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point and "sunday night mystery." >> i'm don lemon. we're going to begin tonight with vice president joe biden. he has managed to complicate the official white house line on same-sex marriage, and he did it with an outspoken defense of gay couples who want to get married, even though president barack obama says his view on the issue is, quote, evolving. it sounds like biden's evolution is complete. >> is that what you believe now? >> that's what i believe. >> and you're comfortable with same-sex marriage now? >> look, i am vice president of the united states of america. the president sets the policy. i am absolutely comfortable with the fact that men marrying men, women marrying women and heterosexual -- men and women marrying all are entitled to the same exact rights, all the civil rights, all the civil liberties and, quite frankly, i don't see much of a distinction beyond that. >> those words sparked a quick response, not from republicans, but from the president's own campaign. what the vp said that all married couples should have the same legal rights is precisely potus' position. that's exactly what david axelrod tweeted, so the vice president gets out in front of his boss on an issue that on the ballot tuesday in north carolina, a presidential battleground state. a biden gaffe or is it a trial balloon? the answer depends on who you ask, and we'll get much more into this debate coming up in moments right here on cnn. meantime, there's a major shift in the halls of power for a key u.s. ally. france's new president is a socialist. francois hollande beat conservative incumbent nicolas sarkozy in sunday's runoff. it all came down to the economy and where have we heard that before? here in the united states, of course, our hala gorani is in paris for us tonight. hala, quite a turn of events. >> reporter: don, this is the new era for france. for the first time in 17 years this country has elected a socialist president. it is over for nicolas sarkozy after only one turn. francois hollande made a victory speech just a few hours ago. he said he would promise to unify the country. because it was a close race, essentially half of france did not vote for him. some of the big challenges ahead for francois hollande, the eurozone debt crisis. nicolas sarkozy had come to an agreement with germany that would lead to big budget cuts for eurozone countries. the socialist challenger said, not so fast. you also need a growth plan. why is this important for america? because this eurozone debt crisis has a direct impact on u.s. stock prices. whenever there are fears here in the eurozone, it directly impacts the dow jones and other major indices in the u.s. the other big issue that francois hollande discussed that will also be of interest to the united states is that he's promised to withdraw all french soldiers from afghanistan by the end of this year. nicolas sarkozy was a little bit more flexible saying that next year would be an adequate deadline. but for now street parties all over paris and all over france for those who voted for francois hollande, a new socialist french president for the eurozone's second largest economy. don, back to you. >> hala, thank you very much. president barack obama called french president-elect hollande to offer congratulations. the white house released a statement saying in part "president obama indicated that he looks forward to working closely with mr. hollande and his government on a range of shared economic and security challenges." deep austerity cuts are also changing the political landscape of greece. voters booted out many centrists who pushed those measures. greece's economy is so bad, it could drag the rest of europe down with it. the country accepted bailout money in exchange for extreme spending cuts, but they are so unpopular, voters flock to the far right and the far left on sunday. >> economic ripples from the elections in europe could hit close to home for americans and our ali velshi says we putt better pay close attention in the u.s. ali. >> don, let me tell you, when you look at these elections in greece and france, there are a few takeaways. greece's economy is small and holding europe hostage. france's economy is a big economy. france's president is the last in a long line of leaders who have been put out of office in the last two years because voters are unhappy with the austerity policies or this talk of government cutbacks. they think government should be spending more. in greece, you'll remember last year there was a massive parliamentary crisis, a coalition government was put into place to try and impose some of the cuts necessary for greece to continue to get loans from germany and other countries. another rejection of that coalition. people don't like austerity. it is painful. it's government cutbacks. it's joblessness, but here's a lesson for america. watching this election, these two elections very, very closely. on the one hand you have liberals and the left, the keynesians who say, hey, too much cutting hurts an economy so this is the lesson to you, republicans, out here, if you go down this road, we'll have double the unemployment and, by the way, everyone who supported it will get booted out of office, but there's a message here that republicans can take away or those in the tea party who are preaching austerity. they look at greece in particular and say, this is what happens when you don't get your fiscal house in order. you end up like greece, and maybe, don, there's something to be said for both sides of that argument. >> ali, thank you very much. warren buffett has a better grasp than most on the financial pitfalls facing the world. from wall street to washington, the billionaire investor is respected for his insights on the economy, and he's clearly worried about europe's future. >> europe isn't going to go away. europe will be producing more goods per capita 10 or 20 years from now, but they have huge problems to be resolved. they took on a common currency, and they do not have common fiscal policies. they do not have common cultures, and when you have common currency and they have the bonds of some countries, major countries yielding close to 6% and others below 2%, you know that -- you know you've got a big, big problem. >> it pays to pay attention to buffet. "forbes" estimates buffett's net worth at $44 billion. it's what political junkies are talking about. it's what we're talking about, the vice president and his new remarks on gay marriage, but did he go too far and speak for the president when maybe he shouldn't have? the conversation evokes passion from both sides. thank you, both. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> goldie and i disagree, but we're still friends. >> thanks, don. >> those two, not so sure about. . grass fed. curry. gingersnaps. soup can tower. 5% cash back. right now, get 5% cash back at grocery stores. it pays to discover. [ female announcer ] new roc® retinol correxion max. the power of roc® retinol is intensified with a serum. it's proven to be 4x better at smoothing lines and deep wrinkles than professional treatments. roc® max for maximum results. 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[ male announcer ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers ♪ bum, ba-da-bum, bum, bum, bum ♪ tuesday is decision day for a controversial amendment proposal in north carolina. it would ban same-sex marriages, civil unions and domestic partnerships. protesters for and against the amendment, amendment one have turned out in the streets ahead of the vote and cnn's randi kaye breaks down the debate for us. >> reporter: on tuesday, north carolina voters will be making a big decision at the polls. the decision to change the state's constitution. amendment 1 would make marriage between one man and one woman the only recognized domestic legal union in the state. >> the reason we have to put it in our state constitution is that half a dozen other states have by judicial fiat had a handful of judges change the laws of those statements. >> reporter: it's something several other states have done, but amendment 1 goes a step further. not only would it ban same-sex marriage, which is already illegal in north carolina, it would also invalidate all civil unions and domestic partnerships. >> this is bad law because it will hurt even heterosexual families because it does not recognize any other domestic union. >> what makes the north carolina law different from others, it even bans domestic partnerships between heterosexual couples, and as we approach that vote, vice president joe biden today declared his comfort, his comfortable -- he's comfortable with the idea of same-sex marriage, a comfort level president obama has not shared publicly. >> i just think that the good news is that as more and more americans come to understand what this is all about as a simple proposition, who do you love? who do you love? and will you be loyal to the person you love? >> earlier i discussed biden's remarks with goldie taylor, the managing editor of goldie taylor project and crystal wright, the editor of and i asked if goldie was breaking with his boss on this issue. >> i think this president knew what joe biden's position was when he took him on as the vice presidential running mate. i think that it's much ado really about nothing. >> okay. if the vice president is invited on to a show like "meet the press" and david gregory is asking him about policy, about the president, he is in turn speaking for the administration and speaking for the accomplishments of the president and so why on this issue -- why is this one -- >> he's the vice president of these united states. he neither formulates nor proposes legislation in congress. he neither formulates nor proposes anything to the judiciary branch. >> can the people watching make that distinction? can the voter -- does a voter make that distinction? >> i don't know if the voter makes that distinction or not, but that is the legal distinction, and does he have the right to speak for joe biden? he absolutely does. >> okay. crystal wright, you were watching this morning. did you think the vice president minced words, and i ask you that because here's what -- here's what david axelrod tweeted out afterwards. he said "what vp said -- he tweeted this a little bit earlier right after he said what. "what vp said that all married couples should have exactly the same legal rights is precisely potus' position." i don't really quite understand that, but can you make sense of that? >> you know what -- don, i think it's a hot mess all the way around, and, you know, i think obama is loving the fact that goldie is trying to now legitimize the vice president of the united states' remarks as personal remarks. she's trying to, you know, parse this on a legal analysis that he has a right to his own opinion and then in the next breath goldie admits, along with you, that most american people can't distinguish between vice president biden appearing on a television program as the vice president of the united states and his personal opinion. he does not have a right when he represents the office of vice president, and he's supposed to be the teammate of the president of the united states, to get ahead of the president, who says that his position on same-sex marriage is evolving, and he does not support it, that he supports civil unions. so this is just a mess, and then axelrod, the senior adviser to the obama white house tweets moments later, oh, yeah. obama, that's his position. biden just, you know, expressed the position of the president of the united states. i'm sure many gay americans are surprised by all of this and perplexed. >> okay, i think not -- i think many americans are surprised, because i think it was pretty clear what the vice president had to say and then to hear, goldie, i'm sure you want to respond to what crystal said. >> i actually don't spend a lot of time responding to crystal either on tv or on twitter. but at the end of the day -- >> well, i don't spend a lot of time following your column either. >> at the end of the day the president says, has always said that he believes that this is the wrong question, whether people have the right to marry one or the other, you know, is something that he's evolving on, but should everyone have the same legal rights, i think that the president has never stood back on what -- you know, the human rights question is. >> why not take a stand? what does the president have to lose by taking a stand, either way on -- >> there are fair-minded people on both sides of this issue who both agree and disagree with gay marriage. i think the president has a conviction on one side of this. he's like a lot of us who are continuing to evolve. i'm willing to give him that time as long as -- >> okay. >> as long as he comes down on the side of human rights. >> i get that, but continuing to evolve seems like a position that's not -- >> it's a cop-out. >> it's a position that you're either for or against and you're either for or against and people hit mitt romney. hang on. let me finish that. mitt romney has not have a backbone and doesn't take a stand on issues. >> i've run into it in my own life. i was also a member of the united states marine corps and in the marine corps at that time i had a favorite drill instructor not allowed to serve, kicked out in the middle of my boot camp because it was found out she was gay and as a young person i agreed with that. over time i evolved and when this president worked to strike down don't ask, don't tell, i was in full agreement with that. >> i appreciate your passion. >> i think we evolve with things over time. >> and i respect what you're saying, but you're not the president of the united states, and people are ask iing president of the united states to take a stand on that issue. >> i think the president is the human and the president has time to evolve over time just as i did and everybody else. >> crystal, sorry. what's wrong with the president taking a stand either way, and i'm sure you want to respond to some of this. >> yeah. you know, i think what goldie just said is she's blasting the president. she's saying that the president needs to have a conversation with his priest or shaman whoever, you know, actually believes -- >> no, actually -- >> let me finish, please. >> actually that's not what i said. >> go ahead. >> that is a lie. don't lie. >> excuse me. you just said people who don't support same-sex marriage need to have a conversation with their religious leaders, whoever they go to for religious counsel. that would include the president of the united states, because the president of the united states, goldie, has said he has not taken a position. he does not support same-sex marriage. >> in addition to the david axelrod tweet, a spokesman for vice president joe biden issued a statement today insisting that biden's words mirror president obama's position on gay marriage. it continues. stay tuned to cnn. the hearing for 9/11 terror suspects is being called a circus from stripping to short skirts to screaming that someone is going to die, all happening in the courtroom. you can see everything ok? 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[ flo speaking japanese ] [ shouting in japanese ] we work wherever you work. now, that's progressive. call or click today. the arraignment of the 9/11 terror suspects in guantanamo bay, cuba, was expected to run about six hours on saturday. instead, it went much longer with the judge presiding over the case, sometimes serving more as ringmaster. our chris lawrence has the story tonight. >> reporter: the 9/11 terror suspects turned their arraignment into a chaotic court circus which left the victims' family members stunned. >> they are complaining, and our families can't complain no more because they took their lives. they took my sister's life. i wouldn't care if they were on a bed of nails, you know what i mean, but it's our justice system, and they have rights as of right now, and whatever the due course is and how the process works, eventually they are going to either be in jail for the rest of their lives, or they are going to be dead. >> reporter: walid bin attash came into court shackled to a chair. later, when his attorney was alleging mistreatment, he took off his tunic and exposed his bare chest. the judge scolded him and told him, "put it back on." ramzi binalshibh shocked the courtroom by comparing u.s. guards to dead libyan leader moammar gadhafi. he shouted, maybe they will kill us and make it look like suicide, and khalid sheikh mohammed, who once boasted he was the mastermind behind the attacks refused to speak or even listen to the hearing through earphones. >> now the government wants to kill mr. mohammed. they want to extinguish the last eyewitness to his torture so that he can never speak again about it. >> reporter: one of the american defense attorneys came dressed in conservative islamic hijab and chastised the women on the prosecution team for wearing skirts saying the detainees had to avert their eyes to avoid committing a sin just by looking at them, and so it went for hours, silence, and side issues dominating the hearing. >> she said there was an particular paralegal that was wearing a short skirt yesterday and was a distraction to their client and could not focus on a proceeding which could lead to his death. could you respond to that? >> i didn't think it merited or deserved a response yesterday so i don't think it deserves a response today. the women on the prosecution team are dressed in an appropriate and professional manner. >> reporter: the next court hearing will be in june, but this had to be an embarrassment on all sides, for those who pushed to have these men tried in a military commission here, this cannot be what they had in mind, and for the obama administration, who promised to close guantanamo bay and move these trials to federal court, saturday was a reminder of that failure. chris lawrence, cnn, guantanamo bay, cuba. a gunman wearing an afghan army uniform killed a nato soldier sunday in southern afghanistan. the shooter was immediately killed. that wasn't the coalition's only casualty, though. an american died when a vehicle struck a roadside bomb in and afghanistan. two other americans were wounded in atack. osama bin laden's death was one of the nation's greatest national victories, national security victories, so if you're going to spike the ball over it, admit you're spiking the ball over it. "no talking points" is next. >> the war was pretty hard with explosions, the kidnappings. we wanted to come to united states. that was like a dream, you know. >> the united states with some of the most refugees in the world, many of them are from iraq, and they are being resettled in san diego in large numbers. when they get here, they are learning a new language. they have to find employment. really in a lot of ways the struggle is just beginning. when my family came from beirut, i was 9 years old. working as a refugee case manager, i saw a lot of kids just idle, alienated and having a normal childhood is something that they really deserve. my name is mark kabban, and i use soccer to motivate refugees to succeed in the united states. i want everybody on their toes. it's an arabic word that means let's go. it's really what we're trying to do with the kids. >> stay on him. >> we have 200 refugee kids in our program. these kids come from all over africa, asia and the middle east. the families have endured the same struggle. when they realize that, they become like brothers and sisters. >> one, two, three. yes! >> soccer isn't an escape. it's confidence, it's making them feel like they belong, and it's just fun. we use soccer as a hook, and then we have them in our education program. try to get them on to college. >> help me find friends and they teach me how to speak english and now with coach mark it's a fun life. >> their families have sacrificed everything for kids to have a better life. we can do everything that can help them. it's my honor. ♪ ♪ pop goes the world ♪ it goes something like this ♪ everybody here is a friend of mine ♪ ♪ everybody, tell me, have you heard? ♪ ♪ pop goes the world ♪ pop goes the world [ female announcer ] pop in a whole new kind of clean with new tide pods... a powerful three-in-one detergent that cleans, brightens, and fights stains. pop in. stand out. agents, when it comes to insurance, people feel lost. that's a dead end. don't know which way to turn. this way. turn around. [ woman ] that's why we present people with options to help them find coverage that fits their needs. almost there. whoo! yay! good work. that's a new maze record. really? i have no idea. we don't keep track of that kind of stuff. well, you should. [ male announcer ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers ♪ bum, ba-da-bum, bum, bum, bum ♪ now to the big stories in the week ahead from the white house to wall street, our correspondents tell you what you need to know. we'll begin tonight with the president's plan for the week. >> reporter: i'm dan lothian at the white house. after officially hitting the campaign trail in the battleground states of ohio and virginia, president obama heads to albany, new york, where he'll attend an event focused on lifting the struggling economy. then later in the week the president flies west to attend two major fund-raisers that are expected to haul in millions of dollars for the dnc and his re-election campaign. >> i'm paul steinhauser at the cnn political desk. tuesday, the longest serving republican in the u.s. senate fights for his political life. senator dick lugar of indiana faces a primary challenge from the state's treasurer who has strong tea party support. the same day, a controversial anti-same-sex marriage amendment is on the ballot in north carolina, and saturday mitt romney speaks at liberty university, the evangelical school founded by the late jerry falwell. >> i'm poppy harlow in new york. following the jobs report on friday, wall street will turn its attention to corporate earnings again on monday. this coming week, we'll get results from disney, aol, cisco and sony just to name a few, and cisco kicks off its ipo road show here on monday where it's pitching the company to institutional investors, big hitters on wall street before it goes public. we'll track that and all the business news of the week for you on cnn money. >> i'm "showbiz tonight's" a.j. hammer. here's what we're watching this week. the winner of "the voice" stops by "showbiz tonight" right after his or her big triumph and the latest cast member to hear "you're fired" on "celebrity apprentice" tells all to me. catch "showbiz tonight" exclusively weeknights at 11:00 p.m. eastern and 8:00 p.m. pacific here on hln. let's check the headlines right now. a socialist is the new president of fence. francois hollande beat incumbent nicolas sarkozy in today's runoff. french people are unhappy with high unemployment and austerity measures which are forcing painful cuts all across europe. he's the first to do it since 1995. union officials say an air strike has killed one of the most wanted terrorist. a 37-year-old man was suspected of playing a key role in the bombing of the "uss cole." 17 american soldiers died when the "cole" was hit by suicide attack while it was refueling. louisville police are investigating a possible suicide or homicide at churchill dours just hours after yesterday's kentucky derby. the body of an hispanic man was found near the famous racetrack -- a barn early on sunday. detectives won't know the cause of death until an autopsy is finished on monday. george lindsey known best as goober pile on "the andy griffith show" has died. he played the lovable goober on "the andy griffith show" starting in 1946 and later on the she's spinoff "mayberry rfd" and made appearances on shows like "m.a.s.h." "gunsmoke" and "hee haw." it's time now for "no talking points." politicizing is a subject on the right and the left and everywhere in between. this isn't a new subject for the "no talking points" segment and the closer we get to election day, the more we want to cover it again because the more obvious it comes. >> does everyone agree that the president was spiking the football? >> the president of the united states who said he wasn't going to spike the football. >> using it as a partisan weapon which diminishes him. >> he's doing a shameless end zone dance to help get himself re-elected. >> politicizing hit its peak this week with the one-year anniversary of the killing of osama bin laden. the right up in arms saying the president is gloating, spiking the ball, as they say, over killing bin laden, and when i heard that for the first time earlier this week, my initial response was, well, i'll just let this guy say it. >> wah. wah. >> thank you, jon. whining is not allowed, especially over the killing of the most wanted terrorist ever, a terrorist that a republican president didn't catch, but celebrated anyway on an aircraft carrier in a flight suit with a helmet and a humongous sign that read "mission accomplished." and don't forget he used our men and women in uniform as a backdrop. republicans, i know the truth hurts, but in this instance it's not enough -- it doesn't hurt enough to cry over it, however, though president obama has only himself to blame for giving his critics the talking point. >> but we don't need to spike the football. >> at first he, his administration and democrats denied spiking the ball, politicizing the issue, and then this. >> happening now, breaking news. president obama is in afghanistan. he's catching the world off guard. >> on the anniversary of bin laden's death, the president shows up in afghanistan on a surprise trip. it is his prerogative as commander in chief, and our men and women in uniform were ecstatic to see him, but to deny that this wasn't calculated in an election year is disingenuous to say the least. there are 364 other days in the year to visit afghanistan than on the bin laden anniversary. so why not just own it. nothing wrong with that. especially if it's true. just like it's true that the right is crying foul because they can't claim the bin laden victory. i usually like to make my own "no talking points" point but again this week, someone from another network when commenting on another political story makes the point better than i k >> politics is weird and creepy and now i know lacks even the loosest attachment to anything like reality. >> thanks, shep, and that's tonight's "no talking points." some adults wouldn't listen so a bullied teen took matters into his own hand. now he's the one in trouble. wou. in 25th place. let's raise academic standards across the nation. let's get back to the head of the class. let's solve this. kiwi. soy milk. impulse buy. gift horse. king crab. rhubarb pie. lettuce shower. made by bees. toucan sam. that's not cheese. grass fed. curry. gingersnaps. soup can tower. 5% cash back. right now, get 5% cash back at grocery stores. it pays to discover. splenda® essentials™ no calorie sweetener with b vitamins, the first and only one to help support a healthy metabolism. three smart ways to sweeten. same great taste. splenda® essentials™. woman: what do you mean, homeowners insurance doesn't cover floods? 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[ heart rate increases ] woman #2: but i don't even live near the water. what you don't know about flood insurance may shock you -- including the fact that a preferred risk policy starts as low as $129 a year. for an agent, call the number that appears on your screen. bullying in america's schools. some call it an epidemic but for a young man in indianapolis, it is personal. 17-year-old dynasty young says he was taunted and threatened for being openly gay. and after complaining to school officials with no results, his mom gave him a stun gun, a self-protection device, to carry just in case. but after an incident last month where no students were hurt, the school is threatening to expel young saying he violated school policy by bringing a weapon to school. in an interview with "the indianapolis star" the principal of the high school says if you wear female apparel, then kids are kids, and they are going to say whatever it is that they want to say because you want to be different and because you choose to wear female apparel, it may happen. i talked with young and his mother shalisse grimes earlier. you gave him the stun gun. do you think that that was a bit extreme, or would you do the same thing over again? >> i would most definitely do the same thing again. the first thing that i want to say, and i want to make clear, is i do not promote violence, not at all, but what is a parent to do when she has done everything that she -- that she felt she that she was supposed to do as far as contacting the officials that are at the school, so i did feel like there was nothing else left for me to do but protect my child. >> and dynasty, i'll ask you the same thing as your mom. she said that she would do what she has to do to protect her child. she would give you the stun gun. would you bring it back to school if you had to? did you feel safer because of that stun gun? >> i only felt safe when -- the only time, the reason i brought the stun gun is i wasn't safe. if i was at your school and i was safe, i wouldn't have to bring anything because i would be safe. the only thing that makes me upset, i got kicked out of school for -- for me just bringing a weapon to school, but i honestly don't think that that was fair because the six bullies that was coming up to me, all i did was raise it in the air, and i didn't use it on nobody. i want to make that clear. i did not use it on nobody. all i did was raise it up into the air and went back to my class. >> mom, i'm sure people are saying where does it stop? this was a stun gun. they are lucky. everyone in this case is lucky, including your son that no one got hurt, but it could have escalated. someone could have gotten hurt, but where does it end? does it end with a stun gun, a knife, a weapon? where does it end? do you understand that? >> yes, yes, and that's just the -- i think that's why everybody is so interested in my son's story because where does it end? the focus is on the self-protection device that i sent my child to school with, but i think the focus should be on the -- the teachers and the administrators, they are in power positions in our kids' lives, and that's just what they are, they are kids. they are minors, and it's our job to protect our kids. i think that the self-protection device is what's making the news, but the big picture is that my child is not the only one who does not feel safe in our schools. >> coming up, he is known for his punches from his fist and his mouth. boxer floyd mayweather, hear what he has to say about jail, his dad and, oh, yes, the year's biggest fight. >> i think i'm not moving as much. clear, huh? my nutritional standards are high. i'm not juice or fancy water, i'm different. i've got nine grams of protein. twist my lid. that's three times more than me! twenty-one vitamins and minerals and zero fat! hmmm. you'll bring a lot to the party. 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(female announcer) most life insurance companies look at you and just see a policy. at aviva, we do things differently. we're bringing humanity back to life insurance. that's why only aviva rewards you with savings for getting a check-up. it's our wellness for life program, with online access to mayo clinic. see the difference at >> floyd mayweather jr. did just what he told me he was going to do, beating miguel cotto to win the super welterweight belt in vegas. his record is perfect still, but in less than a month he reports to jail for the battery of his ex-girlfriend. now i cornered him on that and talked to him about that and on his often volatile relationship with his father. i watched the hbo special with you and your dad, and you and your dad have this very tense relationship. you enjoy each other, and then all of a sudden the a big fight breaks out, and then you also said you want to repair your relationship with your father. what do you mean by that and how are you doing? >> i wish my dad nothing but the best, you know. no hard feelings. he's like any family, different families go through ups and different families go through downs, but the thing is with me and my father is my father, he sometimes can be stuck in his ways, but there's no hard feelings. >> after this fight you're going >> after this fight you're going to -- and you live in a mansion now, you'll have to spend time in the confines of a small jail cell, is that a distraction for you at all? when you smile when i ask you that question, you smile. you're not worried about that. >> i just like how you said it. it's just how you said it. when that presents itself, i will deal with it, but right now my main focus is going out there and performing and performing well. when my jail sentence, when it's time to deal with that, then i'll deal with it. >> there may be women who might be fans of yours, but then they hear about domestic violence and that sort of thing, and they go oh, that guy. if you're not guilty of it, of hurting your ex-girlfriend, then why take a plea then. >> you just said that you have watched 24/7. i mean, i don't want to drag my children or my family through the mud. you know. i mean, it's just like any situation with o.j. and nicole. you've seen pictures of her battered and a lot of domestic cases, you've seen the woman battered and beat up. you have yet to see pictures of a woman battered or beat up and when it's all said and done only god can judge me. >> you'll be spending time in jail when manny pacquiao is going to be fighting in vegas. did you ever think about that. the irony of that, you haven't fought each other, you'll be in jail and he's going to be fighting and where you are in jail in the same city? >> i wish manny pacquiao nothing but the best. you know, i think he's fighting timothy bradley. i wish him nothing but the best. >> when are you two going to actually fight, because that's the match that everyone wants to see, and they keep saying there's an excuse there, there's an excuse there. when are you two going to get into the ring? >> you know, bob arum, which is manny pacquiao's promoter is in the way. i can't be out here chasing a fighter. the only thing that i ask is if you're the best, take the test, you know. miguel cotto took the test. shane mosley took the test. marquez took the test, ortiz took the test and i took the test just to clean up the sport of boxing. >> if we held this interview on sunday, the day after the fight, what will i be interviewing? will i be interviewing you or will i be interviewing cotto for the win? >> most likely, 100% chance you're going to be interviewing me. >> i guess floyd was right. congratulations to him. the big diesel. superman, tv analyst and now doctor, that's right. shaq. there he is, shaquille o'neal. look at him, former nba star known by many names. he now has a doctorate degree in education from florida's barry university. how cool is that? again, congratulations, shaq. more on the republicans crying foul over president obama's trip to afghanistan. they say the president's timing is suspect and political. decide for yourself next. 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[ flo speaking japanese ] [ shouting in japanese ] we work wherever you work. now, that's progressive. call or click today. you only saw part of it in my "no talking point" segment about a year after president obama death. president obama goes to afghanistan and gets accused of spiking the football. here's my conversation now with cnn contributors will cain and lz granderson. >> let's talk about spiking the football. speaking of spiking the football, president obama said there would be no celebrating the death of osama bin laden but republicans say he's doing just that. i want to you listen to this ad by an outside group. here it is. >> i can report. i directed leon panetta. i was briefed. i met repeatedly. i determined at my direction. i called president zardari. i as commander in chief -- >> okay, will, what's wrong with >> yes, sir. >> -- taking credit? >> well, okay, so specifically how you phrase that, don, what's wrong with taking credit? first of all, he deserves credit, right. he did make a call here that resulted in the death of osama bin laden, which someone i think everyone in the united states celebrates. not everyone, but the majority of people i would guess. so -- but then you're asking me what's wrong with taking it and cloaking yourself in it and using the first person over and over and over. the issue is it becomes unseemly. phil jackson doesn't go to the podium after he wins the nba championship with the lakers and the bulls and say, i did this, i did that. i did this. he realizes there are other players, and that ad you just played, positing him against the military men who actually did it, you know, it becomes unseemly. you want to talk about politicizing things. you have costs to that. it comes off poorly. >> listen, i've got to ask you this, will. what if someone took the same -- a similar ad and took every single time he credited the men and women in uniform and turned that into an ad. isn't this just sort of picking apart the part that you want to make into a political point? i mean, listen, don't get me wrong, whoever would have been democrat, republican or independent, whoever was responsible for killing osama bin laden would be patting themselves on the back. i don't understand, and this is someone who is independent. i don't understand the republican side of this on this particular issue. go ahead, will. >> you don't understand that it's possible that president obama could be taking undue singular credit for this by using first person over it. i recognize -- >> i do understand it. if -- >> and i recognize. >> in a vacuum. hang on. i do understand it in a vacuum if you take that particular ad and you play it over and over and over. everything is about context. if you take the entire context of what the president said, even the night, yes, he did, and i noticed that the night -- i covered it the night when the president made the announcement and he said, wow, very direct, i, i, i. >> right. >> also in that same speech he credited the men and women in uniform and the people also responsible and the former -- the president who came before him, but yet no one is using that in an ad. go ahead. >> let's put it this way then. you know, you're right. it's not as though he denied credit to the men and women in uniform that put this operation together. i'm not suggesting that he did, but you just said the same thing that i'm saying, don. that night you noticed when he's using the first person over and over, and that is what this ad is playing off. when i heard it that night, it did resonate. don't we usually hear people say we, kind of that ubiquitous we. we accomplished something tonight. we made this -- put this mission into place. i'm telling you that by using i and that i, that first person glory has penetrated not just here but in that ad he used against mitt romney where he said this, i did this. mitt romney might not have done this, or wouldn't have done this. you begin to put this image together that you're the one, you're singularly responsible for this. >> i -- i can't -- i can't sit back anymore, will. this is just a bunch of crap, all right. i'm just going to cut right through it, manage. it's a bunch of crap. it's an ad that's put together, strung together him saying the same word over and over again, and as don said earlier, if you were to piece together the many times that he's actually said thank you and given credit to other people including our brave men and women, you can put together the same ad. as a matter of fact, "the daily show," which is a wonderful source of information actually did that. they strung together all the thank yous from osama bin laden, and it was so many thank yous it was actually hilarious. >> my thanks to will and l.z. 400 years ago one of the first colonies in america simply vanished off the face of the earth and now hidden images on a map may finally reveal a secret location. (female announcer) most life insurance companies look at you and just see a policy. at aviva, we do things differently. we're bringing humanity back to life insurance. that's why only aviva rewards you with savings for getting a check-up. it's our wellness for life program, with online access to mayo clinic. see the difference at ♪ uh-oh. it's time right now. that spooky music means "sunday night mysteries" with jacqui jeras. first, a 400-year-old mystery may soon be solved. what are you talking about? what have you got? >> this is the lost colony, and if you're not family with this, this is roanoke island on the outer banks of north carolina and back in the 1500s they were trying to make the first english colony permanent here and these people after a while, they came back to check on them and they fell off the face of the earth. now new clues on an old map which could lead to -- help us find out what actually happened to them. this is really cool. so there's the image that they're talking b this map literally has been in existence since that expedition began in the late 1500s. it's something like out of that movie -- don, did you ever see that movie "national treasure" with nicolas cage where they had the declaration of independence and invisible ink and all that. >> yes, yes. >> there's patches on the map and underneath those patches, which weren't unusual to have at the time because they would make changes as they learned more about navigation, they used bright light and found there was invisible ink and that is the symbol for a fort so that's across the sound on the other side in bod ich ochlbodie, south carolina, the home now of a golf course so they think maybe they tried to move there. a lot of theories as to what happened. were they starved to death, diseased? who knows. maybe this will lead to answers. >> a golf course. amazing, or a parking lot. figures. next story i want to get to this one quickly. saturn's rings. something is messing the rings up or one of them. >> yeah, yeah, take a look at these images. they're really cool. this is the outer ring or "f" ring and there's half a mile white object that's tearing into the outer rings and nasa is trying to find out what's been causing this. they went back through old images and found like at least 500 different cases of when this happened, so within this ring there are two moons, okay, and they have known that those moons have been out there this whole time, but as the moons move through that area, they create these big snowballs, and they think those snowballs are what's moving through that layer of ice and gas and dust and all that stuff creating these long debris trails or these mini jets as they call them. they can get up to like 100 miles long. interesting. >> photographs are beautiful. i'd love to have those on my wall at home. all right. last one, speaking of space, i guess aircraft, yeah, spacecraft, with the aircraft of the future will look like. whose idea was this? >> airplanes of the future from nasa. this is from nasa actually and nasa basically asked america's best aerospace engineers to come up with an idea, because airline travel is so expensive and not necessarily clean. they wanted fuel efficient and they wanted cleaner, quieter airplanes, and these are designs. >> hot. that people actually came up with. >> hot, hot, that's hot. >> so cool. >> i want one. >> picked the top three. this is called the box wing jet by lockheed martin, designed with the wings in the loop configuration because it increases lift. this next one, get the name of this one. supersonic green machine. do you love it? it's kind of like the old concorde. it reduces pollution by 75% and that v-tail because it goes mach 1.6, it

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Homicide , Body , Hispanic Man , Famous Racetrack , Louisville , Kentucky Derby , Churchill Dours , Detectives Won T , George Lindsey , Autopsy , The Andy Griffith Show , Cause , Mayberry Rfd , Shows , Mash , Gunsmoke , Appearances , Hee Haw , Goober , 1946 , Subject , It S Time , Isn T , Everywhere , Politicizing , Football , Weapon , Segment , End Zone Dance , Help , Obvious , Killing , Time , Gloating , Arms , Peak , Wah , Jon , Aircraft Carrier , Whining , Sign , Helmet , Flight Suit , Didn T Catch , Men And Women In Uniform , Enough , Backdrop , Instance , Truth Hurts , Mission Accomplished , Talking Point , Critics , The , Democrats , Commander In Chief , Breaking News , Anniversary , Prerogative , Guard , Surprise Trip , Wasn T , Least , Bin Laden Anniversary , 364 , Victory , Politics , Loosest Attachment , Network , Reality , Matters , Adults , Shep , Standards , 25th Place , Wou , 25 , Class , Lettuce Shower , Head , Kiwi , King Crab , Rhubarb Pie , Gift Horse , Soy Milk , Impulse Buy , Essentialstm No Calorie , Cheese , Sweetener , Bees , Splenda , Toucan Sam , To Sweeten , B Vitamins , Taste , Homeowners Insurance Doesn T , Water , Flood Insurance , Floods , Heart Rate Increases , Heart Rate , Number , Risk Policy , Agent , 129 , 29 , Dynasty Young , Schools , Bullying , Screen , Epidemic , Indianapolis , Stun Gun , Self Protection Device , Mom , Incident , School Policy , Students , Interview , Apparel , Principal , High School , The Indianapolis Star , Thing , Shalisse Grimes , Extreme , Parent , Violence , Child , Dynasty , Safe , School , Wasn T Safe , Hair , Bullies , Clear , Son , Knife , Yes , Focus , My Son , Administrators , Power Positions , Teachers , Job , Minors , The Big Picture , Coming Up , Floyd Mayweather Jr , Fight , Punches , Mouth , Fist , Boxer , Huh , Times , Vitamins , Minerals , Fat , Party , Protein , Lid , Nine Grams Protein , Nine , Twenty One , Zero , Credit Cards , Battle Speech Right , Peach , Blueberry , Pomegranate , Charge , Nutrition , Horse Neighs , Venture Card , Miles , Purchase , Earning Double , Capital One , At Capitalone Com , Visigoths Cheer , Hawaii , Alec , Life Insurance Companies , Wallet , Runway , Brays , Games , Life Insurance , Life Program , Aviva , Check Up , Wellness , Humanity , Difference , Access , Avivausa Com , Mayo Clinic , Miguel Cotto , Father , Relationship , Ex Girlfriend , Record , Battery , Still , Special , Vegas , Super Welterweight Belt , Hbo , Each Other , Big Fight Breaks Out , Of A Sudden , Best , Feelings , Ups , Downs , Confines , Jail Cell , Mansion , Jail Sentence , Domestic Violence , Sort , Fans , Yours , Children , Plea , Mud , 24 7 , Nicole , Cases , Pictures , Situation , O J , Manny Pacquiao , Fighting In Vegas , God , Irony , Fighting , Timothy Bradley , Match , You Haven T , City , Excuse , Test , Ring , Fighter , Promoter , Ortiz , Shane Mosley , Marquez , Bob Arum , Cotto , Chance , Sport , Boxing , Win , 100 , Shaq , Tv Analyst , Star , Doctor , Nba , Big Diesel , Names , Education , Trip , Doctorate Degree , Barry University , Florida S , Car , Timing , Legacy , Love , Color , Subaru Impreza , Contributors , Will Cain , Lz Granderson , Sad , Group , Let , Leon Panetta , Will , Direction , President Zardari , Credit , Majority , Sir , Call , Phil Jackson , Cloaking , Championship , Podium , Lakers , Doesn T Go , Positing , Bulls , Him , Players , Same , Back , Patting , Don T Get Me Wrong , Singular , Context , Vacuum , Announcement , Former , Speech , Operation , Dover , We , Playing Off , , Wouldn , Glory , Mission , Bunch , Image , Scrap , You Re The One , Sit , The Daily Show , Face , Thank Yous , Colonies , Source , Information , 400 , Map , Images , Location , Earth , Mystery , Music , Sunday Night Mysteries , Uh Oh , Jacqui Jeras , Roanoke Island , Outer Banks , Colony Permanent , 1500 , Clues , Expedition , Tb , Existence , Movie , Patches , Sink , Declaration Of Independence , National Treasure , Nicolas Cage , Weren T , Symbol , Sound , Navigation , Fort , Changes , Bod Ich Ochlbodie , Golf Course , Parking Lot , Home , Answers , Theories , Diseased , South Carolina , Object , Rings , Look , Figures , F , Saturn S Rings , Moons , Nasa , Snowballs , Area , 500 , Debris Trails , Gas , Dust , Jets , Ice , Player , Photographs , Aircraft , Airplanes , Space , Spacecraft , My Wall At Home , Designs , Cleaner , Aerospace Engineers , America S Best , Airline Travel , Lockheed Martin , Name , Configuration , Wings , Loop , Green Machine , Box Wing Jet , Inspiring , Chris Self , Example , Wit S End , Inspiring Keeping America Great , Camera Three , School Wouldn T Listen , V Tail , Pollution , Concorde , 75 ,

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