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how donald trump is ahead of hill in five key swing states, that in a "new york times" poll. biden consider dropping out of the race, such as former obama campaign strategist and white house official david axelrod. >> the issue is not for him is not political it is actual and you can see that in this poll and there's just a lot of concern about the age issue. it just has to ask himself is -- is this the best path? >> the cnn serving as brutal trump and among younger votes and independents, and the former president winning 23% of the black vote and 46% of the latino vote. and this gut punch only a quarter of americans say the 80-year-old biden has stamina and sharpness to serve effectsively as president no way biden is withdrawing from race and polls one year out a cloudy crystal ball, now trump has his own baggage with all of the indictments and civil fraud trial, and somehow helping him among republicans. meeting so riled up they're running more stories warning about the dangers of a second trump term it may be tough for most journalist to accept. but if the election were held today, donald trump would probably win. i'm howard kurtz and this is media buzz. what if joe biden can within a second term is a hot topic for commentators across the spectrum. >> now there's no denying that in democrats and press want hmm out but if that's what they want they have to do a heck a lot more than hint and nudge. >> it is a wakeup call this is frightening not just for the biden white house and democrats but anybody who fears what return to a trump presidency would mean. he can win. >> there's time to tun it around for the president right ronald reagan was in this position barack obama was in this position. >> now these numbers hold biden won't just lose, he would get blown out, and needless to say the mob, media, they are in a complete state of meltdown and panic. >> some didn't hesitate to tie the democratic gains in the offyear elections to trump or biden. >> it's like donald trump is a political heroin of losing. like do you just -- just attack a shot in 2016 and you just lie back and you just smiling while your party loses in 2017, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23? and you coming back for more in '24. ultimately it comes down to democrats have a potent issue that is abortion because, you know, every since roe v. wade was overturned, pretty much every time the democrats have run on abortion they have won. >> joining us mow to analyze the coverage in florida brian kilmeade of the kilmeade morning show on fox radio and author of the new book teddy and booker t. how two american icons blazed a path for racial equality and in los angeles, leslie marshall radio talk show host fox news contributor brian do you agree that much of the media are nervous anxious, depressed over president biden's awful poll numbers and -- kind of hoping he'll drop out? >> wow. jonathon call looked like he was going to break in tears over the fear that donald trump could get elected when he should be known he added two wings to the house because of the book sales and last presidency. so i do think it is pretty extraordinary to blame donald trump for the offyear elections anything but great for the elections listen midterms absolutely he hand picks candidates howie and others that were way out there that traditional republicans probably would have done not just david axelrod but saying they think a younger fresher candidate would fare much better leslie. >> all due respect to dade and others that are saying that, my colleagues that would not be wise just because politics is a numbers game and who would be on the ticket? no drpght to our vice president, but she would be on the ticket she would be number one and number two on ticket and numbers are worse than president joe biden i want people want my governor i would like someday for gavin newsom in california to run but he's said that's not going to happen and step on or over joe biden kamala harris so i think that's unwise especially at this point in the game. with respect to the poll numbers, the numbers that i look at more i'm a democrat i'm not freaking out. i don't have any razor blades anywhere around me guys look the reason is numbers that i'm looking at are the polling, exit polling numbers. and what polls are not predicting is the turnout of democrats, what they're what they are not predicting as how important issues are. and the disapproval ratings for joe but are not trickling down not only in the midterms but next tuesday. my production those are the numbers. quickly jump in here i want to play some sound, peter doocy had a chance to ask the president about these polls. >> white do you think it is your trailing trump all the swing state polls? staples? >> you don't read the polls there are 10 polls eight of them i'm beating in those states eight of them. through two. cnn and "new york times" check it out. we checked out national polls those are three weight races and some the two candidates are tied. so brian you started to touch on this earlier. "new york times" washington post a flood of stories about what trump do the second term pretty single after his enemies, higher eight loyalists instead of traditional conservatives. crapped out on immigration in both the insurrection act. what is this flurry of stories say to you? >> that we have got to scare people into not voting for him. i will give you an example. you brought up don't panic it is still early what ever i understand where you're coming from he is going to be the nominee. the only thing that's different about this election, there's a lot of things the one thing that is different is that many people are convinced, me included he cannot do the job anymore did you see him try to lay a wreath yesterday for the unknown soldier? he puts the wreath up and does not know where to go. he does not know how to leave a stage he could not even say a complete sentence to peter doocy. he does not give interviews. he has to go out and win it. if you are away right or middle you have to build to articulate what you're doing. people don't think he's making the decisions they want and unelected officials behind closed doors making the decisions. the guy we see in front of us is not even the guy that got elected in 2020. and that is what i think tim ryan and van jones are saying. not right wing extremists. they are saying this guy cannot do the job. work out your hair's situation but there's other talents on the left. that is what they are saying. but certainly present abided did not do very interviews he didn't want recently of 60 minutes. less lately president has been hurt by the economy, losing a chunk of the black vote according to these polls but again the overriding issue and we have talked about this seems to be bothering a lot of democrats is his age. >> but this week i sell repeatedly video clip after a video clip of donald trump talking about the current president who is not the current president barack obama. we want to split these things apart at ho it honestly in defef both of them they are human it. i went to the supermarket the other day i could not remember what dhec i was getting and i'm not in my 70s yet and may feel or look at sunday's. [laughter] yes, yes because you cannot compare yourself to joe biden there is no way. i'm donald trump keep saying that he believes obama is pulling the strings. i talked him off camera about that i talk to him on the radio about that and i corrected him on the radio interview please go back and listen i said you mean joe biden? no he is convinced barack obama's run the country. that's what he says that he wants you to think it. >> o'brien come on come on. that is good, that is good you should be has a manager his campaign manager that's a really good spin on it. [laughter] that's a good spin on it because i'm going to jump in guys. what's the bottom line is democrats are going to go left republicans are going to vote right that's what the number shall come down to five states and independence in those five states in the past few election cycles. lexi is losing in all of them. >> that is what sparks the concern. so brian, the republicans talk about this week's election keep losing and losing on the abortion-rights question most notably in ohio this week. but the pundits are quick to joe biden. i think you are saying trump did not have much to do with the recent election i don't think biden did either. >> yes. but leslie, to your point of the abortion issue will be a deciding factor and republicans from the smallest county seats to the highest seat at the white house have to learn how to message it sincerely. and they have not done that yet. i don't think mcdaniel these consultants coming from the outside, they get a lot of money and they go for advice you cannot blame her for that ea easier. they have to go out and say listen is going to be 15 weeks this is where europe is at this is where most of america is at that is where we are comfortable with a look at what marco rubio said he said i am pro-life but florida isn't so that there are 15 weeks i am going to be at 15 weeks he wins going away in his election. unless they get that right it does not matter. i was also struck by one of the things in the polls that says 51% of the people say there is no way they will vote for joe biden and a 48% says they will never vote for donald trump. that little more play believe it or not actually could tip it to trump. the wild-card factor is a third party. >> if they stick with that they may change their mind to some of them. leslie, abortion could boost a democratic turnout next year. but it will be several issues the whole election will not be about abortion to be about the economy, it joe biden's handling of the two wars. i am not sure this helps the president's candidacy at all. >> at the end of the day, if you right now were very angry with joe biden because you do not agree with him a middle east policy you are not pro israel, your alternative is donald trump. you are not going to flip that switch for him in the same can be said for those who are unhappy with donald trump. even if they republicans voted for them at once maybe twice but they do not want to go back, they want to go forward. they're going to vote for joe biden. it abortion is a bigger issue it's just not ohio look at it did in virginia the governor there is pretty much powerless right now. >> i've got to get a break i know you have more to say. we come back pro hamas a journalist take their protest inside the "new york times." ♪ there's something going around the gordon home. good thing gertrude found delsym. now what's going around is 12-hour cough relief. and the giggles. the family that takes delsym together, feels better together. howard: after the "new york times" ran an editorial posing an israeli cease-fire more than 100 outside journalist took over the papers lobby really off the names of palestinians and killed in gaza and names of editorial board members and protesters accusing the paper of complicity and laundering genocide. declaring there's blood on the hands of the "new york times" and torah board. brian, what is it say when self prescribed journalists are so dedicated to the hamas because theythe they storm near times b? >> it is nuts. didn't they plow this and cede this field when they came over to bully barry when she was a cencenter as the "new york time" she said i'm not welcome at this room for other opinions. didn't the "new york times" also cede this field when they had a tom cotton column that brought up a conservative point of view? all of the sudden someone gets fired they have up meltdown and need a mental health day. that's not the tolerance of different ideas but they come up with a different idea the street they mobilized turn on them they must be saying oh wow, this reminds me and they must feel a little bit like bill they look around the democratic party many are which the backbone and subscribers to the "new york times" and says what have we radicalized? these radicals have turned on us. i am not for that but thousand organized movement through their lobby that might have had activism from inside. howard: @leslie what you think about the language the "new york times" has blood on its hands? >> it certainly an opinion i do not agree with that. i do not agree anybody actually in the united states has a blood on their hands. it is certainly just there in the middle east. israel, hamas, the palestinians. but i do want to say something to what you just said how eight, a couple of things. one, journalists need to be their job they have a right to the first amendment to express free speech and that "new york times" to brian's point i would agree should have every opinion every media outlet. it does not make them pro- hamas. thatit does not make people pro- palestinian or pro- like myself just wanting peace for the children are want a cease-fire. it does not make them pro- hamas. it does not make them anti- somatic. i can't stand a self-loathing jew or anti- somatic because you want a cease-fire or you with the children to stop being hurt or killed. but to say that the "new york times" has blood on their hands? >> a little short on the time let's run to these nbc news headline man dies after hitting head during israel and palestinian rallies officials say. what happened was 69-year-old paul kesler his death was ruled a homicide by the medical examiner caused by blunt force injuries to his head. this is outside l.a. at a palestinian protester. so brian, hitting head is that described the situation? >> you know. and within the column it says a blunt force to the head. it was from the bull horn had killed him and that came from the coroner's office. it was not that he tripped and fell and banged the back of his head. he hit the ground because he was struck in the head. i am all for being measured but at this point my jewish man gets killed in a palestinian jewish in protest, why are they so measured and dare i say inaccurate with the headline? went on the other side it was a palestinian hurt a hamas sympathizer is hurt it would have been -- sadly to say it would not been that measured. howard: leslie, the "washington post" headline. gaza health ministry death toll in gaza surpasses 10,000 after four weeks of work. who runs the gaza health ministry? >> hamas. however you have to look to other sources if you do your due diligence defense children internationally verify these numbers. the dionysian's office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs, the world health organization, rescue organizations like the white helmets. all of these are putting out numbers as well but i would take those numbers being a talkshow host that's where i get my numbers from progress i have more confidence that i do in hamas. ias which sometimes inflates the casualty figures. bright i want to ask a quick question about your book teddy roosevelt invites booker t. washington to dinner at the white house. there is all of this uproar at memphis news quote the greatest outrage which has ever been perpetrated by any citizen in the united states, what does that tell us about that. >> appeared at that time there is segregation, there is jim crow, there were poll taxes and lynchings. but he is happy about it. i am not ducking it. i wanted to outline how two people in that time as a polarized and wrong as some portions of the south were said we could see a better time for america. we could be better examples for it. look how much progress we have made it since i also put on the special on fox nation john mccain references this dinner but think about america there's outrage to this procedure's black man to dinner and now we have african-american black man who is hosting that dinner. i think people really need to see how many people sacrifice to make us the most successful multicultural country in the world. howard: the book is at teddy and booker t. appreciate having you on brian kilmeade, leslie marshall thank you very much for joining us. israel is denying they targeted gaza's largest hospital and will israel occupy gaza after the war? 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[ting] ♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. howard: at donald trump taking the stand in his civil trial repeatedly took shots a new york judge arthur who at one point threatened to kick him off the standastanford trump spoke to reporters before his testimony. >> it's a very unfair situation. this is really election interference. as a biggest scam in this business the case never should have been brought. it's a case that should be dismissed immediately by. >> trump spoke to reporters after his testimony. >> these are political operatives were going to be dealing with right now. we have a racist attorney general by. >> he rambled, he hurled insults. but we expected that. howard: much of the media focus is on the judge who is found trump guilty. >> you cannot take this man seriously. men like this can't have the unilateral power to nuke the president's business license because a racist prosecutor asked him too. the man is a joke. quickly or in this bizarro world where the former president antagonizing the judge helps him politically. i mean it plays among the people who follow him well. howard: joining us now fox legal editor and donald trump spent most of his testimony we did not get to see it because there's no cameras, criticizing the judge, charges the case, letitia james. how does this help is legal case or is he planed to a different audience? >> trump was act like a mostly when they feel like they are on member cap and i slammed his hands on the table i was in the courtroom, i was watching him i him-his behavior was pretty consistent with how defendants fired up our operate. i thought for the former president he was fairly restrained and composed. i relate i am at odds with most people and they made it with that take. i think it's because i clerked for the virginia court of appeals my job was to review trial transcript after trial transcript with the lowest level proceeding which is what is happening in new york right now. in those proceedings, judges aren't wild. there is a judge in virginia known for throwing things at people. they are testy, crusty, defendants get mad so nothing i saw personally surprised me. howard: it president trump ruggedly talking to reporters outside of the courthouse succeeding in turning the civil suit into part of his campaign? because i don't know he has a choice i think he's being smart in doing so given that sitting there and watching this the proceeding feels pretty stacked against him even the effect the attorney general is attending this trump day after day. howard: why is she attending? >> it's a good question they don't attend trials she has nothing to do with the case at this point has a full team from her office devoted to briefing the case in arguing the case she has no role so when choosing to be there each day she's putting aside her very busy day attorney general are very busy human beings on the taxpayer dime to sit there in the shot to smile and give press conferences what has to ask is that inappropriate use of the attorney general's office? howard: is by the most famous case you ever try to prosecute what's what i what trump said in these reports noting he acknowledged reviewing the real estate valuations and sometimes suggesting changes and also that his trump tower that he lived in was 11000 square feet not 30,000 square feet is a company claims dump those hurt his defense? >> this is where i think the trial in general gets very tricky especially for non- real estate experts which basically all of us. [laughter] 's came up a lot it is the idea of valuation how subjective that can be especially when you apply the brand of a former celebrity turned president how much is someone willing to pay for property? the mar-a-lago $80 million which is ridiculous he says 1 billion. that's a lot certainly there's something i would think in the middle i made the point the other date judy garland's red slippers in the wizard of oz but go into a story you see a pair of red glittery slippers how much of their worth? a couple hundred dollars is by famous designer couple thousand jude how much the currently valued at? $3.5 million paid. >> a brand council. it does count he made the point on the sand i did not put brand on paper when i was submitting the financial statements. that plays a big role in valuing properties. howard: the larger question with this case and a lot of people do not follow it in terms of the legal minutia, he has wondered thousand times impact if it would've been televised. why do these cases let's look at the civil trial, h helping with the public and voters? >> i think republican voters are tired of watching the justice system beat weaponize against republicans generally speaking. typically what will we see unfair cases that involve political figures more times -- like most of the time it's one direction and it is against republicans. for instance the russia collusion hoax the mueller investigation, that wasn't weaponization against a former president it was you know what they came up with which was nothing if anything it was hilary clinton who was feeding disinformation to the federal government in order to subvert the 2006 election which doesn't get talked about enough. so i think what's happening as people watch over so many years of every trial, every charge that hits trump is weaponization and that is not always true but that is how people looking at this. howard: you set me up for my next question to weaponization question you work at the justice department under bill barr. here is what the former president had to say on univision when asked if he wins the election would engage in a political payback. >> if i happen to be president i see somebody is doing well and beating me very badly i say go down and indict them. mostly what that would be, they would be out of business. they would be ouch they would be out of the election. howard: is at ins or trouble you? >> of course it does. this is what happens and this is why the major danger apart from the fact it's a morally and ethically wrong to abuse the justice system against ones of political opponents but this is the consequence now that may be paid because democrats have gone after him is the justice system in a way that's very inappropriate for so long. i think the way you can discern a something as fair or not of course it president trump the former presidents going to say everything is unfair. but one of the ways you decide whether it is or not if you look at the situation and you say to yourself how has this law been applied before against similarly situated defendants or people? for instance in the case of the new york fraud trial our brain around our research team includes lawyers could not find one instance of someone being prosecuted and convicted in new york for over inflating real estate value as a victim. so that is that if you look at the classified documents case with d.o.j., you have the present apparently the former president waiting on classified documents effectively bragging he has and that's a different situation. howard: case by case thank you so much for being here after the break the republican candidates mix it up at the nbc debate but mix it up at the nbc debate but barely take a swing at the front runner. introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. you'll find them in cities, towns and suburbs all across america. millions of americans who have medicare and medicaid but may be missing benefits they could really use. extra benefits they may be eligible to receive at no extra cost. and if you have medicare and medicaid, you may be able to get extra benefits, too, through a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. call now to see if there's a plan in your area and to see if you qualify. all of these plans include doctor, hospital and prescription drug coverage. plus, something really special, the humana healthy options allowance. your allowance. to help pay for essentials like eligible groceries, utilities and rent. even over-the-counter items. and whatever you don't spend gets carried over to the next month. plus, with a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan you'll get other important benefits. all of these plans include dental coverage. with two free cleanings a year. plus, fillings, and a yearly exam. vision coverage, including eye exams and a yearly allowance for eye wear. and hearing benefits. including routine hearing exams and coverage toward hearing aids. you'll also get free rides to and from medical appointments. best of all, you'll pay nothing for covered prescriptions, even brand name ones, all year long. and zero dollars for many routine vaccines at in-network retail pharmacies. plus, you'll have access to humana's large networks of doctors and specialists. so, if you have medicare and medicaid, call now to see if there's a plan in your area that will give you extra benefits, including an allowance to help pay for essentials. plus, no-cost for covered prescriptions. and coverage for routine dental, vision and hearing. a knowledgeable, licensed humana sales agent will explain your coverage options. and, if you're eligible, help you enroll over the phone. it's that easy! call today and we'll also send this free guide. humana. a more human way to healthcare. howard: at the start of a third republican debate nbc anchor lester holt asked the candidates why they should be the nominee and not donald trump. they deflected the question or took wild shots at the missing front runner. >> donald trump is a lot different guy tha than he was in 2016. he owes it to you to be on the stage and explained why he should get another chance. >> no doubt about it nikki haley ron desantis work for the most part the winners for the front room and there by the amount was not there you could not debate somebody who is not there. >> why is it no one's going after directly? i said i think it is because in that universe you cannot afford to be antitrust person. howard: much of the coaches focus on it nikki haley when ht back hard with the debate on tiktok progression made fun of me for joining tiktok while her own daughter who's actually using the app for a long time. >> leave my daughter out of it. howard: got all heated joining us now in byron york chief political correspondent and fox news contributive. and tim hogan former top aide to amy klobuchar. the ratings keep going down less than 700 year old for this am. lester holt, take your shots at donald trump and as many pundits have noted a couple of mild jabs and that was it, why is that? >> i think nbc made a decision not to emphasize trump in this the first question was obvious because everybody is running against donald trump. >> after that is most a policy because you have seen other people in the media say for example i can't declaring his position with a 2020 election is a threshold issue for them so there be a lot of questions about that. nbc to their credit decided not to do that. we are all sorts of substantive stuff and it was not about trump. howard: i have to say nbc put on a solid and substantive debate give a little dull at times with the front runner blowing up this debate like the other two is it becoming a race for second place? >> i do not even know necessarily that matters i do not know donald trump is going to pick anyone on the stage to be number to the reality is we may be watching that lease consequential american debates in our history because no one on this stage has shown an ability to carve a path to the nomination. playing it safe which a lot of them are is not the answer when you are behind by 20 -- 30 points. i think you see ron desantis and nikki haley tried to draw a contrast but not in a meaningful way you had to santos talking about how he would build the wall by taxing remittances. haley does a little bit better job showing some sort of vision for the future and taking on trump. but none of these candidates are showing extremely strong performances are punctuating the debate with moments that live on in the media after words maybe tim scott stopped watching his girlfriend but that's not going to help him. [laughter] i think they don't have a strategy. howard: i want to play a soundbite i found a little odd from the debate. >> at this immediate raid the 2016 election they read the 2020 election with hunter biden laptop story they're going to read this election. howard: what on earth is he talking about? trouble one and 2016 the voting has not started yet how does the media have power to rig an election? >> 2016 as far as that's concerned you started but the whole trump russia investigation. but it was clear in the debate that vivek ramaswamy his topeka mama was in the first debate before people got to know them very well. he's clearing going for when hits that is what his campaign is about. one thing and that moderation of the debate the moderators announced at the beginning they were not going to have a set policy that if you as a candidate were mentioned by a another candidate you could immediately respond. however when vivek ramaswamy went after nikki haley and they called it audible and let nikki haley respond immediately but they didn't pick which i agree we do not have that exchange between the candidates. howard: if vivek ramaswamy wants to oppose a military aid to ukraine fine. but why would he call zelensky who is jewish and nazi? maybe this goes to the point about trying to get viral clips out on the web? >> yes i think for a lot of the candidates a in his primary fame is its own function i don't if he's gunning for a podcast after this? it's damaging to republican brand. we looked at the 2020 presidential debates for democrats is an ability for us to not as each individual cap at the party to talk about our vision for the future, policies that are going to help people and you have vivek ramaswamy up there making everyone else look good on stage by comparison but bringing the party down as a whole i do not know why he made that comparison with zelensky i do not know why he is talking about the previous elections it is damaging. howard: okay just briefly from both of you so it nikki haley is clearly generate the most headlines must immediate attention, positive press with no one else dropping out what is at translate into? she said on "fox news sunday" this morning she is surging. but not far enough? >> these debates have reached a dead end because you do have the front runner who is so far ahead of everyone else declining to take part in the debate three of them so far he says he's not going to do the next on next month in alabama. so this is a race for second place but my second place we don't mean vice president we mean who could be the nominee if trump falters if indictments bring him down, if a trial or something brings him down. howard: he slips out a banana peel. have half a minute the media consent is his new ron desantis delivered his best performance because he did not go after his rivals he does not get much media traction. >> he does not get much media traction the most conversation were saying about ron desantis is focused on his shoes whether or not he's wearing heels. >> so dumb. >> but that is the problem he cannot get away from them. and nikki haley has at least found her voice on the stage and has been able to draw a contrast with all of her opponents who have come after her on that stage. and a minimally give a vision for the future. she has been able to succeed in those debates. howard: tim hogan and byron york thank you for joining us the house censures for accusing israel and joe biden of genocide. the gordon home. good thing gertrude found delsym. now what's going around is 12-hour cough relief. and the giggles. the family that takes delsym together, feels better together. it's true, though - you won't overpay for glasses if you shop at america's best. they offer two pairs and a free, quality eye exam starting at just $79.95. the exam alone is worth at least 59 bucks. i can see from your expression that you find that shocking. and you're actually speechless. ...aaaaaaaaand, you don't have ears. two pairs and a free exam for just $79.95. book an exam today at it's true, though - you won't overpay for glasses if you shop at america's best. >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. ♪ upbeat, catchy music ♪ >> tech vo: this couple counts on their suv... as they travel for their small business. so when they got a chip in their windshield... they brought it to safelite... for a same-day in-shop repair. we repaired the chip right away. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech vo: plus, to protect their glass, we installed new wipers too. that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ howard: rashida tlaib hasn't long because of anti-semitism has been censured by the house democratic congressman posted a video that may have been the last straw. free, free of palestine. from the river to the sea. ♪ >> i cannot believe i have to say this. but palestinian people are not disposable. we are human beings. just like anyone else. howard: joining us at mike emmanuel chief washington correspondent. why did they pass this time against rashida tlaib after it failed previously? >> when she said from the river to the sea basically calling for the elimination of israel and killing the israeli people for a lot of lawmakers that was a step too far. jewish american lawmakers, people who represent a lot of jewish people in their districts are putting a different skull spot because do you stand with those comments? do you stand at that language or sand with the israeli civilians who were slaughtered on october the seventh? look this is a procedural thing of the house it is embarrassing. it does not happen that often by the second time this year after adam schiff and the russiagate stuff. it is a step into an opportunity for lawmakers to say be more responsible with your language. howard: , glad you mention that i wonder if there should be more explicit about this phrase from the river to the sea we heard that in the chant from michigan. because some people say it is ambiguous or idealistic phrase but it has a certain meaning which as you say is wipe israel off the map the progress as of the pro- palestinian rally here in washington a week ago that was chanted a lot and i knew exactly what they meant. there are a lot of israelis supporting americans there are a lot of jewish americans to take that very seriously. she tried to defend herself by saying look i was complaining about the israeli government, benjamin and tran went and out the israeli people a lot of her colleagues did not buy it and felt she needed to be a loom or cope with what. howard: 22 democrats running on most of the republicans proving that censure. so joe manchin not running for reelection senator might have lost to a public a republican governor and west virginia. clearly wants to flirt with running for president, not ruling it out. and a boom high-profile pundits are saying he should run, he would have a shot. what's going on here? >> he likes to be relevant too. he likes to be the center of conversation. here in washington is the most powerful senator the united states senate because he drove the bite administration crazy he was the swing vote. in this case if it's going to be a close election regardless come down to five or six states of somewhat like joe manchin were to get on the ballot that should scare dhec out of the democratic party because odds are he would peel some votes from president m president by the ultimate democratic nominee and in a close race that could be the difference, ross perot in 1992 against george herbert walker bush helping bill clinton ascend to the white house. it is a serious thing and there are some other candidates thinking about being on the about who could have a real impact. >> or snow questioned if mansion were to do that they would have an impact but at the same time he doesn't like to flirt with these things and not do that we will see mike emmanuel we were look for you entering the "fox news live" an hour from now. that is it for this edition of media buzz. you can subscribe to my daily podcast we riffed on the top five stories. this is the point of the program were i say we're back here next sunday 11:00 a.m. eastern we are the only media analysis show on national television. ♪ [sneeze] dude you coming? 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