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FOXNEWSW The July 2, 2024

embattled republican congressman george santos talks to the media as the house prepares a vote on his expulsion a lot of folks now coming forward listen, we were going to wait for his trial to see what happened. others have now become convinced now that that report is out from the house ethics committee. they have seen enough there are a number of people now publicly, including many, many republicans who say they will join a vote to oust him. could that be thursday? could it be friday? we will keep you covered as we look to see what happens there. and it raises further questions about what is happening on the senate side with a possible ethics investigation into senator bob menendez. also facing a trial there are those on that side calling for due process but a number of democrats as you know who have called for his resignation there. so, we will watch to sees a all of those ethics issues plays out more immediately with representative santos in the next day or two. we will keep you up to date on that. and, remember, if you can't catch us live, set your dvr, 6:00 p.m. eastern, 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. there is always plenty of news breaking here in washington and beyond. we will keep you up to date on what is happening here and beyond and this weekend "fox news sunday" takes you to simi valley, california we are going to be at the reagan national defense forum. i will sit down with the chair of the joint chiefs of staff, general brown and others to talk about what the world is facing and what the u.s. and our defense system can do be a part of protecting freedom. thank you for watching "special report." i'm shannon bremen in washington. t"the ingraham angle" is next. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> laura: hey, everybody, i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. thanks for joining us. they are coming for you. that's the focus of tonight's angle. now, once a decision was made to go after donald trump, using the full force of the federal government, special prosecutor jack smith felt invincible. well, the a.g. had his full confidence in his ability, and the press showered him with endless adulation. >> right now we have a very aggressive prosecutor in jack smith, the doj would say we pursue justice without fear or favor. he is absolutely doing that. >> his aggressive approach to his personal health and exercise correlates to how he approaches his prosecution and his strategy. >> jack smith live in donald trump's head as he sits in a prison cell for his last days. >> laura: they loved him more when they dropped the indictment. >> jack smith's indictment here is straightforward and narrow but, boy, it packs a punch. it's clean, it's calculated and i feel like it's almost certainly going to result in a conviction. >> the level of specificity and detail was profound. it was actually exquisite in terms of how surgically jack smith put together this indictment. >> for years trump made them feel like wiley coyotey just missing his chance to get his hands on the road runner ♪ ♪ beep beep. >> it wasn't just the press ignore the precedent set by political prosecutions. now, let's face it, most of official washington was willing to ignore it as well all. he was nonintervention nist. pro-working class republican the establishment g.o.p. never liked him. why would they? the establishment g.o.p. is part of the swamp that trump was trying to drain. now, the unique party's anti trump fever it's never really broken no matter how much these prosecutors and their judges reveal their bias. if a civil rights activist had been forced to turn, you know, over all of its twitter now x data imagine if that would happen? the media in that case would have gone nuts. >> they were looking for all tweets created, drafted, favorited liked or retweeted by donald trump. it's just a fascinating sort of example of how jack smith is vacuuming him up nearly everything. >> jack smith wanting to peer deep inside trump's twitter account which the ex-president wielded like a weapon. >> twitter did say yes there are direct messages. we will have to wait until trial or as this investigation progresses to see if there is anything really juicy. >> laura: this is just disgusting. it's an investigation now in search of a crime. this is their campaign strategy by the way. using a taxpayer funded prosecutor to get at the private communications of biden's chief rival, hoping that there's something juicy to help biden and embarrass trump before the election. >> just sit down, please. [[inaudible]] >> when you report fake news. no, when you report fake news, which cnn does a lot, you are the enemy of the people. >> laura: but now we know it is not just trump's twitter data that smith is after. he wants to harass and humiliate the public, too. now, the judge in the case okayed a warrant to -- okayed a warrant that would force twitter to disclose everyone that donald trump followed, unfollowed, muted, blocked or unblocked. and this jack smith warrant by the way includes information regarding the user name associated with the accounts that favorited or retweeted trump including information from their connect or notification tabs. >> laura: clearly, smith is trying to show how much power trump had, how much engagement he had over his followers in order to help build his january 6th narrative. so, how many people are we talking about here that are caught up in this dragnet? well, as of today, donald trump has 87.4 million followers on twitter. now, remember, liberals use to believe in free expression. remember, liberals used to believe in freedom of association. i remember those days. but now they are doing everything they can to strip away our constitutional rights. and they get away with this by calling everything a permanent drivers whether it's covid, gun violence, climate, racism, or in this case, the election denialism crisis. now, they honestly believe, i think, that trump doesn't deserve free speech rights or even the presumption of innocence for that matter because he is too dangerous. now, for years, the pitiful mr. steltzer has fretted about trump's supposed authoritarianism. >> harvard professor steven walsh has been keeping a checklist since 2016. ten ways to tell if your president is a dictator. >> laura: of course, over the past few years, we have seen who the real tyrants are, correct? they don't just want to censor trust or to harass or censor its followers. they want them smeared, discredited, and, when possible, even imprisoned. and, remember, biden himself, as decrepit as he is, repeatedly reinforces this narrative. >> donald trump and the maga republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic. maga republicans have made their choice. they embrace anger. they thrive on chaos. they live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies. >> laura: after 2020 his administration was on a mission that included trashing and silencing conservative parents and traditional catholics. >> i will never let them take away your freedom. never let them take it away. [cheers and applause] >> they want to silence me because i will never let them silence you. and, in the end, they are not after me, they're after you, but i just happen to be standing in their way, and i will always be in their way. >> laura: none of us should be passively watching this political persecution of trump and think that well, it's all just a one-off, it's just about trump. it's not. democrats have pretty much just given up at this point on trying to convince voters that their policies are working whether it's on the economy, the border or ukraine. none of it is working. we all know that all they have now is fear and shame. that's all they are selling the voters. so they are telling you that a vote for trump is just a vote for hitler. that trump's re-election will mean the end of democracy. again, this is their campaign strategy. all the while though, they are the ones who are destroying our faith and fundamental institutions, they are the ones presiding over chaos at home and abroad. jack smith is a disgrace. and any judge in this case howell who allows him to make a mockery of our legal system is no better. the fact is, there is nothing special about this special counsel who is a one man election interference machine operating without any real scrutiny, any real oversight. so i'm saying tonight that it's time that the house judiciary committee calls on capitol hill to testify. time to scrutinize everything jack smith is doing which should lead to cutting off all of his funding. an unhinged power crazed prosecutor were an unlimited budget, accountable to no one should never have given -- been given this much power in the first place. as far as all these so-called mainstream republicans. if you ever wonder how things have gotten so polarized? why no one trusts -- trusts you to do the right thing? just look in the mirror as our government is compiling enemies' list. as our government is carrying out surveillance and censorship in the name of security, you were silent. that's called tacit approval. and the voters will not forget. you are all kind of like lobsters in a grocery store case. still moving around and completely oblivious to what comes next. oh, and, sorry, the plutocrats favorite candidate nikki haley is not going to save you. the vicious weaponization of government against the people must be exposed, it must be prosecuted, where appropriate, and it must be ended once and for all. anyone who has stood silent as this was unfolding should never get close power again. and that's the angle. ♪ >> laura: joining me now is senator josh hawley, member of the senate judiciary committee and the homeland security committee. senator, your response to all of these efforts by smith, the judiciary, behind him, and the lack of oversight given what's happened here with these cases? well, laura i will say this is the most incredible abuse of the first amendment in our constitution that we have ever seen in american history. that's no small thing. because we have had serious abuses in the past. but look at what this administration is doing this special counsel totally and completely out of control. obviously doing the bidding of joe biden. he is going after individual citizens here. let's be clear about this. is he trying to get the records of twitter users who just liked a tweet by donald trump or who retweeted a donald trump post. i mean, this is unbelievable stuff. and i have to tell you, it reminds me of what happened in hong kong with the chinese communist party did there. you know, i had the privilege of being in hong kong on the streets with the protesters when china was in the middle of their brutal crackdown. and do you know what they did? they turned hong kong into a police state. they turned every cctv camera all over that city on the protesters. they followed them on their social media. they tracked them on their phones. when you look at what jack smith is doing here, it looks like the same exact thing. this is ccp tactics. communist china tactics used against the american people all in service of going after this president wants political opponents. laura, there is a pattern here too. we have had federal courts have said that this administration has deliberately violated the first amendment by coercing and working with social media companies president directly ordering his white house to go to twitter, to go to facebook, to go to instagram and to pressure them to censors speech they don't like, to take down posts about school board meetings, about covid election issues and hunter biden laptop. censor the american people. >> laura: senator, the thing i'm blown away by and this is not directed at you, is how few members of the republican party have stood up and called this out for what it is. as i said in the angle silence is tacit approval in this case. when the government is used against the people who fund the government, that's tyranny, calling trump an authoritarianian? they are trying to scare people that trump is going to execute people if he gets into power if he gets into power again. where is the senate leadership on this? where is any leadership on this there is no accountability. this audit to be the number one issue. this is how a police state behaves. the abuse of government power deliberately against anybody, anybody who disagrees with elm. this anybody who offers a political viewpoint they don't like. they have you censored, tracked and followed. this is absolutely outrageous. the answer to this is people need to start getting impeached for this stuff. alejandro mayorkas he needs to be impeached the homeland security director. christopher wray at the fbi. his fbi violated the faint, there need to be consequences but what we are seeing right now is as you say it is silence. >> laura: yeah. >> nothing a bigger threat to democracy than this. >> laura: well, senator, i appreciate your voice on this. i think the tacit approval is from senators who don't like trump and they don't understand that they're next on the list. they are next on the chopping block. senator, thank you so much. >> laura: ctil never heard of that acronym. cyber threat intelligence league. wow, sounds pretty cool, right? yeah, super cool if you like censorship. now, as i mentioned in the angle, we have shocking new whistleblower documents and testimony exposing what appears to be government sponsored censorship that's ordered by ctil. just so you understand this. this was back in 2020 and the government described the group as its partner that brings together a thousand net defenders around the world working to stop what they call malicious cyber activity related to covid. no surprise. i hear this for bringing brother, the pandemic is the gift that keeps on giving. but what it is really all about is something much more nefarious. joining me now is michael shellenberger founder of substack a publication been in contact this whistleblower. michael, since i saw your tweet on this, on their -- i was so unbelievably outraged by this ctil cyberspace for hospitals, medical sector, et cetera. what is really going on here? >> this is really quite sinister some of the most high powered security experts come out of military intelligence. israeli, british, the united states, claiming that they are just volunteering their time to work on cybersecurity. they were creating a censorship industrial complex, a censorship apparatus to censor ordinary americans for disfavored speech. they described it as a kind of pollution. >> this is a missing period that we had as 2019, of course, before the pandemic why didn't know what was going on. 2018 was the year they idea russia influenced the election. nobody believes that anymore. we know that's not the case. and then we saw this censorship really start in 2020 in earnest but really 2019 turned out to be a key year where they were organizing this. you get to 2020 and they are basically hiding and, laura, this is the shocking most shocking part. they described themselves as having physical security, cybersecurity, and then they added a third party of it cognitive security. it's literally mind control. they were trying to stomp out whole narratives that they didn't want people to believe it wasn't just about censoring individual pieces of information. they were trying to censor whole ways of thinking about the world. thinking about the pandemic. thinking about elections. it's really quite shocking when you see how many people were involved and how many people were working for law enforcement and military organizations. >> laura: maybe part of the reason people are still driving around with masks in their car. it's a related story at this "new york times" deal book summit elon musk was tearing into about bob iger pulling ads from x. say going somebody is trying to go blackmail with me go f yourself. he went on to say that the advertisers pulling their ads from twitter are going to be responsible for killing the platform. so, my question to you is it fair to call these companies part of the censorship regime? reinel state the censorship before elon musk bought twitter now rebranded x. these guys are absolutely desperate. they keep calling him names and beginning up various crises. they can't stand the amount of are exist on the x platform. they have organized advertiser boycotts. spreading disinformation about what is going on online. i think the fact people have to be reminded that the united states of america, the first amendment our supreme court we have the freest speech in the world that's why people are wanting to come to the united states. that's what is so special about the united states. you mentioned earlier those that came from the left we remember when liberals used to want free speech. now we are seeing absolute desperation a hatred among many provens of having to listen to different points of view and they want to stomp it out online. shocking how relentless they are. even more disturbing the ties to fbi. making demands on social media platforms to engage in this censorship. i have never seen anything like it. >> at love the companies pulling out same companies that jump to attention when blm asked them to jump to attention and we saw the results there michael, thank you so much for bringing this whistleblower to attention. up next how another activist judge trying to sway the 2024 election, the stunning details of that in moments. ♪ as a member, you can choose your provider without network restrictions. sign up at your convenience with our anytime enrollment. join a christian community that supports each other's medical expenses, offering peace of mind as you prioritize what's most important. enroll now at your chm dot org honey, i think i heard something. ok. ♪ from christmas tree mats... to floorliners... cargo liners.... no drill mud flaps... seat protectors... and more... weathertech has the perfect holiday gift. honey, is everything ok? oh yeah. order at and don't forget weathertech gift cards. ♪ >> laura: more on obama activist judge who green lighted request to compile data on trump supporters. the story on her gets worse and worse. judge barrel howell who spirited the judiciary response to january 6th reportedly warned in a speech last night that the country is creeping toward authoritarianism. according to politico. she said january 6th was based on the big lie. sounds like msnbc. and quoted a boston college historian who said big lies are spring boards for authoritarian. now, how can president trump expect to receive a fair trial here? of course he can't. why should this rank partisan be allowed to oversee any aspect of any case involving anyone in trump world? so what are the remedies here for trump and others? joining me now fox news contributor sol wisenberg former deputy independent counsel founder and president of the article iii project. now, mike, let's start with you. to be fair, you know, this is nothing new for judge howell. she has a history of using charged language when speaking about january 6th. she once referred to the protest as about the most -- thing she had ever seen and saying more like a mob like the nazis and fascists that day. mike, what's the recourse for the trump team here? >> that's a very good question. she is a highly partisan actor. she is an obama judge. she used to work as a democrat staffer chairman patrick leahy a former federal prosecutor with loretta lynch and andrew weissman. she co-authored a legal paper with andrew weissmann from the mueller probe. she supervised the mueller probe. she has been the harshest sentencer of january 6th defendants. she even pressured the doj to sentence them more harshly seized a congressman's phone overturned by the d.c. circuit. she made gntd give them time. going twitter with them warrants with j

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