say the alleged shooter had a -- a bad day really struck, i think, a lot of people as something he, you know, likely, wouldn't have said for somebody else. and this revelation that the captain previously posted the image online. >> that's very disappointed. i can tell you, anderson, in all honesty, standing there yesterday. and having the benefit of -- of getting a briefing, before we walked in. i thought that he was relaying what the shooter shared with him. i, obviously, didn't have the information regarding the post that he put on facebook. that, obviously, is inexcusable. i will leave it to him to -- to explain what that's all about. but we were focused on the eight people who were killed on yesterday. and that's been hanging, very heavily, over our entire city. and the unfortunate part is there's now an added -- added layer to this. and it just really speaks to where we are, as a country. there's so much that we have to learn about each other and our sensitivities to one another. and -- and what we're seeing playing out, with asian-americans across this country, is hateful. it's not who we are, as americans, or who we should be as americans. so, i would like for us to focus on the healing that needs to happen in this country. especially, as it relates to black -- black-and-brown communities, across america. >> do you feel that you know what the motive of -- of this shooter was? because obviously, police have -- have -- have said what they said. you know, it has upset some people who, you know, but i'm wondering what your perspective is? >> well, it -- it looked like a hate crime, to me. this was targeted at -- at asian spas. six of the women, who were killed, were asian. so, it's difficult to see it as anything but that. and what we know about the definition of a hate crime is it's -- it's -- it can, also, be based on someone targeting women. so, there are many areas of hate that are covered within the definition of a hate crime. so, i think, any way that you look at it, it is a hate crime. it should be treated as such. and eight people were murdered. i know, he's already been charged with that. but i do think it's appropriate that the prosecutors look at the -- the most stringent and stiffest -- most stiff laws that can be applied to this. and i think it's difficult to see it, as anything other than a hate crime. >> do -- do you -- do we know, at this point, what those -- what laws might apply? i mean, when you say the stiffest. do you have a sense of where that might go? >> well, obviously, there's an opportunity for federal investigators and prosecutors to engage. we know that we are looking at two different investigations in our state. there's one in cherokee county. the deputy that you mentioned is a cherokee-county deputy. and then, there is the one that happened in atlanta, in fulton county. but regardless of what the state charges are, there's still an opportunity for federal hate-crime charges to be brought, as well. >> there's clearly increasing fear among communities of color across the nation. i'm wondering what is being done in atlanta, now, to help -- help protect citizens and allay their concerns? and is there more that can be done? >> well, we spent a lot of time over the past day or so. reaching out to people in the asian community. just to make sure that we have all of the information that we need to make sure that our communities are protected. president biden and vice president harris are coming to atlanta, tomorrow there will be a discussion with several leaders during their visit tomorrow. and we are going to continue the dialogue. >> do -- do you feel like hate speech and -- and -- you know, obviously, hate-speech violence predates the former president. do you feel like things have gotten worse because of, just, the lett the rhetoric of the last couple years? >> i know it's gotten worse. there seems to be permission now to be hateful. and this is something that this country has dealt with for -- since the creation of this country. but there seems to be a permission, that i've not seen, at least in my lifetime. that this president has given to people. and it is -- it's -- it's -- we saw it play out on yesterday. and we -- we -- we've been watching it play out. we've seen it play out on social media. we have seen it on cnn. we we've seen people attacked. the summer, we went through this -- having the whole discussion about where we are as black people in america. and now, we're having a continued discussion on the hatred that is -- is being -- that asians are on the receiving end of. and what we know is this is -- this is not the first time for the asian-american community, either. so, it does predate donald trump. but he, certainly, has given permission and -- and done his -- his part to -- to elevate the hatred. >> mayor keisha lance bottoms, i appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you. still to come. a testy exchange between dr. fauci and senator rand paul. what it symbolizes about the battle under way between health and public officials about the safest way to reopen the country. also, new video from the january attack on the capitol. and requests from the fbi to help identify some of the people in it. - [narrator] grubhub perks give you deals on all the food that makes you boogie. 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if we're not spreading the infection, isn't it just theater? >> no, it's not. >> the vaccine and you are wearing two masks. isn't that theater? >> no, it's not. here we go, again, with the theater. >> what proof is there that there is significant reinfections? none in our country. zero. >> well, because we don't have a prevalent of a variant, yet. we are having one -- can i finish? we're having 117 that's becoming more dominant. >> you are making your policy based on conjecture. >> it isn't based on conjecture. >> you won't be able to wear masks another couple years. you have been vaccinated and you parade around in two masks, for show. >> no. let me just state, for the record, that masks are not theater. masks are protective, and we -- >> they're theater. if you already have immunity, you are wearing a mask to give comfort to others. you are not wearing a mask -- >> i -- i, totally, disagree with you. >> we should point out that while the united states has administered almost 116 million doses of vaccine, a rise in at least 14 states now. half those states the increase is more than 20%. joining us cnn medical analyst, dr. leana wen. so you just saw the exchange. i am wondering what your reaction is, from a medical doctor, you know, i mean, the senator is a -- is an ophthalmologist. what do you make of his comments? >> well, i saw a clash, anderson, between medicine and politics. same kind of clash that has characterized our unfortunate response in this country to the pandemic. i mean, what dr. fauci was saying was medical science. and senator paul responded with, at best, wishful thinking. we know masks and vaccines, that's our ticket back to normalcy. and we have more-contagious variants. we have increases in the number of cases. we are coming off of a very high baseline level of infection. we really need, both, masks and vaccines to get us through this. and that's the message that i would want all of our leaders to carry forth. >> the cdc director, dr. rochell rochelle walensky said more guidance is coming soon. senator paul is any indication, there is clearly, at the very least, confusion. whether it's disingenuous or not. you said it was a missed opportunity. >> right. and that's because i am really worried about vaccine hesitancy, as the main barrier that's going to prevent us from reaching herd immunity. we are seeing restrictions being lifted in so many parts of the country. we are seeing travel at an all-time high. people are, already, going back to pre-pandemic normal. and i think, we have a pretty narrow window of opportunity to make clear what the benefits of v vaccination are. now, we know that these vaccines are really effective preventing severe disease. they also do substantially reduce your risk in each of these different types of settings. whether it's going to the restaurant or gym or seeing family and friends. and i think, what the cdc really needs to do, at this point, is to say, for unvaccinated people, here are the activities that are low risk, medium risk, and high risk. probably, a lot of things are going to be high risk for unvaccinated people. then, they need to say for vaccinated individuals, you are -- you're able to do so much more. nothing is going to be zero risk. but many of these activities that were formerly high risk are now low risk and i think that type of benefit really needs to be illustrated to people because a lot of people, they are so desperate to get the vaccine. but many others need to be shown what is in it for them? >> the cdc is expected to update its physical distance guidelines for schools from 6 feet to 3 feet, friday. >> that's exactly right. i think we need to look at the distancing, as a layer of mitigation. and that means that, if you remove that layer, you need to put in other layers of protection. so, for example, maybe the cdc can come out and say, you can go from 6 feet to 3 feet but you also have to have twice-weekly testing. you also have to have upgraded ventilation. and i also think that we need to look at what is the role of vaccination? as in, at a certain point, can we say then teachers and staff all need to be vaccinated? and maybe, even parents. because if you have enough community immunity for that school, because kids are not able to be vaccinated yet. maybe, that is, also, going to help to make school safest. >> well, dr. fauci talked about schools, today. how does that square with reopening schools for in-person learning ahead of vaccines being approved for kids? >> it's going to be hard. and i think, this speaks to the broader problem of, you know, we ever been have been saying we n somewhere -- either through recovery or through vaccination. but if kids are not able to be vaccinated, we are talking about 90%-plus, of adults, who have to be vaccinated and i just worry we are not going to be able to reach that number. and this is why i think we need to do everything we can to increase not just education and outreach. but actually, getting vaccines to people. we need to make vaccination the easy choice, by going to churches and workplaces and schools. and really, helping people to overcome the barrier of access. >> dr. david kessler was a top official department of health and human services. told members of the senate today, kwoetd, we will have, within 90 days, in essence, quadrupled our vaccine supply. said i believe that we are going to be shifting from a supply issue to a demand issue, pretty soon. if we are looking at equity, though, with so many communities still lagging behind on getting vaccinated because of lack of access or hesitancy. how much does, you know, suddenly, having all the vaccine we need. how does it change the outlook for those people, if at all? >> yeah, so there are three barriers preventing us from reaching herd immunity. one is supply. two is distribution of the vaccine. and third is acceptance of the vaccine. i think it's great and credit to the biden administration that we are going to have enough supply. also, credit to the biden team that we are ramping up distribution so quickly. but i think we need to address this third issue. that of vaccine acceptance, head on. and i think, so often, we are putting people into two categories. people who really want the vaccine, and people who really don't. the anti-vaxxers. we're neglecting the huge number of people in the middle. who need -- who want to get the vaccine but may have some concerns or who just don't have time to take time off from work or find childcare. we need to make vaccination easy for those individuals. and also, really clearly demonstrate what is the benefit of vaccination? make clear the messaging that vaccines are the pathway back to prepandemic life. >> dr. leana wen, as always appreciate it. today, the fbi released several new videos from the january 6th capitol riot. investigators are hoping that you, the public, can help identify some of the rioters they say were responsible for some of the most violent attacks on law enforcement. the investigation's far from over, though. our jessica schneider joins me now with more. so, let's talk about these new images. the release of them. obviously, comes amid attempts by some members of congress to downplay what happened on january 6th. or frankly, just rewrite history. can you just talk about these and the time they were released? >> anderson, these are probably the most shocking videos we have seen released in the past two months and it's because these literally cast a spotlight on ten of these most violent individuals who are really viciously attacking law enforcement. and they are coming out now because investigators have spent the past eight-plus weeks poring over every angle of video from every source, to really pinpoint the perpetrators here. now, they have faces but they don't have the names. and they're asking for the public's help. so, take a look at some of this v video. you know, we are seeing some of these graphic and brutal attacks play out on video. you can see, this one man, punching at a police officer. and then, this next video. it shows the suspect grabbing a police officer's helmet. it's coming up next. right there. yeah. grabbing a police officer's helmet and face mask. and then, banging his head into a door jam. now, that officer, who was attacked there. we now know that officer was daniel hodges. he actually told us, back in january, how he was savagely attacked. >> there was a guy ripping my mask off. and he -- he was able to rip away my baton, beat me with it. and, you know, he was practically foaming at the mouth. so, just, these people were true believers, in the worst way. >> is there any sense of how more arrests may be in the works? >> yeah, officials have said there actually could be at least 100 more arrests, anderson, really in the coming weeks and months. and they told us all along this is going to be a long process because you see it there. they have to identify the people. they have to then find them. and then, they have to charge them. and we -- we have learned that there are still 250-unidentified people. these are people who are up on the fbi's website. so, the fbi is urging the public to go to their website. look at these people. help them identify these people, they haven't been able to pinpoint yet. and of course send the tips in and the website is there's still a lot more work to do here. anderson, a lot more arrests, lot more charges as well. >> yeah, their faces are clearly visible which is extraordinary what they have done with the -- with the recognition of it. just a question getting it in front of enough people's eyes to see. jessica schneider, appreciate it. thank you. democratic congressman jason crow was in the house gallery. i spoke with him just before airtime. >> congressman crow, when you saw this new video released by the fbi, showing insurrectionists attacking capitol police. just on the heels of congressman louie gohmert, along with 11 other republicans, trying to get the word insurrection stricken from the resolution honoring the police because in gohmert's words it was quote language that was neither fair, nor accurate. what goes through your mind? >> well, i mean, i just ask the question. is anything sacred to some of these people? right? we have the police officers that were murdered. over 140, that were brutally beaten. and they want to play politics with this. that's why, you know, i introduced the capitol remembrance act to make sure we are not sweeping this under the rug. that we continue to draw attention to what happened. >> you know, louie gohmert said, i just want to read people the quote he said. i am all for the medals but the speaker's legislation contains language that was neither fair, nor accurate. we now know there was no-armed insurrection. nobody had arms. so just trying to keep it honest so that we only put truthful things in the bill. first of all, the word armed means to be armed with a weapon. there were tasers, people using hockey sticks to bludgeon police officers, flagpoles. i mean, it's, even by louie gohmert's standards, that is a ludicrous statement. >> yeah, which is really saying something, isn't it? i mean, because he makes some pretty ludicrous statements. but, yeah, i mean, there were pipe bombs planted outside of the dnc and the rnc. they had built a gallows. let's not forget. they had built a gallows outside of the -- the capitol. the -- you know, i just -- i -- when i think about this, i think about the fact that, in the days after this insurrection. you know, those capitol police officers, many of whom have become friends of mine. i'm watching them limping around capitol hill. covered in bruises. you know, i called one of them the next day, who i've gotten to know pretty well. and he was covered in bruises, limping around. but he showed up to work the next day. and people want to play politics with that? i'm just not going to let it happen. >> you know, there is also senator ron johnson who said he never felt threatened by the insurrectionists because he quote knew those people that loved this country, that truly respect law enforcement. would never do anything to break a law. unquote. which is -- i mean, again, it's -- it's gohmert-esque. he also said he would have felt differently if they were black lives matter demonstrators. as someone who took cover in the house during the insurrection, how do you work alongside these people? >> well, there are some people that i just don't, right? i mean, i just won't. i'm not going to normalize certain behavior. there are people that are, kind of, you know, pretty beyond the pail, at this point. i'm not going to normalize that by trying to work with them. that is a small handful, though. i mean, there is an awful lot of folks, my gop colleagues, that i think are -- are trying to do the right thing. trying to move things forward. and i am working with them, and that's where i am focusing. i'm certainly not going to normalize depraved behavior or immoral behavior when i see it. and i think we have to make sure we're not, as a society, normalizing this. but you know, senator johnson's comment that he would have felt a lot safer, a lot less safe, if they were black lives matter protestors. i think speaks volumes about what we're talking about here. right? i think we have to acknowledge that, you know, these insurrectionists, this mob. a lot of these folks were white supremacists. they were white nationalists. we are still dealing with systematic racism in this country. that was a huge driver behind what happened. and his comment actually illustrates that point. you know, it illustrates the fact that there are people that just perpetuate the systematic racism and he is part of that problem. >> and the idea that people love law enforcement, would never break the law. who are attacking police officers, injuring police officers, and attacking the seat of democracy. it is -- i mean, it's -- you know, it's shocking. and now, you have kevin mccarthy, today, telling cnn's manu raju that he did not try to change the outcome of the election, which is obviously not true. he backed a texas lawsuit to invalidate millions of votes. you know, it -- it seems so -- i understand people trying to rewrite history. you know, years from now. but immediately, while, you no, t the memories are still clear and the wounds are still visible. to have these lawmakers kind of trying to rewrite what they did and what actually happened. it just seems, a slap in the face to -- to all those who -- who continue to suffer. >> well, logical consistency is not the strong point of some of the -- some of my colleagues here on capitol hill. those folks that, you know, want to just say something completely different than what actually happened. but my obligation, i have an obligation, as do a lot of people. to actually stand up and call that out. right? because if we just let it pass and let it go, then that stuff starts to, kind of, seek into -- seep into the public consciousness. so we have to make sure that we keep on stepping up and saying, no, that's not what happened. here are the facts. here are, you know, our -- our societal values and our morals and we are going to continue to stand up for those. >> congressman, preeshtd your time. thank you. >> thank you. >> just ahead. breaking news about an unprecedented verbal exchange between top u.s. and chinese diplomats who were meeting face to nice. also, president biden calling putin a killer. "new york times" columnist, thomas frieden, joins us to talk about both stories, when we return. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ you are my sunshine ♪ ♪ my only sunshine... ♪ rybelsus® works differently than any other diabetes pill to lower blood sugar in all 3 of these ways... increases insulin... decreases sugar... and slows food. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. people taking rybelsus® lost up to 8 pounds. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to what's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ please don't take my sunshine away ♪ you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. it's moving day. and while her friends are doing the heavy lifting, jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. it only takes about a minute. wait, a minute? but what have you been doing for the last two hours? ...delegating? oh, good one. move your xfinity services without breaking a sweat. xfinity makes moving easy. go online to transfer your services in about a minute. get started today. just a short time ago, face-to-face efforts between top u.s. and chinese diplomats descended into public recriminations, with both sides trading accusations:00 their conduct in regard to their own citizens. antony blinken pulled cameras back into the room at one point to make sure his responses were recorded. hours after the russian leader escalated the war, the -- >> he will pay a price. we had a long talk, he and i. i know him relatively well. and the conversation started off off "i know you and you know me." >> you know vladimir putin. you think he is a killer? >> uh-huh, i do. >> so what price must he pay? >> the price he is going to pay, well, you'll see shortly. >> they're referring to the release of a report by the director of national intelligence that said in part russia interfered in the 202010 election on the side of the president, an operation that was targeted and embraced by some of his allies. in response to some of its comments. russia recalled its ambassador for quote/unquote consultations. today putin said this. >> translator: what would i answer him? i would tell him be healthy. i wish him good health. i say this without irony, without jokes. >> he says it also with the knowledge that he has been linked to several high profile poisonings, which he has denied, including one of a russian dissident last year. and another using the same military grade poison involving a former spy and his daughter. when that man was released from the hospital, putin said, quote, i wish him good health. thomas friedman, author of among many other best-seller, "thank you for being late." when you hear putin's response to biden, how do you interpret that? >> well, you know, anderson, vladimir putin is like america's bad boyfriend from hell. he's this guy that just won't go away. the truth is we want to date other people. we want to focus on china right now. there was a time when russia was very important to us. that time was called the cold war, when russia really threatened to take over the world with a communist ideology and nuclear weapons. those days are long gone. we'd like to forget about putin. the fact is russia makes nothing that americans really want to buy. 52% of their exports are oil and gas. 2% are machinery and computers. so the only thing they sell that we want are basically matruskhka dolls, vodka and caviar. him being in a fight with us is what gives him status. so he won't go away. biden would really like to focus on china, but putin does have a cyber capability. they did break into some of america's both government agencies and a lot of companies. but you really want to ask him what are you going to do with all that? who are you going to go with all those credit card numbers, vlad? go on a giant amazon buy? what is it you are up to? the fact, think about russia, anderson. this is a country that gave us sakharov, tolstoy, solzhenitsyn and rachmaninoff. and putin gave us poisoned underwear. it's kind of pathetic. we have to brush him back. but a real focus needs to be building up our muscles for the competition with china that is the game. and do our best to ignore this bad boyfriend from hell. >> you know, chinese intelligence operations against u.s. businesses and u.s. interests is massive in this country. we do focus a lot on russia because they have been so involved in the last two elections. but that's just part of the concern about china. >> yeah, there is no question. china uses espionage for industrial purposes. but, you know, anderson, at the end of the day, all the things we're stealing in america are hiding in plain site, the constitution, the declaration of independence, a free and fair judiciary. as long as we can deep those at a high level, we'll be an example for the world and we'll always invent the next new thing. so that's really what i'm focused on right now. building up our internal strength. by building on our best institutions and values, because if china's game is that they've always got to steal our next secret, that's not a very productive game. i think china actually has much greater capabilities than that. but i think we got to focus really now on building our own strength. >> there is this breaking news news now that two of president biden's closest envoy, the secretary of state and the national security adviser are meeting with chinese officials in alaska tonight. and tomorrow cnn's reporting that the initial meetings at the summit have already boiled over into public criticisms and insults from both sides. what does it tell you about the nature of that relationship? >> well, basically, you know, anderson, between 1979 and 2019, there was a kind of four decade relationship between the u.s. and china. it was an era of i would call an unconscious integration. we really became one country in systems in many way, not hong kong and china. chinese could work and operate here. americans could work and operate there. that 40-year era is over. we're now trended to find what will be the new era. during that 40-year era, china sold us shallow goods, shirts we wore on our back, shoes we wore on our feet. we sold them deep goods, computer, software, things like that. things that went deep into their system. what's new now is china can make deep goods, not like us, but our allies, they can make 5g, computers and software that go into our smts systems. when they just sold us shallow goods, we didn't care whether china was authoritarian, libertarian or vegetarian. who cares? we were just buying their shallow goods. but when they want to sell us deep goods, the fact that we have no trust between us, no shared values really matters. and we're trying to sort out with them what is going to be the new basis of the relationship. >> i mean, there is also the question of chinese expansionist interests in throughout asia. i mean obviously we've seen what is happening in hong kong, taiwan, china and africa. it seems like china has a longer game plan than the u.s., you know, which certainly seems to kind of tack left and right, but not necessarily have a 30-year strategic plan. >> well, that's the problem right now. we are not -- i probably said this to you before. i think china is the worst governing system in the world. >> the worst? >> we have the best governing system. we're getting about 10% out of our system. and we've got change that. we can't be wasting our time, you know, debating about a woman who thinks jewish-run space lasers start forest fires. china is not doing that. we got to focus on building our strength, because, anderson, good ideas, human rights, democracy, the rule of law, an independent judiciary, those values dominated the world for 50 years after world war ii because we were strong. we won the three big wars of the 20th century, world war i, world war ii and the cold war. ideas follow power. if we are not powerful, our ideas will not be powerful in the world. china's was. that's why i keep coming back to america. what we do if we are serious about planning and building our strength, investing and research, infrastructure, and yes, immigration to attract the world's high iq risk taker, we're going to be fine. and if we don't, then we can insalt china all we want. but we will be not leading the way, and they will not be paying attention to us. >> and that's -- we only have 30 seconds left. but that's part of building up america. you're saying embracing the risk take. >> embracing people from all over. >> we got riches as a country, anderson, because all our great presidents built up our government-funded research to inspire new companies. they built up our infrastructure. they attracted the world's most energetic and talented people. they invested in the right rules to incentivize risk taking and prevent recklessness. and they invested in education. we've got to focus on that. and the name-calling in between them and china, us and china, or us and russia, it's not going to matter if we are not strong. no one will take us seriously. >> tom friedman as always, thanks very much. appreciate it. news continues with "cuomo prime time." chris? >> appreciate it, coop. i am chris cuomo, and welcome to "cuomo prime time." let's try something a little different than once again giving you the obvious. everybody in the media is rightly telling you the good news tonight. president biden announced that by tomorrow we will have met his goal of vaccinating 100 million americans. 42 days ahead of schedule. that's great news. why? because he has an administration th

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Phrase , Cheers , Laughter , Matter , Game Over , Kung Flu , Isn T A Got , Don T , Number , Victimizers , Front , Ones , Congresswoman Strickland , Hate Crimes , Change , Behavior , Pandemic , Cities , Attitudes , 150 , Friends , Patients , Stories , Standing , Tell Me Stories , Healthcare , Grocery Store , Line , Anderson , Death , Covid , House Colleague , Leadership Matters , Lynching , Boys , Men , 17 , Lot , Many , Asian American Community , Groups , Angry Mob , Thing , News , Hate Crime , Law Enforcement , Result , Shooting , Gun Violence , Ignorance , Elements , Eight , Women , Racism , Issue , Bigotry , Spa , Anxiety , Color , Nexus , Misogyny , Son , Sexual Addiction , Videos , Ground , Restaurants , Elderly , Spit On , The Street , Sense , Feel , Basketball Player Jeremy Lin , Generation , Willingness , Urgency , Last Night , Type , Accountable , African Americans , Latino Americans , Narrative , Protests , Allyship , Internment , Chinese Americans , Mexican Americans , 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Statement Regretting , Law Enforcement Agencies , Empathy , Sympathy , Officers , Event , Sensitivity Training , Training , Tune , Addition , 28 , Wasn T , Locations , Vigil , Sheriff Reynolds , Asian American Community Know , Motivation , Crime , Thoughts , Prayers , Airtime , A , Bottoms , Doing , Revelation , Image , Somebody Else , Wouldn T Have , Benefit , Honesty , Briefing , Him , Post , Facebook , Player , City , Changing , Another , Mother , Sensitivities , Playing Out , Healing , Black , Communities , Have , Who , Perspective , Asian Spas , Definition , Areas , Someone Targeting Women , Prosecutors , Laws , Stiffest , Stringent , Edo , Opportunity , Deputy , Investigations , Help , Nation , Concerns , Discussion , Leaders , Biden , Visit , Hate Speech Violence , Hate Speech , Dialogue , Lett , Creation , Permission , Lifetime , Summer , Social Media , Donald Trump , Time , Asians , Receiving End , Being , Dr , Exchange , This , Video , Health , Capitol , Identify , Anthony Fauci , Fbi , Requests , Attack , Battle , Food , Perks , Narrator , Burger , Crowd , Grub , Music , Grubhub , Power , Intuit Quickbooks , Payroll , Bookkeeping , Payments , Ding , Stop Trulicity , Body , 7 , Family , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Trulicity Isn T , Events , Children , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , Use , 1 , Lump , Stomach Pain , Neck , Pancreatitis , Swelling , Taking Trulicity , Vision , Diabetic Retinopathy , Blood Sugar Risk , Diarrhea , Nausea , Vomiting , Health Officials , Tension , Reopening , Need , Studies , Approach , Coron Coronavirus Variants , Isn T , Proof , Isn T It , Policy , Variant , Reinfections , Conjecture , None , Prevalent , 117 , Zero , Show , It Isn T Based On Conjecture , Others , Immunity , Comfort , Increase , Doses , Half , Analyst , Leana Wen , 14 , 116 Million , Politics , Medicine , Ophthalmologist , Response , Vaccines , Wishful Thinking , Science , Wall , Level , Message , Both , Cases , Variants , Normalcy , Ticket , Cdc , Director , Indication , Confusion , Rochell Rochelle Walensky , Barrier , Herd Immunity , Parts , Restrictions , Vaccine Hesitancy , Benefits , Thigh , Pre Pandemic , Window , V Vaccination Are , Activities , Types , Restaurant , Peach , Disease , Settings , Gym , Unvaccinated , Individuals , Feet , Schools , Distance , Distancing , Guidelines , Mitigation , 6 , 3 , Players , Protection , Testing , Say , Ventilation , Vaccination , School , Community Immunity , Teachers , Parents , Square , Learning , School Safest , Problem , Recovery , Education , Outreach , Choice , 90 , Access , Members , Official , Vaccine Supply , Workplaces , Churches , Essence , David Kessler , Department Of Health And Human Services , Kwoetd , Demand Issue , Supply Issue , Hesitancy , Equity , Supply , Distribution , Acceptance , Barriers , Outlook , Credit , Head On , Team , Work , Anti Vaxxers , Categories , Middle , Childcare , Messaging , Pathway , Public , Some , Rioters , January 6th Capitol Riot , January 6th , Dover , Talk , More , Attempts , Congress , Images , Release , Jessica Schneider , Ten , Spotlight , Names , Source , Angle , Perpetrators , Police Officer , Oman , Helmet , Face , Officer , Daniel Hodges , Head , Door Jam , Mask Off , Baton , Arrests , Works , Mouth , Believers , Least , Process , 100 , 250 , Website , Course , Tips , Haven T , Faces , Recognition , Eyes , House , Gallery , Congressman Jason Crow , Democratic , Insurrectionists , Word , Louie Gohmert , Resolution , Heels , 11 , Police Officers , Fair , Mind , 140 , Attention , Drug , Capitol Remembrance Act , That S Why , Insurrection , Legislation , Nobody , Medals , Speaker , Arms , Standards , Weapon , Means , Hockey Sticks , Bill , Flagpoles , Tasers , Gallows , Dnc , Pipe Bombs , Rnc , Friends Of Mine , Bruises , Capitol Hill , Senator Johnson , Law , The , Demonstrators , Cover , Felt , Unquote , Won T , Pail , Handful , Safe , Protestors , Safer , Volumes , Driver , Mob , Nationalists , White Supremacists , Democracy , Manu Raju , Seat , Election , Lawsuit , Outcome , Votes , Millions , Consistency , Slap , Wounds , Memories , Obligation , Consciousness , Stuff , Let It Go , Seep , Values , Breaking News , Morals , Preeshtd , Diplomats , Meeting , Thomas Frieden , New York Times , Biden Calling Putin A Killer , Everywhere , Stop Rybelsus , Sunshine , You Are My Sunshine , Diabetes , Don T Take Rybelsus , Ways , Pill , Sugar , Majority , Lost , 8 , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Vision Problems , Changes , Provider , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , Jess , Internet , Tv Services , Lifting , Xfinity , Delegating , Wait , Services , Sweat , Efforts , Public Recriminations , Antony Blinken , Responses , Conduct , Trading Accusations , Room , Cameras , Russian , 00 , Price , Leader , War , Vladimir Putin , You Know Me , Killer , Conversation , Pay , Uh Huh , Russia , Report , Operation , Side , Intelligence , 202010 , Translator , Ambassador For Quote Unquote Consultations , Profile Poisonings , Poison , Jokes , Irony , Military Grade , Thomas Friedman , Daughter , Spy , Hospital , Best Seller , Boyfriend , Shell , Truth , Go Away , World , Cold War , Weapons , Ideology , Computers , Putin , Exports , Machinery , Soil , 52 , Status , On China , Vodka , Caviar , Fight , Dolls , Companies , Credit Card Numbers , Government Agencies , Capability , Amazon , Vlad , Solzhenitsyn , Tolstoy , Sakharov , Focus , Rachmaninoff , Underwear , Game , Competition , Interests , Muscles , Operations , Elections , Concern , Constitution , Purposes , Espionage , Hiding , The Declaration Of Independence , Strength , Judiciary , Secret , Capabilities , Institutions , Secretary Of State , Summit , Meetings , Envoy , Adviser , Criticisms , Alaska , Relationship , Insults , Sides , Nature , 1979 , 2019 , Integration , Systems , Hong Kong , 40 , Goods , Software , Computer , Shirts , System , Smts Systems , 5g , We Didn T Care , 5 , Trust , Deep Goods , Who Cares , Libertarian , Asia , Basis , Taiwan , Game Plan , Plan , Tack , Africa , 30 , Governing System , Worst , Ideas , Woman , Forest Fires , Human Rights , Space Lasers , Jewish , World War Ii , Wars , World War I , Rule Of Law , 50 , Research , Infrastructure , Risk Taker , Immigration , Iq , Building Up America , Presidents , Risk Taking , Rules , Recklessness , Inspire New , No One , Name Calling , Media , Cuomo Prime Time , Everybody , Obvious , Chris Cuomo , Let , Goal , Schedule , Administration Th , 42 , 100 Million ,

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