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increased numbers at our southern border. they sent a team down this week to ask about whether or not there were enough teachers there or what the accommodations were for kids? how about the team ask what are we doing to stop it and turn these migrants back and tell them this isn't the way to come to america? >> dana: i really think we need to focus on the humanitarian condition. is it more humane to say do not come. let us get our systems in place but do not come right now. you will be turned away. don't take the journey. don't undertake it. try to deal with your situation better at home rather than forcing them out on the trail. >> bill: a lot of policies in the trump years have been turned around in 60 days. surprisingly the white house sent the senior team down to the border over the weekend. spent a few days there and we're told through the white house just yesterday that they hope to meet with president biden sometime this week. that was the phrase that was used yesterday. if you have an issue like this, why are you waiting throughout the week? wouldn't you come home immediately and set the briefing before the president so he can then make the best decision? >> dana: if the president sends a team you would think so. you might want to call the chief of staff, ron klain. >> bill: we begin at the white house. kristin fiesher is live on the north lawn. let's begin. >> we're starting to hear a shift in tone from top biden administration officials as they begin to come to grips with what is happening at the border. remember last week the department of homeland security secretary describes what's happening as a challenge. not a crisis. well, now according to an internal email that secretary mayorkas sent out he is calling it overwhelming numbers of migrants seeking access to this country along the southwest border and the secretary has activated the volunteer force to support customs and border protection. then there is white house press secretary jen psaki. this morning she acknowledged that what is happening at the border is putting the biden administration in a very difficult position. >> now we're in this tough spot where we need to be able to find facilities, shelters where these kids can have access to educational resources, to lawyers, to doctors. and we are also in a circumstance where we're dealing with covid. we're trying to chart the best path forward. no question this is a heartbreaking circumstance at the border. >> here is what a heartbreaking circumstance looks like. numbers according to federal immigration documents obtained by "new york times" and confirmed by fox. 3,250 migrant children are in custody along the border. a number that tripled in 14 days. more than 1,360 of them have been held in jail-like facilities for longer than the three days that are allowed by law. this is the same kind of situation that the trump administration was so heavily criticized for. now the biden administration so far is not allowing reporters in to see these facilities and the kinds of conditions the children are kept in. the big difference between now and then is the biden administration is not separating families at the border and also not turning these unaccompanied minors and sending them back. that is exactly -- those policies are what is contributing to what is happening there right now. >> bill: issues galor. one border town. 25% of migrants dropped off at a shelter tested positive for covid. the director says it was just in the first group dropped off. the actual number may go higher happening in harlingen, texas. the mayor, chris boswell. white house doesn't say it's a crisis. they're asking for volunteers to help. if it's not a crisis, why do you need volunteers and how would you characterize it, mayor? >> good morning, thank you for having me on. certainly can turn into a humanitarian crisis. we've seen this before a few years ago. when the unaccompanied minors in particular come to our communities, they don't have anyplace to go. although we have shelters that have been operating in our communities, including harlingen for a number of years. traditional shelters operate well and safely for the unaccompanied minors. when there is such an influx it can be a dangerous situation. >> dana: what's the impact on your town? i think local government is the actually the hardest government where you actually have to do things for people. what's the impact for you? >> well, these are decisions made by the federal government and should be handled by the federal government but they turn into problems for local governments because about three weeks ago the border patrol told us in mcallen, brownsville and harlingen they would be releasing primarily families into our communities. they come here not -- this is not the endpoint. this is not their final destination. they're being released into brownsville, mcallen and harlingen because we have airports and bus stations and charity facilities. and so when those charity facilities can't accommodate them, then we have to provide additional accommodations for them. so we have -- our city council has opened up one of our facilities, community center, in case our local charity loaves and fishes needs that additional space. so that becomes a burden and an expense on the local governments. our local governments really need to have help from the federal government to respond to the release of these immigrants into our communities. >> bill: it is march 9th. did you see this coming? >> well, obviously with the election there were the idea that there would be a change in policy. we knew there would be a change in policy. we also knew there were large numbers of immigrants camped in mexico waiting to be -- to enter the united states to seek asylum. so once the policy changed, then sure, they are going to move across and then try to find their final destinations. one of the things about -- this is not just a border issue. this is an issue for everyone because these folks as i said, this is not their final destination along the border. >> bill: one more precise question. jen psaki said we're here in this circumstance because we're humane. was the last administration inhumane? >> well, many of us believe that it is not humane to have young children travel from central america to the border and that is not -- that is fraught with potential problems of trafficking and difficulties in traveling so far for such a long period of time. and i think there has been in the past bipartisan concerns about that being a humanitarian problem. >> dana: mr. mayor, thank you so much for being with us today and good luck down there on the border. >> bill: thank you, sir. >> dana: today we're learning more about another controversial action by new york governor cuomo. he also ordered homes for the developmentally disabled to take in covid patients last april and never reversed the directive. bryan llenas, what else can you tell us? >> good morning. around the same time cuomo's administration ordered nursing homes to readmit covid-19 hospital patients, the administration also ordered that homes for people with developmental disabilities also accept these covid patients. like you said, that order was never rescinded. ultimately 552 people with developmental disabilities have died of coronavirus in these homes. new york state republicans like senator want answers. i'm deeply concerned the april 10 order from the office for people with development disabilities needlessly put some of our most vulnerable citizens in harm's way. amid these compounding scandals yesterday new york state republicans introduced a resolution to impeach governor cuomo. >> the real problem now is the governor has lost so much credibility and trust we don't feel he can go forward and govern. >> meantime crown publishing has stopped promoting and producing governor ko*em's book, leadership lease -- lessons from the pandemic and whether the cuomo administration covered up the number of nursing home deaths. they've paused active support of american crisis and have no plans to reprint or reissue in paper back. timing is everything. "the new york times" reports that in june cuomo's top aides rewrote a public covid-19 nursing home report to hide the true death toll. the administration reported at the time it was 6500. in reality, there were more than 9,000 deaths. days later cuomo announced he was writing a book about his stellar response to covid-19 and dana, attorney general leticia james announced yesterday among the two people leading the independent investigation into sexual harassment allegations is former acting manhattan u.s. attorney kim. kim prosecuted anthony wiener and put behind bars cuomo's right-hand man for stealing. >> dana: i remember that. thank you so much. back to the publisher of andrew cuomo's memoir sales are declining and no plans to print a book or release a paper back version. howie kurtz is here. there was a reference last week that said as andrew cuomo was thinking about doing this book and reaching out to figure out how he could get paid and the ethical rules around that, it was around the time the numbers with the nursing homes were being covered up. >> yeah, how times have changed. this is a hard-nosed business decision by crown publishing. nobody is buying the book. it is not an example of cancel culture. the premise of this book is andrew cuomo did a fabulous job battling the pandemic and it has been obliterated, the cover-up of the magnitude of nursing home deaths in new york state. i don't buy this line from the publisher about waiting for the allegations. we heard bryan talk about calls for impeachment and resignation. bottom line, it's a p.r. nightmare for the publisher walking away from andrew cuomo. >> bill: what about an order from april 10 that is still in effect for homes with people with developmental disabilities to accept covid patients. that's the same order given to nursing homes, howie. >> it breaks your heart and makes you think that if it had been handled differently a lot of elderly people would still be alive and it is hard to grapple with. how do you put out a paper back in this situation? you can't put him on the morning shows, or radio or tv and the questions would be what about the new revelations, will you resign? >> bill: 552 residents at homes with people with developmental disabilities have died in new york. >> dana: talk about the vulnerable. i want to ask you down in d.c. is the press corps getting frustrated they haven't had a press conference with president biden? 48 days and counting. here is what jen psaki said about that. >> we're standing here with me today he would say he works for the american people. i work for him. so i also work for the american people. but his objective and his commitment is to bring transparency and truth back to government. to share the truth even when it is hard to hear. >> dana: first day of the administration. reporters like access to the president. they don't feel like they're getting it >> biden was never going to be donald trump who spoke to reporters multiple times a day. the press corps is getting frustrated by biden's practice of not only holding news conference but take a couple of questions two or three times a week. he will give a major speech later this week about the passage of the $2 trillion covid aid bill. any president who had such an accomplishment in the middle of a pandemic would be political malpractice not to do that. by not taking question he gets to keeps the focus on the issues he wants or not take questions about the growing problem at the border. it's part of the job. you don't just get to talk to friendly chat with anderson cooper and people magazine. the press should be questioning him aggressively and that's accountability. not because we love talking to presidents. it is part of our job to ask the questions the public wants answered. >> bill: day 48, howie and it rolls on. back with the woman who worked in that room. today is day 48, by the way. on thursday when he gives his national address however it happens whether late in the afternoon or prime time. >> dana: prime time. my prime time is earlier these days. >> bill: we don't know if he will take questions or not. that will be day 50 on thursday. you may get past this mark when you get 50 days in and don't have major press conference. >> dana: he will want to give a speech on thursday that's pure speech. it is the one year anniversary of the national emergency declared for covid. i don't think he will take any big questions until he finishes -- until he has that signing ceremony for the american. >> bill: signing ceremony may not come until early next week depending what happens. cdc releasing new guidelines for family members hoping to reunite after getting vaccinated and where the nation stands on getting americans the jab. the numbers are awesome, by the way. really good. >> dana: and the left is taking aim at america's guns. is this about safety or stifling the second amendment? house could vote any time on the president's covid relief bill. >> bill: mary anne marsh and terry hall will take it on. what's in the bill? $2 trillion. there is a lot coming up. >> as bernie sanders said it, this is the most progressive piece of legislation to pass the senate since he has been a senator. that says a lot when you make bernie sanders blush over progressive policies. retirement is an opportunity to fill each tomorrow with moments that matter. and a steady stream of protected income can help you secure the life you've planned. for more than 150 years, generations have trusted the strength and stability of pacific life with their tomorrows. because life isn't about what tomorrow brings. it's what you do with it. ask a financial professional about pacific life keeping your oysters business growing it's has you swamped. it. you need to hire. i need indeed indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base claim your seventy-five-dollar credit when you post your first job at if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has plans built just for you. get 2 unlimited lines for only $70. and now get netflix on us with your plan. and this rate is fixed, you'll pay exactly $70 total. this month and every month. plus, switch today and get a free smartphone for each line. the best value and award-winning customer service. only at t-mobile. four, five, turn, kick. we got chased by these wild coyotes! they were following her because she had beef jerky in her pocket. 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>> dana: singing a song. pictures. >> bill: nursing centers getting so many vaccinated, this is great news. >> dana: a big moment. >> bill: some states are going to 60 plus. it was 80 plus, 70 plus and 60 plus. really good stuff. >> dana: check this out. >> the president is taking nothing for granted. i will note that the plan that the senate passed this weekend puts us one huge step closer to passing one of the most consequential and most progressive pieces of legislation in american history. >> dana: jen psaki praising the relief bill as house is set to vote as early as today on the package. what will the bill do for americans struggling in the pandemic? mary anne marsh senior advisor to john kerry and terry holt join me to discuss. let me show you some of the things in the bill. a list here. $350 billion state and local governments. expansion of obamacare subsidies. $270 million for arts and humanities. student loan outreach 91 million. environmental justice grants and preservation of native american languages which might be definitely you could argue on the merits but is it covid relief? >> most of us didn't get a chance to decide whether or not we wanted this or whether or not our representatives could in a cohesive way decide what was covid and what was just a grab for more federal dollars. look, dana, elections have consequences. the democrats won the election. they control both houses of congress. they were set up already to be able to get some money for further covid relief. there has been a contraction in the economy. but when does relief stretch into welfare? now we have to concern ourselves with what we're doing to this economy. long term the people that are on this relief are going to need jobs. >> bill: good question, mary anne. joe manchin with chris wallace sunday morning said it is a good bill. well, it's a good bill for what and whom? the list of what is in it that has no relationship to covid is extensive and terry and others would argue that's 90% of the $2 trillion. >> it's a great bill for the american people and why the american people by 76% of voters support it. 60% of republicans support it. eye ronically the direct payments to individuals, unemployment, payments to state and local governments and schools were all in the bill last year, all the republicans voted for it last year. >> free money is always popular. >> this is exactly what the american people and the american economy need right now. >> dana: terry, i want to ask you something. jen psaki is deliberate in using the a jekttive progressive. the most progressive legislation ever passed and joe biden working his way through the general election he got a question how he was being pulled so far to the left and he said let me remind everybody i beat them. but yet this from the white house press secretary saying this is the most progressive piece of legislation in american history. there might be some quibbles from the lyndon johnson administration but what do you make of the use of the language and what does it say about politics? >> it means there were only so many bones you can throw to the progressives and this was one big opportunity to check several boxes for the special interests that align with this biden administration and the democratic party. they got a little bit of what they wanted and i think that they should be happy. jen is acknowledging that and saying look, progressives, we helped you out. there may not be another immediate opportunity to do that. so we'll see how it goes. but what we've got here is just another partisan outcome. i would say to mary anne free money is always popular but it is not necessarily the best policy. >> bill: we'll see when they dive into it. his accusation of greater welfare, mary anne, address that. 50% of all children are lifted out of poverty. that will change not only those kids' lives but our country. every american is going to benefit from this package. we'll wrestle the pandemic into the ground. >> wouldn't you rather have those parents have jobs? >> the fact is we need this now when we have the worst economic and medical crisis this country has ever faced simultaneously that was dwarfed with $2 trillion a couple years ago that benefited nobody except the wealthiest for tax cuts. >> dana: thanks. >> bill: 27 past. l.a. schools don't have a reopening date. teachers are being warned not to post spring vacation pictures because it could hurt their cause to stay remote. what message does that send? resources sent to the breaking point. more migrants at the southern border. new reaction from arkansas governor asa hutchinson on that when he joins us live coming up next. >> my own district they look at reopening a child detention center in homestead, florida. so why would they be doing that if there isn't a surge? if you're taking cosentyx and your insurance or coverage changes or you need help paying cosentyx connect is here to help. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen or if you've had a vaccine, or plan to. serious allergic reactions may occur. call us or visit us online. we're here for you. ♪ ♪ the chevy silverado trail boss. call us or visit us online. when you have a two-inch lift. when you have goodyear duratrac tires. when you have rancho shocks and an integrated dual exhaust. when you have all that, the last thing you'll need... is a road. the chevy silverado trail boss. ready to off-road, right from the factory. three thousand dollars. three thousand dollars!! that's how much veteran homeowners can save every year by using their va benefits to refinance at newday. record low rates are at all time lows. with the va streamline refi there's no appraisal, no income verification, and no money out of pocket. one call can save you $3000 a year. if these beautiful idaho potato recipes are just side dishes, then i'm not a real idaho potato farmer. genuine idaho potatoes not just a side dish anymore. always look for the grown in idaho seal. ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. whoo-hoo! great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health. >> bill: 9:33. more reaction now on the situation at the border. griff jenkins went inside a migrant shelter in mexico. he is live outside that shelter. what has happened since yesterday? good morning. >> good morning, bill. we're outside of one of many shelters holding migrants. the director inside telling me last week he had 50, now he has more than 250. this is run by the diocese of the city. they have clothes on a rack for migrants that will be coming today and we did get to go inside. now, the shelter is locked. security and privacy of the migrants, many of them families, the director let us in yesterday to see the packed situation they're in. he says covid is at a minimum. they're tested by ngos. he says that he believes the surge has come because of the new administration. listen. [speaking spanish] >> they are hopeful and waiting for president biden to give a statement or a way to help them. >> now this as fox news confirms a number of unaccompanied minors in custody right now with u.s. officials has tripled what it was two weeks ago to more than 3,250. of which, bill, 1,360 have been held longer than 72 hours, which is permitted by law. remember, border patrol turns children over to hhs in custody. if you break it down by sector you can see here the del rio, texas sector hit hard up 122% and up 350% in single adults. the mayor of del rio had this to say. watch. >> mayors across the border are facing a rock and a hard place. we want to try to find some kind of balance with these individuals who become homeless once released into our communities. we also have a responsibility for our constituents and tax paying citizens in our communities. >> del rio is not the only sector getting hit hard. so is the rio grande valley where i am across from and texas governor greg abbott headed to mission, texas, a little later today. interesting to see what he has to say. >> bill: sure will. come on back when there is more. griff jenkins in mexico. >> dana: rolling back trump immigration policies critics say the biden administration is putting out a welcome mat for migrants. without debate president biden has decided on complete open borders. joining us now is arkansas governor asa hutchinson. your take on this issue. obviously you watched it over the years. do you feel like it is different this time or more of the same? >> well, it's a change in course and as you know, i served in the bush administration as head of border security so i've been in the border many, many times. and i understand the challenges there. but this is a humanitarian crisis that has been created by a change in policy by this administration. they need to think long and hard about what they've done and they need to do something very quickly to change course because right now it is a humanitarian crisis but it is only going to get worse with the unaccompanied minors. it is simply because the signal was sent that this is a good time. that we have an open border. that you can come and you'll be released into the united states of america and that impacts us all across this country. we're a compassionate nation and that is reflected by the mayors and their comments along the border. everybody cares about these children. >> dana: i think they've been very measured. you've seen them on this channel trying to do the right thing. local government is difficult to do. i want to ask you this, though. so this past weekend president biden sent dhs secretary and other officials to the border and apparently they've returned and they said they would hope to be able to see the president sometime this week. if you were sent to the border wouldn't you expect that that was warranted pretty quick meeting? >> it needs to be today. this is an urgent matter. it is very similar to the urgency of the pandemic. and this has to have the president's attention as well as his key advisors to look for solutions. the solution comes from sending the signal that don't come, you are going to be repate reiateed back to your country. >> dana: you have joined 11 other states to sue the biden administration on climate change. let's see, missouri, arkansas, arizona, indiana, kansas, montana, tennessee, utah joining. what is your concern and what are the grounds of your lawsuit? >> well, the missouri attorney general has the lead in this. arkansas has joined in the litigation. and the issue is such a massive expansion of federal regulatory authority when the president by executive order directs all his agencies to accumulate the social costs of carbon. and greenhouse gases. and they are designing this to increase the cost enormously that will impact every regulation that comes out of washington it is going to really jeopardize the partnership that we've had so well between the federal government and the states where the states have such a key role in carrying out environmental policy. but this is going to have the shift. it will be a power grab from washington to do more of the environmental controls based upon accelerated social costs. give you -- >> dana: do you think with the new makeup of the supreme court with a more conservative majority that you will have a better chance of seeing this all the way through? >> well, hope so. you know, this is -- executive orders are issued but this president has utilized them probably to a greater extent on the surface of it it looks okay telling his agencies to accumulate these costs. but it is the delegation of authority and the assumption of authority by the executive branch that should be a concern and a constitutional issue that should be examined. hopefully we'll get a good reception in the federal courts. >> dana: governor hutchinson, great to see you. thank you. >> thank you. >> bill: from the hill the house is set to take up gun legislation this week. one of the bills would require a background check for every firearm sale. advocates say it could help prevent mass shootings. republicans call it an assault on the second amendment. jackie heinrich will run it down for us. >> good morning. advocates say it could help prevent mass shootings by eliminating a loophole that circumvents a background check process but critics say it could turn ordinary americans into criminals who are otherwise law abiding citizens. under federal law licensed dealers are required to run background checks on all gun sales but not private transactions. this bill would change that meaning that if two people wanted to do a sale they would have to go to a gun dealer, manufacturer or importer to conduct a background check. it doesn't apply to certain transfers like a gift between spouses or a loan between two buddies to go hunting. the second bill who strengthen the procedures. critics say loose language could allow the government to delay a background check's results stripping americans of their second amendment rights. >> there is a real possibility some americans could wind up in an endless cycle of application, background checks, appeal, and then just repeat it all again. perhaps this is what the authors of 14.46 intended. >> the loopholes allow weapons into the hands of people who otherwise wouldn't legally be entitled to them. >> there is no reason to continue to make it easy for people who are -- make it easy for people legally prohibited from possessing firearms to acquire them anyway by circumventing the nra process. >> they say gun owners carry out this act they would be exposing themselves to penalties under the proposed law. the house will be taking up this bill sometime this coming week, bill. >> bill: jackie heinrich on the hill. >> dana: with new investigation underway into andrew cuomo's conduct in office we'll tell you how the publisher of his book on leadership is handling the allegations. as violent protests rage in portland, oregon, one man is blaming that on his nephew's death. we'll talk to him next. bipolar depression. it's a dark, lonely place. this is art inspired by real stories of people living with bipolar depression. emptiness. a hopeless struggle. the lows of bipolar depression can disrupt your life and be hard to manage. latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms, and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. now i'm feeling connected. empowered. latuda is not for everyone. call your doctor about unusual mood changes, behaviors or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. elderly dementia patients on latuda have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles, and confusion, as these may be life-threatening, or uncontrollable muscle movements as these may be 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temperatures. >> dana: you're ready for that. >> bill: big time. related story now. city of portland dialing with a surge in gun violence. one man blasting the city's decision to defund the portland police department saying that move cost his nephew his life. elmer yarborough is with me now. i'm sorry for your loss and your family's loss. tell me about tyrel. >> a young man lived in sacramento, california with my sister. they moved 20 plus years ago from portland because she was concerned that raising her sons in portland would be detrimental to their lives because she wanted them to have a safe life and not be raised around gang violence. >> bill: there is a unit in portland, a specialized unit that focuses on gun violence and that program was cut. tyrel was out with another one of your nephews. they were leaving a bar in daylight. what happened to him? >> a man came out of the bar and shot both of them point blank range. my one nephew was actually paralyzed. he only has a 5% chance of ever walking again. and my nephew tyrel died on the scene. >> bill: we have followed the violence in portland for more than a year now. why cut this program, elmer? >> i think it was politically expedient at the time. i believe that the gun violence reduction team in portland that was cut had a detrimental impact on what we see now in portland. this time last year we had probably 3 to 4 homicides. this year so far we are at 19. last year between january and may of last year there were five homicides. as soon as they took the team away, it shot up to 55 in six months following. >> bill: we have numbers we would like to share with our audience. in 2020, 50 shootings in portland as of january. 2021 it's up 106%. >> that's correct, it is up. 206 shootings. >> bill: do you think tyrel would be here today if they did not cut that program? >> somebody's child would be here, i believe. if not my nephew someone's child would be here. to go from 5 in the first six months of the year and then skyrocket after the gun violence reduction team is removed from the portland police to 55, i believe he could have been saved and i believe others could have as well. >> bill: what is your message to the mayor? i can feel it. >> the mayor, commissioner, city council, bring it back. bring back the gun violence reduction team. they save lives. >> bill: thanks for your message. good luck to you. in memory of tyrel as well, thank you, elmer yarborough in portland, oregon. >> dana: a strong connection between an uncle and nephew. senator dick durbin is accusing ted cruz of rielg people up about misinformation about stimulus checks going to illegal immigrants. new fallout from harry and meghan's bombshell interview. how prince charles reacted next. check out this lineup in the next hour. look at that crew, bill. >> bill: here we go. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ excuse me ma'am, did you know that liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? thank you! hey, hey, no, no, limu, no limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ t-mobile is the leader in 5g. we also believe in putting people first by treating them right. so we're upping the benefits without upping the price. introducing magenta max. now with unlimited premium data that can't slow down based on how much smartphone data you use. plus get netflix on us, and taxes and fees included! you won't find this with the other guys. in fact, you'll pay more and get less. right now, pay zero costs to switch! and bring your phone -- we'll pay it off! only at t-mobile. it's a new day for veteran homeowners. home mortgage rates are at record lows. which is great news for veterans with va loans. that's me. now's the time to use your va streamline refi benefit you earned with your service one call to newday usa can save you $3,000 a year. that's me. with no income verification and no appraisal va streamline refi from newday usa >> bill: opening day for baseball on the way. cubs and white sox join 14 other teams which will allow fans in the ballpark. first pitches get thrown out next month marking another milestone as the country gets ready to reopen. reds opening day april 1. >> dana: colorado rockies are on the board. question for you. do you think president biden throws out the first pitch? >> he should. >> dana: he should. they all should. >> bill: he should also leave the white house. >> dana: where do you want him to go? >> bill: he is making certain trips away in the d.c. area. >> dana: you are waiting for the press conference. >> bill: how about a border trip? >> dana: that will happen after the bill signing. meghan and harry's interview with oprah aired in great britain last night. so far buckingham palace has been silent. what are you hearing? >> it is getting mixed reviews, that interview. people watching it aired here last night. one of the biggest pollsters in the country just did a poll where they found 36% of brits said they sympathized more with the queen and royal family. 22% said they sympathized more with harry and meghan who i should point out released this photo with their son, archie. a little less mixed when you look at the specific age groups. that's interesting. only 9% of the people that were polled over 65 sided with the couple while close to half, 48% of 18 to 24-year-olds sided with meghan and harry. they get more sympathy from younger people and very little sympathy from older people. another thing i would say. if you think about it, 36 for the royals versus 22 for meghan and harry adds up to 58%. remaining 42 said they sympathize with neither or don't care. that is one thing doesn't really change when you look at the various age groups. 20 to 25% of the brits either don't care or don't care enough to -- >> dana: is that number growing in terms of the people who don't care? >> you know, i think that's pretty stable actually. brits always -- i'm an american living in london. many of them that 20, 25% the same group are bewildered that we americans are so interested in the royal family. >> dana: bill, when i lived in england with peter for a year i read every newspaper. i read the telegraph, the times, tabloids. he would say why do you care? you fought a war not to care. >> bill: meghan has that problem with her dad. i didn't realize she hasn't seen her sister in 13 years. harry says his father won't talk to him anymore. >> dana: do you feel a little uncomfortable watching this family fight? >> bill: i would say it's strained at a minimum. all right. roll on next hour right now. >> dana: crisis at the southern border intensifying as the surge of migrants crossing into the u.s. keeps growing with no end in sight. the number of unaccompanied children pouring into the children set to break an all-time record by 45%. customs and board -- i'm dana perino. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. big announcement at the end of the hour. crisis putting biden's immigration agenda to the -- the president's roll back of trump era policies effects to an open border. you can't debate that when you see the flood that's coming. >> dana: did you see the former obama homeland security secretary and what he said? take a look at this, guys. >> my staff will tell you. if it was under 1,000 apprehensions a day before it was a good number. if it was above 1,000 it was a relatively bad number and i would be in a bad mood the whole day. >> dana: wonder if secretary mayorkas is in a bad mood. >> bill: march of 2019, two years ago. today the number migrant children held in border facilities, 3,250. that's the children. he just said we considered more than 1,000 a day to be a bad number. i was going to be in a bad mood the whole day. >> dana: now it's three times that. >> bill: there is a message from the white house, jen psaki has that. watch. >> i would say it's clear we need to work more on getting the message out and being very clear now is not the time to come. there is the majority of people who come to the border are turned away. >> dana: jen psaki addressing the escalating crisis along the southern border as they're surpassing the number of detentions last year after the trump administrations dramatically decreased illegal immigration in its final year. mark morgan. i'm reminded there were times when at a white house you want to talk about your education proposal but something else keeps getting in the way. i sense a little frustration from the white house that they keep being asked about immigration when they would much rather talk about covid. >> dana, this is what they get. i think the president trump said it best during the cpac speech. this is a self-inflicted wound they brought on themselves. the numbers, february numbers. we'll look at over 100,000 individuals that illegally entered in the month of february. and the former secretary jay johnson when he was referring to 1,000, he was talking to about 1 thousand apprehensions per day. trust me if we had over 1,000 apprehensions in a single day was a bad day. we are looking now getting close to 5,000 apprehensions a day and still refuse to say it's a crisis. since january dana they've released over 11,000 illegal aliens at bus stations and shelters locally and they're busing them further into the united states and refuse to say it's a crisis. >> bill: did you see "the new york times." they called these facilities jail-like facilities, did you catch that? and did you think about the distinction with all the heat that came on the trump team for the cages comments? >> yeah, bill. the hypocrisy. level after level of hypocrisy. under trump these same facilities, i was there, the same facilities were inhumane and immoral. now facilities are being built by the same vendors are somehow essential and humane. hypocrisy. what's more important is how they are using the facilities. he dismantled every effective tool and replaced it with nothing. now what they are doing on the borders, these facilities are using them as reception centers. the mandate has been to release and process them as fast as possible. on the back end preventing ice from deporting them. reception centers on the front end, sanctuary country on the back end. that's where we're at right now. >> dana: what do you hear from the people that worked under you trying to process? i'm trying to get my head around how do you deal with 5,000 apprehensions a day physically? >> it's tough. look, i think we're one of the most powerful nations in the world and we cannot deal with 100,000 illegal immigrants entering our border every month. 5,000 a day. right now at one point in 2020 we had less than 500 people in our custody because of the trump policy. right now dana they have over 6,000 in custody in the middle of a global pandemic. like you said, half of those, over 3,000 are unaccompanied kids because the system is already overwhelmed. hhs doesn't have the facilities. we have oh he been here before and experienced this in 2019. we told the biden administration if they did what they're doing this is what would happen. they ignored us. this is what they wanted to do. >> bill: we need to work more getting the message out now is not the time to come. how do you lessen the flow now, sir? >> you don't. their message -- biden administration has been crystal clear. their message is our borders are open and come on in. when you do we'll release you into the united states and then not deport you lawfully so you can remain here illegally forever. to tell the smugglers and cartels and migrants themselves pretty please don't comet is a joke, bill, absurd. >> bill: we'll be in touch later in the week. thanks for your time. >> it is not a covid relief package. it is more of a progressives payment plan because it pays everybody. it pays cities, it pays states, it pays prisoners. if you don't need help you shouldn't get it. and why is the taxpayer or why are all taxpayers funding and subsidizing blue states that have surpluses? >> bill: senator tim scott with trey gowdy pointing out the partisan nature of the covid relief plan. there is a lot in there. inside the bill you have -- here is what doesn't go toward covid. $350 billion for state and local governments. $34 billion for expansion of obamacare subsidies. 270 million for the arts and humanities and that's what we can fit on that screen. senator joni ernst is with us now. she has been a critic. why don't you go ahead and pick one? what should not be in there? >> for heaven sakes, there was 91% of that bill that did not go to supporting covid-related recovery. 91% of the bill shouldn't have passed. we really need targeted relief that is not what we saw in this $1.9 trillion package. iowans are in particular upset about the fact that they will be bailing out blue states that don't manage their budgets, that have excessive pensions and my taxpayers who manage their finances quite well will be the ones bailing out these poor blue states. >> dana: senator ernst, you come from a state that has a lot of farmers and ranchers, people who work the land. how do they feel about the provisions that were put in the bill that are quite exclusive to some? >> they are very upset about that. there are a number of programs that will target certain populations and yet our poor iowa farmers won't be able to apply if they are in a certain demographic. and so that is very unfortunate that we have singled out certain farmers and certain areas and not supported all farmers. >> bill: lindsey graham said if you are in the farming business now, this bill forgives 120% of your loan based on your race. >> that's absolutely correct. >> bill: what does a white farmer do with his family fortune on the line every year? what do they think? >> exactly. they hate this. it is very, very unfortunate that we have gotten to a point right now where we are not only forgiving the loans of certain demographics but paying them in addition, an additional 20% on top of that. susan collins and i had a lengthy discussion about her poor potato farmers in the state of maine. i could say the same with a number of family farmers across the state of iowa. because they don't check a certain box they aren't eligible for this program. so again they are hard working taxpayers and they are going to be paying for these programs that will support other people in other demographics. this was a really sneaky trick to put this in the bill. a lot of iowans won't see the benefit of most of these programs. again, this is a covid bill, not a farm bill. this was not a manufacturing bill. this is supposed to be a covid-related bill. 1% of this bill goes to vaccinations. we need to be opening our economy. we need to be getting moms back to work. open our schools and this bill does not do that. >> dana: a great point about getting moms back to work. i want to ask you about this. senator dick durbin has said that another senator fellow senator of yourself ted cruz is rileing people up about money going to illegal immigrants. here is what ted cruz responded. >> twice in three days durbin called me a liar. he is the one lying and knows it. on the senate floor you refused to take my question and chosen twitter as your forum. respond with facts, not partisan invective. want to weigh in on the payments to illegal immigrants or the fact that senators arguing on twitter rather than on the floor of the senate? >> right. certainly we had the debate floor the other day and senator durbin refused to answer the question. so that should be pretty telling in itself. this bill was supported wholely by democrats, no republicans joined in. i guarantee you that senator cruz will bring forward those payments if we start seeing illegals receiving those payments, we see, of course, prisoners receiving those payments. and yet again our hard working american citizens are the ones footing the bill for this. it is very unfortunate that instead of focusing on reopening schools, reopening the economy, we want to keep people at home. we want to depress the economy. that's really not what we were supposed to be focusing on. >> bill: kevin mccarthy said the state has a $10 billion surplus yet they get $40 billion in aid. you can't make it up. we're out of time and we appreciate yours today. joni ernst from iowa. thank you. ♪♪♪ >> dana: warned not to post vacation photos on social media because it could hurt the argument it is unsafe to return to the classroom. william la jeunesse, the optics aren't good. >> no, and actually the reality wouldn't be good either if you believe it. the union doesn't want any pictures that might reveal their position to be a contradiction or fraud. l.a. teachers are fighting not to return to class until every teacher, counselor, staff is vaccinated but still want to go on vacation where most people won't be vaccinated. how do you get around it? the union told its 30,000 members in a facebook post yesterday to keep spring vacation photos to themselves, quote. friendly reminder if you're planning any trips for spring break, please keep that off social media. it is hard to argue that it is unsafe for in-person instruction if parents and the public see vacation photos and international travel. while schools elsewhere open up the union is holding up. in class instructions is six weeks away. they receive 17,000 doses, 25,000 more on the way. if the union blames white parents for pushing them back to school before it's safe. >> some voices are being allowed to speak louder than others. we have to call out the privilege behind the largely white wealthy parents driving the push for a rushed return. >> well, we're fighting for our rights to go back to school because science says that it is safe and the utla won't let us. >> california is worst in the country with in-person instruction. the latest return to school tracker 36% of students nationwide are back in class. 49% hybrid, 14% fully remote. so dana the union says it is not responsible for posts on its facebook page. critics say it's hypocritical for teachers to expose themselves to the virus on vacations but not teach class. back to you. >> dana: thank you so much. it is annoying when people go on vacation in the winter and are you not and they post all these pictures. if you're a parent and teacher did that. look at this little girl. this is clara finding out that she gets to go back to school. check her out. >> really? i haven't gone to school in such a long time. >> dana: play it on a loop. she wants to go back to school. >> bill: really great shot there. for the record, there is 129 billion dollars in this bill for k-12. 95% will not be spent in 2021 because funds approved for schools last year have not yet been spent. >> dana: 60 billion was passed if december. >> bill: the biggest slush fund ever. what do you spend it on? >> dana: apparently ventilation. >> bill: ventilation or pension funds or salaries or new buildings? but none of this has to deal with what young women like we just watched is dealing with today. not cool. 15 past. roll it. the trial of derek chauvin putting stress on the minneapolis police report. can cops keep the city safe? governor cuomo wrote a book meant to celebrate his handling of the pandemic. his publisher is now pulling the plug on promoting it as cuomo faces multiple calls to step down. >> after this weekend it became more and more apparent that regardless of how many hearings or investigations we have, the real problem now is the governor has lost so much credibility and trust that we don't feel like he can go forward and govern. retirement is an opportunity to fill each tomorrow with moments that matter. and a steady stream of protected income can help you secure the life you've planned. for more than 150 years, generations have trusted the strength and stability of pacific life with their tomorrows. because life isn't about what tomorrow brings. it's what you do with it. ask a financial 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that makes absolutely no sense and why all of this is happening. it is his attitude. the fact that he was thriving as the folks who elected him into office were suffering and the fact that he was writing this book as aides were telling health officials to underreport nursing home data. so it boggles the mind with the scandal that they knew was happening, they were an active cover-up mode why he would take this victory lap. more important than the book situation today, i think, is the revelation that it wasn't just nursing homes that covid positive folks were being sent to. it was also homes for people with developmental disabilities as well. >> bill: he signed that order in april of last year. it is still in effect today. you had at least 550 with disabilities who died because of covid. here is a statement now. these group homes were required to have a process if place to expedite the return of asymptomatic residents from the hospital deemed appropriate for return to their certified residence. providers could accept individuals only if they could safely accommodate them in the group home. the rules were the same, carley. there was no mandatory testing for putting these sick patients back inside these homes or the centers with disabilities. >> curious why it is still in effect today. is the fact they forgot? why would this directive still be on the books? and republicans who are looking into this in new york say that they haven't been given up to date information by cuomo's administration. the developmental disabilities, the folks in that new york office say 552 residents have died from covid-19. so what is governor cuomo doing? touring the javits center yesterday vaccination site. he is going to try and survive this seemingly unsurvivable situation. >> bill: it would seem that's the strategy. it appears to be his strategy. just remember you had a u.s. navy ship en route to new york. you had the javits center. massive convention center coming online within days. >> i think it's two-fold here. the policy but also the attitude. what's that phrase, the higher you rise, the harder you fall. his rise was built on a shaky deck of cards because he knew that there was this directive. if he had just apologized. it would have been bad no matter what. so many people lost their lives. if he had just apologized in the spring we would be -- he would be in a very different place. >> dana: that investigation is underway now and they'll look at the timing when the book was being negotiated and when those numbers were covered up. we'll check that out. thank you so much. >> bill: it has been one year since the u.s. started shutting down as the covid pandemic began spreading throughout the country. we'll look back how far we have come. a surge in my grants heading to the u.s. border. griff jenkins is live at the border on the mexican side. >> we have jumped to the port of entry in brownsville, one of the busiest in the country. see if our fox drone team can get a bird's eye view. we'll have that story when we come back. real piece of mind. refiplus from newday usa can make it happen. refiplus lets you refinance at the lowest mortgage rates in history plus get an average of $50,000 cash for the financial security you and your family deserve. refiplus, only from newday usa. so you want to make the best burger ever? then make it! that means cooking day and night until you get... 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"the new york times" and fox news confirmed. the number of unaccompanied children is off the charts. they say the number of children in custody has tripled to over 3,000. many held longer than 72 hours as permitted by law. you had mark morgan talking about the numbers crossing earlier in this hour. congressman dan crenshaw of texas had this to say about the issue. >> when you tell them look we won't deport you, might even give you asylum and we'll release you, give you a covid test and bus ticket anywhere you want they will get a huge influx of people. >> later greg abbott is coming to mission, texas. yesterday more than 1500 apprehensions. day before that 1280. day before that 2100. interesting to see what governor abbott has to say. >> bill: griff jenkins in mexico. >> dana: a year ago this week the world health organization declared covid-19 a global pandemic. what followed changed our nation forever. we look back on events as they unfolded. douglas kennedy has the story from the new york city newsroom. >> america is a very different place than it was a year ago. it all started with a declaration from a top health official. >> i have today declared that the coronavirus presents a public health emergency in the united states. >> the date was january 31st, 2020. health and human services secretary alex azar warned covid was coming. over the next weeks and months unemployment would soar. historic job losses pile up by the millions. >> markets would tumble. >> dana: stocks sinking. >> in the short time americans would abandon streets and cities. the mayor said society would be completely transformed by requirements to stay indoors. >> every person in the state of missouri shall avoid eating or drinking at restaurants, bars, or food courts. >> mandates to wear masks. >> we're advising new yorkers to wear a face covering. >> we would see a navy ship on medical stand by in new york harbor and a cruise ship that could find no harbor for a month. in early march the first of school shutdowns. >> i'm asking all of our school districts to immediately begin contingency planning for potential school closures. >> all right >> by april 50 million children would be learning over the internet or not at all. shutdowns and restrictions that led to angry demonstrations in north carolina. and minnesota. and armed protests in michigan. nonetheless, the virus would march on leaving us mostly alone to mark our grim milestones. april 1st, 200,000 cases, 6,000 deaths. april 28th, a million cases, more than 60,000 gone. in august cases would climb to 6 million with losses approaching 200,000. and not even the news of president trump contracting the virus himself could slow the fall surge. with cases recently reaching over 29 million and deaths over 500,000. far exceeding any other country in the world. but americans are resilient and there are countless examples of socially distanced togetherness and inspiration that brought light to dark days. new yorkers cheering healthcare workers. food banks inundated with donations and volunteers. and despite delays and cancellations, major league sports including baseball, basketball and football returned with new stadium rules and an old face claiming victory. >> tom brady crushing the kansas city chiefs. >> elected officials stepped up passing a series of bipartisan stimulus bills and tax breaks protecting american workers and saving many small businesses. [applause] >> at the same time our national scientists and researchers worked around the clock producing vaccines at a rate a year ago no one thought possible. a true testament to american inbegin knew tee that led to a national collective sigh of relief when critical care nurse sandra lindsey became the first to receive the lifesaving shot. >> i hope this marks the beginning of the end of a very painful time in our history. >> people are now getting vaccinated at a rate of two million per day. the end could actually be near. that's it from here, dana and bill. back to you. >> dana: well done, douglas. thank you so much. interesting to have that look back. >> bill: i've always thought such a significant event in all of our lives. you will judge yourself and remember your life on pre-covid, post covid and during covid. pc, ac, dc. right now we're in dc. the good news is. come over here quick. i want to show you this. douglas, you're still watching. look at the vaccination numbers on the board as of yesterday from the cdc. a lot of information here screen left over here. 331 million people in america. here is what you need to look at. 18% have at least one shot. more than 9% are fully vaccinated, okay? that's march 8th. let's go back four weeks. so roughly a month, come on, come on. so this is february 9th. we're just shy of 10% on that day, dana. we're at 3% fully vaccinated. 10%, 3%. watch the two numbers right now. this is really the good news. currently we're at more than 18%. four times and three times from where we were a month ago. this is great news for the vaccine, the way it is rolling out across the country. move back over here. we look at this thing once a week to get a measure of where we're going. it is a real plus sign. >> dana: i wonder how much that might change. we really don't have that many johnson & johnson vaccines out there yet. within a week you might see a lot of changes. >> bill: i agree. johnson & johnson will be used all over the world. you don't have to refrigerate the levels you do with moderna and pfizer and one jab. >> dana: really interesting. thank you for that information. minneapolis still dealing with the impacts of last summer's riots as the trial of the police officer charged in george floyd's death will resume. how the police department has changed and readiness for new violence. >> i don't think that the events of may 25th have not impacted any police agencies across our country. riders, the lone wolves of the great highway. all they need is a bike and a full tank of gas. their only friend? the open road. i have friends. 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(deborah) when i finally had miracle-ear and i could hear for the first time, i started crying. i could hear everything. new miracle-earmini. so small and comfortable that no one will see them, but you'll notice the difference. call today to start your 30-day risk-free trial at your local miracle-ear. priceline works with top hotels, to save you up to 60%. these are all great. and when you get a big deal... you feel like a big deal. ♪♪ priceline. every trip is a big deal. here's huge news for veteran homeowners. introducing refiplus from newday usa. ♪♪ refiplus lets you refinance at record low rates to save money every month plus you could get an average of $50,000 cash. that's money for security today and money for retirement tomorrow. refiplus, it's only for veterans and it's only from newday usa. >> bill: a delay in the trial of former pom is officer charged in the death of george floyd adding to tensions in minneapolis after last year's violence protest. big city police departments struggle to fill their ranks. chicago sun times reporting 40 minneapolis cops retired last year. another 120 took leaves, 20% of the department in a city where nationwide protests began. ted williams attorney, fox news contributor. how are you doing and good morning to you. you see those numbers. how do you make sense of them, ted? >> well, bill, i have to tell you it is shocking and somewhat scary when you see the numbers here. you are talking about in minneapolis, 840 person police department. when you have 20% of those people that are not there or at the time when you actually need them, that in and of itself can be shocking. what is going on right now as you know is that they are trying to set a jury in the trial here of officer derek chauvin. as a result of that, you have demonstrators from all over the country, all over the world to be exact. those demonstrators are putting a lot of stress on the community there of minnesota, especially in minneapolis. minneapolis is a very beautiful place. it is a place of lakes, culture, museums, etc. and last year after the death of mr. floyd, there were riots and businesses lost millions and millions of dollars. it is a very deep troubling situation that is going on there in minneapolis at this time. >> bill: here are stats. minneapolis now, crime rates in minneapolis, homicide up 40%, robbery up 23. burglary 12 1/2, auto theft 11 1/2. confusion yesterday, jury selection continues in minneapolis. hasn't gotten far, just started yesterday. it appears the prosecutors also want to charge him with third degree murder. why would they want to do that when he already faces second degree? explain that, ted. >> well, he faces second degree murder and that carries a penalty of 40 years. he also faces a manslaughter charge that carries a penalty of 10 years. the third degree murder charge carries a penalty of 20 years. what happened is that the judge threw out the third degree murder charge and what the prosecution went to the court of appeals, that was reversed, and now the judge is now reconsidering the third degree murder charge. the reason for that is because the prosecutors are trying to get the maximum penalty for the death of george floyd. that's what's going on. >> bill: you overcharge and try to make one stick with the jury. we'll see how it turns out. a lot of attention on this over the next month at least. thank you, ted, nice to see you. ted wheeler, thank you. >> dana: a man jumps into an icy like to save a life. dramatic rescue is caught on police body cam and we will speak to the hero next. here's huge news for veteran homeowners who need cash. refiplus from newday usa. record low mortgage rates have fallen again, while home values just keep climbing. refiplus lets you refinance at record low rates plus get an average of $50,000 for retirement tomorrow and for peace of mind today. refiplus. it's huge news. it's only for veterans. and it's only from newday usa. >> harris: coming up next hour biden's border crisis keeps growing with new staggering numbers and the dhs secretary essentially is pleading for help. republican of arizona andy biggs will talk with me about what he says is going on in the border in his state. plus a really bad look for los angeles union teachers. they're caught warning about posting vacation photos as they refuse to get back into the classroom. "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> dana: americans racing into action helping police rescue a year old german shepherd from an icy lake in illinois. the man jumps into the wall to help nudge the dog to safety and joins us now. thank you for helping save a dog. how did this come to be? >> i don't know. i got home from work a little early and all of a sudden i see my wife dart across the backyard and i thought what is she doing? went out there and there is the german shepherd in the water. >> dana: gotten out of its gate and found himself there on thin ice, fallen through. they tried to find all sorts of different ways. at what point did you realize i'll have to go in? >> they tried to get a little paddle boat out there that wasn't doing too well. i turned around and handed my wallet and cell phone to my wife and said i guess i'm going. i went in and started breaking open the ice. >> dana: don't forget to take the keys out of your pocket. my husband had to go in and save jasper, it wasn't this cold when he was a little puppy. jasper doesn't like -- great, thank you. for a dog like this who might have been in distress was he -- could you tell he was wanting to be saved or was he nervous and scared of you? >> he was wanting to be saved. i have to tell you that dog was smart. it was paddling along and hold its paws on the ice and hold its nose above the water and sit there and rest a little bit because it got too tired and go at it again. i've never seen an animal act like that. it wanted to survive. >> dana: he had the will to survive. tell me about what it was like to reunite with his owner? >> i didn't see that. i went in and helped get the dog out and another lady piled into the water and as i pulled it along and the ice broke up the dog came in and once i was -- once that was done i got out and i went into the house and got in the shower and my wife was out. >> dana: how long did you stay in the warm shower? >> i was in there a good 10 minutes for sure. growing up on a lake you fall in a few times over the years. i've been in before. >> dana: on behalf of all dog lovers thank you, jerry. well done. you are a big hero. thank you so much. thank you so much. great to see you. i don't know, people are pretty great. >> bill: well, looks like we're going in whether i want to or not. big day today. big news. you have a 14-month accomplishment that is given birthday. >> dana: like a life accomplishment. a book coming out on sale today. it's basically an upto date modern guide for young women who are trying to make their way. trying to find a way to give them some help and get the promotions and jobs but also finder is entity, too. >> bill: wow. can you do all that? >> dana: you can do it all but you have to make the decision. we ask your nieces to take a look. >> bill: i have eight nieces. so i only consulted with three of them. sophie and sarah are these young women who you frame. sophie is 22, i think, sarah is 24. sophie came back with two. she is a grad student at ohio state. speech pathology. great, great profession there. she says no more worries appealed to her. you write no worries sounds like -- sorry, you said -- >> dana: it's like if somebody asks you to do something and you say you get the courage to say i can't do that. i apologize. unable to do that. if you then write back no worries, why should i be worried about that? >> it sounds like i'm the one that should feel bad. i don't need anymore to worry about. she also said what was it, make friends, not gossip. >> dana: yes. >> bill: you write i advocate being friends with as many people as possible in your life. at least be friendly to everyone. >> dana: if you end up as an office gossip everyone will know about it including the bosses and you will not get promotion, you will not get chosen for opportunity. >> bill: i agree with that. sarah says this part made me laugh. not everyone is stupid or incompetent. >> dana: you hear people everyone always complains about management. you and i never complain about management but people complain and think they could have done it so much better. they are in senior positions for a reason. you will get there one day. >> bill: her favorite was find your strong voice and then use it. >> dana: i hate the uptalking, right? when you talk like this and the end of every sentence. that kind of talking will hold you back from opportunities. you will not get promoted and you will not be able to succeed. you have to find your strong voice. it is really important no matter what profession you're in. thank you, nieces. >> bill: i consulted lizzie, part of the family as well. she was too busy with tests. >> dana: she made good decisions, that's what the book is all about. i love the assignments for them. thank you so much. "the faulkner focus" is up next with harris faulkner. see you later. >> bill: bye-bye. >> harris: top biden cabinet chief is now pleading for help at the border. he is begging for volunteers after denying there was an actual crisis just last week. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus". president biden has not been briefed what his dhs secretary and team saw on the southern border during their weekend visit. yesterday we told you we were told he would be briefed by the end of the day. not yet. but the situation is dire enough that dhs secretary mayorkas is asking his staff to volunteer to help deal with what he is now calling an overwhel

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Appraisal , Va Streamline Refi , Newday , Va Benefits , Three Thousand , Three Thousand Dollars , Call , Income Verification , 3000 , 000 , Idaho Potato , Potatoes , Side Dish , Beautiful , Seal , Recipes , Dishes , Real Idaho Potato Farmer , Grown In Idaho , Mission , Health , Protein , Nutrients , Tasting , Nutrition , Energy , Vitamins , Minerals , Whoo Hoo , Griff Jenkins , Migrant Shelter , 33 , City , Security , Let Us , Run , Privacy , Diocese , Track , 250 , Minimum , Ngos , Spanish , Statement , Which , Hhs In Custody , Sector , Del Rio , 72 , Mayors , Watch , Mayor , Adults , A Rock And Hard Place , Sector Hit Hard Up 122 , 350 , 122 , Constituents , Responsibility , Balance , Rio Grande Valley , Greg Abbott , Hit , Sure Will , Rolling Back Trump Immigration , Welcome Mat , Critics , Same , More , Open Borders , Debate , Course , Head , Border Security , Challenges , Bush , Signal , Comments , Channel , Dhs Secretary , Border Wouldn T , Meeting , Attention , Solution , Solutions , Advisors , Urgency , Don T Come , Missouri , Montana , Climate Change , Indiana , Arizona , Let S See , Kansas , Repate Reiateed , Utah , Tennessee , 11 , Concern , Lead , Grounds , Lawsuit , Litigation , Attorney General , Executive Order , Costs , Agencies , Carbon , Greenhouse Gases , Regulation , Partnership , Cost , Controls , Power Grab , Role , Majority , Supreme Court , Conservative , Makeup , Hope , Executive Orders , Delegation , Extent , Surface , Authority , Executive Branch , Courts , Reception , Assumption , Hutchinson , Shootings , Bills , Background Check , Gun Legislation , Firearm Sale , The House , Assault , The Hill , Background Check Process , Loophole , Jackie Heinrich , Background Checks , Criminals , Dealers , Gun Sales , Transactions , Loan , Sale , It Doesn T , Gun Dealer , Importer , Transfers , Manufacturer , Hunting , Buddies , Gift , Spouses , Procedures , Results , Possibility , Second Amendment Rights , Loopholes , Authors , Hands , Application , Appeal , Cycle , Weapons , 14 46 , Reason , Firearms , Gun Owners , Penalties , Circumventing The Nra Process , Conduct , Jackie Heinrich On The Hill , Nephew , Death , Portland , Leadership , Oregon , One Man , Protests Rage , Bipolar Depression , Dark , Depression , Stories , Latuda , Struggle , Art , Emptiness , Studies , Weight , Empowered , Mood Changes , Dementia Patients , Confusion , Thoughts , Behaviors , Muscles , Muscle , Teens , Antidepressants , Stroke , Fever , Side Effects , Business , Lily , Scene , Lisa , Mover , Employees , Hotspot , Downtown , Files , Rob , Pay , Employee , Plan , At T Business , Newday S Va Streamline Refi , Newday Usa , Interest Rates , Refi , Dollar , One Dollar , Call 911 , Gas , 911 , Safe , Pg E , Wires , Wire , Video , Suspect , Sunday Night , Officers , Gun , Shooting , Apartment Building , Brooklyn , Women , Reminder , Blue , Men , 61 , Big Time , Story , Gun Violence , We Haven T , Temperatures , Dialing , Portland Police Department , Family , Loss , Move Cost , Elmer Yarborough , Tyrel , Lives , Sons , Sister , California , Sacramento , 20 , Unit , Gang Violence , Bar , Nephews , Both , Orange , Violence , 5 , Gun Violence Reduction Team , Homicides , May , 3 , 4 , Audience , 2020 , Six , 2021 , 106 , 206 , Somebody , Police , Commissioner , Thank You , Memory , Well , Connection , Ted Cruz , Stimulus , Uncle , Misinformation , Dick Durbin , Rielg , Meghan , Harry , Lineup , Fallout , Bombshell Interview , Crew , Prince Charles , Car Insurance , Liberty Mutual , Limu Emu , Me Ma Am , Limu , Liberty , Data , Leader , Benefits , Price , 5g , Magenta Max , Phone , Guys , Taxes , Fees , Zero , Veterans , Home Mortgage Rates , Veteran , Va Loans , Service , Appraisal Va Streamline Refi , Teams , Baseball , Opening Day , White Sox , Cubs , Board , Milestone , Pitches , Ballpark , Fans , Colorado Rockies , Reds , 1 , April 1 , Trips , Pitch , Area , Interview , Signing , Great Britain Last Night , Oprah , Pollsters , Poll , Reviews , Buckingham Palace , Royal , Queen , Brits , 36 , 22 , Half , Archie , Little , Age Groups , Photo , 65 , Sympathy , 24 , 18 , Don T Care , Versus , 42 , 58 , Care , Terms , Enough , American Living In London , Newspaper , Royal Family , The Times , Telegraph , Tabloids , War , England , She Hasn T , Won T , Dad , Father , 13 , No End In Sight , Record , Customs , 45 , Immigration Agenda , Announcement , Staff , Trump , Obama , Flood , Apprehensions , 1000 , March Of 2019 , Mood , Border Facilities , Wonder , 2019 , Administrations , Detentions , Immigration , Mark Morgan , Proposal , Education , Frustration , President , Wound , Cpac Speech , Jay Johnson , 100000 , 5000 , 1 Thousand , Illegal Aliens , Facilities Jail , 11000 , Hypocrisy , Heat , Level , Trump Team , Distinction , Important , Vendors , Borders , Tool , Reception Centers , Mandate , Ice , End , Back End , Sanctuary Country , World , Nations , Point , 6000 , 500 , Hhs Doesn T , System , Flow , Joke , Cartels , Don T Comet , Smugglers , Absurd , Cities , Relief Package , Payment , Prisoners , Blue States , Tim Scott , Taxpayer , Surpluses , Taxpayers Funding , Trey Gowdy , Nature , Doesn T Go Toward Covid , Screen , Joni Ernst , Obamacare Subsidies , 34 Billion , 4 Billion , Critic , Heaven Sakes , 91 , Iowans , Bailing , Upset , Bill Shouldn T Have , 1 9 Trillion , 9 Trillion , Taxpayers , Ones , Finances , Budgets , Pensions , Programs , Farmers , Provisions , Ranchers , Land , Iowa Farmers Won T , Demographic , Populations , Farming Business , Areas , Race , Lindsey Graham , 120 , Farmer , Loans , Family Fortune , Demographics , Susan Collins , Top , Potato Farmers , Addition , Discussion , Maine , Family Farmers , Box , Farm Bill , Covid Bill , Manufacturing Bill , Benefit , Trick , Moms , Floor , Lying , Me A Liar , Senators , Facts , Debate Floor , Invective , Forum , Twitter , Illegals , Reopening Schools , Aid , Yours , Kevin Mccarthy , 0 Billion , 10 Billion , 40 Billion , Classroom , Social Media , Argument , Optics Aren T Good , William La Jeunesse , The Union Doesn T , Class , Contradiction , Fraud , Fighting , L A , Vacation , Teacher , Spring Vacation Photos , Counselor , Members , Facebook , 30000 , Instruction , Photos , Spring Break , Union , Class Instructions , Doses , International Travel , 25000 , 17000 , School , Voices , Privilege , Return , Rights , Science , Push , Utla , Students , Posts , School Tracker , Page , 49 , Virus , Vacations , Winter , Parent , Clara Finding Out , Back To School , Little Girl , Loop , Shot , 129 Billion Dollars , 129 Billion , Funds , K 12 , 95 , 12 , Slush Fund , Pension Funds , None , Ventilation , Buildings , Salaries , Apparently Ventilation , 60 Billion , Trial , Stress , Derek Chauvin , Roll It , 15 , Handling , Cops , Minneapolis Police Report , Investigations , Hearings , Trust , Aspen Dental , Day Th , Wha , Event , Worries , Exam , Visit , Payment Options , Budget , Smiles , X Rays , Obligation , Treatment Plan , 800 , Everywhere , Type 2 Diabetes , Ways , Blood Sugar , Stop Rybelsus , Sunshine , You Are My Sunshine , Diabetes , Don T Take Rybelsus , Pill , Insulin , Sugar , Food , A1c , Lost , 7 , 8 , Isn T , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Diabetic Ketoacidosis , Vision Problems , Lump , Stomach Pain , Neck , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Diarrhea , Nausea , Vomiting , Dehydration , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , Friends , Jess , Tv Services , Lifting , Delegating , Wait , Services , Sweat , Promotion , Scandal , Campaign , Carley Shimkus , Portion , Charity , Book Deal , Proceeds , Knowledge , Figures , Seven , Wall , Sense , Nursing Home Policy , Attitude , Point Blank , Mind , Health Officials , Suffering , Him , Revelation , Wasn T Just Nursing Homes , Victory Lap , Cover Up Mode , Group Homes , Process , 550 , Hospital , Residents , Providers , Group Home , Residence , Centers , Testing , Information , Books , Doing , Javits Center Yesterday Vaccination Site , Strategy , Javits Center , Convention Center , U S Navy , Ship En Route , Deck , Cards , Rise , Spring , What , Mexican Side , Port Of Entry , Fox Drone Team , Bird S Eye View , Refiplus , Average , Mortgage Rates , Cash , 0000 , 50000 , Burger , Businesses , Bookkeeping , Intuit Quickbooks , Payroll , Ding , Computers , Customers , Storage , Cloud , Technology , Astronaut , Project Managers , Projects , Need To Hire , Yyou , Psoriasis , Resume Database , Credit , Seventy Five Dollar , Skin , Shock , Dermatologist , Spain , High School Sweetheart , Colorado , Debra , Mother , Foggy , 35 , Sharper , Clearer , Game , Try , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Hands On Deck Operation , Sexual Assault , Military , Remarks , Waters , Dam Overflowed , Hawaiian Island Of Maui , Tractor Trailer , Suv , Crash , San Diego , Fox News Apps , 10000 , Migrant Heading , Qr Code , Thousands , 31 , Homeland Security , Audio , Camp , Hang On , Poll Geez , Reporting , Gotcha , Mic , Hello Again , Drone Team , Immigrant , Big Port Of Entry , Claim Asylum , Charts , Sports , Entry , Covid Test , Bus Ticket , Congressman Dan Crenshaw , 1500 , 1280 , 2100 , Events , Douglas Kennedy , World Health Organization , Newsroom , Health Official , Declaration , Public Health Emergency , Health And Human Services , Alex Azar , January 31st 2020 , Job Losses , Markets , Stocks , Streets , Society , Person , Requirements , Face Covering , Food Courts , Restaurants , Bars , Mandates , Drinking , First , Cruise Ship , Navy Ship On Medical Stand By , Harbor , School Shutdowns , New York Harbor , Contingency Planning , School Districts , School Closures , Learning , 50 Million , Protests , Demonstrations , Shutdowns , Led , Restrictions , Minnesota , North Carolina , Cases , Milestones , Michigan , April 1st , April 28th , 200000 , A Million , 28 , Losses , 6 Million , 60000 , 29 Million , 500000 , Examples , Flight , Togetherness , Inspiration , Healthcare Workers , Donations , Delays , Cancellations , Food Banks , Major League , Series , Face , Stadium Rules , Victory , Football , Basketball , Kansas City Chiefs , Tom Brady , Elected , Stimulus Bills , Applause , Tax Breaks , Scientists , Workers , Tee , Collective , Researchers , Clock , Testament , American Inbegin , Sandra Lindsey , History , The Beginning Of End , Two Million , Mac , Pc , Vaccination Numbers , 331 Million , Let S Go , One Shot , That S March 8th , February 9th , March 8th , Measure , Real Plus Sign , Johnson , All Over The World , Crime Rates In Minneapolis , Riots , Impacts , Levels , Moderna , Pfizer , Police Officer , Police Department , Police Agencies , Readiness , George Floyd , May 25th , Riders , Wolves , The Great Highway , Bike , Tank , Chuckles , Open Road , Jeremy , Hearing Aids , Protection , Progressive , Black , Hair , Deborah Vo , 79 , Miracle Ear , Time , Brand Leader , Vo , Hearing Aid , Experience , Exclusive , Miracle Earmini A , Deborah , Miracle Earmini , 30 , Priceline , Hotels , Deal , Trip , Veteran Homeowners , Introducing Refiplus , Officer , Delay , Pom , City Police Departments , Chicago Sun Times , Violence Protest , Tensions , Ranks , 40 Minneapolis Cops Retired Last Year , 40 , Ted Williams , Department , Another , Ted , Leaves , Person Police Department , 840 , Jury , Demonstrators , Result , Community , Lakes , Museums , Etc , Mr , Burglary , Stats , Auto Theft , 23 , 12 1 2 , Degree , Prosecutors , Confusion Yesterday , Murder , 11 1 2 , 11 1 2 Confusion , Murder Charge , Penalty , Manslaughter Charge , Judge , Prosecution , Court Of Appeals , Nice , What S Going On , Ted Wheeler , Stick , Hero , Rescue , Police Body Cam , Icy , Climbing , Peace Of Mind , Harris Faulkner , Andy Biggs , Vacation Photos , Posting , Faulkner Focus , Warning , Union Teachers , Dog , Lake , Nudge , Americans Racing Into Action Helping Police Rescue A Year Old German Shepherd , Illinois , Backyard , I Don T Know , Wife Dart , Water , Gate , Sorts , Wife , Paddle Boat , Wallet , Cell Phone , Wasn T Doing , Wasn T , Distress , Keys , Jasper , Jasper Doesn T Like , Husband , Puppy , Cold , Save , Paws , Paddling , Nose , Animal Act , Will , Lady , Owner , Shower , Jerry , Behalf , Dog Lovers , Big Day Today , Birthday , Big News , Like A Life Accomplishment , Promotions , Finder , Entity , Sophie , Nieces , Sarah , Eight , Profession , Grad Student , Ohio State , Speech Pathology , Courage , Gossip , Yes , Bosses , Office Gossip , Incompetent , Management , Voice , Positions , Uptalking , Favorite , No Matter , Opportunities , Talking , Sentence , Lizzie , Tests , Assignments , Bye , Chief , Biden Cabinet , Saw , The End , Overwhel ,

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