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israel and hamas officially in effect to allow for the long awaited release of civilian hostages who have been held by hamas sings october 7th. >> carley: 13 hostages are expected to be freed by the terror group this morning around 9:00 a.m. eastern time. the first of 50 in total over the next four days. >> joey: trey yingst is joining us now from israel. trey? >> trey: hey, guys, good morning. about four hours from now the first group of hostages is expected to arrive at this military base in southern israel. they will receive initial treatment and triage. they will also be able to call loved ones for the first time. after this they will be medical centers in israel. where they will be hospitalized in central secluded wards. this first group will consist of 13 people. all women and children they are reportedly from the same community in southern israel. being exchanged for 24 female palestinian prisoners and 15 male teenagers. chose the idf preparing supplies for the hostages, toys for the young children, blankets and headphones, it's been five hours since the cease-fire went into effect. with the exception of two rocket alerts for 15 minutes at a time. there has been a break in the fighting. it does appear to be holding for now. we are talking in total about four days of a break if this does mo forward. 50 israeli hostages will be released as part of this deal in exchange for 150 palestinian prisoners. despite the cease-fire, israelis are calling on residents in gaza not to head to the northern part of the strip. take a listen. >> the war is not over yet. the humanitarian pause is only temporary. the northern gaza strip is a dangerous war zone and it is he forbid ton remove north. for your safety you must remain in the humanitarian zone in the south. the movement of residents from the south of the strip to the north is not allowed and is dangerous. >> the hostage exchange for prisoners is expected to take place in just three hours. those hostages will be met by the red cross at the rafah border crossing with egypt. they will be flown to this military base again. be able to call their loved ones and make sure they are in decent medical condition and taken to regional hospitals, guys, back to you. >> brian: trey, as they get released, i imagine israel doesn't plan on ending the war. there is drones upappear to to see where they're coming from. have they denied or confirmed any of that. is that part of the agreement you can do. >> as part of the agreement the israelis will have to limit their surveillance throughout the gaza strip. we should note though that israeli officials benjamin have been very clear. once this pause in fighting is finished they will renew their efforts inside gras and strengthen some of those positions inside the strip the war will continue. >> this is a simply a break in fighting. a much needed break for the civilian population. an opportunity that some of these loved ones will be reunited with family members across israel. >> joey: trey, the agreement includes kind of an aaaddendum the israelis may release for every day. we will release two. any that hamas can use this addendum to drag this out further. it will be difficult to say no, keep those two hostages we will bomb you internationally with the pressure coming in? >> it's a great question. and, look, they are prepared that the groups inside gaza, including hamas and islamic jihad used this opportunity for psychologic warfare to try win the information war amid this conflict. we should note the israelis are prepared for this. and there is a nixed opinion among the israeli population about this cease-fire. people are overjoyed the hostages will be coming home later today landing at this military base. but they also understand the pause in fighting puts the thousands of israeli troops inside gaza at more risk. they could be ambushed. they could attacked. they have to maintain a high posture inside the strip. alert, ready for any sort of attack that hamas could use trying to surprise those forces inside gaza. >> carley: trey, you are at the air base where the 13 hostages will be transferred from hamas to israeli hands. when they step down on the ground that you are standing on right now, there really be their first moments of freedom for over the past seven weeks. so, are you seeing anything right now in terms of preparation for the type of condition that they might be in? >> yeah, absolutely. we have been watching this morning as military ambulances arrive at the base. they want to ensure these hostages get the most medical care possible. they will be reviewed by the red cross, when they first get into the israeli hands at that border crossing. they will be checked here to make sure that they are in stable condition to be moved out either by balance or helicopter to regional hospitals. the women who are released will go to a different medical facility than the children. the bottom line here is the israelis are preparing not just for the physical injuries that these hostages may have but also the psychologic ones, and that's really an important point to underscore here. the innocent children and civilians have been in the hands of hamas, often under ground for weeks now. seven weeks. and it's not just the things we think about. the injuries, the cuts, or the injuries they may have received when they were dragged into gaza during the massacre, but, also, things like exposure to sunlight. they have sun glasses prepared for the hostages that were likely held in rooms or even underground in the tunnel network. they have headphones in case they're sensitive to noise. they are trying to do everything possible to make sure these hostages will be comfortable when they arrive back here in israel. each one will have an individual soldier that is assigned to them. they will have a psychologist assigned to them. go under the supervision of the military in these hospitals in secluded wings so they are kept safe and away from any sort of attention that they receive once they arrive back in israel. >> brian: trey, the other thing is, can can you continue in this agreement explore the tunnels you were in the other day? can you continue to question people that you have detained in northern gaza? i mean, does everything, except the shooting stop? >> >> trey: yeah, that's a very interesting question. because something we have raised and we have questioned about this cease-fire is the communication and the times where things could be missed. right? i want to break this down for you because it's an important point. when the israelis entered gaza, they did a bombing campaign that cut the gaza strip in half. they have been able to isolate areas of northern gaza. so, presumably there are hamas and islamic jihad fighters in the tunnels in the northern part of gaza that don't yet have communication with the southern part of the strip and the leadership from their organizations. so they could launch attacks. 15 minutes into this cease-fire they fire rockets into southern israel. it's will unclear if that message has been received by all of the militants throughout gaza. raises questions if the cease-fire is broken in a limited capacity, will they maintain it in order to get these hostages out? and if the israeli forces are attacked inside gaza, they are not simply going to sit there they will respond with fire. it's incredibly delegate agreement. each and every hour will be watched. qataris make the decision. monitoring from doha whether the decisions of this agreement upheld. complexities of this war for the next four days it will hopefully cease. as well. so many questions remain, trey yingst live for news israel, thank you for joining us this morning. we appreciate it you brought up a good be good good point. intelligence they might have. there is going to be a surveillance issue with the fact that trey yingst was just saying that you can't fly drones or fly anything this the sky over parts of gaza. so they could regroup how many soldiers did they see? i'm sure they have a story to tell. the idf is going to want to hear it. >> brian: you know, the rescue operation, when the woman was saved, she came out and started talking about the tunnels and the other person that came out of the tunnel said they brought me through a network of tunnels i had no idea where we were. >> carley: like a spider web. >> brian: see trey yingst in sophisticated tunnels, concrete, very substantial tunnels. and they are getting further, and further in. they're looking right now. 300 square miles of tunnels, i was skeptic, they told us that about bin laden he had these tunnels in these mountains and they weren't like that. these seem to be living up to the billing. >> joey: bin ladens s. some was counterintelligence. they put out a certain narrative. >> brian: they got me. >> joey: this is my concern. i want people to be understanding of this, israel sat war with a vicious enemy, and sole responsibility because we are not sending in from our understanding, our special forces guy who go in and grab hostages sole responsibility to get these hostages homes tactically on the ground. when these hostages beings released if there is a father and daughter and husband and wife, do you think they will release both of them. they will release one of them. listen, don't tell them anything or we are going to torture and kill your love one we keep. >> carley: psychologic warfare will continue in hostage release. have responsibility obviously treat hostages swelts they can. don't spin this word to interrogate those hostages that are released to get as much information from them as they can. , they will handle them with gloves. softly as possible as can be conveniently as possible with all the empathy of the world. at some point sit down and really get these hostages to give them information that the hostages themselves don't know they have that they have to sit and think about. could hear this fist in noise in this room. i could hear this person saying this thing. those are little pieces of information that come together and create a mow isaac or a jigsaw puzzle that helps israel confirm is that command and control center in this tunnel? is that weapons center in that tunnel in the amount of intelligence that will come from these hostages that these hostages don't realize they have could be invaluable in getting the rest of them free. >> brian: keep in mind, too. hostages 3-year-old that just turns 4 abigail. >> carley: she is not going to be in this group. >> brian: don't know that. >> carley: three duel u.s. citizens is not expected to come home today they come out. >> brian: prisoners, other hostages taken out of their homes maybe after watching a relative or friend being blown to pieces. the other one did something that got them put in jail. this is not an equal swap. which makes you wo won what thoe protesters are thinking about. not only here but in australia and in europe but especially during the thanksgiving day parade yesterday. i'm watching this. and you see the cover of the "new york post," and it's so appropriate. it basically says bloody idiots. they cover themselves in fake blood and wore white suits. glue themselves to the street strong the thanksgiving day parade. >> carley: that's right, a group of protesters came out, glued themselves to sixth avenue. wearing white jump suits, covering themselves in fake blood. the "new york post" has bloody idiots cover that describes it perfectly. i can't imagine anybody watching the parade with the family going i know what? i supported family before that guy suck to sixth avenue seems sane. i'm going to change sides now. >> brian: right. >> carley: the larger point now if you are a protester that is supporting a cease-fire that aids hamas, think about it, hamas would kill you in a heart beat. you know, it's united states of america, you have the right to protest. you don't have the right to do it. that looks like vandalism right there. but you certainly don't have that right in the gaza strip. >> joey: if you want to know how the people in war feel about it. israeli knesset member had this reaction. >> those are crazy, radical, i don't know why they are protesting. people convicted in murder. in order to exchange for babies. so policy. they don't want to see the cease-fire or they want us to see the [inaudible] took place on october 7th. you know, i think policy against the u.s., against the u.k., it's not only against israel. radical forces. you cannot look for any when you speak with them. >> brian: 18 to 34-year-olds. those college-age people. most are democrats. most of them are on the other side of this democratic president. who i think is doing the right thing, supporting israel. it's a knee jerk. it's a reaction that every presidential candidate would have. you don't have anybody running on the pro-hamas platform as of yet. so, these people, believe it or not, are making the democrats wonder how strong should they be for israel because this is the base. we used to think the squad was niche. there are many more people that agree with tlaib than i ever thought possible. >> carley: there was this interesting "wall street journal" op-ed talked about how hamas infiltrated college campuses and it was by design. pro-palestinian protesters and educators who would use all the buzz words and say things like israelis have white privilege and they are european colonizers. >> joey: that's the term. that's the 2023 term for why it's okay to hate america. if you watched the parade yesterday. there was indigenous tribe. as they passed macy's -- basically the main stage, they pulled up a palestinian flag and held it up. what does a native american have in common with palestinians? not much of anything other than a message of hate -- hate the west. hate the west because someone was here 1,000 years before they got here. that doesn't hold water. >> carley: one last thing, right after this october 7th terror attack took place, one of the media members of hamas, their message something much more sophisticated than many people thought. they said what is happening in the gaza strip is similar to what would happen to african-americans and george floyd. so they know whether a they're saying. people say that hamas is winning the messaging war. and there is validity to that. >> brian: you have to think a little bit and think about how it started october 7th. understand how it all started all back to hamas. anybody that dies in gaza, that's on hamas. and they are hiding. >> why do advisory things to get. to say still ahead dolly in dallas. the country icon makes the crowd go wild during a special halftime show her daring outfit and football highlights all coming up next. >> brian: plus, president biden's about-face hours after preaching unity on thanksgiving. the president release as guide for taking on your maga family members and those bizarre fictional talking points straight ahead. ♪ run, run rudolph ♪ santa got to make it to town ♪ santa make him hurry, tell him he can take the freeway down ♪ run run rudolph ♪ is this for me? (sniffs) if you like squeaky toys from chewy it is. did i get anything this year? get daily deals on the chewy app this holiday season. i'm still going to eat your socks. no you're not. shop the chewy app for gifts that deliver excitement. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to a $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yep, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network and that powers more businesses than anyone else. learn how you can get $1000 back for your business today. (car engine revs). powering possibilities. (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) >> carley: we are back with the headlines, starting with a fox news alert. 34 people were arrested in dublin, ireland last night after riots broke out in response to a stabbing that left five people hurt, including three children. rioters burned down a double-decker bus and a police car no word yet on a motive for the stabbing. but officers say they aren't ruling out any possibilities, including on if it's terror related. an evacuation order has been lifted in kentucky after a train derailment that caused a chemical spill earlier this week. two of the csx train cars carried molten sulfur it. caught on fire triggering concerns over the air quality in rock castle county. no signs of chemical or toxic gas in the area. officials are still working to determine the cause of that derailment. to some thanksgiving football. the san francisco 49ers beating the seattle seahawks 39-13. thanks to two touchdown by mcof a free. green bay packers quarterback love tossing three touchdowns as upset the loins 29-22. down in dallas, feasting on the washington commanders. winning 45-10. there is zac down the middle. he's got cooks for the touchdown. right through the defense, there is the turkey leg. >> did you see dolly parton steal the show with stunning halftime performance. country music legend performing jolene, 9 to 5 and even covered queens we are the champions and we will rock you. more football set for sunday with games beginning at 10:00 eastern on fox including the browns taking on the broncos at 4:00 p.m. eastern time. those are your headlines this is the first black friday football game ever the jets play the dolphins, that's why carley will be in a sports bar. >> carley: can i make a correction i said the game started at 10:00, it's 1:00, of course. i just got the 0 and the 1 of o'clock. i think it was a 10. does that make sense to anybody out there. >> brian: did anybody alert you to this or did you alert yourself to this? i'm like wow, what a quick correction. that's incredible. >> she didn't say idiot when she said it. i think she thought it in her head. she said she doesn't. >> joe: i don't watch a lot of nfl. jets dolphins game? who is the quarterback for the jets these days? >> boyle, make his first start. >> joe: first time playing quarterback? >> brian: backup for the bears. desperate shape hope for that achilles to heal and aaron rodgers says he will start practicing december 4th. >> joey: yeah. >> brian: that means joey is quick for a move on. black friday steals and deals ahead of the holidays, but are there. >> joey: our affiliate fox 9 is live at the mall of america in bloomington, minnesota. se. >> good morning to you guys. there is a crowd of people waiting here. it is so cold outside. and the first person in line says they got here at 3:00 p.m. yesterday. they have been here for quite some time. tenths out here. people are sleeping. catching up on z's while they can. how long have you been here? >> since 10 klaus last night. >> why are you here when it's so cold out? what's the point? >> good deals and gift cards. >> absolutely. yes. it's black friday. annual tradition. people wake up early in the morning. wait outside in brutal temperatures to score some amazing deals. black friday we know has evolved a lot over the years. mainly due to the convenience of online shopping, of course. that's something people started relying on once covid hit. only gaining more popularity especially with online deals throughout year, for many of these people, you know, black friday is more about just the discounts. it's about the experience, too. we once knew as chaos crowded with a sea full of shoppers that may still be the case at some hot spots like here. recently poll just put black friday shopping moa top five most cherished thanksgiving tradition here in the u.s. national retail federation projects 182 million people will shop both in person and online through this five-day thanksgiving weekend black friday though. expected to make up for about 130 million of those shoppers, so, a lot of those shoppers are here this morning and they are just ready to get inside. doors here open at 7:00. >> brian: se, one thing, the cold does not seem to be bothering you. but it's bothering the somers. do you have secret heaters on your body? [laughter] >> no secret heaters. we're just built for this. [laughter] >> carley: you are built tough weather. it's 15 degrees where you are right now. >> exactly. >> carley: get inside. hope you can go shopping yourself. get an extra layer. thanks, se, have a nice black friday. >> i will shop until i drop. >> joey: warm up. >> carley: shop till you drop. >> brian: one thing about the president he wanted to bring the country together he has done a really sar as it kick job -- i'm being sarcastic. he wants to bring cut deals he doesn't do that he talk as lot about it. listen. >> we have to come together, you know, we have -- we can have different political views but we have one view. the one view is we greatest nation in the world. we should focus on that. focus on dealing with our problems and being together and stop the -- stop the rancor. you know, we have to bring the nation together. and we have together with a little bit of decency. >> carley: that was him speaking during the macy's thanksgiving day parade. there isn't just a marching band following him at all times. that would be an interesting plot twist. he says that they do say action speaks louder than words. is he talking about unity there, why did the biden campaign then post on twitter your handy guide to responding to crazy maga nonsense this thanksgiving. here is. so highlights, i want to read one of them. he says trump secured the border. that's like a maga person would say. and the response is no, he didn't. all he did was separate families, put children in changes and leave behind a broken immigration system for joe biden to clean up. >> brian: that's a total lie. >> carley: now if he is reelected is he promising to make it worse. >> joey: this is exactly what a 20-year-old home from college would say. they would probably pull it out of their pocket and read it verbatim. we watch all of the shows on this channel that go out on the streets and talk to college kids. campus reform used to do a great job with it. you get past the first question is trump terrible? the next question is why and they go i really don't want to talk about it because i really don't know. >> brian: disinformation. what about this question? >> carley: the question is trump is winning in the polls. that's what the maga person would say the response is remember that ronald reagan, bill clinton and barack obama all faced similar approval ratings in polls to joe biden. right now an all got reelected. president biden is running on a popular agenda and trump is running on a losing extreme one just like on election night a few weeks ago biden's agenda is going to win again next november. can we talk about the dark scary red eyes? >> joey: i don't blame them at all. probably the best graphic they have used so far. >> carley: oh, goodness. >> joey: they are missing the point. when we talk about family dinner. my family is as colorful and different and political views as possible. what happens when we come together, is we don't start seeing each other as extremists. we don't see each other as crazy, stiewptiond liberals and extremist maga republicans. we start to understand the people behind some of these ideas and the fact that not all these ideas are adherent to one political party. i got people in my family that look at one issue this way and another issue that way. but to throw out this guise of we got to come together and believe that we are good and everybody is okay and then call us extremist maga republicans. like those cigarettes my mom used to smoke ultra light 1,000, extremist maga republicans. just add words to it. >> carley: add words and hopefully it will stick. the biden administration has done this before which means there is somebody in their communications department is on their thanksgiving list buy turkey, cranberry sauce, most that maga tweet every single year. and really what happens is that nobody -- nobody is really it gets more attention from republicans who he are then more than willing to counter point their points and lift up the conservative agenda. >> brian: you do know exactly if president biden is going to win it's going to be because he is going to make donald trump unacceptable, unelectable not because you want four more years of him that's basically what they are saying. >> joey: the reason why people are pushing this out there they don't know how expensive the food was. living under one roof housing market. how much they paid there for gas. just talk about tweets or trump. >> brian: as he free loads somewhere in narragansett off some rich guy. fox news alert. we're hours away from the hostage release expected this morning as a four-day cease-fire between israel and hamas begins. >> joey: our next guest is still pleading for the release of his twin brothers. his ongoing fight for their freedom here, next. ♪ she found it. the feeling of finding the psoriasis treatment she's been looking for. sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding your back... is back. or finding psoriasis can't deny the splendor of these thighs. once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. ask your dermatologist about sotyktu for clearer skin. so clearly you. sotyktu. look who saved slider sunday again! here we go... 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>> hi, brian, carley and joey. we are inching closer to this timeline now in about two and a half hours we could start to see the release of some of these hostages in this exchange israel will get 50 of its hostages back. these are women and children. 1 of them today in exchange for 150 palestinians and a four-day cease-fire. this deal will also allow more humanitarian tied flow into gaza. during this time there can be no military movements or attacks. and hamas says israel will halt its air traffic over the northern part of gaza from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. each day and completely stop air traffic over the south entirely. israel has also dropped leaflets in southern gaza urging palestinians there to stay there. israel says after the cease-fire it, will continue its efforts to dismantle hamas. meanwhile, this is current video right now of the setup at the air base in israel where these hostages will soon arrive. they will find medical equipment, clothes, blankets and toys before they are taking to other medical facilities that is where they will reunite with their family. learning new details but the soldiers have been told what they need to say and do special around the hostages, the children they have been told to refer to them specifically by their first name to try to make them feel a little bit more comfortable as they arrive here back home and these children will be given noise canceling headphones so they're on the helicopter that they feel a little bit more comfortable. and then when they arrive at the hospital they will be put in separate wings so they are farr away from other patients and have more privacy. that's where they will meet their family members and had those who no longer have a family to come home to because they have been killed. soldiers have been told specifically not to tell the children about that just yet. brian? >> brian: alex, will it be four days of four separate releases? is that the way it's going to be 13, 13, 13, some type of breakdown? >> we don't know exactly the specific numbers. but, yes, these hostages will be released essentially in batches every single day. we'll likely see what took place before this one where israel was given the specific list of the names of people and then from there the israeli government was able to alert those families. there's a lot of hope for families here today hoping that the names that they received that their loved ones will actually come home in a couple of hours. but, of course, as we have been hearing from officials here on the ground and officials in the u.s. nothing is said and done until those hostages are safe. appreciate it. meanwhile, let's continue to talk about this, desperate israelis heart-broken as they realize hundreds of loved ones do not neat the criteria to be released among the first 50. including our next guest. who is 26-year-old twin brothers are being held after hamas massacred their kibbutz on october 7th. lee ron burman joins us now. the thoughts now i know the disappointments but not surprised that they are not going to be in the first 50? >> yeah. it's a bag of mixed emotion right now mostly depressed and sad and but with some kind of hope for the release of the young kids and elderly. especially [inaudible] my brother doesn't meet the criteria. the selection process i don't know how to call it. and we don't know the health now. but, they are not martyrs, they are not little kids. >> brian: look like strong vibrant guys. this is the way i understand it you lost communication with them 9:30 in the morning october 7th. 10 days later you are informed indeed taken hostage. that's good news compared to what could have been hopefully intelligence from up top. anything else that you have been told by the government being that these two are in the prime of their lives and the fittest, they might be at the back end of the release. >> and since 7th 17th of october we were officially confirmed of their kidnapping, not dead, it's a good information. we are much prefer our brothers alive than dead. no matter how long it will take. and then to bury them. and since the 17th of october, we have no news, nothing. we got informed they will not be in the 50, other than that have no news for me. >> brian: did nothing wrong. just living their lives and these lunatics take them hostage. thanks so much. liran, we are not going to forget your brothers. >> thank you very much. thank you for the opportunity. >> brian: absolutely, we will stay in touch. meanwhile still ahead, new reports reveal the president and new york city's mayor apparently not on speaking terms as migrants flood the big apple and destroy our budget. how the border crisis is now dividing democrats. plus, banking on bankruptcy? how student loan borrowers are using that move to avoid payments. dan roccato on that long-term impact, next. ♪ my doctor told me rybelsus® lowered a1c better than a leading branded pill and that people taking rybelsus® lost more weight. i got to my a1c goal and lost some weight too. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. need to get your a1c down? you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. there once was a tree lovingly made to look real. (♪) so real, something magical happened... (♪) it helped create very real memories. (♪) balsam hill. ♪ >> carley: the doj releasing shocking numbers showing over 600 student loan borrowers have filed bankruptcy to avoid payments. 27% increase compared to pre-pandemic averages. experts warn the move could hurt nut long run. here with money managing tips university of san diego professor dan roccato. tell us what the policy used to be when you can't pay your student loans and what it is now. >> yeah. good morning, carley. happy black friday to you. it used to be that you had to wait seven years after you graduated to, you know, begin the process of a bankruptcy. you would be considered and you also had to prove an undue hardship. which w fairly vegas and often t used, difficult, almost impossible to get your student loans forgiven through the bankruptcy process. where we are today it's become a little bit easier now with the new guidance from the biden administration. you have to basically prove three things. you're unable to maintain a minimum standard of living. your hardship will continue into the future and have you made some good effort, you know, to pay those loans over the last few years. you don't have to no longer wait seven years. it's become a little bit more, let's say easy to get rid of those student loans through the legal system. >> carley: dan, filing for bankruptcy, of course, kills your credit score and that is so important. so you have some tips on how to avoid all of this. >> yeah, you know, you and i have talked about this before, carley. we should have spent this time talking about reform instead of forgiveness. we have missed that opportunity. so what i tell folks is, number one, know the return on investment. college can be a fantastic investment. right? and it really can be if you do it the right way. spend it a couple hundred grand on basket weaving may not be the best choice of mainly. maybe better stick with engineering with all due respect to the basket weefers, check out income based repayment programs the federal government offers. eligible for that cap your monthly payment, that could work for a lot of people and actually does work for a lot of people. watch out for scams. there is a loft scammers out there now. special they smell blood in the water. they know that the lever has been turned back on for payments, and they are out there trying to get a piece of your purse. be careful. finally as you said bankruptcy is a really big step. i call it the nuclear option it. ruins your credit, stays on your record for seven years. you know, it can impact your ability to get a job. impact an ability to sign apartment lease. try getting a cell phone if you have got bad credit. really think that one through. >> carley: yeah, absolutely. really quickly before we let did you go. we do have this graphic that shows how much student loan debt has gone up since 2006. why is that? >> unfortunately little we have a system in this country that just doesn't work where we have no control and no accountability or lack of accountabilitien and a lot of schools really, unfortunately i think take advantage of that and we have consumers who really aren't approaching it as they should focusing on the return on investment i'm blessed i work for a school that spends a lot of time and effort trying to make sure that we have good outcomes. unfortunately, carley, that's not the case and, as i said, we should have been focused on reform instead of forgiveness. >> carley: you are right. the goal would be to convince people are not to take out huge loans on careers with little return on investment. little money to be made there. so that everybody can pay off their loans. dan, thank you so much for joining us. we appreciate it? >> thanks, carley. >> carley: great tips. absolutely. check in with meteorologist adam klotz for our fox weather forecast. >> adam: beautiful weather if you live in the eastern half of the country. mild temperatures you see it here. 48 degrees in new york city. that's basically the case across the entire eastern half. you get off to the west and this is real cold air. temperatures down in the teens. some cases single digits, it's in that cold air. a whole bunch of snow across the intermountain west seeing this morning. winter weather alerts are in place. winter storm watch, winter storm warning, absolutely everything as you are looking at a pretty decent snow event for those folks out there in the mountains. outside of that and this is a look at black friday forecast. things are looking pretty good. yes, it's chele in minneapolis and chicago. but the only big system we are paying attention to is out in the mountain west. everyone else, looking pretty good for your black friday. those your hold lines. >> carley: thank you, adam, appreciate it. forget the typical turkey sandwich. much better way from infantry tata to mac and cheese even cream burr lay. chef has the reimagined recipes coming up next. can't wait. ♪ home is wherever i'm with you ♪ the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. 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