Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle

you feel it. i feel it. our friends are whispering it. you kind of feel like we are losing the nation we love. every day, we wake up, and it seems like another constitutional right is under threat. the first amendment, the second amendment, even the fourth amendment. people are losing their jobs for sharing their opinions, for goodness sake. it is no wonder, then, that more often, our fellow citizens are censoring themselves. hide their true feelings because they are afraid of the consequence. my friends, that is not america. that is not the country any of us grew up in. that means it is up to us to work diligently together to help everyone separate fact from fantasy. objective truth do exist, but those wielding the most power in our country are fuzzing it all up, and they are downright lying in order to keep you weak, fearful, and dependent on the government. their goal is to get you to accept a lower standard of living and fewer freedoms. joe biden's strained attempt at marking the one-year anniversary of the pandemic was not only one of the most uninspiring, negative exercises in fake emotionalism we have ever seen from a president, it was filled with half-truths and lane untruthful or less. and of course, the media left it up as transformational. >> we need everyone to keep washing their hands, stay socially distance, and keep wearing the mask. if we do not stay vigilant and the conditions change, may have to reinstate restrictions. to be love when he reads in with his hands. remember when biden assured us wearing masks would save us? >> i'm going to ask the public, the first hundred days, to mask. not forever, 100 days. i think we will see a significant reduction. >> laura: we warned you back then that that was total crock, just like how 15 days was going to slow the spread. that became we had to vaccinate the world. 100 days of masks is now face coverings forever. biden speech also spreads lies of low expectations. nowhere was this more apparent than biden's vaccine propaganda, which he peddled again last night. >> when i came into office, you may recall, i set a goal that many of you said was kind of way over the top. i said i intended to get 100 million shots in people's arms and my first 100 days in speak with the truth is president trump had already laid the infrastructure of double biden's lame call. >> we will have distributed 250 million doses of vaccines by the end of april. if they've only done 100 million vaccines by then, it will be a tragic squandering of the opportunities that we have had. the one i think they think we don't have a videotape or something but it was not his only attempt to impress underwhelming vaccine strategy. this was his follow-up. >> all adult americans will be eligible to get the vaccine, no later than may 1st. that is much earlier than expected. >> laura: is it though? >> if you look at the projection come i would imagine by the time we get to april, that is what i would call for better wording virtually everybody and anybody in any category can start to get vaccinated. >> laura: wait, that diabolical duo cannot get their story straight. and i thought they spent all that time together. but that is what happens when you build a pandemic response based on lies and deceit. inevitably it comes crashing down and the player struggled to keep the narrative straight and tight. and then ultimately, the truth he erodes the foundation. but the lies don't end there. last night biden spewed perhaps the biggest lie of all, a lie of false hope. if we do our part, if we do this together, by july 4th, there is a good chance you, your family and friends will be able to get together in your backyard in your neighborhood and have a cookout or a barbecue and celebrate independence day. >> laura: may be only cut that part of the speech. if you did, guess what, there is a catch. that doesn't mean large events with lots of people. but it does mean small groups will be able to get together. after this long, hard year come i will make this independence day something truly special. where are we not only marked our independence as a nation but we began to mark independence from this virus. >> laura: 15 months into the pandemic and all you get is a hot dog with three of your neighbors. that is what biden's big gift to you is. i have to ask this, where in the first amendment does it give the president the power to decide when and with whom you can barbecue? where is that in the constitution, i should say? i haven't found during the pandemic clause in article 2. of course, biden always gets dr. doom himself anthony fauci. they are like batman and robin or maybe peanut butter and jelly. and the cheering section goes wild. dr. felt she come i think it is a comfort to a lot of americanst to know that you are the president's top advisor on these matters and that you are meeting with him regularly, and communication with them. >> laura: you were great, how great are you dr. fauci? it should give us the opposite of comfort that someone who has been as wrong and deceptive as many times as fauci has been that he's anywhere near decision-making of the pandemic or anything else for that matter. last night we learned he urged president trump not to tout the vaccine. >> was dr. fauci urging you to downplay this idea that a vaccine could be ready by the late fall? was he urging you all to do that? >> not only urging us not to do it but you are responsible to talk about the fact that we could possibly have a vaccine by any time -- let me give you jul. >> laura: that was new news. and also fauci said he didn't work but now you need to cope. he moved a goal post on herd immunity. this guy spent so much his head is about to twist off his shoulders. not on his predictions or phony warnings at super-spreader events. not on his constant doomsday scenarios despite the mounting evidence that the virus is largely behind us. fearmongering about virus, that is his stock and trade and that biden repeated in the rose garden. >> you find yourself playing whack a mole with a variance. because we have a lot of different variants. >> this is not over. conditions can change. we are not finished yet. conditions can change. the scientists have warned us about new variants of this virus. >> laura: for the pandemic has always been look like by these people as an opportunity or pretext to putting us on the road to socialism. that is where we are with a $2 trillion bill that they all celebrated today in the rose garden. again, the big lie was that we need that that bill at all. most of it is an even covid related or necessary. it is a grab bag of bailouts and handouts to hear responsible cities and states. i know what you are wondering now. with the enormity of their deception, how can we turn things around? that lies left unchallenged eventually become accepted truth. well, from john steinbeck east of eden, remember this line. most lawyers are tripped up either because they forget what they were told or because the light is suddenly faced with an incontrovertible truth. well, incontrovertible truths are finally beginning to catch up to biden and fauci. we know the truth about lockdowns. the red state governors were right to open up early on. we know that the w.h.o. is a coconspirator in china's covid cover-up. and we also know virus or no virus that the government has no power to take away our away our inalienable rights. and that is "the angle." joining me kentucky senator rand paul you have been one of the few lawmakers to directly call out dr. fauci's life. are people afraid to question him, and if so, why? >> it is the science and people are afraid of the scientists. he is put on a pedestal. you have to remember his lies are noble lies. he's not telling you this because he's a mean man. he's telling you this because he feels sorry for you because you don't understand and americans aren't smart enough to make informed decisions. he fashions himself as a greek philosopher. he tells you these noble lies. at first, he told you all the masks don't work but he told you that because he wanted to protect the n95 mask and a health setting, but then later on he said all masks do work but that is a lie also because really only the n95 mask works. but it is a constellation of lies hold on to protect you because he doesn't think you are smart enough to make any of these decisions on your own. >> laura: senator come i think one of the goals of this administration is to remove the old touch stone that did bind our country together, even for the july 4th celebration. if you are an awful rare rotten racist country why should you have the fourth of july? the national park service is now canceling the fourth of july fireworks at mount rushmore claiming potential risk to the park itself and the health and safety of employees and visitors associate a blah, blah, blah. kristy nolan not happy about that. the governor of south dakota. what is really at play here? >> to show you so far out of touch that president biden is, he says he will let us get together with two or three people from our family july 4th. has he not met anybody? everybody is making their own decisions now where we are forced to comply with dr. fauci and we do. but in private most of us are doing what we want, when we want and have been for a long, long time. we do try to take precautions. but to tell you the truth, none of the state mandates or lockdowns have any influence. i hope we will study this in an objective way. you can see looking at the date when each mandate was passed and when it got ratcheted up. you can look at the incidence of the disease and what you find is they were proportional, meaning the more mandates we got, the more disease we got. the mandate did not cause the disease but there is no evidence to mandate slow down the disease at all. zero evidence of it. >> laura: lockdowns did not work. look at europe, europe with their third wave. how did the luck and worked for italy? senator, you have to hand it to the democrats. they all know how to coordinate and unlike the republicans, they do stay on message. >> help is on the way. >> help is on the way. >> help is on the way. >> this is becoming an overused phrase but help is on the way. >> laura: they were talking about the covid relief bill and the messages, they will take it on the road that americans finally, we have your savior. it is big government and the checks are in the mail. >> and president biden apparently has created this new vaccine. i didn't realize there was a new vaccine out. there is this brand-new covid vaccine. everybody is getting it and thanks to president biden and his caring and empathy, we will all get better now. i don't think at truth they can push and get people to believe that it had nothing to do with president trump. we didn't get this vaccine in record time in nine months. really, president trump was criticized for a lot of things but one thing he did do was shake things up in the bureaucracy. he didn't take no for an answer. in many ways, you may not have always heard it but when you have to shake heads together, when you have to get people in the bureaucracy to do something come i think president trump, his personality forced the issun the vaccine and helped it to get done in record time. >> laura: on that and the border in china and some of the other issues. senator, that is an excellent point. thank you and have a wonderful weekend. now one of the biggest lies spread by dr. fauci, wearing a mask is not only necessary for public l but it is your patriotic duty that has any of r that matter given any thought the effects of mask mandate on children, especially small children? i seriously doubt it. my next guest is actually thought through this very seriously. he wrote recently, here is a good rule of thumb. if you wouldn't put a child in the front seat of your previous without disabling airbags, think twice before requiring a healthy child to wear a mask. well met, paul alexander former hhs covid advisor, dr. between schools and the forcible mask dictates, what are we going to do with the kids that can't cease them exceed facial expressions and have cannot breathe well and can't play? >> hi, laura, thank you for having me. i agree with everything senator paul just said. and the reality is that we are looking at the evidence. there is a lot of harmful things are across the world with regard with the mask use. and it's not good for the children. the evidence does not support it. and this really just comes down to being risk management issue for parents. would you mask your child based on literally any benefit but with crucial harm? i would say the evidence is just not there. when dr. fauci speaks, you agree. nonsensical when he speaks now because he says things and i would like to ask him, dr. fauci come is there evidence to support what you just said? because you don't bring evidence to the table. obviously, no one asks him. >> laura: i want to read a piece in "the washington post" about people who just love wearing masks. my 16-year-old son made me think about this. he's a polite well-spoken kid when he has to be but i didn't understand that social graces are easy for him. i want to keep wearing a mask, he told me come i can do my thing and don't have to interact with people. it is liberating. >> this is how they are selling it, dr. alexander. that we should encourage kids to have a flat line personality and antisocial behavior by mask for life. we should make t-shirts. dr. fauci would probably sell them. >> laura, the evidence is clear. we have a franchise study, one child went to three different students and children don't get this readily. they don't spread it to kids. they don't spread it to teachers. they don't take it home here the evidence, people like dr. fauci, when he made a statement in march 2020 that we don't need the mask, he was actually looking at the science. the science is true. he has changed his position. dr. brighton, the lead in new york has said, it puts a lot of pressure on the system. a lot of deprivation of oxygen, and it causes severe stress. so we have a problem. >> laura: we blew the mask thing out of the water last may with influenza mass study posted on the cdc showing influenza cases, cloth mask no discerniblh nonwearing people. the cdc actually did just put out new guidelines today for kids. watch. >> this updated guidance is intended for all types of child care providers including child care centers, family child care home, head start programs and prekindergarten programs. the updated guidance evidence emphasizes the importance of mask wearing for all children older than two years old. >> laura: dr. alexander, that is the lead of this segment. the 3-year-olds need to be wearing masks and preschool. that -- i've heard it all. i'm sorry, i'm going to say it is child abuse. doctor, close it out really quick. >> thank you. i will agree with you. that is a nonsensical approach and really, we will have to vaccinate children under 12 when there is no evidence, no science. it is potentially dangerous for children. parents need to think this through carefully. >> laura: parents need to speak up and stop being cheap when it comes to your kids. because some medical professional declare something. people are in a tough mind here. dr. alexander, thank you. ari fleischer says immunity play was a total crock. congressman devin nunes joins on the work priorities and biden doj. what about the antifa protest last night and will they be spreading? 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the media loved it. and the most nauseating phrase from politico. last night's white joe biden won the presidency. his speech infused with incentive ideas, governance, the virtue of collective active in the face of common threat and most of all, moving on. unity? he opened his speech with a swipe at trump and said nothing about the previous administration mass success with operation warp speed to peer that would be too gracious. 20 may ari fleischer fox news contributor. ari, it is true joe biden won because he was a nonthreatening compassionate, grandfatherly figure in that kind of continued last night. >> and i do have to say come i think there is a value to empathy. empathy in connection with the american people at a time of struggle. so i will give empathy. about laura, headlined that i heard last night is we are not allowed even on july 4th to gather in any large numbers outside. that is what he said. he said that if things go well and things could still go wrong, maybe by july 4th, we can have small gatherings with our friends outside in our backyards. what? so no baseball games? no large attended events, no fourth july picnics or parades or large numbers of people? i think america is so beyond this and that is the best he can do for his hopes for the american people? and so i just think the media and joe biden are in one place and the american people largely in another. >> laura: of the emotionality of it with masking, the real truth is what you are saying, a, this really isn't over. they are leaving open the possibility which is a certainty that the country really will never go back to normal as long as democrats are in power. they are using this opportunity to push through the legislation, spend all this money and they hope fundamentally transform the country. and the pandemic, pretext that they can use to do it. >> it is two-pronged beast. one, the excuse to get out of the huge amount trillions of dollars of trillion spending that is noncovid related. second a political ball game of expectations download now to exceed them later and going into the midterm election year. they want 2021 to be the reserve year of fear and locked down threats and that way the election year 2022, look how great things are and we are lifting everything. that is their election strategy. >> laura: for the unity, that was supposed to be -- you know, really come all over the speech last night. this is how he opened. >> a year ago, we were hit with a virus and it was met with silence. denials for days, weeks, then months. that led to more deaths, more infections, more stress, and more loneliness. but once before, he is basically attacking trump giving china a free pass. as craig surely said in a tweet, this is the most inspiring speech since carter's malaise speech. >> that is about right. how hard would it have been, laura, how hard would it have been joe, and biden to have said this is built upon the good work done by my predecessor to get the vaccine out in record time and the number of vaccines to give to people is built on that success and w

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