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country. >> tonight the violent right and the explosion of fascism in plain sight. and the source of the leaks in fulton county out himself in open court. >> so that i can sleep well tonight, judge. i did release the videos 21 outlet. >> all the big news coming out of president biden's meeting with president xi of china, and what we know about what happened in the israeli raid on the hospital, when all in starts right now. good evening from new york i'm chris hayes. president joe biden just wrapped up a four-hour summit with chinese president xi jinping, in northern california. we are expecting the president to take questions from the press, and a minute now. right there at that venue in california. today's event was the first time that president xi and president biden had met face to face in the year. it's only the second time they've spoken in person since biden was elected president. it was also the first visit of president xi to the united states since he met with then president trump at mar-a-lago, of course, more than six years ago. two presidents held an extended bilateral meeting for two hours this afternoon, before moving to a smaller more private meeting at about 4:30 pm eastern time. there is a lot to talk about, to say the least. the top of the agenda number of unfolding shield political crises. the white house is seeking help from china to curve the flow of illegal fentanyl in the united states, -- where there are often fabricated and shipped to the u.s.. fentanyl the powerful scent that it opioid is manufactured in chinese labs. it's been a contributing factor to the shockingly fast overdose crisis in this country. the pentagon is also hoping to resume normal military to military communications with beijing. those have been on hold, we haven't had them since then speaker of the house nancy pelosi controversial visit to taiwan last year. taiwan, of course, is according to the chinese communist party, and president xi, part of china. they did not like the visit, to an independent taiwan by the speaker of the house. there's also an ongoing war in ukraine and gaza, that was top of mind for the two leaders. there are some hope and washington that china could healed its influence with iran to present the current war in the middle east widening into a wider conflict. the white house would like to see china pressure north korea into seizing supplying weapons to russia amidst the war in ukraine. joining me now is nbc news white house correspondent monica alba. monika, what was the meeting today and what the event they are at is? >> well, chris, we understand from president biden himself, he called this some of the most productive an expansive conversations that he has had with president xi of course everything you just outlined, all of these events of the last year did put some pressure on this meeting. the expectations were a bit lower because the assumption here is that they could be deemed a success if things return to a baseline of a little bit of predictability. the resumption of the military to military communication, that was a high priority. we're told by senior administration officials that that is an outcome of these talks today, as well as china's commitment to help stem the flow of fentanyl in the united states. we understand from those who were in the room with president biden on the u.s. side that this was a bit more of a personal exchange, they said, even in that meeting that they last had face to face about a year ago on the sidelines of the g20 summit in bali, because that is when the world was emerging from the covid pandemic. even the seating was for the part. there is more distance between the two leaders, whereas today, they were much closer. they were sitting at the same table, they've had the brief walk that you saw there in the footage. they also had lunch together. it was just a bit of a different tone in terms of the closeness and what could be exchanged here. again, the white house is saying that there was some real progress made. we need to understand the specifics of that, and going into it they didn't want to heighten the expectations and case things didn't go as well. it seems, from my conversations with officials, that everything they had hoped from for a very basic level was met. the promise to continue to work on some of these issues. some of the thorny aspects as well, chris, of course, we know when it comes to taiwan, for instance, that there was a large time set to discuss the elections that were set to take place here next year, and the chinese parties and how they view that differs very much from what the u.s. says in respect to taiwan and not interfering with taiwan's independence, and then we also know when it comes to the war in gaza it sounds like from senior administration officials that president biden did most of the talking when it comes to the middle east. that's how it was presented to reporters, and president xi spent more time listening. so, of course, there is a message there that is conveyed, we expect to china to pressure iran and its proxy groups not interfere in any way that would widen or deepen that conflict. we know that that was part of what was discussed as well. then there were other major issues like climate change, something that the two countries have pledged to work together on in effect to say, if we don't do it, if these two superpowers don't come together on that, there is little hope for others and other countries to step up and do more. they have also pledged to work together in that arena. i have to tell you chris, that was so much stage craft, so much behind the scenes effort that went into it from the flowers in the room. the seating, who was going to enter first, the camera angles, the chinese officials wanted to know everything shot by shot in terms of what president xi was going to experience. that gives you a sense of just how they were approaching all of this. but now we will hear from president biden in the solo news conference, where he is going to give his own take of how the talks went. president xi for his part has left the meeting to go to his own dinner here in san francisco this evening, with top u.s. ceos and business leaders in order to make his pitch to why he would want to see more u.s. investment in china as the chinese economy continues to struggle post-pandemic. so, two differing approaches to how they will communicate with the american people about how these talks went today. from both sides, it does seems like there was some progress made on some key issues, some areas of cooperation while agreeing that really the goal here was not to make matters worse. to continue this intense diplomacy and continue to focus on the strategic competition, to make sure that nothing goes off the rails here, when we have seen some close calls in the south china sea and taiwan strait in recent months. chris? >> the context here, monica, of course you have a 20-year period after the admission of china -- the granting have the trading status, the two largest economies in the world, over the last few years we've seen what many people call decoupling, sort of untangling of the economic connection between the two nations. we've seen a decline in foreign direct investment in china. we've also seen increasingly adversarial and nationalist rhetoric on both sides of the divide. -- and from the chinese government, and it's spokespeople as well as from china's public opinion on chinese social media sites and the like, robert gibbs is with us he served as white house press secretary for president barack obama, he is a former director of the cia and both join me now. john, let me start with, you this is the largest country in the world, it is the largest economy in the world in aggregate terms, it has been, you know, one of the most important trading partners with the u.s., important country in every possible sense, and things really had been on a down word trajectory between the two countries over the last few years, what do you see has the most important agenda here coming out of this meeting from the u.s. side? >> well, i think, chris, it's getting things on a better track, we have had a fair amount of tension in the relationship over the next -- it's in both countries interest for them to have -- as you point out there is three quarters of a billion dollars in trade that takes place between the two countries, choosing thing wants to make sure that china is going to still be able to work with the united states because he is dependent on that trade, the u.s. economy in order to fuel his economy. also, i think they're about 300,000 college students in the united states, so there is broad ties between the two countries and as it was pointed out we need to make sure that there will be communication and discourse particularly military to military communications will we avoid any type of unintended escalation of tensions on the military realm. therefore, i do think having a four-hour meeting, that's a good sign, and i do think both president xi and president biden want to come out of this meeting to be able to say that things are on a better track. it doesn't mean that we will not have differences of views, and tensions, but the fact that we have the leaders of the two largest economies in the world talking to one another and trying to resolve some of these outstanding differences, it's a very positive development. >> robert, this will be the first primetime presidential press conference in a bit from president biden, and i suspect he will talk at the beginning about the meeting today with president xi and about u.s. china bilateral relationships, but, -- to donald trump's increasingly unnervingly authoritarian rhetoric to the on going war in gaza and the u.s. support of israel in that effort? >> yes, chris, i think there's no doubt. first and foremost the president will want to update the american people, and the world on what was discussed during the four hour meeting. you know, the reporters were led into this, the idea of how do these two countries identify areas of cooperation? it's hard to flip to the newspaper, hard to watch the news and not see and issue that -- that doesn't require some of that cooperation. that's why today's meeting was important and it sounds like some progress was made. we will hear directly from the president about that, anytime you have the president in front of the press corps you are likely to have a full range of questions, my guess is what is happening in the middle east will be extraordinarily important, you have inflation report yesterday which is tremendously important as it relates to economic growth. and political questions no doubt as well. >> john, on the sort of geopolitical aspect of this, particularly with the military to military relations, i have to admit i remember how controversial the trip was from the chinese side of nancy pelosi, i remember the threats in the very bellicose rhetoric coming from beijing in the lead up to that. i had forgotten that normal military to military relationships had been suspended as a result. can you just explain what do military to military relationships mean and why are they important for two nations that are neither sort of openly in conflict nor really allies? >> well, as we address issues that come up with the two countries that involve military forces, so for example when there are tensions in the east china sea or areas of the pacific it's a way to make sure that there is no misinterpretation of any types of activities that one military might be making when we have the chinese balloon, the intelligence gathering balloon drift over the united states last year this is where the military to military communication on a realtime basis is so important. so there can be a discussion to prevent any type of escalation and having that regular engagement, and the opportunity to talk at the highest levels it's so important. that's why i'm hoping that one of the real outcomes of the meeting will be a reestablishment of that. so that both militaries cannon fact talk to one another and prevent any type of preventable problem that could arise, whether it be in the air, sea or land. >> robert, one of the main sort of strategic questions in a political sense for the president and i think we're second guessing, it's the degree to which he put the rhetorical sights on demands -- in the presidential election, that's a twice impeached four times indicted ex president donald trump. it seems like there's been then back and forth about what to do, how much the current president should communicate about him. i imagine he will get questions about that today, and i'm curious what you are looking for in terms of how he and the political team there are thinking about framing this contest as we approach an election year? >> yes, chris i think from just a stark political view, you have to assume at this point that donald trump is the very likely republican nominee. and, we know that both sides -- we are in a polarized environment so to reach the people that will hopefully decide the election, you will have to sift through a lot of people who have their minds made up. i think it's tremendously important politically for the president to continually frame this race, and from what the choice is and to put that choice in front of the american people, and not shy away from drawing that contrast. the campaign will be long, hard it will be close and the sooner that you begin to force that choice and to have people in this country look at the choice from the perspective, the viewpoint you want them to have that choice from, the better off i think the president is going to be politically. >> you know, john, part of the presidents remark and the questions he answered there will be a domestic u.s. audience, and a chinese audience to see how he is describing what transpired in the room. there will also be an international audience particularly on the question of israel, hamas and gaza. i'm curious, this is a place where diplomacy matters quite a bit. there is a domestic israeli audience, an audience in the region for it, global public audience and i'm curious what are you looking for are tracking about how the president talks about the status of that conflict? >> he will say that he and president xi had a discussion of about the israel hamas conflict, as it was pointed out earlier, president xi was in a listening mode. that's because the united states and biden have been actively involved in trying to do something to be able to bring the tensions down, bring the war to an end. china has become active in the middle east, it was recently responsible for brokering the reestablishment of relationships between iran and saudi arabia. china has a large stake in the region, i don't believe china wants to see the region go up in flames, that's why it's important for president biden and president xi to talk about how they can work together to try to prevent any type of broadening of this conflict. and try to ensure that china uses its influence with iran to discourage hezbollah from engaging in an even larger activity in the northern border of israel. that's something i think president biden was looking forward to weighing in with president xi to see whether or not he would do if he could prevent any further conflict in the middle east. >> there's also an interesting political conflict. i want to ask you, robert, about it. we have seen both of the polling, the u.s. public opinion that china has gone down there has been a rise in anti china sentiment, it's been whipped up particularly by politicians, sometimes who explicitly say things like, in the republican party we shouldn't be talking about ukraine and helping them against russia, the real enemy is china we need to be putting our attention there, u.s. members of congress calling to expel chinese students from universities or surveil the more actively, i'm curious what you think about how president biden communicates what is a worrying degree of demagoguery about u.s. and china relationship domestically. >> yes i think it's an important question, chris this is a relationship that is complicated, it's a very competitive relationship and as it probably should be. so i think you will have to watch the president walk a bit of a fine line holding the chinese accountable, making sure that he delivers in private with president xi and also in public, distinct and clear messages about what is important in the relationship, and what the united states needs to get out of it. at the same time walking away from the harshest of rhetoric. in reality we can't push these people aside, we can't push the relationship aside. it's imperative as john said that there is open communication, and we are working together, north koreans, russians, we won't be able to imprint on them without the help of the chinese. >> there is something a little ironic in the occasion for today's summit and that they discussed, john, the middle east which is that for literally decades, a running theme has been that u.s. policy has been too focused on the middle east it's been sort of drawn into the thick of the middle east politics, and international affairs time and time again. and it has curtailed what should be a strategic pivot to asia, that should be the place where more u.s. foreign policy resources are being directed, here we are, the big summit apec, president xi is here and there is an extremely intense and deadly conflict in the middle east, that the two men had to talk about. >> well, i think the middle east is going to play a prominent role in global politics and a very big part in national u.s. security policies. i do think that the united states need to be able to address these issues, dealing with russia's invasion of ukraine, but also to be actively involved in trying to mediate some of these tensions that exist in the middle east that erupt into war. so i do think this is something that president biden fortunately has had decades long experience and he is not a novice to any of these issues, nor is president xi, president xi has been in office now for 11 years or so. therefore, i think it is going to be a discussion between two individuals who are very stewed observers of the international scene. the united states and china have different interests and different objectives and goals when it comes to a lot of regions in the world including the middle east. that doesn't mean that we have to have a contentious relationship and that we will be at odds with one another. i do think that because of china's interest in trying to make sure you continue to fuel its economy that it doesn't want large-scale conflict to erupt in any part of the world because that is detrimental to chinese economic interest, and its political interest in terms of trying to expand its influence around the globe. >> just to reset here what we are watching it is the apec summit the -- president using ping is in the u.s. he and president biden met today for a series of meetings, started with a large bilateral meeting, it went down to a smaller meeting, it's only the second in-person meeting, the first time president xi has been here ever since he visited mar-a-lago. joe biden after a long day of meetings coming out to talk to the press. >> have a seat. as you know i just concluded several hours of meetings with president xi, i believe it was some of the most constructive conversations we've had. i've been meeting with president xi since both of us were vice president almost ten years ago. our meetings have been straightforward, we haven't always agreed but they've been straightforward. and today to build on the ground work-related -- we've made some important progress, i believe. i, i'm pleased to announce that after many years of being on hold we are restarting cooperation between the united states and prc and our colleagues. in 2019 you may remember china took action to reduce the amount of fentanyl shipped directly from china to the united states. in the year since that time, the challenges have evolved from fentanyl to fentanyl chemical ingredients and pill presses which are being shipped without control, by the way, some of these tools are being inserted in other drugs like cocaine. a lot of people are dying. more people in the united states between the ages of 18 to 49 died from fentanyl than from guns, car accidents or any other cause. period. today with a new understanding we are taking action to significantly reduce the flow of precursor chemicals and pill presses from china to the western hemisphere. this is gonna save lives, i appreciate president xi's commitment on this issue. president xi and i tasks our teams to maintain coordination going forward to make sure that it works. i also want to thank the bipartisan congressional delegation to china led by leader schumer in october for supporting efforts so strongly. secondly, this is critically important we are reassume-ing military to military contact, direct contact. a lot of you press no, follow this, it has been cut off and it's been worrisome that'll accidents happen, misunderstandings happen. we are back to direct open clear communication on a direct basis. vital miscalculations on either side can cause real trouble with a country like china or any other major country and so i think we are making real progress there as well. thirdly, we are going to get our experts together to discuss risk and safety issues associated with a i. as many of you no, many leaders want to talk about the impact of a.i.. these are tangible steps in the right direction to determine what is useful and what is not useful, what is dangerous and what is acceptable. moreover, there are evidence of cases that i made all along the united states, will continue to compete with the prc, but we'll manage that competition responsibly so it doesn't veer into conflict or accidental conflict. where it is possible, where interests are coinciding we will work together like we did on fentanyl, that is what the world expects from us. not just some people in china in the united states but the rest of the world expects that from us. that's what the united states will be doing. today, president xi and i also exchanged views on global issues. including russia's refusal and brutal war to stop the brutal war of aggression against ukraine, and the conflict in gaza. as always, -- has concerns about the prc's actions, including detaining and ex banned u.s. citizen. human rights and course of activities in the south china sea. we've discussed all three of those things i gave them names of individuals that we think are being held and hopefully we can get them released as well. no agreement on that. no agreement on that. also stress the importance of peace and stability in a taiwan straits it's clear that we object to beijing's nonmarket economic practices and disadvantage, that disadvantage american businesses and workers, we will continue to address them i named what i thought some of them were. i welcome the positive steps we've taken today. it's important for the world to see that we are implementing the approach in the best traditions of american diplomacy. we're talking to our competitors, and just talking. being blunt with one another. so there are no misunderstandings. it's a key element of maintaining global stability. and in the months ahead we will continue to preserve and pursue high-level diplomacy with the prc in both directions to keep the lines of communication open including between president xi and me. he and i agree that we can pick up the phone call directly and will be heard immediately. i would like to be able to take some questions. i'm told that dimitri the financial times has the first question. >> thank you as an irishman i apologize for bringing the rain. >> i would not have called on you if i had known that. i'm teasing, go ahead. >> given that america plays a key role in two global crises, does that alter your previous commitment to defend taiwan, and the gene pain outline circumstances under which they would attack taiwan? >> i'm reiterating what i said when i became president, that we maintain an agreement that there is one china policy and that i'm not going to change that, that is not going to change. that is the extent to which we discussed it. next question, sorry was bloomberg. >> it appears among other issues that you're agreement with president xi over fentanyl would've acquire a lot of trust in verification to ensure that the drug flows are slowed, after today and considering all you've been through in the past year would you say mister president that you trust president xi? secondly, if i could on taiwan, you and your officials have warned president xi and china about interference in the upcoming election, i'm wondering what would the consequences be if they do in fact interfere in the election? >> i had that discussion to and i said i expect zero interference. we had that discussion as he was leaving. do i trust, do i trust? you know we are a competitive relationship china and the united states but my responsibility is to make this rational, and manageable, so it doesn't result in conflict. that is what i'm all about. that is what this is about. the final thing we can come together about, and what we find neutral interest, but most importantly from my perspective, it's the interest of the american people, that's what it is about. that is exactly what we will do. you know we're in a situation where we agree that fentanyl as precursors will be curved substantially and the peel presses. that is a big moment. and, by the way, i guess i should identify where it occurred. john, i know two people near where i live, their kids woke up dead. the drug he was taken was fentanyl. again i hope you don't have experiences with knowing anyone. this is the largest killer. people in that age category. the other thing i think is most important is that i spent more time with president xi than any other world leader has just because we were vice presidents. his president was president who, and presidential bomber thought we should get to know one another, wasn't appropriate for the president of the united states to be dealing with the vice president. so we met, if i'm not mistaken i think it was 68 hours of just face to face discussing with a simultaneous interpreter. so i think i know the man, he -- we have disagreements, he has a different view than i have on many other things, but he's been straight. and i don't mean it's good, bad or indifferent, i just say that he's been straight. so as i said, the thing that i find most assuring is that he raised and i fully agree, either one of us have any concern mr. ambassador, and the concern about anything between our nations are happening in our regions, we should pick up the phone, call one another, take the call. that is an important progress. i think it's cbs, but i don't remember who is cbs, i'm sorry. >> hi mister president. >> sorry. i apologize. [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] >> first of all none of it did end up in the conflict. number two, you may recall i did a few things like get the clock together, allow australia to have access to new submarines move in a direction to work with the philippines. so, our actions speak louder than our words. >> i do have a question about the idf raid on the hospital. as to contain i take out the hamas [inaudible] this week you also said that we must protect hospitals. so when you a target on members of the hospital is the operation underway? >> we discussed this by the way, we can't let it get out of control. here is the situation, you have a circumstance where first war crimes are being committed by hamas by having their headquarters, their military hidden under hospital, that's a fact, that is what happened. israel did not go win with large number of troops, they're not read, did not push anybody down. they got in and got in with their soldiers carrying weapons. they were told -- let me be precise, we discuss the need for them to be incredibly careful, you have a circumstance where you know there's a fair number of hamas terrorists. hamas has already said publicly that they plan on attacking israel again like they did before, cutting babies heads off, burning women and children alive. and so the idea that they will stop and not do anything is not realistic. it's not the carpet bombing, it's a different thing they are going through these tunnels, going through the hospital. if you notice, i was mildly preoccupied today i apologize, i didn't see any rethink but what i did see, i haven't had it confirmed yet, but i asked my team to answer the question, what happened is they are bringing in incubators, bringing in other means to help the people in hospital. and i am told the doctors and nurses and personnel and opportunity to get out of harm's way. so, this is a different story than i believe wasn't indiscriminate burning. who do we have? washington post, i think that is right. >> mister president, israel's war in gaza has killed more than 11,000 palestinians in just over a month and created a humanitarian disaster israeli officials have said this could go on for months or years, have you communicated with netanyahu any deadline or timeframe for how long you are willing to support israel in this operation? are you comfortable with the operation going on indefinitely, and is there any deal underway to free hostages? >> yes, no working backwards forwards. i have been deeply involved in moving on the hostage negotiation i don't know what to get ahead of myself here, because i don't know what happened at the last four hours. i have -- we have gotten great operation from qatar. i have spoken with them as well, a number of times. i think the pause that the israelis have agreed to, it's down too much detail. i am mildly hopeful, mildly hopeful. with regard to when is this going to stop, i think it's going to stop when the hamas no longer maintains the capacity to murder, abuse and due up a horrific thing to these rallies. and they still think, at least at this point, they that they could. i guess, this to say is that, i take a look. the idea of the israeli defense forces acknowledges that they have an obligation to use as much caution as they can going after their targets. it's not like the russian hospital knocking down doors, pulling people aside, shouldn't people indiscriminately. but hamas, as i said, said they plan on attacking israel. and this is a terrible dilemma. so, what do you do? i think that israel is also taking risk themselves about their folks being killed, 1 to 1, going to the hospital rooms, hospital halls. but one thing has been establish, is that hamas does have headquarters, weapons, material along the hospital. and i suspect others, but how long it's going to last, i don't know. look, i have made it clear to the israelis that, to be b and i swore cabinet, that i think the only answer here is a two state solution. we got to get to the point where there is an ability to be able to even talk without worrying about whether or not they're just dealing with hamas, is going to engage in the current activities that they did over in the pass, on the seventh. i can tell, i am not a fortune teller. i can tell you how long it will lasts, but i could tell you i don't think it does not end until there is a two state solution. i made it clear to the israelis, i think it's a big mistake for them to think that they will occupy gaza and maintain gaza. i don't think that works. so, i think you're going to see efforts to bring along, i should not go into any more, because that's things that we have been negotiating with arab countries, within accepts. but, anyway, thank you all very much, appreciate. >> this and at the press conference. >> president joe biden there coming out of -- >> hamas said that they plan on doing the same thing again, with what they did, what they've done on the seventh. theory want to slaughter israelis, want to do it again. they've said it allowed. they're not getting about it. they're not backing off. so, i just ask rhetorical question. i wonder what we would do if that were the case. >> the american hostage is -- >> what i meant was is that i am doing everything i'm apart or get you out, commit to help you. i don't mean sending military, is that we thought i might mean? >> i heard you -- >> i was not talking about military. i was talking about there on our mind every single day, 5 to 6 times a day, i am working on how i could be helpful and getting the oxygen is released and have a period of time when there is a pause long enough for that to happen. there's something between 15 and 100 hostages there, we thank. >> one is a three-year-old american child -- >> that's why i'm not going to stop until we get them. >> can you detail for us what kind of evidence that hamas has a command center under al-shifa hospital? >> -- >> do you feel absolutely confident based on what you know? >> yes, yes. >> and mister president, do you still referred to presidency as a dictator, a term that used earlier this week? >> look, he is. he is a dictator in the sense that he's a guy that runs the country based on a form of government totally different from ours. anyway -- >> stop attacking u.s. forces and -- >> president joe biden appearing after that summit today with president xi jinping and china, spoke for a few minutes at the top, to questions for about 25 minutes from about five or six reporters, maybe seven towards the end of their, sort of classic biden move through and, set to walk away, then people back it by a question. peter alexander asking him if you there. the questions and the news here, mostly on foreign policy, two main takeaways, top ones, i would say, the president really kind of refusing to take any kind of day on china vis-à-vis u.s. conflict towards areas of hostility between the technicians, trying to kind of keep things on a upbeat footing, if that makes sense. also declined to put really any daylight between the biden administration and the u.s. and the israeli government's current prosecution of the war in gaza. i want to bring in robert gibbs, who served what aspect secretary for president barack obama and john brennan, the former director of the cia. i will be with you, robert and your thoughts, of what we heard there. >> my first thought is, watching the president tried to walk away after somebody on the press staff in the press conference, only to answer, two or three more questions, always the bane of press corps, in any administration. and you can see, you tend to get more dangerous questions when that happens. i was struck by a couple of things, not the least of which, chris, he's just did a four -hour meeting. i think he is probably remarkably clear with president xi about american views, about his own views on policy, and it's always hard to go out and explain in this crystal clear terms, with which you just talked to the president. you heard the broad outlines of what they got accomplished, which i think was extraordinarily helpful, made some real progress, particularly, as john said earlier, military to military communication, but a real reticence to get into the back and forth of exactly what was said. obviously, dominated about what is happening in the middle east, even as much as what is going on inside of that diplomatic room today. >> john, it shocked me that there is a strong desire after having many hours trying to sort of stitch this relationship back together, that was fraying, did not want to step on that. i feel like we saw some real discipline from the president on that score, of multiple questions drawing red lines around taiwan, reiterating the support for the one china policy and leaving it at that. with did you think of his approach to those questions? >> i think he certainly emphasized by his evasive answers, quite honestly, on taiwan. the policy, most u.s. policy of strategic ambiguity, when it comes to support for taiwan. in the event of some type of chinese military action. and that is what is i think is appropriate, particularly as he speaks to the world and speaking publicly. now, i think we have to remember that what he says publicly is going to be different than what he's properly to president xi. as harper said, is not going to want to make this conference about the areas of conflict and tension. i think he was pleased for up to four hours that progress on military to military, also interesting that it will be this bilateral review of the risks associated with artificial intelligence. because i do think the high tech areas, one of the most difficult challenging between the united states and china, when they talk about artificial intelligence, quantum computing, because trips and other types of things. so i think, on the whole, president biden is going to come away from these meetings it feeling that things are progressing, things are moving along a better track, i see noted, there has been a series of high-level engagement between u.s. and chinese officials in the proceeding months. this is not a one-off, and i think it's going to be a continuation of trying to resolve some of these outstanding issues between the two largest countries, basically, in the world. >> robert, i want to ask you about the presidents responses, just through the domestic, political lens, not necessarily from the international relations lens, on the current war in gaza. it's been pretty clear, in this public posture, has been bare haugen benjamin yet neo-whose government, standing solidly behind israel in solidarity, blinken in the region, president itself going to the region, very little daylight between the u.s. and israel. there's been reporting indicating that there has been more daylight behind the scenes, that there has been tougher conversations about the means by which the war is being conducted. we saw once again, a public posture that was the president, as israel's defender publicly against criticisms of the enormous, enormous human toll, specifically children to all of the war there. what did you think? >> chris, i am shocked by the fact that probably three of the four occasions, the president set back to reiterate that hamas wanted to do this again, repeatedly, and if they were not stopped, we're not the great, it were not destroyed, they would do this. i think that gives you a sense of that is the takeaway that he wants people to understand broadly, that the reason that he is so supportive is, if he's not supportive, and if israel does not do it what it needs to do, then we are going to see more and more of the attacks. i agree, what you have probably not heard is the behind the scenes, and he saw the president kind of catches up by saying what he had told netanyahu and then backed up and rephrased it. i think was the sort of -- you saw for a second there, what those conversations are like on the telephone, versus what we are hearing broadly and externally in precedence like this. but short by the fact that you reiterated the danger of the hamas capability, and the real need to degrade and destroy that as being the biggest thing out there. >> robert gibbs and john brennan, gentlemen, thank you both for taking all this time with us tonight. really, really appreciate it, thank you so much. we will be right back. we will be right back. has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit in a very busy day for goli, taste your goals. goli, taste your goals. president joe biden as she got out of the summit and a press conference, he is also found today time to explicitly condemn the fascist language of donald trump, comparing it to phrases from not to germany. donald trump made those comments at a campaign rally referring to his political opponents as berman. i think it is important to know that donald trump isn't just echoing fascist language which has been the theme of the coverage, he is choosing his words in an effort to dehumanize his enemies and target them for violence. furman are animals who cause problems and disease and need to be trapped and killed. that is what you are implying when you call other human beings your political foes, fellow americans furman. that is fascist language. using that language is fascist. sadly none of this is theoretical or abstract. political violence has been a through line in the trump era starting from his earliest rallies, where he explicitly endorsed and encourage violence against protesters. at the conclusion of his presidency he incited a violent mob to sack the capitol. recently he has been fixated on a particularly ghastly example of political violence. the attack on former speaker nancy pelosi's husband paul last october. a year later the perpetrator of that attack is now on trial and his testimony has not received anywhere near enough attention. it deserves that attention because the story of that attack is the story of precisely how right-wing political violence comes about in this country, in this moment. in the age of donald trump and the maga movement. remember, it was over a week before the midterm elections last fall when we learned of the violent invasion of the home within speaker of the house nancy pelosi. >> paul pelosi underwent surgery today after being struck with a hammer suffering a skull fracture in the early morning attack. his alleged assailant of 42-year-old man charged tonight with attempted homicide. the intruder allegedly demanding to see the speaker. speaker pelosi second in the presidential line of succession as we noted was not home at the time of the attack. though police say a motive has not been determined the circumstances of the assault are only deepening the chill felt by many in congress on what authority says a more threatening political climate. >> it was an upsetting situation, it appeared from the very beginning the attack was likely political in nature. that became increasingly clear as more detail started to emerge. the assailant himself 42 year old david told police that he broke into the home with items including zip ties tape rope and a hammer, intending to hold speaker pelosi hostage. he wanted to interrogate her, and if she lied he said he was going to break her kneecaps. we learned about the assailants ideology an online presence where he quote had been drifting further into the world of far-right conspiracies. as the los angeles times puts it. he had post-about qanon and unfounded theories that former president trump is at war with the elite who control the world. instead of accepting those facts, we saw the concerted effort from the right wing to off his skate exactly what happened. almost immediately they tried to muddy the water to confuse people, to hide what we then knew what was staring us into the face. this was an example of political violence inspired by the same batted ideology that donald trump was using to his benefit. these people did everything they could to pretend this guy isn't exactly what he so clearly was. they made up all sorts of disgusting stories. remember this? they made up alive that the brutal attack on this man was some sort of lovers quarrel. fabricated out of thin air, a fabrication to cover for a violent right-wing assault a guy who had been influenced by white right wing rhetoric. republican members of congress, trump junior even elon musk elevated that lab, they made it essential part of the discourse. we saw all sorts of off discussion about the assailants politics. republican senator ted cruz signed on to the claim that it is absurd to try to paint a happy new this from berkeley as some sort of right wing winner. we should note here, thankfully paul pelosi recovered after ongoing surgery to repair a skull fracture. it could have been so much worse. we should keep in mind that it was the second act of serious political violence in the run-up of a trump election. a man that became known as the mockup bomber -- in other critics of donald trump. he tried to blow them up. this utterly horrifying story that serves as a warning story for us became a punchline on the right among conservatives. now, i don't think they are joking about paul pelosi's violent attack because i think it's funny, they are joking about it because that joking signals to their audience that what happened is fine. >> nancy pelosi while she has protection when she -- apparently her house doesn't have decent protection? >> she's losing the gavel but finding the hammer. too soon? is that too soon? >> the only terribly hard was nancy pelosi. she's a lunatic. she is a crazed lunatic, what the hell was going on with her husband? let's not answer that. i'll withdraw that statement. she has a hole around her house, in that case it and worked very well. >> that is what donald trump said this past weekend. a few days ago, it's part of the trump speech. he is talking and joking about the 82-year-old husband of the speaker of the house being violently assaulted with a hammer to his head, causing a skull fracture. he is joking about that to the audience will laugh with him about how funny it is that this man was violently assaulted. and he is doing this well david paper is on trial in california. yesterday he started to testify and describe what was called from the beginning, or should have been cleared to donald trump and all of his allies. he said he went to the pelosi's home as part of the bigger plot to and what he viewed as government corruption. he tearfully recounted about his political leanings went from leftist to yes right wing, after reading a comment on a youtube video about former president donald trump. he became radicalized towards the right wing violence towards the maga cult of donald trump. these are the real stakes, the the maga cult of donald trump. it leads his people to believe political violence is okay, it's desirable, their political enemies are subhuman, and you bash their head in with a hammer it's funny. this movement has gotten people hurt, and more peoe

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