Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning 20240702 :

MSNBCW Morning July 2, 2024

take a look. >> senator tommy tuberville of america, faced backlash after his own party, who angrily challenge his months-long blockade. they unanimously improved 61 military promotions by voice note for four hours. he rejected each nomination as his colleagues frustrations grew. >> we have done the best that we can to honor the request a fellow senator. that these nominations be bought to the floor and voted on, initially. and i really respect men of their word. i do not respect, and do not honor men who do not honor their word. >> no matter what you think, tuberville, this is doing damage to our military. i do not say that lightly. if this is the norm, who the hell wants to serve in the military when you have a promotion that can be canned based on something that you had nothing to do with? >> simply a, in my opinion, of abuse of the powers that we have as senators. to say if there is something that we vehemently disagree with, that we are going to use that power to hold up the promotion of over 350 men and women in our military. >> these are the people who are kicking indoors in fallujah, shooting terrorists in the face. and we have people saying they are desk jockeys and they're not warriors? that is just ridiculous. it is ridiculous. and it is insulting. the chinese admirals and their military, they are probably watching this debate right now going i cannot believe my luck. i cannot believe our luck. maybe we should attack taiwan tomorrow. we're going to look back at this episode and just be, stunned. in what a national security suicide missions became. >> senator sullivan served in the united states marine corps for many or. joni ernst, senator ernst served as well. you see the frustration. we've been hearing it privately. sometimes we'll hear mitch mcconnell say politely, i disagree with the way that he's doing. but it's the way that the system is set up. [inaudible] >> a lot of the jonathan has to do with the fact that you had an episode with a marine corps commandant. and by the way, i guarantee you every one of those senators first, of all, where angered behind the scenes. all along. >> i guarantee you every one of those senators got calls from the pentagon. going what in the holy [bleep] are you guys doing? we've got guys being sent to the hospital now. because one job is enough. to just absolutely rep somebody apart. you're making them do two, three, four jobs because of this clown? from alabama? that people in alabama even do not support? you know the pressure coming from the pentagon with one of their own being sent to the hospital on a health issue. you know it is getting intense now? >> that marine corps leader hospitalized over the weekend, hopefully, previously he's working two jobs. he couldn't do it. it was too much. and now we have this health episode. my understanding is talking to a few republicans involved that that played a role. as of course of the de-escalating crisis in the middle east. it's not a moment when it can't be anything beneficial readiness. as we have to pull aircraft carriers in the region. and there is still war in ukraine, and concerns about china and taiwan as well. and we saw from lindsey graham. who is a pro military hawk, he was very firm. dan sullivan the last, strongest voice there. there were other. sal taking shot, after, shot of their shot at tuberville who says he won't back down. he says he's staying with us despite the onslaught from his own party. >> he spoke quietly, but give george one of the hardest tags when she said, i don't respect men who do not keep their word. >> it really is an absurd situation. maybe they have been telling the sky, you can't play football without a roster. and he's just sitting there and lucky everything. partly the senate rules over that. but also, i've wondered, why it is that all of these officers have to have their commissions. to be confirmed by the senate. it does not make any sense because i understand that the constitution. the appointments clause of the constitution only requires officers. essentially cabinet heads to be confirmed by the senate. and by law congress can say that everyone else can be selected by just the president alone. or even by the courts of law. here you've got thousands of people up for a nomination. and it doesn't make sense. it doesn't add up with the senate rules. one senator can insist on debates on every single one of those. the rules as they are set up now depend on good faith. and what we're seeing here is not good faith. >> absolutely no good faith whatsoever. it has nothing to do with the military. it's gunning readiness. and as you heard senator sullivan say that it's gonna be catastrophic suicide mission that we put our military on. and unfortunately, you have that happening in the republicans in the senate. with tommy tuberville and then in the house you have house members who constantly iveson rate an attack. and pete down the united states military. hate the united states military. hate the generals that run the united states military. hey mark milley when he was chairman of the joint chiefs. so disrespectful that it was sickening. it made me sick. nobody. not even the most left during radical when i was on armed services ever traded a general or and admiral with such little respect and then you add on top of that. you actually have republicans in the past saying they wished the united states military was more like the russian military. the same russian military that tried to bomb russia in syria? like two minutes later 500 of the more debt. because guess what? you know what the special upset in syria? welcome to the party. do we really want our troops to be there? let me answer that. hello. ask any general not only in america than anywhere across the world. do you want your troops to be like the russian troops? or like american troops. i remember way back, 40 or i don't know how many years ago. i was in college. what was it an odd six? on seven? i do not know. but anyway it was a long time ago. and i remember even then it was a political science course on soviet history. and we're talking about the cold war and everything. and this professor happened i have a lot of experience. and you guys, look at our soldiers. regardless of what you hear. they think they're seven feet tall. they will never say it, they are scared to death of american marines. they want no part of it. and do you know what's changed in all of that? nothing. nothing. because the chinese are scared of our military. the russians are scared of our military. the north koreans are scared of our military. the world is are scared of our military. they quake in fear. the only people that don't seem to respect our military right now? are republicans on capitol hill and the guy who's gonna be the next president of the united states if the republicans have their way. it is grotesque, they stand alone in the world in their disrespect for the strength and the power and the minutes of americas armed services. >> well said sir. beyond the grotesqueness of it. the stupidest of it. there is one thing that pretty much everyone agrees on. public and democrat. of course not these democrats. is the respect and love and reference for military. i can go 4 to 2024 and basically think about an entire campaign, military, for joe biden. military for democrats. have a campaign called generally speaking where i get every general to come forward. as we already have and just come forward and said i understand the importance of readiness. i understand the importance of defending our country. >> and by the way. i'm better than your. because as the senator said, we are in fallujah. we were fighting across afghanistan and in iraq, tommy tuberville, while you are sitting there playing appalachia and stake. >> so if you have the military supporting tampa kratz, that's about as strong as an endorsement. >> tommy tuberville respect to the appalachians state. [laughter] [inaudible] [inaudible] >> i love appalachians that. some of the best people i know are from the appalachian state. i'm just say from auburn. it's a different level. >> it's not political ahead. >> but that's the campaign that i would run. generally speaking. and just have generals talking, and say here is one side, here's the other side. of course, if the republicans lose the military. and they've lost law and order. where have they gone? they have not much left. they have nothing left if i think what we're talking about lately. >> overthrowing the government? >> and the other thing, tommy tuberville is, i don't know whether the republican university of stupid, performative arts. the game is whether your jaw charlie. >> calling a guy whose mom survived the holocaust antisemite, and his family a, great number of them were lost in the holocaust, calling them an antisemite yesterday? our tuberville, who is on this today. >> matt gaetz, what he's done, is he is the formula. be really stupid, be really obnoxious, be completely off iraq or. getting exposure on television, raise money. >> but it on your instagram but only because what you're inciting. >> and in a way that school is. >> josh hawley insults. >> mayorkas. >> a man whose mother survived the holocaust. i think auschwitz. and he's so proud of it he puts it up on his instagram. because he is that shameless. he should've gone. >> to be an apology. >> any humanity at all he, would've apologized. no humanity, no shame. this is your republican party. >> morning joe weekend will be back after a short break! a short break they switched to google tools for education because there's never been a reported ransomware attack on a chromebook. now they're focused on learning knowing that their data is secure. 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he's in the wrong state. it's really tough, i mean, to keep up with that. keep up with we are running again, so you, between the last two. he still thinks he's running against barack obama but he is not one of the people he's running again. maybe the reason why he doesn't know is because he wants debates in the republican primary. former new jersey governor, chris christie. what do you think? you know donald a long time. do you think when it gets up there, and he freaks out, he can't remember joe biden's name? because you see him struggling? and by the way, biden does it to. so biden does it to. so people, whenever they say this, while biden. okay, they're both old men. and they're both doing it. but he keeps saying that he's running against for oklahoma. and he seems struggling up there, trying to remember what decade he isn't. do you think it's the pressure of 91 counts? what do you think it is? >> i think it is the stress of what he knows it's coming. it is criminal problems. and i think this week, because from last week that's all post mark meadows. everybody who is watching this understand, from somebody who did this work for seven years, you don't give mark meadows immunity unless the evidence that he has is unimpeachable. and i said this yesterday, i want republican voters to understand this, what is going to be happening in march. it's gonna be sitting in a courtroom, in washington d.c., with mark meadows 20 feet away from him. saying that he committed crimes in front of me. on my watch. not some rogue prosecutor. >> i want to stop the right there. and i want to underline what i've said. because we've got a lot of democrats watching the show. but i'm sure you know, that we have a lot of republicans that are watching the show. and i just want to say to my republican friends that are watching, everybody that is testifying against donald trump, they are not editorial writers for the new york times, or primetime host of msnbc. they are all trumpers, who stayed with trump till the very end. >> this is the guy who was velcro'd to trump's hip. for the entire 2020 campaign. and all the post campaign nonsense. and so, this is deadly. it's done. he is going to be convicted. it's over. >> can he run for president, and delay, delay, delay and get out of it? >> i don't think he can delay. i don't have the impression that this court judge in washington is amenable to delay. >> it's a march 4th. so it's a march for trial right now. what do you think? maybe give or take a month. you think the judge may, may? >> it maybe it starts in april. maybe, maybe not the. she has not given much at this point into the defense claims for a delay. and i think that's why jacks mitt indicted this case with just trump. because, you don't have multiple defendants, this is it. he had six unindicted co conspiracies, not that they don't think he committed cries. but be he learned from the documents. and i think they made a mistake in that case. >> by the way, they can bring cases are against those other six later on if they don't cooperate? >> within the statute of limitations they can. >> let me ask you this question. let's say the trial is in mid march, last a month. he is convicted by mid april, and you look at the evidence that we know. it looks like it's an uphill battle for the defendant. i know trump's people are saying we will appeal, we will appeal. it's a d.c. circuit judge. it's a judge. it will go to the d.c. circuit, then the supreme court. they're gonna expedite this, aren't they? this is not going to be a year. >> i think they would. but remember, once you're convicted by a jury, you are convicted. so he's going to have all kinds of new restrictions placed on him, as now a convicted felon. >> what kind of you. >> all the things he can do. right now he's out on bail, let's remember. and once you are convicted, you have the right to remand him immediately. if you wanted to. >> a former president, though? >> i don't think they will. but the point is when that is the extreme alternative, you can place all kinds of restrictions on him and say, you do not like those? okay. >> or stay home. >> could be house arrest. >> ankle bracelet. >> it's a whole bunch of things that happen in terms of what he can do, where he can travel. he's going to have to go to probation to get permission to travel. >> what is he convicted of? >> in the january 6th case, he'll be convicted of obstructing congress. the actions that he took was obstructing congress. that's the main, and biggest charge that he's going to want to be convicted of. and i think that meadows, from what we are reading, and we're told that he was gonna say. and make sense to me knowing what was going on at the white house. is that everyone with any credibility was telling him that it wasn't stolen. you did not lose, he lost. you did not win. and that's everybody. that's meadows, that's pets up alone, eight that's bill barr, that's the campaign manager. everybody has testified. everyone's testified that they were telling him that you lost. they filed 60 lawsuits to try to challenge the results and went zero for 60. you have to get the state of mind, what was he thinking? it's not just subjective, it's not him saying i did not think it's a who cares? it's what it's all the objective evidence that we can present. and was it reasonable for you to have that state of mind? and i think any jury can conclude, giving all those people testified, that it was not unreasonable. >> we saw this in the january six committee. everybody around him, telling him, give up the ghost. call this off. as the governor said, not just a 60, 62 federal court decision against him, the supreme court with a lead out and thomas writing a concurring opinion saying, listen, there are not enough votes out there to change this election. but we should hear it on these other grounds. you have the most conservative justices calling bs on donald trump as well. >> and he kept going anyway. and here we are, i've told joe and others before. i grew up a boy preaching, i walked in the subway, and i knew guys in the neighborhood who kept getting in trouble. and rev, i need you to look out for me. i caught a case, i've never met anybody that said i caught four cases. i mean, this is amazing. but the question i want to raise to you, a broader question. we spent a lot of time this morning on the show talking about israel, hamas, and what's going on. how do we look to the world when you have a former president facing four cases, that will probably be convicted. what does this do to our image worldwide? running for presidents. how do you pull up to the table if you win, and even defend that we came that close? when we talk about other countries that have these kinds of people heading their. does this not damage american standing? >> if i pull up to the table as a new president. i think it fixes it. because in the end they'll say the american people considered all this, and made a choice to reject that type of person being behind the oval office. and lots of people, myself included, made mistakes and supporting donald trump. and so, if you correct that mistake, then your country can move on. but if he's behind investing in the oval office? just think about this. it was chaos from 17 to 21 with a lot of good people around him. a lot of really good people. none of those people, or people like him, are coming back if you ever run again. none of them. because they see the way people get treated. you saw his post yesterday about bill barr. and the stuff that he says about bill barr. and as we know, no one defended him regarding the russia staff. more than bill barr. and put his neck on the line for him on that. and now he calls him every may in the book. because that's who he is, and what doesn't, who wants to work for that? unless you yourself heard nuts too. >> coming up, u.s. ambassador to ukraine, brigitte brink, joins us to talk about the importance

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