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>> jesse: hello, everybody. i'm jesse watters with dana perino, greg gutfeld, jeanine pirro. it is 5:00 in new york, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ joe biden's soft on crime policy is really hitting close to foam. not even the first family a safe. secret service agents applied to his granddaughter forced to open fire at criminals. but after three people tried to break into a parked government car outside her house in the ritzy georgetown neighborhood. the secret service adding "discharged a service weapon, and it was believed no one was struck." original lookout was issued. d.c. police say that the number of carjackings is skyrocketed. with reports of over 6,000 stolen vehicles just in the past year. meanwhile, a cvs store in the nation's capital has been forced to remove merchandise from shelves and display photos of the items instead after the rise in shoplifting by homeless people. shocked something like this could happen. >> are we concerned? obviously if obviously. obviously we want to make sure americans and their families feel safe, not just in d.c., but across communities. the president has taken action with the american rescue plan. they can provide a funding police officers to make sure that their communities are safe. but we need more. we need congress to act. >> jesse: janine, is someone is trying to steal an escalade, are you allowed to shoot to kill? >> jeanine: i'm so glad you asked because i have with me today a copy of homeland security guidelines and secret service comes under that, and the answer is that law enforcement officers may use force only when reasonably effective, safe, and a feasible alternative appears to exist and may use only the level of force that is objectively feasible in light of the circumstances at the time. that pretty much says no, and you certainly -- i am not going to waste a lot of time, when you go to deadly physical force, a cop can only use that, including a secret service officer, when it is objectively reasonable, and that is when he is confronted with deadly physical force. let's assume that the secret service agent, since he did not hit anybody and may not have been to the training for his firearm for a while, you can only, in terms of secret service, issue a warning shot when you have a special written permit from the chief of police in that jurisdiction who would be the chief of police in maryland, so now we know that the secret service does not necessarily follow the rules that they're obligated to. we know that they are incapable of identifying fingerprints found on cocaine in the white house. they love the bidens because they extricated a gun that hunter's girlfriend left in the garbage. it's a joke. the whole thing is a joke. can you imagine somebody tries to steal your car, you take out a gun and use it? they will arrest you in a second. >> jesse: they don't even know if they hit the guy. >> dana: how are you going to have a secret service agent shoot and miss? that's not good. >> jeanine: and it is not legal. and i just want to say one more thing. we are living in a third world country. sorry, dana. we living in a third world country right now where we have to pick up toilet tissue based on a photograph because everything is locked up. this is because apparently the corporate leaders in places like target are not cooperating with the police. they are not allowing police to make arrests in target. or process them. so right now, we are subject to the kind of law enforcement that is absolutely ineffective. sorry. >> dana: that's okay. it is not like we are watching an episode of "justified." which is a fictional show. that is not allowed. however, you have to wonder if the people are just so fed up because the carjackings are happening everywhere. and the criminal gangs are using juveniles to do it because the d.c. attorney general, brian, whose name should be known, he is not prosecuting these crimes. so when they say we have all this money, okay, well, the money is not going to work if the crimes are not being prosecuted. that d.c. attorney general has a big lawsuit against the ira, which he does not even have standing in this case, but instead of actually pursuing these criminal justice issues, he is focused on that. that's a serious problem. they don't even have an accredited crime lab, so as i understand, it means you're charging less, so not actually getting the punishments that they deserve. the carjackings include people -- let's say you're just driving along, and then three cars around you. they get out with guns and force you out of the car, and then they take off with your car. and you are supposed to have an apple air tag so that they can track your car. that was the solution from before, and i do feel for the people in d.c. and because of when -- d.c. is run by congress. they are in charge. so if i were the democrats, i would be like pushing them. you have to do something because who is going to want to live there? who is going to want to work there? nobody. >> jesse: this is after the congressman just got carjacked last month. >> greg: that is true, jesse. thank you for bringing that up. we assumed that the government would make sure that the public is safe, but those variables have been removed. it has been reversed. it's quite an achievement that one person can have such an effect on american civilization. we now have free range criminality. decimated police force in our cities. this is not about the law. it is about not processing the law. we could end up in a completely upside down country. those who fight back end up in jail. ironically it will be the safest spot. we will all be in jail. and the conversations will go like this. what are you in for? i tackled a looter. i defended my wife against a mugger on the subway. it will be completely reversed. i keep thinking that maybe we should go woke because we are victims, yet we are not treated as victims, so maybe the get out of jail free card is identifying as oppressed, and therefore, we can join the prattle and go out and steal and shoplift. there was an interesting point here, right here, people, about target. did you see this about the retail theft? they would not let the police make arrests in the store, in the company executives would not cooperate with the police, so this is interesting because it's not about crime. it's about spying in. target is going to use $1.6 billion. they are projected to. they don't care about their paying customers or shareholders. they hide behind woke displays of bikini pouches while gangs are ransacking their stores, so they prefer to lose all this. they closed their store in harlem. you end up closing stores for the people you are supposed to help. no it is going to come by make trans pride collection because they will be stolen, and you cannot make your workers safe. this is where they are. she was signaling to has destroyed your company. it is not about the crime. it is about the spine. nothing rhymes with "jessica." >> jessica: this is how you want me to waste my time. oh, the segment is up. [laughs] dana is right about the d.c. problem. i know it frustrates people who don't work in politics, but d.c. is a one industry town. you are working on the hill or working on k street. you are servicing the people who are there because it is the seat of power, and if congress is only going to be in control of it, it is an argument for d.c. statehood, which they say that they will get statehood if a democrat comes into office, and i think that is the case, but what i think is interesting about this is d.c. is actually even an outlier in terms of how bad it is. violent crime is up 40% year-over-year, and everyone surged at during the pandemic, and i am not saying that there are no problems left in baltimore and philly and chicago, but it steadily declined in each of those places, so there's something even worse going on in d.c., and that's particularly vexing when you think about who is writing around. people who have a vested interest in their own quality of life but not mismanaging this place. finance guys, lawyers, whatever, they are not in charge of what happens, but d.c. is full of the people who are making the rules, and they also want to lead a high quality of life. they are important. there were only x amount of them, and i found that astounding, that there is something special in terms of how bad it is with what is going on in d.c. versus other liberal cities. >> and your answer is to give d.c. statehood. got it. >> it is to have a representative elected government that actually cares about your interest. >> the good news is that photos of toilet paper can be used as toilet paper. >> what about if those get stolen? >> rehousing and free food are no longer good enough for migrants and liberal cities. ♪ ♪ walking business. i was a bit nervous at first but then i figured it's just walking, right? 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remember when kamala harris and joe biden said don't come? that was the extent of their message. i hope that iran listens more than the immigrants did. they came with an expectation of luxury, and they crumble at the first cold snap. it gets real cold in chicago. if they go home, i wish them the best. that might be the best option. when they get here, then catholic charities, for example, taking money from the government, sending them to texas. and then they are sending them to chicago. then chicago is sending the back to venezuela. it is never ending until somebody comes in and cut that off. >> greg: jessica, we've been told forever that these are people in desperate situations and they need to get away. so, we knew that we were being lied to, that they were just coming here for the freebies and the work. >> jessica: i'm not sure about freebies. i think most people have an interest in the work, and i see it every day when i write home on the subway. there is a cover story in "new york magazine," women who are selling candy on the trains, they do want to work. some of them. some of them of course not, and we talked about this a few months ago. you commented that your parents were staying in a hotel, that you could not to the door of because there were migrants outside, and i said what upsets me about this as someone who is supportive of the notion of sanctuary cities, they are making a mockery of people like me who advocate for them to be able to come here. >> greg: our job. >> jessica: everyone is doing it to me. i'm the ultimate victim of all of this. i think also what's happening is they are looking at previous generations who came, who were able to get jobs here, and a lot of that was because there were much less of them. it is just too many people that are coming in. there are jobs that are available. americans are kindhearted people who want to employ folks who want to work hard and pay taxes, but when there are hundreds of thousands, it's really hard to get this done. down to the white house, he did not get near when he asked for. and this is a federal problem that is becoming a state and local problem, and that's on the federal government to make sure that there is enough housing for this. migrants are also pushing homeless people out of the shelter's and getting those opportunities. and it needs to start with the biden administration on down to six at. >> greg: there is no system, judge. that has always been the case. >> jeanine: we talked on the block before this about the mob people coming in, and with these retailers and destroying cases. this is like a mob -- they decide how they are going to handle this. the united states is nothing more than a global landing spot with benefits. when they come here for the american dream, they are not coming here for the american dream the way your father did work my mother and father or any of us at the table because only 2% of the 140,000 migrants in new york city have even applied. and it may be that there are so many of them, but that's joe biden's fault. these people come in for asylum. asylum is only when you have a edible fear of being persecuted in your home country. not because you're poor and believe in the american dream. if these people who have been taken out to a designated location in brooklyn don't like it, they want to come back to manhattan, to the roosevelt, pay your own way, and if you want to go home, pay your own way. maybe you should not be allowed to you until you pay us for what we paid for your food, education, money for food and everything else. you know, this is not like with the louisiana purchase. everybody came here because you could get an acre of land for four sons or with the california gold rush. there were 300,000 people who wanted to come. after the civil war, 40 acres and a meal. everyone gets one. this is a competitive work market, and if you want to work, you can achieve the american dream, but they don't want to work. >> greg: if you come out against this, you let comp compassion. >> jesse: never been a problem for me. kamala harris says they are coming because of climate change. it was too hot in latin america. it gets to be 50 degrees, and they are like we are going back. maybe they are just summering in chicago and wintering in venezuela, right? why not? and the ones in new york -- i'm with the judge. you cannot s stay at a $500 a night midtown hotel free for a year where we do your laundry and make your dinners, and then you get a place in brooklyn, and they don't want it. oh, so sorry. brooklyn is not good enough for you? only 2% of you are applying for work permits. what work? it is too far away from the schools? we are very generous, but we also don't like people that are ungrateful, and we are feeling that they are a little ungrateful. and i don't like it. >> greg: you should not like it. aas a paragon of gratitude that you are. kamala harris said we should start listening to the radical anti-israel protesters. interesting. ♪ ♪ what can i do to make a better cotton crop? we believe that the best products are made in america and come fresh from the family farm. and produced under the most sustainable farming techniques. from our sheets to our blankets and quilts this is a product that can be passed on. it could be a family heirloom. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20. life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day! if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ if you're on medicare, remember, the annual enrollment period is here. the time to choose your coverage ends december 7th. so talk to unitedhealthcare about getting more of what matters, with our broad range of plans including an aarp medicare advantage plan from unitedhealthcare. it can combine your hospital and doctor coverage with prescription drug coverage, and more, all in one simple plan. you'll have $0 annual physical exams and lab tests. plus get more for your medicare dollar with $0 copays on most covered dental services a $0 eye exam with an eyewear allowance and $0 copays on hundreds of prescriptions. call unitedhealthcare today and let us help find a plan for your needs. ask about the all-in-one member ucard, too. and how it opens doors to a simpler healthcare experience. now's the time to get to know america's most chosen medicare advantage plans. call or go online today. (music ends) ♪ ♪ >> dana: yes, jessica, that's dierks bentley. over 1,000 people marching in manhattan with one agitator getting cheated on while tearing up an american flag. in delaware, a group marching outside biden's home demanding a cease fire and accusing him of supporting of here and let's go to austin, texas. protesters on horseback, waving palestinian flags while taking over the street. >> people have our right to protest. we are a democracy. and we should value the voices and listen to them. what i hope is that we can engage in conversation and discourse and a way that understands this is not binary, not to mention what it means in our own country in terms of long-standing issues with anti-semitism, which has been on the rise even before this happened. islamophobia. other forms of hate against people just simply based on who they are, how they pray. >> dana: a lot of words here are the only democrat raising eyebrows. bill maher berating barac barack obama. >> i must say, i am struggling with people's moral equivalency. barack obama, who rarely disappointed me, did so this week. the attack was only a month ago. a more savage attack then we have ever seen. there is a difference between collateral damage and what the 13 did. a little crazy. and also, what hamas do that? >> dana: jesse, is there a little bit of daylight between kamala harris and biden because he has been pretty stalwart and saying israel has the right to defend itself? i'm just wondering if there is a little bit of kamala harris thing and we've got to see both sides. >> greg: they are trying to straddle supporting israel in managing the protest, so it does not read them in the election. >> jesse: i am with greg. if you go to a school board meeting and raise a ruckus because some transgender kid did something in the bathroom, and maybe you are a tea party supporter or you want to support election integrity. maybe you said we'd like to go back to work now, governor. if you do that, you get audited, arrested, probably put on a no-fly list. probably the southern poverty law center cancels your life, but you're saying if you have a massive movement all over the country where you're desecrating monuments, vandalizing the white house, it is now deadly. they murdered a jewish guy in los angeles. everyone wants to be cautious. you don't get the full weight of the federal government that military-industrial complex, the democrat media industrial complex raining down on your movement. you don't get that. and that's not right. that's not fair. if you are a conservative, it's almost dangerous to get out on the street and protest, but it's not dangerous to get out on the street and hoist the palestinian flag and tear down the american flag. there is like no arrests. >> dana: where is the white house white house urgency about american hostages? >> greg: nowhere. i'm still trying to make heads or tails of what she said. she said "nonbinary" in applying into this, she might be right, that there is only one way to look at what happened. there is not two ways, so maybe that's nonbinary. you can say one direction is not binary because the people that say they are both sides are relying on an historical narrative. it is only about october 7th. we don't care about anything before because that thing is the worst thing we've seen since 9/11. maybe if you look at the pictures, it might be worse, so it's a mental state versus the jewish state, and the only way they can embrace this is by conjuring up a context to justify or erase or deny terror. is bill maher is like a lone star for the centrist liberal. when your party blinks the fourth of contingent and uses the word "but," that hamas beheaded babies. you need to run screaming from that party. you cannot march alongside genocidal deniers. this is not part of the big picture. it's only from october 7th. you have a delusional generation of young people out there, do you have to examine how we lost these people. what happened? education use to be a social issue, but now it's a security issue. you should start worrying a little bit. what are they telling them? there is propaganda now being taught in schools, and maybe it's time to rethink how we look at education. it's not a social thing. it's a security thing. this is about the future of our country. what do we do? >> jewish people are to .6 of the u.s. population yet suffers 60% of hate crimes. hate crimes against jewish americans are up, and the response from the white house is a national strategy on islamophobia. >> greg: i think that jesse is right. this administration is trying to straddle both issues, and i don't understand it because the arab vote nationwide is like 1%, so this whole idea that we may be need a two-state solution, and she says i hope we can have a conversation and discourse. you know, none of these people marching one conversation or discourse. when they start chanting "palestine is ours alone," that is not a two-state solution or "we don't want a jewish state. we just want back 48." and from the river to the sea. everybody knows that is for the elimination of israel. when they attack israel, it is worth. but when israel defends herself pursuant to the laws of war, it's a war crime, and this is something that has repeated itself or on history, and now america is stuck with a group of people, and incredible chaos. a mob of people standing up for palestine when palestine was given the ability to take over gaza, and they elected hamas, and they waited weeks before they started the us all to them get out, but i think that using a transgender term, i did not understand it either. you know, the truth is we've got american hostages over there. where in the middle of the war. you take a side in a war. you cannot straddle. >> dana: tomorrow, that there is a name march in washington, d.c. i expect it's going to get a large turnout. imagine if biden or kamala harris one >> i think it would be great. i have a lot of friends -- i don't think that that's fair. as you said in your opener, asking if there is daylight between them on this, i happen to think that both of them have been very clear about where the u.s. stands on this. joe biden has been more pro israel then israel is expected. more than other world leaders who have followed him into this, saying you unequivocally have our support for everything you need. i don't know if that is on the docket, but either way, i expect a wonderful turnout there, as it should be. but what kamala harris is talking about, she said in terms of this is not a black-and-white issue. everyone marching with these people is not necessarily pro-hamas. some of them i saying we need to free palestine. we have problems with the occupation in the west bank. do i think it's the right time for that? absolutely not. there was a cease-fire that day, and it was violated by one group of terrorists, but 388% by ken anti-semitic hate crimes. and a spike in islamic hate crimes. existing within our borders. she is the vice president for all americans, and i guess that people want to score political points about it, but i don't know how people who are supportive of israel and want to make sure that they can do whatever they need to to root out hamas and avenge the 1400 deaths. politics is a binary choice. we saw that, democrats on the ballots, and i'm listening to the front runner on the other side talk, and donald trump is not only deaf seven times he has now confused biden and obama which should put him in the mental acuity outhouse there, right? he cannot find his pants. but this is what the man tweets out. because you're talking about the leadership that we are seeing -- and i'm saying that all of this, for a people, is contextualized in light of elections. what's on the other side of this matters. that's why there are lots of jews who cannot make a decision. >> greg: i'm surprised you look at it this way because those people don't like you. you know that. >> have i wavered one bed ever? >> greg: that's not a political statement. i'm not talking about biden and trump. i'm talking about something bigger that has happened in this country that puts your life at risk. >> jessica: i understand that and certainly deeply feel that, but the segment is about kamala harris, an elected official -- >> dana: there is a big march tomorrow for anti-semitism, and it's going to be great. it's going to be huge. we will cover it on fox news where you can be had. megan ruffino kicking up a new controversy after her final game. imagine that. ♪ ♪ with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ahh, -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein 30 grams protein, one gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients for immune health. 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"my bucket is getting pretty empty." and maybe you feel the same way when you look at the wars in the world, the demonstrations, the political chaos. you just ask yourself, "what hope do we have?" well, we've got a lot of hope, if we put our faith and trust in god. you see, god loves you. he made you, he created you, he sent his son jesus christ from heaven to this earth to take our sins. he died and shed his blood on a cross for our sins, and god raised him to life. if you are willing to trust him right now, god will forgive you. just pray this prayer with me. if you haven't done this, do it right now. just say, "god, i'm a sinner." i'm sorry. forgive me. i want to turn from my sins. i believe jesus christ is your son. i want to trust him as my savior. amen. you prayed that prayer, call the number right now that's on the screen. god bless you! ♪ ♪ >> jeanine: outspoken women's soccer player megan rippy now added insult to injury after being sidelined for the final game of her career. >> i am not a religious person. and if i was, this is proof that there isn't one. this is [bleep] up. i mean, what the [bleep]? >> jeanine: she was taken away by medical staff. she later said she believed she suffered a torn achilles tendon. i will start with you. when she gets injured, she says if there was a god, this is proof that there isn't. what a negative, condescending athlete that she is. >> jesse: when jesse jr. poked his head out, he said how can an atheist even have standing to prove the fact that god doesn't exist? and he said perhaps people feel happy that she went down that way. and i said jesse, you cannot say stuff like that. but i had a very religious experience myself today. i went on a hike and i was walking in a nature preserve, and the sun came through the tree leaves, and it was coming down so perfectly and beautifully. i walked right into it, and i closed my eyes, and i grabbed it, and i held it in my hand, and i looked at it, wiped it on my face to get a little enrichment. that's god. that's how i know that god exists. >> jeanine: is let's just skip over that. what do you think of megan rapinoe? >> dana: i think she was joking in that moment, so i can live with that. i don't care what her religious beliefs are or not. i think that she has not been a good player in terms of being on the right side of all women's issues. and, for example, when it comes to men playing on girl sports teams, she ignores the reality, and believe me, if there was somebody who was going to get paid more than she was, a boy on another team, she would have had a problem with that. and you have girls who are being stripped of opportunities in terms of scholarship. they are losing to boys in their sports because -- for example, in cyclocross, which i did not know there was a sport, but people are being stripped of opportunities, being stripped of prize money. and megan rapinoe never would have stood for that. she should have done the same for them. >> greg: i'm kind of certain that there is a god. and he is not watching girls soccer. sorry. this is what happens when you run out. woke wokeism is that you demand things without gratitude. this is why you see antifa, posterior rippers. a girl trying to get out of her dui claiming that she is a ptsd sufferer. now, now, i'm a victim. i deserve all these things. you end up being a creep because once you strip away the wokeism, there is no grace and humility or modesty. you are just somebody blaming the world. jessica. >> jessica: i think we are reading too much into this. it just sucks. >> jesse: this is the segment where we read too much into things. >> jessica: i agree with dana about this. it was just a turn of phrase. i don't think she meant anyone against anything who is religious and believes in god. there are legitimate things that you can dissect about her and her politics and what she's done. rather than this. but i would like to note, even though i have been very clear about the transgender athlete issue certainly on the competitive level, college and beyond, megan rapinoe is one of the most inspiring athletes for young women across the world. especially here in america. thousands and thousands of little girls play soccer because of megan rapinoe. they where her jerseys. they love her. it will be iconic. after she kicked that goal in the world cup. and she means a lot to a lot of people. >> jeanine: coming up, a wild new trend. people are dishing out the big bucks to communicate with their pets. ♪ ♪ to debate and draft the u.s. constitution? 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>> jeanine: they have to know what i'm thinking. i am not paying anybody to tell them what i'm thinking. >> dana: there is too much money sloshing around. you could spend millions of dollars to have a conversation. >> greg: you know the psychic is going to tell you the stuff that feeds your ego. it will be like captain fluffy things that you lost weight. sergeant choo-choo things that there is romance in your future appeared she's never going to say your pet things that you should not walk around naked. [laughs] >> jessica: what do you think he would say? >> jesse: he is hungry. that's all he thinks about. we ended up getting rid of the dog. we have to level with the american people. we had -- what kind of a dog was it? >> jessica: from the same litter -- it is a euphemism. >> greg: for what? >> jesse: i'm not going to go there. it didn't work out. >> jessica: that's mean. >> jeanine: didn't work out for me. >> jessica: there's your dog. >> jeanine: thank you. goodbye. >> jessica: now that we have satisfied the judge, we can move "one more thing" m is next. blue-emu supports healthy muscles and joints. shop our expanded family of products at major online retailers. ♪ >> jesse: time now for "one more thing." dana. >> dana: on monday politics. josh holmes, the co-host of the ruthless podcast. check it out. it's posted now. >> jesse: greg gutfeld? >> greg: am i just doing my watch what call it? tonight 10:00 p.m. kennedy, tyler fisher. kat, tyrus. my sloth will have to wait until another day. >> dana: he is slow. >> jesse: we will wait for it. johnny confronted wanda the stuff. >> why did you stuff the ballots? >> jesse: within a darks what was she doing? stuffing groceries in her bag, probably. jessica? >> jessica: so a teacher went viral for transforming her classroom into a southwest airlines plane to fly her student to mexico. southwest responded with a major surprise. all the first graders were invited to southwest headquarters for a tour and they got to meet pilots and take part in aviation-themed activities. every kid left with two round trip tickets to anywhere southwest flies. >> greg: i skipped my sloth for that? [laughter] >> jessica: you don't feel good because you heard that happened? >> greg: no. >> jesse: you guys? >> jesse: kids want to be on tv only thing they want to be and we pixilate them have a grea

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