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carry a long gun in his vehicle because in his words anything that requires a long gun requires a lot of paperwork and you're doing to find me as far away from it. he took two lunch breaks and attended a going away party. >> he began working as a community volunteer coordinator and months later praised their professionalism. arizona working to contain a wildfire. crews are being hampered by high winds, low human. the fire has scorched more than 16,000 acres. the state has issued a declaration of emergency. i want to bring in chad myers to talk about this. are we seeing any end in sight? >> no, and the wind is going to be 35 to 45 miles per hour. so that's going to harmper, too. the wind was blowing from the south, now blowing from the west. that makes firefighters scramble around. they know where the defense is, they know which way the fire is moving and all of a sudden after the cold front it changes direction. believe this or not, back the middle of may, may 15th, a wildfire was started in new mexico because of a stray bullet. a ricocheting bullet, just the spark from a stray bullet was enough to start land on fire. only a 15-acre blaze before they caught it, but that gives you an idea of how dry it is. in fact, all four states here, the four corner states here, new mexico, colorado, all the way up here into utah and this would be the four corners where they all come together, 98% of those states, 98% of all land in those states have some type of drought going right now from the drought monitor i just looked at. there's the wind, 35, 45 miles per hour. even some gusts to 55-plus today. all red flag warnings. sunflower, gladiator, topaz ranch. gladiator was for a while called the crown king fire. it's still going and the percentage of containment 15%, 30%, 43%. with the winds containment may, in fact, go down. >> thank you, chad. florida senator marco rubio is the focus of a lot of vp speculation. he is one of the nages we hear a lot when people talk about mitt romney's short list. it's so surprise rubio is taking aim at president obama. or juan carlos lopez interviewed senator rubio in about the 2012 race, other issues. he's joining us here. first of all, good get there. everybody wants to talk to rubio. what is the highlight? >> well, the highlight is he insists that there isn't really a way to advance right now politically. he says both the democrats aren't interested in letting things advance. they're only thinking of the election, and he says that president obama hasn't fulfilled the promises he made when he won the white house. >> does he stand by a lot of the criticism? >> he accepted criticism on the republican side, and he is aw e aware -- is there a possibility for democrats and republicans to work on these last six months before the november elections? >> well, i hope there is because this country has major problems. but in 2008 irrespective of how you felt about the president's policies, we all had the hope he would be a uniter, that he would elevate american politics and allow us to really focus on the issues of the day even if we disagreed about how to approach them. i think that barack obama is long gone. i think the barack obama that today occupies the presidency is someone who has made the cold political calculation that the only way he can win is by pitting one group of americans against another group of americans. by convincing enough americans that the reason why their life is not doing better is because some people are doing too well. and this constant pitting of one group of americans against another is divisive in a which we have not seen by any american president in probably modern american history and i think people are concerned about this. i wish the president would go back to being the barack obama of 2008, a uniter, someone that elevated the political discourse. we're still going to disagree on the issue but let's debate on the issues. i think people are tired of hearing how bad the people are on the other side of an issue. that's what the obama campaign and the democratic party has become about lately. that make it is very difficult to get things done here in washington. >> reporter: you were asking about the criticism on the other side. well, on an issue that we did speak about, immigration, he recognizes that the republicans haven't advanced immigration the way he would like them to, but he says democrats are also using that as a political issue for the election. >> does the romney campaign, do they believe that by putting rubio out here that it helps him with the latino voters, that he's able to make up for some of the criticism on his immigration policy. >> reporter: senator rubio gave a speech yesterday in front of latino coalition. mr. romney was also there, and in his speech he spoke about education, something very important to hispanics, one of the top issues after the economy. he didn't mention immigration once and senator rubio did. he talked about the need to change the system now. the role that mr. rubio could fill is to help him with the latino community, to help him in florida. obviously the romney campaign has a long way to go if you look at the polls. there's almost a 40% difference. so this is a role that marco rubio could play very well as a republican senator from florida. >> how do people respond to senator rubio? do they believe that he is authentically part of the latino community, part of the latino experience, that he certainly understands what people are going through or do they feel like he's a puppet in some ways? >> reporter: no. if you look at his history, his personal accomplishments, the way he came from humble origins to becoming u.s. senator by age 40. a lot of people look up to him. he's a bigger figure in florida than he could be in the rest of the country, but he's talking about issues other politicians aren't. on immigration he met with luis garcia from illinois, he's talking with democrats. he presented yesterday the start up 2.0 act where they're trying to create jobs and he did that with jor warner with two democrats and snore republicoth. he's looking for that spot where he can show people he is working, he's not just a republican politician in an election cycle. >> all right. juan carlos lopez, thank you so much. here is what we're working on for the hour. at the cradle of civilization, a new democracy is being born. what it means for egypt's future. then she became a rhodes scholar, worked at the white house, and won an olympic medal. all despite losing a leg at the age of 5. i will talk to one of the most inspiring people i know about teaching young women to leave. and how having a c section could actually affect your child's weight later in life. weather. nice weather coming up today through this tuesday. evening. you don't have anything on your calendar for this evening. fantastic..linguica. i found 5 restaurants whose reviews mention linguica fairly close to you. joke. two iphones walk into a bar.. i forget the rest. that's funny. was it something i said? yes it was. recently, students from 31 countries took part in a science test. the top academic performers surprised some people. so did the country that came in 17th place. let's raise the bar and elevate our academic standards. let's do what's best for our students-by investing in our teachers. let's solve this. all right. check it out. a man tosses a toddler into a laundromat washing machine all caught on surveillance tape. the video goes viral. the babysitter and her friend are in pretty big trouble but not with the law. jeanne moos airs the dirty laundry. >> reporter: it's scary enough watching this surveillance tape of a guy playing with a 1-year-old by putting him in a washer and then the door automatically locks and the washer turns on. the man and the woman babysitting the child panic, but imagine you're the mother. >> are you the mom? >> yes. >> hi, mom. >> is this the baby? >> yes. >> he's adorable. >>s sakia david is the mother wo watched the video for the first time on the news. >> i said that's my baby and that's her. >> reporter: her being the child's babysitter who never told the mother what happened almost two week ago at this camden, new jersey, laundromat. the babysitter brought 1-year-old samir bush along to do the laundry. after he got stuck in the machine the pair frantically ran for help. a laundromat employee came to the rescue heaving aside power and turning off power to the machine. the babysitter was banging the table. >> i feel good because i saw the baby had still alive. >> reporter: still alive and basically unharmed. the pair took the boy to the hospital, then returned him to mom who noticed nothing amiss. after the video went viral, police got in touch with the mother. the camden county prosecutors office say this was not an intelligent choice but it was not a crime. how does the mother feel? >> i'm pissed. i was mat because you shouldn't put a kid in the washer. at the same time he was just playing around. >> reporter: as for the babysitter, mom says she won't be babysitting anymore. meanwhile, back at washing machine number 15, the owner of the laundromat says she knows it's ridiculous but she's thinking about putting up signs from liability, do not put kids in washers. this is one story you can't spin as anything but dumb. jeanne moos, cnn -- >> do you feel like a hero? >> yeah. >> reporter: -- new york. >> absolutely crazy. all right. if you're about to board a plane with kids, this is actually might be bothersome. united airlines decided to end its special preboarding with families with children. alis alison, it takes a little extra time. you see folks with their families -- >> it does. >> you know, it's work. why is united doing this? >> i certainly know that it is work and i'll tell what you, this does not seem very kid-friendly, but what united says is that by doing away with that preboard for kids it's going to speed up the boarding process. a united spokesperson said it would be better to simplify that process and reduce the number of boarding groups. united says it does let its passengers with children board early. of course, if you're sitting in first class or business class. now, some flyers say this is an evident for united to become more appealing to business travelers. but others, yes, when they got wind of it, especially the ones with the kids, not too happy. one blog called cranky flyer said they think it will slow down the boarding process. another one called flyers called it anti-family. it's probably why united didn't announce this outright. they just kind of quietly put it out there. they changed the policy a few months ago. surprise. >> we found out. we found them out there. what about other airlines? are they going to be doing this as well? >> well, the policies look like they're pretty different across the board. you like at american airlines, they don't give anything specific about kids but they give anyone who needs extra time the chance to board first. jetblue limits it to families with kids under the age of 2. us airways wants families to wait until zone two is called, and delta still has an across the board policy for families with children. you know what this also could do? it could open the door for these airlines if they scrap this service to add the service on kind of a la carte so they can kind of charge for it. that is also another option. >> how are the markets doing today? >> looks like the markets are pretty flat. thedown dow is down 20 points. europe is weighing on sentiment. we're also watching, of course, facebook shares. they're up again today, 1.33% sitting at $32. still below that ipo price of $38. >> alison, good to see you. thank you. his parents looked for him for decades. now the family of etan patz could be one step closer to finding out what happened to their son. 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[ female announcer ] live the regular life. phillips'. it's a case that's changed the way we look for missing children. right now police are questioning a man who claims he killed etan patz. the 6-year-old vanished while walking to the bus stop back in 1979. the case raised national awareness about missing children. susan candiotti is following the latest developments. i understand you are now learning new information about the identity and occupation of this guy. tell us what we know. >> reporter: i am, suzanne. yes, a law enforcement source tells me the man who is being questioned is in custody at this time is pedro hernandez. he lives in new jersey, and records indicate he lives in maple shade, new jersey. we are told by two different sources that that's where he was picked up, in new jersey on wednesday for questioning. here is what we know about him. according to the source, he owned or he used to own a bodega in the area where the patz family lives, still lives at this time, and he boned that bodega decades ago when etan went missing. here is why this could prove to be significant. according to author lisa cohen, who wrote a book, an extensive book about this case years ago, she had this to say about the morning that etan patz disappeared in 1979. that when he left his house and he was on his way to talk to his school bus stop for the'irs time by himself, he had with him a dollar and he told his mom he intended to use that dollar to stop at a local bodega to buy a soda pop drink he could drink at lunch later today. we know from a law enforcement source that this mr. hernandez used to own a bodega in that neighborhood. we cannot draw more of a connection other than that pit. what we do know is this man is in custody and the reason that they talked to him to begin with was that when that search was made of that basement a block away from etan's house, just a couple months ago, a relative or someone rather who knew this man saw the news coverage and contacted police to say that this mr. hernandez had allegedly claimed that he had something to do with etan's death years and years ago, and that is why police who were aware of him at the time went back and reinterviewed him and that is when this man allegedly made this claim and made a confession. he has not been charged yet, suzanne. >> do they think with all that information that they are heading down the right road? that this is really a credible lead now that they have these kinds of details that potentially put him in that bodega with that child? >> reporter: good point. we're getting conflicting information on this. additionally i can tell you this, a law enforcement source also says this man claims that he strangled the little boy. now, some people are telling us, some investigative sources tell us that they believe that this is a very solid lead, a very solid development in this case. however, a federal law enforcement source, and the fbi is also involved in this case, is saying that they are treating this with a strong dose of skepticism. so it seems to depend on who you talk with as to where this development will eventually lead. suzanne? >> why are they saying they're treating this with a strong dose of skepticism? why the skepticism? >> reporter: in part according to the source is that they were aware of this man years ago. a lot of time has passed. and without getting into specific details, these sources are saying, you know, you have to be very careful with what people say now versus what they said then and putting it all together because things can change over time. and without describing it further, this particular source said that they are -- were distrustful or might be treated distrustfully. on the other hand, it's important to know that we don't know everything that police do about what kind of evidence they have in this case. remember, the manhattan district attorney's office reopened this matter in 2010, and ever since then they have been going back and interviewing and reinterviewing many people in this case to try to make sure whether they crossed all the "t"s and dotted the "i"s, so they may have additional information including physical evidence that might tend to make them think that this could be an important development in this case. >> and, susan, help me understand this a little bit. if this guy did, in fact, confess to killing this child but police, the investigators, are skeptical about those claims, is there something about his mental state? is he not all quite there? they don't feel like he's reliable in his storytelling that they wouldn't believe his confession? >> reporter: well, at this point we don't know enough about it to say one way or the other. remember, there are different investigative agencies involved in this case. the manhattan district attorney's office has investigators that sources say have been talking to this man. the new york police department has investigators that are also involved in this case and are playing a direct role. and the fbi is also involved in this case. so you have frthree different agencies talking about this information, and that's why it's pretty hard to get anyone to firmly commit to anything until we see what develops. we do know that authorities are planning to say more about this we are told sometime later today. so we hope that time will get some clarification. >> and susan, you said investigators had spoken to this man before previously because this is such an old case. is this the first time he's actually been identified? >> reporter: well, that i'm not sure about. i do know that they had spoken to this man before and that he had been someone that they talked with because he was someone in that area. they were talking to everyone in that area and they have gone back and requestioned people who lived and worked in that area at that time, so beyond that, they're not revealing much more about this man, his mental state, whether he knows what he's talking about, and the other thing to add to this is that, remember, you have another man who is currently in prison on an unrelated matter that a civil judge ruled was civilly responsible for the death of etan patz. and there's a civil judgment against this man for millions of dollars when the family sued him. so it will be interesting to see what happens if they wind up charging a different man altogether than the man who is currently serving time in prison on an unrelated case. >> very interesting development there. susan, as always, excellent reporting. thank you very much. they are right next door to what's becoming a full-blown civil war. what the people of jordan think about the blood being shed across the border in syria. the first technology of its kind... mom and dad, i have great news. is now providing answers families need. siemens. answers. i've been a superintendent for 30 some years at many different park service units ross the united states. the only time i've ever had a break is when i was on maternity leave. i have retired from doing this one thing that i loved. now, i'm going to be able to have the time to explore something different. it's like another chapter. i'm a wife, i'm a mom... and chantix worked for me. it's a medication i could take and still smoke, while it built up in my system. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix you know what's exciting? graduation. when i look up into my students faces, i see pride. you know, i have done something worthwhile. when i earned my doctorate through university of phoenix, that pride, that was on my face. i am jocelyn taylor. i'm committed to making a difference in people's lives, and i am a phoenix. visit to find the program that's right for you. enroll now. top trainer in the famous tennessee walking horse industry has pleaded gilley to animal cruelty. jackie mcconnell admitted to one count of violating the horse protection act. his plea came after graphic video surfaced showing him and a stable hand beating horses and putting chemicals on their legs. the chemicals forced the horses to accentuate their gait. mcconnell faces up to five years in prison. >> the jury in the john edwards' corruption trial is reviewing the evidence for a fifth day while edwards sweats it out. the former presidential candidate allegedly used almost $1 million from two wealthy donors to keep a secret that eventually doomed his presidential bid. his affair with rielle hunter and the baby they had together. new orleans' history paper the times picayune announced it's laying off staff. the paper has been in existence for a very long time, 175 years. the publisher said in a memo the times picayune needed to dedicate more resources to its online presence. he announced a nola media group including which will continue to report seven days a week. this is something you're only going to see on cnn. we have extraordinary access to jordan's high-tech anti-frism s -- terrorism center. military officials say there are more al qaeda terrorists in syria than they even thought. barbara starr, she's in jordan. >> reporter: this is the latest jihadist video from syria. it has all the hallmarks of al qaeda and includes bomb attacks and a nighttime raid against a military outpost. a senior jordanian official tells cnn that there are nearly 1,500 al qaeda members and sympathizer now in syria. many have entered the count from ir -- country from iraq and lebanon over the past months. in the jordanian capital, there is growing worry. >> jordan is very stable. while visiting jordan, the u.s. secretary of homeland security says she finds the whole region concerned. >> we work with a lot of these countries on border related issues, aviation, aviation related issues. because we want to have as early a warning sign as possible that someone affiliated with al qaeda or any al qaeda-type group is traveling towards the west. >> reporter: while some u.s. officials say the jordanian estimate of 1,500 al qaeda operatives is high, one u.s. expert on jihadists in syria agrees with jordan's view. >> a strong foundation -- >> reporter: cnn is the first news organization to bring a camera here, the underground command center of jordan's national center for security and crisis management. the general in charge says this is where jordan will connect the dots if there is an al qaeda attack here. >> all government departments have representation within the center. >> reporter: still, the biggest al qaeda worry for napolitano? >> the al qaeda group that is of most direct concern is the al qaeda group in yemen. >> reporter: secretary napolitano believes u.s. security would have detected the nonmetallic bomb al qaeda in yemen made a few weeks ago, but she doesn't say whether she thinks foreign airports would have detected such a device. >> we think in all likelihood we would have detected it, we would have picked it up before it even got to a gate. >> reporter: of course, that device was safely brought to u.s. authorities, but listen to secretary napolitano's words very carefully, in all likelihood, she says, the device would have been dedetected. she warns when it comes to al qaeda, there are no guarantees. barbara starr, cnn, jordan. she dominated the ski slopes, got a harvard degree, worked the white house and overcome tremendous odds. 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[ male announcer ] one pill a day. 24 hours. zero heartburn. i tell you what i can spend. i do my best to make it work. i'm back on the road safely. and i saved you money on brakes. that's personal pricing. realizing your dreams, inspiring others along the way. my next guest started doing that at a very young age. bonnie st. john's long list of accomplishments begin in 1984 at the paralympicic games. she became the first african-american to medal to downhill skiing despite losing her leg at the age of 5. she's a harvard grad, rhodes scholar, author. her bomb "how great women lead" is a number one best-seller. she's a friend, we went to college together. good to see you. you're such a slacker. >> you, too. >> good grief. i always admired you. just a mentor and beautiful inside and out and the wurn thing i think people don't even realize in your life story is that people didn't realize, you know, that you were missing a leg. they saw all of this and all of your accomplishments but that was your first challenge when you were 5 years old. talk about how you overcame that to become an olympic athlete. >> well, my mother really never let me use it as an excuse, and made me do chores around the house and everything else and i just always believed i could do anything. and skiing was my chance. i don't really like running and there was a circuit where i could compete for the paralympics and make the u.s. team so i went for it. >> and did you it. how did you do it? >> it was cold. one of the hardest parts was not having money. i had to raise the money and move away from san diego. i grew up in san diego. it's sort of a jamaican bobsled story. a black girl from san diego with no snow. >> so you went to the olympics, but that wasn't it. you went on to harvard. you got a rhodes scholar and then went to the white house. >> i worked in the clinton administration on the economic team with bo cutter and those guys. >> why did you switch to politics? >> i majored in politics so it was always fascinating to me working on labor policy, education policy. but now i work in corporate america. i get to use my economic background but also the inspirational piece and really inspiring leaders of all types, women, minorities, everybody. >> tell us about your great adventure with your daughter, darcy, because you wrote this book together, "how agreed women lead" and you followed and tracked some accomplished women, condoleezza rice, hillary clinton, cheryl sandburg. >> and then people you don't know, too. we did a stay-at-home mom. we did the only wonl who is the head of an orchestra in the united states in major city. we did the chairman of sony pictures entertainment and went to a movie premiere with angelina jolie and brad. so it's a real adventure and it's fun to read because it's a story about what's happening to us. somebody said it's the first women's leadership book i've read where you are wondering what's going to happen. >> who were you most interviewed wi -- impressed with? >> the poverty in nicaragua had such an impact on my daughter. we want our kids to understand the perspective of how lucky we are. we came out of a restaurant with a doing doggy bag pizza and som asked for it and started fighting over it. she says we have to do something about this. we partnered with opportunity international to raise awareness and money for women leaders around the world by giving them microfinance loans, empowering them to change yir communities. >> we were talking about the fact that darcy really took to condoleezza rice. what was that like? the fact that she was hanging out with a former secretary of state. >> we sat down with her at stanford and talk for over an hour and they really hit it off. they're like i'm an only child, you're an only child. it changed her life because condoleezza rice said as a leader you can go around the world speaking english to almost everyone now, but that's not good enough. you really have to learn languages and cultures to understand and make the world connect better. susan rice, who is also in the book, said it's not good enough when the chinese team can understand everything we're saying at the u.n. and our team can't understand them. so darcy's passionate aboutes a realized that could make her a world leader. >> what is something they all have in common that surprised you? >> they're all themselves. it's not a cookie cutter of what makes a good leader. they have different person personalities and passions and they've used that to make them a great leader. it's important to understand you don't have become something you continue want to be to lead at the top. you get there and you make it your own. you put yourself into it. that's an important message so that the women growing up will want those top jobs. >> what is darcy's next move? she's a junior now? >> she founded a model u.n. club at a virtual school. she has to apply to college and she's not here today because she's studying and doing her ap exams. >> as she should be. >> what is the take away from your life? how did you do it? what was that one thing that kept you on track? >> i think wanting to have an impact, wanting to make a difference. for this we wanted to make it fun so more people would read it and we could get more women who don't necessarily think of themselves as leaders to pick it up and see the leader inside themselves. so that's what turns me on is getting other people to reach their potential. >> what was the hardest thing for you, the greatest challenge? >> in my whole life? >> yes. >> honest moment. i was sexually abused as a child so healing from that is the hardest thing i ever did. people look at the visible disability and they say that was so hard and i think you don't have any idea. wanting people to be able to overcome whatever they've been through and reach the magic of who they can be, that's what gets me going. >> bonnie, you really are an inspiration. you always have been. so thank you and best of luck to your daughter. what's your next big project for god's sake? you're not going to sit down for long. >> i have to say you're my hero, too, and i really admire what you do and the difference you make. but i'm doing a lot of work on resilience right now, taking the research on resilience to help people to be able to bounce back in the ressfulld weive in and i'm excited about the work we're doing there. so that might be the next book. >> good. i'll be looking for it. bonnie, thanks. good to see you. if you're a mother and you're delivered by c section, a new study says your child is twice as likely to battle obesity. we're going to tell you why 37. 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[ sneezes ] on the first day you take it. nice weather coming up today through this tuesday. evening. you don't have anything on your calendar for this evening. fantastic..linguica. i found 5 restaurants whose reviews mention linguica fairly close to you. joke. two iphones walk into a bar.. i forget the rest. that's funny. was it something i said? yes it was. former arizona congressman gabrielle giffords and her husband had inspiring words for the audience at an awards ceremony. they were given the medal of valor last night after the assassination attempt on giffords. she was shot while meeting with people in her district last year. she left congress in january to keep working on recovery and her husband astronaut mark kelly says his wife inspires him every day. >> often as she heads off to therapy each morning her last words to me after she gets in the car is, what? >> fight, fight, fight. >> two candidates are running for giffords' house seat in a essential election june 12th. in maine a sign of relief now that i fire is out on a nuclear submarine. they battled that fire for hours. seven people were hurt and the sub's reactor was not operating at the time and wasn't affected and it is not clear what even started the fire, but an investigation is under way. nuclear talks with iran have taken an unexpected turn. iran's to be negotiator and diplomat from six world powers are extending the talks in baghdad for a second day. officials are tight lipped about the reap but a european official says progress is being made. western nations are worried that nuclear weapons being developed and they want iran to stop the enrichment of you rain up and iran is trying to get sanctions lifted. day two of egypt his his lor i can election saw big voter turnout, high enthusiasm, few reports of trouble or intimidation and people are picking one of 13 candidates on the ballot. >> suzanne, it is the second and final day of voting and round one of the presidential election. sill very much on people's minds this is an historic and significant event for their country, more than 15 months after the uprising that toppled mubarak. polling stations were crowded in the morning, and there was a lull in the afternoon when it was hot for people and some took their lunch break, but we understand that polling stations will keep their doors open one more hour in the evening as they did yesterday to accommodate the large number of voters. there are no reliable polls in this country, so it is a very hard to tell who the front-runner is. we're seeing several very wildly different estimates, but essentially there is a handful of top candidates, two islamists and two former regime members, one of them who is foreign affairs minister under mubarak and then served a decade as secretary general of the arab league and many voters saying they want security back in their country and the economy to get better because it has in some cases crashed such as the tourism sector since the uprising. however, there are still big unresolved questions, what will the role of the president be and so big question marks as far as the future of the country and voters still very much excited on this second day of voting for the first round. suzanne. >> thank you, hala. here is what egyptians are saying. this is the open mic in cairo. >> i am worried. i am scared the seculars will fight and say the elections are a fraud and i am afraid of the islamists at the same time they might say it is fraud. i hope when the president is voted they accept him, all the seculars and the brotherhood and all the egyptian brotherhood to be happy with him and satisfied with him. >> i would like to say we would like every person to select honesty and we could not want fraud like the fraud before in elections past and we want everyone to go out whether rich or poor. >> egypt is a very strong country and profound country and we'll not be played with again. we will not allow for anyone to destroy us or cause us to lose our dignity. >> it is in the food, the water, and the concrete and how bad the raids asian is in japan more than a year after the earthquake hit. ♪ [ all ] shh! ♪ why tell the trees what ain't so? ♪ [ male announcer ] dow solutions use vibration reduction technology to help reduce track noise so trains move quieter through urban areas all over the world. together, the elements of science and the human element can solve anything. 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this cement came from this quarry just miles from the crippled nuclear plant. when the triple meltdown happened, radiation rained down on the quarry. the radioactive rock was then shipped across the country and used to build this apartment building. residents from the first floor have all moved out and she lives on the third floor where the government keeps trying to tell her it is safe. >> do you feel nervous even just standing out here. >> yes, i am worried. radiation is invisible. it could be airborne right now. it could be coming out of the ground. we don't know. >> reporter: it is not just the apartment building. the contaminated rock made its way to nearly 1,000 different locations across this entire region. it is right under my feet in this new section of this canal, just an example of how radiation from tit worked its way into ordinary life in swra pan. >> radiation taint the straw was fed to algts that became tainted beef and ended up in supermarkets and restaurants across japan and radioactive particles flew across the country and landed on tea fields in south japan which ended up in tea cups and airborne radioactive particles appeared to have entered a baby formula factory, formula that ended up on shore shelves. all of these scares have led to the opening of nearly 100 independent store fronts across japan where residents can test food and soil for radiation. i can't believe the government. i don't believe them, she says. we have to protect ourselves. that's what we have learned. japan's government is constantly monitoring radiation in the air, ground and water on a local and national level. she is a living example that the government can't control the spread of radiation everywhere. >> never listen to what the government tells you, she says. if you do, you will pay. >> reporter: she and her family go back inside with little relief from the government. they will try to handle this crisis on their own. newsroom continues right now with brooke baldwin. >> thank you. hello to all of you. i am brooke baldwin. a lot to get to. let's hit it first in about an hour from now a group will makes its case why gay marriage should be banned but in just a couple of minutes tony perkins will join me live on the show before he steps to the microphones and i will ask him tough questions. also, happening right now we're talking hurricanes today. we're talking hurricane bud. take a look to the move, the storm is intensifying today and now becoming a category 2. we're talking winds up to 125 miles an hour. it is expected to move toward the coast of mexico, but weaken in the course of the next 48 hours. as of now we're told bud will not make landfall, obviously updates as soon as we get them. first, the mystery, the mystery that really struck fear into the hearts of a generation of parents put those pictures on missing children on those milk cartons and moved to president, president ronald reagan to declare missing children's day and all taking a new turn today. 33 years, almost to the day, after 6-year-old eaton paetz new york police may finally have a break in the case. susan is on this in new york. susan, a lot of questions for you. police are questioning this man who has now apparently con feesed to killing etan patz many years ago and how skeptical are police here of this confession in the first place? >> reporter: hi, brooke. certainly this is a stunning revelation to say the least. according to a source this morn is identified as pedro hernandez, and they're saying that he allegedly confessed claiming that he killed etan patz by stroangling the boy in 1979. he disappeared walking to a school bus stop for the first time by himself that day. some sources are saying that this is a very, very solid lead, this alleged confession. however, other law enforcement agencies that are also involved in the case are saying that they are treating this with a heavy dose of skepticism though they resident saying precisely why. remember, this is a man who we are told was -- the police were aware of decades ago because he owned a bodega in the same neighborhood bs, another name for a convenience store in the same neighborhood where they lived years ago and the parents still live there. >> i am sure police are doing their due diligence 33 years ago and i am sure they questioned him as well and my question to you is some sources say it is a solid lead and others with a healthy dose of skepticism. what is he saying? do we have details of the confession? >> reporter: well, the details that i have been giving is that he allegedly said that he strangled the boy. now, it is kind of important to know, too, that in a book written years ago about this case author lisa coen talks about the day that etan disappeared and said that day he told his parents when he was walking to school he was going to bring with him a dollar given to him the day before by another man in the neighborhood that police also questioned and that the little boy said that he planned to spend that dollar in a local store. he said at the bodega to buy a soda pop that he could drink at school that day. is there a connection here? we don't know yet. that's the bottom line. police are telling us they intend to make a statement about this case, give more details about this sometime later today. >> later today. in the meantime, the parents are still living on that street and working through the highs and can lows and a lot of this turning cold so far. susan, do we know specifically when we're going to expect police getting any update today? >> reporter: not yet. this man is still being questioned. he has not been charged yet. we're also waiting to find out whether or not the district attorney's office which reopened this case in 2010 will wind up charging him. >> okay. susan, as soon as you find out when they'll be holding that news conference, we would love to find out as well and pass that along. i appreciate it. a lot more in the next two hours. watch this. live during this show two men will stand behind microphones trying to persuade america that marriage belongs between a man and a woman. the question is will congress agree? i am brooke baldwin. the news is now. true life horror becomes a hollywood flick. >> are there people here? >> it is impossible. >> just hours before its release one charity is blasting the chernobyl diaries and in just minutes i will speak live with one of the victims of this flesh-eating bacteria as doctors race to fight the infection. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ d@ ♪ you do a lot of no.aking? look i'm going through the rapids. okay... i'll take it. sync your card with facebook, foursquare and twitter for savings. that's the membership effect of american express. i tell you what i can spend. i do my best to make it work. i'm back on the road safely. and i saved you money on brakes. that's personal pricing. men marrying men, women marrying women. the very idea makes the people of the family research council recoil and in less than one hour the ultra conservative group is holding a news conference with south carolina's senator jim demeant and other pastors from around the country. the point is be sticking up for the defense of marriage act that defines marriage as one man and one woman. president obama, not a fan of doma as he told the ladies on the view recently. >> my justice department has said to the courts we don't think that the defense of marriage act is constitutional. this is something that historically had been determined at the state level, and part of my believing ultimately that civil unions weren't sufficient. >> will yoursonally fight to repeal that act? >> well, look, congress is clearly on notice that i think it is a bad idea. >> tony perkins is the president of the family research council. tony, nice to have you on. you heard the president right there. you're speaking at the top of the hour. give me a little preview of what you will be saying at 3:00 eastern. >> well, i am actually joining a large group of pastors from various ethnic and denominational backgrounds who have come to washington who are saying that, look, the president has gone one bridge too far. a lot of these african-american pastors saying marriage is very clearly described in the president is basically drawn a line in the sand and said, hey, are you going toss ? these pastors are going to cross it. i can tell you this based on the polling data and when you say 32 states that voted to defend traditional marriage, none voting toredefine it, voters are not going to follow the president down the same sex marriage aisle. i don't think they will hold their piece. i think they will speak out. >> i know you point to those polls and i want to he show you another poll as well when it comes to opposition of same sex marriage. it is actually if you see the numbers, i don't know if you have a monitor on the hill. it is a new low here, the "washington post" abc news poll, so you say the question is ouy same sex marriage be legal or illegal. the majority there, 53% say legal. most people in the country don't agree with you. >> well, it depends on how you ask the question. you look at the various polls and the real poll thatmatts is when the voters vote on whether or not marriage should be defined as a union of a man and a woman, and again 30 states have been trying that definition into their constitution with an average vote of 67%. it is not a close issue when it gets to the states. >> let's move away from numbers and i want to play a little sound. this is from secretary of state colin powell, republican, spoke with wolf blitz other cnn. take a listen to what he said. >> in terms of legal matter, of creating a contract between two people that's called marriage, and allowing them to live together with the protection of law, it seems to me is the way we should be moving in this country and so i support the president's decision. >> this is a man. you know the history as well as i do, led the adoption of don't a ask/don't tell and now saying no problem and why are colin powell and dick cheney, why are they wrong? >> i think if it were to stop at say the marriageal tar and to people that loved each other, if that were all we were talking about here, more americans might agree with colin powell. what we're talking about is the curriculum in our public schools and what our children are going to be taught and already seeing that happening and we're seeing the issue of religious liberty, of a clear conflict and a contradiction with what many people believe. >> why are we talking about, forgive me for interrupting, when really this is just about love and the law and the ability to get married or not. >> no, no. >> and having those rights recognized. >> we have seen in places like massachusetts that legalized same sex marriage in the elementary schools it is taught that homosexual relationships are the same as heterosexual and parents are not able to opt their children out of that teaching and we have seen religious institutions that have lost their tax exemption because they refuse to allow their facility to be used for same sex unions, and so this is much more than just whether or not two people love each other. >> of course. it is about rights. >> it is about who we are as a nation and religious freedom and parental rights and it is about public accommodation and there is a lot more here than just two people who might have an affinity for one another. >> you bring up massachusetts and we all know massachusetts was the first state to legalize same sex marriage. that was back in 2004 and the divorce rate actually in that state has only fallen since then. >> well, absolutely. what you also are seeing is the marriage rates are falling because as we in our public policy devalue marriage, which we began, really, in 1969 with no fault divorce, we have devalued the institution and of course we have 40 years now of social science research that says this public policy change was a disaster. this could very well not death nail of marriage and of course the real losers here are children. we found that children who grow up with a mom and a dad are much better economically, better emotionally, better in educational pursuits so why would we adopt policy that would move us away from the gold standard? we immediate to promote that's good for the children and society as a whole and not just one or two people. >> would you rather have children grow up without parents and how is the same sex relationship, how is that less valued at? >> well, brooke, that's a good question. it is not just the issue of two caregivers. if it were just two caregivers three would be even better. it is an issue of a mom and a dad and the fundamental role. this is not political hyperbole. this is the social science that shows that children need the developmental aspects of both a mom and a dad and now while we obviously we don't get to that in every situation, we should strive for that in our policy should under gird that and promote it. this moves us away from that, so that's why you see pastors from different ethnic backgrounds, denominational backgrounds saying we're not going to be silent on this issue. >> not all but some, and everyone has the right to opine, but my question is i guess more on a personal level to you. have you ever been to the home of a married same sex couple, tony? >> i have not been to the home of a same sex married couple, no. >> if you were ever to do so and you're sitting across from them over dinner, how would you convince them that their life together erlt two men, two women, hurts straight couples? what do you tell them? >> first, brooke, we don't make public policy based on what's good for me and my family. >> i am just asking on a personal level. >> we're engaged here in a discussion about public policy and what's best for the nation, not anecdotes or what one couple likes or how they -- >> it is personal. it is personal as well. >> that's not how we make public policy. certainly there are some same sex couple that is are probably great parents, but that's not what the overwhelming amount of social science shows us. we have great single moms doing great jobs and we applaud them and encourage them and we still know the best environment for a child is with a mom and a dad and our policy should encourage -- >> shouldn't public policy in part be dictated by evolving cultures, evolving demographics, reflecting that? >> we're not evolving to a better standard when we look at children growing up without those critical role models and, again, we have 40 years of public policy or the research that's come from the public policy that shows that we have not been moving in a better direction by move ago way from that standard of marriage being at the center of the family of a mom and a dad and we have actually incurred tremendous costs as a society emotionally and financially. >> i know you don't want toness athe personal questions, but i am going to try again, tony. i am going to try then. this is really just it for me today. why, you have never been to a home of a same sex couple. why do homosexuals bother you so much? would it be fair to -- >> they don't bother you. >> they don't bother me, no. >> not at all. >> i am not going to be silent while they try to redefine marriage in the country and change policy and what my children are taught in schools and what religious organizations can do. i will not be silent nor are millions of other christians. it doesn't mean i have a dislike for homosexuals. >> if they don't bother you why shouldn't they have the same right to get married. >> they don't have a right to redefine marriage for the rest of us. they don't have a right to take away any religious freedom. they don't have a right to step between me and what my child is taught. that's what's happening. that's why people are getting involved and that's why this issue will not be resolved whether the president says it should be or not. there are many, many americans as we have seen in every time this has gone through the ballot box americans understand, the definition of a marriage is what it has been for 5,000 years, the union of a man and a woman. >> tony perkins, president of family research council. look for you at the top of the hour on capitol hill with this group preaching what you just explained to us. thanks. a georgia man has now had six surgeries to stop the spread of this flesh-eating back year ya and hoping to get out of the hospital soon. beal talk to bobby vaughn about his recovery live from his hospital room. for the very first time here we are able to directly hear from someone who now had this bacteria eating away at his body. we have been following these two cases for you so far. amy copeland, the college student in georgia on the zip line that broke and she fell and she has now lost they are leg, her feet and her hands to what's called necrotizing fasciitis and lynne akirken daul has had seven surgeries after giving birth to twins and both women have been too speak to speak with reporters. we have had a third case from georgia and talking about this recently. he is bobby vaughn who says doctors had to remove 2.5 pounds of his flesh, 2.5 pounds. he is about to talk to me by phone from his hospital room in georgia and also with me to put this in perspective is elizabeth cohen. welcome to you. bobby, i know i have you on the phone. let me first begin with how are you doing? >> you know, i am doing fairly well considering the situation. how about you? you doing okay. >> we're doing all right. i like the laugh given the fact that i hear you had your sixth and hopefully last surgery yesterday. physically how are you feeling? >> actually, a lot of pain, a whole lot of pain. that's about all i feel right now. >> we're showing these pictures of you and you're a landscaper. do you have any idea how you got this flesh-eating bacteria, any clue? >> you know what, after the question was brought to me, i sat there and tried to think of everything i could think of that would have caused me to have this, and i know there was a rumor about me falling out of a tree which is funny because if you look at the tv i am not the size of a guy that will try to climb a tree in the first place. one of the things i looked at was what could have been, you know, weeding a lawn or if i get a new lawn or acquire a new lawn that has had any type of work done to it at all and we get in there and start bush hogging and weed eating and all of that stuff and stuff is flying by me, i am not paying attention to anything hitting me. >> sure. you're doing your job. bobby, hang on just a second. my question to you, elizabeth, is is this the kind of thing where doctors can ultimately trace it back to that initial moment or place or plant or water where you develop this necrotizing fasciitis. >> i was just on the phone with an expert on this and can he said 10% of the necrotizing fasciitis cases the patient has no idea how they got it. they don't know. we don't know a lot of details about bobby vaughn. he and i were just on the phone. he and i talked about this. he is not a doctor or a nurse and he is a patient. he is a guy trying to get through this. we haven't been able -- his doctors don't want to talk to us, so there is a lot that we don't know. one of the things that i find interesting about his case, bobby, you were explaining you had this lump that just grew and grew and grew. >> yeah. >> and it sounds like you felt fine one minute and terrible the next minute. >> right. yeah. it was that -- it wasn't even a minute. it was a second. as soon as -- i mean, this thing, i couldn't explain it to you. i was just weed eating and just fine and one second it is like somebody hit a light switch, boom, i felt like jell-o, you know, and i wasn't feeling well and i went back to my truck and sat down for a minute and started dry heaving, and i started drinking and threw it all up and it was awful. i just felt really sick, and like i said it wasn't something that was within five minutes. it was a split second i felt that hit me. >> here is my question, bobby, and you may not have the answer since you don't really know how you got this in the first place. i am sitting here thinking we're getting into the summer months and people are spending time outside and wherever are you in the country i am thinking is there something i should be avoiding so i don't get this as well. we have been talking about a number of cases recently and perhaps have your doctors said, hey, don't go here, don't do this, or no? >> no. not at all. actually, this isn't uncommon at all. i have read that on it. this isn't the west nile virus or nothing like that. it is nothing truly to me to be afraid of even though i got it but it is not uncommon. as a matter of fact, the facility that i am in, there has been more cases than what you hear about, and i am sure there is all around the united states. it is not like it is uncommon to people, you know, to get this. >> that is an excellent point. >> there are hundreds. >> that was my question all along. >> there are hundreds if not thousands of cases of this every year and most of the time people are doing things you and i do all the time. i am sure you have gone hiking in the woods just like amy and the bacteria that infected amy is everywhere and it is bad luck to have a really bad cut that is gets into. it is bad luck to have a lump in your groin that grows which is bobby vaughn's situation. there is nothing you can avoid doing. the only thing you can do is be an empowered patient and if something weird is happening to you and all of a sudden you feel ill like bobby or if you have a cut that's getting bigger and bigger or if you have a lump causing you horrific pain, go to the doctor and insist and people have had these experiences where they go to the doctor and the emergency room may blow it off as no big deal. if it is a big deal to you and feels dramatic, press for more care. >> bobby, good luck. i love hearing your sense of humor from the hospital bed. feel better. best of luck to you. elizabeth, thank you so much. >> thank you so much. also here, some news about amy copeland. she again was the georgia graduate student who was in the same hospital as bobby in augusta, georgia and got infected with this flesh eating bacteria after falling off a zip line. her father has posted online that she is breathing now without a ventilator. she is now talking to visitors. she is sitting up in her hospital bed. here is what her father writes. when the doctors put amy in the chair the expectations were to give her an hour, five hours later amy decided it was time to lie down. had she been running an olympic marathon i think amy would have experienced a record-breaking gold medal moment. good for amy. the contamination greater than 400 atomic bombs, i am suking the chernobyl disaster and decades later the horror movie based on the catastrophe out late tonight and one charity says this is a slap in the face. >> i am not leaving without my brother. >> please help us. a car insurance claim. 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[ laughter ] walmart choice premium steak. try it, tell us what you think on facebook. by the way, it's 100% money back guaranteed. mayor in new jersey on hacking mayor in new jersey on hacking more news unfolding. rapid fire. roll it. first up here the commander of american forces in afghanistan says that country is an important ally and an important region of the world and this all happening in an interview with cnn. general john allen says negotiations with afghanistan will determine what kind of nato force and u.s. presence will be in that country after 2014. >> we are not leaving, and the narrative for the taliban that they can wait us out is a flawed narrative. north korea may be ready to carry out a new nuclear test. the south korean defense ministry says satellite images suggest some kind of activity has been ramped up here at the nuclear test site. a south korean spokesman says the only hold up appears to be a political decision on whether to ignore the warnings from other countries or go ahead with the test. how amazing is he? elton john fans, sorry, the singer is canceling his next three shows in vegas because of a serious respiratory illness. we're told he was in the hospital this past week and is now home recovering. a new jersey mayor arrested by the fbi on charges of hacking, mayor felix rocgue of west new york in new jersey was taken into custody according to the new jersey star ledger and accused of illegal hacking into the website of a recall movement against him while attempting to tap into e-mails to find out who might be opposing him here. he is a strong supporter of a republican governor chris christie. and mitt romney is focusing on america's education system today calling it a national emergency. he attended this town hall meeting at a charter school in philadelphia today. >> from my perspective our failure to provide kids with the skills they need for the jobs today and tomorrow is a crisis. we have an education -- an american education crisis. >> absolutely. >> we keep talking and doing the same things expecting things to get better and we have to try some new things. we have to be bold. >> earlier this week romney gave his support to school vouchers allowing poor and disabled children to attend the school of their choice. an ohio teen that admits to killing three classmates will be tried as an adult here. a judge made that ruling just today here during the hearing for 17-year-old t.j. lane who admitted he randomly shot at students at the char din high school call tear ya. he said he shot them in the head because he didn't want them to suffer. he is charged with three counts of aggravated murder and could face life in prison. a bear attacks a man while using the out house. you can see the bear claws and the injuries on the back. obviously that looks like it hurt. he had been at a friend's cabin in canada and says he didn't have any defense and just toilet paper. >> he grabbed my pants and, gosh, they're around my ankles and that's all the defense i had is a piece of paper in this hand. >> good thing he can laugh about it now. his best friend rescued him by then shooting the bear. rush limbaugh is accusing cnn of triegs to scare white republicans over the report that the number of minorities is rising and rising quickly. my next guest says minorities are not looking for payback. 1stz are you still sleeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule. the first technology of its kind... mom and dad, i have great news. is now providing answers families need. siemens. answers. rush limbaugh accusing cnn of trying to scare white americans about the future of their country. you heard that right. limbaugh objecting to reporting about a shifting racial landscape within this country, minorities are definitely growing, certainly here in the united states and in fact here is the current breakdown of the population by race. whites are still more than 63%, but since this data shows that last year, for the first time in history, more than half the children born in this country are racial and ethnic minorities. so recently an article on addressed the latino population boom and what it means for the republican party and limbaugh called the article an implied threat. here he was. >> it is clear that this and other similar stories like this are meant to serve as a warning to republicans and conservatives and the warning is you ae on the wrong side of history. you are on the wrong side of demographics. you better do what the majority wants right now or you're going to suffer the consequences. there is an implied threat in this story. >> an implied threat he says. i want to cry in ruben junior. welcome. you wrote this article, this opinion piece on and people can read it, slamming limbaugh's comments and that was just a portion of what he said. what is it that you disagree with so strongly? >> great to be with you, brooke. i disagree with the whole premise, the idea somehow that a news agency, a columnist, a pund it and you before i attention to a very important historic news story and that somehow you are automatically sort of trying to divide the country or make victims out of people and we're just doing our job and telling the news. beyond that this idea somehow, this non-sense that people to want get even and take over is just not factual. i have been writing about this stuff for 20 years. i have never heard a single member of a minority group ever talk about getting even or paying back past injustices and simply want a seat at the table. that's all they want. >> let me give our viewers more context. this a a quote from a gentleman a week ago and and let me read what this gentleman said. quote, the republicans' problem is their voters are whiting aging and dying off and there will come a time when they suffer catastrophic losses with the realization of the population changes. isn't that, though, really an over generalization of the republican base? why can't their makeup, right, evolve as the population and the demographics evolve? >> that's a very good point. it is not my quote. it is inflammatory and goes too far and as you say, what's to stop the republican party from getting religion to so teek and bringing disfacts and it is not necessarily cast and getting close to the point where it is and i think the quote was probably unhelpful and was so limbaugh's interpretation of the quote and he went way too far. >> i don't have rush limbaugh sitting next to me but it seems to me when you hear the whole thing he wasn't saying that white people ought to be afraid, he was accusing cnn specifically and the rest of the mainstream media of saying that. isn't he being a bit more nuance than maybe you're giving him credit for here? >> yeah. i listen to rush every day and i really like a lot of what he says and agree on some issues and disagree on others and when he talks about race and ethnicity he goes off the rails and he did in this case and his message is clear that somehow cnn was trying to warn older white voters, you better fall back in line here and give the emerging minorities everything they want including as he called it amnesty for illegal immigrants or believe it or not one day will you pay for it because you will be in the minority and folks will do to you what you have done to folks over the last generation. i don't agree with that. it is not realistic. it is not something i ever heard from people. it is just a paranoid fantasy that people like limbaugh are advancing and not fair and accurate. >> bigger picture here. in the united states there are ideas like black unity, latino solidarity and those are groups and cultures and ideals that are praised but you don't exactly hear a bunch of white people getting together and praising a group of whites. is there a perception in this country that caucasians can not rally and advocate for their own race? >> right. one of the disturbing things i have had to keep track of it people as you say whites have made the argument that they're not quick to see themselves as victims and i agree with them on and the first chance they get they turn themselves into victims and see themselves being victimized the fact there is a black group or hispanic group or candidates are panhandle herring to one group or another and hand have it both ways. they can't decry the idea of becoming victims. >> what about rallying around themselves? why is that not accepted. >> it is not accepted typically because of the history of groups like that in this country and there was a time when a bunch of white people got together particularly in the american south it was to the detriment of non-whites and it is not applicable here. the hispanic groups and latino and african-american groups are not effective either. they don't speak for the people they pretend to speak for. the original paint is exactly right. who to say you can't have hispanic voting republican if you produce the right kind of republican to vote for. >> watch the demographics evolve within the republican base all. they can read the article. appreciate it. thank you. >> thank you. >> words written by queen victoria during her reign 43,000 pages of the diary to be precise is now available online. her creates revealed and a quick note. if you are heading out the door, keep watching. we want to you join us. grab your mobile phone if are at work or go to now you can apply sunblock to your kids' wet skin. neutrogena® wet skin kids. ordinary sunblock drips and whitens. neutrogena® wet skin cuts through water. forms a broad spectrum barrier for full strength sun protection. wet skin. neutrogena®. and who ordered the yummy cereal? 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[ male announcer ] want great taste and whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios. dr. sanjay gupta introduces us to a young man that came to america to finish his engineering degree and his future looked bright until a vicious act changed his life forever and yet he has never given up even under the most difficult irk ises. >> in 2004 his family couldn't have been more proud. he was coming to america to purdue university to complete his degree in computer engineering. just a month from graduation, however, his life changed forever. his neighbor two floors below intentionally set a fire with his wife and child still inside. >> by the time my roommate and i woke up, the whole apartment was on fire. >> rona and his roommate tried to escape but they couldn't. >> my roommate collapsed in front of me and i started running down the stairs. >> ron only made it down a few steps before he collapsed. a fire man found him still alive and on the way to the hospital he could hear paramedics talking about how badly he had been burned. >> at that moment i was thinking about my family, what i had come here for and to get a good education and now this guy is saying i don't have a chance to survive and i passed out and then i woke up in university of chicago burn unit after four months of induced coma. >> rona had burns over 95% of his body. so far he has had 54 operations. he didn't give up. he credits three people for his survival. >> my father, my mother, and my occupational therapist, shannon hendrix. >> rana says his father saved every hard earned penny so he could get an education. >> my mother always kept on telling me have some faith and keep your eyes on the goal. >> and then there is shannon whom he calls his guardian angel. he says she has gone way beyond the duties as an occupational therapist making it her mission to help in any way she could. >> on top of my therapy she would take me to church every sunday and i think that was the only thing that kept me from going crazy because as a 22-year-old i was living in a nursing home and it was really, really depressing. >> his biggest accomplishment so far getting his mba. he recently graduated with the highest honors. >> i am still happy that, you know, i can live an independent life and now i have ggotten my will get a job soon and have a good life. >> dr. sanjay gupta, cnn reporting. sanjay, thank you. a high ranking catholic priest faces a jury in the child abuse trial and takes the stand in his own defense and you'll hear about the drama going down and what it reveals. a man is in custody in the etan patz case, the little boy that disappeared in the '70s in new york and we'll speak with a former new york police detective about this case in a matter of minutes. pirit right in our own backyard. so we combined our citi thankyou points to make it happen. tom chipped in 10,000 points. karen kicked in 20,000. and by pooling more thankyou points from folks all over town, we were able to watch team usa... 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Massachusetts , 7 5 , Low , Numbers , Studies , 16 , 15 7 , Childhood Obesity Link , Forth , Phenomenon , Birth , Labor , Hormones , Gut , Vaginal , Affect , Question , Ac Section , Accounts , Stages , Trend , Doctors , American College Of Obstetricians And Gynecologists , Big Question , Room , Ten , 11 , Patient , Opinions , Reasons , Bottom Line , Terms , Voices , 5000 , Sneezes , Cairo , Quiet Sneeze , Zyrtec , Hair , Claritin , Allergy Muddler , Powerful Allergy Relief , Try Zyrtec , Gabrielle Giffords , Husband , Audience , Former , Awards Ceremony , Congress , Mark Kelly , Recovery , Last Night , Assassination Attempt , District , Will Yoursonally Fight , Morning , Therapy , Car , Candidates , Relief , Sign , Seat , Submarine , Maine , June 12th , 12 , In Baghdad For A Second Day , Reactor , Investigation , Turn , Sub , Iran , World Powers , Nations , Negotiator , Diplomat , Progress , Voter Turnout , Big , Enrichment , Sanctions , Lor , Enthusiasm , Weapons , Voting , Ground , Ballot , Intimidation , 13 , Uprising , Event , Polling Stations , Minds , Lull , Sill , Mubarak , Doors , Lunch Break , Regime Members , Islamists , Handful , Foreign Affairs Minister Under Mubarak , Estimates , Front Runner Is , Cases , Security Back , Tourism Sector , Secretary General , Arab League , Questions , Question Marks , Hala , Fraud , Seculars , Egyptians , Mic , Brotherhood , Honesty , Rich Or Poor , Water , Food , Dignity , Concrete , Raids Asian , Ain T , Earthquake Hit , Trees , Areas , Science , Trains , Elements , Human Element , Optimism , Track Noise , Solutionism , Technologies , Environment , Energy , Emissions , Natural Gas , Conservation , Producers , Air Quality , Recycling Systems , Wildlife , Footprint , Domestic , Cymbalta , Osteoarthritis Pain , Fda , Teens , Antidepressants , Adults , Suicide , Medicines , Blood Thinners , Risk , Abdominal Pain , Liver Problems , Glaucoma , Nsaid Pain Relievers , Maois , Eyes , Thioridazine , Aspirin , Fatal , Yellowing , 18 , Conditions , Confusion , Skin Reactions , Alcohol Use , Mouth Sores , Hives , Peeling Rash , Blisters , Muscles , Migraine , Liver Disease , On Cymbalta , Fever , Standing , Stop , Trial Offer , Dizziness , Fainting , Cymbalta Com , Shores , Depth , Bottles , Lots , Boats , Plastic Junk , Alaska , Places , Feet , Earthquake , Tsunami , Rage , Hit Japan , Japanese , Nuclear Fallout , Government , Brand New Building S Foundation Is Radioactive , Discovery , Representatives , Apartment Complex , Level , Times , Po Poesh , Experts , Safe Area , Radiation , Apartment Building , Plant , Quarry , Meltdown , Cement , Radioactive Rock , Floor , Residents , Safe , Contaminated Rock , Locations , 1000 , Example , Straw , Canal , Swra Pan , Algts , Radiation Taint , Particles , Beef , Baby Formula Factory , Supermarkets , Tea Cups , Formula , Store , Scares , Opening , Soil , Led , Shore Shelves , 100 , Everywhere , Spread , Crisis , Newsroom , Brooke Baldwin , All Of You , Couple , Tony Perkins , Microphones , Gay Marriage , Show , Storm , Look , Winds , Hurricanes , Hurricane Bud , 125 , First , Mystery , Landfall , Coast , Fear , Mexico , 48 , Generation , Ronald Reagan , Hearts , Pictures , Milk Cartons , 33 , Paetz , Feesed , Morn , Revelation , Least , Stroangling The Boy , Law Enforcement Agencies , Name , Convenience Store , Neighborhood Bs , Due Diligence , Lisa Coen , Giving , School , Statement , Soda Pop , Highs , Street , Turning Cold , Lows , Update , News Conference , Marriage , Men , A Man And Woman , Charity , Chernobyl Diaries , True Life Horror Becomes A Hollywood Flick , Victims , Flesh Eating Bacteria , Infection , Baking , Membership Effect , Rapids , Card , Savings , Foursquare , American Express , Family Research Council , Recoil , Pastors , Defense Of Marriage Act , Jim Demeant , South Carolina , Courts , Department , Doma , Justice , The View , Ladies , Unions , Notice , Backgrounds , Bridge , Preview , 3 , 00 , Line In The Sand , Sex , It , Polling Data , Aisle , Washington Post , Opposition , Monitor , The Hill , Majority , Same Sex Marriage , Abc News , 53 , Definition , Union , Constitution , Poll Thatmatts , Vote , Colin Powell , Sound , Wolf Blitz , 67 , Contract , Protection , Decision , Adoption , Don T Tell , Don T A Ask , Each Other , Marriageal , Star , Dick Cheney , Schools , Conflict , Contradiction , Curriculum , Liberty , Rights , Love , Ability , Institutions , Elementary Schools , Relationships , Tax Exemption , Nation , Facility , Freedom , Accommodation , Divorce Rate , Affinity , 2004 , Public Policy , Marriage Rates , Fault Divorce , Institution , Seeing , 1969 , Disaster , Dad , Public Policy Change , Losers , Death Nail , Society , Pursuits , Caregivers , Relationship , Hyperbole , Aspects , Situation , Gird , Home , Couples , We Don T Make Public Policy , Dinner , Discussion , Anecdotes , Amount , Demographics , Shouldn T Public Policy , Single , Moms , Evolving Cultures , The Public Policy , Research , Role Models , Standard , Costs , Homosexuals , Tony , Me Today , Want Toness Athe , Organizations , It Doesn T , Right , Christians , Dislike , Ballot Box , Capitol Hill , Bobby Vaughn , Surgeries , Georgia Man , Thanks , Group Preaching , Beal Talk , Hospital Room , Amy Copeland , Zip Line , Body , Georgia , College Student , Necrotizing Fasciitis , Reporters , Twins , Lynne Akirken Daul Has , 02 5 , Phone , Flesh , Laugh , Sixth , Landscaper , Surgery , Pictures Of You , Clue , Tree , Tv , Size , Rumor , Stuff , Lawn , Weeding A Lawn , Bush Hogging , Job , Hang On Just A Second , Expert , 10 , We Haven T , Nurse , They Don T Know , Lump , Grew , Second , Boom , Somebody Hit A Light Switch , Dry Heaving , Sat , Truck , Jell O , Answer , Split Second , Drinking , Don T Go , Isn T The West Nile Virus , Thousands , Hundreds , Most , Cut , Groin , In The Woods , Bobby , Deal , Emergency Room , Experiences , Graduate Student , Hospital Bed , Care , Sense , Humor , Father , Breathing , Visitors , Ventilator , Augusta , Chair , Expectations , Olympic Marathon , Horror Movie , Contamination , Atomic Bombs , Good , Catastrophe , Chernobyl Disaster , 400 , Brother , Car Insurance Claim , Slap , To Allstate , Dennis , Em , Nobody , Foreman , Trust , Randy , Androgel , 1 62 , Gel , Both , Testosterone , Testosterone Levels , Makers , Testosterone Replacement Therapy , Prescription , Contact , Sites , Application Sites , Products , Application , Dosing , Prostate Cancer , Breast Cancer , Exposure , Puberty , Acne , Increase , Body Hair , Breast Feeding , Ankles , Sperm Count , Breasts , Problems Breathing , Prostate , Blood Clots , Sleep , Enlarged , Swelling , Medications , Blood Clotting , Insulin , Corticosteroids , Ten Dollars , Movies , Scary Movie , Scare , Take A Look , Hollywood , Para Normal Activity , Yep , Hln , Page , Group Boycotting , Drawing , Hammer , It Doesn T Open , A J , Tourists , Town , Sdaster , Ruins , Studio , Ghosts , Koi , In Real Life , Location , Mysterious Creatures One By , Killing , Mutants , Crazy , Whied , Film , Companies , Workers , Tours , Realm , The City , None , Back Drop , 86 , Complaint , Horror Film , Pages , Sensationalized , Petitions , Haven T , Reaction , Poi , Chbyl Di , Huh , Staffers , 25 , Activity , Sensationalizing , Tv Tonight , Show Biz , 101 , Mayor , Test , Elton John , Hacking Charges , Concerts , North Korea , Illness , Feds , South Korea , Steak , Steaks , Steak House , Houston , Walmart , Steak Over , Let , Gonna Go To Walmart , Laughter , Mouth , Roll It , Commander , Rally , Rapid Fire , Happening , Afghanistan , American Forces , Taliban , Narrative , John Allen , Interview , Force , Negotiations , Nato , 2014 , Satellite Images , Nuclear Test Site , Defense Ministry , Spokesman , Hold Up , Whether , Shows , Respiratory Illness , Singer , Fans , Vegas , Hacking , Felix Rocgue , Charges , Recall Movement , Website , West New York , New Jersey Star Ledger , America S Education System , Chris Christie , Supporter , E Mails , Charter School , Town Hall Meeting , Failure , Skills , Jobs Today And Tomorrow , Philadelphia , American Education Crisis , Vouchers , Teen , Classmates , Adult , Ohio , T J , Lane , Counts , High School Call Tear , Char Din , Bear , Back , Toilet Paper , Injuries , Claws , Cabin , Canada , Pants , Gosh , Him , Rush Limbaugh , Report , Guest , Payback , Triegs , 1stz , Schedule , Limbaugh Objecting , Whites , Population , Breakdown , Landscape , Data , 63 , Article , Population Boom , Limbaugh , Threat , Warning , Stories , Conservatives , Consequences , Comments , Opinion Piece , Portion , Slamming Limbaugh , Ruben Junior , News Story , To Be With You , Premise , News Agency , Columnist , Pund , Make , Writing , Non Sense , Minority Group , Member , Injustices , Viewers , Whiting , Context , Gentleman , Aa Quote From A Gentleman , Base , Population Changes , Generalization , Makeup , Realization , Losses , Isn T That , Religion , Interpretation , Media , Nuance , I Don T Have , Isn T He , Rails , Ethnicity , Immigrants , Line , It Amnesty , Minority , Fantasy , Groups , Bunch , Ideals , Picture , Black Unity , Ideas , Latino Solidarity , Perception , Caucasians , Advocate , Hispanic Group , Argument , Panhandle Herring , Non Whites , Detriment , The American South , Hispanic , Paint , Queen Victoria , Diary , Note , Oreign , 43000 , Sunblock , Mobile Phone , Cnn Com Tv , Whitens , Drips , Neutrogena , Sun Protection , Spectrum , Barrier , Cholesterol , Cereal , Yummy , Goats , Wrong Didn T , Grain , Taste , Honey Nut Cheerios , Future , Engineering Degree , Dr , Sanjay Gupta , Irk Ises , Couldn T , Computer Engineering , Coming To America Purdue University , 95 , 54 , 22 , 70 , 10000 , 20000 , 1835 , 1837 , George Zimmerman , Law Enforcement Sources , Opinion , Maen ,

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