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preferring to call it a challenge and officials now scrambling to find places to shelter asylum seekers including an influx of young children we do have fox live team coverage on this. david spunt is in wilmington, delaware covering the biden administration's response to the border crisis. but let's begin with griff jenkins on the ground in mission texas so griff, tell what you say you're seeing there. >> good afternoon arthel we're just seeing what it looks like as this sort of epicenter of the entire border surge because right here in mission texas part of the rio grand valley they're seeing more traffic than they've seen in a long, long time and let me sort of take you to our drone team in the air -- and you can get a sense really for this situation. where we're standing along a border fence a mielg two miles off the rio grand river that's where so many of the migrants are coming and walking ultimately to peacefully surrender to border patrol to claim asylum some families some unaccompany minors and some are single adults but really the concern of these overwhelming numbers they're seeing that is making officials look at the opportunity cartels have in the distraction of the heavy numbers of crowds to push drugs and narcotics and that's one of the things that montana governor greg jim is quite worried about seeing in his communities miles and miles away from this mexico border here's what govan jim had to say, listen. >> we say here we don't have montana meth, we have mexican meth and we've seen the impact across the state in the last eight years we've seen a 50% increase in violent crime. we have the second highest number of kids in foster care per capita in the entire country. and it is mostly meth related. meth comes across to open border, it comes into our communities, it just devastates the families here. we need to secure our southern border. >> speaking of that custom and border protection tweeting this, picture and a report of a seizure of 1.3 million dollars of methamphetamine, disguised in spinach this was not a tactic we known before until showed it and tweeting overall narcotics in span of four dads ceased over 1800 pounds of narcotics totally now while we've been down here we spoke with a border patrol agent chris about this situation. he says, it is not getting better. here's what chris cabrera said, listen. >> this is the worse i've ever seen unfortunately i think there's more to come i don't think it is a high point by any stretch the imagination anything that comes across that river they get something paid to them whether from smuggler or running that particular area so they're going to profit off of it. >> now let's come back to the heavy flow of migrants coming. we have these exclusive photos fox news obtained where we're standing off the river where the migrants are headed straight to the border patrol they're being processed right at the point of contact. different procedure than when they typically take them further away to border separate them from families and children and single adults and sending them where they need to go as and many particularly families are being bussed straight from this location to the bus station in released because of the capacity issues. and that's a situation going on right here arthel. arthel: so griff a couple of things of course we definitely don't want to have a porous border there to this southern -- part of this country. however, listening to the governor he's talking about the influx of met all the way up to montana now he's saying that's been a problem for over the past eight years. but what's at hand right now that we're talking about is we're talking about these children coming over across the border unaccompanied because of the loosened restrictions by the biden administration that the biden administration has tried to get the word out that the southern border is not opened but human smugglers are taking advantage of those relax restrictions. what can you tell us about that? >> boy is that a great question arthel. because when i've talked to the agents here, i've asked them said listen, administration is telling these folks don't come now they're changing asylum process. they will be more beneficial to them in the long reason and biden administration than it was a trump administration. so what officials tell me here is that cartels the smugglers are really blurring message and telling these folks who are facing extreme poverty hardships honduras saw not only covid pandemic hitting them and two hurricanes in their telling those folks that are so desperate, come now. the u.s. will let you in you'll get citizenship. they don't know better. they don't have access to information and some cases that we do watching cable news every day. and so they're making that journey why are cartelling telling them that in this area they're charging $1200 a head according to some officials to for them it is just a profit machine. and unfortunately, the human toll we're seeing on the migrants is very real with signs of it not slowing down it is going to get worse. >> smugglers don't care they just lie. meanwhile are you standing in front of the wall? wasn't that supposed to be a barrier? >> it was indeed, and it's a fence as question saw about a mile off of the point of entry and then i'll turn a little bit here as you can see one of the border patrol agents coming through the gate here. so that gate supposed to be there for them to come and go to go to that processing center and you can see in the distance half a football field size gaping hole that was going to be completed as trump administration under new fence construction but it was stopped under biden administration when he ended all wall construction. the agents much that finished because helping them control flow of migrants because when nightfalls they move around here into these communities, into this local restaurant, and bar and these homes that's not a situation anybody wants and so for those that don't want to be apprehended by border patrol, because perhaps you have a criminal record or some other reason to be here, well, that's to their advantage, and against our guys from stopping them. >> yeah. i hear you. but you know look at the former president -- couldn't get it done in four years so we'll see what happens in that regard. but either way we hope that there's going to be protection there on southern border griff jenkins thank you so much for that report. eric. eric: arthel in last fox news live two hours ago former d.a. secretary chad wolf told us he did not understand where in his worded political appointees in the biden administration decided to stop the kruct construction of the trump wall what we showed him what griff showed you that massive opening in the wall there right near the border. but meanwhile in washington administration we're told is trying to tack the the crisis at the southern border. current department homelands security secretary claims that administration does have a plan to address the number of migrants crossing into our country. but he says we'll take time to compliment their plans, david spunt is live in wilmington, delaware where president is now spending the weekend. david. >> hi eric. and growing call for president biden to personally visit the southern border republicans and democrats say that he needs to get a good idea of what's going on with his own two eyes so he can make a determination based on what's going on in the border. you mention secretary alley. the homeland security secretary he gave an interview to -- one recently i want to read some of that interview to you a quote that came out very striking. he said the situation is not out of control. it most certainly is challenging. both from a logistic perspective and also from a humanitarian perspective. but not saying that it is out of control. republicans, though, are calling it a crisis secretary and his team calling a challenge eric no matter worlding there are problem on the border one is sorning of unaccompanied children. sometimes very young desperate to get into the united states. i want to put up a graphic that shows some encounters with cpb custom and border protection just in february alone. a hundred thousand encounters, unaccompany minors, about 9500 family units about 19,000 and single adults almost 72,000. >> you can't build enough facilities to take care of all of the people that are going to continue to come across the border. you have to do something to stop or to slow down the input or flow into the country. >> republican texas senator john cornyn wents on a bipartisan codelegation down to border with texas congressman henry a democratic who says says that de narrative that's been out there for years kids have not been in cages in biden administration or trump administration. >> so it is not cages if anybody saying cages they are definitely not cages. and nobody has had cages in the past. >> now, president biden has to decide whether he will make a friendship to border nothing listed on his schedule yet, of course, it is always possible, though, he could make that trip now he's meeting with advisors talking about that covid relief plan that nearly $2 trillion covid relief plan, and after self weeks of back and forth in washington, he's going to be going out on the road to georgia and pennsylvania to tout that plan and tell americans how he believes it will benefit them and also some americans are starting to see some of those 1400 dollar economic relief checks in their bank account this weekend. eric. eric: yeah. that's what we're told david thank you and few momentses take a further look at what the president has changed from president trump on immigration, editor chief on the hill about what they're doing all about that. david thank you. arthel. arthel: thank you new york governor andrew cuomo remains dedefiant saying he will not resign because that would be bough to cancel culture. more than 160 lawmakers now saying they want to see him gone. this includes a majority of the new york congressional delegation. all of this as another woman came forward with an accusation against governor cuomo bringing the total to 7. alex hogan live in new york city, alex. reporter: hi arthel. this scandal continues to grow as you mentioned more than 7, 7 women now have stepped forward with these allegations against governor, and he has responded to some of those saying, that he simply denies them altogether. others he has apologized for his intentions that came across in a way he says was not what he had hoped for. take a listen. >> i never harassed anyone. i never abused anyone. i never assaulted anyone. now, and i never would. reporter: the latest accusation comes from journalist jessica bakeman she spoke to new york magazine about her time covering the governor saying, he use touching and sexual to stoke fear in us this is textbook definition of sexual harassment and state attorney general is creating website for the public to submit information as more women come forward. more than 135 new york lawmakers are sounding alarm commanding resignation or impeachment senator majority lead or chuck schumer senator deer stand gillibrand xangd calling to step down for good of administration and facing investigation into handling of nursing homes during this pandemic manager 15,000 new yorkers die in the long-term care and critics argue who scandals will only overshadow state work. prchght putting together a state budget, there's no way that is happening. the only thing he's going to be focused on is -- the two investigations one from the fbi and doj, the other from the attorney general. >> governor andrew cuomo was asking public to wait until these two investigations play out before making their own opinion. now we also talked with the governor's office and they theyy that administration is continuing to simply focus on budget and the vaccine rollout putting all of this aside as they focus on that work. arthel. maria: alex hogan thank you we're going to have much more on the two scandals vowngdzing governor cuomo when we talk with juteth miller up later in the show. eric. eric: out west a major storm is now bringing snow to the rock yis and great plains over this weekend let's take a live look at denver and mile high city already getting a coating of snow. looks a little kind of more wet a little more rainy but man, oh man they say it is coming. more than a foot for denver, another parts of the state could see up to three feet of snow. meteorologist adam tracking what do they expect? >> a big winter storm around corner lingering through there saturday night across the day on sunday not really wrapping up until you get into monday but it is all happen wring you see a pool of warm air off to the north and west currently 31 degrees in denver nose numbers are going fall and then that kind of heavy rain is going to become more and more snow at times very heavy snow. this is our current satellite radar it is all one system i'm going to be talking about. out in front of it warm talking about severe thunderstorms. back behind it that's where we're talking about in some cases blizzard-like conditions dealing with. these are your winter storm advisories watching and advisories and across colorado stretching up into wyoming big red areas into portion of nebraska and wyoming that is a blizzard warning already currently. so we're expecting visibility to be low. winds to be very strong, and some of that really heavy snow you were mentioning as far as how much snow we could see with areas maybe somewhere between -- 18 inches or so. but you get into these pink and purple colors that's indicating as much as 3 feet of total accumulation of snowfall so a real big snowy mess and in front of this system where it is a little bit warmer we're looking at severe weather so a possibility of a big severe thunderstorms today. i want to show you this is currently so we have got tornado watches and not big tornadoes but big swee weather winds hail, rain a mess today. eric. eric: people have to take care this weekend adam thank you. arthel. arthel: southern border dominating headlines, as the number of migrant crossings rapidly growing up next what the biden administration can do to try to stem the tide. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ hey limu! 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>> eric this is a real chance to consume the biden presidency because -- this problem according to experts on both sides is really going to get worse because the weather is getting warmer. and we're seeing these numbers this is an issue then on a campaign trail, easy to say to be compassionate to do sanctioned bite and governorring it is a lot more difficult remember president obama in his first couple of years was pretty tough on immigration to the point where he was called the deporter in chief. so, joe biden is going to have to come up with a policy and if it is similar to one that obama embraced he's going take heat from his left flank. >> he's already been taking heat they've been expelling haitians for example, so you know, when the left comes to go after these policies how does he or balance that with trying to protect the country? >> on some issues biden has been pushing back on the left, and obama's former dhs secretary jay johnson basically scolded his party to say you've got to be more realistic. you can't have open borders, you've got to have enforcement. so unless they pick up the enforcement then there is hope and hope is a great thing but hope can be a bad thing too because you have more undocumented people coming to the southern border, and then it creates a situation where -- you can't handle these people you can't handle, and house them then you have covid too and there's been reports of there's no program to vaccinate these people as well. so it is really becoming a beg political problem for the biden white house. >> yes. let's take a look at the numbers, i mean, 100,441 -- just arriving this past month in february that's 28% more since january of last year. those are numbers. 174% since february of 2020 let's look a number of unaccompany minors that in texas big ban that crossing up 15 5 l paso 144%. rio grand more than doubling and more in some spots and can you imagine why look at what the mexican president says about the president, quote, they see hem as the migrant president. and so many feel they're going reach the united states. we need to wok together to regulate the flow because this business can't be tack it would from one day to the next. so bob what is the administration do when all of these migrants fairly or not are under impression that president biden is saying, he's as the mexican president say he's the migrant president and if they show up, they can coming in. >> yeah that's -- that's a problem. now, president trump did work with mexico, and things got tense. but certainly they came up with a system that was cooperative. now congress is one that has to fix this because our country eetion immigration program is clearly broken. but eric it is not going happen any time soon there's no bipartisanship in washington right now and certainly not on this type of a thorny issue. so i think this is a very complicated problem for joe biden. and one that is really not going to go away until they come up with a clear policy and income administration any administration is saying well this is not a crisis. this is a collage. that's a problem. eric: that's like parsing words, in the last fox live at the 2 p.m. issue we have chad wolf on former trump acting dhs secretary, showing him some video may have video now of the wall down in mission, texas huge gap in the qawl down there as you know the biden administration stopped building the trump wall. here's what the secretary said about that. saying it is unfortunate will. >> when you have a law enforcement officers in the department of homeland security says this works. from an operator standpoint this works and you have political appointees where else in the administration that says no, we're not going give you l toos to do your job. that is concerning. not going to be a biden wall so parts of something what does he do? [laughter] >> yeah thing is, i mean, a lot of this debate centers on compassion, and critics go back and forth and a lot of finger pointing on cruelty but we have a process in place. i've known a couple of people in that process and it is reand long to become a citizen of the united states. but it is also a question of fairness because -- you can't let people jump the line. and that's what -- effectively has been happening for many years even going back to reagan. so i think they're going to have rethink some of these executive order it is that they put out and also come up with rhetoric that is also saying hey these are not open borders. don't come to the southern border because we're not going let you in, obviously, a lot of people along southern border think they're going to be able to get in. >> yeah apparently a lot of migrants from central america have not heard that message and they're still coming. bob, editor and chief of the hill in washington, bob good to see you thank you. arthel. mark: 1400 dollar stimulus checks billed out and more good news as financial aid for small businesses even more excessable an expert is here to tell us to explain how your business can bounce back from the pandemic. we made usaa insurance for members like martin. an air force veteran made of doing what's right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. ♪ usaa ♪ keeping your oysters business growing we're made for. has you swamped. you need to hire. i need indeed indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base claim your seventy-five-dollar credit when you post your first job at the ergo smart base from tempur-pedic responds to snoring - automatically. so no hiding under your pillow. or opting for the couch. your best sleep. all night. every night. experience the mattress ranked #1 in customer satisfaction by jd power, this is the destroyer two year of ransomware. ah, i'm the head of i.t., my name is paula. destroying ransomware is, like, the most epic thing anyone's ever done. it's actually really easy. i just use sophos. if she told you how she did it, your face would melt off and you'd probably die. i just told you how i do it. we'll edit that part out so your face doesn't melt off. this is the destroyer of ransomware destroying more ransomware. she knows we know she knows we'll never know how she does it. ( ♪♪ ) challenging times are nothing new. neither are resilient people. there's strength in every family story. learn more about yours. at ancestry. now for a look at top headlines the white house saying, americans can start seeings stimulus checks in their bank accounts as soon as this weekend. president biden signing the 1.9 trillion dollar relief bill on thursday. the u.k. charged in the murder of a 33-year-old woman appearing in court today. he stars with kidnapping and killing sarah who went missing while walking home in south london march 3rd. police found her body hid incline a wooded area 50 miles from london on wednesday her appearance sparked a nationwide search with thousands of appealing on social media for information to find her to help find her. the former president trump making appearance at a fundraiser at his mar-a-lago hub. yesterday his remark fueling speculation that his daughter-in-law laura trump could be running for senate in north carolina. that seat currently held by richard burr who is not seeking reelection. ♪ ♪ eric: many states are holding virtual classes for the majority of students there's a new study that looks at the challenges they are facing by a relying on remote learning. the big take away from this report that children maintain price that says the effects could be long lasting. charles watson in atlanta home with the cdc with the very latest on what they found out. hi, charles. >> my eric you knows the report find that virtual learning would have long lasting effects economically, and intellectually and mentally for kids around the country the report which was authored by several groups including conservative leaning american enterprise institute urges officials to take a deep look at the long-term impact school closures are having on american children in last year since schools have gone virtual research verse also discovered increase cases of children developing mental health issues, one parent mental health professor we spoke to says that's a reality many kids face today. >> there's a mental health crisis coming there's slide, there's decline, and there's increase acute psychiatric needs. there's showing up in our emergency rooms so yes i agree with this study findings and all of the urmings to return students to classroom because it is harming our most vulnerable learners. reporter: economically analysis highlights the june 2020 report which projects children stand to lose anywhere between 61,000 and 82,000 dollars in future earnings over their lifetimes as some children fall behind economically and minorities like black and latino students stand to lose the most. >> there's a cost to school closures unfortunately that's born by a lot of students particularly students from low income and minority families. we just know it is very difficult for students common today's declining academic progress turns into lost earnings later in life. >> now, the study does conclude schools can reopen safely and keep covid-19 transmission fairly low with implementation of common virus mitigation efforts like hand washing, increase cleaning, covid testing, and social distancing and you know president biden is hoping the american rescue plan will help speed up the process the hope is that more shots will go into the arms of teachers, meaning more kids can return to classrooms. eric. eric: yeah kids want that and parents certainly know what it has been like. charles thanks. arthel. arthel: thank you well there's a small business hiring surge that's good news national federation of independent business reports that 56% of small businesses were hiring last month. meanwhile ppp loans just got more excessable joining me now small business consultant gene marx certify public accountant and president of the marx group so gene forgivable loans we've come to know as paycheck protection program ppp loans extended through june 30th now if this is good news for small business owners, will they have trouble getting those loans like before? >> well arthel first of all i'm not sure they've been extended through june 30th yet so let me make sure that's completely accurate right now they expire at march 31st. you can get your loans in your application in by march 31st and goth promises they will fund those loans but the application deadline is still march 31 the good news is there's talk in congress right now about extending it for two months through may 31st but that's not official yet i want to make sure that's clear. arthel: good for clarifying that but you have to get most recent loan in by march 31st correct and further good news for small businesses i understand we're talking about tax incentives, explain that for us. >> so there are a number of great tax incentives that were around from the last stimulus bill but they've been extended even further out. the biggest one that i want to mention for your viewers is called the employee retention tax credit. if any quarter this year you have a 20% revenue loss compared to same quarter in 2019 or shut down partially or fully you can get a giant credit against your payroll taxes, so you want to talk to your accountant about that or payroll company called the employee retention tax credit. arthel: what if you don't have an account or payroll company if you're really small business how do you find out the guidance? >> well eve to tell you something arthel you really should get one particularly, they're very complicated. even the employee retention tax credit takes a lot of calculations to do and what we're recommending to our clients is even if you spend a couple of hundred dollars to have somebody help you with that calculation you could potentially save thousands of dollars by doing it. otherwise, you can get the information on the irs's website at but i do recommend that you work with a professional to help you. arthel: that sounds like great advice to me so i would like you to explain something else economic emergency disaster loan who qualifies how can they apply how much money can they borrow and do they have to pay it back? >> that's such a great question so first of all, economic injury disaster loan you get that on the sba website at it is really eligible for any business around the country that is in a disaster area. and covid has been declared a disaster all throughout the country so the eligibility requirements are quite low you just have to show you have a need because you've been in a covid affected area $2 million loan 3.57% interest rate 30 year maturity to five you an example arthel if you get a 100,000 loan it is 400 a month to pay off which is affordable you can use that to sustain your business. one other important thing, there are grants of part of this program. if you are in a low income area of the country a lot of cities have low income areas, there are special grants available to you. particularly if you're a very small business with less than 20 employees. so look for those loans, and apply for those grants you can do it all on arthel: i want to talk the stimulus check there's so many americans who really need that $1400 checks they probably -- won't go online for leisurely shopping spree and may hang on to the money for next month's rent. or mortgage -- or payroll, does this single that many pooh people did not read the money? >> no not necessarily at all that i think the, obviously, the government has reduced actually the qualifications for who is going to be getting the stimulus checks. but no, i do believe thrftion a lot of people out there that do need it arthel listen the people that have been hurt the most by this pandemic have been -- the hourly workers in this country. because they work at retail and restaurants, and a lot of those have been shutdown. so i do think that they do need it to answer your question, and i really hope they do spend it not only for the essentials, but maybe hopefully at their local grocery store, dry cleaners, restaurants as well all of that will help spur the economy. very good if you can't afford it and small business no matter how small your small business is. >> you're an independent contractor or freelancer, they've changed the rules biden administration to make more money available to you under the paycheck protection program. when you do the calculation now you can use your gross income instead of net. but there's more money available if you're an independent person a solo entrepreneur or freelancer, you really should talk to an accountant or tiewk an sba lender a small business administration legender there are many banks doing this. and they're ready to help you with any of those loans you can find those lenders on arthel: very good a lot people work with 1099. >> they do. hairdressers independence, you know all sorts of people and there's more money available you know for those guys as well they should definitely be looking to apply. >> very good we have to run gene thanks very much. >> thanks arthel thanks take care eric. >> meghan markle and prince harry popularity sinking in the united kingdom that following their stunning sit down with oprah winfrey and everyone in royal family is seeing drop in support and brian chilcote follows interview impact no london for us now. brian. reporter: hi eric well more people in the u.k. now have a negative opinion or view of prince harry than a positive one. that's according to the poll that came out after prince harry and meghan gave interview to oprah and first time ever that prince harry had more detractors than support percent you will his popularity has been gradually declining over last few years still, though, a real remarkable reversal of fortune and popularity if you think about it three, four years ago ask people on the street 7 out of ten do you like harry? they would have said yep love him 7 out of ten. now, the majority say that they disapprove of him. when it comes to meghan according to this this poll griff had an even more negative view of her one in three actually said they have a positive view of the dutchess of sussex as eric you know she's still referred to here in the u.k. prince charles is popularity also under review in this poll, took a little bit of a hit after that interview just 49% said they have a positive view of the err to throne which is not great. , though, he wasn't wildly popular before this interview either. one interesting thing i think is that, at least so far meghan and heir river interview has not really affected any of the other royals popularity so prince william 76% of brits approve of harry older brother -- and the next second in line i should say to the throne queen elizabeth, she maintained her rock solid 80% approval rating. eric. eric: wow. a lot of politicians qowld give an 8 0%. ryan thank you. arthel. >> yes. arthel: eric and ryan more accusation of sexual harassment against new york governor andrew cuomo in louder calls for him to step down he said he's not going anywhere. judy miller is up next with that. ♪ ♪ when you drive this smooth, you save with allstate. the future of auto insurance is here. saving is easy when you're in good hands. allstate. click or call for a quote today. i'm not hungry! you're having one more bite! no! one more bite! ♪ kraft. for the win win. alright, i brought in ensure max protein... give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you don't (grunting noise) i'll take that. yeeeeeah! 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar drink, play, and win big in the powered by protein challenge! in this family, everyone does their own laundry, but they all do it a little different. honestly, i add a couple of tide pods and just stuff everything in. it works. and of course, everyone thinks their way is right. i stood in line for hours to get this. it has to be washed on delicate. it has to be cold water, it's better for the planet. the secret is, with tide pods it all works. of course it does. told ya! they're going to do it their way, and i get a break from the laundry. no matter how you wash, it's got to be tide. we started with computers. we didn't stop at computers. we didn't stop at storage or cloud. we kept going. working with our customers to enable the kind of technology that can guide an astronaut back to safety. and help make a hospital come to you, instead of you going to it. so when it comes to your business, you know we'll stop at nothing. eric: a new york governor andrew crowe know says he's not going anywhere. he's stapgding firm in more calls for him to resign over allegations of sexual harassment so far, of 0 state legislators join most of the state's largely democratic congressional delegation, including two u.s. senators calling for cuomo to quit. the governor, though, remains defiant saying he was not elected by politicians by the people, and will not he says give in to cancel culture. judy miller with us pulitzer prize winning journalist author and at the manhattan institute for policy research. you know judy for many years governor described as hard headed vindictive revengeful. he's something he's going try to play the clock out for next year or so -- any way you see him stepping down? >> well, there's no indication yet eric, that he's con telllating stepping down from an office that he's held now for three terms. he was going to be seeking a fourth. and if he didn't run for president, and the election of joe biden is probably the gate of that possibility for a while. but it shows you how very tough this politician is. mean, andrew cuomo despite all of the enemies he's made despite the fact that he's such a bully is absolutely committed to seeing this through and the amazing thing is that 16 out of 19 house democrats have already called for his stepping down and despite that, he's portraying himself as you pointed out as not a member of the political club. if andrew cuomo is not a member of a political club, if he's an outsider, how can you leave son of a governor 40-year veteran of politics and dlaim but that's his line he's sticking to, and he shows no indication of yielding. as long as the white house -- eric: 1982 he was -- yeah way back when 1982 his father first elected three terms as governor of new york. mario cuomo he was campaign manager ever been an insider new york state politics they've been a dynasty. and -- >> i know. eric: refer to him being a bully you hear that having covered him albany reporters constantly saying that. that a lot of politicians apparently afraid of him. that's why a lot of democratic congressional members as well as the two senators they say came out and not one by one because if one comes the and say it is besides brave ron kim if one comes out and say it is then they are afraid govan will go after him and if everyone says you have to go he's going to take on whole democratic establishment? >> that's right but so far, if you noticed the white house has not joined that call. president biden has been silent about this. and so far the official line seems to be in certainly from albany let's let these two investigations both of the nursing home disaster and which he not only had people killed in nursing homes and that they were exposed to a virus which we subsequently learned was spreading through nursing homes but new york or might frif him for that eric but it was the attempt to cover up the deaths to lie about the numbers. that is really hurting politically that coupled with the seven women who have come forth make this a very difficult, political road for him -- >> should he be held more responsible for those nursing home deaths? >> you know, i think he was acting on the basis of information we had at the time. i really don't blame him for that. i think it is the coverup as usual as we know in politics that eric, gets you but he's hanging in there and i wouldn't count him out he's very tough. eric: judy miller observed a lot of politicians who have -- some have come and gone we'll see what happens if this continues. judy, thank you. we'll be right back with more news. just over a year ago, i was drowning in credit card debt. sofi helped me pay off twenty-three thousand dollars of credit card debt. they helped me consolidate all of that into one low monthly payment. they make you feel like it's an honor for them to help you out. i went from sleepless nights to getting my money right. so thank you. ♪ i'm greg, i'm 68 years old. i do motivational speaking so thank you. in addition to the substitute teaching. i honestly feel that that's my calling-- to give back to younger people. i think most adults will start realizing that they don't recall things as quickly as they used to or they don't remember things as vividly as they once did. i've been taking prevagen for about three years now. people say to me periodically, "man, you've got a memory like an elephant." it's really, really helped me tremendously. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has plans built just for you. get 2 unlimited lines for only $70. and now get netflix on us with your plan. and this rate is fixed, you'll pay exactly $70 total. this month and every month. plus, switch today and get a free smartphone for each line. the best value and award-winning customer service. only at t-mobile. reports of trouble in paradise for jennifer lopez and alex rodriguez appears to be only rumors. as of today, the couple saying they are still together and setting the record straight on their high profile relationship. let's go to christina coleman live with the latest. reporter: hi, you have jlo, jennifer lopez big time celebrity recently performed during the inauguration and alex rodriguez, former baseball star who's been by her side. together the couple has a ton of fans. the news broke that they split up yesterday, it rocked the entertainment world but apparently they are still together. the couple is still a pair. according to tmz, the couple says all reports are inaccurate, we are working through some things. tmz says those things have nothing to do with a third party. that's interesting because there are rumors of a rod cheating on jlo. the news of them breaking up is in the wake of a rod being the madison mccoy. an episode of southern charm shed light on accusations look like was having an affair of a former baseball star. denying allegations and says they talk to each other on the phone but they never met or had any kind of anything, he's just an acquaintance and she insisted they are both innocent still, jlo reportedly was embarrassed by the rumor, jlo and a rod have been together roughly four years now and they postponed their wedding twice during the covid lockdown before calling it off for now. right now, a rod is an ime and jlo in the dominican republic shooting a movie but again tmz reports the couple is still together. arthel: i don't know how any guy could sink to cheat on jlo, she's got everything. she is gorgeous. smart and powerful, i could go on. thank you. eric, would you like to say goodbye? >> where they get the stuff? i don't know, it's tough being a star. i wouldn't know but man zero man. 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