Last month, don mcgahn and his wife received disclosures from apple their records were sought in 2013. This as Merrick Garland is working with leaders of cnn, the washington post, new york times, all of whose journalists were targeted to go over the Leak Investigations carried out by the Doj Under Former president trump. Also, this morning, President Biden is in brussels for his first in Person Summit as president of nato. Comes after a highly anticipated meeting with putin geneva wednesday. Lauren fox from capitol hill has more from Democratic Leaders calling on barr and sessions to testify about secret subpoenas. You and i covered it the last couple years. Lots of times when congressional subpoenas were ignored by members of the Trump Administration. Do we expect seen as to be issued and listened to . Reporter this will have to play out on capitol hill. First, theyll request that bill barr and Jeff Sessions testify before congress. Theres interest in getting more answer on why members of congress and staff might have been targeted, whether or not they were just sort of part of the widespread dragnet to get more information on met a Data Collected by the Justice Department under former President Donald Trump. One of the key questions is how far democrats want to actually go to pursue this. Are they going to try to subpoena Jeff Sessions or bill barr, or are they making requests and see what happens. I think all of it has to be given time. This is the first time lawmakers are back on capitol hill this week after the news broke late thursday. I think thats whats going to happen here on capitol hill. Meanwhile, democrats very clear they have some deep concerns about what is alleged to have happened. Heres what they said. What has happened here are fingerprints of a dictatorship, not a democracy. What the administration did, Justice Department leadership as a former president goes beyond even richard nixon. Reporter one thing that pelosi made clear yesterday on cnn, she is not quite sure how it happened that Jeff Sessions and Bill Barr Have said they have no idea about the dragnet searches. She says thats pretty unbelievable and beyond the pale. Lot of questions what they knew and knew it. Democrats pledging to get to the bottom of it. Lauren fox, well see if theyre able to. Cnn learned the Justice Department also obtained records belonging to president trumps own former white House Counsel, don mcgahn and his wife, back in 2018. Paula reed has been covering this story. Paula, there are really two possibilities here, either mcgahn was a target of the Leak Investigation in some way or his communications were scooped up because he was in communication perhaps with someone who is a target. Do we know at this point . At this point, jim, we dont have an answer to that question. One of many in the investigation. We have been talking to many sources. At this point it is not clear. Just got off the phone with someone at the Justice Department, it is not clear whether he was swept up in some other investigation or being specifically targeted. But we know this is an extraordinary step by the trump Justice Department to secretly request records of then president s top lawyer. Apple was barred from disclosing the request until this past may which means that the Justice Department repeatedly had to go before a judge to insist on keeping this secret. It is also notable that the request came around the same time they were seeking requests for records of democratic lawmakers and what we have here is a pattern of requests, these unusual requests that appear to be related to Leak Investigations but also connect to people the president at that time was unhappy with. Yes, don mcgahn was his top lawyer, but the president was increasingly frustrated with mcgahn over the president s desire that he fire special counsel robert mueller. Whats even more extraordinary, a source tells cnn that then Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein didnt know about the request. Something about that does not add up. That the Justice Department would make an extraordinary request and two top officials at the Justice Department knew nothing about it. Some former officials suggested thats just not possible. Other people suggested that maybe these folks were swept up. At some point that likely would have been reported to a supervisor. Either misleading or bad oversight. Paula reed, thanks so much. Joining me now, a former u. S. Attorney general under the george w. Bush administration, alberto gonzales. He served as white House Counsel to president bush, now dean of Belmont University college of law. Sir, thanks for joining us this morning. Jim, it is a pleasure. It is a very unusual story. It is bizarre. Talk about that. Previous administrations have pursued Leak Investigations, the Obama Administration included, which at times involved journalists, although in those cases i believe the journalists were investigated as possible conspirators, not just in communication with government officials. Whats unique is scale. Dozens of accounts, including Family Members, and targeted two democratic lawmakers, a host of others. Did the Trump Administration in your view break disturbing new ground here . Frankly, we need to wait for the investigation by the ig, and the investigation by congress before we are confident we fully know the facts. Assume theyre true. Typically, prosecutors have discretion in engaging in investigations and prosecuting cases. That discretion when you talk about the press or records of the press or members after separate branch of government. In that case, a heightened scrutiny, heightened need to get this information or move forward on prosecution. It is very extraordinary as a general matter. The notion that senior officials at department of justice were unaware what was going on here is troubling because that would mean, if in fact facts are true that there are individuals in department of justice doing things that they should have gotten signoffs from superiors before moving forward. Let me ask about that. Both sessions and barr say they didnt know about it. You served as Attorney General, very powerful position at department of justice. Either it is misleading or would you call that good leadership to not know about a scale of subpoenas like this . Listen, there are 100,000 employees work for department of justice. At any one time, somebody is probably doing something they shouldnt be doing, but this is extraordinary, no question about it. It is possible that leadership at the top did not know what was going on. Of course, they should have known, have protocols in place that would require generally for lower level employees, even those that hold Senate Confirmed positions, talking about subpoena with respect to white House Counsel and member of media, member of congress. Generally that goes up to the Attorney General or at least the Deputy Attorney general. So again, it is possible they didnt know about it, highly extraordinary. It would mean there are people operating in department of justice who are doing something that they should have gotten permission or at least notified superiors. This is something that was absolutely necessary. No other way to get the information. Again, this is something that as a general matter does involve the Attorney General or Deputy Attorney general. To get a gag order, would you not need the Attorney General to approve . These were extensive gag orders only expiring now, thats why were finding out about it now, the companies, apple among them, microsoft as well, can now let targets of subpoenas know they were targeted. Well, typically, yes. Usual case it would require again sign off, no question about it, jim. Some of the facts here again, bizarre, amazing. I dont know whether or not the reporting is completely accurate because of that reason. Frankly i am hoping the reporting is inaccurate. With respect, we know many of the facts here. Cnns reporter has gone public with being notified as have other targets of these investigations as they have been notified by apple, so theyre not making this up. We dont know, jim, for example, what is the investigation about, what is the scope of the investigation, whats being targeted here. What are the source of information that exists that the Department Says we cant get the information any other way. Im suggesting theres a lot here that we dont know yet. What predicate then to use a legal term, what justification would be necessary in your view to justify an investigation, a dragnet this broad . Well, of course, talking about some serious issues, serious commissions of large scale crime here. The predicate would be again as i indicated before, theres an absolute need to do this. Theres no other way to get this information and move forward on a legitimate investigation or prosecution. Again, because youre involving members of the media and members of the government, members perhaps in the white house, youre talking about a high bar that would have to be met to move forward with some investigation of this nature. Just test this out for me. Could all these things be true, could it be such a serious threat to national security, require so many subpoenas, right, including of lawmakers and journalists and Family Members of people involved and the Attorney General or Deputy Attorney general not know about it . How could those things be true . Highly unlikely, highly unlikely. Is it possible, i suppose its possible. But it is highly unlikely, yes. Protocols are in place. People understand what protocols are, they know what the rules are, they know with respect to certain kinds of subpoenas, you have to have approval higher up. Is it possible, it is possible, but again, highly unlikely. On the other hand, jim, ive got to tell you, when a former Attorney General says publicly i didnt know about this, to me, carries a great deal of weight. I cant imagine they would lie about it. Listen, theyre not under oath, no question about it. But nonetheless, to make a Public Statement like that, boy, it will take nerve to make a Public Statement. Because it is going to come out. I am testing how it all can be true, a huge threat, wouldnt know about it. A lot of questions either. Thanks, jim. Right now, President Biden is attending his first summit as president. At the same time, intensely preparing for his meeting with Vladimir Putin. Cnn has learned. More on that next. Another deadly weekend sadly in the United States. They brace for the summer. A cnn exclusive. Authorities investigating a leak at a power plant in china that the company, a French Company involved, poses a radiological threat. What we know so far just ahead. Age is just a number. And mines unlisted. Try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. Versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. Boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. Boost® high protein. Im here and suddenly. Boost® high protein also has key nutrients. My migraine takes me somewhere else. Where theres pain, and nausea. But excedrin pulls me back in a way others dont. And it relieves my symptoms fast for real migraine relief. At aspen dental, Today Is The Day to take back your smile. Why wait . 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Relationship with nato allies after former president trumps vastly different approach which included down playing the need for the organization, complaining that other countries werent paying enough, even raising questions about the mutual defense aspect of the alliance. Jeff zeleny is in brussels with more. It seems that part of bidens intent is to flip that message on its head, to say the u. S. Is back and committed to nato. Jim, thats exactly what prescribe is doing. You saw it from the moment he arrived here. You see it on the looks of his counter parts. There are smiles. Theres not tension that was felt here during both visits that former President Donald Trump had. You could feel an entire different moment. What President Biden is trying to do is to reaffirm commitment for the Transatlantic Alliance and need for nato. He explained that when he arrived. I want to make it clear. Nato is critically important to u. S. Interest, in and of itself. It allows america to conduct its business Around The World in a way that never would have occurred. I just want all of europe to know that the United States is there. The United States is there. That clearly was the message that President Biden wanted to send, that the u. S. Is back, but he needs to prove it. He and other leaders of the 30 allied nations are meeting. They only get five minutes each to speak because there are so many of them. What is going to come out of this is the beginning of a yearlong discussion, trying to have a nato statement about aggression of russia and rise of china which was never mentioned before in a statement from nato. You reported that President Biden is unlike his predecessor, using time away from Summit Meetings to prepare for his summit on wednesday with Vladimir Putin. How exactly and what does he intend to accomplish in that meeting . Reporter President Biden is spending most mornings he has been away meeting with leaders, talking to advisers, preparing for what he expects will be a tough confrontation with president putin. Hes also talking to other World Leaders who have been dealing with putin for years. For example, angela merkel. The president even talked to Queen Elizabeth yesterday about Vladimir Putin. We know he is having conversations. He is the fifth american president in a row that will meet with putin. He believes his experience on the foreign stage would change that. He is spending a lot of time preparing for a big summit wednesday. Jeff zeleny, thanks very much. Joined by the former u. S. Ambassador to nato, coauthor of the empty throne, americas abdication of global leadership. Can take from that subtitle the subtitle of the back. Ambassador, thanks for the time this morning. My pleasure, jim. Biden will deliver a very different message from trump, words matter. Trump publicly questioned key underpinnings of the nato alliance, but it was necessary, whether the mutual Defense Aspects of it stood firm today, biden is saying the right things. In your view, is he proving that to nato allies . Of course, Security Commitment is at the core of commitment to defend europe and for europeans to defend the United States, at its core something that resides in capabilities of intentions. Capabilities are there. We have significant forces in europe. We have since the russian invasion of ukraine moved more forces forward to the eastern borders of nato. But it is also about intention. Intention matters. He said nato was obsolete, argued it was transactional relationship in which our presence needed to be paid for by European Forces rather than something in our interest. Biden says no, nato is not only essential, core to where we are, we have to create it, even if it didnt exist. That matters. You have this meeting wednesday. I will be there covering it. Secretary of state says the intention of the meeting is the following, quote. Is a beginning of testing the proposition, whether russia is interested in a more stable and predictable relationship and finding areas to Work Together. Every of the last several administrations is coming to office from bush to obama to trump and say i can get this right, i will find a way to get this right. One consistency is russia remains a hostile actor. Look at the Cyber Attacks that continue into the Biden Administration. Is It Worth Testing that, right . Or is the Biden Administration likely to face the same disappointment again . Worth testing the question whether there are any areas in which we might be able to Work Together, even in the depths of the cold war in the 1960s and 1970s and 1980s, american president s reached out to their surrogate counterparts in order to find areas in which they could Work Together and they did. They did on arms control, they did on Controlling Nuclear weapons, they did on finding ways to avoid wars that neither side wanted to fight, and a number of other areas. Even as they were competing in a cold war like fashion, spying on each other and doing all kinds of things in which confrontation was the core of the relationship. I think biden is coming to this with his eyes wide open, knowing full well that Vladimir Putin is set to continue his disruptive behavior, disruptive of the internal processes, economic and political of the United States and allies, disruptive of nato and our allies Around The World. At the same time, testing the proposition are there areas like arms control and strategic, maybe climate change, saying despite our differences, lets Work Together. But on the negative side of the ledger, russian hostile activities remain. Does the Biden Administration have a strategy to deter that in a way that will work because deterrents under obama didnt work. Thats the challenge, both in terms of russias external behavior, cyber and other attacks, and internal behavior which is totally unacceptable, where putin said he doesnt know whether navalny will come out of prison alive. This is a remarkable statement. I think biden will come in, make very clear that that kind of behavior will continue to be unacceptable to the United States, and one of the challenges for u. S. Policy, working with allies, i imagine this is one of the issues high on the agenda in the meeting in brussels, to say what steps are we willing to take collectively to increase the price on Vladimir Putin for this kind of behavior. I want to ask about one ally. President biden will meet with the leader of turkey, erdogan, today. The nato ally doesnt behave like one, including buying a Missile System from russia in direct violation of the nato treaty. Is turkey a nato ally, u. S. Ally, what is it . It is an ally in the sense it is still a nato member, and part of the alliance. It is of course and has been behaving in ways that raises questions about his commitment to the alliance along the lines you mention. There are other areas we are working together. For example, turkey played an extraordinarily Important Role in our entire mission in afghanistan. They have taken the security of the Kabul Airport and the region for many, many years, and we used to fly our nato aircraft, Early Warning aircraft out of turkish bases over afghanistan. So the meeting here is to see, can we come back to some fundamentals in which we can cooperate. Erdogan is coming in this case from a position of weakness. Currently in shambles. The pandemic has been devastating for the country and for its people, so he is looking to reset the relationship and biden may provide the opportunity to do so. Ambassador, thanks so much for giving us perspective. My pleasure. Thank you. Nearly a dozen lives lost since friday as cities nationwide continue to grapple with the devastating surge in crime and gun violence. Well have a live update. And moments away from opening bell on wall street. U. S. Futures are mixed, this after the s p 500 closed at another record high. Investors keeping a close eye on the Federal Reserve meeting, question about Interest Rates Going Forward. Well talk about all of it. Stay with us chlts. This is how you become the best [wrestling bell rings] [music youre the best by joe esposito] try to be best cause youre only a man and a mans gotta learn to take it try to believe though the going gets rough that you gotta hang tough to make it youre the best around nothings gonna ever keep you down [triumphantly yells] youre the best around [ding] dont get mad. Get e trade and take charge of your finances today. What happens when we Welcome Change . Get e trade and take charge of your finances today. 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This year alone, there have been more than 270 Mass Shootings, by cnns definition, thats a shooting that leaves four or more people shot, excluding the shooter. Those numbers are up roughly 40 from this time last year. 65 higher than this point in 2019. Omar jimenez has more. Reporter a dangerous surge in gun violence is putting cities across the United States on edge this morning. In atlanta, a Security Guard was shot in the stomach outside the lenox square mall. Approached him with the gun, from there the investigation will tell us exactly what transpired. Reporter in chicago, police are searching for two gunmen that opened fire into a group of people on a sidewalk on the south side friday, killing one woman, injuring nine other people. It happened moments after another mass shooting in downtown austin, texas where people say one of the 14 people shot from injuries died sunday afternoon. Authorities say they arrested one person in connection to the attack, theyre looking for another. Just a horrific event, becoming something that all too often is being presented. Reporter since friday afternoon, at least nine people are dead, 47 others injured after eight Mass Shootings in six states according to gun violence archive data. Dallas Police Investigating a shooting outside an apartment complex friday that left five injured, including a fouryearold girl. Same night in savannah, georgia, authorities searching for who is responsible for a shooting that left one person dead and at least seven others wounded, including a twoyearold and a 13yearold. There were a few people who were standing in front of the residence and there was a vehicle, dark color, possibly red sedan that rode by, fired rounds into the crowd. Reporter in cleveland, three were killed outside a gas station. Later that day, four were hurt in a shooting in cincinnati, including two Children Police say were in critical condition. Anytime you have gunfire that age, it will be critical. Specifically the eightyearold is in very, very bad shape. Reporter the surge in gun violence as the nation paused to remember 49 victims of the pulse Nightclub Massacre five years ago. President Bojoe Biden Announcedt will be a National Memorial and called On Congress For Gun Control Legislation Writing in a statement theres more to do to address the epidemic of gun violence in all forms, Mass Shootings, daily acts of gun violence that dont make national headlines. Some local leaders are calling for action, fearing gun violence will only continue to rise. The reality is in georgia we cant be mad guns are everywhere when georgia law allows guns to be everywhere. We need stronger Gun Laws In Georgia and nationally. We also need to teach young People Better decision making. Reporter as part of the investigations, part of it is clearing through some cases. We got word a few moments ago, two 15yearolds are now in custody out of atlanta for that shooting outside the lenox mall, allegedly responsible for the shooting. Highlights difficulties departments and communities are up against in places across the country not just to stop things before they happen but stem the pace that we have already seen 2021 get after that is higher than in 2020 was already si seeing elevated murder rates. The stakes are as high as human life. And the cycle, a lot of them are retaliation for prior shootings, you get into this Revenge Cycle We Saw in New York City last week. Omar jimenez, thanks so much. Cnn learned the u. S. Is assessing report of a leak at a Chinese Nuclear power plant. Were going to have much more on the cnn exclusive. Thats next. Did you know prilosec otc can stop frequent heartburn before it begins . 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The warning accused the chinese Safety Authority of raising the acceptable limits for Radiation Detection outside the facility in order to avoid having to shut it down. David colbert joins me from shanghai. David, are plant officials responding to serious allegations . Are those officials now contradicting the French Company that part owns the plant . Reporter thats exactly what were seeing play out, jim. Publicly, theyre putting out a calming statement that suggests this is under control, that theyre working through what they consider to be a Performance Issue and hope to have it resolved soon. Thats coming from the French Company that cooperates the plant with the Chinese State owned company. It is rather concerning for folks that arent getting information they want. It is something that we are used to seeing here, lack of transparency. Set the scene where this is playing out. This is another concerning matter. This is in southern china. That province has 126 million people. The small city as it is described has about a million people. Tie shen Nuclear Power plant, 80 miles from hong kong. The concern Going Forward is if this is as it has been described by the French Company an i imminent radiological threat, something needs to be done rather quickly. Why is it different from the public display of down playing the event, according to sources, zachary cohen, our colleague in d. C. , they suggest three different memos to u. S. Department of energy that this is a situation of leaking gas, a byproduct of nuclear reactors, one thats most concerning because they accuse the chinese of raising the limit, so as to continue operating it. It goes back to something you and i talked about over and over, lack of transparency that brings more concern because it is according to experts something that could be perhaps resolved quickly. We dont know the severity of it, and thats what puts it in question. Lack of transparency and sometimes outright lies. Thanks so much for following. First time in 12 years, israel has a new Prime Minister. Neftali bennett was sworn in, ending Benjamin Netanyahus 12 year grip on power, also served in the late 90s, after being replaced, netanyahu attacked, left office with this warning. Well be back soon. It was a raucous session, shouts and accusations, members removed. Hadas gold is in jerusalem. And you were there yesterday watching this play out. It is a remarkable change for that country and for this politician who faces his own legal troubles now. Reporter i think it is hard for some people in israel to believe that somebody other than Benjamin Netanyahu is now Prime Minister of israel. Since 2009, he held such a strong grip on power here, and the transition was not smooth, as you noted yesterday during parliamentary session, as he was giving a speech, certain ones were kicked off the floor for being disruptive. Ultimately, the new Coalition Government was voted in by vote of confidence, a razor thin majority. They had no room forema maneuve. They were voted in, sworn in, the most diverse in history, far left parties through the center, to the right wing party. And first time in israeli history, Arab Israeli Party sitting together. That lenlds a bit of fragility. Promising to the israeli people this government will simply work after more than two years of political dysfunction. We are at the beginning of new days. The hardships, not an exaggerated word in this case, forming a Union Tee Government are behind us. Now citizens of israel, all of them looking up at us, we must deliver. Netanyahu is not going anywhere. Friend or faux marvel at his seemingly boundless energy. Now the leader of the opposition, already promising he and allies will topple the government he calls fraudulent very quickly. Still facing prosecution for corruption charges. See how it pans out. Hadas gold, thanks very much. 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Introducing the new Bud Light Seltzer retro summer pack. Theres interest you accrue, and interests you pursue. Plans for the long term, and plans for a long weekend. At thrivent, we believe money is a tool, not a goal. To learn more, text thrive to 444555, or visit thrivent. Com. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to push back plans to lift Lockdown Restrictions in his country due to the spread of the highly contagious delta covid19 variant which was first identified in india. We saw how much devastation it wreaked there. Lockdown restrictions were originally to end in the uk on june 21st, but the opening up could be delayed for up to four weeks. Imagine the disappointment there. Joining me, Emergency Physician at brown university. So, megan, the delta, dr. Rhani, i should call you, you earned it, the variant is causing enormous concern in countries, not yet in this country. Is it just a matter of time before we see it prominent here . Yeah. Thats exactly right. This Delta Variant is more transmissible, so its easier to catch it, and it appears to make people sicker more quickly than other variants of covid that weve seen already. It is starting to be on the rise here, and it is just a matter of time. The one piece of good news is that if you are fully vaccinated against covid, all the data so far suggests that the vaccines that were using here in the u. S. Are protective against this Delta Variant. So this is your chance to go out and get a vaccine if you dont want to catch this new variant. Thats great news. And yet sadly we have an enormous disparity state by state in terms of Vaccination Rates here. If you look at northern states and, frankly, theres a political divide, red states versus blue states. A lot of states in the northeast are going to meet the 70 of adults fully vaccinated by july 4th. In some states down south, its a fraction of that, maybe a third. A third of the population. So what does that mean for the Delta Variant . Does it find sort of welcoming ground there to spread . It sure does. You know, many of us have been worried about those Southern States over the summer regardless because folks go inside during the summer. Its hot, you want to go some its where where its air conditioned. The low Vaccination Rates period put them at higher risk and add in the Delta Variant to it, its exactly why i expect to see it start spreading. It makes me so sad that this virus has been politicized and that the vaccine like masks before it have become something political. This is pure science. It works. Its something that can protect you and get us all back to normal. Thats the thing, it helps you and your families, right . I mean, thats the issue. We have the news today that the novavax vaccine like moderna and pfizer before it has an enormously high efficacy rate of 6 90 . We have yet another vaccine thats shown to be both safe and effective. And ps, its effective not just against the og covid but also against that alpha variant, the b. 1. 1. 7. That was identified in england originally. It is another great vaccine that is able to be stored at normal freezer temperatures. You know, whether were use it much in the u. S. , well see. Its certainly going to be a game changer for the rest of the world. Folks, listen to dr. Rhani. If youre not doing it for your neighbor, do it for yourself and your family. The vaccines work. Doctor, thank you so much. Thank you, jim. President biden is meeting with nato leaders this morning as we learn new details about how he is preparing for his summit with russian president Vladimir Putin on wednesday in geneva. Were going to be there. Well have new details next. Age is just a number. And mines unlisted. Try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. Versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. Boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. Boost® high protein. 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Also this morning officials tell cnn that when President Biden is not in Summit Meetings, he is in intense preparations for his talks face to face with russian president Vladimir Putin on wednesday in geneva. We will have more on that in a moment. Were covering a lot of stories. Lets begin with jeff zeleny in

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