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♪ you can let your hair down. ♪ gotta keep your head up. ♪ you can let your hair down. good morning, welcome to the fourth and final hour of fox and friends with the beautiful shot of the sun gleaming off the atlantic ocean off of new jersey. i love to start the hour if we might in montana. >> okay. >> you guys know i spent i'm in montana, living there, and i was taken in not just by the community and the beautiful state but also a specific family, the ekstroms of l diamond e ranch. today is the 80th birthday of brett ekstrom who was a surrogate mother for me, wonderful family, and i can't believe -- there we are, all of us together with me and one of my boys. >> is that brett holding the rifle there? >> it is. it's a bb gun. let's have a target contest while we sit on the back deck and i can't believe she's turning 80 but happy birthday. >> love it. rachel: those were your yellowstone days. >> correct. >> he's heading back in that direction. we all are. rachel: we're all returning back. >> happy a birthday. rachel: are you getting killed on social media. >> no, they're on he my side. you know the answer. rachel: the swifties are on your side. >> the american people are. >> america is on my side the love between travis kelce and taylor swift and america likes reality, america likes the truth. >> you said in the break that america doesn't like the truth. [laughter] >> that's an allegation, totally unproven. >> people don't like to be told the truth sometimes. you are the ultimate truth teller. rachel: if you're faking a relationship, would you have the parents meet each other? just asking for a friend. >> if you grew up in the stage world, everything is about fame, is any part of your life actually secluded and reserved for authenticity? >> maybe. rachel: i just think -- >> i know when i win, when she goes hmm. rachel: i think you're being a cynic about love. people want to believe in love again. >> these two. [laughter] >> we've exhausted the extent of our analysis. that was amazing. i wasn't going to say anything. [laughter] >> we wish them luck. we really do. speaking of love, there's some love down in texas for former president trump as sources are telling fox news that texas governor greg abbott will endorse trump for 2024 today. one day after trump rallied voters in iowa ahead of the first in the nation caucuses which are coming quick. right. the end of the road -- the beginning of the end of the road of the gop primary coming quick, trump strong atop the polls. we had conversation today about american farmers, the cost of thanksgiving dinner and turkeys and here's a portion of what donald trump said yesterday in iowa about the american farmer. >> as president i traveled all over the world, fighting and winning on behalf of iowa farmers who worked hard. you were behind the 8 ball when i got here. when i came here originally seven years ago you were absolutely getting decimated. i made new farm deals, i got the usmca done, they were killing you, mexico and canada was killing you and we got rid of nafta, the worst trade deal ever made and replaced it with the usmca, and now you're doing great. under my leadership we will have a rebirth of loyalty to the american farmer starting at noon on inauguration day, 2025. rachel: i've been telling you for a long time, i think this is a sleeper issue, american food, the sustainability of small farmers, ability to make money and exist, not just competition from the big producers and big corporate farms, but also getting a lot of competition from people buying up farmland, bill gates, the chinese, our biggest pork producers by the way processing plants owned by china and brazil. so these are issues that i think a lot of americans are thinking about, both because they want to be healthy and eat healthier food but also they're worried about the national security implications of allowing foreign countries to own some of our resources so i think it's interesting, i think he's got his pulse on this topic. >> it's a big advantage that donald trump can lean into as the campaign winds up in iowa, the idea i said i would take on trade, i said nafta was a disaster, i delivered a different arrangement that is better for american workers and the american farmer, that's a pretty strong message to i bring to the finish line. >> speaking of national security, back in february of 2022 christine warmoth had sent out a letter all unvaccinated soldiers they could be dismissed from the army. it read that army readiness reas requires readiness. we will begin voluntary separation proceedings for soldiers who refuse the vaccine order and are not pending exemption. that a was almost two years ago. >> february of 2022, the army secretary said that unvaccinated soldiers are a risk to the force. rachel: that's right. so many people who didn't want to take the experimental vaccine had to leave, were discharged. >> a lot of them on this program. rachel: many other soldiers forced because maybe they had economic concerns or some other issues, they couldn't leave, and were forced or were coerced into taking this and so now we have a letter, they've changed their mind. we're going to talk about why we think they've changed their mind but had they changed their mind and they said you can come back. here's the brigadier general rampy from the army, director of personnel management, saying, quote, dear former service member, we write to notify you of new army guidance regarding the correction of military records for former members of the army following rescission of the covid-19 vaccine requirement, as a result of the rescission of all current covid-19 vaccine requirements, former soldiers who were involuntarily separated for the refusal to receive the covid-19 vaccination may request a correction of their military record. so in other words, boy, we're getting close to a big war many why don't you come on back. we need more people. >> it's amazing. they said soldiers present a risk to the force and jeopardize readiness. now the military's in a real readiness crisis because of what this administration has done inside the ranks, starting under obama, accelerated under biden. they can't get young men and women to join the army. and they realize they kicked a bunch of people out who were well trained and qualified. because of real readiness crisis, they're getting letters in the mail. >> we talked about education earlier. >> you talked about tribunals, accountability tribunals for covid. >> yeah, earlier we talked about the fact the new york times is seeing the light on the historic loss in learning, horrifically bad loss of learning. rachel: they say like 10 years -- >> two decades. rachel: two decades, yeah. >> how about compromising the national security. this is a self admission they compromised the national security, like we need to call them back, we don't have a sufficient number of troops, we're not ready. they're willing to do it during the time. >but they neveracknowledge the . rachel: the letter has no apology to the people whose lives were disrupted by the mandate. if you talk to -- >> do you think uncle sam ever apologizes? rachel: no. we need an apology. we need to make sure this never happens again. a lot of soldiers i talked to thought this was a way to weed out certain types of people who are independent thinkers, weed them out of the military. >> you had the stand-downs, remember that, after george floyd, the stand-downs among the force to identify extremists among the ranks, you had a diversity working group founded by a dei disciple who was meant to define what extremism looked like. those policies are in effect inside the pent. rachpentagon.rachel: which is y recruitment has remained low. i don't think this will bring the people back. one reason recruit pment is down is because we have a generation of young people who aren't being taught to love their country and why would they want to -- >> what a time of insanity that was. you really have to evaluate leaders who are capabilityable of going -- capable of going against -- most of these people aren't inshare. they're just weak and cowardly and afraid to stand up against the consensus that's losing its mind. i think there are several leaders who stood up against that. i'm not just doing something retrospective. i think this coming year we'll see a a lot of insanity return. i was thinking about it this morning. next year we'll have another raracial reckoning. i guarantee it. it's an election year. >> trump's running and that's part of the calculus. >> you need something to galvanize the base is that doesn't exist with an 81-year-old man that doesn't function with a high level of vitality. you need a protest vote, whether it be covid, abortion, race, it's all going magically appear in the next 10 months. rachel: and we'll get a time magazine piece explaining how they did it after the election. remember that? >> yeah, yeah, yeah. [laughter] >> six months later, what they did in the page -- >> russian interference. had will be a lot of -- >> yeah, you're right. rachel: the plan to get rid of trump by, you know, getting all these felonies charged against them, all this stuff is not working and so they've got to come up with something. >> they're still counting on it. you just wait until they -- rachel: it's not working as planned. every time they launch another trial against him, his numbers go up. >> they're going to take things and turn them into something else to galvanize fear to rally someone. >> no doubt. no doubt. all right. now we're going to turn to a few additional headlines starting with a fox news alert. the suspect who sparked an overnight manhunt in memphis after killing three women and a 13-year-old girl is dead according to police. officers believe the suspect died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. they say he committed three different shootings during a spree of domestic violence. police haven't identified any victims. and illegals are moving into boston's logan international airport as the sanctuary city said they have run out of beds for them. at least 20 including babies were sleeping inside the airports under benches with blankets. the governor said shelters reached full capacity. lawmakers voted against a quarter billion dollar in emergency aid for shelters. rachel: add that to the travel weekend struggle. >> sanctuary cities with the right to shelter with unlimited illegals, now you're in logan airport. tiger woods says he will play in his first tournament since the masters back in april. he'll play in the hero world channel at the end of the month. he said he is not experiencing pain in the right ankle which kept him on t the shrine. sideline. he it is a work in progress. >> how many majors does he need? two or three. >> two, i think. >> my bet, he still does it. >> a new survey suggests what topics you're not supposed to talk about or the least favorite topics to discuss at thanksgiving. they're all rachel's favorites. rachel: basically i'm not getting invited to anyone's thanksgiving because i love all these topics. >> war, covid, biden, trump, the 2024 he'll e, you can see -- he'election, you can see the li. rachel: what do you think the pop culture segment is? >> here are things had that you can do that are most and least appreciated around the holiday house. our three states are -- is tennessee your state? >> he's really giving it to me hard, all 100% my adopted state. >> tennessee, wisconsin, texas, love it if you help to clean up the kitchen. rachel: offer to help. that's kind of nice. the person who cooked all day could use a little help. you want to come out ? >> there's ted. rachel: here's the worst thing you can do. if you're in texas, don't ask offensive questions. that's the worst thing you can do. in tennessee, this was weird, don't steal. that was a weird one. i don't know what's going on in tennessee. >> they need to be written dn and reminded. rachel: wisconsin, on brand, getting too drunk. >> getting too drunk. rachel: not to do. >> that's a mistake. >> we asked for your feedback. here's what bill in texas said, he said the best thanksgiving discussion in texas is the debate whether lone star or shiner bach is the best tasting beer to drink with the thanksgiving dinner. worst is the 23-year-old nephew you who brought a six pack of bud light to the table. rachel: don't do that in texas. >> from mark, what i find offensive, is telling me prior what i can't say while we're all together. i respect other's opinions even if i disagree and encourage discourse. if you tell mark what to say, he'll probably say it. rachel: don't tell him what to say. >.pat a says the worst thanksgiving guest moves, coming empty handed, eating all slim sp cocktail, saying the turkey is die, dine and, don't stay for coffee and pie, you're rude. >> i don't think i want to spend thanksgiving with pat. seems like pat has a lot of ways in which he's going to find agreements -- rachel: that could be pat a girl, by the way. >> there's a lot of grievances, a lot of trip wires and then pat's thanksgiving is over. >> it's good. >> it's good? >> it's good. pat has opinions. i think thanksgiving needs drama. what did i ask you a minute ago? rachel: what's the big drama going on in the family right now? >> i think family drama honestly is kind of fun. rachel: families are messy. i mean that not in the physical way. it's messy, you know. that's what makes it beautiful and fun and makes thanksgiving great so talk about politics, talk about religion, the things you're not supposed to do and or they say you're not supposed to do and love each other after. -- -- do you know how many peoplewd say rachel told me to talk politics. rachel: talk everything. >> have you gotten a job yet? are you looking? you know, have some cranberries. rachel: talk about taylor swift and travis kelce. >> maybe start with saying no phones. >> tell me about your haircut. what's going on? it's really just make fun of your nephews. >> yeah, it's pretty fun. >> hays one of the most fun parts. rachel: i'm looking forward to thanksgiving. by the way, can i mention this? we are having -- sean and i on our podcast we're having a thanksgiving special. that will drop on thursday, so when you're cooking or driving to someone's house, turn that on. i have guests including these two, some special guests. also jimmy f allah, julie branderis, kind of like a "fox & friends" celebration. >> no more woke macy's day parade. rachel: we have a real fun discussion on thanksgiving, all the tradition, all the fun, all the gossip, all the drama. okay. let's move on to this, coming up, franklin graham joins us live after meeting with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. >> plus, president biden is getting the snl treatment ahead of his 81st birthday. brian kilmeade reacts to the sketch, next. >> i'm going to read from the teleprompter. i enjoyed meeting with president roman numeral 11. excuse me, president xi >> to keep things on the -- i'm going to read things from the tteleprompter. i enjoyed meeting with president roman numeral 11. excuse me, president xi. the meeting was a total win. sure, we made agreements about communications, fentanyl, climate change, but most importantly we got the thing america really needs right now, more pandas. please welcome tiantian. [ applause ] >> i'm glad we did this, panda. we're not so different. we're dads, we're cute. people love sharing videos of us falling down. >> saturday night live taking jabs at joe biden ahead of his 81st birthday tomorrow. mocking his age and high stakes meeting with communist chinese president number 11, xi, before getting upstaged by a panda. >> honestly i don't think it's as funny as the real thing. rachel: i agree. >> brian kilmeade is here to react. the thing is, brian, i guess what's noteworthy about it, it's like the green light's been given. joe biden's been green lit. you're you allowed to talk negatively, snl, you're allowed to take your shots. >> great to see you guys. i thought it was also brought up the fact the border crisis and he ducked it they brought up the fact that he's old and through the kentuckiana, that's the -- through the q & a and that's the way it used to be. it was interesting when they used to mock barack obama when he blew that debate to mitt romney, they used to mock al gore as being stiff and robotic. i don't know if they would do that today. last night was the first time they actually went to his weaknesses, his age, the border policy, middle east and they brought it up and they said despite all that, who are you voting for, donald trump wants to round up all i'm p grants and put them -- immigrants and put them into camps. the panda says i don't know. i think it's fascinating. all of these things were things that were brought up in the monologue that i think a year ago they wouldn't have touched. >> not even close. >> brian, what do you make of this moment then? is it just -- is it punditry when david axlerod says a that is this a sign, are we at the praecipes of a real change in the fourth quarter of the game. >> you read the wall street journal, david axlerod, morn man dowd, when joe biden heard about the comments, he said david axlerod was the reason you became vice president. when they thought about bringing in hillary clinton, action a axd i think he'll do a great job as vice president. you make him the bad guy? i thought that was fascinating that came from a new york times columnist and i think it's fascinating that snl is doing this but i don't think they're pushing. i think they're gently nudging for him to think about it because the alternatives -- did you see the poll, guys? gavin newsom is their blue chin kid and he loses to trump and he loses to desantis and nikki haley too. the last three major polls, desantis wins too. you might say push joe overboard. but there's no layup coming up behind him. certainly not the vice president. we've been over that. gavin newsom, we know the thing about gavin newsom, the back of his baseball card, he's a terrible governor. oops, he ruined san francisco and his goal is to ruin the state. and i think if he shows up on november 30th it will show that. what wil you give me the illinos governor, the state of pennsylvania, i think that state is tipping red. he's been solid. nobody knows him. i don't know if that person can beat any leading republican. so best of luck. they're going to run on donald trump is the worst person in the history of the world, worse than hitler and they're going to run on y abortion. i think there's a vulnerability with biden if they think it because the window is closing. rachel: we talk about his age. it's not really the age. we had a 100-year-old veteran who had a lot more lucidity and fluidity at the patriot award going off the couple i don't think it's his age. i think it's his competency. and i think we're seeing signs of dementia and not all together there. but it's an interesting thing. we'll see what happens. i think axlerod, brian, is a sign that obama -- axlerod is the voice of obama, the top of the party and they're saying time to move on. i want to talk about something else which is your book. i went into my office the other day, you left a copy for me and as always, with all of your books, my son john paul snatches them up because he's a history buff. i haven't gotten to read it yet. he's reading it. he says it's great, per usual. tell everybody about the book. he says it's incredible. >> one thing, guys, just keep in mind. i used to think if i got a book to rachel, it's like giving he it to sean. evidently they don't share things. [laughter] >> if i leave out one, the other one gets mad so i had to quickly -- you probably knew that already. i want to talk about two leaders in their time, america always seems to have the right person at the right time and booker t washington was that in the segregated south and to team with a rich guy, seven generations of wealth who struggled, they saw greatness in each other and thought how do we move the country forward and i thought if i could chronicle that and try to win the war on history and counter the narrative that america was never had that great according to governor cuomo and if i could talk about a guy that was born a slave and without shoes, slept on the floors his whole life and found out what a number was when he was 10 years old when he saw 18, the bag he had to fill up with salt every day when he moved to west virginia as a free man for the first time, a free boy and became one of the most important men in american history and ends up having three presidents speak at the commencement address in tuskegee and when i talked to these people and talked to the roosevelt people i said is there a relationship here between these two or is it just me wanting to make this happen and they said no, absolutely. they wrote about each other constantly. teddy roosevelt wrote the forward to booker t's last book. they were people of their time, obviously, there were blind spots that teddy had. for the most part, he was able to look at a black man as equal. booker t said there will be some that will look at me as less. if you're going to be racist, i'm going to convince them by my actions. i would get chills, to see a man overcome everything. he's a mini anthony robins before he was all out there. >> it's an awesome story, a great book. watching brian on stage on tour is a lot of fun. check it out, go to you're in alabama today, new york on november 25th, new new jersey on the 29th. i hope folks getic the et cetera right there. >> thanks for joining us. rachel: book's on sale right now for christmas. >> stay within your self. all of you. >> trying and failing. rachel: bye, brian. >> still ahead, the power of prayer as the war against hamas terrorists rage on, christians around the world are praying for israel as is our next guest we believe that the best products are made in america and come fresh from the family farm. and produced under the most sustainable farming techniques. from our sheets to our blankets and quilts this is a product that can be passed on. it could be a family heirloom. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi i'm playing with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. with skyrizi, nothing on my skin means everything! ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. >> the idf intensifies strikes against hamas terrorists at israel's border with gaza. christians around the world vowing to stand by our greatest ally in the middle east. reverend franklin graham, he visited israel and prayed with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he joins us now with more. reverend, thanks for being here. what was your meeting like with the prime minister? you prayed with him. give us a sense of that meeting, whatever you can disclose. >> first of all, he's laser focused on bringing this war to an end and freeing the hostages, this is not a war that he started or israel started. this he's is something that hamas started and it's brought an incredible amount of suffering not only in israel bat in gaza and on the west bank so he's focused and we had a chance to pray, pray to god to give him wisdom and strength and that god would protect him during these difficult days. >> as a leader, share with the audience why you're such a strong supporter of the state of israel. >> well, first of all, it goes back to the scripture. god chose the jewish people to be his people and why he chose them out of all the nations of the earth, i don't know. but he did. and so i believe the bible to be the word of god from cover to cover and so god has a very special place not only israel and history, but in the future we see israel when you read the scriptures, so i believe in sanding with them and -standing with them and of course we support the people that are suffering, the jews and the pal palestinians, we are helping in gaza with the churches, we have 80 church partners that we're dealing with. there's so much suffering, pete. i've never seen anything quite like this. speaking to the survivors, we provided 21 ambulances to israel. they lost 14 in the first few hours. and we are replacing those 14. we're buying seven additional armored ambulances. they had 11 first responders killed. i spoke with survivors. i spoke with a mother and her three daughters and her fourth daughter is being held or excuse me she was killed. i spoke with another lady whose husband is being held as a hostage. and it's just the heart ache is just incredible. so i pray that -- everyone i met with, i would tell them i'm a christian but is it okay if i pray for you and everyone of them said please, pray for us. i would just pray and i would try to comfort them and my prayer for them was that god would put his loving arms around them and had that they would sense and feel his presence and that he is the father of all comfort, that he would comfort these people that have lost so much. >> it's staggering to hear you say you see something unprecedented because of all the places samaritan purse goes and all the good had that you do, is phenomenal. god bless you and your organization for what you're doing. thank you for bringing that report from the ground and for reminding us of the power of prayer. we appreciate it, sir. thank you. still ahead, could tiktok tank biden's re-election chances? >> we are living in the silent depression, new cars are unaffordable, new houses are unaffordable. to rent somewhere else is unaffordable. >> maria bartiromo joins us as even gen z complains about bachs. u just take a few seconds to pray with me real quick. in the name of the father and son, holy spirit. amen. lord jesus, come to us now. help us to surrender ourselves completely to you. help us to listen to your voice. even when we're distracted or tired, we pray this in the name of the father and of the son of the holy spirit. amen. thank you so much. i just want to encourage you that if you want to join me in more prayer, check out hallow it's the number one prayer app in the world. >> welcome back to "fox & friends." temperature wise, not that bad. sometimes we get storms and we do have one to deal with that's going to cause trouble, sometimes we get them around thanksgiving. this won't be a cold storm. that's maybe the good news, colder across parts of the east coast today, compared to yesterday. after we had a bit of a front move through, really dropped temperatures down. this is the storm now that's going to be the big impact for us over about the next three days, three and-a-half days, and it's going to have big travel impacts throughout the week so today here we've got the rain and some thunderstorms. i don't think anything that's severe today across the plains. snow back across parts of the rockies. tomorrow this moves towards the east and severe weather breaks out, maybe a tornado or two across areas of louisiana, texas, arkansas, mississippi be, you need to watch this carefully. you need moisture. you're going to get severe weather with it unfortunately. tuesday, a lot of rain and wind across the eastern seaboard. by wednesday evening, this is gone off the northeast but weather impacts, weather will have impacts across many of the airports so if you're flying, we have a bit of a rough week ahead of us. will, over to you. will: thanks, rick. gen z tiktokers making their message clear when it comes to how they feel about the cost of living. living. i don't think that was tiktok. what you're seeing if you're on tiktok is people complaining about rising mortgage rates, inflation, and the question is could this type of trend among young voters sink biden's chances in 2024? sunday morning futures anchor maria bartiromo joins us now. maria, i've got to start with this. i was on the streets of new york yesterday. somebody said hey, you're will, will you tell maria how much i love her. i said yes, i will. [laughter] will: this is my first chance to see you so i have to tell you how loved you are on the streets of new york. i think they were tourists but they're no less on the streets of new york. what do you think about -- maria: that is so nice. that is so nice. i love them too. thank you so much for sharing that. will: you bet. what do you think about young voters, they're falling out of love with biden, that doesn't mean they're falling in love with a republican, that's always the big question. maria: had that's a good way to put it. it will be interesting to see whether or not this dynamic starts to work against joe biden because up until now tiktok has been a whole lot of support for this administration and a whole lot of upset against the competition and we you saw thate again play out during the beginning of the war on israel. the bottom line is this, tiktok is obviously a chinese company and that means it is at the end of the day controlled by the chinese communist party and the ccp follows america's political debates and then piles on, on those political debates. that's why we see so much of propaganda coming out and the ccp has been very strategic in terms of using propaganda, not just tiktok, but all of this so-called media which is state controlled, state controlled propaganda and it just y spews t whatever it wants to disrupt american politics, disrupt american economy and that's what we've seen and now you're seeing tiktok influencers come out and explain that this is a great depression underway for them because they can't afford to take out a mortgage, can't afford to buy the essentials because of all of the reckless spending leading to 40-year high inflation. what we're talking about this morn on sunday morning futures is the propaganda war that the united states is up against because of the ccp and its propaganda. we saw that during the israel war, the beginning of it, where you saw so much propaganda against israel, anti-israeli propaganda that sparked pro palestinian protests across america. senator tom cotton will talk about the ccp's strategy in terms of piling on against american interests and of course that is another issue that did not come up during the meeting between joe biden and xi jinping last week. so far, as far as i can tell from this meeting, america got a promise, that's all america got was a promise that the ccp would help to curb the fentanyl flow into america and yet the americans actually lifted sanctions on the companies that are aiding and y abetting human rights abuses. we'll talk about that with senator tom cotton and representative greene and christopher alvarez. have you seen the new numbers at the border? this is so extraordinary. jo goa's wide -- joe biden's wide open border enabled 7,000 chinese nationals to enter america either through the wide open border or the ports of entry in october a ayou loan. is no one focused on this at the white house that we're seeing thousands and thousands of military aged men coming into america either through the wide open southern border or through the ports of entry? what is the plan? you can't just get up and move out of china. you are being directed there according to mark greene, the chairman of the homeland security committee. we'll talk about that as well. there were rumors last week of a potential altercation between kevin mccarthy and tim burchett. we'll talk about that as well. kevin mccarthy maintains he did not elbow tim burchett in the kidney as he says, we'll have the former speaker of the house on this morning to talk about how life as changed in the house of representatives with new speaker mike johnson. we'll talk about the wars in israel and ukraine with jack keane coming up. we've got a big show, we have breaking news as well and the propaganda coming out of the ccp controlled tiktok. i don't know if these tiktok influencers are going to actually go against joe biden at the end of the day with their complaints about inflation or not. this may very well have an opportunity to go against the democrats and even as all the governors are saying we want to ban tiktok, joe biden wants to use it for his campaign so there's that as well. will: maria, we'll be watching coming up in a little bit. thank you. maria: thank you. will: talking turkey, it's thanksgiving week and we've got some last minute recipes that will impress everyone around the table straight ahead. ♪ i want some hot stuff baby this evening. ♪ gotta have some hot stuff. ♪ gotta have some love tonight *8 ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ it is thanksgiving week and we have the last minute dishes that will impress everyone on the guest liss. guest list.rachel: joining us f bernardo skefardi. >> starting with shrimp cocktail. >> we start with something all american families love. the shrimp we cook with the skin on. that way the shrimp is more delicious. rachel: m moist. >> a lot more flavor. >> i feel like when there's shrimp on the plate, somebody spent money, and it's nice. rachel: special. >> talk to he me about this. >> moving on, this time of year we like to smoke mozzarella as a special. we finish it with some roasted peppers, olives, olive oil, salt, simple but delicious. rachel: it's so good and so simple to put together. it's nice to have one side dish that's easy to put together. >> all right. talk us through this right here, this looks really good. >> this is a turkey leg. we did it with scarpielo sauce. one of the signature dishes is chick scarpielo. it's a neopolitan dish. we did it with artichoke hearts, with a little spice to it. rachel: if you get the leg, you get the dark meat that's juicier. >> man, this is good. all right, desert. >> desert, we have red wine poached pair. we simmer these -- pear. we sim simmer these for 45 minus with some cranberries. >> it looks complicated. >> you peel it, take the seeds out. >> what do you do, just pour the red wine over it. >> red wine, a little sugar, aromati i cs. rachel: what's the secret to your gravy? >> you have to make a nice brown veal stock, that's where all the flavor is. rachel: veal stock. that's a good one. >> that's where the flavors impart itself dis%. >> where is the restaurant. .>> seventh avenue south in the village. >> there's the website right there,. >> are you open for thanksgiving? >> we're actually closed. we're taking the day. rachel: get the recipes though. are your recipes online. >> yes, they will be. >> chef, thank you very much. >> thank you. rachel: thank you. happy thanksgiving. >> happy thanksgiving. >> we'll see you on the other side of this break for more "fox & friends." get out of my dreams. ♪ get in the back seat, baby. ♪ get into my ♪ beee deep deep, yeah p do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. ask about ubrelvy. look who saved slider sunday again! here we go... 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[laughter] close. >> beautiful beach. >> it is gone. >> amazing thanksgiving. go to church. >> check out the restaurant.

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The Plains , Mississippi Be , Thunderstorms , Rockies , Louisiana , Arkansas , Impacts , Many , Wind , Moisture , Tuesday , Will , Flying , Living , Brick , Inflation , Question , Mortgage Rates , Streets , Sunday Morning Futures , Chances , Type , Trend , Somebody , Tourists , Maria , The Big Question , Starts , Support , Upset , Company , Bottom Line , Beginning , Thate , Propaganda , Ccp , Debates , Terms , Media , Spews , Mortgage , Tiktok Influencers , Economy , American Politics , Essentials , Propaganda War , High Inflation , Spending , 40 , Tom Cotton , Issue , Interests , Protests , Strategy , Piling , Palestinian , Promise , Companies , Fentanyl Flow Into America , Sanctions , America Got , Representative , Human Rights Abuses , Abetting , Greene , Christopher Alvarez , Sports , Entry , Nationals , Wide Open Border , Jo Goa , October A Ayou Loan , 7000 , Thousands , White House , Kevin Mccarthy , Mark Greene , Altercation , Rumors , Homeland Security Committee , Tim Burchett 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