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ukraine. jim? >> anderson, thanks so much. this is "cnn tonight." i'm jim sciutto live from lviv in ukraine, along with the great laura coates in the u.s. the pentagon says tens of thousands of russian troops have now amassed in eastern ukraine. one of putin's commanders claims their new goal is to take full control of not just the donbas region in the east but southern ukraine to provide a land corridor to crimea and perhaps go further. still, president zelenskyy expressed hope and defiance tonight. >> translator: we will defend ourselves as long as necessary to break this ambition of the russian federation. the armed forces of ukraine continue to deter attacks by russian invaders in the east and south of our country. and i am grateful to each of our defenders who are bravely holding on. >> in this new offensive, they continue tonight in the region. this is the push and pull of the front lines. the russians launched for air strikes on the southern port city of mariupol earlier. an estimated 100,000 people still remain stranded in that war zone. and another staggering note, the mayor of mariupol told me today that he believes that 20,000 civilians have already been killed there so far. 20,000. in two months of war. and look at this new drone video we got of a village on the outskirts of capital kyiv, most obliterated by the russians. those are civilian homes you're watching right there. before the russians withdrew before their invasion in the east. >> jim we're going to come back to you in just a second. also tonight, two russian executives found dead within 24 hours along with their wives and daughters. begging the question of whether vladimir putin's fingerprints are perhaps on these deaths as well. plus, receipts are coming back to haunt two trump loyalists pertaining to the insurrections. house minority leader kevin mccarthy has been radio silent today, at least publicly radio silent, on being caught in a total lie about whether he was going to tell trump to resign after january 6th. the tapes frankly keep oncoming. and there's even more that surfaced today. along with trump's new response to them tonight. and gop congresswoman marjorie taylor greene would be in jeopardy of being disqualified from ever running for office again over her alleged role in january 6th. this is what she testified to today. >> i was asking people to come for a peaceful march, which is what everyone is entitled to do. but i was not asking them to actively engage in violence or any type of action. >> but of course this is what she said two weeks before the insurrection. >> you can't allow it to just transfer power peacefully like joe biden wants and allow him to become our president. >> not sure what the air quotes mean, but there's a lot to take apart there. we should start with what's happening on the front lines in ukraine. and jim, we've seen frankly so many other evacuees that have gotten on trains to make it to safer territory, like where you are in lviv. i remember thinking about in poland and the images at the train stations of strollers that were put there by people knowing that women and children were arriving and needed some place to put their children, to carry their belongings. and we now see the tragedy of really how few civilians seem to be allowed out of mariupol. are there other conclusions here other than the russians are choosing to make people stay there and suffer? or is there some other explanation that you're hearing on the ground, jim? >> the evidence of the prosecution of this war is that civilians are part of the target, that russian in these cities does not want to let the civilians leave easily and safely. we've seen that in evidence of the attacks on civilian corridors even when they're agreed to, or in this case where they're just simply not agreed to. and by the way, beyond what happens when there are discussions of possible paths out of these cities is what happens before and during. and that is russia's continued c bombardment of the cities, of the civilian areas, really the leveling of them. we showed tou aerial view outside of kyiv. it looked look a tornado went through. that was not an act of god. that was act of man, the weapons of russian military. and it's one we've seen play out from village to city across this country. civilians are one of russia's targets of this invasion. >> and increasingly, even the idea, the prospects of the ability to leave, the choice fee feels e loose ri to everyone watching this. day after day, jim, we see video of the smoke that's rising from the -- look at what we're seeing right now. and that is mariupol. and we can never lose sight of the fact that there are still thousands and thousands of people who are inside of what we're viewing. and i know you spoke with the city's mayor. what would it take to get people out of there? >> what a vision he offered us today from inside that city. to say that in two months of war, 20,000 civilians are killed and efforts, frankly -- and we've seen evidence of this by the russians -- to destroy the evidence of those crimes. what they want there, they want a path out that is somehow supervised by a third country, right? and they're begging for this kind of help. but there's no sign that there's any sort of plan for that to happen. so, understandably, they're frustrated. they're concerned. and they're losing hope, right, that there will be a safe way forward. have a listen. >>. >> translator: so, at the moment, we have people waiting for evacuation. we would like to evacuate the civilians that are sheltering in azovstal. and we need one clear day of ceasefire to evacuate those people. however, we have not been able to so far. and i feel as if my heart's been torn out. my life, my family, we lived there. this was our life. and for me and tens of thousands of mariupol residents, it is extremely painful to see so many dead and the city destroyed. >> you heard him there. they just want one day, one clear day without fighting, without being attacked by russian forces to get the people out. that is all the mayor and the people of mariupol are asking for at this point. but russian leaders, commanders, showing no interest in doing so. a russian general came out clearly today saying why even that bare minimum of humanity will not happen. vladimir putin wants, his general said very publicly, total control of southern ukraine. sam kylie is live in the central part of this country. how, sam -- and you've been covering this country for a long time and observed this war for a long time since the beginning, this latest invasion. how has the fighting there shifted in the last several days? >> reporter: i think it shifted in two important ways, jim. the first is as was said in advance by the russians, they are focusing their efforts. their principle effort is in bombarding at the moment towns in the east of government-held ukrainian territory in the area known as donbas on the area of donetsk and luhansk. you mentioned 42 settlements that have been captured by the russians. captured, i think, say difficult word to assign to those sort of artillery exchanges, really. there's very little movement of infantry yet in this war because they are following, particularly the russians, this long-range tactical strikes that the soviets have pioneered. and then they're going to try and follow up with the tanks and heavy armor. i think the ukrainians will be preparing to meet them when they try to do just that. we haven't yet seen any significant ukrainian response except to just to try to hold the lines. and then we've seen an upstick in violence along that southern coastal route that the major general referred to, said that the russians will likely -- or at least intent on pushing all the way to the border conceivably. again, i think that that is in large part an effort to draw off ukrainian pressure because this is all about trying to make the ukrainians spread their troops, spread their troops and get them into an environment where they can be overwhelmed by the superior numbers at least of russian forces, even if they're not as competent or indeed as well-supplied as nato supplies are pouring in, which brings us to mariupol. why is it, for example, that they are still focusing their efforts on mariupol so much? well, there's 1,000 ukrainian troops hanging on in there. the russians really need to either get out of there, get them to surrender, before they can release a very large amount of troops to try to push north because that in the end is going to be their agenda, to try and cut off the ukrainian forces. but for now they're being bound up in that fight for mariupol still. jim? >> it's a great point, right? because if you are focused on the southeast for now and you start talking about the southwest and going all the way to moldova, do ukrainians believe that and feel they have to shift some of their energy and resources there? sam kylie, good to have you there in dnipro. thanks so much. the british prime minister says it is a realistic possibility that putin wins this war. but i got a very different assessment when i spoke with a member of the biden administration this morning. have a listen. >> ultimately, putin will see that this is not the end game he bargained for. as thousands of body bags are coming home, his economy is kraekting by double digits, inflation is up, shelves are empty, people can't travel, the country is in default, that's not a win for putin. >> that's the biden administration view. let's take that question and others to the former u.s. army commanding general, retired lieutenant general mark hurtly. to that first question, mark, you've been a skeptic from the beginning and rightly so really in a lot of cases of russia's ability here to win the war and to gain the ground they want to gain. do you take boris johnson's view that the russians can wind the ukrainians down or the administration's view. >> i take the administration's view but for different reasons, jim. i'm not going to talk about the domestic politics inside russia or what mr. putin can or cannot accept from his population when body bags start coming home. what i'm talking about and what i've been talking about from the very beginning is the military capacity of the russian force. you have this general who is the commander of russia's central military district, the largest military district, saying -- that's the one that consists of the bulaga and the euros and the siberian district. i met this guy when he was a younger general officer. saying that the new strategic objective is to get to odesa and beyond. i will say now what i said earlier in this campaign. they can't do it. they do not have the forces to do it. they do not have the capacity to do it. when you take a look at some of the areas that they're talking about in the south, you're talking about the town of mykolaiv, which they have not taken yet. 500,000 in the population. it's the size of kansas city, missouri. odesa, 900,000. that's the size of indianapolis. it's 420 miles from mariupol to odesa. they can't sustain the supply lines for that long a time and no matter how many forces we are saying are piled up on the eastern border getting ready to go into the country, they just do not have the size of a force to take over these cities. they've proven that. the russians have proven they can't take mariupol, which is a pretty big city in and of itself. they've been thwarted there. even though they have killed a lot of civilians, murdered a lot of civilians, they still haven't controlled the road junctions going in and out of there. so, yeah, i don't buy boris johnson's commentary, different commentary than what the white house is giving out. >> okay. one of the issues in the north around kyiv, where the russians failed was -- you highlighted the supply line. they just couldn't get the ammo, the fuel, the food, and the command and control to those troops there. so, they pulled back. the advantage in the east for the russians is they're closer to the russian border. they can drive the stuff right across and get to those forces there. do the russians have an advantage in the east that they did not have in the north? >> it is certainly a shorter distance. but it's still over 100 miles, jim. and they don't have the equipment. but most importantly, they don't have the people. we have seen so many russian soldiers killed. we have seen a lack of leadership on the part of the senior level, middle level, and junior level. they have not proven themselves to be a good combined armed force. so, yes, they certainly have the artillery. but that gets to the package that the administration and nato is providing with ukraine now in this second part of the war. they can count -- the ukrainians can counter this with counterartillery fire. russians cannot maneuver in this area. ukraine is on their home turf. they have home field advantage on this. they know how to maneuver. they have not been successful yet in the east. they've tried several reconnaissance and force missions in the donbas so far. as sam mentioned earlier, they have hit with artillery several towns. but their maneuver has not been such where they've taken over towns or they control towns. and in fact, they're not moving all that much. and i personally think ukraine is playing it very smart, the ukrainian generals. they're allowing them to think that they're moving just a little bit, and the counterattacks by the ukrainian forces are soon to come. >> and these are all battle lines. they've been fighting there for eight years. so, ukrainians know them well. general mark hurt lee, always good to have you on. >> pleasure jim, thank you. ahead, there is great suspension after two russian oligarchs were just found dead with their families, sadly, just 24 hours apart, under extremely mysterious circumstances. what does a russian journalist who knows putin and russia, make of these deaths? 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[ding] e*trade now from morgan stanley. so, listen to this. two russian executives and their families found dead just a day apart. both cases are now being investigated as murder-suicides, but the facts are suspicious. the former vice president of a russian bank, his wife, and 13-year-old daughter were found in their moscow apartment on monday. russian police released this 4-second clip of the crime scene. on tuesday, a russian oil executive was found outside his home in barcelona, spain, his wife and daughter inside dead as well. what's happening here. author of "all the kremlin's men," good to have you on tonight. >> hello. >> you have interviewed various people in putin's inner circle through the years. tell us what you make of this because in russia when deaths like this happen, there is often a story behind it. >> yeah, i'm not a huge fan of conspiracy theories, and i won't haste to make a conclusion that there is mysterious series of murders. probably it might have been a coincidence so far because one death is in moscow, another in barcelona. but it's definitely very important how two of those deaths could be perceived by russian elites and by russian businessmen, by russian bureaucracy who stay in moscow. because a lot of people have alternative in mind, to leave or to stay. a lot of people belonging to russian business elite are shocked by the war, and most of them are not supporting the war because they understand they are losing -- they're going to lose everything they have. so, probably for them, that's a huge shock. and having in mind an option to leave or to stay. they see those terrible deaths. and probably that could be perceived as some kind of a warning or very bad sign for them. so, many people -- >> so, you're saying -- >> -- i'm sure are afraid of those deaths. >> particularly the fact that one of these took place in spain -- putin, again -- to your point, we don't know the circumstances behind it. but we do know that in the past, putin has gone after his enemies and critics outside the country. you think of alexander venn yen coe in london in 2006 or 2018 and navalny has he was flying inside the country. you're saying that people inside russia today who might think they would be safe outside the country are not so sure anymore. >> i would not compare those two guys to navalny. i think these are mid level managers of state owned corporations. but state owned corporations are probably could be a subject of western sanctions. so, everyone is nervous. definitely it could be suicide as well because, you know, a lot of people are really nervous those days, depressed, devastated, losing everything they have, and probably heavily drinking. but that's very bad sign of world shape of russian business elite, i will say. >> you have written about what you phrased as a collective putin. tens, perhaps hundreds of people trying to figure out what decisions putin needs to make. explain what that is, how that works. >> oh, yeah, that's very funny. and, you know, it still works. unfortunately, it still works. that's a system created by putin when everyone, every single part of the huge army of russian bureaucrats is trying to guess what their bosses want them to do or want them to say. they don't have to make -- conclude orders. they just have to -- the bosses have to hint -- or putin himself, he might say do what you have to do. and all of -- all of the bureaucrats would try to guess and try to understand. and we saw perfect example of how that collective putin works during the infamous security council that happened two days before the beginning of the war when all the members of putin's inner circle were trembling and shaking, trying to guess what he wants them to say. >> yeah. well, and we can see the consequences of that form of decision making and russia's troubling here during the invasion of ukraine. thanks so much. >> thank you. laura, get a look inside the kremlin there. it's fascinating. what do you have coming up? >> it really is and thinking about the psychology of what that looks like, the leadership, and the idea of how to force people to do what you want without lifting a finger, saying a word, very concerning. we're going to look at what's happening here stateside as one of the most controversial members of congress who went under oath today to testify about her alleged connection to the insurrection. you see her there. marjorie taylor greene. but she couldn't seem tomo remember a whole lot, jim. i wonder how he thinks today went. we'll talk to him next. we need to reduce plastic waste in the environment. that's why at america's beverage companies, our bottles are made to be re-made. not all plastic ishe same. we're carefully designing our bottles they're collected and separad from other plastics, so they can be turned back into material that we use to make new bottles. that completes the circle and reduces plastic waste. please help us get every bottle back. what happens when performance... meets power? 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unbeatable internet. made to do anything so you can do anything. only xfinity will upgrade your tech after 3 years for a more reliable connection. get that and more with xfi complete. upgrade today. should marjorie taylor greene be labelled an insurrectionist and barred from congress? that's the question at the heart of the hearing the congresswoman testified in today of whether to block her from re-election, that due to her actions reportedly leading up to january 6th. the outcome of this case could actually have quite broad implications for other republicans, including donald trump. but there was little lawyers could frankly get out of her today. >> i don't remember. i do not remember. i'm sorry, i don't remember. >> well, i want to bring in john bonn faz, who was the president of free speech for people, one advocacy group challenging greene's candidacy. you saw she didn't remember a whole lot in those moments, she says. but we do remember, of course, there's article -- the 14th amendment, section three, which is the primary basis for what's happening right now in terms of the collective memory of the u.s. about civil war and those who were ready for the confederate saying we don't want you to be a part of congress. that's the foundation of why this is even here. but as you know, the burden is on those who are challenging her candidacy to prove she, in fact, was the equivalent of, say, a member of the confederacy, back then the civil war. have they made their case? >> well, laura, thank you for having me. the voters of her district who have brought that challenge, and we're proud to represent them, have made a compelling case that marjorie taylor greene, having taken the oath of office on january 3, 2021, then turned around and participated and facilitated the insurrection on january 6th. the fact she was incredibly evasive about not remembering tweets and statements and videos that she issued leading up to the insurrection is something the administrative law judge who held this hearing will have to factor into his decision. was she credible in not remembering any of that? she even stated to the question that our co-counsel asked her as to whether or not she pressed former president donald trump to declare martial law to keep him in power. she said then, i don't remember. it's unbelievable to consider she does not believe believe it or not she pressed trump to declare martial law. it's not credible she doesn't remember at all. all of those claims of not remembering are going to have to factor into whether or not she was a credible witness today. but the tweets, the statements, the videos speak for themselves. and she engaged in insurrection. >> i'm curious about this because the timing of it. and i know that you believe that they have made their case to at least challenge it. a lot of people are probably thinking, well, hold on, i've seen something like this before recently. was it north carolina. it had to do with another member of congress, madison cawthorn. why was that not where this case is now? what are the distinctions? because we're not hearing from him in a trial or hearing, are we? >> we're not yet. we are proud to represent voters in his district as well who are bringing this challenge to madison cawthorn for his role in the insurrection after taking an oath of office as well. but the reason why that case has not moved forward is because a federal district court judge, a trump appointee, decided that he could interfere effectively with stopping the hearing from going forward in north carolina before the state board of elections on the grounds that an 1872 amnesty law, designed to provide amnesty to exconfederates after the civil war from the mandate of section 3 of the 14th amendment, that that amnesty law applies 150 years later to madison cawthorn. there is no constitutional scholar we've heard who believes that that argument is correct. and it's contrary to the text and to the legislative history of the 14th amendment and of the amnesty law of 1872. we have filed an expedited appeal with the u.s. court of appeals for the fourth circuit. they have granted our request for an expedited appeal. and that argument's being heard on may 3rd. and madison cawthorn may soon have to also face these kinds of questions. >> well, i tell you, i do recall at least one constitutional scholar talking about what you're talking about, and that was during the second impeachment hearing. i believe it was the house impeachment manager, jamie raskin, trying to make similar arguments. we'll have to see what happens. speaking of january 6th, you know, it may have been useful, of course, for the january 6th committee to have had some public hearings to buttress the evidence you are seeking to put forth in court. thank you so much for your time. >> thank you. well, you know, greene has company when it comes to scrutiny over january 6th. there is more new audio out today of house minority leader kevin mccarthy in the days after the insurrection that frankly completely contradicts what he's been telling us since about donald trump. you'll hear it and also trump is now saying something about it tonight when we come back. money with a simple text.mons like what you see ababe? 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>> i'm not sure what call you're talking about. >> well, that deflection from house minority leader kevin mccarthy is now being re-examined, especially tonight, because as new audio from the "new york times" reveals exactly what he said, well, five days after the insurrection. take a listen. >> he bears responsibility for his words and actions. no ifs, ands, or buts. i asked him personally today, does he hold responsibility for what happened, does he feel bad about what happened? he told me he does have some responsibility for what happened. and we need to acknowledge that. >> and what's more, additional audio reveals mccarthy lied to the public by denying that he ever wanted to trump to resign for inciting the capitol attack. "the new york times" reported that both mccarthy and leader mcconnell wanted to drive trump out of politics in the days after january 6th. yesterday mccarthy called the report, quote, totally false and wrong, unquote, on twitter. but then, this audio dropped. >> the only discussion i had with him is that i think this will pass, and it would be my recommendation he should resign. >> i want to bring in retired republican congressman, frances rooney right now. congressman rooney, i'm glad to see you now. i wonder what you make of this new revelation and what it reveals right now. i remember there was a time when flip flopping, so to speak, could be as damaging to one's political career as being called soft on crime. and here there was an evolution that was now made public. what do you make of these audios? >> i think this is one of the saddest things that i've heard in a long time. and believe me, as a congressman sh i've heard a lot of sad things. he started out with an instinctive, basically right and wrong compass, moral compass. and then he -- the politics set in and he's disavowed it. and how do you say something is false and wrong when it's on p tape? what kind of alternate people are these people living in? >> well, you know, interestingly enough, speaking of that reality, people have been waiting to see and hear what the former president, donald trump, would have to say about all of this, right? they were waiting to see. and here's what trump just told "the wall street journal," congressman. he said, he made a call. i heard the call. i didn't like the call. but almost immediately, as you know, because mccarthy came here and we took a picture, the support was very strong. i think it's all a big compliment, frankly. they realized they were wrong up and ported me. the notion of this being a compliment really speaks volumes on the one hand. then again, we're also seeing a trend of where former president trump has rewarded those who have had an evolution of thought, thinking about the candidate j.d. vance, for example, he recently endorsed, he's now gets it -- i'm parafragz -- and now he should be supported by me. what do you make of this being indicative perhaps of the a hold by trump on the republican party. >> yeah, trump is now the moral compass of the republican party. it's okay for kevin to flip flop because trump says it's okay. this is more of the ends justifying the means behavior. i don't see how that's any different than putin. we say he justifies the ends and murders millions of people because of the means he wants to use to get there. we have to use means too. we have to have honesty in what we do. >> quite a statement to juxtapose the two men together. do you think there are ramifications in the sense of the thought that vladimir putin and trump are similar in their hold on a party or in that the result he's looking for is violence? >> no, i mean for kevin to allow the means to overcome to get to the ends is a problem, just like what putin's doing. he's using vicious means to accomplish his ends. i think kevin's initial thoughts were great. i think he's a decent human being. but then the politics kicked in and the trump factor kicked in. and he's degraded himself. and i think it's highly unfortunate for our country and for the republican party. >> you've recently been a member of congress. obviously part of the motivation, you mentioned, politics. it's no secret that kevin mccarmy wants to be the speaker of the house. the idea of the ends justifying the means, do you see that as being a viable end result, assuming republicans are able to reclaim the majority? is the idea of that flip flopping and the revelation he had those thoughts, would that be enough to disqualify him from that running? >> i think it would disqualify him among moderates. but i think he's playing to the hard core base and freedom caucus and people like that who made so much trouble for john bainer. and i think he's concerned about shoring up his position with them. he's willing to sacrifice all integrity to do it. >> former congressman rooney, thank you for your time tonight. >> thanks for having me on. >> thank you. i want to go back now to jim in ukraine, speaking of the parallels in terms of our fight for democracy here and also abroad. >> thanks so much, laura. there are many here in lviv and the surrounding countries, the neighbors of ukraine, who are lucky to have escaped the horrors of this war. but of course never forget what they witnessed and endured. you're about to hear from a mother who managed to escape the area around kyiv in the early days of the invasion with her three children. she came from a place called bucha. at the time we met her, we said it had seen heavy fighting. we caught up with her. she's in spain now, but boy the stories she's hearing from home. that's coming up. tion. oh i get i it. so you can take your old phone, that you've had for 12 years and loved d every minute of, and trade it in for somethining new that suits your life now? 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>> translator: it's much better than it was before. >> when we last met, your husband and your mother were still left behind in bucha. they've been able to join you? >> translator: yes, we are together. we got as far as lviv, together, and then i went, me and the children went to poland and we were waiting there for my husband and mom. he was allowed to leave, because we have three children and right now in ukraine, families with three children and more, their husbands can leave. >> when we spoke, we knew that the fighting was bad in bucha but we didn't know how bad. we didn't know about all the crimes, it seems, that russian forces have committed there. have you been in touch with family and friends who were left behind? >> translator: yes. we left in time and a lot of our friends managed to leave in time, but we do know people who stayed there for a long time. we know people who died there. we have personal connections there, and we, so for example, miroslava's teacher died and also misha's kindergarten teacher not been found yet. we don't know exactly how they died, but we know they died, and so we have a personal story as well because we know like misha's kindergarten teacher they can't find her. this is horrifying to see, because we can see photos on the internet of places we know, a lake with benches, a park where we used to take walks, and now there's a mass grave there. it's really horrible to see. >> how do you explain all of that to your children? >> translator: my eldest child is 11 and she understands everything. she has access to information, she has a phone, she can see the internet. so she, she was inside this war and she knows war is war. with the youngest, i mean they realize there's a war on. and they understand what's good and what's bad. but we haven't gone into the horrific details with them. we've managed to keep them safe from it so far. we told our eldest daughter about her teacher. it took us a day to gather our strength to tell her. we didn't know -- it was quite difficult. with the youngest, we haven't told him yet about his kindergarten teacher. he's too little. we're not going to tell him yet. >> i get it. do you have hope that you'll be able to go home again? >> translator: yes, we get asked this question a lot. right now, we can't go back to bucha because it's a completely destroyed city. there's problem with everything there, no water, no power, no gas and also a lot of rubble. they're still finding dead bodies, still digging peoples' bodies out of the rubble and also, it's a totally boobytrapped city but we want to go back to bucha eventually, that's where our life is, where we lived. right now here, we just have two backpacks. >> i remember those two backpacks. i do and your socks, right? >> translator: yeah we have a bitd more than socks now because we got a bit of help in spain. >> it's so good to see you, i'm glad your family is safe. i really am and it's nice to see you smiling. i just hope you're able to go home soon. >> translator: we would like that very much. >> they are some of the lucky ones and from one of the worst hit parts of this country during this war and it's a sad fact of this war. the difference between life and death or injury can be one decision, in their case, the decision to flee for their lives. coming up this weekend, be sure to catch the true story of the man who took on putin and lived to expose the truth, "navalny," it's a great film, airs sunday at 9:00 p.m. only on cnn. >> hello. >> remarkably, vladimir putin faces a legitimate opponent, alexei navalny. >> i don't want putin being president. if i want to be a leader of a country, i have to organize people. >> the kremlin hates navalny so much, they refuse to say his name. >> come on, poisoned? seriously? >> we are creating a coalition to fight this regime. >> if you are killed, what message do you leave behind to the russian people? >> it's very simple -- never give up. allergies dodon't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stotos your body from overreacting to allergens alal season long. psst! psst! flonase all good. this is vuity™, the first and only fda approved eye-drop that improves age-related blurry near vision. wait, what? it sounded like you just said an eye drop that may help you see up close. i did. it's an innovative way to... so, wait. i don't always have to wear reading glasses? yeah! vuity™ helps you see up close. so, i can see up close with just my eyes? uh-huh. with one drop in each eye, once daily. in focus? yep. 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