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we recently came across something remarkable. a man who trained himself to do the same thing. plus, would you deliver an electric shock just because a skin 'tis told you to push the button. the experiment that shocked us all. now a man who was there is speaking out. millions of americans know what it's like to wrestle with insurance companies. i cover these stories a lot. what you're about to hear is a problem that i have never run across before. something quite like this. in 2008 the woman you're going to meet was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease that caused a scarring on her insides. it was choking off her trachea, her windpipe and heir ability to breathe. she was treated at the university of miami hospital. her doctors believe that the treatment she eefd there kept her off a breathing machine and probably saved her life but she was left after all of this facing bills of more than a million dollars. now her story is complicated but we want to try and break this down because we think it's important. there are some important lessons here. i'm being joined from miami. thank you for joining us. it's a remarkable story. i want to ask, how are you feeling? i understand the condition you have is a live long condition. you've started more treatment recently. how's it going? >> it's going good. i've been into the second half of the treatment for two months. i go for another treatment next week for two days. i'm hoping to make a difference in how i'm feeling. it's an ongoing process. >> i want to sort of break this down a little bit for our audience, the simple version of what happened here. you received this treatment initially and insurance said it was covered. six months later, i have a ler right here, they notified the hospital that, no, the claim is being denied that essentially you were on the hook for about $50,000 per treatment. a few hundred thousand dollars at that point. you didn't hear about any of this for another year, is that right? do i have that right? >> yeah, that's correct. i was notified approximately 19 months into the treatment that the provider would not be covering the treatment and that i was essentially responsible for everything that had been previously billed to them. >> just to reiterate -- >> at that point -- >> it was a treatment your doctor recommended. it was a treatment that the insurance company initially approved and then you started getting these letters saying you're essentially on the hook. you got explanation of benefits letters showing that you could face billions of $1.2 million in total. the insurance company eventually paid the hospital $382,000 and settled the case. you're no longer on the hook for a million dollars. i mentioned off the top, joan, as you heard, i'm a doctor. i treat patients. i get things preapproved on behalf of my patients all the time. i haven't run into a situation like this exactly. we asked the insurance company what happened here. this is what they wrote for us. i'm going to get your reaction. they say based on our review, this service is not approved because it does not satisfy the criteria for establishing medical necessity and appropriateness. they say there was a patient benefit booklet that specifically outlined the benefits that would be covered and that are appropriate. i'm sure you've seen letters like. this i'm sure you've been told this. what's your reaction to that letter? >> correct. i have that letter and they told me it is not a covered benefit. i did ask for a booklet. i never received that. i still haven't received it. they do cover the treatment. it is an approved treatment for other illnesses and they certainly do cover it for the other illnesses. they're saying that my illness specifically is not covered because it's not medically necessary. >> again, joan, we're not talking about people who don't have insurance. we're not even talking about people who were denied a claim. your claim was actually approved initially and then not approved and you were on the hook for a lot of money for a period of time. i'm glad you're feeling better. i'm glad you're getting the treatment. i hope we can check in for you to see how all of this goes. good luck. i think there's a lot of lessons that we're going to talk about. >> thank you very much. >> now it's not usually a million dollars but it's not uncommon for insurers to roll back approval of claims they've already paid. we asked patient advocates specifically about this. they told us unfortunately oftentimes there's not much you can do to protect yourself. what you can do is make sure your doctor gets a treatment pre-approved before starting. if coverage is denied before or after treatment, you have a right guaranteed by federal law to appeal. at that point your best advice is to get help from your doctor or from a nonprofit group that specializes in these cases. it's very frightening sometimes. they put a lot more information about this at up next a blind man who has taught himself to see using sound. 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[ male announcer ] progresso. 40 soups 100 calories or less. if you like science you might know that animals like bats and dolphins can navigate by sound. they use sound waves to help them find their way around the environment, even in the dark. we recently came across something we thought was pretty remarkable. a man who has trained himself to do the same thing. it's hard to believe, but seeing, and in this case hearing, is believing. >> the view. what is the view to a blind person? many people very much mistakenly, very much mistakenly, and tragically so, assume that the view means nothing or little to a blind person. a view is a composite of experiences. that's what people enjoy, even if they're not conscious of it. i have been echo locating for as long as i can remember. if my parents think back, i lost my first eye at seven months, my second eye at 136789 i was probably clicking by the age of 15 months. so i don't remember learning to click. i don't remember really learning to echo locate. around here there's not lots and lots to detect, but immediately there's this pylon here. i think i can -- there it is. then there's an object about 20 feet away here and another one and another one about, i don't know, 50 feet away. the process of echo location in humans is very similar. in fact, it's virtually identical to that of bats. we're talking about airborne sonar either way. a bat can detect an object the size of a gnat so many meters away. for me it has to be at least the size of a softball. we tend to teach the use of a discrete tongue click which can be as quiet as -- or as loud as -- or even louder as need arises. it's like seeing with dim flashes of light. our approach is well-supported in many arenas in many respects. at the same time, there is a lot of controversy and a lot of skepticism relative to our approach. it takes time for the established convention to recognize and to embrace anything that's new. convention by its nature adheres to itself and rejects what is not conventional. quite frankly, it isn't that difficult to teach. it really isn't. so i believe that the brain is already at least partly wired to do this. all that has to happen is the hardware needs to be awakened, activated. we believe we've found ways of doing this. >> daniel kish who lost his own sight at 13 months. he's founded a nonprofit called world access for the blind. he's teaching the technique. i'm told this is tremendously difficult and should be considered an experimental approach. not necessarily a solution for everyone. up next, a lesson in pursuing your passion no matter what. i love these stories. you'll meet a cancer patient who has his sites set on running marathons in all 50 states. i refer to her as "that woman with the great gums." as jill's dentist, i know that her gums are a foundation of a healthy smile. jill knows that, too -- so she uses crest pro-health clinical gum protection toothpaste. it helps eliminate plaque at the gum line, helping prevent gingivitis. it's even clinically proven to help reverse it in just 4 weeks. and it protects these other areas dentists check most. crest pro-health clinical gum protection. because healthy smiles are built on healthy gums. life opens up when you do. it's good. honey, i love you... oh my gosh, oh my gosh.. look at these big pieces of potato. ♪ what's that? big piece of potato. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. about eight years ago don wright received the devastating diagnosis of cancer. he's not letting that get in the way of his passion for running mayor ra thons. he's got a lofty goal. he just turned 70. >> reporter: his career spanned engineering. being a company vice president and the law. at age 62 he discovered a new passion. marathons. eight years ago just days after running his first 26 mile race though he got some devastating news. >> i had gone to the doctor a couple of times for pain in my back. it was multiple myeloma. >> reporter: this is a cancer of the blood where the white blood cells invade the bone marrow causing pain, usually in the back or the ribs. patients are rarely cured. but wright refused to let that slow him down. even qualifying for the boston marathon. >> i got this devastating diagnosis. my family and i, we just kept on going. there wasn't any reason to stop and be sorry, you know. we kept running marathons. >> reporter: incredibly now in the last eight years, wright, who's now 70, has run 60 marathons in 41 states. his wife and daughter have been by his side for most of them. his goal is to run a marathon in every state. >> after boston we started to pick off states never imagining -- well, imagining it, yes, but never expecting to be able to finish all 50. now i'm really hoping for it. >> reporter: never expected that he could fulfill his dream because the median survival for his cancer is just five years. he's had a number of treatments that failed, but for the last three years wright's taken an experimental drug. it's one pill at night and it's kept the cancer at bay. >> it doesn't cure the cancer, but it keeps it stable so it's not hurting me. i can still run and i can still enjoy life. i'm riding that for all it's worth. >> reporter: he has advice to others facing what's seemed like insurmountable odds. take charge of your destiny and never give up hope. >> don wright isn't making any excuses about his health. how about you? why not consider joining us on the 2012 cnn fit nation challenge. you can log on to submit a two to three-minute video about why you should be picked to join next year's six-pack. if you're selected we'll give you everything you need to compete in the race, six months of training, three all expense paid training trips as well. in the end, we'll race the mali but triathlon together. what do you eat on a typical day? can you take a guess how many calories you consume? that number may teach us something about each other. in a new book, "what i eat around the world in 80 diets oirks we learned that a simple snapshot can tell a story about the circumstanceness a person's life. >> reporter: he's a hearder in kenya. they have the drought has limited the food supply. today she eats poor ridge, banana, black tea, whole milk. 800 calories. head to china. he lives at his computer station day and night. he sleeps there. he eats about 1600 calories a day, mostly takeout. rice, tofu, chicken. 3200, that's a typical day's worth of food for todd kinser who is a coal miner in kentucky. pop tart, baloney, hamburger helper for dinner. this man lives on the central east coast of greenland. 6500 is his number. he eats what he hunts. typical day's worth of food for him seal meet, rice, rye bred, marm ma laid. oo this woman consumes 12,300 calories. she's replaced her food drug addiction with food addiction. >> fascinating stuff. up next as his biographer calls him, the man who shocked the world. >> 130 volts. >> it is difficult to watch, but we're marking the 50th anniversary of the famous obedience project. and has 5 grams of sugars. i'll believe it when i--- [ both ] oooooh... what's shakin'? [ female announcer ] as you get older, protein is an important part of staying active and strong. new ensure high protein... fifty percent of your daily value of protein. low fat and five grams of sugars. see? he's a good egg. [ major nutrition ] new ensure high protein. ensure! nutrition in charge! [ male announcer ] when a moment suddenly turns romantic, men with erectile dysfunction can be more confident in their ability to be ready with cialis for daily use. even if it doesn't happen every day, you can be ready anytime the moment's right, because you take a clinically proven low-dose tablet every day. [ man ] tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. don't take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor if cialis for daily use is right for you. for a 30-tablet free trial offer, go to ♪ [ electronic beeping ] [ male announcer ] still getting dandruff? neutrogena® t/gel shampoo defeats dandruff after just one use. t/gel shampoo. it works. neutrogena®. it's a study that challenged human nature. stanley millgram's experiment in 1961 about obedience to authority. the experiment was outwardly a study of memory and learning. the whole thing was rigged as we learned afterward. the volunteer would always assume the role of teacher. and one of mr. millgram's associates would be designated as a learner. the teacher was instructed to deliver an electric shock to the learner every time he or she answered a question incorrectly, pressing a button would deliver a shock, as you can see here, you're looking at the machine, everything from a light shock to a moderate shock, strong shock, intense shock, extreme intensity shock. look at the very end. this was -- these switches were literally labelled xxx. they were the danger shocks. the maximum shock, 450 volts. it is remarkable how many times that button was pushed. the learner wasn't being shocked at all. so here to help explain what this is all about is alan elms. he was a graduate 50 years ago and he helped run the experiment. thanks for joining us. i'm fascinated by this study for some time. so these people thought they were delivering shocks and people would moan, they would act as if they're getting shocked. what was your first impression when this experiment was under way and they got started? >> i was startled, amazed at the emotional involvement of the people who participated and also at the extent to which they were mostly willing to shock the victim. >> yeah. i mean i think that was the most stunning thing. again, even when you watch these experiments, beforehand, what did you expect to see? you were obviously a graduate student at the time. you had some interest in this area. what did you think was going to happen? >> i assumed we would get some obedience. but probably not very much. and sam millgram himself made the same assumption. he thought he would need some very fine measures of subjects' responses in order to get any differences between different conditions. as it turned out, he didn't find those at all. all he needed was how many people obeyed completely and how many broke off at some point before the end. >> the study was in some ways a study about obedience to authority. and as you know, mr. elms, the vast majority of people kept going all the way to the end of the shock board even though they were clearly uncomfortable, sometimes the people delivering the shock, they would start fidgeting in their chairs and laughing nervously. let's take a look at how one of your participants reacted. >> 330 volts. 345 volts. something's happened to that man in there. we better check in on him, sir. he won't answer me or nothing. >> please continue. go on, please. >> you accept all responsibility? >> the responsibility is mine, correct. please go on. >> i mean it's unbelievable. i mean he's asking, obviously, but he keeps going even after he stops getting any responses from the learner. for all the subject knows, i mean the guy, he could be dead in the other room. i mean did it surprise you in retrospect how many people went so far, as you saw there? >> oh, it surprised us very much, yes. >> i mean were people rationalize their actions? when you talk to them afterwards, did they try to rationalize why they did what they did to you or dr. millgram? >> yes. they tried to rationalize. they tried to deny that they really did as much as they did. they used various kinds of psychological defenses to in effect convince themselves, not us, but to convince themselves that they really hadn't done anything bad. >> yeah, i guess that's a good point. the psychological trauma even to the person who is administering the shocks could be significant. here's how stanley millgram himself summed it up. take a listen. >> the results, as i observe them in the laboratory, are disturbing. they raise the possibility that human nature cannot be counted on to insulate man from brutality and inhumane treatment at the direction of authority. >> a lot of people who concluded do what they're told if they perceive the command comes from a legitimate authority. if a person they never met before can convince them to subdue a 50-year-old man with pain and shocks against his protest. what do you think that this experiment taught us about ourselves as a society? >> well, what it taught us essentially was in the words of the title of the novel by sincla sinclair brutis, it can happen here. that is the main point, i think. we knew that things like that could happen in a place like germany during world war ii. but stanley showed that just average americans could potentially be obedient through destructive authority as well. and to what appeared to be very destructive authority. >> it's a fascinating study as i told you, a frightening one as well. i appreciate your time, mr. elms. this study is something i've known about and thought about for some time. i appreciate learning more about it from you. thank you. >> okay. i appreciate you talking to me. >> all right, mr. elms. we'll be right back. sunday night i'll be live at cnn heroes. you can scan this code over here to get a jump-start on the

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Winners , Treatment , Insurance Company , Sound , Science , Dolphins , Story , Bill , Animals , Watts , A Million , A Million Dollars , Oman , Shock , Experiment , Something , Thing , Wall , Plus , Skin , Tis , Push The Button , Woman , Lot , Stories , Americans , Problem , Insurance Companies , Millions , 2008 , Hospital , Doctors , Heir Ability , Insides , Autoimmune Disease , Scarring , Trachea , Windpipe , University Of Miami , Life , Lessons , Bills , Breathing Machine , Condition , Miami , Good , Half , Difference , Two , Insurance , Process , Break , Audience , Version , Bit , Ler , Six , Point , Claim , Hook , 50000 , 0000 , Provider , 19 , Doctor , Everything , Letters , Benefits , Billions , Explanation , 382000 , 2 Million , 82000 , 1 2 Million , Things , Patients , Joan , Top , Case , Behalf , Situation , Haven T Run , Reaction , Service , Criteria , Review , Necessity , Patient Benefit Booklet , Letter , Appropriateness , Correct , Haven T , Illnesses , Cover It , Benefit , Booklet , Mask , People , Illness , Don T Have Insurance , Money , Luck , Claims , Insurers , Back Approval , Coverage , Treatment Pre Approved , Federal Law , Help , Blind Man , Cnn , Group , Advice , Cases , Information , Announcer , Conditions , Straining , Relief , Softens , Savings , Stool , Constipation , Colace , Dandruff , Use , Neutrogena , Beeping , It , T Gel Shampoo , One , Spain , Everyone , Aleve , Pills , Gift , Holiday , Decisions , Ones , Marriage , Children , Most , Massmutual , Policyholders , Fit , Eating Progresso , Okay Y , 40 , 100 , Way , Bats , Waves , In The Dark , Case Hearing , Environment , Seeing , Person , View , The View , Nothing , Composite , Experiences , Locating , Parents , Echo , Learning , Eye , Age , 15 , Seven , 136789 , Lots , Pylon , Object , Feet , Location , 20 , 50 , Size , Humans , Fact , Sonar , Gnat , Bat , Tongue Click , Softball , Gas , Need , Cloud , Approach , Respects , Flashes , Flight , Arenas , Anything , Convention , Skepticism , Controversy , Isn T , Nature , Rejects , Daniel Kish , Ways , Brain , Hardware , Up Next , Sight , Technique , Solution , Founded A Nonprofit Called World Access For The Blind , 13 , Marathons , Cancer Patient , States , Passion , Matter , Sites , Gums , Smile , Dentist , Foundation , Jill , Gum , Helping Prevent Gingivitis , Protection , Crest Pro Health , Smiles , Protection Toothpaste , Gum Line , Plaque , Areas , 4 , Potato , Pieces , Honey , Oh My Gosh , I Love You , Piece , Soup , Progresso , Don Wright , Eight , Cancer , Reporter , Goal , Diagnosis , Running Mayor , Career , Ra Thons , 70 , Company Vice President , Race , Law , Engineering , News , 26 , 62 , Times , Bone Marrow , Back , Blood , Couple , Myeloma , Ribs , White Blood Cells , Family , Boston Marathon , Reason , There Wasn T , 60 , Yes , Estate , Side , Daughter , Wife , Marathon , Boston , 41 , Number , Treatments , Dream , Survival , Five , Three , It Doesn T , Drug , Pill , Bay , Charge , Worth , Others , Odds , Destiny , Hope , Nation Challenge , Excuses , Health , 2012 , Expense , In The End , Training , Triathlon , Video , Training Trips , Mali , Each Other , Guess , Book , World , Hearder , Snapshot , Circumstanceness A Person , 80 , Head , Food Supply , Drought , Banana , Bridge , Kenya , Black Tea , China , 800 , Price , Food , Todd Kinser , Computer Station , Coal Miner , Takeout , Chicken 3200 , Tofu , 3200 , 1600 , Pop Tart , Dinner , Hamburger Helper , East Coast , Kentucky , Greenland 6500 , 6500 , Him Seal Meet , Marm Ma , Rye Bred , 12300 , Volts , Food Drug Addiction , Stuff , Biographer , Food Addiction , 130 , Obedience Project , 50th Anniversary , Protein , Sugars , What S Shakin , Part , Both , Oooooh , Value , 5 , Fifty , Nutrition , Egg , Men , Erectile Dysfunction , Cialis , Right , Ability , Heart , Chest Pain , Side Effects , Activity , Backache , Nitrates , Blood Pressure , Headache , Don T , Medications , Drop , Alcohol , Excess , Upset Stomach , Muscle Ache , Hearing , Erection , Injury , Vision , Loss , Decrease , Trial Offer , Cialis Com , 30 , Study , Human Nature , Obedience To Authority , Memory , Stanley Millgram , 1961 , Teacher , Mr , Learner , Associates , Volunteer , Role , Millgram , Button , Question , The Machine , Danger Shocks , Labelled Xxx , Switches , 450 , Alan Elms , Wasn T , Thanks , Shocks , Impression , Extent , Involvement , Experiments , Graduate Student , Interest , Area , Victim , Sam Millgram , Obedience , Assumption , Responses , Differences , Subjects , Order , Measures , Elms , End , Shock Board , The End , Look , Participants , Fidgeting , Chairs , 330 , Sir , Him , 345 , Responsibility , Go On , Guy , Room , Subject , Actions , Dr , Kinds , Effect , Defenses , Trauma , Listen , Authority , Brutality , Laboratory , Possibility , Direction , Results , Protest , Command , Society , Novel , Words , Title , Place , Sincla , Sinclair Brutis , Germany , World War Ii , Obedient , Peace Activist , Live , Women , Leymah Gbowee , Commitment , Mother , Revolution , Yemen , Safety , Region , Congratulations , Sanjay Gupta , Wmd , S G Md , Ellen Johnson , Standing Oef Vags , Let S Talk , Tawakkoi Karman , Heroes , Code , Sunday Night ,

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