Transcripts For BBCNEWS The Travel Show 20200614 12:30:00 :

Transcripts For BBCNEWS The Travel Show 20200614 12:30:00

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hello this is bbc news. the headlines. the prime minister orders a formal review into the two metre social distancing rule in england, amid calls for it to be scrapped. disturbances break out overnight in the us city of atlanta after a black man is shot dead by police officers. officers had tried to arrest rayshard brooks after he failed a breathalyser test. more than 100 people are arrested after a day of violent clashes in central london, involving far—right activists. a virtual church service is held to remember the 72 people who died in the grenfell tower fire in london three years ago. now on bbc news — the travel show visits margate,
a town attempting to adapt to social distancing measures. this week, a tiny glimmer of hope. europe starts to slowly reopen for travellers. but how will they keep us all apart? also coming up, lucy tests the gadgets that claim to keep you safe on your travels. and we're on one of the world's most famous beaches as it reopens fully for the first time since lockdown. we're back on the road this week, a modest two—hour drive east of travel show hq in london in the resort town of margate.
for more than 250 years, holidaymakers have come here, rain orshine, to experience the chipped—around—the—edges glitz of the great british seaside. in recent times, there's been a renaissance here, new hotels and restaurants and restored vintage attractions have brought cool, young london types here by the bucketful. but as resorts throughout europe start to reopen, blinking into the summer sunshine, what kind of future will they face? across the world, we are seeing the first signs of tourism adapting to the new scheme of things. there's lots of talk of borders being lifted and special air bridges or corridors being formed between countries with low infection rates. whilst in many cities, galleries, museums and landmark attractions are up and running again. in italy, the first country in europe to enter lockdown, the coliseum, the leaning tower of pisa and the ruins of pompeii
have already opened, and in france, people can once again wander the grand halls of the palace of versailles. hotels in europe are also gradually reopening too. back in april, we spoke to javier in spain, who had just been forced to shut down his family—run chain of hotels in benidorm. now, he's hoping to reopen then again later this month. we are going to sell less capacity than ever, because we have to keep social distance. this will help people to have a more exclusive experience. if we are talking about profits, we will have less profits than last year, sure. sure. here in england, in line with government guidance, many hotels are hoping to reopen in earlyjuly. that includes the cave here in kent. they had only been open for a few months when the virus struck following a £12 million development.
it was a huge shock. no—one would ever want to launch a brand—new hotel or any business and then three months, four months later, close it down, and we literally closed it down overnight. jonathan has already put in place some coronavirus safety measures, offering us a glimpse into what our future hotel stays might look like. first thing, if you could stand in front of the camera, please, and look into the camera so we can take your temperature. authenticated. as you're authenticated, first of all, sanitise your hands and then help yourself to mask and gloves if you'd like. and then from here, if you go to the reception desks, we have got the screens up so our staff are completely protected, as are the guests as well. and you will be saying to guests, if they've got luggage, take their own luggage? yep. we will be not offering that service for the time being just to minimise the contact with the guests. once you've checked in, you have limited access to the hotel's communal areas. you can book a 20—minute slot at the swimming pool and the restaurant delivers to your room.
we've taken the tables out of our fire pit restaurant, including the chairs, and we've set them up in all rooms, every room type. like you are in a restaurant kind of dining. and so, what happens, someone comes in and delivers it? so, your doorbell will ring and outside is a tray for you to bring in yourself. if you'd like drinks, you can order via whatsapp. it will be delivered pretty instantly but without any contact whatsoever. are you confident you will get people here? i believe we will see an upsurge in uk travel. so, domestic tourism? domestic tourism, 100%. we've seen bookings forjuly, our booking occupancy is around 30—a0% at the moment, on the basis that we are able to open. as an independent boutique resort, cave hotel has been able to be relatively nimble, incorporating coronavirus safety measures. but what about the larger chain hotels, with hundreds of rooms and a high turnover of guests? cleaning specialists the safe group have been advising big hotels about how they can keep both their customers and their staff protected.
i've taken a look at the large number of the big hotel chains ranging from what they call room seals. so, effectively when someone has cleaned a room, they completely seal it with a notice effectively. some hotels have started to remove items that you might touch such as tissue boxes, removing the magazines. some of them are doing a lot and some of them, interestingly, are doing nothing, so it's a mixed bag. after months cooped up at home, many of us will be desperate to get away for a few nights when hotels reopen. but with corporate and international travel still pretty much at a standstill, the future for many hotels, whether they have thorough safety measures or not, remains uncertain. what kind of hotels then do you think will survive and what kinds will fail in this new climate? whether you are the budget end or the top end, the hotels
who are proactive in understanding the challenges that are going to come and prepare for them, i hope will flourish through it. so, once all those perspex screens are installed, travel should be back on the cards, shouldn't it? well, let's find out from the man who has all the answers, our global guru simon calder. 0k, simon, i'm going to put you on the spot a little bit now, because back in march, when we first talked after covid—19 hit, really, you said: archive: we will see injune something like normal travel beginning again, but it will be on a small scale, and even if there is huge amounts of pent—up demand from you and i desperate to travel, it won't be anything like the normal summer that we would be looking forward to at this time. how would you like to revise that or would you like to revise that? i think i would just a little because i underestimated
how non—normal it would be. certainly, there are going to be parts of the mediterranean, north america, asia, where it will at least have a reasonable number of tourists showing up, but it is going to feel very different. we've already seen that the big travel companies have got to come up with new ways of reducing risk when we are flying, and new ways of working particularly in really big hotels, which are used to effectively processing us by the thousands, so there will be a new normal. one thing, though, i absolutely wasn't expecting was the uk's sudden introduction of quarantine for all arrivals from june 8 onwards, which of course has had the, i guess, predictable effect of stifling all inbound tourism to the united kingdom for some unspecified period,
together with making it very difficult for any travel firms to sell outbound travel, because it's great to have a weekend in barcelona or rome, but if you're then going to have to spend two weeks stuck in your flat or your home, that's going to take the edge off it rather. when can i go on holiday? well, it all depends where you are. at the moment, of course, every country and indeed many regions within countries have their own rules, so, for example, if you happen to be in new york and you think you would love to go to florida, you are going to have to self—isolate for two weeks when you get there. but in general, the european union, 27 member countries, are saying, 0k, we're going to reduce the frontiers between us from june 15 and that is going to be a soft opening, followed on julyi with a much more general opening and certainly the traditional mediterranean
destinations all the way from turkey, greece, croatia, italy, cyprus and malta of course, france and spain, not forgetting portugal, they look as though, from july i, they will all be back in action and indeed some countries, in particular portugal and croatia, are already saying, "come here, we're ready for you!" but of course the foreign office in the uk is still warning against all but essential travel. what about regions outside europe? for instance, the middle east or asia? what's happening there? we have seen different degrees of lockdown and there's been some really strange things going on. for example, june 4 was when the caribbean island of antigua decided it was opening up, but many other islands are very much closed, and in general, i think we are going to see a pattern where smaller islands with very few cases of covid—i9
are going to be generally quite slow in opening. argentina, which is very much a southern summer destination, has said no international flights until september i, and it's — of course this terrible tension between countries wanting to do what's best for their population in terms of avoiding infection as much as possible, and the economic reality that so many places are absolutely dependent on tourism. simon, a pleasure to speak to you again. thanks very much. gadgets and tech can make travellers‘ lives a whole lot easier, but in a time of covid—i9, how can they keep us healthy? well, i can tell you there are things on the market right now that let you do just that, like this. even if your travel is just a stroll around your local area. this is the hygiene hook. a pretty simple gadget, really,
but something that solves that classic covid—i9 dilemma — how to open a door without touching it. shortly after it became a bit more obvious about the covid—i9, driving into work i thought, actually, i could just make a hook to open doors. and we got machinery, and i got 3d software, an hour later we had 15 hooks. for every one they sell, they give another one away to healthcare workers. it's a pretty nifty solution to a problem that a lot of us are facing right now, although you can probably tell from the design that it doesn't necessarily work with all kinds of doorhandles. yes, doorknobs, i'm talking about you. but i think the burning question here is, would i actually use one of these? well, i have been to quite a lot of questionable places in my travels over the years and i could have done with opening a few doors with this, but it is quite chunky so it is not going to be to everyone's taste, but it wouldn't hurt to just chuck
it in your bag or suitcase just in case you need it. now in italy, at sites like florence's duomo cathedral, which normally welcomes about 4 million tourists a year, it has been trialling a new system to help encourage proper social distancing for the smaller number of visitors they will be allowing in. as someone enters, they are given a device to wear round their necks, which alerts them when they are less than two metres from someone else. but even if you're not venturing to any tourist sites anytime soon, tech can help you keep your distance. a new online tool from google for android devices called sodar uses augmented reality to let you know what is and isn't two metres away. so it's superimposing a ring onto my phone screen. well, i can see that my cameraman simon is definitely two metres away. he is outside the ring.
it keeps jumping around a little bit so i'm not entirely sure how accurate this is, erm, but it gives you a good idea, gives you some rough guidelines as to how far you should be keeping your distance to other people and objects. i think it's quite fun! of course, there were gadgets on the market before covid—i9 that were designed to help stop any nasties from getting into your system. and you may have noticed that ultraviolet light is used in quite a lot of them. take this water bottle. the larq bottle movement uses uv light in the cap which, it says, will minimise 99.9% of harmful bacteria in 60 seconds. the uv—clean smartphone sanitiser and sanitiser bag also use uv light to zap away 99.9% of bacteria and viruses — although they say it's not yet been tested for its effectiveness against this coronavirus. generally, these gadgets are portable, they're practical and easy to carry around with you when you're out and about.
and, at times like these, they can prove hugely reassuring as well. but without seeing any visible signs of cleanliness, it's quite difficult to ascertain if it actually works and whether they‘ re doing what they say on the packet. well, what we do know is that uv is being used in this pandemic. it has been trialled for disinfecting the new york public transport system, for example, but with strict safety measures in place because certain forms of uv are dangerous. but in scotland, st andrews university and ninewells hospital have been researching the possibility of disinfecting big public spaces with people in it, like airports. so the idea that we've got — and other groups around the world — is to use far—uvc radiation, which is gonna be safe for humans, but we've really got to use a clinical trial to ensure that it's safe, and we've got a clinical trial starting in the next few weeks and if this is successful, the goal is that we can roll this out into large public spaces, such as trains, airports, food production lines,
and the ultimate goal is that this‘ll go towards bringing all of our lives back to normal. now if you're a regular viewer of the show, you may remember that three years ago, i was one of the first members of the public to ride red force, europe's fastest and tallest ever roller—coaster at portaventura in spain. it will come as no surprise that the theme park has been closed since lockdown, and does hope to reopen sometime injuly. although elsewhere, other theme parks are already starting to open their doors with new social distancing regulations in place. disney parks in china are up and running again and flying in the face of tradition — and some might say fun — injapan, people are being asked not to scream while they ride roller—coasters in an effort to stop the potential spread of coronavirus. disney parks in america say
they hope to reopen injuly and universal orlando has already opened. 0ne park marking its 100th anniversary this year

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Fountain , Temple , Wat , Holy Places , Museum , Cathedral , Byzantine Architecture , Chapel , Pope , Leather Jacket , Daylighting , Monastery , Hacienda , Villa , Leisure Centre , Composite Material , Mansion , Hotel , Backyard , Hair , Chin , Nose , Head , Beard , Skin , Eyebrow , Cheek , Buzz Cut , Lighting Accessory , Ear , Selfie , Glasses , Vision Care , Thumb , Office , Hospital , Cabinetry , Laminate Flooring , Wood Flooring , Tile , Plywood , Varnish , Rectangle , Texture , Pattern , Kitchen , Living Room , Loft , Juice , Drink , Smoothie , Blender , Juicer , Small Appliance , Home Appliance , Orange Juice , Kitchen Appliance , Food , Breakfast , Plastic , Bathroom , Meal , Tap , Plumbing Fixture , Sink , Plumbing , Bathroom Sink , Toilet , Coffeemaker , Hardware , Restaurant , Tablecloth , Tableware , Linens , Porcelain , Cuisine , Flavor , Dish , Home Accessories , Brunch , Junk Food , Dessert , Dishware , Paint , Printmaking , Paper , Label , Mattress , Bed , Bed Frame , Bedding , Bed Sheet , Mattress Pad , Artificial Turf , Drawer , Desk , Couch , Bedroom , Leaf , Wool , Square , Eyewear , Tooth , Landscaping , Putter , Golf Club , Precision Sports , Sidewalk , Farmhouse , Cottage , Manor House , Campus , Plantation , Shed , Brutalist Architecture , Column , Symmetry , Brick , Speaker , Tie , Garage , Log Cabin , Barn , Blazer , Dress Shirt , Interaction , Feature Phone , Mobile Phone , Telephony , Communication Device , Smartphone , Modern Art , Bottle , Wine Bottle , Glass Bottle , Alcohols , Alcoholic Beverage , Distilled Beverage , Liqueur , Wine , Red Wine , Beer , Plastic Bottle , Fluid , Liquid , Cardinal , Lecture , Metal , Window Covering , Window Treatment , Curtain , Window Blind , Suite , Stairs , Handrail , Steel , Gym , Dining Room , Wine Glass , Stemware , Hat , Headgear , Fixture , Wardrobe , Lampshade , Chef , Yacht , Banquet , Obelisk , Flag , Traffic Sign , Boutique Hotel , Baggage , Lobby , Tower Block , High Heels , Shadow , Parakeet , Budgie , Pet , Non Sporting Group , Cat , Bird , Feather , Animal Shelter , Felidae , Fashion Accessory , Nail , Door Handle , Hardware Accessory , Lock , Rv , Porch , Eye , Eyelash , Brown Hair , Sunglasses , Throat , Hair Coloring , Personal Computer , Laptop , Loudspeaker , Laugh , Sign Language , News Conference , Microphone , Sunlounger , Outdoor Furniture , Chaise Longue , Eco Hotel , Calm , Bay , Seaside Resort , Umbrella , Penthouse Apartment , Yard , Comfort , Learning , Professor , Volleyball , Team Sport , Parachute , Air Sports , General Aviation , Paragliding , Aviation , Universe , Wildflower , Spring , Mustard Plant , Rapeseed , Field , Flowering Plant , Canola , Mustard And Cabbage Family , Annual Plant , Crop , Perennial Plant , Botanical Garden , Subshrub , Seed Plant , Botany , Pollen , Agriculture , Vegetable , Mustard , Brassica , Gardening , Number , Automated Teller Machine , Major Appliance , Concrete , Service , Lawn Game , Goldenrod , Brassica Rapa , Slingshot , Forb , Daisy Family , Dandelion , Long Hair , Cityscape , Skyline , Synagogue , Mosque , Spire , Skyscraper , Gothic Architecture , Baptistery , Abbey , Listed Building , Arcade , Seat Of Local Government , Parish , Convent , Town Square , Religious Institute , Pray , Mosaic , Mural , Shooting Range , Net , Golf Equipment , Golf Course , Golf , Plant Stem , Student , Skin Care , Geology , Hobby , Adventure , Longboard , Fishing Rod , Fishing , Recreational Fishing , Water Bottle , Helmet , Car Seat , Cap , Weapon , Gun , Air Gun , Trigger , Airsoft Gun , Office Equipment , Writing , Cookware And Bakeware , Pottery , Dutch Oven , Cooking , Rice Cooker , Recipe , Boot , Sports Gear , Bag , Diaper Bag , Luggage And Bags , Baby Products , Cool , Comics , Photo Shoot , Steppe , Tattoo , Skateboarding Equipment , Skateboard , Metro , Train , Rolling Stock , Metro Station , High Speed Rail , Passenger , System , Machine Tool , Filling Station , Forklift Truck , Passenger Car , Railroad Car , Railway , Track , Train Station , Locomotive , Ice , Winter , Auditorium , Stage , Magenta , Convention Center , Picnic , Petal , Sunflower , Asterales , Banknote , Airport , Bazaar , Market , Party , Coat , Parallel , Paper Product , Bridge , Haze , Dawn , Sunset , Sunrise , Dusk , Afterglow , Reservoir , Lake , Fixed Link , Wheel , Rim , Spoke , Goggles , Roller Coaster , Pole , Ferris Wheel , Public Utility , Aerospace Engineering , Motor Vehicle , Race Car , Formula One Car , Open Wheel Car , Airplane , Aircraft , Propeller , Social Group , Friendship , Formula One , Bicycle Part , Motorcycle , Bike , Mountain Bike , Bicycle Frame , Bicycle Wheel , Bmx Bike , Chopper , Hot Air Balloon , Water Park , Inflatable Boat , Sailing , Estuary , Walt Disney World , Hindu Temple , Shrine , Pagoda , Pilgrimage , Costume , Toy , Plush , Stuffed Toy , Mascot , Suspension Bridge , Playground Slide , Outdoor Play Equipment , Pipe , Lego , Crane , Concrete Mixer , Music Venue , Nightclub , Club , Laser , Channel , Nike Free , Home Fencing , Fan , Gas , Cylinder , Carnival , Cheering , Championship , Pride Parade , Port , Mountain Range , Perching Bird , Athletics , Long Distance Running , Individual Sports , Competition , Triathlon , Track And Field Athletics , Collage , Material Property , Parking Lot , Wallpaper , Watercolor Paint , Street Food , Jigsaw Puzzle , Puzzle , Tabletop Game , Birch Family , Canoe Birch , Education , Eating , Kindergarten , Skyway , Overpass , Construction Equipment , Industry , Drilling Rig , Engineering , Headphones , Clock Tower , Customer , Training , Pedometer , Measuring Instrument , Health Care , Cyclocomputer , Thermometer , Heart Rate Monitor , Watch , Street Sign , Electronic Signage , Drama , Theatre , Scene , Freestyle Wrestling , Contact Sport , Boxing Ring , Wrestling , Professional Wrestling , Ping Pong , Combat Sport , Striking Combat Sports , Boxing Equipment , Vovinam , Captain America , Boxing , Superhero , Professional Boxing , Mixed Martial Arts , Truck , Office Supplies , Writing Implement , Pen , Scale Model , Robot , Spacecraft , Missile , Military , Marina , Harbor , Inlet , Body Of Water , People On Beach , Swimwear , Undergarment , Sun Tanning , Herd , Animal Migration , Picket Fence , Collection , Rescue , Freight Transport , Triangle , Flag Of The United States , Veterans Day , Airliner , Airbus , Motor Ship , Singing Sand , Aeolian Landform , Promontory , Headland , Cove , Cape , Peninsula , Cross Country Running , Surfing Equipment , Surfboard , Surfing , Boardsport , Stand Up Paddle Surfing , Bodyboarding , Skimboarding , Outdoor Recreation , Windsurfing , Kitesurfing , Net Sports , Racquet Sport , Tennis , Guard Rail , Snow , Desert , Dune , Sahara , Off Roading , Rally Raid , Off Road Vehicle , Surf Fishing , Red Flag , Honeymoon , Seabird , Watercraft Rowing , Pharmacy , Grocery Store , Prescription Drug , Selling , Hill , Lens Flare , Sun , Web Page , Tropical Cyclone , Storm , Summit , Freestyle Bmx , Bicycle Motocross , Calligraphy , Cycling , Cycle Sport , Flatland Bmx , 3d Modeling , Peach , Talent Show , Performing Arts , Television Studio , Singing , Music Artist , Singer , Convention , Stage Equipment , Carmine , Police Car , Cable Car , Fur Clothing , Street Fashion , Hairdresser , Hair Accessory , Artificial Hair Integrations , Construction , Junction , Corporate Headquarters , Alley , Headquarters , Bartender , Bar , Dreadlocks , Jheri Curl , Afro , Employment , Management , Collaboration , Meeting , Academic Conference , Daughter , Swiss Ball , Soccer Ball ,

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