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CNNW CNN June 7, 2024

joining us see you in a news night with abby phillip starts right now donald trump's pulp fiction, that's tonight on these nine good evening. i'm abby phillip flip in new york tonight. donald trump channels tarantino. it's almost like he sees himself as zeke el, the set on all sides by the tyranny of evil men but here's the thing about those enemies. there about as real as the samuel l. jackson character joules when field, meaning not at all. on the other hand, these biblical sounding promises of great revenge against their invisible enemies well, there's a lot to suggest that they could be taken seriously trump just hours ago, ranted about his trial where 12 jurors made him a convicted felon. he called it rigged, and that he made what you can only interpret as a threat to the courts that will decide the validity of his conviction we have to straighten out what's going on. are these sports. we got a rig deal go this whole country and we've got to do it. and those appellate courts have to step up and straighten things out, or we're not going to have a country any longer now, trump it is disciples, they all have the same complaint basically that the system is somehow stacked against them and that they all have the same cure for that tearing down the system altogether take steve bannon for example, the former trump fixer, who was just ordered to report to jail they're not going to shut up trump they're not going to shut navarro. >> they're not going to shut up bannon and they're certainly not going to shove maga. there's nothing that can shut me up and nothing that will shut me up. there's not a person. there's not a prison, there's not a prison built there's not a prison built our jail built dao, or every shut me up all victory to maga in an almost two while to be true twist of irony, no one is trying to shut bannon up. he was actually sent to jail for contempt of congress because he was the one who refused to talk by order of a legally authorized it's congressional subpoena so why might trump and his maga allies do this well, perhaps money right after the announcement of this more campaign, funds were given to this campaign than any campaign they think in history 400 400 we should note here, not even his own campaign is making that particular claim, but what's even stranger about this is that trump's allies are weirdly insisting that the revenge plot isn't happening at all. >> now, you might remembers senator tim scott tried to tell me exactly that on this show exactly. one week ago i'm simply saying that president trump has said it himself the best revenge is success. actually actually, senator, i have to correct you on that because room no, you can't. i'm looking at right here. are you probably said we're going to lose when he said a senator, he said it publicly. they didn't show we have well to them i'm happy to debate. he said they did it to me, so they had to do it to them. do you support that, abby? >> i know you are this is why the ratings on cnn are so low. the bottom line is simply this without question, president job has looked me in my eyes in a room full of other folks and said, you know what the best revenge is success okay. >> so you and the senator can read the former president's promises yourself. he promised to prosecute his perceived enemies in plain english, like this post that he made just hours ago on truth social. it's pretty short indict the unselect j6 committee and joining me now, dr. phil, who's interview with the former president just aired. thank you very much for joining us tonight. you're clearly sympathetic to trump, but you believe that he should drop up this talk of revenge. did he commit to not pursuing that if he was elected president well, first off, i'm sympathetic to what trump has gone through in this particular trial because i think it was not proper due process for him i would say the same thing a bit was biden or anyone else in that process. >> so i want to be clear right? yeah. would you mind tell us why you think he didn't get due process? >> i mean, the proceedings we had reporters in there. i was there for a lot of it there was a judge and he adjudicated a lot of these questions. why do you think he wasn't given a fair process well, i think it's a number of things. >> i think they're from a jury standpoint. and again, let me be clear. i'm not a lawyer. i look at it from in terms of what the jury was given to solve this puzzle. and i think they heard some things that were very prejudicial that had nothing to do with solving the problem of the case at hand. i think there were some things that are considered black letter law or horn book law that's just really not something that is controversial at all that was violated. i think you don't have someone that is considered to be an accomplice in crime that has pled out or made a non-prosecution agreement and allow that information in to the judges the jury's awareness. because it's very prejudicial and is not really probative of anything that they're asked to be problem-solving or consider who are you referring to? there doctor filled i don't want to get too deep into the law here, but it is not uncommon at all for people who are accomplices to crimes, people who have taken plea deals, non-prosecution that is not uncommon at all for for those people to then testify in subsequent trials for their alleged coconspirators. that's kind of how a lot of these prosecutions work well really give me examples of where that has been considered appropriate i mean, it looks prosecutors are prosecuting organized crime all the time and in a lot of those cases, they are relying on coconspirators to put people who are at the higher levels of the organization behind bars. i just i don't understand how you can say that because someone signed a not or was not prosecuted, sayyed a non-prosecution agreement that information or their testimony cannot be presented before the jury if they were a part of the alleged scheme you'll have to give me an example to respond to because i just simply don't agree with that. i think it's not typical for juries to do this. i've spent most of my career. >> it happens in modern uses all the time i don't like it. look, doctor dr. phil, i mean, i don't understand why you would think that michael cohen, who is a key person in a lot of the narrative here, should not have been allowed to testify in this case. is that what you're saying? >> that's not what i'm saying. i said what i said. i think the fact that he made an agreement to say that he is guilty of the crime that the defendant is being tried for prejudices the jury that, hey, here's someone is supposedly and accomplish that has said, i'm guilty of this. that prejudice is a jury about to the person that's currently on trial for the same crime. >> i have some quibbles with what you're describing as the same crime michael cohen was not charged with falsifying business records that he actually did not was not prosecuted for that crime, but i do want to move on because on this issue of what trump is going to do when he if he is elected, did you get any clarity from him about whether he would try to pursue the people perhaps who pursued him da's or his political enemies well, certainly that's a big issue and i leaned very strongly into the position of saying, look, this is not going to help this country if, if you get into a position of power and your agenda is one of revenge retribution, saying, okay, you came after me. >> so now i'm going to come after you america picks up the tab for that. that's not anything that's good to do. that's going to take a time. that's just playing for tat. so you go after them because they came after use and they come out after you because they go after them. and the meantime, what about america? what about the business of america? what about the issues of education? what about the issues of the border? what about the issues have inflation? what about the issues of health care? what about all the things that the people really care about? they're not interested in, you play and gotcha, with the people people that you think. got you we're not interested in that. nobody's interested in that and all that. when you i mean, that's your perspective, what did what do you sense it is his inclination because just today he said, for example, that he would indict the january 6 committee members the presumptively, the members of congress who were on that committee investigating what happened on january 6 are you? >> more or less convinced after sitting down with him that he actually would follow through on those kinds of pledges well, i actually don't think he will. >> i think this is a situation that yeah, it's a process. this is something that i think he had in his mind that there's only one way to go oh and that's to get even and i think i really made some headway with him that that is not the way to go i think it's a process. i think he'll turn this over and over in his mind and i don't think he will do that. and to the extent that i have any opportunity which will lean into this with him, i am going to relentlessly trying to get him to not do that. and to get others to not do that. look, we need to stop this this is a time where america needs to come together, not be playing. gotcha. and going on some kind of revenge tour we don't need that. we don't have time for that. it's not good for america. we need to unify, not be going after people that we think came after us, whether we think they did so fairly or otherwise. yeah, it sounds we don't need this thing. we need is for trump to be going after people that he thinks have created him unfairly. >> yeah. i mean, it sounds like you are you are personally taking it upon yourself to talk through this with him. but for the voters who are evaluating this very issue donald trump is explicitly saying, i'm going to prosecute my predecessor to joe biden if i'm elected, he's explicitly saying he wants to go after his political enemies. he will go after the members of congress who were doing their jobs investigating what happened on january 6 don't voters need to weigh that especially since the argument that trump is making with no evidence is that biden is going after him i think they absolutely have to weigh that. >> and if they think that donald trump or any other candidate is going to do that, then i think that is not what i'm putting somebody in office for the they absolutely shouldn't vote for him. i don't think that's what we're putting people in office to do. that's running their agenda instead of america's agenda. and we need people to run america's agenda. look, we've got serious problems and it takes serious people to deal with those problems i'm not a political animal doesn't matter to me whether somebody is democrat or republican i could care less, don't know enough about politics to talk about it intelligently but i can tell you this from a cultural standpoint, we need people working on the problems that are impacting the quality of life in america, impacting the quality of medical care impacting the quality of education, impacting quality of people's ability to feed and take care of their families and that's not that doesn't leave room to be playing. gotcha and retribution and revenge. that's not what we need. we need people to get an error and do their jobs and if not, they shouldn't have the privilege. that's not a legacy of privilege and we shouldn't be putting people in office at want to play those games. >> one of the other things about this hush money trial, and as i mentioned, i've been i was in court that several days in the trial, a lot of other trump family members were there, but his wife hello, audio wasn't there. we didn't see barron trump who just graduated and is headed off to college. what did the former president say about his family and how they are taking in all of this and his now 34 felony convictions he admitted that it's very difficult on them, but this is tough on them and it's taken a toll. i asked him straight up, have you considered the fact that this is not worth it, that the price that your family has to pay for all the blowback and all the criticism and all of the disruption on them is there a point at which it's just not worth it? have you considered that? and do you think about it? and he says he does think about it is very difficult to watch them go through this sometimes and that he's convinced that they want him to continue on but he had missed it. it is absolutely taking a toll on them do you think donald trump, based on where he is, right now, do you think that he has the character to be the next president of the united states. >> i'm talking about character and what you were talking about, which is our is he going to work for the american people or is he going to work for himself? what do you think well, i think that's for the voters to decide. >> and if he continues to talk about retribution, revenge then they're going to have to make a decision if that's what he's running on. then i think people would say, i don't think that that's where i want to place my vote and i hope that's not what he intends to do. i hope it's not what he's going to do i think he's made a commitment during the interview that i did with him, that that's not what he's going to do. and i hope as he moves further along and here's more voices like mine voices like yours that say that's not what we want, that's not what we need. i think he'll get the message that look, nobody wants that. that's that's running your agenda, not our agenda and that's what we need to say to all of these candidates, including donald trump before you go in the interview, there was a moment at which you said the argument that president biden can't stop the trump prosecution in georgia because it's a state case, you call that an explanation for stupid people but it is also true that the president of the united states cannot interfere with the state prosecution. >> that's not how the legal system works why is that a position that you're repeating even though it's very clear that that's not the case. >> that is not the case in terms of strict law. but i think if anybody believes that parties on either side get together and get something done, if they want it done, i think is very naive. that's not the way things are kind of coordination that, that frankly, doctor phil, there's no evidence of but you're also saying if that coordination happened, for example, in the hush money case, you would have called that a scandal. so why would president biden do that in georgia interfere with a state case that he has nothing to do with i didn't say that about georgia, actually, i said that about the case in new york so you're wrong about that. i my parties but in the case in new york specifically, i mean, if if biden waiting to make that prosecution happened, he would consider that a scandal. >> if he weighed in to make it not happen. why would that not? not be a scandal i'm not saying it wouldn't be a scandal, but i'm saying if you really think that party politics don't cross state lines federal versus state lines, that there aren't meetings and people talk about this and make decisions about what's best for the party and sometimes that's probably works to the good of the people. >> sometimes maybe it doesn't but if you think that there aren't politics that goes into some of these decisions. i think that would be a naive physician while luck, all i'm saying is that there's no evidence that that happened one way or well, we agree on that point. >> dr. phil. thank you very much. thanks for joining us on that interview tonight. >> thank you end up next, president biden says whether he would pardon his son if he is convicted plus on this 80th anniversary for three of d-day, tom hanks speaks out on what he thinks of a potential second trump term and did a founding member of the black panther party endorse donald trump, conservative outlets are running with this story, but his grandson wants to respond and he'll join me live. >> this is news nine the sirens are going off the tornado here you cannot out swim this. >> you cannot outrun it really does a terrifying experience. >> it is the stuff of nightmares you just here feel it my eyes and my throat or bahrain. >> i'm thinking i'm going to die and i thought that was it. >> along with earth, with the liev schreiber sunday vietnam on cnn, allergies with allegro. >> they won't stop me nothing beats allegro. >> it's the fastest non drowsy 24 hour allergy relief live. >> your greatness named 2024 the world car the year north american utility vehicle of the year and one of car and drivers, ten best suvs innovation can be ever so rewarding the triple crown awarded three rokia ev nine, lisa, especially tag 2024, ev nine light long range for 399 a month from having their stuff to shine in their coats. and people switch their dogs foods. >> the farmers dog, the effects can seem like magic, but there's no magic involved it's just smarter, healthier pep food. >> it's amazing what real food can deal with this. let's romantics welcome. i'm your host checkup hi, i wish weather getting up here. fine, but i think we're just going to go up to bat and we believe it goes mother, is buried in the meanwhile at a vrbo. >> when other vacation rentals have low privacy? 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