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of hostages and bring them home. now, this comes after an hours-long delay with hamas saying they were not satisfied with the amount of aid entering gaza. officials from qatar and egypt say they were able to resolve that issue. welcome to a brand new hour of "fix news live." i'm arthel neville. jonathan: and i'm jonathan hunt in for eric shawn. 13 israelis and 7 foreigners are being released today with one hour until midnight in israel. in exchange, israel says 39 palestinian prisoners will be freed. this comes after the first batch of hostages were released yesterday. the white house says president biden spoke with leaders from qatar and egypt after a learning about the holdup earlier today. arthel: team coverage this hour, and lucas tomlinson in nantucket with the president. but let's start with jeff paul, he's live in southern israel with the very latest on today's hostage transfer that is soon to come although it's almost midnight, what are we looking at, 11 p.m.? not so sure it's going to happen it can create before this day ends. jeff, what can you tell us? jr. yeah, arthel and jonathan, we are learning from reports here on the ground in israel that it sounds like 13 israelis and 7 foreign nationals have been transferred from hamas into the hands of the red cross. again, we are working to sort of confirm that and get riches of that, but this would go in line with what we saw yesterday. hamas brings the hostages to the red cross, the red cross takes them through the rafah crossing into egypt and eventually into israel. but from the security people that have spoken today, nothing is guaranteed until it happens. so until that group of hostages which would be 20 people in total today, until they crosses into israel, really nothing is guaranteed, and the situation remains very tense especially because of this delay that happened today. yesterday was very smooth transfer, everything went as a planned pretty much to the time they said it would happen. today much different, we have this delay. according to hamas, they had this delay because they were a little upset with what they called was israel standing up to their agreement, their part of the agreement. they said that there was some issues with the types of prisoners who were being released, and and they also didn't like the fact that there wasn't, in their mind, enough aid making it to northern gaza. now, israel countered that they have lived up to their side of the agreement and that it's hamas who did not live up to their part of it by releasing the hostages on time. getting closer to midnight and for the people at home watching, we went into this ceasefire at 7 a.m. on friday. so it is a very sort of fragile feel right now because there are so many working parts. you've not the qataris as well as the egyptians getting involved, making sure that this agreement sticks. and on top of that, you have to hi this is just day two. of we have day three, day four, and there have been talks or -- of possibly extenting -- extending that. arthel? arthel: yeah. and then president biden gets involved, of course, with the i mere of qatar. -- emir. as you said, it's 11:03 there anding hopefully, this exchange will take place within the next hour. currently underway as we are understanding it and, jeff paul, when things change, we'll come back to you there in southern israel. thank you very much, jeff. jonathan? jonathan: arthel, the white house says president biden, as you just mentioned, has been getting briefed on the hostage exchange throughout the day. our crew just saw the president out and ant in nantucket -- about in nantucket, that's where we find lucas tomlinson reporting live. lucas? >> reporter: that's right, jon, that a bit of a work day for president biden as he was on the phone speaking to the leaders of qatar and egypt as well. that's right, just a few minutes ago it was on the street, president biden doing some shopping perhaps ahead of attending mass this evening. i asked the president if he's too old to be running for re-election in 2024. [inaudible conversations] >> reporter: and president biden speaking yesterday here in nantucket, he offered the following explanation, jon that longer about why he thinks this war started: or. >> i cannot prove what i'm about to say, but i believe one of the reasons why hamas struck when they did was they knew that i was working very closely with the saudis and others in the region to bring peace to the region by having recognition of israel and israel's right to exist. [inaudible conversations] >> free palestine! >> reporter: now, it's not been all smooth sailing for the president here in nantucket, jonathan. biden and the first lady were met by protesters shortly after those remarks here in town. he later did some shopping. no sign of those protesters just a few minutes ago a when we saw the president on the streets here in nantucket. now, those protesters yesterday followed the president and his family, including hunter biden, to the annual christmas tree lighting ceremony here on the island. u.s. forces in the middle east were attacked another four times, that brings the total to at least 73 since the middle of last month. u.s. military's responded with airstrikes, about once for every 20 times they're attacked, jonathan. moving 600 miles west back to israel, officials say president biden has been putting more pressure on israel's prime minister to get this ceasefire extended to get more hostages out. biden was asked about this pressure yesterday. >> i've encouraged the prime minister to, to focus on trying to are reduce the number of casualties while he is attempting to eliminate hamas, which is a relegitimate objective. a legitimate objective. >> reporter: while the president called various or units in the military, he didn't call any of the units who have come under attack over the past month, jonathan. jonathan the: lucas tomlinson in man nantucket -- nantucket, thank you. let's bring in dr. rebecca grant, fox news contributor, national security and military analyst and the president of iris independent research. doctor, thank you for being being here. we are just getting word now from a qatari source talking to reuters that this group of hostages, 13 israelis, 7 foreigners, have been released to the international community of the red cross in gaza and are traveling to the border that we're looking at there the life -- live, the rafahs crossing. from there, doctor, they usually travel the 2 miles or so east, and they come over back into israel over the current shalom crossing. a sign of progress that the cease fever is holding and hostages -- ceasefire is holding and hostages continue to be leased. i guess this is good news. >> definitely good news that those hostages are close to getting back into israel. and, jonathan, ridiculous behavior on the part of hamas to mess around with the timetable for this. remember as a netanyahu's explained, this is a day by day deal. hamas releases hostages, they get another day's worth of ceasefire, and this was just silly, ridiculous and reminds us again of what a bad outfit hamas is. and, of course, the hostages coming back, let's remember, these are women and his honor. they were not military -- women and children. then not military targets, it's women and children coming back from hamas' captivity. jonathan: yeah, and as we understand it, i believe it is 8 children, 8 israeli children being released today and 5 women. it must be absolutely agonizing, dr. grant, just speaking to you as a human rather than an analyst here, the agony that hamas puts the families through not just for the last 7 weeks, but today, that hours-long delay. those families were told by the idf their loved ones are coming home, and then they get this long, hours-long delay. i cannot imagine what they go through. >> well, exactly. and as a mom or as any human, it's agonizing. and i think it's backfiring on hamas as we are reminded that, you know, who they took hostage and the fact that there's still about 200 more. the initial list of hostages that will come back in the first days of the ceasefire are, in fact, all women and children, but that's not the taillight number of women and -- not the total number of women and children that they're holding. so, you know, this is the not good. what hamas has done is terrible, and i think seeing especially these innocent kids coming back reminds us how terrible hamas is. jonathan: dr. grant, what do you make of the pressure that the biden administration is putting on prime minister netanyahu's government in israel to extend this ceasefire and get more hostages out? this is a really difficult political situation for the prime minister. obviously, he wants to prosecute this war to the fullest extent, destroy hamas and yet there is this intense pressure not just from israelis, but from the if u.s. to put the hostages first. a horrible balancing act for anybody. >> very difficult. netanyahu has made very clear that the war is not over, and even biden says the legitimate objective is to eliminate hamas military capability. so it's really a question of what happens after the first tranche of hostages is released over the next few days, what will be the process at that point. but i think around the region, you know, i've noticed president el sisi in egypt talking about the potential of a demilitarized gaza or palestinian state in the future. you know, behind the scenes all the key actors in the region want this conflict to stop. israel, of course, has to take out enough military capability to restore its security. they say they've taken out 600 tunnels, but there may be more. but if hamas cooperates, this is potentially a pattern to begin to wind this down. but as a israel says, the war is not over yet. jonathan: and, dr. grant, we're locking -- looking on our screen left of the release of hostages on friday. that is the first group. screen right we're looking at a live picture of the rafah crossing that is from gaza into egypt where we believe those hostages have been handed over, and we are waiting for them to cross from gaza into egypt. and then, as i mentioned, a few miles to the south and east back across from the border from egypt into israel. during this, dr. grant, i wonder what you think the idf is doing because, obviously, there is a pause in the first of all actuan terms of artillery, in terms of airstrikes, but presumably there is absolutely no pause in the planning for what they may decide that they want to do next in prosecuting this war, doctor. >> the idf is very busy watching hamas fighters, are they moving around, are they evacuating, and keeping an eye on all the key target and and operational areas. and on top of that, i guarantee you u.s. surveillance assistancing the idf in that process -- assisting. so no guns being fired, but they're very carefully watching that still-developing battlefield and, of course, thinking about what are their next set of objectives to restore israel's security. jonathan: and, doctor, it seems that the next set of objectives will focus on the southern part of gaza. the northern part almost entirely destroyed already in terms of buildings, 70-80%, as we understand it. so then they moved south, and they want to take out the tunnel networks there. they've done, you know, a lot to destroy tunnels in the north, but they have to tackle the south. where do you believe that the the million or so palestinians already displaced and the 2.3 million in gaza go if and when the south is targeted? >> right. and, but, you know, hamas has an opportunity here to not have that happen if they're willing to, you know, give in. but i think what we'll see is israel again being careful as a they were in the north in clearing certain areas that will get to the key tunnel networks. you know, they are very meticulously trying to determine where those targets are to avoid civilian casualties where possible and, in fact, that's part of the deal of u.s. support, is to try to make this as a discriminate as possible. but, yes, if there is significant hamas military capability in the south, then, yes, that's got to be taken out, again, to restore israel's security. jonathan. and, doctor, i know this is obviously a very fluid situation we are watching play out over these last seven weeks and in the coming days, but is it your view that we will be back to constant military action after this 4-day ceasefire, or do you think there is a real chance that the u.s. pressure among others might tell prime minister netanyahu might extend the ceasefire if hamas indicates it is willing to release even more hostages? >> short term that depends on hamas because the israelis have said that they want all the hostages out and that they won't stop applying the military pressure until all the hostages are out. so hard to see where it branches short term, but we know they will keep that military pressure there in order to move things forward with hamas. but they want all the hostages free, for sure. finish jonathan: dr. rebecca grant, a pleasure to have you with us today. thank you so much, doctor. >> thank you. arthel: well, jonathan, thank you. and as we wait to get video of those 13 israeli hostages at the rafah crossing into freedom, we will, indeed, bring them to you. meanwhile, more demonstrations. on the march today, threatening to hut dun new york city every day next week unless a permanent ceasefire is put in place in dwaz. -- gaza. this is coming after rallies across the caused major disruptions the black friday shopping. and in london today, hordes of protesters shouting anti-us's israel chants. alexandria hoff reporting now from washington. >> reporter: we're not talking about pop-up protests, this was part of a nationwide call to action titled shut it down for palestine. the goal? target the commercial districts on black friday and disrupt business as usual. in new york city, at least a thousand anti-israel protesters met in washington square park yesterday calling for a palestinian uprising in the middle east. from there a massive crowd marched uptown swarming black friday shoppers and demanding their attention. >> -- people want to shop a peacefully, you know? and then you have this. i think it's getting a little out of hand. i mean, i don't know what to tell you with, but it needs to stop. >> reporter: well, it has not stopped today. two more protesters are taking place this afternoon, the first in upper manhattan followed by another columbus circle, both uniformed and plain-clothessed nypd officers keeping a close eye. yesterday shoppers in chicago downtown were similarly confronted. rally-goers were hoping to sway people from spending money on gifts because of aid that the u.s. provides to israel. >> biden and kamala harris and all the senators and all the congress who are or allowing this to happen. they are complicit in this general side. they have -- genocide. they have blood on their hands, and we're going to hold them responsible. >> reporter: major traffic disruptions were reported in los angeles. police issued a citywide tactical alert as a large group of anti-israel protesters impacted travel and shopping at the grove shopping mass saw. here in the d.c. area we saw it too, smaller groups causing backlogs in the city and around the popular tyson's corner shopping center in virginia. in atlanta, # 8 protesters arrested for refusing to december possessor from the road. disperse from the road. arthel? arthel: a thank you very much. and up next, the treatment of those hostages, what we know of their physical condition and what to expect of their return to civilian life. dr. janette nesheiwat is coming up on that. you're watching "fox news live." ♪ ♪ i would say that we're closer than the average mother daughter. hi mom! if i lost my mom.... i can't think about that for too long. i was like, "whoa, mom, i have this gene!" kenzie's test and me being able to find out that i was brca positive was lifesaving. the holidays wouldn't be worth celebrating without my family. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 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bringing those hostages to the rafah crossing. we can see that these are red cross vehicles. we have been told that those hostages were handed, as they were yesterday, to the red cross. so we believe that these are those hostages now, the second group of hostages to be released by hamas, crossing the border from gaza into egypt. what we are told is that 13 israelis have been released and 4 formers. we were initially told it was a group of 7 foreigners plus the 13 israelis. the latest update we are getting from the foreign ministry the of qatar is that it is actually 4 foreigners plus the 13 israelis. so what you are looking at live now is the second group of hostages after seven long weeks held in the tunnels controlled by hamas in the gaza strip now something egypt going to -- entering egypt going to safety. they will take a left turn, travel a couple of miles to the south and east along the egyptian board e and from there if the formula follows the same as a it did yesterday, they will go back across the karem shah shah -- shalom crossing into israel, from there taken to israeli hospitals and reunited with the families who have endured so much agony over the past seven weeks. we should point out though that nearly 2000 hostages -- 200 hostages remain held captive by hamas if. more are due to be released over the next two days of what was purported to be a four-day ceasefire. now, this exchange, the second group of hostages, happened after an hours-long holdup by hamas over the amount of aid entering gaza. jeff paul is with us now live in southern israel. jeff, this is a joyful moment for a certain number of families at least. >> reporter: yeah. and as we get closer to this day ending officially, caps off an extremely e tense time here in israel. it does appear day two of the temporary ceasefire is holding and all parties are appearing to hold up to their parts of agreement. now, this delay came in part due to what hamas said was israel not holding up its side of the bargain. they were upset with how many trucks, aid a trucks were making it to northern gaza. they also took issue with the types of prisoner that israel was releasing, that they were holding. israel saying quite the opposite, that they were living up to their part of the bargain, and it was hamas who wasn't releasing the hostages. here's what we know about the hostages. as you said, jonathan, 13 israelis, 4 foreign nationals, previous thought to be 7 foreign nationals. and there is a tense feeling here on the ground because as the israeli government has said so many times, until those groups of hostages actually cross into israel, nothing is guaranteed. now, we expect that group of hostages who have just been handed off from hamas to the red cross to cross the rafah crossing as we've just seen there, enter into egypt, and eventually they will make their way down to israel and cross from there. we are hearing that they'll either be driven or medevaced depending on their condition to one of the nearby hospitals for assessment. it appears according to the israeli government that this grouping of hostages appear to be the in okay shape as it stands. obviously, their mental shape much different thanker you know, you can imagine spending 50 days in captivity, held against your will with all the horrible things happening through your family. and there's really a lot at stake here, jonathan. you think about the qataris involved, the united states is involved, egyptians are involved, and this is only day two. yesterday went very smoothly. today we had a few hick i cups. i think there's a lot of hope that day three will go smooth, day four, and beyond that if hamas continues releasing hostages, we've heard if they release 10 or more a day, that israel will agree to extend that temporary ceasefire, jonathan. jonathan: and, jeff, talking of the complexities of all of, this the idf spokesman said just a short time ago that it is, indeed, a complex thing as a he put it with complexing actors led by a brutal terror organization that wans to create psychological -- wants to create psychological pressure. and, jeff, you've been there for so long, how are israelis dealing with that psychological pressure? it's hard to imagine for those of us sitting here in the united states. >> reporter: it is definitely an emotional roller coaster because, you know, part of it is you hear the news of more hostages coming out, and i think this country is relieved when they hear that. they've got all these posters up. they've got billboards. they have a whole square dedicated to the more than 2900 host -- 200 hostages taken back on october 7th. so i think every day when you hear about hostages coming out, there's a bit of relief, but there's also this bittersweet sort of feeling because they know this is just a small slice, a small grouping of the many still being held somewhere inside gaza in some sort of horrible condition. jonathan: jeff paul in southern israel, thank you, jeff. and just to reiterate what we believe we just saw was the second group of hostages heading across the rafah crossing on the border between egypt and gaza. we know that we saw red cross vehicles. we know that the hostages are in the hands of the red cross, so we believe that those vehicles contained the 13 israeli hostages and 44 foreigners -- 4 foreigners e, we are now told. we are also hearing from israeli media that the israeli hostages are comprised of 8 children and 5 women. so we believe that they are now out of gaza in egypt and will at some point be on their way back into israel. arthel? arthel: from gaza, the hostages will head to a hospital where they will be assessed and receive medical treatment. so what kind of care will they need now and, of course, in the future? let's bring in dr. janette nesheiwat, a family and emergency medicine doctor and fox news contributor. she has also worked in ukrainian war zones and led multiple medical missions for natural disasters. so, doctor, what is the immediate round of medical care for the released hostages? >> hi, arthel. i am so happy to see this second group of hostages released by hamas. this makes me so happy to see that they're able to go back to their homes and to their families. whenever a hostage is released, there are medical steps typically taken. the first thing that will happen when they're released through the red cross is they're going to undergo an initial health check. now, israel has topnotch, world-renowned health care. they have implemented what's called the medical and resilience health team. this is a team that helps coordinate and facilitate their care so that there are no missteps and so that these innocent civilian hostages receive all the care that they need whether it's medical, physical, mental or emotional. so once they are received by the red cross, heir going to undergo an initial health check. now, determined by the health ministry of israel will determine which of the six hospitals in israel they will go to. for example, if it's a child with their mom, they may go to a children's hospital. if it's an elderly hostage, they may go to another hospital. that's step number one. then they're going to undergo testing. vital signs will be checked. they may get lab work to check their electrolytes9 and blood, maybe undergo x-rays. sadly, doctors will also conduct physical expectations and -- examinations and check for signs of rape, to have spur and other -- torture and other war crimes x. very important, a lot of these hostages, obviously, have been underground for the past seven weeks, no sunlight in small areas, limited range of motion. we don't know the exact conditions of what they have been going through and how they lived, so we worry about other things like blood clots, dehydration. one thing that is critical to make sure that we avoid e what's called refeeding syndrome. if you provide these hostages newly released with too much food or too much fluid too quickly, they can develop metabolic problems and electrolyte imbalances, and that can be deadly. so a lot of these medical factors are involved that have to be looked at and addressed. and then on top of that, arthel, these hostages will only be surrounded by family. they will be a pat of a hospital away from other patients, no media initially, and they will undergo evaluation psychologically. they may be assigned a social worker and and also a psychiatrist. one step at a time and, again, i'm impressed and so humbled to see the incredible care and compassion by the health ministry and the incredible, e per tease by the doctors and nurses -- expertise by the doctors and nurses that israel has. like you said earlier, i have seen and witnessed this firsthand working side by side, seeing them work, you know, after the earthquake in haiti, in ukraine and also, of course, with covid. so they're definitely going to receive excellent medical care. but the key is, arthel, continuity and consistency of the care. because what happens when you undergo a traumatic situation, a traumatic event, you have to also take into consideration generalized anxiety disorder that may develop, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression. if not properly managed, it can result, sadly, in suicide. arthel: yeah. we're very happy they're home. but as you just pointed out, they have a long road to recovery. >> yes. arthel: we wish them well, of course, them and their almost -- families. and i agree, i felt happy when i saw that convoy as a well. dr. janette nesheiwat, thank you so much for joining us. and you saw it live right here on fox news, the second group of israeli hostage as leaving gaza and entering egypt. they will soon head home to israel after 49 days of captivity. our coverage continues ♪ t luckily, replacement costumes were shipped with fedex. which means mr. harvey... could picture the perfect night. we're delivering more happy for the holidays. we handcraft every stearns & 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old. it gives me shivers just to say those names and ages. but a rare piece of good news this evening in israel, dr. grant. >> it is, it is very good news and very moving. and it took a lot of players to make this happen. egypt allowing the use of the rafah crossing and, of course, negotiating behind the scenes as they did back in 2021. the emir of qatar, you know, hamas is really beholden the qatar, and when the i myrrh says you've got to make this happen, qatar's actually sent a team into tel aviv which is very unusual in order to keep this negotiation going, of course, big pressure from president biden and the pressure of israel's military operations and thanks, of course, to the red cross. a lot of players making this good moment happen. jonathan: and yeah, and we are told from the white house, dr. grant, that president biden spoke directly to the emir today to try to break the impasse as this delay was playing out. >> you know, remember e president biden as a senator lived through the iran u.s. hostage crisis of 1979-1980, and i think he does not want to see something like that. the u.s. has made it a big priority for hostages to come out and, honestly, also israel's priority says we want all those 200 captives out. i'm encouraged, too, that lebanese hezbollah says they'll keep i up with the ceasefire. hamas, you just never know, but here's the opportunity for hamas to op continue to release hostages -- to continue to release hostages on schedule, no messing around, and to have the ceasefire continue. i think governments in the region would like to see some positive progress here: jonathan: yeah. i just want to give our viewers some breaking news, dr. grant. the idf now actually formally confirming those hostages have, indeed, been transferred into egypt. 17 in total, 13 israeli hostages and the 4 foreign nationals we were talking about are all from thailand. now, we know that there are a lot of thai workers that were working in the various kibbutzes that were attacked just outside gaza in riles on october 7th. so 4 for thai hostages released tonight along with 13 israelis. as we understand it, 8 of those are children, 5 are women. and we're looking now at live pictures. you can see the ambulances there standing by, obviously, to take those hostages we believe directly into israel via the shah a lomb crossing. now -- shalom crossing, basically, you cross from gaza into egypt at the rafah crossing that a we've talked about, and you essentially take a left turn from there, travel just a couple of miles to the and east, and then you can come back into israel via a the karim shalom crossing. that is where we understand this group of hostages will be taken. they'll come back into israel. they will be taken to a hospital or various hospitals in israel and, obviously, reunited with their families, dr. grant, who have gone through hell on earth for the last seven weeks. and we should not forget the dozens more families that are still going through this hell, dr. can grant, as we look at what we expect to be the handover there. still agony for so many families in israel, dr. grant. >> and let's remember three dual american citizens, i believe two adult women and a child, who are not released as yet. and it's suspenseful, the list comes out every day, hamas says here's who we might let out today. so i think very agonizing for those families, you know, as you point out. but good to see this coming through. got to point out again, thai nationals, israeli women and children, people who had nothing to do with this conflict. innocent victims of hamas here coming out. jonathan: and, dr. grant, just briefly, no accident, i'm sure, that the americans are not being released. clearly, hamas is making the calculation that holding american hostages is very, very crucial to them and what they, whatever it is they want to achieve. >> i agree, that's the pokerrer game they're playing. again, israel and the u.s. want all those hostages out and will keep military pressure on until hamas is ready to make that happen. jonathan: yep. dr. grant, thank you so much for being with us once again this afternoon. arthel? arthel: yeah. and, jeff, what we're watching right now is live images from egyptian television, a tv station there. this is the hostages being handed off to israel. again, a very day of celebration for these 13 families. you still have others waiting for this very freedom that we'rens -- we're witnessing right now. we have jeff paul there on the scene or at least in southern israel. and, jeff, while we watch these images, i want to ask if you have any further details on who those hostages are who are returning to freedom as we speak. >> reporter: yeah, arthel, we've been able to confirm a few names of the 13 israelis who are expected to soon cross back into israel after being held for seven weeks to the day. we know a brother and sister, noem and alma, they were both taken back on october 7th, their father still rea mains in cap at this time, both 17 and 13 years old. and then there's emily hand, the 9-year-old girl whose father thought and was told that she had been killed even before she was taken captive by hamas. in his sort of viral interview, he's expressed a sense of relief knowing that his daughter wouldn't have to go through being held hostage by hamas, but it appeared the she's going to be coming back hopefully to her father's arms very soon. and then we've confirmed sharon, a mother and her daughter, noem, just 12 years old. one of the last names we've also confirmed is a 12-year-old girl who was kidnapped along with her mother. this particular situation, we understand, she is not being released with her mother which is sort of a unique circumstance because we were sort of told that they would be department together, the kids would be kept together at least with their mothers. so we're working to confirm more names, be that's what it appears right now, arthel. 13 in taillight, 4 foreign -- in total, 4 foreign nationals. arthel: yeah. and this is, of course, good news. and it is interesting, as you said, jeff, that they broke up the pair of the mother and child, pardon me. i cannot wait to get further details as to why. but it's still great that they're freed nonetheless. and i do remember that interview with emily hand's father. he wished, you know, instead of -- he wished death, quite frankly, instead the of his lovely childing being held in captivity. i can't imagine when those two reunite, what he is going to want to probably just hold his daughter before anything else, asking any questions and what have you. and as we heard from dr. janette nesheiwat, this transition, if you go back into freedom, it's a very delicate one. they're going to be very careful in how they speak to them, how they touch them, how they handle them. even their dietary restrictions are going to be really closely monitored because they've been, again remember, without food for so long and without with proper food, for sure. so again, jeff, as we watch this amazing scene right here on egyptian television of these hostages being taken back into freedom finally as we all waited for this sigh of relief to come to us as the world watches this story unfold, i want to talk to you specifically about the people in israel. it's a bittersweet moment. you have many of them, of course, very happy that this is happening. they are rejoicing. but you have others, each those whose families have returned the freedom, they say they won't ale until all of the hostages are free. >> reporter: yeah. and that's definitely the feeling on the ground here. i mean, every day that somebody comes home is a huge sigh of relief. but until all of the hostages are returned home, this nation really can't excel. and today's just a further example of just how difficult and complicated this process is. yesterday it ran smoothly, and i think there was sort of a weird feeling of, wow, this is actually working. everything's working. there's a cease fever that held up. there were no rockets being fired into israel. israel was keeping up on its end. there wasn't any sort of outgoing artillery here along the border. and then you had today happen, and you started getting the rumors of there was a delay. and then the we got this statement from hamas saying that israel wasn't living up to its side of the bargain. then you have, you know, qatar and egypt and the u.s. getting involved to make sure that it stands up. i think there's also a lot of worry about what tomorrow will bring with. i mean, we are 15 minutes away from the if end of this official day and, thankfully, this all worked out. but we have to go through this at least for two more days, and they're already talking about a possible extension. so very tense time right now here on the ground, arthel. arthel: yeah. it remains a tenuous situation, but let's hope that because this technical glitch, what it turned out to be is what they're telling us according to qatar and egyptian officials, that that won't happen again tomorrow. the aid will get there as promised, as agreed upon. and that this will move forward. and because we now are at, what, 11:47 p.m. there making this deadline of tonight before the clock strikes midnight, jeff, i think that this would provide some hope. and as you pointed out earlier, there has been no fire. you're there in that zone for the first time in a while without wearing protective gear. and so let's hope that this will continue as we are watching these 13 israeli hostages and 4 foreign nationals going to, returning to freedom. again, we cannot confirm exactly that the images that a we're watching, if it's, in fact, these newly-released hostages. as a you can imagine, this is egyptian television so we don't have direct contact. we're not sure who these people are. it could possibly be the hostages, but we're not, again, certain it. but we believe this group that we're watching here entering this bus, we do believe that these are the 13 hostages recently freed, 4 foreign nationals included, bringing that total to 17 being handed off to riles. it is another moment that we have been waiting with bated breath in this very delicate exchange here. the details have been hammered out, and so far they seem to be being adhered to. and we're looking also it seems -- again, this is egyptian television, is i can't be sure what i'm watching. what we can imagine by the tense posture of these people that we're looking here at on the left side of the screen, it looks to be family waiting for their loved ones to return to them, to return to their arms. and, jeff, you're there. again, talk to me again about the emotional a toll that this has taken on the nation of israel and currently the rejoicing nature of it but yet the hesitation until everyone back with home to freedom, jeff. >> reporter: well, yeah. and you brought up one point, arthel, that i wanted to kind of touch on, this idea that there were people who were told that their family member had been killed. we had one person who was released yesterday, and her family was told that she had been killed. that's what they were killed, and then here she is on the list of people being released. can you imagine the emotional trauma that you're going through? you've already sort of made peace with the fact that this loved one is no long arer with you, and now here they are coming back into your arms, breathing, living and seemingly okay condition. you think about emily hand's dad, he poured his emotions out to the entire world about this grief he's having and the sense of relief he had knowing that his daughter didn't have to go through being held by a u.s.-recognized terrorist group. and so that's part of it, is this sort of psychological terrorism that a lot of the israelis have been talking about. and then you have the people who are making it home. and then you have the people who are not. you know, every day at least the last two days the israeli government has been given a list, they've had a list of names, and then they have to make those tough phone calls to let people know who's on it and who is not. so each day this is going to be happening, you're going to have families who get that phone call, they have the ring of the telephone, they get the good news. but then you're also going to have the vast majority of the 200 plus families who are not getting the phone call with the good news, arthel. arthel: e yeah. and a final point to make to you, jeff, it's the other -- once these reunions take place, it is going to be a delicate dance for those families to communicate with each other. it's, you know, how do the husbands communicate with their wives? they want to be gentle. they've gone through such trauma. and even parents with their children, you know? not that those instincts are there, or but this is such an unusual situation for anyone to have gone through. all right, jeff paul, thank you very much. i'm going to turn it over to jonathan. i believe you have dr. rebecca grant. go ahead, jonathan. jonathan. thankses, arthel. we're bringing in dr. rebecca grant, fox news contributor and the president of iris independent research once again. thank you for staying with us, dr. grant. we'ring looking here at -- we're looking here at these extraordinary scenes of this second group of hostages having been released, the handover back to the israeli authorities and then they will be back on their way back into israel and true freedom, dr. grant. it is great news. do you believe that this good news will continue, that this peace deal will hold for the full four days as a it was said to be arranged for? >> well, we're up to day two, so i'm hopeful. but remember, why are we so tense in watching this? it's because hamas so untrustworthy, so hard to deal with. remember, hamas is a political organization, but they don't recognize any international diplomacy. hay won't recognize toes low accords, the -- the oslo accords, the peace between israel and egypt, they don't do any of that, so they're very difficult actors to deal with, and that's really adding to the tension here. no question, this is the a new chapter in this conflict. it's an opportunity to get some of these hostages back. i'm really glad to see at least at the moment the other militias are holding in with the ceasefire, and maybe a possibility that there's a hope to build for additional hostage releases because, again, president biden's goal, same as a israel, to get all of the total number of 200 captives back. still thinking about those americans and, of course, women and children coming back. jonathan. yeah. and, dr. grant, you mentioned it earlier, and we're getting this reuters reporting that a qatari delegation actually visited israel to talk about extending this truce. that is really significant, that the qatarlys would be in israel -- qataris would be in israel to actually hold face to face discussions with israeli officials about extending this truce. another hopeful sign, dr. grant. >> yes. and completely unprecedented. they had to actually fly into cyprus and then back into tel aviv because they never fly between those e two countries. and, hey, for hamas, this is a bad sign because here you've got qatar and israel talking, trying to make progress because of a situation hamas has set up. and i think that's hopeful for the overall hope of the abraham accords, the peace process that's probably what touched all this off. started with president trump, continued with president biden. to see a new era of relationships, and we see egypt and others in the region talking about wanting to have a demilitarized gaza, a demilitarized palestinian state. everybody's looking to the future. a situation like this just can't go on, can't happen again. jonathan: and significant, dr. grant, as we watch the video again of those red cross vid -- vehicles crossing a short time ago from gaza a into egypt with the 17 total hostage as being held. significant as you mention that hezbollah up in the north operating from its bases in lebanon has clearly chosen not to get involved in any major way. they're still sending a few october ares across the border but not doing anything like the kind of action that they could do if they really decided to open a second front in this war. >> that's right. rockets, some border skirmishes. they shot down an israeli drone, but they have basically said, okay, we're participating, but that's all we're going to do. so nothing like what we could do with their 100,000 iran-supplied missiles. clearly, lebanese hezbollah who has their own issues with hamas are sitting this one out, not opening a northern front, and that's a very positive sign too also due to u.s. military pressure in the region. jonathan. yep. dr. rebecca grant, thank you so much for being with us on what has been a very busy hour of breaking news. arthel? arthel: it's been a busy hour and an extraordinary the exchange watching here, witnessing history unfold, jonathan. it's bittersweet. we're happy for those the hostages who are now freed. going to be soon in the arms of their families. we hope for more to come. we're back tomorrow at noon eastern right here on fox news. stay with us for continuing coverage of the hostage drama continuing with a 2-hour special edition of "the fox report" up next. thanks for watching. ♪ 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. with skyrizi, nothing on my skin means everything! ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. i was on a work trip when the pulmonary embolism happened. but because i have 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