expected. we'll tell you why, what we can learn. first, the federal agency that told millions of women to delay getting mammograms is starting another tough argument. the u.s. preventive services task force now says most men should not bother with screening for prostate cancer. they say the psa test does more harm potentially than good. that it barely reduces death and leads to unnecessary treatment and complications. there's already pushback. the head of the prostate cancer foundation, a patient group, call the recommendation "a terrible mistake." we reached out to the american neurological association, as well. they told us they were still working on their response. to help me sort it out for you, i'm with dr. christopher legafitas, oncology at m.d. anderson cancer center, and has these conversations with patients all the time. what will you tell patient now if anything different since what's happened? >> first of all, i haven't received the foisht report or reviewed it in detail. based on the available information, the dilemma that we discuss in the clinic every day is actually reflected in this decision which suggests that there is harm and purely focused on the benefits of detecting cancer, ignores the fact that many patients are exposed to the risk of overtreatment and its complications. i think the most accurate figure that soifexists on this is that approximately 44 interventions need to be made in order for one patient to be saved. >> one thing -- correct me if i'm wrong, besides getting a static number, a one-number psa test, what also seems to matter is the trend. for example, if you have a number and it goes up or jumps up significantly over a year or two, that's valuable information for doctors to know, as well. i mean, should that continue? >> absolutely. and i think that's precisely where we're evolving to. so the two extremes of the argument -- skroebd nobody or widely screen indiscriminately to everybody -- are clearly wrong. the more nuanced argument, that is to use the screen as a smoke detector to justify further investigation and reflect rather than automatically go psa, biopsy on one measurement and intervention is, what's evolving right now. >> and may even evolve over the next weeks. maybe we'll have you back on to talk about it again. thank you very much. >> wonderful. thanks. >> thank you. less than two months ago, steve jobs announced he was leaving apple. this week, as you know, he died. he was very private about his medical conditions. in 2003, he was diagnosed with what he called a rare type of pancreatic cancer. since then he's been under the microscope. in 2004, he had surgery to remove the tumor. after a leave of absence, he came back to apple and seemed healthy. in 2009, his weight loss was striking, and that year he also had a liver transplant. joining me is dr. david kubey, from emory university. a surgeon who treats patients with pancreatic cancer. welcome back. i didn't know that we'd be talking again so soon. we talked, i think, early august about steve jobs. he didn't have classic pancreatic cancer. it was -- referred to as a variant. talk about it, what specifically did he have? >> well, the pancreas has two major functions. one is a gland that help with digestion, makes a fluid that gets into the intestines, and that is what -- that is the cell type that the typical pancreatic cancer arises from. that's what patrick swayze had. and the endocringland, the cancer get into the blood stream. it has a better prognosis but can be lethal. >> with the pancreatic cancer, patrick swayze had one-year survival. around 20% in five years. terrible prognosis. what about this variant tumor? >> this type of disease, unfortunately about half of the people who are diagnosed will have metastatic disease, disease that has spread by the time they're diagnosed. on the flip side, people can still do well for quite a while as mr. jobs did. even though he did have metastatic disease. that's evident by the fact that he had a liver transplant for this. >> right. let me ask you, obviously we're not his treating physician. you haven't spoken to these doctor. patients, what are they experiencing? do you have any idea what his life may have been like, especially last couple of years? >> it's not one cancer. not everybody has the same course. it can be found very early. it can have no symptoms or can be very symptomatic. in his case, like you said, i wasn't one of his treating physicians. it's hard to know what he was experiencing. some people will have symptoms by chemicals produced by the tumor that can be controlled with medication. and other people are pretty symptom free. he obviously was doing well. >> you use any apple devices in the hospital with your work? >> i am a mac guy. i have -- an imac at home. i use an iphone which -- i depend on tremendously. >> it's amazing the consumer electronics and what he did. the one time i spoke to him, he talked about how excited he was about the medical applications of the ipads and all the other devices. so isat. as people said. i appreciate you talking about it. a good chance to educate about the disease, as well. cancer figured to the announcement of the nobel prize, it went to three researchers who found treatments that stimulate the immune system. one is a evacuation again prostate cancer. one of the scientists, ralph steinman, had pancreatic cancer. we were just talking about it. a different type than steve jobs had. and he used his own therapy. and in a twist, he died three days before the prize announcement. the nobel is only supposed to go to living recipients. but in his case, they bent the rules. coming up, find out what this woman is doing, what she's experiencing for the very first time. something most of us take for granted. that's next. first week was really important to me. 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[ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. i want you to imagine what it might be like if you couldn't hear the sounds around you. things we take for granted. couldn't hear music, you couldn't hear the birds outside. you couldn't hear the voices of your parents or even your children. now look at this. this video on youtube has been seen by more than six million people. the woman here, her name is sarah cherman, she was born almost completely deaf. she just got this new device, a new hearing aid that's implanted inside her head. it's remarkable. you're watching her turn it on and hear for the first time. >> i don't want to hear myself cry. >> to understand just how this works, it's a remarkable video. i wanted to show you an animation that shows how the ear is supposed to work. you see sound waves going from the external ear to the middle ear. that's the eardrum there. you see the eardrum vibrating back and forth. it's taking vibrations and amplifying the sound through the bone. that snail-like structure basically then transmitting all of these vibrations, trying to make sense of it in some way, then transmitting it via the yellow structure which is the nerve going to the brain stem. that's how things are supposed to work. in sarah's ear, the sound wave vibrations don't prompt the nerve cells to translate the vibrations for the brain. so the new implant has a sound processor. about an inch and a half long. and it basically uses the natural eardrum as a microphone. so it's still using your own ear. the processor inside the ear cleans the background noise and sends sarah's brain a clear signal. she can really hear. again, amazing to watch someone regain a sense for the first time. i should point out, as well, that most insurance companies won't cover this. the device, the procedure, it's expensive, about $30,000. medical technology is one factor driving up the cost of seeing a doctor. and last year's health care law is supposed to push these costs down. it's very controversial. but there are states that want to do even more. like vermont and montana. this week montana's governor said he want montana to set up its own health system like the one in canada. a government-run health care. vermont is already building a system where the state will cover medical care for every citizen. now the inspiration, they say, for this is a flood of stories from patients who can't pay their bills. >> their bills like here was the latest couple days ago to the mailbox, hospital bill, hospital bill. already gone to collections. medical bill. >> for 42-year-old heather loufman, this is almost a daily ritual. >> they're unopened because i now just put them in piles. unopened. just talking about it i get emotional. if i open them and get reminded every time how much money i owe, it sets me back and then i don't do what i need do to take care of myself for that day. >> in february of 2008, heather was diagnosed with m.s. and ran up more than $80,000 in medical bills. bills her insurance company wouldn't cover. >> i'm less and less capable of taking care of myself physically. let alone fighting phone calls, letters, appeals, lawyers. i'm not taking it laying down, even though all i want to do is lay down. all i want is the luxury to just be sick. >> after hearing stories like heather's, the state of vermont took a radical step. in may, the governor signed a law setting up a fully government-run health care system for everyone. it's called single payer. dr. deb richter was one of the doctors who pushed it. >> if we have one payer with one set of rules, regulations, and one reimbursement, their administrative costs go down significantly. i think most primary care physicians are on board with the single payer because of that. >> but some doctors like orthopedic surgeon adam shafritz are worried government will cut costs by not paying a decent fee. >> there are a number of physicians, specifically specialty physicians, whose practices might be in financial jeopardy now. and they're looking to the future and saying, well, gee, can i even afford to stay in business and should i be looking elsewhere. locking perhaps to leaving the state. >> if his fears come true and doctors leave vermont, heather could be left in even bigger trouble. hard to believe considering her situation now. >> having to have my retired parent go back to work part time to make ends meet because of my situation is really difficult. >> as much as we talk about the policy change in washington, there are real stories obviously behind the numbers. coming up, a woman hires a private investigator to check on her husband and turn her world upside down in a way she never expected. which provided for their every financial need. 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[ man ] still love that wind in my face! talk to your doctor. don't kid yourself about the risk of heart attack and stroke. if lipitor's been working for you, stay with it. lipitor may be available for as little as $4 a month with the lipitor co-pay card. terms and conditions apply. learn more at lipitorforyou.com. katherine graves hired a private investigator because she thought her husband was having an affair. talk about misconceptions -- there was no affair. in fact, he had a fatal brain tumor. recently we heard about the struggle of steve jobs. you know, sometime the fight is just as hard, even harder on the family. here's catherine graves who writes about it in "checking out," an in-depth look at losing your mind. >> we've been -- you've been together over a decade, my understanding is. and something seemed different. there wasn't any real specific. what were you seeing? >> his behavior had become apathetic, and less motivated to do things. and definitely less interested in me. and spending time with me. >> as his wife, what was -- what came to your mind? what were you thinking? >> i was thinking that he was having an affair. and at that point we had begun marriage counseling. and the counselor, i think, kind of concurred with that idea, that maybe he was having an affair or other engagement, you know, maybe not just one. >> did you ever at this point suspect health problems that could be causing his behavior? >> no way. huh-uh. wasn't even on the radar. >> it got worse, even -- despite the counseling, right? to the point where you were suspicious of him. >> yes. >> and so what did you do? >> i hired a private investigator which was probably a month before he got diagnosed. and i was convinced -- and our accountant also was convinced that there was something financially going on because money was unaccounted for, it was missing from the business. we thought maybe gambling, maybe drugs. you know, maybe the drugs were the reason for the huge change in his personality. so i hired someone to follow him around, to figure out what was going on. we alleged never been so disconnected before. >> that person report on what happened? >> she phoned me the day i was leaving the hospital from his surgery. into detail about how the car hasn't really moved much and i just told her what had happened an she just was obviously had never heard that one before as a reason for someone hiring a private investigator. she's like well that's a first. hopefully the last, too. but, yeah. so he went to the emergency room and got the cat scan. i do remember walking into the emergency room and he looked at me as if he knew that he should know who i am but he -- i don't think he was sure how. and so that was pretty heartbreaking. then i was really scared and we went into a little room and ten minutes later dr. sander came in, the emergency room doctor, and said you have a giant tumor in your brain and john started laughing. and i, of course, fell apart. >> it must have been such a time of conflicted feelings for you. it's terrible news but it was also an explanation. >> exactly. and there was definitely a sense of at least this wasn't about me. you know? because for over a year i just -- it was a horrible feeling thinking that my husband wasn't in love with me anymore and at least i knew it had nothing to do with me. but flashforward ten second later to but he has a giant tumor in his brain and what does that mean. >> you've said this but this happened so fast. >> this sounds terrible to say but i'll be the one to say it. when someone's suffering like that and not taking care of themself it takes a toll and you finally want it to end. so when it finally ended it was almost euphoric in that i had some freedom. i mean i hadn't left the house for almost six months so i think that was part of the reason i kind of went a little off the deep end. >> you're right, it is hard for people to say but i think probably more people share that sentiment than they would ever admit to. >> i think so. >> what should people take away from your experience who may find themselves in that situation? maybe even not just a spouse. i have a lot of friends of mine who are caring for their parents now and it is their entire live. it is what they do. what do you tell them is it. >> i tell people that they need to take time for themselves, no matter what. because john did not want me to leave the house and he did not want anyone to come in and take care of him. so i wish i would have found a way -- been a little selfish, left the house, stayed connected to people instead of just becoming a hermit. that's one thing i would highly recommend. >> to have some attachments to your own life. >> yeah. you have to maintain that for sanity i think. >> what about now? do you still think about him a lot? your emotional state? >> just in the last six months, nine months maybe i've started to remember some really good, happy times which i think for some reason i just -- those weren't coming to me. all that i would think about was kind of the negative, the end. the end of his life. but now i just remember how happy we were and that we had some great times and he was a super funny guy and i was always laughing and so it's really nice. >> a lot of important lessons in there for people who are caring for their loved ones and trying to care for themselves at the same time. >> yeah. that's the key. right? >> appreciate it. thank you. >> thank you. >> coming up -- a superstar singer who fooled her doctors and beat the odds not once, but twice. her story's next. ♪ that's why right here, in australia, chevron is building one of the biggest natural gas projects in the world. enough power for a city the size of singapore for 50 years. what's it going to do to the planet? 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[ male announcer ] progresso. 40 soups 100 calories or less. it's amazing but it's been almost 20 years since atlanta, and then the world, first heard about tlc. they were crazy, sexy, cool. all of that. lisa lopez, as you may know, died in a car crash in 2002 but the group still makes music. they sang on "american idol" this year. now watkins has something to share. we've been talking about medical misimpressions all morning. here's another. when she was a child a doctor said she might not live to see 30. here's why. ♪ don't go chasing waterfalls >> reporter: long before she became famous as the lead singer of the best selling female hip-hop group, she always knew she wanted to be a performer. >> i always had the same dream. i would see myself in baggy pants running from the left side of the stanl bending down to the right shaking someone's hand and whole bunch of people were screaming forge she. >> reporter: now success didn't come easily because she has a chronic illness. she suffers from sickle cell ane anem anemia. it is a blood disorder that leaves people exhausted and in constant pain. >> doctors didn't give me a happy ending. you won't live past 30, be disabled your whole life, you'll never have kids. i was looking around the room, i don't know who he's talking to because that's not my story. >> reporter: that's a lot for anybody to go through but you were dealing with this as a young child. >> yes. >> reporter: and at the same time you were having these grand dreams. >> yes. >> sounds like you turned it around in some way. >> yeah. i think it had a lot do with my mother, too, because she never made me feel different. >> reporter: then just five years ago after having achieved so much success, her life was turned upside down. >> i started having headaches. but they were so frequent, something was wrong. my doctor called but his voice sounded funny. and i said, you're going to say something like i have a brain tumor or something, right? he got quiet. >> reporter: now while the tumor was not cancerous, her doctor said surgery was not an option because of her sickle cell disease. he suggested radiation therapy but that could have put her career and quality of life at risk. so she found a surgeon who successfully took the tumor out. sounds like you're one of these people who thinks of something, visualizes it and then makes it happen. >> gi for it. >> reporter: she's back in the studio these days working on a solo album and also using her celebrity to encourage people to become bone marrow donors. >> i'm trying to get more african-americans to step up. >> african-americans are especially vulnerable to sickle cell. there is a fascinating reason behind this though. the gene developed in people living in central africa because it makes it harder for malaria