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breaking details on the critical israel-hamas hostage deal. the ceasefire is set and family members wait in agony to see if their loved ones will be in the first wave of captives released tomorrow morning. some very heavy news, happy thanksgiving, i'm molly line. >> i'm kevin. a spokesman for the qatari government ex claiming what we can see several hours from now. >> 13 in number, all women, and children, and those hostages from the same families will be put together within the same patch. obviously every day will include a number of civilians as agreed to total 50 in the four days. >> this as israeli defense forces say they have captured the director of al-shifa hospital. idf says under his management, the largest hospital in gaza served as hamas' command and control center. in a moment, dr. hulata. but first, correspondent jeff paul joins us live from southern israel. jeff. >> kevin, with the original plan to release the hostages pushed back until tomorrow, it's obviously a very anxious time here on the ground in israel. we are also learning that the israeli government is now in the process of calling each of the hostages' family to let them know who is on the list and who is not. now, under this qatari brokered deal, temporary ceasefire will start at 7:00 a.m. local time. then we are expecting hamas to release the first 13 hostages starting tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. local time. in total, 50 women and children will be released over a period of 4 to 5 days, in exchange, israel will then release 150 palestinian prisoners. during each of these days that hostages are released, there will be pauses in the fighting. the breaks in combat are coming at a critical time when civilians in gaza are running desperately low on the essentials to live. the pauses are expected to allow more aid to flow into gaza, food, clean water and medical supplies are now in critical need. regardless, idf says their mission in gaza to root out hamas is not over. >> we are trying to connect the goals of the war so that the pressure from the ground operation brings about the ability to also achieve the goal of this war, to create the conditions for the release of the abducted hostages. >> israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu spoke a little earlier in the day, he says he hopes the hostages, the first batch come out tomorrow and also saying he hopes this is just the first of many to bring them all back home. kevin. >> jeff paul as always, be safe my friend, thank you so much. molly, over to you. >> moments ago the national security council releasing the statement, welcome the announcement from qatar and expect a number of hostages tomorrow. confirmation there. the doctor, the former national security adviser for israel, and served as the head of the country's national security council. he is now a senior international fellow at the foundation for defense democracies. thank you so much for giving us your time today on this thanksgiving. we really appreciate it. just looking at where we stand right now and the parties involved here, hamas being involved, these are very high level negotiations, though, and qatar has been involved. you, yourself, have been part of very high level negotiations in the past. do you see this holding, do you think we will see hostages released tomorrow? >> well, i hope so, molly. i think that the fact that we have gone so far and a delay of 24 hours after 3 or 4 weeks of negotiations with hamas says a lot about the character of the terrorist organizations. they do not give anything because we ask them nicely. only thing they do, when we have squeezed them hard. abducted 240 hostages on october 7th. one of the most painful things that happened to israeli over the attack and hope we will see those families, mothers, children, released tomorrow over the next few days, as expected, when there are in good shape as possible, alive, so that they can continue with their life and we can continue to negotiate the release of all of the hostages while remembering that as long as hamas controls gaza there will be no future toa. two somewhat contradictory goals in gaza and we need to fulfill them both. >> hamas as well as israel have both said they plan to continue fighting after the end of these temporary pauses as they have been put, and the release of these hostages, seems like something for another day with the focus right now on getting these hostages homes in the next couple of days to come. the foreign affairs spokesperson in qatar had this to say about a future negotiations. >> we are hoping by the fourth day we would have an agreement in place to release more and more hostages and thereby extend the pause. >> your thoughts on the potential of extending a pause? >> so, the agreement is structured in the way that indeed after the first four days israel has said that it will extend the truce, the pause for another day for return of hostages that we get. you know, one must ask himself, why don't we get them all in one deal in the first place, why in batches? we could see a different deal different implications how the war continues after the pause if at all. but at this point, this is agreed. i would expect we will see additional releases over, you know, two days, maybe three days and four days, and indeed, the idea of hamas continue to put pressure on hamas, the goal to eradicate them is very, very clear and israel is releasing terrorists in exchange of our abducted civilians. three for each abducted women and children. this is not a hostage swap. it's a deal israel releases female terrorists and teenage terrorists in exchange of civilians who were abducted from their beds on october 7th. >> great point and among the innocents is a 3-year-old named abigail, an american citizen, hoping to get her home. what her great aunt had to say. >> we hope and believe she should be, she's a 3-year-old child who should never be a hostage anywhere in the world, and we only hope she is, her birthday is on friday, she's turning four and she should not be spending her birthday in the dark in gaza. >> doctor, i want to get your thoughts on the release of women and children first. >> so molly, before i answer that, please, i mean, abigail is -- this is such a heartbreaking story. her parents were murdered, her siblings were murdered, she was kidnapped with her neighbor and their three kids together on october 7th. abigail is one of this more difficult stories we have and indeed her birthday is tomorrow, she'll be 4 tomorrow, hopefully home. israel has been -- we have a soft spot for releasing hostages, granted, this has always been the case. the fact that these women, these kids have been in tunnels for 47 days, 48 days almost, when the first one will be released is mind blowing for the israeli society. we value life, we have a saying in hebrew, the one who saves one life is as if he saves the entire world. we are willing to give three terrorists for each hostage because this is the way we do this. i heard there was a question in sky news an anchor asked an israeli spokesman if we are releasing three terrorists for one hostage because we don't value palestinian life. this is all in reverse. i mean, this does not make any sense. israel wants all of them back. we want all of them back in any shape. many of them are not alive any more. many were abducted when they were not alive and died over there and we will need to release them all. i'm happy we are able to get back those kids. there was a newborn there, there was a 3-month-old child there and it's very important to get them back so we can take care of them and hopefully it's only the start and we can get them all back. >> thank you, dr. hulata, we want abigail and all the hostages to come home as well. thank you for a few minutes of your time. appreciate it. >> happy thanksgiving to everybody. >> molly, and doctor, happy thanksgiving and thank you. with some hostages on the cusp of release, pro palestinian protestors with their own spin on thanksgiving calling to flood thanks, flood thanks taking for gaza. israeli special ops veteran aaron cohen joins us next. 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>> ceasefire now, just some of the things they were chanting out here, calling out the united states for what they say has been a genocide in gaza. that protest in new york city. hundreds showing up in support of the palestinian team. this happens on a weekly basis, it does add an extra layer, when you have the visitors trying to see the parade and now the protests. they are calling on a ceasefire and demanding the u.s. stop supporting what they believe is genocide. eric adams tells us the nypd is ready to handle the crowds as usual. >> we are not going to tolerate disruption. we are clear on that. you are not going to destroy property or injure people, but we are prepared to deal with a multitude of things that take the place at one time. the police department does it well, incoordination with other city agencies. >> those are the crowds you are looking at from the 97th annual macy's parade, drawing big groups of people to see the floats and marching bands. although there are no specific threats to the parade, the war has created what feds are calling a heightened threat environment, that's why they have added security to ensure everyone's safety. another quick look at what's happening not far from where i am now, that's still the march of the people who further gathered along the parade route, trying to kind of interrupt some of that action with the macy's thanksgiving day parade. and then another location in manhattan, it starts with dozens, turns into hundreds and sometimes gets big. so, keep a close eye on that and what they are demanding today. >> kevin: thanks, be safe out there. aaron cohen, israeli special ops veteran, and counter terrorism training from law enforcement. from the river to the sea, your perspective what it means and why it seems to be the call of the day so often and yet quite controversial. you saw alex describe what's happening, describe if you would the difficulty in maintaining control in an environment where you have folks out there trying to enjoy the parade and yet you have these sort of pop-up demonstrations. >> well, kevin, start by saying that nypd has been one of the largest terror targets since 9/11. they are no stranger to counter terrorism measures. the late great john miller just stepped down from the nypd who headed counter terrorism program, a good buddy of mine. a lot of security measures in place and you are going to have manhole covers checked, tons of uniform presence, put down any violence or any, or any damage to any property very quickly. under cover, plain clothed officers out there, and then new york has esu, the emergency services unit, tier 1 asset in the united states, a swat team, and new york knows what they are doing. a lot of eyes watching this event right now. i think new york is going to be in good shape. >> plain clothes obviously as well as they try to once again just sort of make that balance. you want to have people have a great time and the same time, obviously safety is paramount. when you hear protestors chanting, and this may be personal, and i don't mind asking you, i consider you a friend, from the river to the sea, what does that mean to you and how do you receive that knowing this country is so promising on so many other levels and yet you hear things like that. >> from the river to the sea, born from hamas, this came out in the late 80s the formation of hamas, official declaration is to complete destruction of the israeli state. they are not even interested in two-state solution or agreement with israel. it's the complete eradication of the jews. and it's the jews worldwide and the next big target, according to their declaration, anybody who does not fall in line with their twisted ideological, extreme sharia point of view, and it's a very dangerous group. this is not a social justice group. what you are seeing right now, this social justice movement, tacking on to the terror organization as if it's a social justice club. it's anything far. they will cut heads off, women have b to covered from head to toe. if you don't fall in line with what their ideology is, you will get murdered. if you don't immediately go to their side and their point of view. and so this is a dangerous, dangerous group, one of the most dangerous, equivalent to isis in terms of capabilities. 1400 israelis murdered, the amount of kidnapped israelis up to 240, and israel has been methodically taking care of them the last 40 plus days. and israel is about to put a bow on the hamas package in gaza. i'll say this, a very sad connection right now between social justice movements and this terror organization. they have no idea who they are cross pollinating with right now, and but hopefully it's a passing fad but i want to talk to the law enforcement community, kevin, i've been training them over 25 years in counter terrorism, the israeli model, and speaking of the law enforcement chiefs and sheriff, it's important as this continues to grow you get serious with your training and that it's able to function under stress with your swat teams, your patrol officers and school resource officers and it's counter terrorism based. that's what i've been saying to law enforcement around the country. >> kevin: very interesting comments, especially you talk about cross pollination. there may be some misguided individuals out there with no idea what they are linking up to, and that means law enforcement has to remain vigilant. thank you for your time. happy thanksgiving to you and yours. >> happy thanksgiving, kevin. appreciate you. >> molly: our political panel on president biden sliding support and a key demographic, that is up next. they say seeing is believing, but with stearns & foster, that's only part of the story. we handcraft every stearns & foster using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming intellicoils, for a beautiful mattress and indescribable comfort every single night. stearns & foster. what comfort 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to the president's handling of the israeli hamas war. earlier today here in nantucket, president biden visiting a fire house. one of the trucks forced to roll last night, false alarm on the $34 million home where he is staying, perhaps from one of the pies, serious note, though, the president is hoping for good news, some of the 50 hostages, women and children, including a 3-year-old american girl are expected to be released by hamas in exchange for 150 palestinian prisoners. biden spoke to reporters about that earlier. >> talk to you guys tomorrow. >> updates today, sir? >> i'm not prepared to give you an update until it's done. >> are you expecting the 3-year-old girl to be among the hostages? >> keeping my fingers crossed. >> president biden and the first lady also spoke to u.s. military service members from all five branches, including the space force. it was notable who he didn't call, any of the crew members afford the u.s.s. gerald ford. that aircraft carrier has been extended twice, she was supposed to be home for thanksgiving. >> molly: great point, thank them all for their service and lucas tomlinson, appreciate you as well on nantucket. >> kevin: kaylee mcgee white, and doug collins, and d.c. carlucci. your take, d.c. first, because i think a lot of people when we talk about politics right now, i don't think people understand how precarious the president's lead is right now in some polls, and the fact that he's trailing right now. i'm envisioning five alarm fire bells going off there, david, over at the white house. am i wrong? >> no, i think you are right. these polling numbers are not what the president wants to see, but it's fortuitous, the policies are working, economists are showing the data is coming out at record levels in terms of increased gdp per person, lowest unemployment rate since recorded. biden's policies are working the presentation is not. and the polling is more of frustration, concern, whether it's foreign affairs or right here in the homeland, people are upset, they are concerned and don't know what the future will hold. this is a snapshot, not necessarily how the people will vote come election day, but gives the democrats work to do in making sure the message is directed toward the people that need to hear it. >> i want to welcome you to the conversation, i think it's interesting when people talk about different silos of groups not pleased with the president, young people, support is sliding, and african americans. a bit of an nbc news poll and i found it interesting, especially when you consider broadly speaking support for the president is always going to be solid among african americans, they are the most reliable voting block among democrats. it says the approval rating among black voters has dropped to plus 27 this month. how concerned should the white house be about that, or as david point outs, year over year, don't make too much of it. >> the white house should be very concerned about this and the fact is they are. it's not just a messaging problem. to suggest that bidenomics is working and that all that's lacking is the message to be honest, you are thinking very poorly of the american people. the fact is they look at the current economy, look at what's in their wallet, takehome wages and the president has made their lives worse and why young people are leaving the democratic party, why black voters are looking at biden and saying he has not done much for us. here in my home state of michigan where i am for the holidays, black support was 90% in 2020 and down to 62% this time this year. alarming numbers for biden. if he is able to get 15% of the black vote, it spells doom for the biden came. he relies on minority support. because of the failures of his administration they are looking elsewhere. >> kevin: we were just talking to kaylee about michigan, i think georgia is another swing state, the president was successful in 2020 and yet trailing right now, including in the state of georgia. i kind of feel like the white house is well aware of this, i think the democrats broadly are well aware of this. you think we end up with a different person at the top of the ticket or just weather this storm and ride biden to the finish line one way or the other? >> well, it's good to see you, happy thanksgiving. i think one of the things is georgia will not go to biden, it's not going to happen and that's for a lot of different reasons. also the biden administration what's been said before and i agree with my friend david, there's a little bit more of a problem. the democrat's problem is two-fold. and one is biden, himself. the reason is they perceive him not to be in control. no matter how much they want to spin the progress or the government give aways, it's not relating to the american people and the president cannot figure out how to get off the stage, stumbles with the people's names who are there are, this builds in the perception for young people and other and then take that on top of everything else, when they look at what's going on in their communities, they get concerned and i think this is why you are seeing the concern on do we need to keep joe biden at the top of the ticket. joe biden will be the nominee until he decides he does not want to be the nominee because of the mechanical structure. but a weak bench. no one is saying is joe biden steps in, the vice president will step in for this, and newsom auditioning for every part he can play, a lot of concern in the democratic party. i grant it's a year out but foundational issues, not color the paint, this is foundational of a building they have to talk to now before then. >> kevin: i know as we get into the politics season of 2024, just around the corner, we'll have you on a lot more. we appreciate your time today. kaylee, david, and doug, happy thanksgiving to each of you and your families. >> molly: the israel-hamas war putting u.s. forces under attack in the middle east. we will talk about that with former information officer christopher alexander, next. the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. giving tuesday. giving tuesday giving tuesday giving tuesday is a global effort that encourages people to do good. this year, when you choose shriners hospitals for children® you're choosing kids like me and me and me. this year please support shriners hospitals for children® because when you do, you're not just giving to the hospital. you're helping change the life of a kid like me. and 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proxies on american service members in the middle east. our correspondent nate foy has been following all of this and he's reporting for us today live from london. nate. >> hey, molly, happy thanksgiving, a day to be thankful for our military. u.s. has conducted three airstrikes this week, al-asad air base in iraq, things did not go well for the militants. listen here. >> immediately following the attack a u.s. military ac130 aircraft in the area conducted a self-defense strike against an iranian backed militia vehicle and personnel involved in this attack. this self-defense strike resulted in some hostile fatalities. >> they were part of iran-backed militia group in iraq, inspired the 2019 storming of the u.s. embassy, and in separate airstrikes, the u.s. targeted hezbollah's control facilities, you see to the west and south of baghdad. this is a direct retaliation for the 66 attacks you mentioned on u.s. forces until october 17th. until this week, they had only retaliated in syria. a spokesman says the u.s. overstepped, and clear violation for the mandate to fight isis in iraq. refrain from acting unilaterally and respecting iraqi sovereignty. they will continue to target american troops if american airstrikes continue. >> molly: nate foy from london, thank you for giving us your time. and christopher alexander, thank you for your time and happy thanksgiving to you. what we are seeing with this strike back in iraq. this expands what has occurred most recently and there was some hesitancy because of the difficult situation politically in iraq. what do you make of this, the american swift strikeback? >> i think when you look at what was targeted, except when the ac130 engaged, active attack on al-asad, degrading their command and control. their being iranian. a myriad of groups, hezbollah, a number of acronyms, at the end of the day, iranian special forces and the fact they separate in syria and iraq ask disconcerting, considering traditional shia sunni rivalry. but it ensures it's difficult to be successful in carrying out attacks. it's a challenge, we are not supposed to, by our agreements with the iraqi government, be engaging iraqi government approved militia's inside iraq. so it's a bit of a tricky situation. >> molly: we have strike groups in the mediterranean, the eisenhower and the ford and thank all the people serving for their service today and always, but one of the things i thought was interesting that came out of the most recent state department briefings and they were talking about it, they were able to identify the port -- the point of origin in this most recent attack because the ac130 was already in the area and that's why the response was so swift because our troops, our military, our assets, are there already. your thoughts? >> well, ac130s are great, involved when i was in iraq 20 years ago. working with them, they loiter overhead and we frequently, even something as small as a mortar being fired could immediately detect the position the mortar was fired from. the big challenge, they do it near a school or on top of a building and collateral damage incident. the ability to detect is kind of unprecedented and pretty spectacular when their assets on station but the real challenge is making sure that innocent civilians are not harmed who are often included by the groups. >> molly: part of the most horrific parts of ideology. earlier john kirby spoke about this, the efforts to stop these threats. take a listen. >> these groups have a choice to make. hopefully they have seen over the last few days we will take di decisive action to targets meaningful to them. they have a choice to make. they can choose to stop the attacks and the threats to our forces in iraq and syria, or they can choose to continue to conduct these attacks and face the consequences. >> molly: and the consequences were swift this time. your thoughts what kirby had to say there. >> you know, 60 attacks, or so, more than 60 casualties that have been sustained as a result, i think that we need to continue to be aggressive or be more aggressive than we have been, frankly. iran is clearly pushing to see how we are going to react and i hope that this more aggressive posture continues for the sake of troops stationed in the u.s. and regional security overall. >> molly: your thoughts on the deterrence element, the strike groups obviously deterrence, the swiftness, the knowledge we are there, that we have all sorts of assets to push back. do you anticipate a more aggressive stance going forward? >> i think so, and actually adding that second carrier to the region sent a very clear message to iran that if they continue to try to spread instability beyond sort of our agreement about what they can do that we were prepared to act. so i think you know, it does show the value of diplomacy with aircraft carriers and hopefully they are able to continue this and maintain that pressure. >> molly: christopher alexander, thank you very much. appreciate your time today. happy thanksgiving. >> thank you. >> molly: kevin. >> kevin: interesting conversation, molly. thank you. a live check of the thanksgiving forecast and tips for staying healthy as winter closes in. that and much more as we continue, 44 minutes after the hour now. this is remington. he's a member of the family, for sure. we always fed him kibble it just seemed like the thing to do. but he was getting picky, and we started noticing some allergy symptoms. we heard about the farmer's dog and it was a complete transformation. his allergies were going away and he just had amazing energy. it's a no-brainer that remi should have the best nutritious and delicious food possible. i'm investing in my dog's health and happiness. ♪ get started at 18 years from tonight, grant gill will become a legend. when he totally kills it at his improv class's graduation performance. knees will be slapped. suds will be sprayed. people won't know what hurts more: their cheeks, or their 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conditions across the country, fox weather meteorologist amy, happy thanksgiving, thanks for being here. >> coast to coast, a pretty pleasant thanksgiving day, spectacular for the macy's day parade in new york, 55. a look at the temperatures, seasonal, almost warm in spots like oklahoma city, 67. arctic intrusion is about ready to take over. a cold air mass is moving in, started to bring snow to northwest indiana, and a load of snow for wyoming, from tetons to the plains, snow over the next 24 to 48 hours. here in kansas, this could end up being more than six inches of snow for you. all good news for the higher elevation, ski resorts opening this weekend, what a jackpot. nice, nice snow coming in, for places like the colorado ski resorts. denver valley, 1 to 3 inches, but boulder, 5 to 8 inches. you have to take your time travelling in these areas. look at the chill that comes with this. temperatures in the teens tomorrow morning. 21 for denver, on tuesday, they were in the mid 70s. so, wow, what a blast of cold coming in. sioux falls, 21, and slow travel in the heartland. so, get going with the mile high city with a dose of snow. temperatures falling to the teens on friday night, but it does spread eastward. so everybody gets a bit of cold to close out the holiday weekend. the map, if you are travelling. look for the yellow and the pink, that's turbulence for flights, and salt lake city to dia, bumpy rides. southeast will have some problem with turbulence, a front is stalled along the gulf coast, that will produce light rain for houston, new orleans, a little slowed today, quiet in the east and saturday look for the red, that's kansas city, and the snow and the plains, chicago, great lakes, all the way through memphis, to the gulf coast line, yellow showing up on the map for travel and that's because we could see some delays. molly, all in all, people slow down, take some time. if you have any questions about the weather, check out the fox weather app and people are wondering, should i leave early and blame it on the weather or could i stay a little longer and blame it on the weather? >> right, exactly. blame it on the weather every time. i'm not ready for that kinds of cold. thank you so much, amy freeze. appreciate it. as the temperatures are expected to be dropping, health officials are warning of a triple threat. the covid, flu, rsv cases on the rise, as millions of americans get together for thanksgiving. so, how can you keep your family healthy during the holidays? we will bring in of course dr. jeanette nesheiwat. thank you for giving us a couple minutes on thanksgiving day, appreciate it. great to see you. >> happy thanksgiving. >> molly: happy thanksgiving. last fall was the first time i really got worried about rsv, i have the little kids at home. and now here we are hearing it again. your thoughts on the current triple threat? >> well, i want to first point out, molly, it's that time of year. we are going to see a spike in respiratory viral illnesses, common colds, influenza, that sort of thing and it's not new and because we have close contacts, travel, social gatherings, which is important, we all should continue to do. so, it's not a new phenomenon, this has existed, the illnesses have existed long before covid ever arrived. and there are different types of covid viruses other than covid-19. so what i'm seeing in my practice, the most common virus in my patients, it's not covid, it's not flu, it's rhino virus and a little bit of rsv, a little flu, a little covid. and a lot of my patients are having symptoms like runny nose, congestion, cough, sore throat, fever. and these are again viruses we treat with supportive care. it's most important if you are elderly, underlying medical conditions or young children are more at risk for viruses such as rsv, but the good news is, we now have treatment, we now have antibiotic therapy for viruses such as rsv for those most vulnerable, the newborn babies and the elderly. >> i think people think of getting their flu shot, maybe their covid booster, but what about the rsv shot. is that something for everybody or not so much? >> that's a great question. the cdc is recommending for those over 60 and especially with underlying medical conditions and for certain babies, depending on when they were born, for example, a newborn baby that's born right in the middle of cold weather season, of rsv season, so it depends on the age that you are, and also the time of year that you are born. we have the, what's called something for young babies and different types of therapies and vaccines that are available. remember, it's important to understand that we have at least 60,000 young children and babies who are hospitalized every single year for rsv. approximately the same for the senior citizen folks as well. so it's important to stay focused on the most vulnerable groups. we have therapy, we do have treatments, we do have the vaccines. but it's important to stay focused on those who are most vulnerable and the good thing is, it still holds true that there are things that you can do to protect yourself this cold holiday season any time of the year. >> molly: and you have the holiday decorations up, the domino effect, thanksgiving, christmas, hanukkah, how can we stay safe? >> help prevent the transmission is good old fashioned hand hygiene and rubbing your eyes, don't touch your face. the flu shot has been around for many, many years, it can help reduce your symptoms. of course, if you are sick stay home, rest, cover your cough. good nutrition, sufficient sleep and no smoking, and if you are not feeling better, go see your doctor. we have a respiratory panel, check for influenza, covid, rsv, check for multiple viruses with one swab and strep throat and pneumonia. so, see your doctor if you are not getting any better. otherwise, enjoy the holidays with your family. >> molly: dr. nesheiwat, we wish you good health and a happy thanksgiving. appreciate it. >> thank you, happy thanksgiving. >> kevin: happy thanksgiving, dr. j. in five seconds we will take a break. back after this. 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Allergy Symptoms , Member , Remington , Him , Sure , Farmer , Dog , Transformation , Energy , No Brainer , Remi , Allergies , Grant Gill , Happiness , Knees , Legend , Graduation Performance , Improv Class , Sides , Suds , Cheeks , Health Tips , Wellness Tools , Razor Sharp , Aarp , Rinvoq , Damage Rinvoq , Course , Results , Ulcerative Colitis , Uc , Symptom Relief , Colon Lining , Remission , Leave Bathroom , Urgency , Infections , Fatal , Chance , Cancers , Blood Clots , Lymphoma , Reactions , Heart Attack , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Risks , Intestines , Skin Cancer , Death , Stomach , Tears , Stroke , Abbvie , Gastroenterologist , Sleep Number , Sleep Temperature , Smart Bed , Firmness , Beds , Settings , Sleep , Base , Queen , C2 , Shop , Night After , Ends Cyber Monday , 990 , Weather , Coast To , Amy Freeze , Cold , Temperatures , Air Mass , Spots , Oklahoma City , Arctic Intrusion , 55 , 67 , Snow , Plains , Northwest Indiana , Kansas , Load , Tetons , Wyoming , Ski Resorts , Places , Jackpot , Elevation , Colorado , Denver Valley , Nice , Six , Chill , Areas , Boulder , On Tuesday , 8 , 21 , Blast , Sioux Falls , Mid 70s , 70 , Map , City , Heartland , Teens , Dose , Mile High , Friday Night , Turbulence , Flights , Pink , Front , Salt Lake City , Southeast , Bumpy Rides , Dia , Light Rain For Houston , Red , Least , Kansas City , Gulf Coast , New Orleans , Travel , Questions , Delays , Gulf Coast Line , Great Lakes , Chicago , Memphis , App , Flu , Triple Threat , Covid , Health Officials , Kinds , Millions , Rsv Cases , Rise , Warning , Jeanette Nesheiwat , Rsv , Time , Influenza , Illnesses , Common Colds , Spike , First Point Out , Contacts , Gatherings , Phenomenon , Virus , Patients , Types , Covid Viruses , Practice , Rhino , 19 , Viruses , Cough , Sore Throat , Runny Nose , Congestion , Fever , Little Covid , Risk , Antibiotic Therapy , Flu Shot , Babies , Vulnerable , Shot , Elderly , Covid Booster , Cdc , Baby , Middle , Example , Cold Weather Season , Age , Rsv Season , Vaccines , Therapies , Same , Senior Citizen , 60000 , Treatments , Therapy , Holiday Decorations Up , Christmas , Domino Effect , Hanukkah , Transmission , Hand Hygiene , Face , Stay , Rest , Smoking , Nutrition , Strep Throat , Respiratory Panel , Swab , Pneumonia , Better , Break , Dr , Relief , Gels Cold , Dude , Sneeze , Alka Seltzer Plus , Powermax , Style , Dripping , Plop , Fizz Winter Warriors , Ultra Conforming Innersprings , Plaque Psoriasis , Stearns Foster Adjustable Mattress Sets , Psoriatic Arthritis , Cosentyx Works On Both , Dover , Joints , Hair , Counting , Scalp , Untreated , Skin Reactions , Have , Infection , Vaccine , Eczema , Still Workin ,

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